r1BDLOJQT$PVHBSTr(BUPSTSBMMZUP WJDUPSZr&$)4QVUT53$TPѫCBMMSFDPSEBU r7JLJOHTCPXUP3FE4QSJOHTr4UBMMJPOT GBMMUP4DPSQJPOTr8BUTPOTJTUFSTRVBMJGZGPS 3FHJPODIBNQJPOTIJQTr-BEZ1BDLFEHFT Sports 4#)44FFQBHF# ThePublished since 1890 every Monday and Tursday forReporter the County of Columbus and her people. Monday, April 2, 2012 Hudson Grant hearing to named Volume 121, Number 78 include talk of Whiteville, North Carolina new head wellness center 75 Cents of chamber n‘Not feasible’ for now, says chair- Mary Lee Eveleigh Hud- man. son of Myrtle Beach is the Inside Today new executive director of the By NICOLE CARTRETTE 4-A Greater Whiteville Chamber Staff Writer r&YMBXNBOQMFBET of Commerce. Hudson brings more than While construction of a Wellness Center BHBJOJO3PCFTPO 20 years of experience in man- to “serve the public in the Whiteville area” is DBTF agement, sales, marketing, included as a topic of discussion in an upcom- , fundraising ing Community Development Block Grant DIDYOB? and business development to hearing, for now it is just talk. the position at both start-up Columbus County Commissioners Chair- Did you observe ... and established multi-unit man Amon McKenzie said the county is in the companies. process of applying for a CDBG for roughly Pizza Village’s Pete “I am as excited about Mary $500,000 that has very flexible uses but that Padrick taking the Lee accepting this position ultimately the board is focusing on housing as she is about moving to rehabilitation and waterline projects. not a stage at Vineland Whiteville and getting started wellness center. Emporium Friday leading our chamber into the “A wellness center will cost far more dollars future,” said GWCC President than what we can accomplish,” McKenzie said. night to sing Willie Jackie Ray. “From the first few McKenzie said while he sees a “great need” Nelson-style “House moments of the interview, I for such a center in the county that is ranked knew she had the energy, expe- 100th in the state for health, the board would of the Rising Sun” rience and vision the chamber likely opt for some of it to be used on parks and with former Onslow board and its members were recreation, home rehabilitations and other looking for in the new execu- such projects. County band buddy tive director. She came to the “We’ve leaned away from the wellness Alex Bryan accom- table with fresh ideas already center. It is not feasible,” McKenzie said. He in hand and is enthusiastic See Wellness center, page 2-A panying him on the about getting to work. guitar as part of the “Janice Young has put her East Coast Coun- heart and soul into this job and our wider community for 11 Buyout of Carolinas try Band? ... Folks years,” Ray added. “We knew picking strawberries these were going to be hard Medical Response locally this morning? shoes to fill, but we’re confi- service in the works ... Judy Harritan See Hudson, page 9-A By NICOLE CARTRETTE enjoying husband Staff Writer Don’s jokes at the Staff photo by Mark Gilchrist Road may be A long-time private non-emergency ambu- Athletic Associa- Community project lance service in the county may be under new tion of Whiteville’s named for UNCW nursing student Victoria Barton, left, attaches a board to a new ownership soon. fundraiser Saturday deck at the N.C. Boys and Girls Homes Saturday as a fellow student Tonight commissioners will be asked to braces it for her. The students raised money to build an “outdoor living agree to a change in its franchise agreement McGlockton with Carolinas Medical Response. night? ... Te Cin- space” for residents of the facility. ema showing the By NICOLE CARTRETTE Under the county franchise agreement with Staff Writer all such entities, preapproval of the board classic movie “Gold- is required when a change of more than 10 fnger” during the A group of friends, family percent of the ownership without approval of members and former class- Hall named head of Lake the county terminates the existing franchise. Columbus County mates of the late Chester Mc- The name of the company, Carolinas Medi- Arts Council’s James Glockton are requesting that cal Response, will remain the same along with that a road in Whiteville be Waccamaw State Park the firm’s employees but a stock-based sell of Bond-themed fun- named after the star athlete By RAY WYCHE Hall and his wife presently reside the company is planned. draiser downtown who died last year at his Dan- Staff Writer in Whiteville but expect to move into “All aspects of the company except for Tursday night? ... ville, Calif. home. the superintendent’s house in the ownership will remain the same. This includ- Former teammate and fel- Toby Hall, who first began work park in the near future. He attends ing the name and location of the company, Area azaleas and low student at WHS, attorney at Lake Waccamaw State the First Presbyterian facilities we service along with all equipment, dogwoods peak- Matt Tedder, has requested Park in 1999, has been Church in Whiteville. vehicles and other assets and staff unless oth- that Fruit Ridge Road be re- named superintendent Hall began his career erwise updated by the new owner(s) after the ing and losing their named in honor of the football of the facility, replacing in park management sale, at which you will be informed,” President blooms? Tere won’t great. That request comes former Superintendent as a summer seasonal Lloyd Buffkin wrote in a March 26 letter to before the Columbus County Chris Helms who was park ranger in Aca- the board. be as much color this County Board of Commission- promoted to superinten- dia National Park in Buffkin and his wife Belinda have owned Easter Sunday. ... ers tonight. dent of Carolina Beach Maine and also worked the company for 14 years and he said they plan McGlockton was a first- State Park. as a seasonal ranger at to remain on hand in an advisory capacity to round draft pick of the Los Hall, a native of Maine, Grand Canyon National ensure a smooth transition. Angeles/Oakland Raiders in was a ranger at the state Park. “It has been a rewarding experience and 1992 and four-time NFL Pro- park at Lake Waccamaw A graduate in parks we are glad to have helped as many people as County Deaths Bowler who played 12 seasons from 1999 to 2004. He Toby Hall and recreation manage- we have,” Buffkin said. “We are not going any- as an NFL lineman. At the then worked as a Wildlife ment from the Univer- where. We are still in Columbus County and Whiteville time of his death last year, Commission enforcement officer sity of Maine at Presque Isle, Hall may try doing something else in the county.” Ann D. McLaughlin he was an assistant coach at until 2007. said his aim is to manage the park fa- Illinois based, A.T.S. Medical Services Shirley Patterson Stanford University and just He returned to the park in Octo- cilities to “promote the educational will be the new owners but Buffkin said the Tabor City ber 2007 as an advanced chief ranger. See Hall, page 2-A ownership change will be advantageous to See McGlockton, page 2-A Marvin Linwood Tyner See Buyout, page 2-A Chadbourn Gloria Jean Bethea Lake Waccamaw Bobby Dale Stanley Local man frst Wildlife ofcer in FBI course By JEFFERSON WEAVER In addition to nearly half the country, Long said, he Staff Writer sat in class with law officers from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Niger, Canada, Hungary, Chile, Uganda, Brazil, Barba- Index A local Wildlife Resources Commission enforcement dos, Argentina, South Korea, Vietnam, China, Austria, officer recently became the first from his agency to Thailand, Albania, Poland, France, Kazhakstan, Spain, &EJUPSJBMT" complete a prestigious national course. Cyprus, Belgium, Pakistan, Greece and other countries. 0CJUVBSJFT" Lt. Matt Long of Whiteville was selected to attend “It was an incredibly diverse group,” Long said. “You 4QPSUT# the FBI National Academy more than a year ago. He is learned a lot about the course topics, of course, but you $SJNF" a lieutenant with District Four, which includes Colum- learned a lot about other countries and yourself, too.” -JGFTUZMFT" bus County. Long took courses in forensic investigation, manage- The 10-week course is an intensive regimen of leader- ment of investigations, computer crimes, leadership in ship, training and specialized skills for law enforcement law enforcement, and communications for supervisors. from all disciplines. The leadership classes were some of the most en- “It was not a vacation,” Long said. lightening, Long said. The veteran lieutenant said he worked with officers “You have this huge variety of people, different life of all ranks from agencies in 28 states and 20 foreign experiences, different cultures, and you get feedback countries. that really opens your eyes,” he said. “We had a lot of Two others were wildlife officers, he said, including mutual ground, but we also got the chance to see our the chief of Arizona’s game and fish division. Others experiences through someone else’s viewpoint. You re- Matthew Long climbs an obstacle along came from across the spectrum — from chiefs with small ally get a lot out of an experience like that.” the “Yellow Brick Road,” a challeng- departments and urban police agencies to a colonel in ing course at the FBI training facility in the Egyptian state police agency. See FBI, page 9-A Quantico, Va. Submitted photo 2-A – The News Reporter, Monday, April 2, 2012

This week, on... Buyout Continued from page 1-A Children invited to make fowers for cross As Mother Nature brings the county. the colors of spring, children “The change will bring ben- around the county are busy efit to Columbus County. They making flowers that they will can offer a lot more than I can,” use for an unforgettable Eas- Buffkin said. “With the expe- ter. April 2, 2012 rience of this company, good Using colorful craft tissue public relations and opinion paper, church leaders are guid- of their clientele and patients ing their children in making Sports of all Sorts! they come well recommended. flowers that they will place The News Reporter has “We thought about it long in a 15-foot form, creating a been the best of and hard, wanted our employ- large cross that will be raised Columbus County sports ees to be taken care of and for during the community sunrise news for generations, and service to remain the same service in downtown White- now we’re expanding our – cheerful, bright, helpful and ville Easter Sunday. coverage in a robust section courteous. Patient care was “They want to be a part of on Whiteville.com making something that will Sports of all Sorts went our main concern,” Buffkin live last week, with sev- said. eral new features that will Founded in 2005, ATS pro- The flowers are very sim- surely make it your first vides a variety of services, in- ple to make, in three steps: stop for all things sports in cluding critical care transport, Cut craft tissue paper into Columbus. according to information given Want to know who is to the county along with the squares, six by six inches. playing where tonight? request. Those services include Take three or four squares We’re excited about our contracted 911 services for West in one hand, place a pencil Upcoming Sports Events Point Military Academy, Minot calendar, which you’ll find in the middle, squeeze the Air Force Base, Polo, N.D., and on the right at the top of various facilities and communi- paper around it and re- the page. move. Twist the stem tight This calendar is just the ties in Illinois and Indiana. tip of the sports-berg and The company provides medi- to make it firm. represents just the bigger cal response services in com- events. Click the button munities and facilities in Illi- below the calendar for “all” nois, North Dakota, New York bring joy to so many people events. and Indiana as Priority One, a on this beautiful day as we We say “all” because division of ATS. remember that Jesus is alive,” we’re determined to post Along with the request, are said Debbie Simmons, who is every scheduled sporting various letters of reference and directing the Walk With Jesus event in the county, and we recommendation written on flower campaign. can use your help. If your behalf of ATS. Any church, organization, events aren’t listed, fax your family or individual can par- schedule to 642-1856, atten- ticipate by bringing flowers tion: Stuart High. they made. At left, you’ll see a slide Hall show featuring our latest Continued from page 1-A Organizers expect more Submitted photo sports photos. Click on one than 1,000 people to attend Children at Western Prong Baptist Church show off some of the fowers they have the service and Walk With and go to its album for many and recreational opportunities made and will place in the 15-foot cross during the sunrise service before Walk With Jesus, an ambitious project more. of the park as much as possible. Jesus Easter morning. Anyone may bring fowers they have made. Below that, you’ll see where participants will write “I’m inviting the citizens of the same sports news feed the entire New Testament on Columbus County to come to found on our front page, and sidewalks, mostly along Madi- Lake Waccamaw,” Hall said, our latest sports video. son Street. The event is attracting more children’s flowers will be an of their lives.” adding that the water in the The action really begins A committee represent- positive attention from media important part of Walk With No advance contact is need- lake “is of good quality” de- next, with Eye on the Game. ing several denominations around the state than this area Jesus for everyone involved. ed. Just bring flowers to the These feature sports spite the presence of algae at has organized an inspiring has had in many years, and “The children will remem- 6:30 service Easter morning editor Dan Biser and out- times that does not affect the service of prayer, Scripture organizers have stepped up ber this,” Simmons said. at the corner of Columbus and doorsman Jefferson Weaver. water condition of the lake. readings and music that will their plans to produce some- “They’ll remember making Madison streets in Whiteville. We hope these will draw Lake Waccamaw State Park involve creation of the flower thing that will let the beauty the flowers and watching Children will be called during many comments and start contains about 1,730 acres of of Columbus County shine their cross come to life in the the service to assemble the many conversations among cross, and will culminate in land area, plus the lake itself through. They feel that the sunrise, probably for the rest cross. our readers. its raising. that is slightly less than 10,000 Back on the right col- umn, look for our Twitter acres in size. The park’s juris- feed, with latest scores. diction includes the waters of Here is another opportunity the lake, and the park land area for you to get in the game. includes a small parcel at the Center to hold young adult job fair Become one of our score Waccamaw River mouth. providers and have your By JEFFERSON WEAVER to the job fair,” Keaton said. anything. But this is really their education, or what skills initials appear on every “This is a chance to fine-tune more about learning what’s they need.” Ray Wyche Staff Writer post. Contact Stuart High, some of their skills, and get a available.” Keaton said that he has 910-642-4104 ext. 229 at 642-4104 ext. 260. Seekers of work shouldn’t some advice on how to present With 13-plus percent unem- heard some good news of Next, is Take me to My attend the upcoming job fair in themselves when they meet a ployment in the area, Keaton late—not only are a few jobs School, where you can see prospective employer. The first said, there are not many op- opening up, but young people full team schedules, and, Ransom with the expectation impression is the most valu- tions available. Young people coming to the center have for those schools who want of immediately being hired. to have their team rosters, Rather, they should come able, and with the competition find themselves competing been getting good advice at McGlockton in the job market, you need against more seasoned work- home, too. photos and other goodies, Continued from page 1-A with a desire to learn what is those, too. available, and how to get a job every tool you can use to land ers for what few jobs are open, “We need to support our Last, is a sports poll later on. your job.” and that can be disheartening. young people, so they can get 42 years old. question, because we al- The Tri-County Job Center The job fair will feature The seminars, Keaton said, to work and improve them- At an early age, McGlockton, ways want to know what in Delco is hosting the Young a number of employers and will help job fair participants selves,” he said. “We’re trying who others described as being you think. Adult Job Fair April 12 from 10 literature about what jobs are get a better focus on what they to give them the advice they “larger than life” was making a.m. until 2 p.m. The event will available, especially for young want to do for a living. need to make that dream job Whiteville proud. be held at the Ransom Commu- people just entering the work- “We are offering job search a reality.” The high school All-Ameri- nity Building on N.C. 11. force, Keaton said. training, career building ad- To schedule an appoint- can and 1988 graduate of WHS “That’s a big misconception “The employers are doing vice, and guidance,” Keaton ment at the center, or to at- led the Wolfpack to the 1987 and a disappointment to many their part for the community, said. “Some of those who tend one of the seminars, call state 2A championship before people,” said Randolph Ke- trying to help people get a leg come to us don’t know yet 655-3811. Your questions answered going on to play football at at Whiteville.com aton, director of Tri-County. up on what is available, and what they want to do. Even Clemson University. “They come to a job fair and what they need in employees,” those who do need some coun- Jefferson Weaver “He was such a giant of a think they will walk out with Keaton said. “Our partners seling. They have a lot of 910-642-4104 ext. 227 man, and always unquestion- a new job. That would be great, are really coming through on questions about furthering [email protected] Whiteville.com ably the very best at what he and for some it might hap- this, and we appreciate their did,” Tedder told The News Photos pen, but that’s not what it is help. There is an extreme lack Reporter last year. “One thing of the Week about—first you have to know of jobs in our area, but they I will always have from Chet is SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY what you want to do, then find are willing to do their part to great memories.” out what is available, then help how they can.” “He was without question pursue what you want.” Some service providers the greatest athlete I ever Searching for full-time em- are also expected to attend, DENIED coached,” former baseball and ployment can be a job in itself, Keaton said, to help young job If you have been denied disability, we would like to help you. We are track coach Glenn McKoy said Keaton said, and young people hunters find out more about paid a fee only if we can win your case and you collect benefits. We last year. “There was nothing rarely have the experience academic opportunities and can come to your home and meet with you. As your representative, he couldn’t do. He had so much necessary to have a successful assistance. our job is to make sure you are treated fairly. size and strength and a tremen- job hunt. To that end, partici- “I am not saying there • SCHS @ WCHS dous amount of intelligence. pants are urged to attend one won’t be some on-the-spot HAL GRIFFIN ASSOCIATES, INC. Soccer To realize now that he is no of the pre-event workshops, interviews,” Keaton said. longer among us just doesn’t Call Toll Free 1-800-392-7392 Keaton said, starting April 10. “You need to be prepared for seem right. “This will be a big help “Chester left a legacy at to a lot of those who come Whiteville High School, and it’s one we can all be proud of,” FRANK THEATRES said McKoy. COASTAL YOU a member of STADIUM 10 Nicole Cartrette Showtimes (910) 754-7469 • WCHS @ WHS 910-642-4104 ext. 225 www.FRANKTHEATRES.com DESERVE [email protected] Baseball 5200 Bridgers Road the best in hearing care!

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suggested such a facility would Last is not a place McKenzie and community block grant cost $5 million or more. “That is is proud of the county’s ranking along with a request to “allow just a number that was thrown he said. all programs remain intact” out there,” McKenzie said. “That is a little bit embar- and that “any adjustment in McKenzie is all too familiar rassing to hear that we are future funding be acknowl- with the reality that many chil- 100th. We need to do something edged by the Columbus County dren in Columbus County lack about it and start as soon as pos- Department of Aging.” recreational opportunities that sible. The encouraging thing is The county airport is re- exists in more wealthy counties. we are getting a better handle questing approval of a grant “I can see a benefit,” said on that and beginning to screen and giving an update. Sheriff McKenzie, who learned how those areas that are working Chris Batten is seeking ap- to swim at 19 years old as an toward that goal.” proval to move the department’s enlisted soldier in the U.S. The Public Hearing on the offsite narcotic office from a Army after being thrown into CDBG grant begins at 6:30 p.m. leased space to another loca- the water. at the Dempsey Herring An- tion. The county is currently “Our children don’t really nex Building at 112 West Smith paying $1,400 per month rent. have a place to learn how to Street in Whiteville. The new location would be swim,” McKenzie said decades Other agenda items include leased to the county for $600 later. a presentation made by a rep- per month. McKenzie said a wellness resentative with GovDeals. DSS is seeking to move center could offer additional The online auction and selling $38,000 from a jobs transpor- rehabilitation opportunities for service is popular with many tation line item to contracted patients also and that the idea governments that, rather than services to cover expenses for remains a “hot issue.” host sales once or twice a year, an IT project related to upgrad- For now he suggest that indi- sell surplus items online con- ing the department’s computer viduals eat better, plant gardens tinuously. programs to comply with new and be active. A resident is requesting state requirements. “Instead of riding to the assistance in having Edwards store, walk to it,” McKenzie sug- Lane repaired. Department of Nicole Cartrette gested, adding that the county Aging Director Ed Worley is 910-642-4104 ext. 225 should sponsor more events like requesting approval of a $64,749 [email protected] running events. match to a $647,464 home care

McIntyre pushes for pork exports to Taiwan U.S. Congressman Mike Mc- diminish consumer perception placed on beef and pork im- Intyre has called for increased of U.S. beef and pork products ports from the United States. efforts to ensure that pork and in a key export market. In 2010, the United States beef exports to Taiwan receive McIntyre joined a bipartisan exported more than 31,000 tons fair treatment. group of members of the House of pork to Taiwan valuing ap- “We need to do all we can to of Representatives in a letter proximately $57 million dollars. keep North Carolina pork ex- to express strong concerns re- McIntyre is a senior mem- ports moving,” McIntyre stated. garding the non-science-based ber of the House Agriculture “American food products are restrictions that Taiwan has Committee. among the safest in the world due to the effective precautions taken by food producers and processors. It is important that our products receive fair treat- ment abroad and that is why Check Out What’s New! I have called on Ambassador SPARTINA Kirk and Secretary Vilsack to Jewelry • Bags • Scarves continue the work that is being Beach Towels Staff photo by Mark Gilchrist done to prevent unnecessary barriers for North Carolina Out of the rain pork to enter the Taiwanese Cub Scout leader Martin Scott helps move a tent indoors and out of the Saturday- market.” morning rain showers during a Scout program at the Columbus County Fairgrounds. Over the course of the past year, the government of Taiwan has increased inspections of U.S. beef and pork products. The beef and pork industry BOUTIQUE Farmers Mart honors Coleman, Rep. Hill rightfully notes that these in- 4.BEJTPO4Ut spections are not based on Like us on Facebook A longtime volunteer and for his services as a greeter the local farmers market in scientific data or standards a local legislator who chaired and guide at the market. The particular. and, if allowed to continue, may SUPER SALE IN PROGRESS 40% off the North Carolina House of award is given in memory of Dr. Thomas Hager, super- Representatives Agriculture Shirley W. Brown, a former intendent of Whiteville City Committee for many years member of the board of direc- Schools, was the speaker for BELK.COM were honored for their ser- tors of the market and a local the annual meeting and told vices to the Columbus County vendor. of the schools’ involvement Community Farmers Market Rep. Hill, who served in with agriculture and the farm at market’s recent annual the General Assembly for sector. meeting. more than 20 years before Farmers Market man- J. P. Coleman, a World War deciding not to file for a new ager Carol Shuman presented II veteran from Chadbourn term this year, received the the Shirley Brown Award to and volunteer for many causes first ever “Lifetime Friend of Coleman, and Lindy Harold through RSVP, was given the the Farmers Market” honor Shuman, a market vendor, market’s Shirley W. Brown for his services to the state’s presented the Lifetime Friend Volunteer of the Year Award agriculture in general and to of the Farmers Market to Hill. DAY senior Jobs increase statewide by If you’re 55 & older, it’s your day to save TUES., APRIL 3 with your Belk Rewards Card 0.3 percent in February

By RAY WYCHE “The state has gained employed in the state de- EXTRA Staff Writer 112,000 jobs over the past creased by 11,526 over the % two years,” according to N.C. month of February. North Carolina gained Department of Commerce County-by-county unem- OFF 8,300 jobs in February, drop- Deputy Secretary Dale Car- ployment figures will be re- sale20 & clearance purchases ping the state’s unemploy- roll, and has added 47,000 jobs leased Thursday. 15% OFF home and shoes *See below for details. In store only ment rate to 9.9 percent for statewide since February 2011. the month. The largest job gains were with any % sale & clearance The February jobless rate in the trade, transportation Ray Wyche other form purchases* was the first in 13 months to and utilities industries. 910-642-4104 ext. 229 of payment15off 10% off Home & Shoes be under 10 percent. The number of people un- The statewide jobless rate for February 2011 was 10.4 Celebrate percent and for January 2012, picture perfect was 10.2 percent. The unem- occasions ployment rate nationwide for Short on Money? southern style February was 8.3 percent. We Can Help! The News Reporter TUESDAY, APRIL 3 (USPS 387-600) We Offer Personal Loans from Published twice weekly by The News Reporter Co. Inc. $1,000.00 to $3,000.00* 127 W. Columbus St. Whiteville N.C. 28472 We like to say YES! Mailing address: DAY seniorIf you’re 55 & older, it’s your day to save P.O. Box 707, Your tax return prepared here; Whiteville, N.C. 28472-0707 make us your one stop shop! Periodical postage paid at ESTÉE LAUDER Get More Whiteville, N.C., 28472-0707 Choose Your Deluxe Gift Chic Lip Gloss Trio. Free. Free with any Estée Lauder 3 Pure Color Gloss shades and Postmaster: send address travel case. Add them to your gift purchase of $35.00 or more. with any purchase of 70.00 or more. changes to P.O. Box 707, Choose the gift that makes you feel beautiful. Both Gifts Together. A 90.00 value. Then, indulge in our free A 140.00 value. Whiteville, N.C. 28472 Signature Services and receive expert help Not available on belk.com. and advice, personalized just for you.

