Clerk to the Governing Body: Mrs Emma Dixon [Clerking for Governors Ltd]  01274 560305  07787 502231  [email protected]

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Clerk to the Governing Body: Mrs Emma Dixon [Clerking for Governors Ltd]  01274 560305  07787 502231  Clerkingforgovernors@Sky.Com Clerk to the Governing Body: Mrs Emma Dixon [Clerking for Governors Ltd] 01274 560305 07787 502231 [email protected] Minutes of a Meeting of the Governing Body of Rastrick High School & Sixth Form College held on Wednesday 10th July 2013 at 5:00pm Present: Mr D Brundell (Chair), Mrs H Lennie, Mr D Knox, Dr G Hallas, Mr D Nortcliffe, Mr N Watkins, Mr P Shaw, Mrs A Elliott,Mrs R Willshaw, Mrs V Randhawa, Mr P Cockcroft (arrived at 6.49pm), Mr I Philp, Mrs R Gilson-Hook, Mr A Tatham, Mrs C Hill (arrived at 7.05pm) & Mr S Pitchfork Observers: Mr C Meredith, Mr M Crowther and Mr D Lord Clerk: Mr D Whitehead Mr D Brundell welcomed all to the meeting and requested a moments silence in Actionee(s) memory of Herbert Gooder who became a Governor of Rastrick Grammar school in 1955 and was subsequently Chair of Governors there before going on to become a Governor of Rastrick High School until 1988. 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Mrs F Ward, Mrs C Richardson and Rev M Pollard 2. CONSENT TO ABSENCES Governors consented to the absences noted above. 3. DECLARATION OF INTEREST OR PECUNIARY INTERESTS There were no declarations of interest. 4. NOTIFICATION OF ITEMS TO BE BROUGHT UP UNDER ANY OTHER BUSINESS There was no notification of any other business. 5. MINUTES AND MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MEETING ON 15.05.13 The minutes of the meeting held on 15th May 2013 were agreed and signed as a true record of the meeting. Proposed: Mr D Nortcliffe Seconded: Dr G Hallas Any matters arising will be addressed in the course of the meeting. 6. MINUTES AND REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Copies of all committee meeting minutes had been circulated prior to the meeting. Student Welfare 11th June 2013 – Dr G Hallas gave a summary of the meeting to Governors, particularly the Behaviour Update and the policy review. Q – What strategies are in place to raise awareness of parents of entitlement to free school meals? A - Mr Meredith advised of the information which is sent to transition students and noted that letters to parents will be sent out in September. Q – Is the take up of this entitlement low? A – 18 months ago there were 115 entitled to free school meals and at the last count this has risen to 170. Almost all of those who qualify take up the offer of free school meals particularly since the introduction of cashless catering in school. The minutes were accepted as true record of the meeting. Proposed: Mr N Watkins Seconded: Dr G Hallas th Curriculum 4 June 2013 – Mr A Tatham advised that the Curriculum statement had been studied in detail by the committee. The importance of extra-curricular activities was noted in the statement. Mr D Lord advised of the importance in keeping abreast of the on-going developments of the national curriculum. Mr N Watkins advised of his non-attendance at the meeting and the minutes will be altered to reflect this. Subject to the above, the minutes were accepted as true record of the meeting. Proposed: Mrs R Willshaw Seconded: Mrs A Elliott Personnel 25th June 2013 – Dr G Hallas drew Governors attention to agenda item 8 Disclosure & Barring Service, and explained the differences between this and the existing CRB procedure. It was unanimously agreed that Governors will follow the same procedures as staff in this regard. Proposed: Mr D Knox Seconded: Mr I Philp The minutes were accepted as true record of the meeting. Proposed: Mr P Shaw Seconded: Mr D Nortcliffe Academy Trust 1st May 2013 – Mr D Brundell noted the main content of the meeting had been the Budget and explained in detail the item under Any Other Business which related to expenditure in respect quotations received for the work to the skylights and equipment for the Maths Centre. The minutes were accepted as true record of the meeting. Proposed: Mr I Philp Seconded: Mr S Pitchfork Academy Trust 26th June 2013 – Mr Brundell led Governors though the area which had been covered at the meeting including Staffing Update, Maths Centre, and the Energy Scheme. Under agenda item 8 Governor vacancies, it was noted that Mr S Pitchfork and Mrs F Ward had stood for re-election as Parent Governors and were unopposed. They Clerk have been duly appointed for another 4 year term as Governors. He noted the resignation as a Governor of Mrs R Gilson-Hook as a Staff Governor and thanked her for her commitment whilst a member of the Governing Body. Two members of staff contested the election which has been held and Ms Vicky Clerk Billcliff was elected by 86 votes to 31 for the other candidate. Due to Rev M Pollard taking