SCIENTISTVOLUME 28 No. 09 ◆ OCTOBER 2018 ◆ WWW.GEOLSOC.ORG.UK/GEOSCIENTIST GEOThe Fellowship Magazine of the Geological Society of London UK / Overseas where sold to individuals: £3.95 Focus on geothermal IS THE UK IN HOT WATER? Nadia Narayan and colleagues assess the nation’s karstic geothermal resources VOLCANIC DANCE UNCONVENTIONALS SUB-SURFACE STRATEGY Brendan McCormick Kilbride on Technological advances Peter Styles asserts the need for fieldwork in Papua New Guinea in this flourishing sector a UK plan on sub-surface use WWW.GEOLSOC.ORG.UK/GEOSCIENTIST | OCTOBER 2018 | 1 The ‘Geology of’ Series Discover the Geological Society’s ‘Geology of’ series, including Japan, Scotland, Spain, Thailand, Chile and more... Browse the Online Bookshop for these and other titles from the Geological Society and other earth science publishers Visit or call the Publishing House on +44(0)1225 445 046 Image NE Scotland © omas Wild Hopeman GEOSCIENTIST CONTENTS The ‘Geology of’ Geoscientist is the ADVERTISING SALES Fellowship magazine Alex Killen of the Geological Society T 01727 739 182 Series of London E
[email protected] The Geological Society, ART EDITOR Burlington House, Piccadilly, Heena Gudka London W1J 0BG T +44 (0)20 7434 9944 DESIGN & PRODUCTION F +44 (0)20 7439 8975 Ryan Gaston Discover the Geological Society’s ‘Geology of’ series, including Japan, E
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