Jim High, Publisher Offer good while supplies last. Quantities limited. One of each gift to a customer, please. Mail Subscriptions (Columbus County) Find us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter at Sign up for mobile updates 1615 S J K Powell Blvd Ste A at facebook.com/belk twitter.com/BelkFashionBuzz text JOIN1 to BELK1 (23551) $30.00 year Whiteville NC 28472 *If you’re 55 or older, take an extra 20% off storewide, or 15% off in our home & shoes departments with your Belk Rewards Card; 15% off storewide, 10% off Other N.C. 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Not valid on prior purchases, phone, special orders or on belk.com. Cannot be redeemed for cash, credit or refund, used policy and credit limitations, if any. in combination with any other discount or coupon offer. Valid April 3, 2012 ©2011, The News Reporter Co., Inc. 4A - The News Reporter, Monday, April 2, 2012 Crime briefs Shoplifer Drugs Shanquella Mansca Hug- Kenneth Dewayne McMil- gins, 18, of North Brown Street, lian, 44, of Peacock Road, Chadbourn, was arrested by Whiteville, was arrested Whiteville police March 27 for March 27 for possession of shoplifting at Walmart. cocaine and marijuana after a vehicle stop on Cox Town Road, Afray Tabor City, by Sheriff’s Drug Detective Aaron Herring. Two female students at Whiteville High School were arrested March 30 at the school Rape for engaging in an affray at A girl from Nakina, under 10:15 a.m. after one of the girls the age of 16, was “raped” by a became angry over a comment 20-year-old male in Chadbourn posted on Facebook. The girls in an act reported March 29. were ages 17 and 16, according The girl refused to go to the to local police. hospital for a rape kit to be ob- tained, and the District Attor- ney’s office stated there would Staff photo by Mark Gilchrist Recovered be no prosecution in the case. A green box trailer owned Thursday crash by Evergreen Behavioral Man- Repair This 2012 Nissan pickup truck overturned and landed on of the van. Pickup driver Dexter Lynn Bowen, 60, and agement here, and reported its top at 12:40 p.m. Thursday, March 29, after a 2005 passenger Dianne Long Harrelson, 58, also of Whiteville, Eric Louis Smith of Chad- stolen from Pinckney Street Chrysler van failed to yield at Lewis and Lee streets, and were seriously injured. The van was driven by Stephanie on March 28, was recovered bourn told a sheriff’s deputy March 30 that someone stole the pickup driver, southbound on Lee Street, swerved in Lynn Saucedo, 30, of Clarendon. None of the people in the same day on Legion Drive an attempt to miss the van, and clipped the front bumper the van was injured. Extension near the old cement his 2002 Ford Focus last Sep- plant, police report. tember from an auto repair The trailer contained a Cub business in the 15600 block of McPherson faces another Cadet mower, grass trimmer, Peacock Road. Jury convicts Picarella 20-foot extension ladder, post- Smith said he was having hole diggers, and two cans of motor trouble with the car as frearm charge afer thef he approached the business, in double frearm case gasoline. It was not clear if C h r i s t o p h e r felon charge. Justin Raymond stealing a Phoenix and asked the owner to repair the contents of the trailer were Alan Picarella, This will be Pi- McPherson, 25, of Arms .22 pistol. the vehicle. The owner told intact. 35, of Alexander carella’s third trip Chair Factory Road, McPherson was Smith someone paid $214 for Court, Riegelwood, to prison. He was Nakina – already convicted in March repairs a couple of days later Employee was found guilty convicted of armed convicted once for 2011 of possession of and drove away with the car. possession of a fire- a firearm by a felon, Brett C. by a jury here last robbery here in arm by a felon – fac- and spent some time Gross, 19, week of theft of a June 2004, and was Leafy es the same charge in prison. His origi- of Richard- firearm and pos- sentenced to 48 to 67 again after he was nal felony conviction son Street, A packet of a green, leafy session of a fire- months. He was con- McPherson Picarella arrested for break- was for breaking and Whiteville, substance fell from Teresa Mi- ar m by a felon, victed of breaking entering in July 2008, records was arrested chelle Troy’s bra while she was and sent to prison for 19-23 and entering in Brunswick ing and entering, and theft of show. last week on being dressed in jail clothing months. County in January 2010, and a pistol. McPherson was also arrest- a charge of here at 5 p.m. March 31, and Picarella got a second sentenced to seven to nine Sheriff’s Detective Scott ed recently for misdemeanor larceny by Gross the 31-year-old woman from term of 10 to 12 months for months. Norris obtained the warrants employee while working at Tom Sessions Road, Whiteville, the actual theft of a rifle from His prior record shows charging McPherson with larceny for stealing medica- Walmart here. was arrested for possession of Larry Stuart Buchanan, Old convictions for misdemeanor breaking into Donnie Beck’s tion from Maria Louisa Quick Whiteville Police Detec- a controlled substance on jail Lake Road, Riegelwood, on breaking and entering in vehicle on March 19-20, and of Hallsboro. tive Bobby Fowler obtained property. Dec. 29, 2010, but this term 1993, misdemeanor larceny in the warrant that shows Gross Troy was at the jail because was allowed to be served 1998, the armed robbery and stole $426.56 in cash during the she had been arrested for driv- concurrently with the time breaking and entering cases, Campbell pleads again, March 18-27 period. ing while impaired, according he got for the possession by plus DWI in 1996 and 2002. to a sheriff ’s report. this time in Robeson Arrested Gregory Thomas of Oct. 21, 2009 when Quatari- Marijuana Woman gets probation, Campbell, 42, former Fair Bluff Discount ous Zemar R i c k y Tabor City and Fair Drug was entered, J o h n s o n , Dean Reg- Bluff policeman who and 2,500 Endocet and 18, of Am- ister, 48, of to pay $6,983 restitution was placed on proba- Percocet pills were b e r L a n e, Rough-N- Ashley Michelle from May 2009 to May tion in early March s t o l e n . C a m p b e l l Whiteville, Ready Road, Butler, 25, of White- 2010, pleaded to iden- and stripped of his was arrested for the was arrest- Chadbourn, ville, was ordered tity theft. She got cash law enforcement cre- break-in and theft a ed last week was arrested last week in Supe- from several automat- dentials, pleaded no Campbell month later. on charges at his home rior Court to make ic teller machines after contest to a charge of im- Campbell served several of breaking Johnson March 28 for Register restitution of $6,983 she got the credit card, personating a U.S. marshal years as a Robeson County and entering, and larceny possession of marijuana with to BB&T for the and the amount was in Robeson County Superior sheriff ’s deputy, plus held po- involving the theft of two shot- intent to sell, and maintaining money she stole in Butler reported as the figure Court last week. lice positions in Fairmont and guns, duct tape and copper his home as a place to keep and 2010 after stealing a woman’s to be repaid. Campbell admitted he told Moore County. He also worked from the home of Tommy In- sell the drug. identity and using it to obtain Butler, who had no prior a Lumberton police officer as a Highway Patrol dispatch- man of Sidney-Cherry Grove Register, on probation since a credit card. record, will be on probation for on April 29, 2010 he was a U.S. er, before taking a Tabor City Road, Clarendon. January for driving with a Butler, who worked at five years, and a prison term of marshal conducting a special police job in 2008. He resigned The crime took place on revoked license, was arrested the BB&T Call Center here 12 to 15 months was suspended. investigation. Campbell was from Tabor City before being Dec. 11, 2011. Johnson was after a search-warrant raid told to finish serving the year’s hired in Fair Bluff. also arrested for failure to ap- based on a number of com- Concurrent prison term probation he got in Columbus pear on a charge of theft of a plaints, according to Drug County when he pleaded guilty vehicle. Detective Aaron Herring. Michael Darrell prior convictions to possession of a controlled Smith, 26, of Fay- of common-law rob- medication. He agreed here etteville, got a con- bery in 2010, pos- and in Robeson County court Break-ins, thefs reported current term of 10 session of a stolen to never again apply to be a The following were victims s-ARCHn&AMILY$OLLAR to 12 months in pris- vehicle in 2008, dis- law officer. of a break-in and/or theft re- store, U.S. 701 Bypass, White- on here last week charging a weapon Campbell was a Fair Bluff ported on date shown: ville – theft of several items after he pleaded to into occupied prop- officer and on duty the night forgery in a case s!PRILn*ARED2ENDELL by female customer after clerk Smith erty in 2003, plus as- Moore, Curn Spaulding Road, removed four items from wom- where a $140 check sault with a deadly Magistrate eclines Clarkton – break-in, theft of an’s purse before suspect fled on a false account was given weapon on a government A magistrate declined to LG TV. store. to Walmart on April 11, 2011. official in 2004, and DWI in give Whiteville police war- s!PRILn'IBSON7ARD s-ARCHn+ENNETH$WIGHT Smith, serving 94 to 146 2009 and 2002. rants here Sunday after two Stocks, Tabor City – break-in of Messer, Leland – theft of air months for armed robbery All of the prior convictions suspicious, young males were building Old Dothan Road, theft conditioner condenser from after a conviction in Robeson G. Cameron were in Cumberland, Robeson found outside a business in the of two Stihl grass trimmers, rental home along Pretty County last May, also has or Scotland counties. Byrd several hand tools. Branch Road, Riegelwood. Powell Plaza Shopping area ATTORNEY AT LAW s!PRILn"EVERLY(OLLIS s-ARCHn!LL4IED5P along the northern section of Farley, Union Valley Road, South Madison Street, White- McCumbee’s case dropped U.S. 701 Bypass. • Criminal • Divorce • Wills Whiteville – theft of two gold ville – break-in by window A charge of fraud tember 2010 break- Police said one of the youths necklaces, two gold necklaces broken with rock; no theft. against Aaron Dix- ing and entering, and had a black shirt wrapped • Custody • Child Support with hearts and diamonds, s-ARCHn0HYLLIS7ADE on McCumbee, 30, larceny case involv- around his head, and had a • Traffc • Personal Injury diamond earrings discovered Cron, Golf Course Road, White- of Tabor City, was ing entry to Donald pair of white sox on his hands 1409 Pinckney St. • Whiteville March 14. ville – break-in of vehicle, theft dismissed in Supe- Parnell’s home along to substitute for gloves. The s!PRILn!MANDA,ORRAINE of purse with bankcards, pre- rior Court here last Mill Branch Church second suspect was wearing 840-6280 Cell 642-2258 Offce Taylor, Ocean Isle Beach, break- scription. week after his trial Road, and theft of a ski mask, and had a brick in Evening & Weekend in of old Lawnmower Racing s-ARCHn**!UTO3ALES started, and the vic- items, including jew- his hands. Both teenagers were Appointments Available building along Chadbourn N.C. 905, Nakina – theft of Jeep tim couldn’t recall elry, valued at $2,585. turned over to their guardians. Highway for third time, damage Cherokee; recovered Barney particular dates in- McCumbee only noted. Tyler Road south of Hallsboro. volved in the crime. s-ARCHn/CTAVIA"ELL-C- s-ARCHn!UDREY-ONROE McCumbee was arrested in Clure, 5700 block N.C. 904 East, Jackson, West Lewis Street, July 2010 for charging $143.50 Tabor City – break-in, theft of Whiteville – theft of copper worth of tools and hardware, Missing-Reward $200 sound system, two TVs. from under home. without permission, to David s-ARCHn%ARLENE,IVINGS s-ARCHn0ATSY7ILLIAMS Kinlaw’s account at W.F. Cox Fipps, Norris Road, Tabor City Martin, Pireway Road, Tabor Company in Tabor City. – theft of gold chain necklace, City – theft of jewelry, found at McCumbee still faces a Sep- She needs gold bracelet, pink ice ring. Pawn South, Tabor City. s-ARCHn*AMES%ARL s-ARCHn0ENNY-ITCHELL Martin, Pireway Road, Tabor Smith, Old 74, Evergreen – theft Freeman Road, Bolton – theft City – theft of several checks, her of tire and rim. of Hallsboro High School ring, cashed in Tabor City. s-ARCHn0AUL7ILLIS Waccamaw Indian ring with s-ARCHn'ARY$ORE ,O- medication Simmons Jr., Jim Jolly Road, ruby, his/hers silver wedding ris, S.C. – break-in of former Clarendon – theft of 27 blank bands. Western Auto store West Fifth BB&T checks. s-ARCHn2ANDY3TEVEN Street, Tabor City, theft of cop- s-ARCHn*ASMINE#AN- McGirt, Garden Path, White- per from electric breaker boxes. dice Langston, Brookberry ville – break-in, theft of hand- s-ARCHn7INNERS7ORLD Apartments, Whiteville – theft held Bear scanner. Live Oak Street, Tabor City – Spayed female of Microsoft Xbox console. s-ARCHn0ATSY7ILLIAMS break-in, theft of cash. boxer with a You may qualify for tail. May be Faforeclosure?Cing Chapter 13 Bankruptcy with yellow to stop foreclosure. lab mix. Law oFFiCeS oF Bruce F. JoBe, P.A. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the United States Bankruptcy Code. we are a debt reLieF agenCy &AIR"LUFF!REAs625-5685 or (843) 289-1384 4312 Ludgate St. • Lumberton, nC • 910-739-1010 • toLL-Free 800.808.9695 Lifestyles Te News Reporter, Monday, April 2, 2012 -- 5A Student-owned business has plant sales to keep it going By CLARA CARTRETTE a lot of personal time after owned business.” 182 customers on the first day. News Editor school and on weekends, but In addition to growing We usually sell out the first the beneficial experiences my plants, students learn the im- week. Big business is going on at students gain are worthwhile. portance of marketing and “The skills the students South Columbus High School We also maintain our school’s advertising. They take photos, learn through the greenhouse and starting today, the horti- flowerbeds and grounds, cov- design and create a brochure plant production and the culture department will be- ering 26 acres, allowing the for the plant sale and make grounds maintenance proj- gin reaping the profits from students to have landscaping advertisements for local busi- ects are marketable,” Watson the labors of the students and practical application.” nesses, and radio explained. “They have pride and teacher for the past few Students grow all of the announcements. in their school campus and months. annuals and perennials used “Once the greenhouse the community shares that The department’s annual in landscaping the school opens, the students are the pride. The local garden club plant sale got underway this grounds. salespeople and plant ex- awarded Yard of the Month morning and will continue un- “Our campus is a lab for perts,” Watson said. “They honors to the school and the til the plants are sold. Hours our students,” she continued. help park cars, wait on cus- student response was over- are 8:30 to 5:30 p.m. this week “They learn all of the grow- tomers, answer questions whelming. One student said, and during school hours if the ing, operating and selling as- and take plants to customers’ ‘I didn’t know that a school Sophomore Patrick Ogden takes his turn at watering the sale continues past this week. pects of greenhouse plant pro- cars. They are able to build could get Yard of the Month.’” thousands of plants that went on sale today at South Co- Prices range from $1.25 for a duction. In the classroom they relationships within the com- lumbus High School. six-pack of bedding plants to learn leadership development munity and many are offered $12 for fancy ferns and bou- and employability skills, ba- jobs after school helping older gainvillea. Two 100x32-foot sic plant growth, development customers secure the plants greenhouses are pretty much and reproduction. They learn in their yards. Students tell full for the big event. about soils, fertilization meth- their family members to buy a “The need for greenhouse ods, and insect and disease particular plant because they plant production is to incor- control. In the greenhouse grew it from seed. They take porate horticulture classroom they take their classroom- pride in the plants they have knowledge into real-life set- learned skills and put them grown and want to take them tings,” teacher Marlette Wat- into hands-on learning expe- home. Parents are amazed son said. “Through classroom riences. that their child grew plants and lab instruction, our horti- “Our students take herba- from seed and comment that culture classes grow plants in ceous stem cuttings, watch they are putting that child in the greenhouses throughout them take root and grow, and charge of the yard.” the year for the annual sales later plant them in pots to sell Watson said the plant sale to the public in early spring.” to the public,” Watson contin- is a benefit to the community Watson said the plant ued. “They sow seed, apply because it is much closer and sales have made a profit of germination methods needed more convenient than most more than $5,000 for the past and calculate the germina- businesses that sell plants. 10 years, and those profits go tion rates, then transplant She also said the students’ back into the program to keep the seedlings into cell packs plants are higher quality and it going. to grow and sell. The students prices are cheaper. “It’s a student owned busi- take their learned skills and “Our community supports ness,” she says “A plant pro- the plants they have produced our plant sales every year,” duction of this size requires and turn them into a student- she added. “Last year we had Two 100x32-foot greenhouses are flled with plants for sale. Home missionaries working for a common cause By CLARA CARTRETTE News Editor

