Prague 2010 Was a High-Quality Congress

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Prague 2010 Was a High-Quality Congress 2010/2 2011/1 www.fa irp la ye THE OF FI CI AL PUB LI CA TI ON OF THE EU RO PE AN FA IR PLAY MO VE MENT We wish all our friends a Happy New Year! May you all enjoy good health and happiness. DELEGATES AND GUESTS AT THE 16 th EUROPEAN FAIR PLAY CONGRESS EFPM News let ter Prague 2010 was a high-quality Congress EFPM's joining G The Czech Republic, home of so EFPM flag to fly in Croatia in 2011 to the sport and many champions, shows it leads educational the way in Fair Play too. European communities In the last we ek of Oc to ber 2010, the Czech Olympic Committee hos ted the 16th Eu ro pe an Fa ir Play Congress at the Inter con ti nen tal Ioannis PSILOPOULOS Ho tel in the co untry’s his to ric ca pi tal, EFPM Gen. Secretary Pra gu e. For us, hol ding our Con gress in the Czech Re pub lic had a spe ci al Sin ce its fo un da ti on in 1994 the EFPM has set up as one of its ma in go als the sig ni fi can ce as it was here that the es tab lishment of close re la ti ons hips first steps to wards the for ma ti on of the EFPM were ta ken with the or ga - with va rio us Eu ro pe an and World sport Petr and edu ca tio nal ins ti tu ti ons and or ga ni - HRUBEC ni sa ti on of a se mi nar in the early za ti ons, eit her go vern men tal or non-go - 1990s. At the 2010 Con gress, which Ever sin ce our first Con gress was held in Is tan bul in 1995, a ce re mony has vern men tal. This strategy, has be en was jo intly orga ni sed by the Czech be en held at which the EFPM flag is handed over by rep re sen ta ti ves of the adop ted in or der to streng then on one Olympic Com mit te e and the Czech co untry whe re our Con gress has just be en held to tho se of the co untry hand, the po si ti on of EFPM in the world Fa ir Play Club, spe ec hes we re gi ven which is to host the event in the coming Con ti nu ed on pa ge 19 of sport and edu ca ti on, and on the ot - by dis tin gu is hed ex perts, as well as by her hand, to crea te chan nels for the spor ting stars of the past. Our theme pro pa ga tion of its valu es, prin cip les, for the Pra gu e Con gress was ‘Fa ir Kveta sco pes and mes sa ges. PECKOVA Play Edu ca ti on at Scho ol: A Sha red Walther Tröger has got World Fair Play Award Res pon si bi lity’. A num ber of useful G Con ti nu ed on pa ge 12 ide as re la ting to the edu ca ti on of Walther Tröger won the Willi FROM THE chil dren, who are the fu tu re in ha bi - Daume Fair Play Trophy CHAMPION: tants of the co un tries we all li ve in, LAU SAN NE- The In ter na tio nal Walther Tröger United Nations meeting on we re put for ward, and the re sults of Com mit te e for Fa ir Play (CIFP) and receiving his “Sport as a Means to va rio us pie ces of re se arch we re pre- the Uni on of World Sports Wri ters Fair Play Award sented. (AIPS) or ga ni sed the 2010 Fa ir Play from the swimming Richard champion in the Promote Education, Health, MRAZEK A press con fe rence be fo re the Con - Award ce re mony to get her. gress was at ten ded by Ve ra Cáslavská The gre at ‘Wil li Dau me’ Trophy 1960 Olympics Development and Peace” (a major fi gu re in world gymnas tics his tory), Dr. Jo - Ger man IOC Ho no rary Mem ber and the member sef Do va lil (Vi ce Pre si dent of the Czech Oly mpic Walt her Trö ger had be en choo - of the CIFP The sub ject of sport was on the Com mit te e), two-ti me Oly mpic ca no e sprint champi - sen va lu ed. Council agen da at the 65th Ses si on of on Mar tin Dok tor, thre e-ti me Oly mpic cross-co untry Ms Donna Elizabeth the Uni ted Na ti ons Ge ne ral Con ti nu ed on