Serving the People of the African Diaspora Since 1972

BESS Provost Hall Steps Down Reaching Out Afler four years of service as Vice these things without forgetting that he Plan, a document thal has focused the by: Princ ess Cooper-Brown Presidenl for Academic Affairs and Pro­ unit planning process and 1hat will is dealing with human bein gs, in all Onyx Staff vost, David Hall has dec ided to step continu e to guide us in our decision­ their complexity. And becau se of this, Moving forward in the tradition of dow n and 1ake on a faculty role at the making . He assumed the overall lead­ he has earned lhe respect of all who stayin g connected and staying commi l­ end of this academic year. In an e-mail ership for our conversio n to a semes­ have worked with him. ted 10 our younger brothers and sisters, letler sent to the University Community ter calendar, a project that !ouches ev­ It is with deep gratitude that we the Black Engineering Student Society by Pre sident Freeland, inform ed of ery process in the entire university. thank David for giving us four years (BESS) , is reaching out to one of our Hall's departure as Northeastern Univer­ David has been a strong and of outstanding service in makin g neighboring high schools, City on a Hill sity Provost. Enclosed below is what passionate advocate for exce llence in Northeastern a better place. We have Charter. Talks are underway between Freeland had to say about Hall steppin g both teaching and benefited from his leadership , his dili­ school officials and BESS to ch arter a down. resea rch . He has gence, his knowled ge, and his heart . NSBE Jr. Ohapter with the high school, hJ regret to an• str esse d the im­ We have been inspired by his eloquent in acco rdance with the National Soci­ nounce that our friend portance of qual­ voice. We wish him the very best in and co lleag ue Dav id ity and funded a his future endeavors . ety of Black Engineer s' (NSBE) Pre­ Hall, Senior Vice Presi­ Teac hin g with A search for a new Provos t will College Initi ative Program . dent for Academic Af- Technology initia­ begin almost immediately. I will keep The Pre-C ollege Initiative (PCI) fairs and Provos t, has tive to encourage you informed on the process ." Program provide s a forma l vehicle through whi ch NSBE co llegiate and decided to step bac k faculty me mbers alumni (professiona l) members can en­ into a faculty role at the to be al the fore­ end of this aca demic front of wh at is Refugees courage pre-college students to deve lop year. poss ibl e in th e interests and skills in math and science. Forfo ur yearsas c lass room . Re- Remember Many of the goals and benefi ts of the our provo st David has cent ly he has PCI Progra m with other programs di­ A group of refugees from countries don e mu c h 10 he lp Pro vost Hall will ass ume afa c11/ty spearheaded a re- rected at pre-colleg e s1udents are in con­ including Ethiopia , Lib eria, Sudan , Si­ Northeas ter n achie ve position at the end of this academic year. te nti on initiati ve junction with 1hose of No rthea stern erra Leone . Zambia, Rwanda, Congo , our aspirations and stay th al prov id es a Univer sity; especially in the areas of Cameroo n, Haiti, Bosnia, amo ng oth­ on course toward top- I 00 status. It is in multi-pronged effor1 to enhance stu- comm unity serv ice and student rec ruit­ ers, co nverged on historic Faneuil Hall parl because of his unflagg ing supporl dents' success. He has been instrumen- ment/retent ion efforts. in Boslon, with chants, poems and songs and energy tha1 the Co-op Call IO Ac- tal in the of a mentoring Among 1he many goals and ben­ on Oc1ober 20, 200 I. The Universa l 1ion is making exce llent progres s. ii was program for new faculty members to efits, the PC! Progra m is focused on Human Rights International of Bo ston, through his leadership that the Practice- allow !hem thrive al Northeaste rn. enhancing s1udents' skills in the areas 10 Mas sac husetts orga nize d this event , Orie nted Educat ion conference was David has championed facu lty schol- of leadership, academic excelle nce, and which commemora ted the passage of 40 such a succes s and 1ha1we are moving arship, initiat ing the establishment of 1echnical excellence . days since the September 11, 200 I at­ ahead with a multifac eted plan to insli- ihr ee new resea rch ins titul es and tack on Amer ica. In many cu ltures, the tutionali ze practice-oriented education. streamlining the institutional supporl BESS is a chap1er of lhe National 40th day after death marks the end of Society of Black Engineers . David has provided Northeastern lhat researc hers get from Northeastern. mournin g. The parti cipants represen1ed Meetings: with leaders hip in ways that will con­ He has been a strong advoca te of in­ many cultu res, races, languages, reli­ Thurs @ 7pm, 333 Curry Student Ctr tinue 10 have an imp act for years 10 creased diversity amo ng 1he faculty gions and natio nalitie s, and came from Website: come. He was instrumental in the de­ and student bodies. He has done all velopment of lhe Action and Assessment as far away as Summer set, New Jersey E-mail : bess@coe. See Refugee Pg. 3 Election Sweeps Away Entire LICAM Board of Directors Election Sweeps Away Entire LI CAM Board of Directors. New President Sees Victory for Community. Liberian s from across Massachu­ ber Election s Commis sion, heade d by cording Secretary ; Sesay Johnson, Par­ eess." setts converged on Sunday , November Mrs. Christine Idiokit as declared the liame ntarian; and Pastor Nenkerwon The election of 200 I was different 11, 200 I to elecl Ih eir leaders . Over 250 results, which swepl away all members Troh , Chap lain. The tenure of all offic­ beca use for the firsr tim e, the boa rd memb ers representing cities and towns of 1he old board of direc1ors. ers of the Liberian Comm unit y Asso­ members were elected outside the Bos­ across Massachusens participated in the The newly elec1ed members of the ciation of Massa chusetts (UCAM) is ton circ le. Mr. Sam Stevequoah , a board proce ss. Board of Directors of LICAM are: Mr. two yea rs. member elected from the city of Lowell Up for grabs was the admini stra­ Harris Yuan of Lynn , Sam Stevequoah In remarks at a receptio n at his resi­ was blunt. "Thi s is the first time that all tion with six vacancies and the board of Low e ll , Mi ckey ldi oki tas of dence, President-elect Richard Saydee Libe rians across Massac husetts have of dir ec tors . wit h fiv e vacancies. Roxbury, Delores Adighib e of Mattapan was guarde d: " A leader was chosen. free ly partic ipated in an electoral pro­ Liberians, including seniors and youths and Lester McC lain of Boston. The in­ There was no indi vidu al winner-the cess to e lect members that reflect the came from Worcester , Franklin , Cam­ cumbent president, Mr. Richard Saydee , community has won. It' s time 10 come Commonwealth. The winds of change bridge , Framingham , Fall Riv er, was e lected along with Vice President­ 10gether and begin building a united are blowing across Massach usetts. We Lowell , Brock ton, Randolph , Salem, elect Rev. Tyler Mitchell. Also elected co mmunit y." Mr. Vivian C. Jone s, look forward 10 cooperation from mem­ Lynn , Boston, and Shrewsbury , among were Mr. Nathaniel Sayo n, Financial member of the Election Comm ission bers of the Liberian commu nity to make other Massachusens ci1ies. After nearly Director; Emm anuel Jackso n; Corre­ was upb ea 1 about the proce ss. "The changes 1hat would benefit everyo ne,'' 1welve hours of voling, the five-mem- sponding Secreta ry; John David, Re- election was fair. It was a learning pro- Mr. Stevequoah said.