What started as a street corner mission has turned into a Miracle in the Park. Curtis Shaw, a licensed minister for about five years, started a feeding program about nine months ago in a neighborhood that had ex- perienced trouble from the criminal element. It was his hope to feed their souls as well as their bodies. His main concern was for the young people who were exposed to drugs, gangs, violence and various other crimes. More and more young peo- Curtis Shaw Joe Memory ple came for food, and Shaw Youth on a bus trip to Shallotte. began witnessing to them, telling them of God’s love. When he began preaching during the gatherings about Miracle in the Park six months ago, the crowd Organizers of Miracle in the Park are preparing for kept growing. 500 people. The event will be held in Brookberry Park, 409 “I don’t come to condemn; West Calhoun Street in Whiteville on Saturday, April 14 I come to show the love of from 4 to 8 p.m. God,” Shaw said. Geared toward youth 13 to 19 years old, there will be Meanwhile, another Chris- food, music, games and ministering from people who want tian man who, as a law en- to assure that young people have a safe and secure life on forcement officer, sees the earth and beyond. devastation of drugs, alco- The organizers, Curtis Shaw, Joe Memory and Tonnie hol, gangs and other crimes, Duncan, are reaching out to the community for help. The was working with another food has already been secured, but there are other needs young-oriented group called for this non-denominational cause. Sonburst that involves peo- “People could help by donating their children’s used ple from several churches clothing, shoes, toys and books,” said Shaw. “It’s warm Enjoying the fellowship. in Brunswick County. Head- now, but coats will be needed next winter and hygiene quartered in Shallotte, the what they now see,” Duncan products are needed.” non-denominational Son- said. “There are some incred- “I’d like to see some of the local leaders come out to burst mission is to lead youth ible people – smart, creative, see what’s going on, and we need a lot of local churches to know Christ as Lord and loving and kind. on board,” said Memory. “We have volunteers from some Savior. “People need to unite, to churches in Brunswick County and we would like to in- State Trooper Joe Memory, come together to help make a volve churches here.” who grew up in Fair Bluff difference for those who have Memory, son of Gail and the late Dickie Memory of and now lives in Brunswick no hope for the future. I’m Fair Bluff, said he was saved at age 26 and has been minis- County, said he sees the end hoping to see that change. We tering the Word of God. “We bathe the ministry in prayer, results of crime and he wants have a lot of groups to help but it’s not about the ministering, it’s about the mission. I to help young people find a people in poverty – financial serve a mighty God.” better way of life. or emotional poverty – and we “I’ve never done nothing this good before in my life,” Today Shaw and Memory need to help them see a better said Shaw, who holds weekly feedings and ministering in work together in their two future. If we can change one the Brookberry area. “When there’s a storm, FEMA goes ministries, explaining it as of those… we need to change to the area of destruction, and that’s what we want to do. If “God inspired us to come to- more lives. Whiteville needs we reach one out there who is selling drugs, how powerful gether.” to unite, to not be the east side would that be. We’ve got to stand back to back.” Tonnie Duncan, manager and west side, but unite.” of Brookberry Apartments She said she heard a Love abounds. near the intersection where ington and Sheryl Perriman vide better surroundings for 13-year-old who is attempt- Shaw holds his feeding and of Greater Restoration in the tenants. “A police offi- ing to help make the profound preaching mission, has been Whiteville were involved. Ev- cer now lives on site and it’s statement that “Love is not a there were about a dozen who the beach. She asked if they trying for some time to pro- erybody got together to feed quite and peaceful, but there verb, it is an action.” couldn’t go because there was would rather go for dessert vide something better for about 500 people, they had are times when it is not,” she Together, these three home no transportation for them. or go to the beach, and some youth than crime. music and they ministered to said. “But I see women who missionaries Shaw, Memory And what a meeting it was, said they had never seen the “It’s amazing what has them. It was incredible.” were destined for a lifetime of and Duncan – are making a according to the three home beach. been going on for the past The apartment site was the poverty who are changing.” difference in a non-denomina- missionaries. The youth got The three will also be in- couple of years,” Duncan scene of a shooting in which a She said she was talking tional way. A couple of weeks to meet Jason McLeod who volved in a big project called said. “Last year Bo Shaw man died some years ago, and with a woman who said, “You ago Sonburst sent a bus to starred in the movie, “Fac- Miracle in the Park at Brook- brought a church group from there have been other inci- are trying to change us; this take a crowd of youth from ing the Giants,” and 84 youth berry Park, 409 West Calhoun Fayetteville. Andy Ander- dents of violence in the area. is the way we are and the way the Brookberry area to Shal- stood up for Christ. One thing Street in Whiteville on Satur- son, Haywood McKoy of Acts Duncan says she has strived we will always be.” lotte for a meeting. The bus that touched Duncan was day, April 14 from 4 to 8 p.m. Christian Ministries of Wilm- to erase that blight and pro- “I want them to see beyond and two SUVs were loaded and taking some of the youth to (See separate story) 6A -- The News Reporter, Monday, April 2, 2012 Blood drive at Barefoot Church Engagements Every two seconds some- one in this country needs blood. The Barefoot Church of Whiteville is helping to en- sure that blood is available by sponsoring a blood drive on Friday, April 6 from 2-6:30 p.m. All presenting donors will re- ceive an American Red Cross T-shirt. Barefoot Church is located at 28 S. Whiteville Village be- hind McDonald’s. Blood do- nors are encouraged to call 207-6185 for an appointment to donate blood or for more in- formation. Walk-ins are wel- Former Clarendon resident come; however, an appoint- James David Long II has been promoted to techni- ment may reduce wait time. Sarah Jean Stanaland cal sergeant by the U.S. Air By sponsoring a blood William Bradley Russ drive, Barefoot Church mem- Force. Long and his wife bers are helping save and im- Vanessa, daughter Cassan- Jessica Golebiowski prove the lives of individuals dra and son Aden reside in Jeremy Ray Stanaland-Russ in need of blood. In addition, Kathleen, Ga. Long is sta- Mark and Jeannie Stana- their sponsorship ensures tioned at Robins Air Force Golebiowski- land announce the engage- that a safe blood supply is Base where he is a hydrau- ment of their daughter, Sar- available at all times for all lic systems craftsman. He Ray ah Jean, to William Bradley members of the community. is a 2000 graduate of South Peggy Ray of Whiteville Russ, son of Tina Bordeaux All blood types are needed. Columbus High School and and Krzystos and Alicia and Edwin Russ. “We are extremely grateful is the son of David and Golebiowski of Greenville The bride-elect graduated to the employees and mem- Wanda Long of Clarendon announce the engagement from Whiteville High School bers of Barefoot Church for and grandson of Ruth Ward of their son and daughter, and Meredith College. She their support,” commented Janet McPherson, left, director of Living Hope Pregnancy of Ash. Jeremy Ray, formerly of will complete her MBA in Au- Tanya Tilley-Hall, American Support Services, was guest speaker at West Whiteville Whiteville, and Jessica Gole- gust. Red Cross, Donor Services. Baptist Church recently, using the sanctity of human life biowski. The groom-elect graduated “They heard of our need for as her topic. She is shown with Laurie Williamson, presi- Lake library The bride-elect graduated from East Columbus High blood and offered to help by dent of Ms. Peggy’s Women on Mission Circle, and gifts from East Carolina University School and is employed by hosting a community blood given during the church’s baby shower for Living Hope. seeks friends and is employed by Ferguson Southern Tire. drive.” The Rube McCray Memo- Enterprises inWilmington. A May 5 wedding is planned The blood drive is open to rial Library is conducting its The groom-elect graduated at Leamon Rogers Memorial community members who 2012 membership drive, which from East Carolina University Chapel at Lake Waccamaw are at least 17 years old or 16 Help for nonprofts is important to the success of and is employed by Bayside years old accompanied by a the library. Electric in Wilmington. parent, weigh a minimum of Friends of the Library are An April 14 wedding is 110 pounds, in general good Veterans meet coming April 11 responsible for the upkeep planned for 2 p.m. at St. Peters health, and have a picture I.D. Vietnam Veterans of Amer- Quality Enhancement ment and governance, hu- and maintenance of the build- Catholic Church in Green- For more information ica meet the first Tuesday of for Nonprofit Organizations man resources management, ing. Budgets are limited and ville with a reception at Rock about Barefoot Church of each month at 7 p.m. at 1028 S. (QENO) at the University of volunteer recruitment, and cannot cover many things Springs Equestrian Park. Whiteville, Barefoot Church Madison St., Whiteville. North Carolina Wilmington financial planning. Addition- the board would like to make Lakeside in North Myrtle will hold a session for non- ally, peer-led roundtable dis- available to library patrons. Beach or Barefoot Church of profit and community leaders cussion meetings are held for There are four levels of NCSCV plans April 15 program North Myrtle Beach call 843- to share information regard- nonprofit executive directors. membership: individual, The North Carolina Sons stitute, chairman of the N. C. 280-1270. ing free programs, services Opportunities are also avail- $10; family, $20; sponsor, $50; of Confederate Veterans will War Between the States Ses- and funding opportunities. able for organizations to take and benefactor, $100. Any- sponsor a program by Bern- quicentennial Commission The session will be held in part as an AmeriCorps VISTA one interested in joining The hard Thuersam on Sunday, and chairman of the N. C. conjunction with the United host organization and apply P&R advisory Friends may send a check April 15 at the N.C. Forestry League of the South. Way of the Lower Cape Fear for opportunities to receive for the desired membership Museum at 2:30 p.m. Thuers- Thuersam is past histo- Area. free one-on-one coaching from board to meet level to Friends of RMML, 301 am will speak on “Wilmington rian for the Azalea Festival, Flemington Drive, Lake Wac- on the Eve of Secession.” former chairman of the Cape The event will be held at the an experienced QENO consul- The Columbus County camaw, N.C. 28450, or drop it Members are urged to Fear Museum Board of Trust- Columbus County Arts Cen- tant. Parks and Recreation will by the library. Visit the web- bring along their spouses and ees, and the North Carolina ter in Whiteville on Wednes- Founded in 2006, QENO is hold its quarterly recreation site at www.lakewaccamaw. a prospective member. The delegation to the Southern day, April 11 from 1-3 p.m. a partnership between UNCW, advisory board meeting on com, or phone 646-4616. program is open to the pub- National Congress. He has au- QENO director Edgar Villan- funders, civic leaders, and April 9 at 7 p.m. in the Com- lic and there is no admission thored many essays on North ueva will facilitate the session other community organiza- missioners Meeting Room in charge. Carolina people and events and will provide an overview tions to help build the capac- the Dempsey B. Herring An- H’Boro Baptists A native of Niagara Falls, of Cape Fear history, and lec- of free resources and support ity of nonprofit organizations nex Building. available to area nonprofit or- such as expanding the oppor- set Spring Fling N. Y., Thuersam has lived be- tures widely on the same. ganizations. No registration tunities that local nonprofits low Mason-Dixon Line for the Hallsboro Baptist Church is required. Tommy Taylor, have to network and receive past 38 years. He is CEO of a will have its Spring Fling on vice president of Community training in nonprofit manage- Festival wants residential design and com- Saturday, April 14 from 4 to 7 Investment at the United Way ment, best practices and in- munity planning practice in artists, vendors p.m. Everyone is invited. of the Lower Cape Fear Area crease philanthropy. Services Wilmington, where he resides Artists, community groups, There will be something will discuss potential funding in Columbus County are made with his wife Song, a native craftspeople, food vendors for all ages games, bounce opportunities for the region. possible by a grant to QENO of Korea. He is director of and community organizations house, free food, a fun maze, a QENO facilitates work- from the Kate B. Reynolds the Cape Fear Historical In- who wish to participate in the dunking booth and more. shops and training seminars Charitable Trust, a private Red Springs Street Festival on board member recruit- foundation in Winston-Salem. should contact Margie Laba- Villanueva, a previous die at 734-3351 or email Red- employee of the foundation, WIC PROGRAM PROVIDES HEALTHY FOODS AND Lake Depot Museum SpringsArtsCouncil@gmail. brings years of experience com for an application or ad- NUTRITION ASSISTANCE FOR ELIGIBLE WOMEN, plans ‘Taste of the in the nonprofit and philan- ditional information. thropic sector and seeks to INFANTS AND CHILDREN IN COLUMBUS COUNTY Arts’ luncheon The festival will be held connect and engage with the April 28 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. If you could use some help in feeding your One of Lake Waccamaw’s local leadership to impact so- and will feature a variety of young family, check to see if you meet the biggest social events will spot- cial issues in Columbus Coun- musicians, dancers and street requirements for WIC (the Supplemental light the talents of area art- ty. entertainers, including activi- ists as Lake Waccamaw Depot For more information Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and ties for children and adults. Museum presents “A Taste of email VillanuevaE@UNCW. Children). You can receive assistance in The event is held annu- the Arts” Saturday, April 28. edu or call 962-3844. purchasing a variety of nutritious foods, nu- ally on East 3rd Avenue be- Lunch will be served begin- trition education, breast feeding education ning at 11:30 a.m. and contin- tween Main and Cross Streets ue until 1:30 p.m. Business Expo to showcase arts, crafts and and support, and referrals to health care and “There is so much talent in dance talent from Robeson community resources. In Columbus Coun- Columbus and surrounding April 7 at LuMil County and the surround- ty, WIC is available through the Columbus areas that we wanted to toot The Elizabethtown-White ing area. Food vendors have County Health Department at 304 Jefferson their horns a little,” said mu- Lake Area Chamber of Com- the opportunity to do well as Street, Whiteville, NC. We also run clinics seum curator Ginger Littrell. merce will have its sixth an- the event draws thousands of once a week in Bolton, Chadbourn and Ta- “We hope that having our an- people. nual Spring Business Expo bor City. In addition, women and older chil- nual ‘Lunch on the Lawn’ on The Red Springs Street Fes- on Saturday, April 7 at LuMil dren have the opportunity to receive special a Saturday will enable more Vineyard in Dublin. Busi- tival is supported by a Grass- folks to attend.” nesses, civic organizations, roots Arts Grant from the vouchers for use at the Farmers’ Market In addition to a delicious church youth groups and craft North Carolina Arts Council. each summer. a health professional. This can include, but lunch, the event will feature vendors are invited to partici- is not limited to, anemia, poor growth, un- an art show and sale by area pate. To be eligible, a person must: derweight or overweight, dental problems, artists including some local The Business Expo is an Lent to be held s "EAPREGNANTWOMANABREASTFEEDING high school students, raffle previous poor pregnancy outcomes, inade- opportunity for businesses woman who has had a baby in the last 12 items donated by various at WUMC quate dietary intake and other nutrition and and organizations to show- months or a woman who has had a baby in businesses and participating case what they have to offer Whiteville United Meth- diet- related problems. artists, music by a group of and for nonprofit organiza- odist Church will hold Lent THELASTMONTHSANEWBORNINFANTORCHILD gifted musicians and an after- tions to raise funds. services every Wednesday at up to his or her 5th birthday. To apply for WIC, please call 910-641-3904 noon of fellowship with old A gift basket from LuMil’s noon. Lunch will be served af- s ,IVEIN#OLUMBUS#OUNTY .ORTH#AROLINA to make an appointment or get more infor- and new friends. gift shop will be awarded ter each service at noon in the s -EETTHEINCOMEELIGIBILITYSCALEnTHEGROSS mation. When applying in person or com- The number of tickets to the best decorated booth fellowship hall. The cost is $4. household income cannot exceed 185% is limited and must be pur- ing for the first appointment be sure to bring space. There will be a draw- The schedule follows: of the federal poverty guidelines (we can chased in advance. The $20 do- ing at 3 p.m. for booth spaces April 4 will feature Rev. proof of current address, identification and help you determine if you are eligible). You nation is tax deductible. They that are still set up and the Farron Duncan, minister at proof of household income for each appli- must be purchased in advance booth space drawn will have St. Pauls United Methodist do not have to receive Medicaid to receive cant. If anyone in the family receives Medic- and are available at the Depot its booth fee refunded. Church, Tabor City. WIC, but all Medicaid, SNAP (food stamps) aid, please bring his or her card also. Museum, Whiteville Chamber There will be entertain- The church is located at 902 and Work First recipients do meet the WIC of Commerce, Lake Wacca- Pinckney Street. ment for the entire family and income eligibility criteria. A call to the WIC In accordance with Federal law and U.S. maw Town Hall or any muse- Lu Mil Vineyard will host its Rev. Bill Boykin is the pastor. office at the um board member. Raffle tick- Department of Agriculture policy, the Co- annual pig cook-off on Fri- n u m b e r ets will be available on the day day and barbeque plates will lumbus County WIC program is prohibited listed below of the luncheon for $1 each or be sold Saturday at the Expo. Real Senior Prom from discriminating on the basis of race, six for $5. Funds from the sale of the can help you color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. “It will be a good opportu- BBQ will support the Bladen planned April 12 determine if To file a complaint of discrimination, write nity to win a beautiful piece County Relay for Life. The fa- you are eligi- The Columbus County De- USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 of art for Mother’s Day,” noted mous beach music group, The partment of Aging will have ble and what Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC Littrell. Tams, will entertain at the its annual Real Senior Prom you need to Area artists are encour- “Anything Butt BBQ” tasting 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 or (202) on Thursday, April 12 from 5 bring. aged to participate and may on Friday night. 720-6382 (TTY),. USDA is an equal oppor- to 7 p.m. at Vineland Station call the museum for infor- Vendors should contact the s (AVE AN tunity provider and employer. You may view in downtown Whiteville. mation at 646-1992. Museum Chamber of Commerce or call i d e n t i f i e d more The charge is $10 per per- hours are Wednesday, Thurs- call 862-4368 or 874-0285 for nutritional son for a catered meal and en- general information about WIC at day and Friday from 10 a.m. vendor applications, or email risk as de- tertainment. For more infor- www.nutritionnc.com. until 3 p.m. and Sunday after- Tourism28337@embarqmail. mation call 640-6602. termined by noon 3-5 p.m. com/. The News Reporter, Monday, April 2, 2012--7A Girl Scouts earn Silver Awards through local hunger projects Girl Scout Troop 919 held with at Central Middle School. a Silver Award ceremony in Margaret High, Ashley February at the Vineland Sta- Carter and Sarah Cothern de- tion History Gallery. signed an Area Food Pantry Girls Scouts honored were Information pamphlet. They Ashley Carter, daughter of spent time with mentors at Tarni and David Carter; the Columbus County Health Sarah Cothern, daughter of Department who educated the Sandy and Gus Cothern; Mar- Scouts on the correlation of garet High, daughter of Becky poverty to hunger. and Les High; Jocelyn Jones, Sandy Cothern and Sarah daughter of Talena and Ver- Gray shared with the Scouts non Jones; Morgan Murray, information about how their daughter of Jolene and Keith departments assist Columbus Murray; Lauryn Ray, daugh- County residents. The Scouts ter of Sheila and Hugh Ray; Jocelyn Jones, Lizzie White, Lauryn Ray Virginia Savage, Morgan Murray, Jillian Simmons visited many food pantries Virginia Savage, daughter and then decided it would be ing the requirements, includ- make this subject fun for kids of Suzanne and Robert Sav- beneficial to have information ing completing two Girl Scout in a difficult situation. age; Jillian Simmons, daugh- in a pamphlet form, such as journey projects. Research on The Scouts also created ter of Renee and Mark Sim- hours of operations, qualified world hunger, state and local activity folders in Spanish. mons; Lizzie White, daughter users, addresses and contact hunger issues were also ex- Vicki Pait, Kristi Best, and the of Amy Allgood and Robert names. They created a ques- plored. Families First staff were help- White. tionnaire to compile the infor- Then the Scouts completed ful in mentoring the Scouts Troop leaders are Jolene mation. The pamphlet’s helps Silver Award guideline specif- with this project. Murray and Becky High. match the recipients to the ics, such as mapping skills, Morgan Murray’s, Virgin- Suzanne Collier is assistant most convenient food bank. leadership and teamwork ac- ia Savage’s and Jillian Sim- leader. The pamphlet is also useful tivites, which included visit- mons’ project was Blessings The Silver Award is the as a referral for the small food ing local agencies that deal in a Bag. second part of a three-tier banks when their food sup- with hunger, poverty and Their project focused on requirement before qualify- plies run low. The girls were healthy eating in Columbus children in their commu- ing for The Gold Award, Girls able to use their Apple 1:1 County. nity who live in poverty and Scouts’ highest honor. The Laptops issued to Whiteville Betty Walters mentored Sarah Cothron, Margaret High, Ashley Carter go hungry on the weekends Scouts completed their Bronze City Schools students to com- them as she chaired the open- when school lunch programs Awards as Junior Girl Scouts Carolina, as well as local food The Scouts learned much plete the pamphlet, which ing of a new food bank in are not available. The girls in 2008 with a comprehensive donated by grocery stores about the Families First or- were distributed to local agen- Chadbourn, Community Care provided bags of food for landscape beautification proj- and farmers. Area businesses ganization and domestic cies, other food banks, school and Share. The Scouts learned school-aged children between ect at the Girls Scout Shack were very generous with do- violence in the area while as- nurses and guidance counsel- from Walters the intricacies the ages of 4-8 to help supple- on Burkhead Street. For that nations, especially with copy sisting them with awareness, ors for their use. The Scouts of establishing a food bank, ment their nutrition at home. project, they partnered with paper needed for the projects. fundraisers such as the Paws visited numerous food banks they assisted in setting up the They solicited donations Leadership Columbus. Jocelyn Jones, Lizzie Walk and the annual Families in the community and volun- pantry, and volunteered after from various organizations For the Silver Award, the White, and Lauryn Ray’s proj- First Fashion Show. teered their time and donated it opened. and worked with school guid- troops talked to community ect was a Nutrition Activity The Columbus County canned goods. The Girl Scouts organized ance counselors to identify leaders and made an action folder for children of domes- Health Department was a Troop 919 members are several canned food drives children in need. Children plan to organize a project that tic violence victims. The valuable resource for infor- now undergoing the require- and these items were deliv- at Whiteville Primary School would benefit the community purpose of this project was to mation and resources. They ments to achieve their Gold ered to area churches and oth- receive Blessings in a Bag they live in. The troop found address improving nutrition culminated a folder of fun ac- Award. They are looking for- er food banks. The Scouts also with food that helps them get that local hunger issues were of children in families with tivities and coloring pages. ward to traveling with Colum- participated in the Harvest through the weekend without the biggest concern to them, domestic violence. Area businesses donated bus County Girl Scout troops Table Food Bank operation being hungry. Holly Powell and they divided into groups They created an activity paper for the project. The to join thousands of Scouts with Larry and Celia Dew. was instrumental in helping of three and each found a dif- folder that was fun, yet pro- news that Columbus County from around the world to cel- They learned how this or- the girls with this project that ferent hunger project. moted good eating habits for had been ranked the least ebrate 100 years of Girl Scouts ganization distributes boxes is an extension of a similar Over a two-year period, the children staying in the local healthy county in the state on the National Mall in Wash- of food it receives from the project she has been involved girls spent many hours meet- Food Bank of Eastern North domestic violence shelter. gave the girls inspiration to ington, D.C. on June 9. Tips on planting a tree Essential oil pill prevents PMS March 16 was North Caroli- tree has a large crown or the A pill containing a mix of patients evaluated.” months after they began the activities and quality of life na Arbor Day. Before planting planting is situated on a site essential oils has been shown Women who were given cap- treatment. Few adverse events may be significant, in addi- a tree, make sure you know where wind or people may to significantly reduce the sules containing two grams of were recorded and these were tion to the repercussions on how to do it correctly, advises push the tree over. Stake for a symptoms of premenstrual a combination of gamma lino- mild, insignificant and did not economic costs resulting pre- the International Society of maximum of one year. syndrome (PMS). Researchers lenic acid, oleic acid, linoleic appear to be directly related dominantly from a reduction Arboriculture (ISA). How a s 0RUNE ONLY THE DAMAGED writing in BioMed Central’s acid, other polyunsaturated to the medication. Speaking in productivity. Essential oil tree is planted and initially branches. open access journal, Reproduc- acids and vitamin E reported about the results, Rocha Filho capsules can now be said to maintained makes a differ- s 3OAK THE SOIL WELL MAK- tive Health, tested the tablets significantly eased PMS symp- said, “The negative effect of show much promise as a treat- ence. Too many people are ing sure no air pockets form by carrying out a randomised, toms at both three and six PMS on a woman’s routine ment.” content to simply plant a tree, between roots. Wait until next controlled trial in 120 women. but don’t ensure that the tree year to fertilize. Edilberto Rocha Filho has the chance to go on to live s 3PREAD TWO INCHES OF worked with a team of re- for many years. mulch over the planting area, searchers from the Federal “Planting a tree is making but do not place it up against University of Pernambuco, an investment in the future,” the trunk. Brazil, to conduct the tests. Don’t Miss Eggs says Sharon Lilly, ISA edu- s "E SURE THE ROOT BALL HAS He said, “The administration cational director. “You must plenty of water throughout of one or two grams of essen- care for and nurture your the year. tial fatty acids to patients with young tree so that it will pay For information on choos- PMS resulted in a significant dividends for years to come.” ing the right tree, proper Falling From the Sky! decrease in symptom scores. There are a few simple tips planting and other tree care Furthermore, the administra- to remember when planting a topics, or to find a local ISA tion of the dietary supplement tree this spring: certified arborist, visit www. did not result in any changes Prepare the hole treesaregood.org. in the total cholesterol in the s$IGTHEHOLETWOTOTHREE times the width of the root ball. Do NOT dig deeper than Is your town interesting? root ball depth. Make the Reader’s Digest wants to new American town will be sides of the hole slant gradu- know what makes your com- named America’s Most Inter- ally outward. munity the most interesting esting Town by popular vote s&ORBAREROOTTREES NEATLY town in America. and will be featured on the cut away any broken or dam- From now until May 31, website and in an upcoming aged roots. Soak the roots for locals are invited to log on issue of Reader’s Digest. Lo- a few hours prior to planting to www.readersdigest.com/ cals can show their commu- to allow them to absorb water. america to share personal nity spirit by logging on and s #ONTAINER GROWN TREES stories and photos that illus- voting for their town as many should have the plastic or met- trate what makes their town times as they like. al containers completely re- special. The author of the This is all part of the moved. Carefully cut through winning story will receive a Reader’s Digest We Hear You any circling roots. Remove the cash prize of $1,000 and their America campaign, a grass- top half of pressed peat/pa- town will be featured on the roots initiative that serves as per containers. cover of an upcoming issue a catalyst to empower Ameri- s "ALLED AND BURLAPPED of Reader’s Digest magazine. cans to help their communi- trees should have all of the This is an opportunity for in- ties. ropes cut. Pull the burlap at dividuals to shine and possi- For more information least one third of the way bly bring national attention to about the campaign’s activity down. Slit remaining burlap their hometowns in your area visit www.reader- to encourage root growth. If In addition, each week a sdigest.com/america. in a wire basket, cut away the top of the basket. Plant the Tree. Gently place the tree in the hole. Partially backfill with the soil from the SCC TV Schedule hole, water to settle the soil, EDU-Cable programming can be viewed locally on Time then finish back-filling the Warner Cable of Whiteville and surrounding areas, CH. 6. Tune in weekly from 9 a.m. – midnight or view online at EASTER EGG DROP hole. Tamp the soil gently, but do not step on the root ball. www.sccnc.edu While you may have fin- This week on EDU-Cable: ished planting, Arbor Day Monday - Wednesday - Friday - Sunday Saturday, April 7th • 12-2 aficionados should remember 9 a.m., 2 & 6 p.m. - The Reading Room these final touches: 9:30 a.m., 2:30 & 6:30 p.m. - Restore, Recover, Rebuild – s2EMOVETAGSANDLABELS Sharing Stories of Hope and Inspiration For ages up through 5th Grade s $O NOT STAKE UNLESS THE with Patrina Wright 11 a.m., 4 & 7 p.m. – Spotlight North Carolina Cooperative Extension – What’s on Your Plate – Hot Dogs, Chips & Drinks provided Howard Wallace and Meleah Collier Scheduling a 11:30 a.m., 4:30 & 7:30 p.m. – Columbus County Cooks “Light” with Harry Foley and guest, Melody Callihan – The community is invited to the movie presentation Roasted Vegetable Pasta Salad community event? Tuesday - Thursday - Saturday - SCC Presents 9 a.m., 2 & 7 p.m. - Walk with Jesus Sunrise Service and The Passion of The Christ Writing of the New Testament – Sue Hawks, Thursday, April 5th • 7 pm Check out our Dr. Dave Heller, Janice Young and Mark Gilchrist 9:30 a.m., 2:30 & 7:30 p.m. - Relay for Life – Sue Hawks, 24-hour Community Mitzi Ward and Teresa Cartrette Tuesday - Thursday - Saturday Western Prong Baptist Church Calendar at: 11:30 a.m., 4 & 9 p.m. - Chapter 6 – Volunteer Connection with Dr. Melody Prevatte – Community 167 Peacock Rd. Whiteville • 648-2744 www.whiteville.com Emergency Response Team – Patty Moore Deaths The News Reporter, Monday, April 2, 2012 -- Page 8A

