The Dept. of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Copenhagen University Announces

Lecture and Discussion: Prof. Gideon Greif, When: Thursday September 27th 16.15-17.15 Where: Snorresgade U 5


Chair: Thomas Brudholm

This presentation describes the mass killing process in the gas chambers and crematories of Auschwitz-Birkenau in a very detailed manner. It is accompanied by a PowerPoint presentation and by short videos showing interviews with former Jewish prisoners. Based on exclusive interviews with the last survivors of the Jewish “”, who were forced to take part in the process of industrial killing in Auschwitz-Birkenau, made by the author, the presentation offers a clear vision of the mass murder in the largest extermination camp of Nazi Germany, in which about one and a half million people— most of them Jews—were murdered. The presentation reconstructs the crucial stage of ”The Final Solution”, beginning with the arrival of a transport, the ”selection”, the methods of deceit, the structure and architecture of the Gas chambers and the various tasks of the “Sonderkommando” prisoners. The lecture deals with an aspect of the Shoah that was rather unknown until now and enables the understanding of the Genocide, which was executed in Auschwitz.

Gideon Greif is an Israeli historian, educator and pedagogue. He is Professor for Jewish and Israeli History at the Schusterman Center for Jewish Studies at the University of Texas at Austin. He is also Chief Historian and Researcher at the "Shem Olam Institute for Education, Documentation and Research on Faith and ”, , and at the Foundation for Holocaust Education Projects in Miami, Florida.