SPEAK OUT PG . 4 HEALTH PG . 7 THE HATER PG. 11 ~ . #}!'ff

BUSINESS PG.5 PG.9 SPORTS PG. 12 ,.,.' Onyx Informer News2 Misconceptions of a Haitian Ronne Partick Heads Undergrad Admission s don't look Haitian ". Many oflen be- ety, but it proves to be extremely diffi­ by: Sy11die J. Cine come puzz led and baffled when so me- cult. Primar ily, beca use of the lang uage Ronne Patrick has been appointed Onyx Co11trib111or one of Haitian desce nt does not take barr ier, Hai1ian, have no choice but to dea n of the office of und ergradu ate ad­ To be an A frica n-Ame rica n in their comm e nts lightly but ins1ea d be- rely on eac h other when first comin g to mi ss ion s . Patri ck, o r ig in a ll y fr o m today's soc iety, one is labeled and cat­ co mes very defensive and is insulted . America; English isn '1 the easies t lan­ Brooklyn , , rece ived her un­ egorize d 10 the po in11ha1 it has beco me Haiti an, have work ed 10 di smantl e guage to learn . Sec ondl y, people are dergradu ate degree in soc ial and behav­ common know ledge that one must work falsehoo ds and strive 10 be acce pted as genera lly attracted 10 others with whom ioral scie nces from Joh ns Ho pkin s Uni­ twice as hard to prove one's self not only a valu able ingre dient in the melting pol they share interests or backgro und. Hai­ vers ity, and earned her Mas ter's degree competent, but also equ al to the Ameri­ ca lled America , but Ihe ir e ffon s see m tians choose not to lose what they dearly in so.c ia l ca ns o f Eur ope an desce nt. In 1his to have been in vain. value: the ir heritage. Th is does not fo un da­ struggle to be success ful and be distin­ Haiti is a ve ry bea utiful island mean at all that they wish to excl ude a ll ti ons of guished, Africa n-Americans as a group qui te simil ar to any of its neighbors in other people from their lives. edu cat ion have lost touch with their sense of unity. the Caribb ean. It is rich with natur al Haitians put to the plate what they fro m th e We victimi ze our broth ers and sisters reso urces, but it proves not have to offer to A merica - Uni versity of different cultur al backg ro und s by to be enough of a defe nse their food, their lang uage, o f M ar y­ puuin g them 1hrough open discrimin a­ aga inst attac kin g forces their music, and theirdi ver- land . tions. determin ed to rot the land sity, and hope noth ing more P r ior Jfone were 10 wa lk past roo m 433 and its people. The cos t than to be acce pted. Th eir to her ap ­ of the Curry Studenl Center betwee n six of living in Haiti is grea ter offs prin g are Am er ica ns, po intm e nt and seve n on a Tuesday evening, noth­ th e n wh at mo st o f th e yet they are still treate d far at No rth- Pm rick ;s wo,.k;ng to help NU ing out o f the ordinar y wo uld be see n. populace ea rns workin g. differen tly. The y are raised e a s tern , reach its i11s1itutioual goals. Instead, one would notice simply a gath­ Also, politica l co mplica- to be proud of wh ere they sbe was the assoc iate directo r of mar­ erin g o f co llege stud en1s of di verse ti o ns and pro bl e ma ti c co me fr om , and parent s keting at the University of Maryl and's background drowned in thought. The governm ent ca use the is- urge them not to forget that, offi ce of und e rg raduat e ad mi ss ions, group, eve n with apparent differences, land to have con stant in- but Haitian par ents neve r w here she managed a bud get of $2.4 has a strong bond. Mos t of these stu­ milli on and 14 full-time staff .. ternal battles, resultin g in Palace Ruins' are 0 11, of lea c h th eir children th at dents are of Haitian desce nt, meanin g nothin g else but trail s of many beautiful sires in Hairi. they are bette r than other s Patrick says she was attrac ted to they trace their lineage to the Republi c she d blo od . l'h ese are in the black communi ty are. Nonhe as tern beca use of faculty, staff of Haiti . This bond is often the reaso n some of the reaso ns why Haitians im- Weca nn orco ntinu e to live as crabs in a and studen ts sense of com munit y and why they are sometimes stereo typed. migrate to the Unit ed States. Th ey are barrel holding eac h other down , but in­ co mmitm ent. "Everyo ne seems rea lly ridiculed , and eve n at times not consid­ not aband oning their country wishin g stead we must help push eac h other up exc ited to be here," said Patric k. "1 wa nt ered part of the "blac k" communit y. to "infes t" America, they usually come and out and reac h back for those who to help NU ac hieve its insti tu tio nal Th is is the price they must pay for be­ in order to work and send money back helped us. Regard less if you ca ll yo ur­ goal s." ing Haitian in America. to their relatives. They des ire to help se lf Afri ca n- Am e ri ca n, J ama ican, Patri ck, a mem ber of the Blac k Many people believe that all there those still on the island to better their Trinid adian, Nigerian, Liberian, or Hai­ Faculty and State Assoc iation at the Uni­ is to Haiti and Haitians are what they quality of life. tian, we are all one people. The national versity of Maryla nd , se rved on the Co l­ se on CN N and Dateline. They see im­ It is argued that Haitians are re- mo tt o of th e Rep ubli c o f Hait i is lege Board Middle State Reg ional As­ ages of a Third World country populated sponsible for harsh treatment given to '' L'U nion Fait la Force", this translates soc iation as a fac ulty member. ln addi­ with poverty and famin e-struck beings them. Thi s is 10 say that Haitian s pur- to " ln Union Th ere IS Force". Hai­ tion , she is a memb er of the Nation al and ass ume that there is nothing more. pose fully exc lude themselves from the tians have know n this since the year we Assoc iatio n for Co llege A dmi ss ions Thi s inform ation absorb ed and stored rest of Ame rica with no intention of as- ga ined our indepe ndence from France, Counseli ng and serves as the pres ident­ helps in formulatin g ridiculous state­ simil ating. Thi s is definite ly not tru e. beco min g the first blac k republ ic in the elect of the Potomac & Ch esa peake As­ ments such as "all Haitians have AID S", Most Haitians have a great desire to sue-Western Hemisp here, it's time we all soc iation for College Admi ssions Cou n­ " Haiti ans don ' t showe r", a nd "You cess fully integrate with A merican soci- realize this. se lin g. Raising Community Consciousness ... Together by : Prin ces s Cooper-Brown people are the organization 's most a profile that is looked favo rably on by Internet. Howev er, there are still ma ny Onyx Staff valuable asset. empl oyers. peo ple who do not have those reso urces Why are n't we all doing more to In the United States, there are a dis­ or skills rea dily availa ble. To stem the There has always bee n much de­ share wh at we have with one another, propon ionate numb er of people that do grow ing gap of this Dig ital Div ide, more bate as to how communiti es, in particu­ as the common goal should be, "as I rise, not have access to the Internet; this trend volun tee rs are nee ded to increase the lar Black and Latin o communiti es, go you rise w ith me"? Participati ng in has become nationally know as the Digi­ technica l literacy and com puter skill de­ about buildin g wea lth. Education had commun ity service activities or partici­ tal Divid e. 1\vo such organization s in ve lopm ent in whateve r ways we ca n. generally been the answe r ... educate the patin g in activit ies, organizat ions, or the Boston area are workin g tow ard s a G ET INVOL VED ! Wh ethe r in the or­ childr en because they are the future . causes that are for the betterment of our comm on goa l of bridging the Digita l gani za tion s mentio ned, or in organi za­ However releva nt that theory may be, communiti es and people as a wh ole Di vide, NU/Fl ee t Co mmunit y Lin k tion s that are more ce ntered on your what kind of education and unders tand­ should always be our long-term goa ls - Pr oje ct and Communi ty Tec hnology personal interests, GET INVOLV ED. ing is needed ? Where are the best places but long term goal does n' t imply that Ce1)ters' Network (CTCN et). On Sat­ to gain this edu cation, and what is the you set it as ide until later. As impon ant urday , Novemb er 3, 200 I, CTCN et To learn mor e about Fle et best way to utilize it? as it is to plan for tomorrow, we need to made a prese ntati on at the National So­ Commu11iJyl.i11k l'b e first step is alw ays to appr ec i­ be ju st as committed in our action s to­ ciety of Blac k Engin ee rs' New Eng land­ The project is designed to train adult mem­ bers of the community in beginner and in­ ate the value and power knowl edg e day ! Zon e Conferenc e for its CTCN et Sup­ termediary computer skills by worki ng co mmands. The second step is to share Ther e are numerou s ways for any­ pon, Proj ect. Their purpo se was to brin g one to contribut e to society, whether by technolo gy-related service opponuniti es through an intensive financial literacy and what we know with tho se who don't money management curriculum . For infor­ workin g w ith childr en, working with to the confer ence par ticip ant s. On know. A very imponant concept in the mation : njerimacharia@hormai or adults , helping to build homes, helpin g Wedne sday, November 6, 200 I , repre­ area of business is that of knowledge Njeri Macharia al 617-327-0399 management, or more appr opriat e ly care for the ill, helping care for the en­ sentativ es from the NU/Fl eet Commu ­ vironment, or as a Northea stern Univer­ nity Link Projec t held an info rmational named knowledge sharing. These terms To team mor e about CTCN et (Comm11- sity co mmunity member, workin g to­ sess ion with members from the Nati onal desc ribe how businesses, as small as a 11ity Tecl,nology Centers ' Network ) ge ther and communi ca ting with eac h Association of Black Acco untants and corner store or as large as Microso ft, re­ CTCNet's Support Project is looking for alize and utili ze the increased value other. Community service organizations the Black Enginee ring Student Soc iety skilled, passionate people willing 10d onate gained throu gh sharing knowl edge and initiativ es are looking for people to to inform and recruit Volunteer Student their time to provid e technical support 10 throughout their organization. Many top donate their time and abiliti es everyday. Training Assistants. nonprofit technology centers: and to assist level executives have moved into this Not only are these opponunities benefi­ There is an overwhelming need in with needs such as troubl e shoot hardw are/ mind set to take advant age and facili­ cial for the community in which they all aspects of societ y for those willin g software. teaching. volunteer recruitment, tate, as much as possible, the sharin g of help, these opponuniti es are also ben­ to donate their time, energy, or resources publi c relations, fundrai sing, etc. www .ctcnet.or g For inform ation : knowled ge and skill s throughout the eficial for you . You gain experien ce, to help other s. In this age of emerging [email protected] or Trang Lee al 6 17- organization 's community . This concept you dev elop relationships, you increas e technologi es and e-commer ce, our so­ 354-0825 X 17 is based on the fundam ental truth that your network , you make yourself more cieties are becomin g more and mor e visible and marketable , and you develop de p end ent on computer s and th e News3

The world is before you and you need not take it or leave it as it was when you came in. - James Baldwin

Around the G(of>e Head(inef

BRAZIL: MASSACHUSETTS: compared to the same seaso n last ear. Refugee, from Pg.I The number of Norfolk reside nts who and Maine . They have survived some of the wor The City of Esperanti na, loca ted New Bedford. Twenty-five got permits grew 63 percent. Thi s st atrocities o f the 20 th cen­ tury and came to share their experiences in Br azil, has offic ially approved an people in the New Bedford area have rapid increa se has been attribu ted 10 through poems and annual Orgasm D ay. Each year on contrac ted Hepat itis A and severa l fears of personal safety after the Sept. songs for the heal ­ ing of May 9, the city's 35.000 residents will Swansea restaurants are being consid­ 11 auacks. wounds inflicted by the Sep tem­ ber 11 attack. be asked 10 work harder to achieve ered as likely causes . The New Betsey Chace, Comm unity Liaison sexual satisfaction . The city council Bedford Standard Times reported sev­ Belgium : Officer passed the law af ter Counci lor eral of the infected peop le, includin g at the Massac husetts State Of­ fice fo r Immi gra nts a nd Refugees a nd Arimate ia Danta s surveyed the city's the store manager , ate at a D' Angelo 's A woman stalked her ex by phoning Torli Kru a welcomed the poet s and women and found only 28 percent had in Swansea. Of the confirm ed cases, him every time he got in the bath . She singers to the City of Boston. Accord­ orgas m during sex. Liberal govern­ 13 were in Swansea , four in Somerset, lived next door 10 her former lover and ing to Mr. Krua, the significance of the ment in Brazil allow for this exac t fol­ and eight in New Bedford and Fall ca lled his phone every time she heard event is rooted in the need for hea ling low-up compared 10 co nservative , lo­ River. Hepat itis A can be tran smined the bath running . and peace in times of great fear follow­ cal government of Boston. by eat ing at a resta urant where an in­ A co urt in Brugge, Belgium, gave ing the lerrorisl attack. Krua said, "Thi s fected employee touches food without her a s uspended sentence an d a fine land h as offered solace, comfort, free­ MIDDLE EAST: washing his or h er h ands after using afte r convicting her of stalking. dom and a seco nd chance to so many the bathrooms. (Metro) The 51-year-old became lovers with refugees fleein g war, death and suffer­ The United Nation s says Middle her neig hbor but they split up and s he ing. Refugee s of war who know terror, East homeland remain Bos/011. Massport will hold three took revenge by calling him every time s highly danger­ grief, survival and rebuilding can, al this ous for civi lians. Although Afghan public hearings this week on Tobin he got in the bath , the co urt said. time, offer solace , co mfort and hope 10 refugee s have started returning from Brdge toll s, which are scheduled to America with poems and songs from Iran to their hom es in the wes t of the increase from $1 10 $2 on Janu ary I. Canada: their expe rien ces as survivors and plot country, tens of thousands are still try­ Chelsea and Charlestown residents the course for peacefu l co-existence." ing to flee from the east into Pakistan . will continue 10 pay a lower fee of 30 A man started firing his gun when Ms. Aida Bukvic , Davor and Daco, U.N. High Commissioner for Refu­ cen ts. his attempts to put up the Christmas all Bosnian nationals , kicked off the gees , Rudd Lubb ers, said Afghanistan Massport agreed 10 hold the first lights went wrong. event w ith a series of Bosnian songs . .. was not at all a secure environment." bearing today at 4pm at the MBTA James Craig Wilson started shoot­ This was fo llowed by Mr. Saah N'Tow, Approximately 1 ,000 people a day building at North S hore Commun ity ing his .45-ca libr e pis tol afte r his a Liberian -born poet from Providence, were cros sing from lran into western College , all the behest of legis lators daughter ran over the lights in her car, Rhode Island, who recited many of his Afghanistan. which he said was safer from that area. at their Vancouver home. poems , includin g " When the Storm than th e rest of the co untry. The second will be held tomo r­ Police arrested the 47-year-o ld on Calms." Saab, is studying the effec ts of Conditions for peop le still inside row at 7pm al the K nights of Co lum­ suspicion of reckless endangerment. poem s on th e healing process of trau­ Afghanistan 's borders remain ex­ bus in Charlestown and the final meet­ Mr Wilson says he told his wife nol matized refugees. treme ly diffic ult, with hundred s of ing will be Thu rsday at 7pm in the to be upset while he shot some rounds T he ninety -minute event attrac ted thousands of peop le uprooted by air auditorium of Chelsea High School. in the back garde n 10 lei off steam. hundreds at the historic Fan euil Hall of strikes on city target s. (Metro) He also sent his daughter across the Boston. A highlight of the even t was the Effort s are being made 10 feed street to tell a police officer neighbour performance of a youth gro up from some 274,000 people living in isolated VIRGINIA: that no -one had been hurt . Portland, Maine ca lled the Voices of villages. Although not all are starv­ Soon af ter, five other officers arrived A11gels with national s of Za mb ia , ing, the winter has started adding 10 It is evide nt tha t terrorism fears and arrested him . "1 thoug ht discharg­ Rwanda and Congo. They warmed the the ex isting problems of hunger. The are leading 10 more gun perm its. The ing m y gun would he lp me discharge co ld Boston morning with hot Swahili aim is 10 build up a stockpile of some number of applica tion s for concea led my anger ," he said. "1 guess I'm goi ng and Lin ga la songs. 2,000 tons of food 10 get the peop le weapons permi ts in the South Hamp­ 10 lose my concea led weapon s per­ through the fierce Afghan winter. ton Road s area tripled l ast mont h, mit."