ELEANOR FAYE CREECH MARVIN LINWOOD DEATH NOTICE DEATH NOTICE DEATH NOTICE DEATH NOTICE CLARKTON -- Eleanor Faye TYNER Creech, 74, died Thursday, TABOR CITY -- Marvin ALICE GRAY EZZELL ANN D. MCLAUGHLIN March 29, 2012. She was pre- Linwood Tyner, 86, died Friday, HEWETT WHITEVILLE -- Ann ceded in death by her parents, March 16, 2012 at his daugh- SEDLEY -- Alice Gray Ez- Daugherty McLaughlin Tommie Duncan and Mary ter’s home following an ill- zell Hewett, 73, died March died peacefully in her sleep Jones Duncan; one brother, ness. He was 27, 2012. Born in White- March 26, 2012. She was Haywood Duncan; and one bor n Oct. 26, ville, she was a daughter preceded in death by her sister, Gail Singletary. 1925 in Robeson of the late Odell and Mae husband, John F. McLaugh- Visitation will be held from County, the son Richardson Ezzell and re- lin. Mrs. McLaughlin was a 6-8 p.m. Saturday,March 31 of Luther Benja- tired from Hancock Peanut 38-year resident of White- at Bladen-Gaskins Funeral min Tyner and Ellen Caroline Company, Courtland, after ville. She had attended Home in Elizabethtown. Final Lewis Tyner. He was a blue- 26 years of service. She was Southeastern Community rites will be held at 2 p.m. berry farmer and a vendor at a member of Sedley Baptist College and earned her Sunday, April 1 at Mt. Zion the Columbus County Farmers Church. RN there, later working in Baptist Church with Rev. Ar- Market. Final rites were held Fri- home health and at the Co- thur Smith officiating. Burial He served in the U.S. Army day, March 30, 2012 at Sed- lumbus County Health De- will follow in Flynn Cemetery, during WWII. ley Baptist Church with the partment. Whiteville. Final rites were held Mon- Rev. Jim Foreman officiat- A private service will be She is survived by her hus- day, March 19 at Sandy Plain CHARLES ‘PAT’ PATRICK ing. Interment followed held at a later date. band, Billy Richard Creech of Baptist Church with Pastor MATTHEWS in Rosemont Cemetery. Ann is survived one son, the home; two sons, Richard Chris Zurcher and Rev. Billy BOBBY DALE STANLEY HOLDEN BEACH -- Wright Funeral Home, 206 Jack McLaughlin, his wife, Creech of Clayton, Wayne Prince officiating. Burial fol- LAKE WACCAMAW -- Charles Patrick “Pat” Mat- W. Fourth Ave., Franklin, Lisa, and their children, Al- Creech of Whiteville; four lowed at Old Zion Wesleyan Bobby Dale Stanley, 73, thews, 67, formerly of Lake Va. handled the arrange- lie and Miles, all of South daughters, Jane Starnes, Cemetery. Hardwick Funeral went to be with Jesus sur- Waccamaw, died Wednes- ments. Carolina; one daughter, Elaine Jones and Marie Bo- Home of Loris, S.C. handled rounded by family and day, March 28, 2012 at his Left to cherish her mem- Mary McLaughlin Cole- swell, all of Clarkton and Cyn- the arrangements. Memorials friends Thursday, March residence. He was born May ory is her husband of 56 man, her husband, Stephen, thia Skipper of Whiteville; may be made to Lower Cape 29, 2012 at New Hanover 28, 1944 in Bunnlevel, the years, Alfred D. “Cubie” and their children, Lilah one brother, David Duncan Fear Hospice and LifeCare Regional Medical Center in son of the late Charles Con- Hewett; three sons, Jimmy and Nora, all of Maryland. of Whiteville; three sisters, Center, 206 Warrior Trail, Wilmington. way Matthews and Marga- Hewett (Chris) of Kitty Betty Sue Baldwin of White- Whiteville, N.C. 28472. He was the son of the late NANCY MCCLASKEY ret Bethune Matthews. He Hawk, Gary Hewett of ville, Judy Tart and Frances Lacy Carlton and Rosa Lee BRUDVING was preceded in death by REATHER MAULTSBY Sedley and Darrell Hewett Watts, both of Clarkton; 12 Cox Stanley and was also HARRELLS -- Nancy Mc- one daughter, Melanie De- BROOKLYN, N.Y. -- Reath- (Barbara) of Courtland; grandchildren; and 15 great- preceded in death by three Claskey Brudving, 75, died nise Penney. er Maultsby, 99, formerly of one sister, Pansy E. Hard- grandchildren. siblings, Lacy C. “Frank” Tuesday, March 27, 2012. He formerly owned and Whiteville, died Wednesday, wick; one brother, Paul In lieu of flowers, memori- Stanley Jr., Carlton Stanley, A memorial service was operated Happy Days Muf- March 28, 2012 in New York. Ezzell; six grandchildren, als may be made to Lower Cape and Dot S. Gore. held Friday, March 30 at Trin- fler Shop in Fayetteville Arrangements will be an- Mandy and Josh Hewett, Fear Hospice, 1406 Physicians He was a charter member ity United Methodist Church and was a partner in White- nounced by Peoples Funeral Scott (Brandy) and Luke Dr., Wilmington, N.C. 28401. of Whiteville Assembly of with Rev. Jay Winston officiat- ville Beauty Supply. Home of Whiteville. Hewett, Melisa and Aman- God. Bobby was employed ing. Bladen-Gaskins Funeral A graveside service was SHIRLEY PATTERSON Friends may visit the family da Hewett; and one great by Trailways Bus Station Home of Elizabethtown han- held Sunday, April 1 at WHITEVILLE -- Shirley Pat- at the home of Cora Ingraham, grandson, Cole Hewett. in Whiteville, Townsend’s dled the arrangements. Whiteville Memorial Ceme- terson, 65, died Monday, March 336 Campground Road, White- Memorials be made to Building Supplies and later She is survived by two tery with Rev. Stuart Shum- 19, 2012 at Bladen County Hos- ville. Sedley Baptist Church brothers, Wayne McClaskey pital in Elizabethtown. at Whiteville Building Sup- way officiating. Peacock TERRY RAINEY 17494 Johnsons Mill Road, of N. Tustin, Calif., Hugh M. Final rites were held Sat- plies for 15 years. Funeral Home of White- TIMMONSVILLE, S.C. -- Sedley, Va. 23878. McClaskey of LaHabra, Calif.; urday, March 31 at Love Grove A celebration of life ser- ville handled the arrange- Terry Rainey, 48, died Wednes- www.wrightfuneralhome. and one sister, Madge Stankev- Freewill Baptist Church with vice was held Sunday, April ments. day, March 28, 2012 at Colum- org. ick of Los Angeles, Calif. Elder Ronald Brown officiat- 1 at Worthington Funeral He is survived by his wife, bus Regional Healthcare in Home in Chadbourn with Margie Norton Matthews; ing. Burial will be held at a ARNOLD MCNEIL Whiteville. Rev. Farron Duncan offici- New Life BC to one daughter, Connie Bo- later date. S&L Funeral Home TRENTON, N.J. -- Arnold No funeral service is ating. Interment followed sler and husband, Edward, of Fair Bluff handled the ar- McNeil, 60, formerly of Tabor hold Easter service planned. Westside Funeral in Whiteville Memorial of Fayetteville; and four rangements. City, died Thursday, March 22, New Life Baptist Church, Home of Tabor City is han- Cemetery. grandchildren, Emily, Cort- She is survived by one 2012. He was the son of the late Tabor City, will hold an Easter dling the arrangements. He is survived by his lov- ney and Anthony Bosler, brother, Eric Ervin. Henry and Estell McNeil. sunrise service April 8 at 7 ing wife of 35 years, Peg- and Kaitlyn Matthews. Final rites were held Sat- a.m. Breakfast will be served Living Hope PSS GLORIA JEAN BETHEA gy Arlene Lee Stanley of following the service. Worship BRENT ANDERSON CHADBOURN -- Gloria Jean the home; one son, Alan urday, March 31 at Holy Light service will be held at 11 a.m. BLADENBORO -- Brent Bethea, 61, died Friday, March Stanley of Greer, S.C.; two Holiness Church in Tabor City to hold give away with Rev. Steve Gunter as the Anderson, 26, died Saturday, 30, 2012 at Southeastern Hos- daughters, Vickie S. Parker with Rev. Tonie Vereen and Living Hope Pregnancy guest evangelist followed by a March 31, 2012. He was born pice House in Lumberton. (Larry) of Dunn and Dina S. Elder John C. Williams Jr. of- Support Services, a life-affirm- 6 p.m. service. Monday, April Sept. 11, 1985. He was pre- Arrangements are incom- Hooks (David) of Ocean Isle ficiating. Interment followed ing Christian ministry, is giv- 9 through Wednesday, April 11 ceded in death by his maternal plete and will be announced Beach; one daughter-in-law, in Columbus County Singing ing away gently-used Easter service will be held at 7:30 p.m. grandparents, L.C. and Ruth by S&L Funeral Home of Fair Indie Stanley of Greer, S.C.; Union Cemetery, Tabor City. outfits for children through The church is located on Thompson and paternal grand- Bluff. two sisters, Connie S. Dun- Westside Funeral Home of size 3T. New Life Church Road, three father, Leo Anderson. can of Tabor City and Nan- Tabor City handled the ar- The ministry is open Mon- miles east of Tabor City. The family will receive cy S. Thompson of White- rangements. days from 3-7 p.m. and Tues- Rev. John Hales is the pastor. friends from 6-8 p.m. Tuesday, Sandyfeld Parks ville; seven grandchildren, He is survived by his wife, days and Thursdays from April 3 at Bladen-Gaskins Fu- Mandy Cartwright (Brian), Cheryll McNeil; four broth- noon-4 p.m. and Rec. to hold Old Zion WC to hold neral Home in Elizabethtown. Tiffany Rogers (Matt), Stan ers, Ronnie McNeil, Donald In addition to free clothing Final rites will be held at 1 Easter egg hunt White (Kristin), Garrett McNeil, Jimmy McNeil and Easter programs and diapers, Living Hope of- p.m. Wednesday, April 4 at the The Parks and Recreation Stanley, Indie B. Stanley, Jeffrey McNeil, all of Trenton, Old Zion Wesleyan Church fers free pregnancy test with funeral home with Revs. Allen committee for the Town of Anna Stanley and Tripp N.J.; and one sister, Katrina will hold an Easter egg hunt estimated due dates to take to Thompson Jr. and Darin An- Sandyfield will hold its an- Hooks; six great-grandchil- McNeil of Trenton, N.J. Saturday, April 7 from 10 a.m.- DSS and an Earn While You drews officiating. Burial will nual Easter egg hunt Saturday, dren, Kayla Joy Cartwright, noon. There will be a moon Learn program for expectant follow in Pinecrest Cemetery. April 7 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. at Brett Cartwright, Kameron bounce, slide, egg hunt, pop- mothers. All services are free He is survived by his father, the Sandyfield Town Park lo- Cartwright, Makenna Rog- Columbus County corn, snow cones and prizes. and confidential. Johnny Anderson of the home; cated at 1811 Woodyard Road, ers, Emmery Faith Rogers, An Easter Sunday Sunrise For more information call his mother, Cathy Marlowe of Rieglewood. and Asher Kingsley White; Farmers Market Service will be held April 8 at 642-2677. Whiteville; one sister, Lindsey special nieces and nephews; 6:45 a.m. in the prayer garden. The ministry is located at to hold events Anderson of Whiteville; and his pets, Greta (German Breakfast will be in the family 116 Premiere Plaza behind New Horizon BWC The Columbus County Com- his paternal grandmother, Geri Shepherd) and cat, Missy. life center. Waffle International. munity Farmers Market will Anderson of Bladenboro. A special thanks to his Morning worship will be to hold spring fing hold several events for April sister-in-law, Wanda Lanier held Easter Sunday, April 8 Cherry Grove BC to New Horizon Baptist Wor- and May beginning with a Cherry Grove BC to and brother-in-law, Steve at 11 a.m. The adult choir will ship Center will hold its an- free plant swap and sale on hold Easter Sonrise Lanier and to Pastor Tim perform an Easter Cantata hold Easter egg hunt nual spring fling Saturday, Saturday, April 7 from 9 a.m.- and Kris Rausch for their entitled “The King is coming.” Service April 8 April 7 from 2-4 p.m. There 2 p.m. This event is hosted by Cherry Grove Baptist love and support for the The church is located at Cherry Grove Baptist will be food, fun and fellowship the Columbus County Master Church will host its’ annual along with an Easter egg hunt. past seven months. 10144 Swamp Fox Road one Church will host its annual Gardeners. church and community-wide The center is located on Joe Memorials may be made mile west of Guideway Elemen- Easter Sonrise service and A Chicken Bog plate sale Easter Egg Hunt Wednesday, Brown Hwy., Tabor City. to Whiteville Assembly of tary. For more information breakfast Sunday, April 8. The fundraiser will be held at April 4 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Dr. Tom Ward is the pastor. God, 3654 James B. White call 653-2305. Sunrise service will be held lunchtime for $5 each or $6 The event is sponsored by Hwy. South, Whiteville, in the church Prayer Garden including a soft drink. the preschool, children’s and N.C. 28472 or to the N.C. Sandhill MBC church across from the sanctuary near Proceeds will benefit the youth departments and is for Kidney Foundation, 4819 the church cemetery begin- farmers market. announcements all children toddlers through Park Road, Suite C, Char- ning at 7 a.m. with Rev. Josh For more information call 6th grade. The youth depart- lotte, N.C. 28209-3842. Sandhill Missionary Baptist Phillips leading the service. In Howard Wallace at 640-6606. ment will be assisting with (www.worthingtonfuen- Church church announcements case of inclement weather, the The official opening day is for April are as follows: the event. ralhome.com) service will be moved inside scheduled for Saturday, May 12 Monday, April 2 Rev. Donald The Easter egg hunt ac- the Christian Fellowship/Wor- from 7 a.m.-noon. Opening cer- Thompson of Sandhill Mission- tivities will feature hot dogs, ship Center. Following the ser- El-Bethel to hold emonies will be held at 10 a.m. ary Baptist Church will preach games, the Easter story and vice there will be a full course There will be a flag-raising at Atkinson Temple Holiness prizes. Although the project is breakfast. The church’s tradi- joy night April 6 ceremony by Cub Scouts and Church at 7:30 p.m. a church-wide event, children tional Easter worship service Tuesday, April 3 Rev. Dr. of family and friends through- El-Bethel Church will hold entertainment by Edgewood will begin at 10:50 a.m. again Timothy Lance of Mt. Olive Bap- out the area communities are joy night Friday, April 6 at Elementary Chorus. with Rev. Josh Philips leading       The third annual Farmers tist Church will preach at St. invited to attend. Children are in worship and special music.    7:30 p.m. The guest speaker    Market Fun Run & Walk will John Baptist Church at 7:30 p.m. asked to bring their Easter For more information call will be Rev. Corey Lyons and Wednesday, April 4 Rev. baskets or buckets, but extras   his congregation from New be held Saturday, May 19 at Phillips at the church office at      Charles Pridgen of Atkinson will be provided. 649-7910, visit the church web- Beginning Missionary Baptist 8:30 a.m. For more informa- Temple Holiness Church will Cherry Grove Baptist site at www.cherrygrovebap-    Church of Chadbourn. tion or to register visit www. preach at Jerusalem Chapel Church is located on Swamp tist.org or e-mail any questions      The church is located at 415 fmrun.com. Church at 7:30 p.m. Fox Highway (Hwy. 904) be- or comments to cherrygrove- W. Walter Street, Whiteville. Thursday, April 5 Rev. Fred- tween Tabor City and Fair [email protected]. www.mckenziemortuary.net Elder Robert D. Williams rick Murray of Jerusalem Cha- Bluff. Sr. is the pastor. First St. Paul pel Church will preach at Sand- For more information call MBC to hold hill Missionary Baptist Church the church office at 649-7910. Union BC to host at 7:30. Also communion and a Rev. Josh Phillips is the feet washing will take place. pastor. Drama Fest 2012 Missionary Day Friday, April 6 Rev. Dr. John The O.J. Brown Scholarship First St. Paul Missionary Troy of Cedar Grove Baptist Church will preach at Mt. Olive Whiteville FWBC to hold Fund presents Drama Fest Baptist Church will hold its Missionary Baptist Church at Men’s Easter breakfast, 2012 Saturday, March 31 at 6 annual Missionary Day Sun- 7:30 p.m. p.m. at Union Baptist Church, day, April 15 beginning with resurrection service Sunday, April 8 a Sunrise Lake Waccamaw. Various Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. The Whiteville Freewill Baptist service will be held at 5 a.m. at service will be given by Minis- Church will hold its Men’s Eas- local groups, soloists, praise Sandhill MBC along with an dancers and mime teams will ter LaTonya Wright. ter breakfast and resurrection A fellowship lunch will Easter program during the 11 be performing. Making their a.m. worship service. Donald service Saturday, April 7 at 7 first appearance will be the be served after the morning a.m. The guest speaker will service. Thompson will deliver the G.R.I.P.P. Mime Team of Lake morning message. be Rev. Guy Graham of Lum- Waccamaw. The church is located on berton. The church is located Campground Road in White- Sunday, April 29 Sandhill The church is located at MBC will celebrate its April. at 419 East Columbus Street. ville. 2290 Old Northeast Road. May and June birthday’s. The Danny Jeffers is the pastor. Rev. Ronnie Blue is the Gregory Spaulding is the church is located at 16920 Twist- For more information call pastor. pastor. ed Hickory Road, Bladenboro. Jeffers at 317-2461. The News Reporter, Monday, April 2, 2012 – 9-A McDonald’s Presents Whiteville High School East Columbus High School West Columbus High School South Columbus High School

