Using Multiple Intelligences to Brainstorm Alien Concept Art

Directions: Students will either rotate in groups through the activities or be given the the materials and stay in one area to com​ p​ lete the tasks. In each activity students will be given a different task and resources or materials to help them brainstorm ideas. After each group has completed each task, students will reflect in their Concept Art Character Design Groups. Task 1: Verbal/Linguistic: Students will create a rhyme or phrase that compares the human race as a whole, to a fictitious ​ alien life form (the group creates) and the planet they reside from. Pick a real planet that NASA believes is in the habitable zone of a solar system. See the link below:­keplers­hall­of­fame­small­habitable­zone­exoplanets

Type or write your Rhyme or Phrase Here:

Task 2: Logical/Mathematical: Students will solve the problem of how far planet earth is from the planet their group picked. ​ The planet should be chosen from the Kepler Planets NASA believes is one of the habitable zone planets where their alternate life force resides. Students may have to do a little research. Use the link below:­keplers­hall­of­fame­small­habitable­zone­exoplanets

Name of Habitable Zone Planet Here:

Knew Name your group has given it:

Distance from Earth:

Diameter or Size of Planet Compared to Earth:

Task 3: Bodily/Kinesthetic: Create a short skit that includes dialogue and action, showing the moment when mankind ​ meets the groups fictitious intelligent alien life force from the planet ______(your planet here). ​ Title:

Actor 1:

Actor 2:



Task 4: Musical/Rhythmic: Create a song with rhythm to send out into the universe as the first possible correspondence ​ with another intelligent life from. Or choose a song and explain why your group picked the song to broadcast to the universe. Examples: Radar Makes Round Trip To Moon 1946­01­31 Universal Newsreel Project Diana Earth­Moon­Earth ­ 'A Glorious Dawn' ft (Symphony of Science)

Task 5: Visual/Spatial: Each student will draw/sketch a picture representing what they believe other intelligent alien life ​ forms may look like. Students will also describe where they come from and the cultural norms they follow. ​ Resource 1: on Alien Brains: ​ ​ Note: Use white drawing paper and pencils/color pencils or pens to draw.

Task 6: Interpersonal: Students will pair up with a friend/partner in their group and describe the difference between an Alien ​ Concept Artist, an Alien, a Resident Alien and a Non­Resident Alien using the internet / smartphones.

Alien Concept Artist Alien Resident Alien Non­Resident Alien Why do we call people aliens in the United States? Do you agree/disagree? Why?

Task 7: Intrapersonal: Students will independently practice drawing/sketching their alien concept art character design. ​ Note: Students will be given more to develop their alien concept art in the following activities.

Debrief with your Concept Art Character Design Group: After everyone has completed each task, reflect with ​ your Concept Art Character Design Groups. ● Students should think about which activity they preferred and which one they remember the most. ● Students should discuss if the activity they remember most is congruent with their dominant intelligence? Whole Class Share Out: Students will share at least 2 concepts that each group came up with for the Verbal, ​ ​ Musical, Logical or Visual