Discussion Guide on Philippians 2:17-30 the Following Is A
Discussion Guide on Philippians 2:17-30 The following is a suggested discussion guide for you to use with your family, small group, or Sunday Morning Bible Study as we walk through the book of Philippians. Feel free to use what is helpful in this guide to lead you in discussion. Introduction Spend a few minutes answering an icebreaker question in your group. An example icebreaker question might be: “This day and age, we often communicate with phone calls, text messages, and emails, but for thousands of years, most people communicated through the writing of letters. Who is the last person you received a personal letter from, or wrote a personal letter to?” Explain that this question connects with our passage today, which is part of a letter Paul wrote to the church at Philippi. Today’s section of the letter, Philippians 2:17-30, discusses Paul’s itinerary and his fellow ministry companions. Although we might be tempted to overlook these types of sections in biblical letters, often these types of passages, full of details about companions and plans, have a lot to say to us about what it means to live the Christian life. Video Watch the video for Philippians 2:17-30, which can be found at www.mbbc.org/home-church. Discussion Read Philippians 2:17-24 again as a group. Ask, “Does it seem odd to you that, in the middle of this long explanation of who Christ is, and who we are called to be, Paul would include these details about his companions?” Explain that while these details may seem insignificant, the information included about Timothy, Epaphroditus, and Paul himself helps illustrate the point of Philippians 2.
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