Zoey Chase Jasmine Austin Barton Nye Monique Floyd McNeill

Freshman Zoey Barton is the 14-year-old Senior Chase Nye is the 18-year-old Sophomore Jasmine Monique McNeill Freshman Austin Floyd is the 15-year-old son daughter of Robert and Nicole Barton. She son of Meribeth and Benny Nye. An is the 16-year-old daughter of Kimberly of Judy and Carl Floyd. He is active with the plays high school soccer and marches in honor student, he plays on the school’s Campbell and Samuel Braddy. She is school’s JROTC, serving on its command the WHS Wolfpack Band. She made All- varsity baseball team. He said the best active with the school’s Beta Club and staff as well as its Raiders team. He has been County Band this year at Celebrate the thing about his school is the teaching National Honor Society. She received named cadet of the month and is active with the Arts. She is also in the National Honor So- staff. “They are helpful and friendly.” a digital communications award and is Future Farmers of America. He said the thing ciety and works with the school’s yearbook. Physical education is his favorite class. active with the JROTC, serving on its he likes best at SCHC is having different class- She said her favorite thing about WHS is its “It helps me relax and take a break drill team. She said the thing she likes rooms and a variety of teachers. His favorite high level of energy. “It’s great being able from my heavy work load.” He said the best at WCHS is break. “It is a time for class is JROTC. “I plan to enter the military and to learn and having the freedom to have most interesting thing about him is he me to relax and chat with friends for 15 it gives me an opportunity to develop my lead- fun.” Band is her favorite class. “My direc- has good people skills and “I’m friendly tor is great and I love the music.” She said minutes.” Her favorite class is Spanish. ership skills.” He said the most interesting thing the most interesting thing about her is her to everyone.” Baseball is his favorite “It is fun to learn.” She said the most about him is he likes people and gets along well personality. “I tend to be very independent activity. “It just comes naturally.” Af- interesting thing about her is she can with others. “My friends say I am very funny and and free-willed, always.” She said her favor- ter high school, he plans on attending sing. She said, after high school, she good to be around.” His favorite activity is play- ite activity is spending time with those she East Carolina University. wants to become a crime scene inves- ing video games. “I really like being challenged loves and “having a close relationship with tigator. by the different strategies you fnd in them. After God.” After high school, she plans to pursue high school he wants to join the Air Force and a career in the medical feld. work with computers.

Now with Columbus Students two Whiteville locations to serve you 1408 1110 North Of The Week S. Madison St. JK Powell Blvd. FBI Continued from page 1-A

Mental and physical our troops. They study these “They told us, ‘We are here to fitness things so they can find ways help however you need us to. Physical fitness was a big to better protect our troops, We can provide forensic assis- part of every day’s training and to deal with these things tance, or we can aid in the in- routine, Long said. He trained if it ever happens here. They vestigation, or we can handle hard for weeks before the are just quietly working hard the investigation. Either way, academy, knowing that the at keeping us safe. You really it’s still your investigation, it’s physical fitness portion of get a lot of respect for what your case.’ I think that helped the academy would be tough. they do.” reassure a lot of officers about An avid runner, Long said the They went rock climbing calling for help if they need it, Submitted photo courses were challenging, but on Old Rag Mountain, which and the resources they have “a blast.” Long said was one of the best there are amazing.” They’re back “It was great to work out climbs he has ever enjoyed. Common ground After a brief abscence during a cold snap this week, the once scarce, non-biting va- with these guys,” he said. “All Officers in the course Long said that despite their riety of mosquito called “midges” have returned to the Lake. of them were superb athletes, shared their care packages differences, all the trainees and really professional. It was from home, Long said – some- had common ground in trying challenging to everyone.” times with mixed results. to learn how to deal with a new The final physical test was “My running partner was generation of younger law the infamous Yellow Brick from Niger,” Long said, laugh- officers, some of whom don’t Community Foundation will Road, a 6.2-mile obstacle ing, “and one night he shared have the same values and moti- course and run that is used grasshoppers and monkey vations of their predecessors. host grant workshop April 10 by FBI trainees and Marine jerky. That’s right — monkey. “It’s something we all will officer cadets. It was all right, but I think I’ll have to deal with, no matter The Columbus County but seating is limited, so the Friday, May 25. “Man, that was great,” he stick to my own deer jerky.” where you are from,” he said. Community Foundation will Foundation asks that not more The Columbus County said. “I managed not to throw Officers from Maine pre- The academy is available offer a free grant-seeker’s than two people from an orga- Community Foundation is up on the cargo net. I would pared a lobster dinner one to selected trainees at no cost, workshop for local nonprofits nization attend. an affiliate of the North Caro- have loved to have run that night, Long said, and others Long said. Expenses are paid on Tuesday, April 10. The This year the Columbus lina Community Foundation, every day. It made you reach shared specialty dishes from by the trainee and his agency. Foundation awards grants County Community Founda- and it provides management inside.” their countries and states. Long said he was happy to from the Columbus County tion is seeking grant propos- services to a number of local Students heard programs And like most folks, they get home. The weather was Unrestricted Endowment als in the areas of arts and endowment funds. Foundation from a number of notable talked about home during mild but colder in Northern through an annual, competi- humanities, education, the board members are Hopkins, speakers, including former their meals. Virginia, and a few light snows tive grant process. environment, health, human president; Henry Edmund, Gen. Hugh Shelton, Michael “You learn a lot, and make occurred while he was there. “The Columbus County services, public and societal Randy Britt, Gary Kramer, Dr. Durant (the pilot from the a lot friends,” he said. “The He missed around 15 games Community Foundation has benefit, and youth develop- Kathleen Matlock, Leo Mercer, book and movie, Blackhawk different attitudes about civ- with his three children, and awarded more than $69,000 in ment. Ladeen Powell, Terray Suggs Down), and Bobby Smith, a po- il rights and human rights only managed to get a little bit grants to area charities since Grants are available for and Andy Wayne. lice officer who was shot in the stands out in my mind. Other of time in the Quantico woods 2001,” said Geoff Hopkins, non-profit, tax-exempt organi- Anyone wishing to learn face and nearly died in 1986. countries don’t understand looking for shed antlers. The Foundation board president. zations, religious institutions more about the Columbus “He was there to help us why we find these things so sprawling base is overrun “Because of the endowment, and government agencies County Community Founda- realize that you can get caught important, why we value free- with whitetail deer, Long said, we were even able to make with specific projects address- tion and its services to the up in the job, and you need to dom.” but the doe population is far grants during the recession. ing these needs in Columbus community may contact a lo- remember life isn’t all about “It was humbling,” Long higher than the bucks. The bigger the endowment, County. Funds are not avail- cal board member or call the that.” said. “Here we are concerned “The deer are everywhere,” the more support we can offer able for individuals, capital North Carolina Community Trainees also heard from about the cost of living with he said. “We were walking to our local charities through campaigns or capital improve- Foundation’s Southeastern the lead investigator in the $4 a gallon gas, and this fellow down a hallway, and there this competitive grant process, ments. office at (910) 509-7256. Tax Kaylee Anthony abduction over here is wondering if he was a deer right outside the so we welcome contributions The Foundation accepts deductible contributions to and murder. will get killed going to work window. They were bedding at any time.” only online grant applica- the Columbus County Unre- “It was sobering to hear today. That’s a high cost of down beside the barracks. Organizations that wish to tions, which are available stricted Endowment Fund him say frankly what they living, and something we can’t I spoke to the game warden participate in the workshop through the N.C. Community may be mailed to Columbus did right, and what they did understand here in America. for the Marines, and he said should call (910)509-7256 by Foundation website, www.nc- County Community Founda- wrong,” Long said. “It helps We have never experienced they had killed eight on the Friday, April 6, to reserve a communityfoundation.org. tion, c/o NCCF, P.O. Box 991, you keep perspective on any that type of thing.” firing range that week. It was spot. The workshop is free, The application deadline is Wilmington, N.C. 28402. kind of case, whether it’s big Just like anyone insane.” or small. We covered a lot of Students toured the train- Long said he and WRC staff current events, and got a lot of ing village used by the FBI and are working to find a way to inside information to help us Marines for urban scenarios. share the training he received improve our own skills.” “It’s a whole town,” he said. at Quantico. Bolton VFD gets $71,493 Monkey jerky “They use it for teaching how “There were a lot of frank and shoe bombs to deal with officer involved discussions about agencies, U.S. Rep. Mike McIntyre job is a priority for me, and I of Homeland Security has While the work was fun, shootings, hostage situations, and what is done right and has announced that Bolton am pleased these funds are awarded these congressio- Long said, the academy wasn’t robberies — anything that can wrong,” he said. “I came away Fire Department has received coming home to help Bolton nally appropriated funds all work. happen. There’s everything feeling really good about the $71,493 in federal funds for Fire,” McIntyre said. through its firefighters as- Trainees visited all the na- there you would find in any Wildlife Commission. I really operations and safety im- “We must do all we can to sistance program. McIntyre tional battlefields in the area, town in the country. It was an do work for a great agency. Not provements protect our citizens and com- is a member of the Homeland Long said, and got a special amazing facility.” everybody can say that.” “Ensuring that our fire de- munities, and these federal re- Security, Fire Services, and tour of the White House. They The trainees also got to partments have the resources sources will help do just that.” First Responder Congressio- toured the FBI forensics lab at meet members of the famous and tools they need to do their T he U.S. De par tment nal Caucus. Jefferson Weaver Quantico, as well as the fire- FBI Hostage Rescue Team 910-642-4104 ext. 227 arms museum, where more (HRT), and were there when [email protected] than 15,000 guns are stored. various HRT units were on Hudson Continued from page 1-A Long said officers also got standby during a presidential an up-close and personal view speech. dent with the diligent work of served as executive director ship Grand Strand Class XXI. of items that played a major “You meet these guys, and Scout yard sale our search committee. for the March of Dimes of She is affiliated with role in American law enforce- find out they’re just like any- is this Saturday “They have done a superb Horry County and market- Grand Strand Chamber of ment history, from guns car- one else — they have families, job acquiring a person with ing director for the Partners Commerce, on the Board ried by famous criminals to hobbies, worries. It’s just they Boy Scout Troop 513 is the qualities our members Economic Development Cor- of Directors of the Horry the “shoe bomb” that failed are incredibly trained and hosting a yard sale from 6 a.m. and board want in the new poration. County Guardian ad Litem when a terrorist tried to ignite have this very important job. until 12 noon, Saturday April 7 person. I can’t wait for Mary More recently she served and a member of the Grand it on an overseas flight to the I can’t imagine waiting for the at Tint Wizard on J.K. Powell Lee to get on board and meet as founder and CEO of Cha- Strand Optimist Club. U.S. call, knowing you might have Bloulevard behind the new everyone.” Cha Designs, a gift manufac- Hudson will join the “It’s amazing to hear how to go in to rescue the President Rose’s store. The sale is to help Hudson’s business experi- turing company located in Chamber on April 5 to com- many threats against the U.S. or some other dignitary.” fund Life Scout Garet Tyree’s ence encompasses traveling Myrtle Beach. mence training with Execu- that the FBI has thwarted,” Long said that the FBI went upcoming Eagle project. to China and Taiwan to con- She earned a bachelor’s tive Director Janice Young he said. “The FBI is in Af- to great lengths to remind of- The project is the renova- duct product development degree in business ardminis- who announced her retire- ghanistan now, with forensic ficers that the bureau is there tion of the children’s waiting and design for Waccamaw tration from Francis Marion ment in early winter. specialists investigating the to help, not take over. room on the pediatric floor of Corporation and Westex University in Florence, S.C., Young’s last day with the improvised explosive devices “The feds don’t want to take Columbus Regional Health- Industries. She has also and is a graduate of Leader- Chamber is April 27. the terrorists use against over local cases,” Long said. care. Editorials Te News Reporter, Monday, April 2, 2012 Walk With Jesus Economy puts shaping up to stability of be memorable UNCP staf at high risk Easter Sunday’s Walk with Jesus is shaping up to not only be a special event By KYLE R. CARTER for Columbus County’s Christian com- Chancellor munity, but it’s also brought favorable UNC Pembroke publicity to the county. In addition, organizers say that little I have been a fortunate man. miracles are occurring every day as the I’ve had the privilege—and event draws near. pleasure—of working in higher Last week, a Charlotte Observer col- education for more than three de- umnist wrote about the event, and this cades. Without a doubt, though, week, The News & Observer of Raleigh is I can say that the last four years have been the most difficult of my sending a writer and photographer here career—for no other reason than Tuesday. K-Love, the Christian radio sta- the financial matters that plague tion that broadcasts from 400 locations, higher education, including UNC interviewed organizer Mark Gilchrist Pembroke. The impacts of state Wednesday. budget cuts The The point to higher unique In addition to bring- education nature of ing good publicity and are well the event, document- favorable news cover- ed; I don’t where age from statewide intend hundreds newspapers and K-Love to spend of people much time will write radio, Walk With Jesus When men were men on that top- every book is enjoining hundreds ic. Instead, of the New I want to of Christians across the By JEFFERSON WEAVER think it’s significant that True and The imagination can be a far comment Testament Argosy crossed all demographic more powerful tool than any pho- county on the holiest of Staff Writer on a specif- along side- and socio-economic lines in their tographer’s camera. It disturbs me Kyle R. Carter days as they write the ic problem walks of I ran across an old friend the heydays. Those are dream statis- sometimes to think that some of that has Whiteville, New Testament on city other night, and we spent a good tics, friends. There were no smelly those Vargas girls are now grand- not drawn much attention—that hour together talking about fish- envelopes or skinny models in the mothers and great-grandmothers, has sidewalks. is, the impact of the budget crisis ing, swamp logging, guns, fast cars old pulp magazines, but there was since it makes me remember the brought on our ability to hold on to our and women. writing. bathing beauty shots of my own widespread attention to the county. The senior administrators and our My old friend was a tattered E l m o r e mother around the same time. Greater Whiteville Chamber of Com- excellent faculty. and dusty copy of a 1954 Argosy Leon- I think it is significant that merce said it has fielded call after call First, let’s review some con- magazine. Through an odd chain a r d , R a y Alberto Vargas drew only two text. Higher education employees from people across the state and nation of events, which are a column for Bradbury, for Playboy magazine, then went have had their salaries frozen wanting to know more. another day, I was once the owner E r n e s t back to the pulps. While Vargas’ for the last four years. Given the Janice Young, executive director of of an entire collection of True and Heming- creations undoubtedly helped sell news out of Raleigh, it is highly the chamber and one of the principal Argosy from around 1951 to ’59. way, Erle magazines, they were but a small likely that there will be no raise When I look around today at S t a n l e y part of the genre. organizers, said that for every challenge this coming year either. Infla- so-called men’s magazines, most Gardener, Where else could you find sto- the committee faces in order to pull off tion and ever increasing costs are either (a) pornographic, (b) and hun- ries about a suped-up Ford, wad- such a massive event, new doors open. for health care and other ben- almost pornographic or (c) filled dreds more ing for bluefish, Marines standing For example, last week organizers efits further reduce take home with words gentlemen don’t say, b r i g h t e r their ground at the Choisin Reser- were having difficulty finding a trumpet- pay. UNCP received 15 percent and photos of markedly effemi- and lesser voir, a sci-fi short story, and advice Weaver less from the state for its operat- er for the sunrise service, but that after- nate men being clung to by skinny, l i t e r a r y on how to buy a television—all ing budget for 2011-12. That’s noon, someone called and volunteered. scantily clad women, all of whom lights once in one month? Cowboy westerns, a big bite--over $9 million. Our Young noted that several details of the are supposed to make you buy a shone from those pages. My fa- detective tales, gun reviews, his- recently approved tuition in- event have fallen into place in similar thousand-dollar suit or a $10,000 vorite, Robert Ruark, sold to the tory, and stories about real-men crease for next year will generate watch. pulps, as did Mickey Spillane, and jobs like clearing drainage canals fashion. approximately $1.2 million. This Now I am obviously not talk- one of my mentors, John Hendrix. in the Everglades by hand, wran- Participation for the event appears to helps our situation but certainly ing about the outdoor magazines, I held up the dinner line at North gling snakes, making moonshine, be adequate considering its scope. Many doesn’t erase the loss. So once although I admit I rarely read the State Hunt Club one night when I and building airplanes. Articles churches are choosing to hold their own again, UNCP will manage its bud- mass-market slicks, preferring saw, hanging on the wall, a framed about logging towns and faraway sunrise services, as is their tradition, get by offering larger and fewer Fur-Fish-Game, Trapper’s Post, clipping of Ruark’s feature on the places, where a writer would have classes, reduced student services which is understandable and important. Trapper and Predator Caller, and club. It was just too cool. been wise to carry a gun as well and less support to faculty. We St. Marks AME Zion church, however, the always-amusing Extreme Hog There are still some good writ- as notepad. With just a smattering will ask our employees to do which has held a sunrise service for 70 Hunting. I don’t buy gun maga- ers out there whose work makes of men’s fashion, with the clothes more with less. Yet, throughout consecutive years, plans to break tradi- zines anymore, either, although it into magazines, but far more worn by men who were men, and these past four years of greater it’s just because they so rarely is spread online than ever will be women with curves. tion this one year to be a part of what demands and fewer rewards, our feature anything that isn’t made by printed. This is sad, since good There was some political edi- many people believe will be a memorable faculty and staff at UNC Pem- a corporate sponsor who donates a writing deserves to be immortal- torialization, of course—I first celebration on the holiest of days for the broke have remained dedicated: gun and a couple thousand rounds ized in print. learned the history of John Birch Christian faith. giving more, getting less. of ammo to the writer. Good work An editor who once sent me five from a True article, and it took a While such selflessness keeps if you can get it, but not my cup different rejection slips when I was little additional reading to get the good people on campus, it often of tea. a freelancer told me that the day whole story. A pulp mag piece that competes with the harsh real- I don’t really care about celeb- of the magazine writer was gone. deserves place in a classic collec- ity of economics. I worry about rities, except to be thankful to That editor had real class, and a tion of political analyses explained how the economy is affecting the God that I ain’t one and never will real love of his profession. I don’t perfectly how Sen. McCarthy Quotes of stability of leadership within the be. I don’t have anything against know what happened to him, but wasn’t as much moonbat as he was administrative and faculty ranks thousand-dollar suits or high-end the last I heard he had gone from politician who got caught up in here at UNCP. watches, but skinny women make one particular magazine (book, he his own rhetoric and couldn’t find Recently I announced the me nervous, and I doubt most called it) to another larger one. a way out. And the civil and con- upcoming retirements of three the week of those male models have ever “When I was a kid like you,” he stitutional rights abuses of today key university leaders: Dr. Diane cleaned blood from their finger- said—I was 24 at the time—“we had would definitely have had a place Jones, Mr. Neil Hawk and Ms. nails with the same pocketknife writers and editors. I knew the edi- in “the Court of Last Resort”—but “I remember in 1990 and 1991, when Jackie Clark. they use to eat Vienna sausages. tor wasn’t going to hold my hand. most would be from the perspec- I first began work as a probation officer, This is a tremendous loss for But I am truly offended by the He would guide me, sure, but there tive of the victim, not the unjustly us, not only because they have people in our office would tell me sto- perfume packets. I really, really were a dozen more, better than convicted. been dedicated servants of the ries about hearing and seeing unusual loathe perfume samples. Masculine me, waiting in the . You had The writers were opinionated, institution, but also because they things. I told myself there was nothing magazines shouldn’t have perfume to live on your writing ability and but the writers’ opinions were not have exercised creative leader- to it. One morning I must have looked samples. Period. your story.” expressed in such a way as to run ship throughout their tenures There were no perfume enve- He had worked for True and down our soldiers, our government a little unusual. H.B. Moore came in as vice chancellors for Student lopes in True, Argosy or even the Argosy and the old Esquire and a or our country. Sure, some of them and asked, “You heard it, didn’t you?” Affairs, Business Affairs and old Esquire. Once upon a time, number of other “books”. He never were controversial, but they were –Gentry Coleman, Probation and Parole Enrollment Management, respec- Gentleman’s Quarterly was for wrote for Playboy or the like. measured; there was none of the officer, commenting on the story that there tively. During challenging times heterosexual men, and it even only “We didn’t need Playboy,” he “Gotcha” so common are ghosts in the old county jail that served it’s imperative for universities to came out four times a year, hence said. “We had the Vargas girls.” in many magazine—and other have competent and experienced as the department’s office. The old jail is the name “quarterly.” And my word, they did indeed Continued on next page leaders, such as these individuals, due to be torn down to make way for the From the business standpoint, I have the Vargas girls. courthouse annex project. to help navigate the institution through unfamiliar and some- times treacherous waters. “I did not know one thing about it. I fear that these retirements Family were there and I did not even Fragrance may not be unique events in the know they were there. I looked around We often forget that each of us It was as if the general radi- coming months and years. Indi- BY RAY LUNDY and saw my daughters. Then I looked has a unique fragrance. In ancient ated the fragrance of victory for the cations throughout higher educa- NR Writers Group a second time and said ‘I’m seeing Rome, after a major military vic- glory of Rome. Ancient Chinese and tion are that we should expect things.’ It was a nice surprise and a tory, the conquering general and Japanese emperors had exclusive more retirements and transitions very unexpected surprise.” It is said that the human nose his troops were given a victory perfumes they wore. A subject could out of the university. Why now –County Commissioner Lynwood Norris, can detect 10,000 different aromas, parade. The spoils of war and his enter the room after a ruler had left more than any other time? In and could say, “The emperor was many cases, it comes down to believed to be the state’s longest-serving quite an accomplishment for the hu- prisoners were marched through man animal. It is also true that each just here.” It was true with other economics. First, individuals be- county commissioner, on being awarded the the city, as throngs of happy citizens human being emits a certain odor, cheered them on. After the parade, royalty of other nations in other gin to look at their own financial Order of the Long Leaf Pine. some stronger than others. Each the conquering general, his staff, times. They left fragrances behind. situation. of us, even though similar to oth- and their families were treated to a What fragrances do we leave be- Those eligible to retire realize “It was absolutely delicious. If Food ers of the race, gives off a distinct huge banquet. hind? In our dealings with people, that there is no financial benefit Lion had T-bones and a donkey steak, fragrance, good or bad. Before the parade and the ban- are we mean to them, emitting bad to remaining in their position; I’d buy the donkey steak.” When sorting my dad’s clothes quet, enormous amounts of flower fragrances? their pensions will not increase Or, are we kind and loving, leav- because their salaries are frozen. – Gary Lanier, Columbus County Eco- after his death, I saved a light jacket petals were strown on the streets that he loved to wear. When I missed ing pleasant fragrances behind In fact, some even find that they nomic Development Director, on the exotic along the parade route and in the him terribly, I went to my closet, banquet hall. when we go? I dare say that some are losing money by working! cuisine he was fed as guest of a Chinese held his jacket to my nose, smelled The more the flower petals were of us stink. Others leave behind wine-importing company that plans to in- it, and his memory came flooding crushed by the feet of the crowd, pleasant fragrances and wonderful When it’s already stressful to vest in a wine-blending business that will back to me. the sweeter the fragrance. After a memories. work in an organization that is cut- start here soon. Lanier’s least favorite dish: That seems a bit immature, but short while, the fragrance drifted Would it not be wonderful for all ting spending, a lack of financial donkey stomach. it worked. After a while, I gave throughout most of the city. The of us to live our lives to radiate the gain can make the pull toward re- the jacket to someone who really fragrance of victory was wonderful sweet fragrance of heaven for the tirement—enjoying grandchildren, needed it. and everywhere. glory of God? Continued on next page The News Reporter, Monday, April 2, 2012 11-A ‘Overcoming UNCP Obstacles Continued from previous page travel, leisure time—just too state fiscal policy; thus, UNC with Spunk’ much to resist. Pembroke will likely see more Just this week a faculty retirements among critical po- is lunch topic member, hearing of these sitions in both administration retirements, confided that he and faculty ranks. We will see The Southeastern Com- too planned to retire at the key faculty too young to retire munity College Small Busi- end of the next academic year looking elsewhere for employ- ness Center presents Diane for exactly these reasons. This ment and new, most likely less Wolfe as guest speaker during situation is not limited to UNC experienced junior faculty The Greater Pembroke; it is happening taking their places. Current Whiteville everywhere. administrators and faculty C h a m b e r Besides retirement, we face will shoulder the burden of of Com- another issue among our fac- additional work while we merce Of- ulty and staff. Currently, spend time and money recruit- fice Profes- the only way employees can ing new people. In short, the sional Day increase their salaries to sup- university will be a cauldron Luncheon port their families is to find of transition, with each de- April 25 at Wolfe a position elsewhere—unless parture and arrival stirring Vi n e l a n d they can be promoted from the pot. Station. Office Professional within which is less available. Along with other chancel- event Chair April Baker com- Employees seeking employ- lors and their administrative mented, “As an office profes- ment outside their institu- teams, I will be challenged sional myself, I see how impor- tion creates both gains and to provide stable leadership tant this role is in the life of losses for the university. For while dealing with the up- our businesses. I was pleased example, just this past year heaval in our ranks. We must to be asked to work with the we hired four key administra- focus on the long view, even chamber committee to plan tors from sister institutions. while we’re breaking in new a special day to honor those We were able to attract them, staff and orienting them to our who keep our businesses run- in part, because their salaries institutional culture, priori- ning day in and day out. The were frozen where they were ties, and management styles. committee has planned a great working. Perhaps there is a silver lin- event and we are really looking We will certainly lose fac- ing in all the disruption: this forward to hearing from our ulty for the same reason; we coming-and-going does allow spunky speaker.” will, no doubt, gain some, too. us to build a leadership team Wolfe is known for her The numbers might balance and recruit strong faculty with goal-setting and leadership out in the end, but ultimately expertise in particular fields. seminars. She has been called there is a net loss: (1) We lose Of course, this optimism “Spunk on a Stick,” and her individuals who have helped depends upon our return to luncheon speech will focus create UNC Pembroke’s “per- a friendlier—or at least more on overcoming obstacles and sonal touch” culture and (2) stable—economic environ- becoming a dynamic leader increased turnover is not good ment where outstanding per- with spunk. for camaraderie, morale or the formance can be rewarded Cost of the luncheon is $30 stability of an institution. and employees can once again per person or $25 per person for To make matters worse, dedicate themselves to a suc- three or more guests. Attend- there isn’t much we can do cessful career in a place they ees can register by calling the about this turnover because feel secure and valued. Surely, Greater Whiteville Chamber of we are limited in our ability that time is coming… Commerce at 642-3171. to make counteroffers to keep Honored office profession- valued employees. State regu- als will enjoy a lunch, presen- lations prohibit UNC system DEBT RELIEF tation by Diane Wolfe, door schools from using state funds Bankruptcy prizes, gifts from the chambers for counteroffers; we must and the opportunity to relax rely on non-state resources, Stop Foreclosures and enjoy friends. such as donations to the UNCP Get A Fresh Start Event sponsors are J. Ray Foundation. Realty, New Directions Group Because most of our foun- Attorney Care Management, SCC Small dation dollars are restricted James Business Center, State Farm to scholarships, we have a Robbins Insurance, SweediePie Cheese- Staff photo by Mark Gilchrist very limited ability to make cakes, The Country Nursery counteroffers to keep our best 922 S. Madison St. and Waccamaw Bank. Reuse and recycle faculty and staff. Whiteville Cub Scout den leader Amy Ransom shows Nathaniel Shipman, 10, how to make a So what does this mean for planter out of an old soda bottle Saturday at the Scout show and pinewood derby at the institution’s immediate future? I doubt we are going CALL 642-4860 the county fairgrounds. www.bankruptcylawwebsite.com Weaver to see dramatic changes to Continued from previous page media—today. The artists who created the illustrations for those maga- Liberty Commons gets SUBSCRIBE NOW AND SAVE! zines—artwork and photogra- phy were still competing back award, no defciencies then, in the days before desktop publishing—had to tell a story The North Carolina Divi- National quality award The News Reporter just as well as the writer. Sure, sion of Health Service Regu- some of them can only be clas- lation conducted its annual In September, Liberty sified as lurid, and that’s being inspection of Liberty Com- Commons received a Na- charitable, but they were art mons Nursing and Rehab tional Bronze Award for More Local News that grabs the eye even a half- Center of Columbus County Commitment to Quality from century or more later. in October. The purpose of the American Health Care for Your Money Marilyn Monroe lives on in this survey was to ensure Association. This honor is the pages of those tattered old that all state and federal awarded to less than 5 per- books, as do a thousand other rules were being followed cent of all nursing homes in unknown beauties painted by and residents were receiving the country. Vargas. Will Madonna’s photo, safe and appropriate care. Recipients of this award 104 ISSUES err, essay in Esquire be remem- The survey spanned two must demonstrate the high- bered 50 years from now? Or days during which a team est commitment providing will anyone even know who of investigators reviewed re- quality care to residents A YEAR! Christina Aguilera was? Or cords, interviewed residents based on a well-developed care why Rheanna spells her and staff, and observed care organizational profile, an name like that? I doubt it. being provided. The survey- awareness of the environ- It’s sad, to me, that we no ors found zero deficiencies, ment and customers’ expec- SUBSCRIPTION RATES longer have men’s magazines which means Liberty Com- tations, and a demonstration that can be sold in front of the mons is in substantial com- of the ability to improve a Home Delivery (where available) ...$45 yr./$29 6 mos. counter—or purchased with- pliance with all rules and process. out the buyer’s proclivities regulations and residents The Bronze Award is step being thoroughly in question. are receiving safe and ap- one in a progressive process US Mail: Once upon a time, American propriate care. The average based on the core values Columbus County ...... $30 men were proud to be men; number of deficient findings and criteria of the Baldrige now, sometimes, I am just not in North Carolina is four per Performance Excellence Other NC Counties by Mail ...... $46 so sure. Our literature sure facility. Program. doesn’t give much hope. Outside of NC ...... $65