The Onyx would like to extend congratulations to the winners of the DIVERSITY ESSAY COMPETITION!

Winning 1st Place: Daniel Birichi Middler, Computer Engineering Major

Winning 2nd Place: Eric Esteves Senior, Management Information Systems Major

Winning 3rd Place: Christina Passalacqua Sophmore, Pharmacy Major Onyx Informer Speak Out4 Speak Out ANTI-BLACK Movement: An International Phenomenon by: Zlielinrentice L Scott cally. The racism !hat formed !he basis cause the Northe astern and H arvard movement alive and well on the local MIT Student for !he justification of the mas s geno­ Universities of !he past were racist a nd level finds the an ti-bl ack movement Dorothy Lewi s, the national co­ cide in Rwanda is a part of the m ental would NOT admit African Americans, alive in well. Proposition 209 destroyed chair of the National Coalition of Blacks and phy sica l destruction of bl ack or any ot her person of non-white de­ race as one factor considered out of for Repara tion s in America people. Physically, AIDS is wiping out scent. ln order for !he US to be a true many when it comes to admission to (N'COBRA) came to MIT thi s past Africa 's population exponentially and democracy. where equal opportunity colleges. Scientifi c studies have shown April. She came to debate the claim that help is minimal. The Pre sident of Zim­ actually exists, it must tr eat ALL uni­ that the higher a parent's incom e the the United States of America's role in babwe is still receiving criticisms for its versities and colleges wilh dignity and higher the SAT. slavery has left an overdue debt with the successfu l l and grant program . Many respect. American history and embraced by descendant s of US slaves. Former lib­ Zimbabw eans are thriving . They have HBCUs were a so lution to the everyone? Why did Pr esident Freeland eral turned con se rv ative David stopped starving and are building up the racism and discrimination !hat this coun­ opt not to tell the students of co lor di­ Horowitz argued against this claim. This economy in !he process. try was built on. Education isn't the only rectly of his decision, and only provided piece is not about reparations; it is about On a national level, !he Anti-black place where anti-black feelings appear. funher possibi lities for the JDOBAAI a few new things I learned from the de­ feeling continues. In !he month of March The ju stice s ystem and police depart­ when the students demanded it ? Presi­ bate. One issue that Ms . Lewis rai sed !he House republican s led by repres en­ ments across !he country are jailing and dent Freeland' s s how of disrespect for was this Anti-black feeling that perme­ tatives John Boehner (R-OH) and Peter killing blacks for anything. Why is it that the history and legacy of the institute, ates society. Hoekstra (R-M I) presented a plan to there are two different sets of punish­ is a conscious or a subconscious Anti­ The American Dream that one can place Historically Black Colleges and ments for cocaine ? The cheaper form of black feeling. This feeling has forged a work hard and pull themselves up by Universities (HBCUs) under the aus­ crack has a higher penalty th an for the movement again st Blacks American s their boot straps 10 be successfu l and pices of a new panel that oversees youth more expensive version of powder co­ stanin g with the close of the Civil War. productiv e member s of socie ty. The violence, child abuse and other social caine. Finally, racial profiling i s killing Before I end this I want to make !bought of an anti-black feeling in thi s programs. This proposal implies th at more and more p eople of African d e­ two points clear . Firstly, I d on •1 sub­ democratic society we all know. as the Historically Black Colleges and Univer­ scent every day. Why is it that so many scribe to the belief that all white people USA, is appalling. However, !he trulh sity are "soc ial programs" !hat have no unarmed black men and women , both are horrible and anti-black. In fact. there hurts. This anti-black feeling is complex educational value. This proposal com­ police o fficers and civilians, are being are many that care about their fellow and disturbing to me. pletely di sregard s the hi story of the killed by white police officers? man. These are individuals who actively On an internationa l level Africa is HBCUs. The HBCUs were founded be- It is not hard to find the anti-black try to end ra cism and th e anti-black being ripped apart m entally and phy si- movem ent that has give n birth to the KKK , racial profilin g, red lining , the glass ceiling, and the attacks on !he suc­ Have something on your mind? Do you want to be heard? cess of black people. Many of my per­ You can do it through The Onyx Informer sonal friends and organizations like the All you need to do is ... SPEAK OUT! National Conference of Community and Justic e ( and CURE ( have been engaging in Send your letters to: onyxinformer® anti-raci st activities. Thi s proves that Please limit submissions to 600 words maximum. whites are individuals. They have the power t o be passively racist or actively anti-racist. Seco ndly, there are black people who are anti-black. A Month of Reflection William Julius Wilson, on the fac­ by: Hayden Frederick-Clarke ulty of the Harvard JFK School of gov­ Nortlieastern Junior waist. For what? Thomas, the model L ago Vista that police can handcuff and ernment is the author of "When Work criminal, was wanted for several mis- arrest civilians for minor offenses, like Disappears. " In this book he related the Racism used 10 be a reckless, ma- demeanor violation s. most of them traf- not wearing a seat belt, that are normally content of a p lethora of interviews he 1ic ious little boy. but while we have fie cha rges. Is it coincidence that the punished by fine . One would be very had with several black employers in the slept, he has successfully matured into Cincinnati police depan ment has killed naive to assen that the politically apt five inner city. It i s clear that even black a calculated genius, a grown man with fourteen other men s ince 1995, (of justic es that passed the ruling do not un­ people won't hire black people based on children. In the month of April 200 1, course) all black? The officers involved derstand the implication s their decision the stereo types they are fed and believe. while fe w have paid attention or made in th ese deaths must have feared for will have in light of w idespread rac ial David Horowitz's ad was first pub­ sufficient noise, he has blessed us gra­ their own lives also. profiling throughout !he country. In op- lished at Brown University where Dr. ciously with three very clear reminde rs Adding in sult 10 injur y. Police position to th e ruling fe llow Supreme Ruth Simmons, a n Afri can American that the lives of ordinary "black" people Commissioner Bernard K erik o f New Co urt Justice Sandra Day O'Connor ar­ Woman, is the president. I wonder if she are wonhless here in our "home of lib­ York decided not 10 discipline the four gued tha\, "as the recent debate over ra­ feels comfortable in a place where the eny and ju stice/or a//(?)". Surely they officers that murd ered Amadou Di allo. c ial profilin g demonstrat es a ll too school n ewspape r i s a veh icle for in­ have co me a t an opportune moment Kenneth Bos s. Sea n Carro ll, Edward clearly, a relatively minor traffic infrac­ flammatory speec h about blacks in the since the illu s ions of equalit y a nd McMellon, and Richard Murphy. They tion m ay serve as an excuse for stop­ name of intellectual discourse and first progress, personal complace ncy, a nd will be simply retrained in tactics. No ping and harass ing an individual." Giv­ ndment rights. "darkies" (a nd "lighties", too) in th e ame dismissal. N othing. This should n ot in g no heed to their other four comrades' Oppression of people of co lor is media and enlertainmenl serve as ob~ come as too much of a surprise consid- advisory. Rehnqui st, Scalia, Thomas, nothing new. The Australian Aborigine. stac les 10 any effec tive, permanent ering !he case's treatment by the ju stice Kennedy, and S outer dec ided to make New Zea land's Maoris and the African­ change in the world's dominant culture, system. Convinced with the officers' a ny journey a "black" male takes a po­ i.e. white supremacy. Sa dly, the most American have suffered a t the hand of story that all/0 11rof them feared for their tentially dangerous one . Obvious ly. ra­ thisan ti-black movement. I wonder why egreg ious problem might n ot b e the lives, s ince they had b elieved the un- c ial profiling is a "black" problem , not message of the reminders itself, but in­ the peop le who are currently against armed Diallo was reaching for a gun an American one . affirmative action, ac­ stead that the message was not taken se­ reparations and (sound familiar ?), a jury in Alb any ac- Remember Du Bois' statement that s of being racist as a race, and riously enough. One would hate to think cuse black quilled the four office rs of cr imin al Africans in America have two inherently in the same breath have no proposals to that it h as not b een co nveye d well charges. Similarly the United St ates co nflicting interests: that of the Ameri­ enough. today's racism that the Kerner Report Justice Department decided that federal can, and that of the "Negro." Which described as "an institution not creatC;!I The murder of Timothy Thomas, a civil rights c harges were unnecessary. shall we choose? Is a call to national­ 19 year old, (of course) "black" man by by the Neg ro." 1 wonder: why mot\ Conc lusion: fire41 shots at an unarmed i sm appropriate now? Perhaps. Wece r­ white people have not gotten UJ?in arms a white officer, Stephen Roach, is a re­ African, pierce his flesh with 19 bullets, tainly should not b e s leepwa lkers. un­ minder of how littl e "o ur" lives mean about th e c urrent human righL~ viola­ walk free, thank the feds, keep your job , aware and/or unaccepting of the domi­ tions that oppress American people? • in thi s absurd l and. Thomas was un­ even get retraining! nant attitude towards us. Awareness and armed when h e was killed, yet the ex­ l'he only answer that I can think On April 24, the Supreme Co urt acknow ledgement are precursors to of is that the anti -black movement i s ecuting officer claimed he feared for his ruled in th e case of Atwater v. City of change. life since Thomas had rea ched for hi s alive and well. Business 5

