Tuna: Fish and Fisheries, Markets and Sustainability
Tuna: fish and fisheries, markets and sustainability Marie Lecomte, Julien Rochette, Renaud Lapeyre, Yann Laurans (IDDRI) September 2017 1 Context of the report This report has been prepared in the context of the project “Diagnosis of the tuna industry in the Indian Ocean”, co-funded by the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI) and the French government in the framework of the programme “Investissements d’avenir”, managed by ANR (the French National Research Agency) under the reference ANR-10-LABX-01. It has been elaborated through a review of the scientific and grey literature, as well as interviews with numerous experts and stakeholders at the global, regional and national level. The authors would like to thank all those who kindly contributed to the preparation of this report by providing information and insights. Special thanks go to the Steering Committee members of this project who contributed significantly with their guidance: Selim Azzi (WWF France), Pascal Bach (IRD), Norbert Billet (IRD), Thomas Binet (Vertigo Lab), Jacques Bruhlet (Eurothon), Christian Chaboud (IRD), François Chartier (Greenpeace France), Pierre Commere (Association des entreprises de produits alimentaires élaborés), Sylvain Cuperlier (Thai Union Europe), Elisabeth Druel (Client Earth), Margaux Favet (MSC), Marc Ghiglia (Union des armateurs à la pêche), Michel Goujon (Orthongel), Patrice Guillotreau (Université de Nantes), François Henry (AFD), Edina Ifticene (WWF France), Joséphine Labat (WWF France), Edouard Le Bart (MSC), Francisco Leotte (MW Brands), Frederic Le Manach (Bloom Association), Yvon Riva (Union des armateurs à la pêche), Thomas Roche (Ministère chargé de l’écologie), Cécile Schneider (Conservation International), Pauline Soudier (WWF France), Yvan Yvergniaux (Smart Fish).
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