up a new post as Rector of Bridlington, there is a vacancy for a Community Governor. Mr Brundell will consult with Mr S Evans, Mr D Brundell Headteacher-elect, to consider how best to fill this vacancy. In respect of the Secondary School Cluster it was noted that Mr I Philp will be the Governing Body representative. The minutes were accepted as true record of the meeting. Proposed: Mr I Philp Seconded: Mr D Brundell Finance, Premises & Audit 7th May 2013 & 2nd July 2013 - Mr I Philp noted the progress made with the Maths Centre in respect of the budget. He advised that a report had been requested for the end of the autumn term on the impact of the solar panels. He highlighted the potential for a budget deficit if changes are not made in school and advised of the additional committee meeting which has been arranged for 8th October 2013 to study this in further detail. Subject to amendments to incorrect dates in the minutes being changed, The minutes were accepted as true record of the meeting. Proposed: Mr D Knox Seconded: Mr P Shaw 7. GOVERNOR VACANCIES Addressed in the previous agenda item. 8. POLICIES REVIEW All policies had been circulated prior to the meeting and had been through the relevant committee process B12 Fire Drill Procedures Mr Meredith explained the reasons for the review. The policy gives guidance to students and staff during a fire drill. There were no questions from Governors. The policy was unanimously approved. Proposed: Mr D Knox Seconded: Mr D Nortcliffe Review date – 2015/16 B13 Plan of School This has been updated to include the new Maths Centre and was circulated for information. E8 Policy on Redundancy Mr Meredith explained the rationale for the policy and noted that historically the school has adopted the LA policy. Materially this covers the same areas as the LA policy and the amendments which have been made were noted. There no questions from Governors. The policy was unanimously approved. Proposed: Dr G Hallas Seconded: Mr D Nortcliffe Review date – 2016/17 F1 Curriculum Statement Mr D Lord advised that the statement has been updated to reflect the National Curriculum. The additional section on the Aims (F1.1) was explained in detail along with changes which have been elsewhere in the statement. Governors suggested minor changes to the layout. The policy was unanimously approved. Proposed: Mr A Tatham Seconded: Mr I Philp Review date - 2013/14 F19 Equality Policy This policy has been extensively reviewed by all sub-committees. The policy was unanimously approved. Proposed: Mr D Knox Seconded: Mr I Philp Review date – 2013/14 Recruitment of ex-offenders This new policy was explained in detail by Mr Meredith. There were no questions from Governors. The policy was unanimously approved. Proposed: Mr D Nortcliffe Seconded: Mrs R Willshaw Review date – 2015/16 D15 SEN (D) Policy It was noted that this policy had been reviewed by the Student Welfare committee. Governors suggested several amendments and it was agreed that the policy will be returned to the committee for re-consideration. Mr C Meredith Induction Checklist This had been circulated for Governors information and explained by Mr Meredith. He advised that the Staff Handbook and Guide to Safe Working Practices are issued to all staff and he explained the Guide to Safe Working Practices in detail. Mr C Meredith It was agreed that the handbook will be issued to all Governors. Responsible Internet Use (Circulated for information.) The rules for staff and students were noted and it was suggested that these rules should also be in place for Governors. Changes to some of the wording were suggested and these will be incorporated. Health & Safety Policy This had been circulated by email to all Governors and Mr Meredith explained the changes which have been made. The policy was unanimously approved. Proposed: Mr D Knox Seconded: Dr G Hallas G14 Data Protection Policy Mr Meredith noted the changes made particularly in respect of the length of time student data can be held. The policy was unanimously approved. Proposed: Mrs R Gilson-Hook Seconded: Mr D Nortcliffe Review Date – July 2016 CPD Self Evaluation and Appraisal Report 2012-13 This report had been circulated for information and Mr Lord noted that it was self- explanatory. The Ofsted view on CPD was explained. The report included:- External Training Record Internal Training Record Impact on Teaching & Learning as of June 2013 How the impact had been identified through observations was explained including the general improvement of teaching & learning. From questions asked, Mr Lord advised that the figures shown in the report include Post 16 and the percentage of staff in Business Studies engaging in CPD was an anomaly. The anomalies were explained in detail by Mr Lord & Mrs Lennie. The report noted that 92% of teaching in school is Good or Outstanding.
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