Don't feel entitled to anything you dido 't sweat and struggle for. - Marian Wright Edelman

Growing Businesses Resume Tips by: Jose Masso mation and the right panelists could have community." Assumi ng that he makes Gaps in Work History Onyx Staff saved this from happening. To top it off, money off these co nce rts , and still Need to be Explained the key note speake r was Chr is doesn't know who lives in his commu­ Growing Businesses was supposed Delp rince, CEO of Delprince Fashions. nity. this answer did now sit well with made recent state­ to be a conference about fostering busi­ Here was a man who grew up in me. Then when asked if he employs ments concern ing work ex perience ness growth in low- income communi­ the inner city neighborhoods of Buffalo, people from his community, the answer gaps on resumes. Many people who ties, but did not quite arrive at that stat­ New York. This is wh ere he so ld was "Absolutely!" that is why he is are trying to re-enter the workforce ure. The event was hosted by North­ watches and clothing out the trunk of where he is today. His employees are have gaps in their work history that eastern University's Center for Techno­ his car. (Sound familiar?) He then people from the communit y, so when should be filled in. Employers will logical Entrepreneurship and Center for moved up to starting a diaper delivery other people shop there they feel com­ overlook gaps of a few months in an Urban Entrepreneurship. It was more service. Targeting the minority commu­ fort because they know who is behind applicant 's work history, but if some- of a seminar with shameless plugs and nity, he began to focus on selling urban the register. (1 hope they give them a one trying to technological talk. Not once did I hear apparel that will cater to African-Ameri­ hook up!) He never mentioned that he get a new of a dece nt plan to ca ns, Hispa nics has people in his communi ty job has gaps help bu sinesses in (not Latinos), and in the "backroom", which is the corpo­ of a year or low- inco me commu­ "a nyb od y who rate struct ure of his company; he only more, he or niti es grow. There wa nt s to dr ess mentioned that "Jose (one of his em­ she may were people on the phat". The store be ployees) won't think that k.ids are com­ need to ex­ panel who dealt with o pened, ca ll ed ing into the store to stea l". plain that inner city communi­ Lif es ty le Str ee t For the icing, the fork, and the hole. ties, but they did not Gear, grew from a "phat" lady, he had a slang dictionary, In the di sc uss what th ey trunk to a chain of including the words "phat'', "fly", and event that an have done to he lp seve n stores with "5-0", for those big and little wigs who ap pli ca n t th ese low- inco me o ne loca ted in are not "hip" to that sort of lingo. Crazy has such gaps, suggests co mmuniti es pros per. Instead they Pennsylvania. Sounds real interesting, and pissed off could not sum it up for three main tactics: spoke more about what they personally wonderful, can't wait to hear the story, me. I was very displeased with the way I. The potentia l employee should did to get ahead and how they plan to but the whole time before his speech, that they would put on an event concern­ show that his or her jo b skills are help entrepreneurs who already have I'm for Chris and can' t see him. ing businesses in low- income commu­ up-to-date and that he or she is up businesses, grow. Their main focus When the speake r introduced him, nities, and yet not have one person from on the latest industry deve lop­ should have been on how to help the 1 thought he was going to come from the community that owned a business ments. people within the comm uniti es start the ceiling because I didn' t see the Chris within a low- income community speak. 2. Demonstrate that tasks undertake n businesses. he spoke of in sight. Yet he was there. They did not give ideas on how to in­ while unemployed - whether vol­ 'Fhey were more focused on the Chris Delprince is an Italian American crease the education within these com­ unteer work or family management "feed them fish for a day" mentality, who is making profit in low-income munities, nor how to implement entre­ - can be applied to the sought-af­ instead of "teach them how to fish" . neighborhoods, but could not tell what preneurial strategies within the commu­ ter job. Seldom did they address the emerging he is doing to help the people that made nity. The idea of the event was good, 3. Be sure not to sound apologetic majority (minorities), and when they him rich. When asked what he does for but they also say that the road to hell is about being unemployed, whatever did, we were referred to as "people of the communit y, he answe red with "I paved with good intentions. the reason. color". A combination of more infor- throw concerts and special events for the Inception of The Alliance of Black Student Professionals In the summer of 2000, discussions Gracia, SNMA National President, met cial ills that dispropo rtionate ly affec t population, to advocate for societal began occurring among the leaders of a in Alexandria, Virginia, at NSBE's Na­ peop le of Af rican desce nt a11d ga lva­ change toward the benefit of its com­ few minority graduate and student pro­ tional Headquarters. into the nizing effo rts to eradicate these in­ munities, and to develop a network of fessional organizations. On November evening, they prioritized the issues of equali ties. future professionals of various fields. 15, 2000, this budding network held its critical importance to all of their orga­ The spirit of the Alliance extends be­ first conference call. The leaders of the nizations and the co mmuni ties they - To p romo te the advanceme nt of our yond the nationa l leaders, permeating National Black Law Students Associa­ se rve and disc usse d a pr elimin ary member orgatJ,i?.ations and the mem­ into the regions and local chapters of tion, the National Society of Black En­ agenda of the partnership. bers they serve. the member organizations nationwide. gineers, the Student National Dental As­ It is this spirit that will enable the Al­ socia tion , and the Student National At the conclusion of the meeting, Charged with this Statement of liance to have a significant impact on Medical Association shared their orga­ the Alliance of Bl ack Student Profes­ Purpose. the Alliance quiclcly identified the future direction of society. nizations' history and activities and dis­ sionals was formed, with the following education and educational disparities as cussed how this network could become Statement of Purpose: its first national initiative. Blacks and an official partnership. They then set oth er minori ties co ntinu e to be out on a quest to identify the leaders of - To i11crease the 11umber of peop le underrepresented in higher education of Afri ca11d esce111pr actici11g in the pro­ and most professions. to the detriment ~1lliance fess ions of our member orga11i1.a1ions. of society. Furthermore, the obstacles ' ' . ,,, '' " ' to reaching and succeeding in these pro­ - To lead in the preparation, recruit­ fessions are as great as ever before. mem, retention, and promotion of stu­ Since the January 20, 200 I found­ de111s of African descen t. ing, the Alliance has grown tremen­ dously in the number of member orga­ - To exert influence 0 11i nstitwi ons that nizations and affiliates. Through this have the capac ity to posi tively impac t partnership, the Alliance represents over this organization' s objec tives. 30,000 students nationwide. The phi­ losophy of the Alli ance is to speak with - To ac t as a catalyst i11i dentifying so- one voice on issues that universally im­ pact th e black stud ent profess iona l Onyx Informer News6

Did You .Know ... Stormy Monday

und Pnmldunl Tru1rut11 ait1nml nn o:,,.ur.ull \.u ur­ Pttul Rubnson w11 11111110 ur tho mo al l)il Ind Lecture Series louvu thn Unitod mun in hl alnq -. dor forbid1lh111 Mr. lluheson lo y1nu 11 h, prb nn Ito wu5 o n nlhlol u. uc tur S lul w. undur pmmlh of fho Nonheru.1crn 's department of Af­ within schools. the potential impact of tho r nllurn u)'. u sc hulur 1nul ,, und II S!i OD £i11n.. rican Am erican studies' decade-old school choice and vouchers on urban 1h11 Unilud ndary issues curl ,d 1111ur. Dnrn 111 Princolnn . N u, \ 111 19 5 0 Hnhmmn loft Story Monday Lecture Series brings public sc hools and seco esulting from desegregation in pub­ J ur, m y on Aprll !J. I 0!11) , Rubmmn St nll u, fur En111und a nd did nnl ru - noted prof essors, g raduate s tudents r h la llf u­ to the university to show­ lic schools. His articles have appeared 111huw, 11I thol hu wH M u m u u nl rnnn y tu rn until 196 3. Thruughnul and scholars furm t. n f case current research and scholarship. in the Harvard Educational Review, l n l o nls . flu 1Jov o 2!.16 pu r form o nco a llmu hu fou11hl 111111ln.!iil 1111 The department of African American Urban Review, Hastings Co nstitu­ 1111 Oll111llu 110 Urnndwo y. Ito rUt:i• m 1111d npprO ali iun p11rp11tu111oit studies also sponsors an undergradu­ tional Law Journal. International Jour­ uw nn in - un Dln cl,i,, In tho Unil llll Stnlu a. ll o ~ ut urnquontl y rocoqn h:u d ate S tormy Monday Lecture Series nal of Race and Ethnic Relations and dlo d In Phil11dolphin . Punn a" h n ni u tur11111lunnll y f u mou • • lnqor und por­ that fea ture, the sc holarship and re­ the Journal of Social and Economic form e d 011 cunc e rl s lru101, lhruu11h - on Junuu n i?3 . 1976 . search of Nonheas1ern 's undergradu­ Studies. Nog uera has been a member uul I lrn world . ate students. of the U.S. Public Health Service Cen­ Rnhu • nn s pnku u11d pur fnrmnd Pedro Nog uera, the Judith K . ters for Disease Control Taskforce on In 11v ur twunl y h11111u1111us 11nd 1llu- Dimon professor of communities and Youth Violence, and chaired the Com­ loc h, . nnd bocnmu s pnko 11mun scho ols a t Harvard Uni versity 's mittee on Ethics in Research and Hu­ man Rights for the American Educa­ lhrnuqhuul thu wo r ld u qnln s l u:-,,:- Graduate School of Education, spoke esponsibility of tional Research Association. plollullnn . inju s lico . und ruci li m . Hi • on "The Role and R Schools and Other Social Institutions Co-sponsors of the Stormy Mon­ u llu c t..s un lnju li li c u und r o ci s m in tho in Respondin g to Americ a's Youth day Lecture S eries fea turing Pedro Unitod Slut os bo com o II a ov oro in- Crisis," on Monday. November 5"' at No guera in cluded N orth eas tern 's ll• munl tu turnHlionul ombnrrn the Raytheon Amphitheater, Egan En­ School of Education and the Latino/a Unit e d Sl u to s ~1n,1 ornmunl . gineering/Science Research Center. Student Cultural Center. This lecture lu 1950 . lhu U.S. S 10 10 O npurl- Noguera's resea rch focuses o n also feat ur ed p anelists, Pete r C. the ways in which schools respond 10 Murrell. associate professor of educa­ social and economic forces within the tion and director of the Master of Ans urban environment. His courses ad­ in Teaching program al Northeastern; dress issues of race, ethnicity, and pov­ Farhoud Moshfegh, professor of vio­ erty as they impact schooling, teach­ lin and artistic director of P rojec t ing, and learning. Noguera has pub­ STEP al the New England Conserva­ lished and lectured widely on such top­ tory of Music; and Alexander Lynn. ics as yo uth violence, race re lations