pa ge 19 ski ing cham pi on Kve ta Pec ková, EFPM Pre si dent De Varona. As sembly, which be gan on Car los Gon çal ves and EFPM Vice Pre si dents Prof. 20th Sep tem ber 2010. Yo u The ar tic le which tells The article by the well will find a full re port on Man fred Lämmer and Er doğan Arıpınar. abo ut ‘Trans pa rency known sports authority this mee ting in this is su e of Our 16th European Fair Play Congress re cei ved In ter na tio nal’ the Or - Sylvia Schenk named ‘Fair ‘Play Fa ir’. full marks from all parti ci pants: our Czech col le - ga ni sa ti on which is figh - agu es had or ga ni sed a high-qua lity event for us ting cor rup ti on all aro und the play is good, Compliance is and we re ex cel lent hosts. world is on pa ge 4. better’ is on page 4. Con ti nu ed on pa ge 15 See you in Porec in 2011 The Great Alliance of EFPM The EOC-EFPM Awards We pay our respects to Piotr Nurowski The EFPM is to EFPM pro vi des its de ve lop ment in Eu ro pe by do ing The EFPM Jury for the jo int hold its 17th Con - co ope ra ti ons with the ot her or ga ni za ti on which are EOC-EFPM Fa ir Play Awards Piotr NUROWSKI (1945- gress in Po rec, a city parl lel in the pur po se. Af ter the 16th con gress, the Ge - (con sis ting of Mi ros lav Ce rar, Io - 2010), the President of the on the be au ti ful Is - ne ral As sembly, sig ned mu tu al ag ree ments for co ope - an nis Psi lo pou los, Prof. Dr. Zo fi a Polish National Olympic tri an co ast of Croati - ra ti on with IS CA and CSIT who did af fec ti ve things all Zu kows ka and Dr.Lie ke Vlo et) Committee, was killed in the a, from september aro und the world. Car los Gonçal ves rep re sen ted EFPM, met in Pra gu e to de ci de on the terrible plane crash in Smolensk, Russia, in April last 28 to 30, 2011. Ha rald Bau er rep re sen ted CIST and Mo gens Kir keby re ci pi ents of the se awards for the ye ar 2010. Af ter a go od de al of year. A man who had devoted Pre pa ra ti ons for the event ha ve al re - rep re sen ted IS KA for the sig na tu res. his whole life to the twin causes of sport and ady be en star ted by the Cro ati an Na - ca re ful tho ught, the lucky win - Fair Play was thus lost to us at an age when he tio nal Oly mpic Com mit te e and the Cro - ners we re even tu ally might have rendered yet more services to world ati an Fa ir Play Com mit te e. cho sen, and the sport. On behalf of everyone at the EFPM, we awards will be pre- salute the memory of this friendly, always-smil- sented at national ce- ing person who was much loved by all who re monies to be held knew him, and extend our condolences to his in 2011. family, to the Polish nation and to the sporting Lieke VLOET community. THE EFPM EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Con ti nu ed on pa ge 7 Con ti nu ed on pa ge 5 Con ti nu ed on pa ge 2 G PLAY FA IR ACA DE MIC SUPP LE MENT The eighth in our se ri es of Aca de mic Supp le ments to the ‘Play Fa ir’ ma ga zi ne, which con ta ins in for ma ti ve ar tic les by aca de mic specialists, is included in this issue. 2 The work of the EFPM Exe cu ti ve Com mit te e MEETING OF THE JURY: AT THE SECOND The jury MEETING IN PRAGUE: for the Members of the EOC-EFPM EFPM Executive Awards at Committee before work the 16th General Assembly in Prague. In 2010 the Executive Committee Europe’s most meaningful award held two meetings in Prague Winners of EOC-EFPM Fair Play Awards for 2010 chosen he re we re two mee tings of the Exe cu ti ve dent Er do an Ar p nar’s pro po sals re gar ding In 1996, two ye ars af ter the fo un da ti on of the EFPM Awards for TCom mit te e of the EFPM in 2010.
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