Clerk to the Governing Body: Mrs Emma Dixon [Clerking for Governors Ltd] 01274 560305 07787 502231
[email protected] Minutes of a Meeting of the Governing Body of Rastrick High School & Sixth Form College held on Wednesday 10th July 2013 at 5:00pm Present: Mr D Brundell (Chair), Mrs H Lennie, Mr D Knox, Dr G Hallas, Mr D Nortcliffe, Mr N Watkins, Mr P Shaw, Mrs A Elliott,Mrs R Willshaw, Mrs V Randhawa, Mr P Cockcroft (arrived at 6.49pm), Mr I Philp, Mrs R Gilson-Hook, Mr A Tatham, Mrs C Hill (arrived at 7.05pm) & Mr S Pitchfork Observers: Mr C Meredith, Mr M Crowther and Mr D Lord Clerk: Mr D Whitehead Mr D Brundell welcomed all to the meeting and requested a moments silence in Actionee(s) memory of Herbert Gooder who became a Governor of Rastrick Grammar school in 1955 and was subsequently Chair of Governors there before going on to become a Governor of Rastrick High School until 1988. 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Mrs F Ward, Mrs C Richardson and Rev M Pollard 2. CONSENT TO ABSENCES Governors consented to the absences noted above. 3. DECLARATION OF INTEREST OR PECUNIARY INTERESTS There were no declarations of interest. 4. NOTIFICATION OF ITEMS TO BE BROUGHT UP UNDER ANY OTHER BUSINESS There was no notification of any other business. 5. MINUTES AND MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MEETING ON 15.05.13 The minutes of the meeting held on 15th May 2013 were agreed and signed as a true record of the meeting.