Racism ... Is it Prevalent on Campus? by: Jessica Stone the s pot as a repr esentativ e of my Jain, a senior at Brand eis Univer­ the future of building to the for e­ Onyx Contributer country ," he said . "I was ju st one of sity who chair s the colle ge's Inter ­ front of the campu s," he said . Racial sensitivity i s a major con­ the students in the class . I didn't e ven cultural Club , s aid th ere is a la ck The student s debated whether or cern on college campu ses today, stu­ know enough to comment." of diver sity at Brandeis . not it is worth while to edu cate non­ dent s s aid at the opening of a two­ Studen ts said racial sen sitivity is a "More min ority stud ents are ap­ minority friend s and acquaintan ces day confer ence at North eastern Uni­ famil iar concern on campu ses due to plying , but our numbers k eep drop­ about th eir ba ckground s. versity on race relation s, this past an increa se in political corr ectne ss. ping ," Jain said. "Minority stud ents "You want to educate oth ers, but November. "The campus safety officer will be need to go back and recruit." it' s not your job ," sa id Deni se The conference w as held to addre ss more sensitive to the bla ck student Esteves , howev er, said apath y is Luma , a Northea stern sophomore . the chall enge s in cre ating racial har­ bec ause they don 't want to be called not a probl em among minority stu­ While Lum a and other s sa id they mony on coll ege campu ses, with an racist," said Andrew Musoke , a Con ­ dents. He c ited a r ecent in cident at often tire of e xplaining their back­ empha sis on incr eased di scrimina ­ necticut Colle ge sophomore . Northea stern , in which student s or­ ground s, North eastern sophomor e tion aga inst Mu slims since Septem­ Aside from rac e relati ons, the i s­ ganized a sit-in to prot est the demo­ Rub ens Am edee di sagr eed . ber 11. sue of recruiting minority students Ii tion of th e sc hool' s Afri can­ "Yeah it gets tiring," he said, "but In a panel held b y and att ended provok ed a long discussion . Ashika Am erican Institute . "We pushed that 's wh y racis m still ex ists. " exc lusively by student s, parti cipant s from severa l area colleges discussed their experiences with r ac ism and potenti al ways to impro ve relation s. Panel mod erator Eri c Esteves, a No rtheastern senior, said th e avoid­ Leaving their mark in history: ance of self- segrega tion would im­ chardson, a black inventor, invented the casket-lowering device. pro ve race re lations. "Mor e collabo­ 1894 - A. C. Ri ration s between diff erent group s 1930 • The Na tion of I slam is found ed in D etroit , Ml. would h elp," he said. "A lot of group s don't attend each other's meetings." 1939 - Gramm y-winnin g s inger and actress Tin a Turn er was born as Anni e Mae Bull ock in Nutbu sh, Ten­ Students s aid th ere a re many oc­ nessee. cas ions w hen a student i s the only 1942 - Rock Mu sician Jimi H endri x is born in S eattle, Washington. minority in a particular cl ass room, often leading to unnecessa ry tension. 1940 - Th e Supr eme Court ruled in Hansberry v. Lee th at White s cannot bar Bla cks from white neighbor­ "You become th e token minority ," hoods sa id K endra Quin cy K emp , a Dartmouth College s enior . "People 1955 - Interstate Commerce C ommi ssion, banned segreg ation on bu ses a nd in termin als. look at that one person who can r ep­ 1967 - Carl Stok es was elected m ayor of Cl eve land, Ohio. His election made him th e first Black ele cted resent that group ." mayor of a Major City . Northeas tern sophom ore Hasa n Mamun , a Mu slim , experienced a 1984 - New York Mets pitcher, Dwi ght Good en won th e Cy Young Award, making him the youn ges t pitcher simil ar situation in class followin g the Sept. 11 attacks. "I was put on Health 7

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere

- Martin Luther King

DYSMENORRHEA HIV Vaccines From the Uchee Pines Institute exercises performed 4-10 limes daily . At least one bow el movemeQt by: Tyeese L Gai11es Painful m enstruation four times weekly for is difficult to severa l weeks re­ daily is ideal, two or more bowel 011yx Co11trib11ter treat, not becau sulted in a 75% se the disorder will not improve ment rate. In movements being preferred. Fruits, yield to About 700 people attended the 5- therapy. but because women the expe rience of research. one hour of vegetables, and whole grains are help­ have day World Aids conference in Trinidad about the worst record of noncom­ useful vigorous labor out-of-doors daily ful in maintaining good bowe l health . and Tobago on October 27, 200 I to pliance to medical counsel with this dis­ has been more effect ive in curing dys­ The avoidance of oil is advisable, par­ order than with any other. menorrh ea than discuss access to medication, patient have calisthenics . ticularly, since oil tends to cause red One important cause of dysmenor­ Posture is also important rights , discrimination, and the hot as a cure blood cell clumping , creating circula­ rhea is that of wearing improper cloth­ for painful men struation , topic of HlV vaccines . as reported in tory problems through the rich mesh­ ing. Tight band s around the waist, hips. Archives of Surgery 46:6 HIV vaccines are a hot topic be­ I 1-6 13, May, work of tiny capillaries found in the or thigh s impede the circulation to the 1943. The contracted ligaments give cause there are curre ntly over 30 pro­ rise reproductive organs. Fats also alter the pelvic organs and increase the likelihood to compression of the totype vaccines undergoing human tri­ nerves , which in­ platelet function of the blo od, causi ng of painful men struation . Also, the cloth­ crease s the symptom als across the world. For instance , s of painful men­ cloning of the blood to be improper , a ing of the extremitie. must be proper. struation . clinical trials in South Africa began in condition that may lead to painful There should not be one inch of c Di July 2000. Merck a nd Company be­ hilled etary measures can be of great menstruation. skin on the extremities any time during benefit, particularly since many gan its phase I tri als in the United of the One should deve lop a good emo­ the month, not only during the menstrual things that irritate the gastrointestinal States in February 200 I. The infec­ tional outlook. A mature, vigorous. and period itself. The extremities should be tract reflexive ly irritate tious disease division of the National the ge nitouri­ healthy adult should b e able to cope cove red w ith as many layers of cloth­ nary lnsitu tes of Hea lth (N IH) has been tract. All irritants in the gastrointes­ with any problems that are presented ing as is the trunk. To fail to do so is to tinal tract such as spices, alco performing studies since 1987. but are hol. aspi­ to her during a 24-hour day . With Di­ cause the c ircu lation to be imbalanced, rin, ot her drugs. hot now in pha se 11. pepper, vinega r, vine aid and sym patheti c understand­ and increase the likelihood of pelvic overeating, failure to chew properl y, and HIV vaccines are a lso a hot topic ing of family and friends, the indi ­ co ngestion and painful m enstruation . any other matter because the statist ics of those affected known to irritate the vidual should have the emotional equi­ Most American women do not get gastrointestinal tract sho uld are incredible . Thirty-six million be elimi­ librium to cope with all of life's trials. sufficient exercise; this fact is seco nd nated. Constipation should people in the world are living with the be corrected, When painful men struation oc­ only to improper clothing in the cause particul arly just prior to the virus. HIV has already killed 16 .5 onset of the curs, a "hot half-hou r bath" or a hot of dysm enorrhea. A study showed that menstrual period . million people , according to IJNAIDS. foot bath reaching the upper portions 75% of a group of 5,000 junior hi gh Rest and regularity 1\vo percent of peop le living in the are mandatory of the calf musc les using a deep school girls were either cured or had for the sufferer Caribbean (exc ludin g Cuba) ha ve of dysmenorrhea. After bucket, tub or trash can, will very of­ definite improvement of menstrual dis­ the age of 20, eight hours of sleep or HJV/AlDS. In Africa, there are pres­ ten provide complete relief. Warm or comfort with simple bending and bed rest daily should be obtained ently 25.3 million pe ople living with . From hot water as determined by experimen­ stretching exercises. The first exercise childhood a pattern of regular the virus . In a lot of these countries, bedtime tation are both acceptable for the hot was stretching, done by touching the fin­ and rising time the drug s currently available to slow without weekend or sea­ water bath s. gers to th e ankles with the knees held sonal variation is the ideal order of life. down the disease process are too ex­ straight. The second exercise was thrust­ Such a person rarely ha pensive for those who are ill t o pur­ s difficulty with For more information , go to h11p:/ ing the leg backward as chase on a consistent basis, if at all. the arms were relaxin g or sleepin g. Regularity in all swung high over the head. These two thing s is essential. An HJV vaccine could definitely serve What is a D.O.? See HIV Pg. 8