The News Reporter.....PO Box 707, Whiteville, NC 28472.....910-642-4104, ext. 270 Elect I’m enclosing payment of ______for the amount due according to the information listed above. NAME ______ADDRESS ______EMAIL ADDRESS ______TIM BLACKMON PHONE ______COMPLETE, CLIP AND RETURN Columbus ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED! Subscription payments accepted also at Whiteville.com County Call 642-4104, ext. 270 Commissioner Stay up-to-date on the District 2 local news that matters to you with a subscription to the “Change Will Make a Difference” The News Reporter Paid for by the Candidate 12-A – The News Reporter, Monday, April 2, 2012 Walk with

unriSJe erviceesew ueSTamensT riTing S S & n T w Easter Morning Downtown Whiteville April 8, 2012

Te staf of Te News Reporter would like to invite all of our readers to downtown Whiteville on Easter Sunday for a community sunrise service and event that we believe has not been attempted anywhere in the world. Together, we will write the entire New Testament in beautiful colors along 11 city blocks for all the world to see. Afer the worship service, church volunteers will hand out chalk and numbered Scripture sheets to participants. We’ll simply walk to the corresponding numbered tiles, and then we will kneel and write. What a glorious way for our community to worship on Easter morning, and to express our love for Jesus! Sports Te News Reporter, Monday, April 2, 2012 - Page 1B Gator elation East Columbus High Pack nips Cougars Head Baseball Coach Karl Bracey whoops it Tyquan McDonald’s one-out sacrifice fly to left field brought home Jacob Long from third up after Gators’ pitcher base with the winning run in the bottom of the The Wolfpack scored three of its Chase Nye drove a two- seventh inning in the Whiteville Wolfpack’s 5-4 runs on sacrifce fies in the 5-4 vic- out bases-loaded hit in Waccamaw 2A-3A Conference baseball victory tory. WHS will play host to confer- the bottom of the sev- over the visiting South Brunswick Cougars. enth inning for a 4-3 The game-winner was the third run-scoring ence front-runner West Brunswick sacrifice fly of the evening for Coach Brett Har- Tuesday night at 6. Three Rivers Confer- wood’s Wolfpack, which pushed its conference ence win over visiting record to 4-2 and season record to 9-4. off with a triple and scored on a sacrifice fly by South Robeson. In photo Sophomore Bronson Best came on in the Tyler to tie the score. below, Nye (center, with- sixth inning to chalk up the mound victory for In the bottom of the seventh, Long led off out cap) is mobbed by the Wolfpack, which trailed the Cougars 4-3 after for Whiteville with a single, took second on a five innings. teammates after deliv- sacrifice bunt by Brown and went to third on Whiteville, the defending Waccamaw Confer- ering his walk-off hit. a single by White. McDonald followed with his ence champion, had an eight-hit attack. Nathan Nye pitched a two-hitter sacrifice fly to bring in the game-winner. Hood, Hunter Smith and Justin White each White started on the mound for the Wolfpack for the Gators, who put had two hits. Hood connected for a sixth triple and got relief help from Smith before Best came their conference record and Smith stroked a two-run double in the first on in the sixth to record the win. at 3-2. inning. The loss dropped South Brunswick’s confer- Photos by Crystal Cecil Willie McRae had three of South Brunswick’s ence record to 3-3. six hits. McRae also absorbed the pitching loss Whiteville will play host to conference front- after taking the mound in the sixth inning. runner West Brunswick (6-0) Tuesday at 6 p.m. South Brunswick took a 2-0 lead in the top of The current Waccamaw Conference baseball the first inning but Whiteville answered with standings, at the midway point of the league three runs in the bottom of the inning. race, follow: Hood and Hyland Tyler drew back-to-back W-L W-L walks off Cougar starter Mike Barber, and Matt West Brunswick 6-0 8-4 Stewart came on to pitch for the Cougars with Whiteville 4-2 9-4 no outs. Smith followed with his two-run double North Brunswick 4-2 9-3 and he later scored from third on a sacrifice fly West Bladen 3-3 5-6 by Zach Brown. South Brunswick 3-3 4-8 South Brunswick tallied two more runs in South Columbus 1-5 5-7 the fifth to regain the lead, 4-3. East Bladen 0-6 4-7 In the bottom of the sixth inning, Hood led

