. FOLLOW THEPlease! COUNTRY CODE Enjoy the countryside and respect its life and Kingston Church of St James the Less work Guard against all risk of fire Parish Footpaths,

Fasten all gates Bridleways and Lanes Keep your dogs under close control Keep to the public paths across farmland Use gates and stiles to cross fences, hedges Walk Nos. and walls Leave livestock, crops and machinery alone to Take your litter home No.3: 4 miles (6.4 km)

Help to keep all water clean River Erme No.4: 6 miles (9.7 km) Protect wildlife, plants and trees No.5: 6 miles (9.7 km) Take special care on country roads 3 6 No.6: 5.5 miles (8.8 km) Make no unnecessary noise

CAUTION : There are unfenced high cliffs beside these paths and some steep hills. Please take care and wear footwear with a good grip. Also please note that cattle and horses may threaten dogs.

Designed, written and walked by Mike Torrens and John Wurr as part of the implementation of the Kingston Parish Plan.

Published by Kingston Parish Council. Graphics and print by www.designideals.co.uk.

This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of the Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. Along Coast Path near Westcombe www.kingstonparishcouncil.co.uk © Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. South Hams District Council. 100022628/PKPC 2009 Large print version available

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Oldaport KEY Wastor Shearangstone Parish boundary Wood Walk Nos. Public footpath Orcheton Oldaport Wood Public bridleway Wood Wastor to Permissive footpath Tremar Other routes with public access Clyng Mill Pipers ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ Wastor 3 6 Cross Cross Walk 3: 4 miles (6.4 km) Walk 3 Greenland LangstonWalk 4: 6 miles (9.7 km) Walk 4 Tor Cottage Lower Kingston Walk 5 Wood LangstonWalk 5: 6 miles (9.7 km) e Torr Walk 6 Hooppells Cross m 80 90 100 Torr Walk 6: 5.5 miles (8.8 km) Pamflete Farm Skerill Wastor Coppice Great Cocks er Er Torr Blackpost110 Park Four suggestions for following the paths, bridleways and Quarry Garden v Torr Park Pamflete Down Cross Plantation Ri Four quiet lanes within the Parish boundaries. All are circular, House The Lone Pine, Kingston’s Logo South Cross Langstonstarting and finishing in the Village, and all incorporate a stretch of Great Hatchnail Boat Plantation Down the Southwest Coastal Footpath along the cliff edges, with terrific Boult Hill Hill Fire Station Vicarage Plantation 120 Plantation Copse Farm views of the sea and wildlife. Torr Venn 110 Cross Farm Mothecombe Plantation (restored) 100 Walks 3, 4 & 5 follow lanes and footpaths down to the beach Old Coastgaurd Kingston Church of St James the Less at90 Wonwell on the River Erme which is regarded as one of the Cottages Furzedown ◆ Wood The Dolphin Inn most beautiful places in Britain. From the beach, follow the Coast ◆ 80 Wrinkle Path to Fernycombe Point. Here Walk 3 heads inland and follows ◆ Wood Wonwell Court 11 ◆ Farm a permissive path on National Trust land back to the Village via 119 ◆ Scobbiscombe farm. Owen’s Point Malthouse Point Okenbury 101

◆ Owen’s Walk 6 follows this last route in reverse from the Village to ◆ Wonwell ◆ Point Fernycombe Point, where it joins Walks 4 & 5, continuing along the Beach Okenbury Meadowsfoot PlantationCoast Path via Beacon and Hoist Points which are magnificent Beach 108 Erme ◆ viewpoints. There follows a steep descent to Westcombe Beach, Mouth Muxham Point Scobbiscombe a lovely little cove. 110 Red Cove Farm 50 100 Head back inland on another permissive path along Redcove Point 114 steep-sided Wiscombe. Walk 4 now ascends on a bridle path to

◆ the left avoiding, after wet weather, mud on Walks 5 & 6. Walk 4

East Mary’s reaches a lane-end, which leads you back to the Village along the Noddonmill e Rock ◆ n ridge top. a l Fernycombe e b Fernycombe Point Beach 114 m sco Walks 5 & 6 continue along the Wiscombe bridle path past a Wi 106 series of small lakes, eventually reaching the Village from the south 100 side. Broad Cliff 50 101 30 The Beacon Copse ◆ For those who wish to visit the Dolphin before or after Sout 106 h ath Hoist Point Lower Manor Farm We st P Freshwater ◆ their walk, parking is available in the pub car park. There is limited st Coa ◆ ◆ parking by the church; otherwise you must park where you can ◆ in the Village – please do so with due attention to the needs of ◆ residents’ access and working agricultural vehicles. ◆ See separate leaflets for Walks 1 & 2 Toby’s Point ◆

© Crown Copyright. All rights reserved (South Hams District Council 100022628/PKPC 2009 81