Most people have been going to both D .O.s and M.D.s comp lete four day accumulates in your neck or back philo sophies that the founder of osteo­ doctors since birth , and probably had years of basic medical education . Both leaving you screamin g for a massage. pathi c medicine , A.T. Still, preached no idea whether their doctor was an D.O.s and M.D.s choose to practice in You cannot effec tively treat one with­ back in 1847. M.D. or a D.O. 1\vo types of physi­ a medical specialty - family practice, out the other. A major part of osteo­ Therefore, while M.D.s also cians , two differe nt degr ees, what do obstetrics/gynecology. surgery, and so pathic training includes studying the make excellent physicians, M .D.s and they mean? M.D.s are allopathic phy­ on - after comp leting a residency pro­ musouloskeletal system, because it i s D.O.s can work together in providin g sicians and D.O.s are osteopathic phy­ gram. Also. both D .O.s and M.D .s a huge indicator and affector of what complete care for their patients - tak­ sicians. Both M .D.s and D.O. s are must pass s tate li censing board s. is going on with other body systems. ing advantage of each other's strengths fully qualified physician s, licensed to The difference lies in the "some­ Simple posture alignments can some­ and concentrating on wellne ss rather perform surgery and prescribe medi­ thing extra" in four years of basic os­ times help other illnesses. The whole than illne ss. cation in all 50 states. I know you• re teopathic medical education and even key to remember is that th e human thinking , so ... what's the difference? in osteopathic residencies. Osteo­ body can innately heal itself, and it is For more information about os­ That i s the question that man y pathic medical scho ols emphasize the physician's job to facilitate that teopathic medicine , medical training , American s are attempting to answer. training students to view the patient natural proces s. or to find a D.O. near you, visit http: / The American Osteopa thi c as a whole person. In stead of on ly Another added bonus that D .O.s /www.aoa Association's (AOA) answer to this is having your symptom or present ill­ carry in their bla ck bags is OMT or an all out "Unity Campaign" to make ness treated with medication, D.O .s osteopathic ma nipulative therapy . Contrib111edby Tyuse L Gaines, graduate the general publi c aware of the differ ­ sw1/e111of Nova Southtasltm Univusity assess the entire health of their pa­ Osteopathi c manipulati ve therapy i s ence between M.D .s and D.O.s. The School of Osteopathic Medicine tients, includin g home and work en­ combining the under standing of the ads are expected to reach over 11 mil­ vironments. body's interconnectedness and hands­ lion co nsume rs abou t two time s a Why is this so important? Each on treatment. OMT can be used to month for nine month s. The ads can If' you have any person i s made up of many different ease pain in childbirth , s ubside low be found in The Oprah Maga zine, aspects. The mind affects the body back pain , stretch light muscles, move questions concerning Redhook , The Family Plus Edition of affects the mind and so forth. Osteo­ stagnant lymph fluid throughout the Reader 's Digest, Self and Parent s. pathic phy sicians are taught to under­ body, and much more . OMT i s par­ Health ... Pleasc feel Instead of wa .iting for the ads to stand how all of the body 's systems ticularly important in preventative come out, The Onyx Informer has the free to contact: are interconnected and how they af­ medicine, keeping patient s healthy opportunity to enlighten you now. The fect each other. Just think about how before an illness can develop. MAPS at... first thing to realize is that both types physically bad you feel when you are Although there ar e so me D .O.s of physicians are very, very similar. mentally stressed or lacking sleep. who do not u se OMT in their own After obtaining a Bachelors deg ree, 11111111111111\~ p1L'h1.\1ltht0 11111111.1il.u 1111 Think about how ten sion from a long practices, many hold onto the holisti c Onyx Informer Student Concerns 8 Universities Ban Smoking Student concerns Smoking in Residence Halls Being Banned by Many Universities What Issues Do You Have With In a trend thnl has already started lie Health provides many positive rea- among many univer-;;.ities, ~moking is sons m which have co me from a The University, and How Can being banned on many university cam- smoke free housing environment. In puses (administrative buildings. class- the study it provides facts in which de- We Make it Better? room,. and residence halls) in a pro- tai ls that by having a smoke free hous- cess of providing a smoke free envi- i ng environment, it allows non-smok- ronment. Nowthi s story is not 10 alarm ers to avoid the addiction of while in Over th e years, s tudents here ·is, there a re c urr en tly no space, you in anyway. Nonheastern 's Resi- co llege. It also states that by having at Northeastern have ex pr essed unless you're o n that spec ial wait­ dential Life, and the Uni- such a living environ- their di slike for many of the pro­ ing list. ment, it can also be a versity in general have grams, department s, faci lities, e tc. not made any decisions sign from the univer- that they have to deal with on a 4. Cafeteria - Same o ld, same on banning smoking in ;,ities stand point that st day that of the year when residence halls. So all they a re willing to daily basis from the fir old! Its that time the smoker s out there help stud ents stop they arrive here on cam pus. In a the cafe becomes a little too pre­ have not to worry about smoki ng and help poll that was conducted by the dictable. Students are calling for the at this point. those who need help Onyx Inform er over the pa s t need to hav e other options to the At the present time stopping kick t heir mon th, we are ab le to bring to you dining hall meal plan other than fast the univer sities has a smoking habits. the top five dislikes/problem s about food restaurants on campus. very ope n policy on Eighty-one per- the uni versity that stud ents have 1 smoking. Detailed in the 7iv,,,ty-seve~ P'':""" of colleges cent of co lleges pro­ expressed having problem s with. 5. Residentia l Mai I - North­ student h andbook yo u pro/ubll smoking m reside/Ice halls. hibit smoking in all easte rn or Bu st! Getting mail is al­ will find the smoking policy outlined public areas, but only twenty-seven I . Fin ancia l Aid - Show me ways a good thing, yet not receiv­ by the University. All University ad- percent prohibit smoking in residence the mone y! Students wan! to know ing it is a bad thing. Many resi dents ministrative and classroom buildings halls. Many of these schools prohibit are a smoke-free and tobacco free area. smoking anywhere campus buildings why it is so hard to get more money on cam pu s have told us that they Which ba sically mean ther e is no a ltogether. As a result they have ere- to pay fo r the ever-growing rate of are not receiving mail and packages smoking allowed within the confines ated a safe s moke area within the cam- a co llege education. and if they are its not on a timely of the building . Residence hall and pus for smokers to smoke. manner . apartment buildings are not covered by The s teady r ise in universities 2. Professors - No Engli sh al­ this policy. Residents w ho reside on banning smoking in housing has been lowed! Many of the students have The above list is a Ust among campus are allowed to smoke in their on a rise within the past three years. comm unicated that many of their many, in which details many prob­ rooms with the consent of their room- Could Nonheastern be the next one. profes sors don ' t speak Eng lish or lem s that stude nts hav e concerning mates and their door closed. lf you have an opinion about this just have a hard time expressing their the univer sity and its operations. In a national study that was con- let us know how you would feel if such lectu res in Engli sh so that studen ts If yo u h ave a ny concerns or ducted by the Harvard School of Pub- a situation would happen. may under stand . problems w ith the uni versity , just co ntact us at: 3. Resi de ntial Li fe - When onyx informer@ya can I mov e in? Many studen ts want Let u s know what co ncerns to move on campus, so they don ' t you have. We are here as a voice to The Onyx Informer is look­ have to deal with the problem s of the students. So co ntact us and let ing to for new members to off campus housing. Only problem yo ur concerns be heard.

fill staff positions for the IDVfrom Pg. 7 new year. to help this situation. Vaccine trials Phase m uses thousands of vol­ are the first step. unteers. all high risk, from even more sites. The purpose of this phase is to Positions avaliab/e What does all this "phase" determine bow well the drug works stuff mean? How do vaccine tri­ and if it causes an immune response are as follows: als even work? in those involved. This lasts for 3-4 years. Before any phases begin, the sci­ ence behind the research is done. Once Who are the volunteers? STAFF WRITERS that is complete, there are three phases of clinical trials. Volunteers must be from age 18 p HOTOGRAPHERS Phase I uses a sma ll number of to 60, in generally good health, and a volunteers (less than 50) at a few sites willing ness to help . Their safety is GRAPHIC O ESIGNERS in the United States and abroad. Dur­ protected by several groups who gov­ ing this phase, the safe ty of the drug ern such trials - Food and Drug Ad­ LAYOUT EDITORS and resultin g si de effec ts are tested. ministration (FDA), Community Ad­ Whether or not it actually works visory Boards (CAB), and Institution BUSINESS MANGER against th e virus is not tested. The Review Boards. volunteers in this phase have a very Many volunteers are those who DISTRIBUTION IC IRCULATION MANAGER low risk of contracting HIV. Thi s have seen what 1-0V/ AIDS does with phase lasts for 12 to 18 months. their own eyes, and lost a loved one in 5 PORTS EDITOR Phase U uses hundreds of volun­ the process. As a result, they now want teers of both low and high risk at a to spare others from the pain they ex­ larger number of sites. Those of high perience by participating and helping risk inc lude i njection drug users. find a cure. CONTACT US AT: people having unprotected sex and/or multiple partners. Phase U simply ex­ For more information about HIV tri­ ONYXINFORMER @YAHOO • COM pands on the information obtained als, visit from Phase r by testing the effects on or the immune system. This phase lasts for 2 years. Edutainment 9

A word to the wise ain't nec­ essary--it's the stupid ones who need advice. - Bill Cosby