2-1 Lady Pack edges SBHS Sam Bass drilled a two-run single in the third inning to provide the game-deciding runs Friday in a key 2-1 Wac- camaw Conference softball victory Friday over visiting South Brunswick. Lauren Worley was the winning pitcher and Jenny Gators rally to 4-3 victory Nye also emerged as the Thompson came on in the fifth LAKE WACCAMAW - All five of the Gators’ con- winning pitcher, throwing a inning to record the save as Trailing 3-1 going into the ference games to date have complete game two-hitter and Coach Jimmy Williams’ WHS bottom of the seventh inning, been decided by a single run. striking out eight batters, team put its conference record the East Columbus Gators Kim Carter was the losing David Bridgers and Taylor at 4-2 and season record at 9-4. rallied for a 4-3 win over the pitcher for South Robeson, Stevens each had two hits South Brunswick scored its South Robeson Mustangs which slipped to 2-3 in the with Stevens driving in the lone run in the first inning and Thursday in a Three Rivers TRC and into a tie for fourth game-tying run in the seventh, was held scoreless the rest of 1A Conference baseball game. place with West Columbus bringing home Bridgers with a the way. East Columbus tied the and Red Springs. suicide squeeze bunt. Bass had three hits for the score at 3-3 before bringing East Columbus, the de- Forrest Wayne had a double night for the Lady Wolfpack. across the winning marker fending state 1A champion, for Coach Karl Bracey’s Ga- Trailing 1-0 in the third in- on a two-out, bases-loaded will go against cross-county tors, who upped their confer- ning, Whiteville lead-off hitter drive to left-centerfield by rival West Columbus Tues- ence record to 3-2 . Lexus Dudley got on with a Chase Nye. day at 6 p.m. South Brunswick throwing error. Tina White followed with a bunt single, and Haley Tolley loaded the bases with ECHS puts TRC sofball record at 5-0 a single to set up Bass’ big hit LAKE WACCAMAW - Samantha Malpass that brought home Dudley and Madison Patrick had three hits, including pitched a two-hitter while striking out 12 batters White. The game remained a double, and Kendra Bowen had two hits, in- Thursday in a 5-2 victory over Three Rivers 1A- scoreless through the final four cluding a triple, and Madison Pierce drilled an 2A Conference opponent South Robeson. innings. inside-the-park home run. Winning form Coach Kim Patrick’s Lady Gators hold down Whiteville, which is now East Columbus will play host to West Colum- Whiteville High’s Ryan Ciamillo hurls the discus to a frst- first place in the TRC standings with a 5-0 league in a two-way tie for first place bus Friday at 6 p.m. place fnish in last Thursday’s Waccamaw Conference mark. in the Waccamaw Conference East Columbus will be the host team for the track and feld meet at the WHS track. Other schools South Robeson scored both its runs in the standings, will play host to East Columbus Easter Softball Tournament, top of the first inning and was held scoreless competing in the event were South Columbus, West West Brunswick Tuesday at which is scheduled to run April 9-10. the rest of the way. Brunswick and East Bladen. 6 p.m. Vikings bow Tabor City gymnasts to Red Springs RED SPRINGS - The host Watson sisters qualify for Red Springs Red Devils pulled away to a 15-5 Three Rivers Region 8 championships 1A-2A Conference baseball Olivia and Sara Watson of of 8.825 (Vault-8th), 9.250 (Bars- victory over visiting West Tabor City recently qualified 4th), 8.650 (Beam-6th), and 9.150 Columbus on Thursday. and competed in the U.S. Gym- (Floor-5th). Sara’s All-Around The loss dropped West nastics Association (USGA)- score (35.875) qualified her also Columbus’ conference record sanctioned South Carolina for the Region 8 Gymnastics to 2-3. State Gymnastics Champion- Championships (minimum E.J. Jenkins had two hits ships held on the campus of score 34.0 required). for West Columbus, which Winthrop University in Rock The Region 8 Gymnastics now has a 4-7 season record. Hill, S.C. Championship will feature the Coach Mitch McCleney’s They are the daughters of top gymnasts from Alabama, Vikings will play host to Three John and Marlette Watson. Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Rivers Conference rival East Both girls are members of the Mississippi, North Carolina, Columbus Tuesday at 6 p.m., USGA. South Carolina and Tennessee. and will travel to Cumberland Olivia, a 15-year-old sopho- Olivia and Sara compete as County Wednesday to take on more at South Columbus High members of the Ocean Flip- Fayetteville Christian in a 4 School, competes as a first-year pers Gymnastics Team based p.m. game. level 10 gymnast. In her first at Gymnastics and More in year as a level 10 gymnast, Little River, S.C. Olivia placed 2nd All-Around Along with their Ocean Stallions fall at the S.C. State Champion- Flipper teammates, Olivia ships among level 10 gymnasts and Sara competed in several to Scorpions with scores of 9.225 (Vault-4th), USGA meets this season lead- 9.150 (Bars-3rd), 9.350 (Beam- ing up to the S.C. State Cham- North Brunswick pitcher 3rd), and 9.050 (Floor-5th). Ol- pionships and the Region 8 John Zacek threw a no-hitter ivia’s All-Around score (36.775) Gymnastics Championships. Thursday in the North Bruns- qualified her for the Region 8 These were: the Atlantis wick Scorpions’ 11-1 victory Gymnastics Championships. Crown Invitational Gymnas- over Waccamaw 1A-2A confer- A minimum score of 34.00 was tics Meet (Paradise Island, ence opponent South Colum- required to qualify for the re- Bahamas), The Teddy Bear bus. gional meet in Palmetto, Fla., Tumble (Little River, S.C.), The The game was halted in the April 13-15 Maryland Classic (Landover, fifth inning by the 10-run rule. Younger sister Sara, a MD), The Sweetheart Invite South Columbus took a 12-year-old 7th grader at Tabor (Raleigh), The Beach Break 1-0 lead in the second inning City Middle School, competes Gymnastics Meet (Little River, before being overtaken by the as a first-year level 9 gym- S.C.), The Charleston Cup NBHS team. nast. In her first year as a (Charleston, S.C.), and the SCHS, now 1-5 in confer- level 9 gymnast, Sara placed National Gymnastics Chal- ence, will travel to play West 6th All-Around at the S.C. State lenge (University of Georgia, Bladen Tuesday at 6 p.m. Olivia Watson Championships with scores Athens). Sara Watson 2B - The News Reporter, Monday, April 2. 2012 SCHS scores frst,but WHS gets win West Columbus to play host in Waccamaw Conference soccer match to Jiggs Powers Tournament South Columbus surprised scored unassisted, Ray scored East Columbus, South Columbus and West Columbus will be the Whiteville High School on an assist from High, Carly joined by Pine Forest High School of Fayetteville in this year’s girls soccer team and jumped Shaw scored on an assist from field of the annual Jiggs Powers Memorial Baseball Tournament on them early Wednesday night Maleah Murray, then Murray set for April 9 -11, at South Columbus in a Wac- finished the scoring on an as- The tournament, which has been an Easter Holiday event camaw 2A-3A Conference girls sist from Julia Dail. since 1985, will be hosted by West Columbus High School. Jiggs soccer match, Whiteville has two big home Powers was a longtime Columbus sports publicist. He served as Whiteville recovered with conference games this week sports editor for The News Reporter for 35 years before retiring a goal a minute later and fin- when it plays the Waccamaw in 1980. He stayed active in area sports writing until his death ished the game with a 10-1 Conference’s two 3-A teams, in 1997 and the tournament has contined in his memory. victory. South Brunswick tonight and The teams will play in a three-day round-robin event with On the first score, the Lady West Brunswick Wednesday. the champion being determined by best record. In case of tie, Stallions’ Dae Nealy Campbell Both games start at 6:30. the team allowing the fewest runs will be named the champion. capitalized on a WHS defensive Whiteville, ranked second East Columbus is the defending tournament champ, having miscue 40 yards from goal, then in the state among Class 2A won the title in last season’s rain-shortened event at South Co- buried a shot from 20 yards out teams, is now 11-0-1 overall and lumbus. Admission will be $6. to put the Lady Stallions up 5-0 in conference play. The tournament schedule follows: 1-0 with five minutes gone in See the Twitter feed at the game. Sports of all Sorts for scores Monday, April 9 It marked the only time this immediately following both 4 p.m. - East Columbus vs. Pine Forest season that the Lady Wolfpack games. has trailed an opponent. 7 p.m. - South Columbus vs. West Columbus Whiteville then got goals from Jordan Ray unassisted, Tuesday, Aprill 10 Carly High unassisted and Sam WHS JV wins 4 p.m.- Pine Forest vs. South Columbus McCumbee unassisted. In a junior varsity game 7 p.m. - East Columbus vs. West Columbus McCumbee scored again Wednesday night, Whiteville with an assist from Ray, Olivia defeated West Columbus 3-0 Wednesday, April 11 Butler scored on a cross from on goals by Charis Kasitati, 4 p.m. - South Columbus vs. East Columbus Isabel Shelley, High scored on Morgan Murray and Meagan 7 p.m. - Pine Forest vs. West Columbus an assist from Ray, Jenna Watts Rooks. Lady Stallions fall to N. Brunswick Pack scheduled to compete in conference sofball match-up in D.H. Conley baseball event fifth inning by the 10-run rule. East Columbus softball player Madeline Pierce rounds The Whiteville High baseball team will be in Greenville Sat- LELAND - After coming off It marked only the second second base after connecting for a big hit in the Lady Ga- urday and next Monday to compete in the D.H. Conley Holiday a key Waccamaw Conference loss of the season for the Lady tors’ 5-2 win over South Robeson. The Lady Gators hold Invitational Tournament at historic Guy Smith Stadium. win over Whiteville Tuesday, Stallions, who now have a 4-2 down frst place n te Tree Rvers 1A-2A Conference Coach Brett Harwood’s Wolfpack will go against three 3A the South Columbus Lady conference record. with a 5-0 record. teams, including currently unbeaten North Buncombe of the Stallion softball team suf- South Columbus will travel Asheville area. fered a 12-2 loss to host North to play West Bladen Tuesday WHS will clash with North Buncombe on Saturday, April 7, Brunswick. at 6 p.m. The game was halted in the at 4 p.m., and will go against Washington at 6:30 p.m. The Wolfpack will return to Greenville on Monday, Aug. 9, to Easter Sofball Tournament take on Southern Wayne at 2 p.m. Middle school baseball, sofball results The D.H. Conley event is drawing more tha 20 high-school set for April 9-10 at ECHS teams from aross the state. SOFTBALL Four Columbus County high school softball teams will be March 20 involved in the East Columbus Easter Tournament April 9-10 Shallotte 6, Hallsboro 0 at Lake Waccamaw. There will be four games played each day with a round- 701 Bowling results March 22 robin format. MARCH 26 MEN Hallsboro 20, Williams 1 The tournament champion will be crowned based on Monday Night Mixed League W-L Top scratch games: John best record and fewest total runs allowed. In case of a Beep-Beep 17.5-2.5 Worthington 196;; Albert Brown, March 27 tie, co-champions will be crowned. Hallsboro 21, Acme-Delco 0 3 Guys 14-6 177; Charles George, 173; Richard Admission will be $5. Alley Oops 10.5-9.5 Threadgill, 170; Mac McDowell, 170. The schedule follows: Pin Teasers 10-10 Top scratch series: Albert Brown, March 29 The Legends 10-10 499,; John Worthington, 497; Richard Hallsboro 10, Nakina 0 Team Destruction 10-10 Threadgill, 492; Mac McDowell, 458. MONDAY, APRIL 9 Just Us 10-10 BASEBALL 3 p.m. - East Columbus vs. South Columbus Maybe Baby 9-11 WOMEN March 20 4:30 p.m. - South Columbus vs. West Columbus The Untouchables 8-12 Top scratch games:Sallie Hallsboro 10, Shallotte 0 Castaways 1-19 Threadgill, 143; Pat Roby, 123; Viv- 6 p.m. - West Columbus vs. Whiteville ian Lawson, 119; Lillian Crawley, 116. 7:30 p.m. - Whiteville vs. East Columbus MEN Top scratch series: Sallie March 22 Threadgill, 406; Pat Roby, 340; Viv- Williams 5, Hallsboro 3 Top scratch games: Jeff Barker, TUESDAY, APRIL 10 223; Billy Chenier, 222; Jimmy Har- ian Lawson, 331; Lillian Crawley, 116. 3 p.m. - East Columbus vs. West Columbus relson, 219; Jimmy Evans, 194. March 27 Top scratch series: Billy Che- MARCH 29 Hallsboro 9, Acme-Delco 0 4:30 p.m. - West Columbus vs. South Columbus nier, 596; Jimmy Harrelson, 555; Jeff SCC League 6 p.m. - South Columbus vs. Whiteville Barker, 528; Jimmy Evans, 517. W-L March 29 7:30 - Whiteville vs. East Columbus Ten Pin Kings 15-5 WOMEN The Divas 14-6 Hallsboro 12, Nakina 12 (game suspended by dark- 3 Generations 13-7 ness; to be completed on April 26) Top scratch games: Sharon Formyduval, 185; Linda Tripaldi, Hawk The Zima Hin 12-8 173; Jackie White, 169; Vickie Har- 2 Girls & A Guy 9-11 relson, 165 Just A Smidgen 5-15 Top scratch series:Sharon For- The Holy Rollers 5-15 myduval, 506; Vickie Harrelson, 453; Wild Turkey 3-17 Jackie White, 451; Betty Lewis, 432. Honesty... MEN MARCH 28 Top Scratch Games: Joshua For a long time, Wednesday Morning Seniors Simmons, 158; Scott Johnson, 157; W-L Hunter King, 145 people in the car Road Runners 5-0 Top Scratch Series (two games): Pressing On 5-0 Scott Johnson, 281; Joshua Sim- business have been Two Ships 5-0 mons, 263; Jason McDaniel, 240. Roby Os 4-1 questioned about Beware 4-1 WOMEN High Rollers 4-1 Top Scratch Games: Megan their honesty. Not New Girls 2-3 Hawkins, 135; Erin Mincey, 113; Laura Open 7 Days A Week Mac Attack 1-4 Zima, 108. so at Short Bros. Hurricanes 1-4 Top Scratch Series (two games): Golden Girls 0-5 Donna Williamson, 210; Megan April Specials - Prices Good April 1-30, 2012 Auto Sales. In fact, Wannabees 0-5 Hawkins, 206; Jeanna McLellan, 204. Ice Cream we’d rather lose a 10 Lb. Bag Frank’s Ice customer, than lie to Sandwiches BCC to host ACC All-Stars one. You may not The ACC All-Stars featuring senior players from Atlantic always like what Coast Conference basketball teams will compete in an exhibition game on Thursday, April 5, beginning at 7:30 p.m., at Brunswick you hear...but we Community College in Bolivia. ¢ 2/$ Among college basketball standouts billed to be on hand for promise you’ll al- the event are North Carolina’s Tyler Zeller, North Carolina ways hear the truth. State’s C.J. Williams and Duke’s Miles Plumlee. A team made up of local law enforcement officers, public 1 school employees, high school seniors and local celebrities will 1.875 Oz. 99 Now isn’t that what provide opposition against the ACC All-Stars. 20 Oz. Gatorade you really want in a The event will also include a halftime 3-point shooting con- Wise Chips test as well as a dunking contest. Players will be available for car deal...honesty? autographs following the game. General admission tickets are selling for $10. VIP tickets (in- cludes front row seating and admission to a post-game reception $ 49 ¢ with players) are selling for $75, Tickets can be obtained at BCC’s Dinah E. Gore Aquatic SHORT Center, West Brunswick High School, South Brunswick High 1 89 BROS. School and North Brunswick High School. Sam’s Pit Stop AUTO SALES The News Reporter is on 642-6543 WHITEVILLE - 2 Locations: 503 Jefferson Street & 1707 South Madison Street Hwy. 701 - South of Wal-Mart BOLTON: 1128 Green Swamp Road • HALLSBORO: 4236 Sam Potts Hwy. • DELCO: Hwy. 74-76 • LAKE WACCAMAW: Old Hwy. 74, across from post offce • CHADBOURN: 101 Strawberry Blvd. Scheduling a community event? CLASSIFIEDS SELL Check out our Become a Fan 24-hour Community and stay in Calendar at: touch! CLASSIFIEDS SELL www.whiteville.com -The News Reporter, Whiteville, North Carolina, Monday, April 2, 2012 The News Reporter Scheduling a community event? TV EVENING VIEWER Check out our 24-hour

WUNC-TV April 2 - 8, 2012 Community Calendar at:Whiteville 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Monday Antiques Road. El Paso TX Amer. Masters: Margaret Mitchell (9 pm) & Harper Lee (10 pm) BBC WN . com Whiteville Tuesday Grand Coulee Dam: Amer. Experience Panama Canal: Amer. Experience Waiting God BBC WN Wed. Nature: Ocean Giants Nova: Hunting the Elements Keep Up App. BBC WN Thursday Our State Exporing NC NC Weekend Getting Away Independent Lens: Being Elmo BBC WN Friday Wash Week NC Weekend NC People Exporing NC Live from Lincoln Ctr: Renee Fleming BBC WN Saturday As Time Goes Wait for God Keep Up App. Are Being Ser.? Foyle’s War The Funk Hole Mi-5 Sunday Find Roots K.Bacon, K.Sedgwick Masterpiece Classic: Great Expections, Part 2 Eastenders Friday Evening April 6, 2012 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 WWAY/ABC Shark Tank Primetime: What 20/20 Local Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live Monday Evening April 2, 2012 WILM/CBS Undercover Boss CSI: NY Blue Bloods Local Masters Tourn. H'lights 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 WECT/NBC Who Do You Grimm Dateline NBC Local Tonight Show w/Leno Late WWAY/ABC Dancing With Stars Castle Local Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live WSFX/FOX The Finder Fringe Local WILM/CBS 2 Broke G Two Men 2012 NCAA Tournament Local Late Show Letterman Cable Channels WECT/NBC The Voice Smash Local Tonight Show w/Leno Late A&E Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage WSFX/FOX Bones House Local DISC Alaska: Most Extreme Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Cable Channels DISN Lab Rats Snap! Phineas Jessie Austin Good Luck Austin Austin Austin ANT Farm A&E The First 48 Intervention Intervention Intervention The First 48 ESPN 2012 Masters SportsCenter SportsCenter DISC American Chopper American Chopper American Chopper American Chopper FAM Bewitched Nanny McPhee The 700 Club Prince Prince DISN Shake It Geek Charming Austin Jessie Wizards Fish Hook Wizards FOOD Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners HGTV ESPN College GameDay QB Camp Baseball Tonight SportsCenter SportsCenter Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters House Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters HIST American Pickers Face of Jesus Decoding the Past American Pickers FAM Secret-Teen Make It or Break It Secret-Teen The 700 Club Prince Prince NICK Fred SpongeBob G. Lopez George '70s Show '70s Show Friends Friends Friends Friends FOOD Heat See. Heat See. Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners SPIKE Crank: High Voltage The Ultimate Fighter The Ultimate Fighter The Ultimate Fighter HGTV Love It or List It House House House Hunters Love It or List It House House TBS Payne Payne Payne Payne Mean Girls Confessions HIST Pawn Pawn American Pickers Pawn Pawn American Pickers Pawn Pawn TCM Love Me or Leave Me Young-Horn Ill See NICK My Wife My Wife George George '70s Show '70s Show Friends Friends Friends Friends TLC Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Gypsy Wedding Say Yes Say Yes Gypsy Wedding SPIKE Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die TNT Law & Order Rush Hour 3 Hornet's Nest TBS Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Conan Office Office TRAV Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures The Dead Files Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures TCM Lullaby of Broadway By Light of Silvery Moon My Dream Is Yours USA Law & Order: SVU Fairly Legal In Plain Sight Suits Fairly Legal TLC Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss WGN How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met WGN News at Nine 30 Rock Scrubs Scrubs Death TNT The Mentalist The Mentalist The Closer Rizzoli & Isles CSI: NY Premium Channels TRAV Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods No Reservation Bizarre Foods HBO Green Lantern Real Time/Bill Maher Real Time/Bill Maher Gladiator USA WWE Hall of Fame WWE Monday Night RAW Psych NCIS MAX Hard Rain Hall Pass Depravity Sex Games Sweet Prudence WGN Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos WGN News at Nine 30 Rock Scrubs Scrubs Death SHOW Lara Croft-Life Red Bobcat Goldthwait Premium Channels ©2009 Hometown Content, listings by Zap2it HBO Real Time/Bill Maher Inception Green Lantern MAX William Shakespeare Seven Sex Games Cancun 1 SHOW The Entitled Californ. Lies Shameless Lies Californ. Shameless $ ©2009 Hometown Content, listings by Zap2it 45.00/year Tuesday Evening April 3, 2012 Take us for a year. 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 642-4104 WWAY/ABC Last Man Cougar Dancing With Stars Body of Proof Local Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live WILM/CBS NCIS NCIS: Los Angeles Unforgettable Local Late Show Letterman Late HOME DELIVERY WECT/NBC The Biggest Loser The Voice Fashion Star Local Tonight Show w/Leno Late WSFX/FOX Raising Raising New Girl Breaking Local WHERE Cable Channels The News Reporter A&E Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage AVAILABLE DISC Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch DISN Jessie The Suite Life Movie Shake It Austin Jessie Wizards Wizards Wizards ESPN NCAA Wm. Basketball SportsCenter SportsCenter Saturday Evening April 7, 2012 FAM Step Up 2 Glory Road The 700 Club Prince Prince 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 FOOD Cupcake Wars Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped WWAY/ABC The Ten Commandments Local HGTV Million Dollar Rooms Property Property House Hunters Million Dollar Rooms Property Property WILM/CBS How I Met Mike Criminal Minds 48 Hours Mystery Local HIST Pawn Pawn Top Gear Top Shot Top Shot Pawn Pawn WECT/NBC Escape Routes The Firm Law & Order: SVU Local Saturday Night Live NICK My Wife My Wife George George '70s Show '70s Show Friends Friends Friends Friends WSFX/FOX Cops Cops Bones Local Q'Viva! The Chosen Local Cable Channels A&E Storage Storage Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Storage Storage DISC Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch DISN ANT Farm Shake It Austin ANT Farm ANT Farm Jessie Austin Shake It ANT Farm Shake It SPIKE Ocean's Twelve Ocean's Twelve Auction Auction ESPN NBA Basketball NBA Basketball TBS Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan The Office FAM A Bug's Life Cars Batman & Robin TCM Lover Come Back That Touch of Mink Move Over, Darling FOOD Chopped All-Stars Chopped All-Stars Chopped All-Stars Iron Chef America Chopped All-Stars TLC To Niecy To Niecy Medium Medium Couple Couple To Niecy To Niecy Medium Medium HGTV Candice Genevieve Color Interiors House Hunters House Hunters Color Interiors TNT Bones Bones Anchorman CSI: NY HIST American American American American American American American American American American TRAV Mysteries-Museum Mysteries-Museum Off Limits When Vacations Mysteries-Museum NICK iCarly Rock Victoriou Victoriou '70s Show '70s Show Friends Friends Friends Friends USA Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU CSI: Crime Scene CSI: Crime Scene WGN How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met WGN News at Nine 30 Rock Scrubs Scrubs Death Premium Channels HBO Shrek Forever After Bridesmaids Game of Thrones Big Stan MAX Get Him Marked for Death Big Mommas SHOW Phenomenon Teller Comedy Californ. Lies Shameless Repeaters SPIKE A Bronx Tale Ocean's Twelve The Replacements ©2009 Hometown Content, listings by Zap2it TBS Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Shrek 2 TCM Gilda Lady-Shanghai TLC Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss PREGNANT? DON’T KNOW WHERE TO TURN? WE CAN HELP YOU. TNT Van Helsing Leverage TRAV Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures USA Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU The Break-Up WGN MLB Baseball News/Nine Scrubs Scrubs Chris CALL 910.642.2677 24 HOURS A DAY Premium Channels HBO Fast Five Game of Thrones Fast Five MAX Arthur Sanctum Wednesday Evening April 4, 2012 SHOW Beastly I Am Number Four Lies Shameless 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 ©2009 Hometown Content, listings by Zap2it WWAY/ABC Middle Suburg. Mod Fam Happy Missing Local Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live WILM/CBS Survivor: One World Criminal Minds CSI: Crime Scene Local Late Show Letterman Late WECT/NBC Betty BFF Bent Bent Rock Center Local Tonight Show w/Leno Late WSFX/FOX American Idol Local Cable Channels A&E Storage Storage Dog Dog Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Storage Storage CLASSIFIEDS SELL! DISC Sons of Guns Triggers: Change Sons of Guns Triggers: Change DISN ANT Farm Spy Kids ANT Farm Austin Jessie Wizards Fish Hook Wizards Call 642-4104 to be included in The News Reporter’s Classifieds. ESPN MLB Baseball Baseball NBA Basketball FAM Bring It On Cyberbully The 700 Club Prince Prince Sunday Evening April 8, 2012 FOOD Restaurant: Im. Restaurant: Im. Restaurant Stakeout Restaurant: Im. Restaurant: Im. 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 HGTV Property Brothers Property Brothers House Hunters Property Brothers Property Brothers WWAY/ABC Once Upon a Time GCB GCB Local HIST American American Larry the Cable Guy American American Larry the Cable Guy American American WILM/CBS The Amazing Race The Good Wife CSI: Miami Local NICK My Wife My Wife George George '70s Show '70s Show Friends Friends Friends Friends WECT/NBC Harry's Law Celebrity Apprentice Local Dateline NBC SPIKE Auction Auction Auction Auction Am Digger Am Digger Repo Repo Auction Auction WSFX/FOX Simpsons Burgers Fam. Guy Amer. Dad Local TBS Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Big Bang Big Bang Conan Office Office Cable Channels TCM Midnight Lace Storm Warning A&E Storage Storage Storage Storage Breakout Kings Breakout Kings Storage Storage TLC Toddlers & Tiaras Toddlers & Tiaras Toddlers & Tiaras Toddlers & Tiaras Toddlers & Tiaras DISC Frozen Planet MythBusters Unchained Reaction Frozen Planet MythBusters TNT Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order CSI: NY CSI: NY DISN Jessie Jessie Shake It Shake It Jessie Jessie Shake It Random Wizards Wizards TRAV Man, Food Man, Food Amazing Amazing Man, Food Man, Food Extreme Fast Food Amazing Amazing ESPN MLB Baseball SportsCenter SportCtr USA NCIS NCIS Psych Fairly Legal NCIS FAM Cars Pixar Short Films J. Osteen Ed Young WGN Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos WGN News at Nine 30 Rock Scrubs Scrubs Death FOOD Premium Channels Cupcake Wars Chopped All-Stars Iron Chef America Restaurant Stakeout Chopped All-Stars HGTV Holmes on Homes Holmes Inspection Holmes Inspection Holmes on Homes Holmes Inspection HBO Due Date Game of Thrones Real Time/Bill Maher Game Sucker P HIST Ax Men Ax Men Full Metal Jousting Full Metal Jousting Ax Men MAX 48 HRS. Despicable Me Jaws Lingerie X Men NICK '70s Show '70s Show My Wife My Wife George George Friends Friends Friends Friends SHOW Bobcat Goldthwait Shameless Lies Californ. Comedy Jackass: The Movie SPIKE Ocean's Twelve Payback Donnie Brasco ©2009 Hometown Content, listings by Zap2it TBS 17 Again 17 Again House TCM Easter Parade King of Kings Fire Down Below Thursday Evening April 5, 2012 TLC Medium Medium Medium Medium To Niecy To Niecy Medium Medium To Niecy To Niecy 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 TNT 300 Men in Black II Falling WWAY/ABC Missing Grey's Anatomy Scandal Local Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live TRAV Tricked Out Trailers RV 2012 Killer RV Upgrades RV Crazy! RV 2012 WILM/CBS Big Bang Rules Person of Interest The Mentalist Local Masters Tourn. H'lights USA NCIS NCIS NCIS Indiana Jones WECT/NBC Community 30 Rock Office All Night Awake Local Tonight Show w/Leno Late WGN How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met News/Nine Replay The Unit Monk WSFX/FOX American Idol Touch Local Premium Channels Cable Channels HBO Fast Five Game of Thrones Eastbound Too Short Game of Thrones Eastbound Too Short A&E The First 48 The First 48 First 48: Missing First 48: Missing The First 48 MAX The Blues Brothers Endure Marked for Death DISC American Chopper American Chopper American Chopper American Chopper American Chopper SHOW Californ. Lies Nurse The Big C The Borgias Nurse The Big C The Borgias DISN Phineas Phineas and Ferb: The Movie Phineas Austin Jessie Wizards Wizards Wizards ©2009 Hometown Content, listings by Zap2it ESPN 2012 Masters SportsCenter SportsCenter FAM DirtyDan Raising Helen The 700 Club Prince Prince FOOD Chopped Chopped Sweet Genius Sweet Genius Chopped HGTV Selling Selling Sell LA Selling House Hunters House Hunters Sell LA Selling HIST Swamp People Swamp People Mudcats Ax Men Swamp People Now you can NICK My Wife My Wife George George '70s Show '70s Show Friends Friends Friends Friends SPIKE Jail Jail iMPACT Wrestling UFC Unleashed Ways Die Ways Die TBS Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan Office Office Check your TCM Please Don't The Thrill of It All Glass Bottom TLC 20/20 on TLC 20/20 on TLC 20/20 on TLC 20/20 on TLC 20/20 on TLC TNT NBA Basketball NBA Basketball Inside the NBA TRAV Truck Stp Truck Stp Sand M. Sand M. No Reservation The Layover Sand M. Sand M. local listings at: Whiteville USA NCIS NCIS NCIS In Plain Sight CSI: Crime Scene WGN How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met WGN News at Nine 30 Rock Scrubs Scrubs Death .com Premium Channels Whiteville HBO God-Bigger True Blood True Blood Taxicab Confessions MAX Midnight Run A Nightmare on Elm Street Sex Games Cancun Feature 2 SHOW Scream Shameless Gigolos Sunset Lies Californ. ©2009 Hometown Content, listings by Zap2it 4B - The News Reporter, Monday, April 2, 2012 Sell it, find it...in the Classifieds NOTICES 180 Farm Supplies AUTOMOTIVE 435 Water Front Homes 010 Found 190 Farm Equipment 320 Cars 440 Commercial 020 Lost 200 Computers/Software 330 Trucks 460 Lots 030 Personals 210 Heaters & Firewood 335 Vans & SUVs 470 Land 060 Special Notices 230 Miscellaneous 340 Vehicle Accessories 480 Farms WANTED 240 Produce 350 Travel Trailers 490 Auctions 360 Motorcycles 070 Wanted To Buy EMPLOYMENT RENTALS 365 ATVs SELLIn theYOUR classifeds... HOME 080 Wanted To Rent 250 General Employment 500 Houses SALE ITEMS 255 Drivers & Delivery MARINE 510 Resort Homes 370 Boats 085 Auctions 260 Health/Medical 520 Apartments 375 Jet Skis 090 Lawn Mowers 270 Employment Wanted 530 Manufactured Housing $ 95 100 Pets & Animals 380 Trailers 540 Condominiums 110 Appliances SERVICES 390 Motors 550 Rooms 120 Antiques 275 Financial Services 400 Accessories 570 Commercial Your ad runs29 3 times (twice in the News Reporter, and SAMPLE 130 Yard & Garage Sales 280 Child Care REAL ESTATE 580 Land once in the News Times) and reaches practically all the 140 Clothing 290 Business Opportunities 590 Equipment households in Columbus County. It’s working for others; 2000 Redman Silverlake double- 295 Schools/Institutions SALES 150 Furniture 410 Permanent Homes 600 Farms why not give it a try? wide. 1680 sq. ft. Wind Zone 2. To 160 Musical Items 300 Insurance 420 Manufactured Housing 610 Manufactured be moved. $30,000.00 or best offer. 170 Televisions, Satellites 310 Business Services 430 Resort Homes Housing Lots Serious inquiries 910-840-4107. 315 Farm Services Call 642-4104 Te News Reporter www.whiteville.com CLASSIFIEDS Simple To Pay! Don’t Wait To Call... CORRECTIONS "  Persons should check their adver-  All major credit cards accepted Monday tisement for accuracy the frst time it as well as Visa debit cards. appears in the so that any  "  Deadline: Friday, 2 pm necessary changes can be made. The 642-4104 newspaper will not be liable for mis- "  #!!!!   Thursday takes in an ad beyond the frst issue. Deadline: Wednesday, 10 am If a mistake is found, please notify  !   WANDA or HANNE at 642-4104.

