8/24/2016 Bron Taylor - Exploring and Studying Environmental Ethics & History, Nature Religion, Radical Environmentalism, Surfing Spirituality, Deep Ecology and m… PUBLICATIONS INTERVIEWS PRESENTATIONS INITIATIVES COURSES BLOG ABOUT FALL 2016 Religion & Nature in RELIGION AND NATURE North America University of Florida in NORTH AMERICA, FALL 2016 ‐ Description ‐ THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA ‐ Readings ‐ ‐ Requirements ‐ ‐ Evaluation ‐ "Without a fascination with the grandeur of the North American continent, ‐ Schedule ‐ the energy needed for its preservation will never be developed" ~ Thomas Berry ‐ Resources ‐ SECTIONS FALL 2016 Religion & Nature REL 3103 & 5199: Thursday, Period 9‐11 (4:05‐7:05p.m.), Flint (Graduate Seminar) Hall, Room 119 FALL 2015 Environmental Ethics (Rel 2104) University of Florida INSTRUCTOR SPRING 2015 From Disney to Avatar: Professor Bron Taylor (Ph.D.) Religion, Spirituality & Popular Culture Email:
[email protected] University of Florida Office: Anderson 121 FALL 2014 Office hours: Thursday 1:00‐3:00 and by appointment Religion & Nature (Graduate Seminar) FALL 2013 Environmental Ethics DESCRIPTION (Rel 2104) The University of Florida Brief Course Description (in UF Catalogue) JUNE 2013 Investigation of the ways that “religion” and “nature” have evolved and influenced one another during the cultural, Religion, Nature & Popular Culture political, and environmental history of North America since European Contact. University of Colorado SPRING 2013 From Disney to Avatar: Précis Religion, Spirituality & Popular Culture