Wha+ Ma{(et a Par+y... Got Issues! by : P. Retty of your body pierced as long as you 're Onyx Staff shorty lookin good tonight! I'm gonna So what 's the deal with body holla before the night is over" So like piercing s? Is it ju st a fad or does it ex­ happy with it. Like the old saying goes, A'ight so peep the scene: Party to­ an hour passes and they' re about to shut pre ss a person's sex uality? Should "Whateve r floats your boat!" ... How­ night at Regis. Lets set up the tasks: the doors for the night. I scope the cli­ people be more conscious of what they ever, that doesn 't mean all people feel gotta get a line-up, look for somethin entele, and the competition. A' ight, so pierce or say to hell with wbat people that way. jig, make sure I got enough deodorant, some how there ended up bein like twice think? You· II hear people, say that only clea n-up the kicks, and make s ure as many dudes as girls. How did that Now let's go down the list : you freaky, kinky women get their tongues there's enough gas in the car. lf not, col­ happen? I'm sayin, Regis is an all girls have tongue piercings, lip piercing s, pierced. The female whose tongue is lection will be goi n around for gas school, so I figured the females might belly piercing s, nipple piercings, and pierced must provide oral sex. If a guy money. So after about this party outnumber us. But then again, I guess piercings of the genitalia . Some people has his tongue pierced, he either loves all week, its time to let loose and forget a1Jth ese dudes thought the same. Damn! sa y they get providing oral sex about that te st r ju st did th e old I can't let this night be a complete waist, piercings to express or he's gay . "abacadaba" on. A'ight, I let all the boys so I go make the best of it. Collected their freedom , you Pierced nipples, to know we gona be ready by at least myself together, started walkin towards know all that righ­ some people, put a I 0:00. Cause I'm not tryin to get there missy from MI'f. teous stuff. And oth­ label on women as at 11:3 0, thinkin its cool to be fashion­ The DJ is playin that new joint by ers say it is just a being whores or ably late only to find out its full to ca­ Mary J, and the party is lookin crunk , way to ex pr ess sluts. Why would pacity and no one is getting in unless and vibin to the song. I pull up behind themselves person­ you want to get you're cool with someone at the door. shorty, started doin my thing-thing. She ally. During an inter­ one of the most Cool, we get there by 10:30. Not too ain't pulled away, so that's a good sign view with Jane t sensit ive parts of many people in line, the party sounds already. I'd hate to feel like an idiot, by Jackson on MTV, she was asked about your body stuck like it's live, and there's a cutie ahead goin up to a chic to dance, and she pulls her body piercings , and she said that her through with holes, unless you' re try­ of me in line. "Yo, Shizz, is that the chic away. That ' ll get you clowned by the pier cings express her sexuality. Now ing to show your breasts offl Take this from MIT?" "Yeah P, I think that is". fellas on the way home fo' shizzel. So you be the jud ge. example: a female ha s her nipp les "Word, I been thinkin about hollarin at we clickin a· ighi for this song, and then There are co mmon myths about pierced. She has on a body shirt. You her since that NU party we peeped her the DJ throws on some reggae. Ooh ... why people pierce this and pierce that. know when a little wind hit's her ches t at last month, so you know we bout to shorty sta rts to show me what she's There are also so-called "benefits" from with that tight shirt on what it will look be in there like swimwear!" workin with. Let's ju st pray wifey ain't pier cing certain parts of your body. Like, so imagine that same scenario but Fina lly, af ter payin , getting up in here! We gettin into it now. So I Piercing is an expression of who you are, with earrings on your nipples? Getting checke d by the metal dete cto r, and turned around. I gotta show her what I'm or who you really are inside but don 't the picture? OK, now is that trash or waitin for the fellas to catch up, we en­ workin with. Uh ob, what's this? A tag let people know. Basica lly the under­ class? You be the judge. That 's her busi­ ter. It ain't packed yet, but it looks very team? Who's this shorty comin from cover type. You could be a freak , in the ness, but you know what it will look like promis ing. The DJ is doin his thing, behind, makin me the meat in the sand­ oochie wally sense, a rebel, punk rocker, in the pub lic eye. Althou gh, peopl e playin the hottest ish, and keepin the wich? Hey, r keep on workin wit it wannabe , or whatever, but it's all about sometimes get piercings for no particu- crowd movin. Shorties is lookin proper, though. l tum around thinkin its some­ you. It is quite all right to get any part See Piercing s Pg. 11 and the compet ition ain't a threat yet. one I know, and it 's anot her dude! I'm in my little "play it cool" mode, nah Whoa! What 's that all about? I like to mean? Chillin , posted up against the get down at parties, but not like that. Mobb Deep Brings th e"lnfamous" wall peepin the scenario. Me and my Thi s party is a little too tight on the to Northeastern University man got our eyes on some females from dance floor. So after I got my Little dance Simmons,

''In The Fields" by: Joseph Banda "The Definition"by: Emecca II caused pain in me . When I ca me three tered. Pass ing strangers wa lked o n in limes three. Spoke longues thal I n eve r ignora nce . Warp ed to a bed, tied up and knew. Wipin g my eyes, c ryin g fo r m y now here 10 go . N aked 10 my ev il p as1 For con s, people have wo ndered I can' t be touched w ith fin gers, or crea tor. A l ear ex posed it se lf as if. To and humbl e begi nnings. Whal 's I hat in what I am seen wilh eyes lei! m e that I was in th e real . I felt th e the w indow? Doctors horned carry ing I am th e definit ion of wh at you do f make yo u feel butt erflies in yo ur thund er that made m e trave l. Into a nee dles in thei r hand s. We' re here to not und erstand stomach's insides tran ce that seemed famili ar. A sage help you so n, don' t worry. Drink thi s I' II make a woman feel like the I'm th erapeutic 10 pain. an umbr ella spoke about cos mic objec 1s and colors. and y ou' ll f ee l b etter. Hazy in und er­ quee n that she was born to be in rainstorms A fr eak s poke about how she please d standin g the situation at hand. My cross I' ll give a man the s upport and I give power to fo rgive the vi lest the world. A t eacher spoke about h ow is missing and hope is gone. A book bed­ gro undin g that he needs wrong to a ttain knowled ge. A dr ea mer spoke side e ntitled "Wh en I see you th ere." I see people fo r what i s truly in side I can make a kiss the swee t taste of about buildin g an empire. Drifting away Faded to the po int of no r eturn . Taki ng them affec tion I found my se lf in a co ncrete jun gle. steps 10 the 0 1her side. Ex pec1a1ions of I can not be bought with m oney o r I am th e gift God gave yo u, for yo u Walking by a litlle girl with blo od in her freedo m , bul it was n'I writt en. Worm­ material items to g ive to eyes. S he stre tched o ut h er arm s as i f ho led t o k ill ing fie lds wit h 1onu red I speak not with w ords, but with Th e peo ple in yo ur l ife you be lieve asking for food. I shook my head in d e­ souls. No respec t they crea 1ed with false ac tions to be spec ial nia l. Th en w a lked away a nd l oo ked jud gment. Li ving w here the dead play I' ll make yo ur body a n instrum enl I m ake yo u appr ecia te little things back. Fallin g to the g round & hem or­ poker with b ones. Num ber in h and and for hea ted p assio n life offer rhaging. She cri ed for help. If I, should futureless in a ca n. S hake n, s hrugge d I am your h ope in engulfin g despair Care and conce rn are my so ns an d I, could I , il' II be all right. St op lying to and bu mped . O ver here kid, need a place I am th e co nfidence that overcomes daughters yourse lf. As a vo ice s poke o ut th at thi s 10 s lay? Tri ed 10 speak, bul without th e your fear Wh en you have me, y ou j ust know i t is why. I wo uld p erish and man y that ex istence of a larynx. 1\vo w ill b e here My immortal attribut es last eternally You ca n't confine me, no matter how followed after. It's not my fault , wh o­ to get me. We prayed toge ther in the hut. T don't grow o ld with age, o r tire in hard you oppose it eve r yo u are. Take me home now be­ Like broth ers exc han ged love like fa m­ adversity I display a force that lakes ove r your for e I. Bri c ks slow ly b egan slippin g ily. Tick, loc k, but n o tim e ... x I in spire yo u to be ge ntle an d kind free w ill apart from the buildin gs. Piece by piece And t o unify w ith yo ur l ove r in I' II make yo ur happin ess a s hield my thou ghts were toss ed away and shat- body, soul and mind made o f stee l I am what you yearn for in ni ghts of I am the tut elage of all th at yo u ''My Queens" by: Maurice Archer loneliness consist of With out m e, hours of day m ove I am what I want yo u to share w ith I love hip-hop baby carriage-i n so me years motionless me ...... Tru e Love da yo ung quee n of my life when we bee n thr ough m ore tears don 't speak mu ch now my mic in ya hand she stuck me wi t a knife crea te bea utiful art & bus iness plans didn't ca tch m e in m y back come see me when I 'm wit my ma ns The On x Informer she graze d my heart yo (yo u so cute shorty) didn' t call her a hoe Loyal & you know how to hang survived the blow t hough speak a little hood slang, Serving the People of the African eve rybody blow doe be doin ya ow n th ang Jay-Z's fa ult-friend o r foe Diaspora Since1972. that's only fo r th e tr ue fa ns f*okin in th a shower a' ight, back to my o riginal plan al th e kilchen tab le-looki n at ya labels Managing Editor Andre Jean-Francois she sa id I stuck her first w it my ni%%as in th e o lher room leaki n some love jui ces , Business Editor Alithea Casimir I lis1en 10 her !apes & tu nes what do n't kill you , almos t everyw here I go make yo u stronger I hear her words echo Treasur er Ra chelle Vil/arson this relationship is the prov in' "You neva listen 10 me!! true, I picked up the mic Shut the f*ck up, so I can 1alk !" when I was yo unge r in the game damn, I though ! I li stened 1000 m uch Layout Team Princ ess Cooper-Brown lack of expe rience wru, obvious damn, you go 1 a Sexy a$$ wa lk Shaun White now, I' m fee lin 1he same ... I wanna smack ya pretty a$$ pain you might' ve fe lt nah yo, I'm ju st playii in like when you so ld out 10 get fam e not rea lly Copy Editor Princess Cooper -Brown every pos itive has a nega tive but r ea lly sh*I I rea lized when I felt lame we al l m ake mistakes since we gon na be go ne eve ntuall Health MAPS-SNMA y forgive all the s h*t th at's fake I'm a enjoy this Iii i1's mean1 to be back is where I wanna 1ake we nee d to stan families my words that bro ugh1 tears Edutainm ent Jose Masso and thin kin about real ity almos t end it righ1 here dreamin h ow & w hat 10 build as for m e and you Opinions uncl.fc'eling.1 e.r11res.1ecl in The Onr.r she go t peo ples minds fi lled as long as the real shine 1hrough wit Bull sh*t ln/imner hr co/11111nis1 tt'rilcr.1. editoriul 11.,-iter.1. c111c/ l'm a neva have a sho rty like yo u still I l ove da essence of her music "the lwt er" ure not n1·cc's.wril .,· those of' The Ony.r lis1en to old classics Love, I go t mad fo r yo u. when m y life get drastic stu{ror of' the Nort heu.,TC'rn({( /111i11istrn tim1. The Onr.r tha1's the Truth abo u1 my neva fienin'. slay dreamin ' music/c ulture. is u 111onthlr puhli cution run hr 1111c!C'lgrnc/11ute we could rea lly make a marri age st11den1.1, ii-ho 01·er.1ee u/1 u.111ectsUJI( / OJ)('rntio11.1· All poems, prose, and other expressive e ntries may be s ubmitted to [email protected]. Submissions must b e e-mailed and submit­ in\'(/h-ing the production of this J//lhlirn1io11. ted in hard cop y form, with a maximum length of thirt y lines for po­ ems. All entri es that are print ed are copyrighted b y The Onyx In­ 011r.r /11/i1m 1('1' former and their respective authors. All rights reserved. The Onyx In­ ./30 C11r;-_rS111t le111C{'///t 'r 3M/ H11111i11g t 1111r\ i-e1111c· former reserves the right to edit submission s for layout purposes with Uo .11011. Mu . 02115 permission from the author. (6/ 7) 373-2250 Onyx Informer Edutainment 11 expect anything less from people who ---+- t - have been preparing for war no t by T H E E stock ing up on trivial things like canned goods or bottled water or eve n a gun, but by getting the real essentials; Ameri­ ~~ can flags that you can wave all the way to the grave. It';. hard to believe it's already been 'Tm racist and I'm willing to get my And while we' re on the topic of So, if anybody needs to find me, a w hole six months si nce the hater @ss kicked by an entire Black frater­ war and racism. why is the entire coun­ I'll be in the cut with Osama Bin Laden. blessed these pages. I guess time flies nity that's known for barking more than try ready to go to war with a certified That 's obviously the safes t place from w hen yo u ·re hat ing. Hopefully OMX. weari ng dog co llars and go ld racist who can barely read at the driver:s this idiot called the president. If you nobody's feelings have been hurt in the boots to prove it," you can only admire seat. Anyone who calls the enemy of rea lly need to get in touch with me, you process and if they have, too bad. their passion. I'm definitely not say ing war "evildoers" obv iously can' t read ca n ema il me at my new address , It seems that even after my in-depth that they don't deserve to get beat down, anything but a comic book at the most. ib ha1jn@h91mailcom. I changed it analysis of racism in the previous issue. though. The Q-dog s and any Black per­ I think stand-up comedians write his because I had to quit smoking weed. My people are still not fully clear on the son within a 500-mile radius should be speeches. But seriously , did we forget boss at the post office is tripping after current situation. As much as we've all standing in line to stomp a mudhole in chat George W. Bush has sen t more this anthrax situation. We' ll see how had our share of covert racism, blatant that @ss. Not me though. I'm a hater Black peop le to death by the electric long I can hold out. Until then, some­ acts of racial prejudice are always more not a fighter. chair than anthrax throu gh the mail? one tell Jay-Z . Michael Jordan and fun. So, to all aspiring racists and big­ And in light of the seriousness of How about the fact that he didn ' t even Michael Jackso n some for me? ots, if you really want to be successful this situation and a response I rece ived win the elect ion? Or, how about chat, Quit while you 're ahead. You' re too old at what you do, follow the examp le set last issue, it seems on ly appro priate that in Florida. where his brother is the gov­ for what you 're doing. Well. not Jay-Z, by those white fraternity kids at Auburn I take this time to apologize for the nega­ ernor, thousands of Black people' s votes but he still needs to ca ll it a day. You University who dressed up in blackface tive word s I directed toward s Black fra­ were thrown out the wind ow and thou­ can only quote Biggie so many times and Omega Psi Phi 1-shirts to a Hallow­ ternities and sororities. But. .. since it's sands more were prevented from even and a whole album of it is pretty much een party and even posed for pictures. about 10 be World War UI and we' re all getting to the ballots? But NOOOOO , when nobody wants to hear it anymore. Now, even if this offends you, you gotta go nna die anyw ays ... FORGET IT! now everyo ne wants fo rally behind the Unti l the next episode, Peace in the respect the fact that they have no shame When have I ever been known to act 811' dwarf who looks like his face is made Middle East. in what they do. Anyone that can say. appropriate ly? out of silly putty. I guess I shouldn 't Piercings from Pg. 9 Party from Pg. 9 Wentworth. lar reaso n, whate ver socie ty fee ls and chill. 1 like to dance, but not when But for those of you that are new about it. everyo ne may judge it the it feels like someone's tryin to run up in to the whole college party thing, or if In Our next Issue same way society does. my pants, nah I mean? you only go once in a while, here is As far as tongue rings go , the So what makes a party good? I fig­ the list of the top 5 best college party pleasure from the ring, will make you ure it depends on all the right elements: schools (in I st being the best, etc.): The Return of sing. For the ladies, piercings on the a good DJ seems to be most important , Wentworth, BU, MIT, Wellesley and genitalia are supposed to create mul­ a good crowd (meaning participa tion), BC. Sorry NU! We don't throw the best tiple orgasms ... even if you're just sit­ hopefully enough security in case heads ones, but why is it that we are always r-Is. 1:ubian ting do wn. Is that tru e? I reall y start to wild out, and a good variety of at these other schools reppin deep? couldn't tell you. Nipple rings, well choices (in my case that would be twice Something I' ll never understand. personally, I do not understand it my­ as many women as men). If any of, he That 's it for now. Hope y'a ll self. But I'v e heard that having your elements are off, it could make it a wack learned some vital information fo r en­ "Funny Man" nipples pierced make them feel better party. But just the right ingredients could tertainment. Till next time, holla at you when they are being stimulated . make it the party of the year. Oh, how at the parry! Part in Lawren ce Well, whatever the deal is on could I forget about location? Yeah, I piercings it's all about choice , what­ have a whip, but what about out-of­ ever you decide 10 do , do it. Whatever towners that only got means of trans­ I f you wan t your your reaso n is for getting the piercing portation through the MBTA? Sucks for ITas... Stillma tic you got, that's your business. Just be them huh? There are some many things part y or event safe and keep that thing clean. to consider. Like what if the party is bein thrown all the way out in Amherst, but re viewed. If you Got Issues with any­ the frat that' s throw in it is known for thing in particular ... throwin the best parties? Tha t's a tough The Hater decision to decide if I should go or not. Just writ e to us. I look at all my options and then decide. ...let us know, we'll talk Lets say there is a part y at Conta ct us: about it! Framingham State (FSC) , a party at [email protected] Kwanza Celebration Wellesley. and a party at Wentworth. Onyxlnforme [email protected] The one out at FSC is bein thrown by their Black student alliance , the women of Ethos are throwing the party out at Wellesley, and the Wentworth party is bein throwin by the Deltas. Which party HANG or BANG: By Killa B Da Bandit have I heard people talkin about the Top S Albums to Bang: Top S Albums to Hang: mosi? Answer: Wellesley. Which par­ ties are usually the wackest? Answer: 1 . Ghostface Killah-Bulletproof Wallets 1 . OMX-The Great Depression Framingham State. Which party is the "A Masterpiece, can't even explain it in words" "The title explains it all" eas iest to get to (in my case)? Answer: Wentworth . A' ight so FSC is out of the 2. Urs ula Rucker-S upe r Sista 2. Mary J . Blige-No More Drama picture. Now its between Wellelsey and "Spoken word that uplifts the human con- "I think that is what she needs on this album, Wentworth. Hmm ... Wellesley is an all sciousness" just that MJB drama is missing" girls' school, but the Deltas are throwin the party at Wentworth. Last time I went 3. Bilal-First Born Second 3. Fabo lous- Ghetto Fabolous to a party at an all girls' schoo l. there "You can listen to this album without skipping "Who cares?" were twice as many guys as girls. Plus any tracks " not that many people have access to a car to get all the way out there. So that 4. Mystic-C uts for Luck and Scars for Free dom 4. J uvenile-Project English means that most likely students from "This album should be bought on the title "On Juve 's latest Project, I heard no English... ' BU, Simmons. Emmanue l, Wentworth, alone, but it holds it's own weight" NU, Emerson and maybe BC will be goin to Wentworth. I think you can see 5. Rushya / Phast life Dynasty-Compilation Vol. 1 s. Coo Coo Cal- Disturbed where I'm gonna cast the ballot at right? "For that Boston gangsta ish to pump in your "Based on the title, that is how I felt after Look s lik e I'm motivating to ride or the club" listening to it" Onyx Informer Sports 12

You can't win unless you learn how to lose.

- Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

Huskies Find Key To Success by: The Onyx Sports Squad There must be a bug or sick- ship. The Lady Huskies will take on strong. squad, the Huskies have a lot to look ness that is spreading across on the University of Texas, Wh en many forward too. Huntington Avenue. For some rea- who posted a 16-12 re- peopl e aro und New Out with the old and in with son many of the sports teams have corded during the regu- England hear the name the new, Coac h Everhart of the been hit with a winning virus. For lar season. The Huskies Brady, they associate it men's basketball team has given the first time in recent years, NU are looking to continue with Brady of the New the men's program something to sports teams have enjoyed the bit- their success that has England Patriots. Well look forward too. With many new ter sweet taste of victory. As the col- already provided them the Huskies have their players on the squad, the team has legiate sports season shifts into win- with their first America own Brad y, Shawn definitely shown that they are a bet­ ter season, many fall sport teams East Conference title. Brady. In his freshman ter group and headed in the right di- bad the opportunity to bring home The women's yea r he ha s r ec t io n conference titles as well as a chance hockey team, start ed ' be en abl e to th an they to participate in off the seaso n G1111nis 111ai111ai11i11g a .936 help turn the have been the NCAA Tour- no oth er way save percentage this season. football team in recent naments in their than just being aroun d. He years. The r e s p e c t i v e perfect. The Huskies started wasn' t alone in the teams Hu s kie s sports. off the season I0-0-0, mark- success. The team was lead who are O­ It seems as ing one of the best starts for by tailb ack L.J. McKana s S this sea­ if the Women the team in years. l'he Hus- who charged the way for the so n, have Huskie s are kie s eve ntu ally suff ered Huskies to a 5-6 record. Be- c o m e making move s their first los t during the sides the fact the team fin- close in all to bring North- Thanksgiving break, with a ished off the season below Coach Everhart has many new of there eas tern on the 1-0 loss to Niagara . Despite five-hundred , it was still a goals 10 alfain 1his seaso11. games. In sports map. On Volleyball team celebrates the loss, the Lady Huskies successfu I seaso n . Aft er a matter of Tue sday, No- a11~101mcemem ofr heir~ lace~11ent are still on top in league starting off slowly, the team picked time , after the team has had a 111 th vember27 , 2001 e NCAA Champions/up. play. With Chanda Gunn in up the pace towards the end of the chance to adjust with each other, the women's volleyball team was between the poles this seaso n, season and picked up key wins. we' II see this learn become a con­ selected to make their first appear- there' s a good chance that the Hlls- With Brady in the pocket and many tender in the new ly re-s haped ance ever in the NCAA Champion- kies will finish off the season returnin g players for next years America East Conference.



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