GO PHARMACY, INC. is currently NA SEEKING EMPLOYMENT will 090 Lawn Mowers recruiting for the following position for take care of the elderly and include our Lake Waccamaw location: housekeeping and cooking. Contact !BUYING JUNK CARS, trucks, vans HAY FOR SALE BARBER & HAIR STYLIST needed. Kathy 910-625-1400. & tractors. Any condition. Paying top RIDING MOWER, 05 Troybilt 17.5 hp, Round & Square Bales Call 919-389-5492. Pharmacy Technician/Biller dollar. Will meet or beat any price. 8 speed, good condition. $395.00. PCS AGENCY SEEKING RN to per- SPRIGGING/PLANTING (910) 770-3131. Call 910-640-1809 form Assessments, Supervisory visits, of Coastal Bermuda grass. CLAYTON HOMES Please email your resume and salary Build a Career with US! requirements to [email protected] supervise CNAs, etc.. PTO, competi- Call 910-649-6145 or tive wages, and mileage reimburse- 100 Pets & Animals Clayton Homes, the nation’s leading GO Pharmacy, Inc. is an Equal Oppor- ‘BATTERIES $10, 910-770-0910. ment. PCS experience preferred but catalytic converters, aluminum housing provider, is looking for Sales tunity Employer, M/F/D/V Professionals for our Whiteville, NC not necessary. rims, brass. Will not be Apply by resume only to B-329, The undersold. In business 10 year. 230 Miscellaneous Home Center! The Sales Profession- AKC LAB PUPS black News Reporter, P.O. Box 707, White- Call 910-642-3560 al reports to the Model Home Center yellow M/F Ready 3/31 ville, 28472 ‘65 MUSTANG, 2003 Chevy Z71 Manager. The primary goal is to pro- $300-400. Call 910840- truck, gooseneck horse trailer, Quar- vide world class customer experience BOBS CORES AND RECYCLING terhorse Paint gelding. 910-612-5792 and maximize sales. We are looking WE ARE A LICENSED SALVAGE 7901 or 840-3235 for at least 6 months of relationship YARD, WITH CERTIFIED SCALES. GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPY, full BEAUTY SHOP EQUIPMENT driven sales experience. Construction WILL CLEAN HOUSES, or care for WE BUY ALL TYPES OF SCRAP blooded, has papers, large boned. Hydraulic chair, work station with industry experience is a plus. Must elderly. Reasonable rates. Call, ask METAL, MICROWAVES, FENCE All black with small patch of white on sink, large mirror over station, mir- pass a criminal background check for Marie 910-642-8711 WIRE, TOO MUCH TO NAME. chest. Call 910-840-7250. ror with light, dryer, new rubber mat. and post-offer drug screen. BATTERIES STARTING AT 30lbs, $250. Call 625-6270. If you are looking to build a career, 10.00 AND UP!!!! CALL KEVIN GREAT DANE PUPPIES for sale. 6 please call 704-915-2689 or send an 910-625-5560. PAYING TOP weeks old. Call 910-770-0319. FOR SALE - All wood white kitchen email inquiry to michael.hommell@ WE ARE GROWING! SERVICES MONEY FOR CONVERTERS. cabinets. Approximately 24 ft. of base claytonhomes.com. Qualified appli- LOWER CAPE FEAR HOSPICE ‘PR’ BLUE PIT PUPPIES, and 20 feet of wall. Includes white cants are invited to apply in person. & LIFECARECENTER CORBETT TIMBER COMPANY laminate on plywood tops. Base roll- UKC registered. 4 males. Ready to Clayton Homes, 1233 S JK Powell THE LARGEST HOSPICE Buyers of land and timber. We buy out storage, flat panel doors, com- Blvd, Whiteville, NC 28472 AGENCY IN SOUTHEASTERN pine saw timber, hardwood saw tim- go. Call 653-3353 posite sink and Whirlpool microwave. NORTH CAROLINA for over 30 ber, and pulpwood - 5 acres or great- Must take entire set. $1,300. Cash FULL TIME RETAIL Salesperson years has an opening for : er. Call days 642-2909. firm. Call 234-5566. and Store Managers. Send resume to *** Dee Watts Backhoe [email protected] Service **** I BUY JUNK Cars Pay $170-$600. Nurse Practitioner - provides GOLF CART BATTERIES, new $450 Insured, tree removal, split firewood, Also want Honda/Toyota, batteries/ LOOKING FOR direct patient care for patients with FANTASY DEALS set plus tax and exchange. Call 910- bucket truck, top soil, fill dirt, marl for rims. Open 24/7. 910-385-8585 PART-TIME life limiting illness. Is responsible FLEA MARKET & GAMES 612-5699 driveway, land clearing. Also mow- PROPERTY MANAGER for using expert skills in the imple- Monday - Saturday, 8 am until. 3500 ing & yard work. 640-2463 or mobile for Section 8 apartment elderly com- mentation and evaluation of plans Andrew Jackson Highway (Five RAM POWER 10 ton, body & frame 770-0534. of care. Effectively manages the Points). Spaces for rent. repair kits $100. Also Gilbert 220 volt munity in Whiteville. Competitive plan of care for each patient based commercial air compressor for body wages. Section 8 or tax experience ******WARD’S EXCAVATION****** on clinical knowledge, data, shop or garage $275. 646-3238 helpful but not necessary. Strong Insured. Lot clearing, demolition, tree administrative skills and computer patient preference and benefits to removal, crush/run, top soil/sand. Call skills a must. To apply send resume the patient. Works with Palliative 910-212-8737 or 910-642-7033. to: Care Center physicians in the hos - FOR SALE: 2003 Cadillac CTS BED 2 PC, BRAND NEW. Full mat- [email protected] pital, nursing homes and phy - Bobby Hinson Construction Public Auction: 10:00 am April 20, tress sets $99. Queen $109. King sician’s office and patient’s Lot clearing, pond building, bushhog- 2012. $189. Can deliver. Call 910-742-7767. FRESH MUSTARD NOW READY PRESCHOOL TEACHER & ASST. homes. Graduate of an accredited ging, lots and hedge rows with mini At: Whiteville Body Shop, 129 W Wal- Dealer. Call 642-2597. teacher needed. E-mail resume to: school of nursing, either through excavator. Call 640-7606. ter Street, Whiteville, NC 28472 [email protected] an AD, Diploma or BSN program Carpentry Work required. Graduate of a Masters Roofing, painting and wallpaper. No degree in nursing program with a job too small. Workmanship guaran- major or post masters as a nurse PUBLIC NOTICE teed. Call 642-4226. LONG BAY TRUCKING needs Log practitioner required. Current SALE OF COUNTY-OWNED PERSONAL PROPERTY Truck drivers. Must have 2 years license to practice in NC required. COLUMBUS experience. Call 910-770-0233. Approval for practice as a nurse SAND BLASTING & PAINT practitioner by the NC Board of Portable or In house. The Board of Commissioners of Columbus County approved on May Nursing required. Minimum of five Precious metals to be restored, com- years general medical experience mercial, residential, farm equipment, 2, 2011, that the County Manager has the authority to declare personal in inpatient, outpatient and nursing heavy equipment & cars. Specializ- property as surplus providing: EVERGREEN BEHAVIORAL home settings. ing in sand, baking soda, aluminum MANAGEMENT, INC. is currently Em ail resumes to oxide, Walnut Shell & Glass Bead recruiting for the following positions [email protected] or fax to Media’s. Tom Dew office 910-646- for our Whiteville location: 910-341-1907. EOE 1976, cell 910-231-7895. s !NYONEITEMORGROUPOFSIMILARITEMSHASAFAIRMARKETVALUEOFLESS Intensive In Home Team Lead (Must than thirty thousand dollars ($30,000); and be Provisionally or Fully Licensed) Intensive In Home Qualified Profes- PART-TIME POSITION open as LARRY HINSON’S BACKHOE s 4HEPROPERTYISNOLONGERNECESSARYFORTHECONDUCTOFPUBLIC sional receptionist in dental office on All types of backhoe work, lot clear- business; and Intensive In Home Associate Pro- Wednesday. Medical/Dental/Busi- ing, sand, top soil and marl. fessional ness experience required as well as Call 654-4503. excellent people and communication s 3OUNDPROPERTYMANAGEMENTPRINCIPLESANDlNANCIALCONSIDERATION Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) ON-SITE SANDBLASTING Com- skills. Compensation negotiable and Please visit our website at www.ever- mercial, Residential. Heavy Equip- indicated that the interest of the County would best be served by based on experience and interview. greeenbehavioral.com to apply. ment, Farm Equipment, Send resume to Box A-22, %The disposing of the property. Evergreen Behavioral Management, Cars & small parts. News Reporter, PO Box 707, White- Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employ- 640-2166 Gary Strickland er, M/F/D/V ville, NC 28472. The County Manager has authorized the sale of the follow items or ROBINSON & SON’S Lawn Service & Pressure Washing. groups of items: Reliable professional service. #OMPUTER%QUIPMENT /FlCE&URNITURE Discount to seniors. 234-5372. /FlCE%QUIPMENT /UTDOOR%QUIPMENT %LECTRONIC%QUIPMENT !UTOMOTIVE0ARTS "ICYCLES $IRT"IKES 7HEELERS Tools Utility Trailer !UTOMOBILES4RUCKS 4RACTOR

2008 MAZDA 6, 4dr, sedan, Sport, &URTHERMORE VE, 34k, $14,500. Fair Bluff Ford 649- !LLPROPERTYSOLDWILLBEh!3)3vWITHOUTWARRANTY5PONCOMPLETION 7531 OFSALE THEHIGHESTBIDDERSHALLMAKEARRANGEMENTSWITHTHE0URCHAS 2009 MERCURY MILAN I4 Premier, 4dr, 24k, leather, moonroof. $18,500. ing Director to remove items purchased from the premises that are not Fair Bluff Ford 649-7531 ABLETOBEREMOVEDIMMEDIATELY&AILURETOCOMPLYSHALL ATTHEOPTION 2010 MERCURY Grand Marquis 4dr, OFTHECOUNTY CAUSETHEPROPERTYTOBEABANDONEDANDORDISPOSEDOF 30k, flex fuel, loaded. $17,500. Fair Bluff Ford 649-7531

4HE#OUNTYOF#OLUMBUSWILLHOLDAPUBLICAUCTIONON!PRIL  2010 MERCURY Montego Premier, starting at 9 am. The sale will be conducted at the Columbus County 4dr, 72k, heated leather. $13,500. Fair Bluff Ford 649-7531 3HERIFF/FlCE LOCATEDAT7ASHINGTON3TREET 7HITEVILLE .# &ORFURTHERINFORMATIONORACOMPLETELISTOFITEMS PLEASECONTACTTHE 2011 FORD TAURUS SEL, 4dr, sedan, FWD, auto, moonroof, 12k. 0URCHASING$IRECTORAT   $26,900. Fair Bluff Ford. 910-649- 7531 The News Reporter, Monday, April 2, 2012 - 9B

BRICK HOUSE, 3 BR, 2 bath 1,600 CHADBOURN, North Carolina, in the NOTICE TO CREDITORS The Sale will be conducted at the 2012 at 2:00 PM that parcel of land, sq. ft. City. $750 month + security Board Meeting Room of the Town Hall State of North Carolina following Storage Facility locations: including improvements thereon, dep. 336-870-2501. on or before, but no later than 11 a.m., County of Columbus The Storage Place situated, lying and being in the City 2002 FORD F 250, 7.1 diesel, crew- local time, on Tuesday, the 1st day of In the General Court of Justice 325 Strawberry Blvd. of Whiteville, County of Columbus, cab, 97k, Like new P195A $18,995 May, 2012. Immediately thereafter all Superior Court Division Chadbourn, NC 28431 State of North Carolina, and being Call Harold Middleton @ Ocean City bids received will be publicly opened File No.: 11-E-427 The Storage Place more particular described as follows: Chevrolet, Shallotte, NC, 910-754- 1-2 BEDROOM APT. for rent. White- and read aloud. In the Matter of the Estate of 210 7th Ave. See legal description as referenced in 7117 ville area. $450. Call Clint at 234-4676 Proposals must be made on the THELBERT HAROLD HILL, SR. Chadbourn, NC 28431 Deed of Trust recorded on 09/27/2006 2007 FORD 500. Good condition. blank form provided in the Contract Deceased DATE OF SALE: April 14, 2012 in Book 866 at Page 438 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT. No pets. Documents, and must be enclosed Having qualified as Administratrix of Call 640-2463. Please call J.L. Powell & Co., Inc. Call TIME OF SALE: 325 Strawberry Address of Property: 20 Robin Hood in a sealed envelope and addressed the Estate of THELBERT HAROLD Blvd: 10 a.m. Court, Whiteville, NC 28472 2009 CHEVROLET TAHOE LT GM 642-4049. to the Mayor, TOWN OF CHAD- HILL, SR., Deceased, late of Colum- 210 7th Ave: Immediately following Present Record Owner: Pamela Certified, white/tan leather. Moon- 2 STORY (1) BR furnished cottage. BOURN, North Carolina. The name bus County, North Carolina, the roof, 20” wheels. Call Bill Hewett @ Strawberry Blvd Sale Nealy; Spouse, if any of Pamela Available Feb. 1st. Call 642-4923 or and address and Licensing Number of undersigned hereby notifies all per- Unit #203 Evan Tarte Nealy; Spouse, if any of Willis Nealy; Ocean City Chevrolet, Shallotte, NC, 910-770-4923. 910-754-7117 #9495A the Bidder must be plainly marked on sons having claims against the estate Unit #210 Ronald Gause and Willis Nealy Cypress Village Apartments the outside of each envelope. of said decedent to present them to Unit #213 Eric Smith The terms of the sale are that the real 2010 FORD F-150 XLT, crew cab, 197 Orange St., Fair Bluff, N.C. PROJECT DESCRIPTION it on or before the 2nd day of July, Unit #215 Kimberly Williams property hereinbefore described will 4dr, 20k $27,900. Fair Bluff Ford. 1 and 2 bedrooms. This project consists of the furnishing 2012, or this notice will be pled in bar Unit #216 Carolyn Strickland be sold for cash to the highest bid- 910-649-7531 Free laundry facilities + Community of all the materials, labor and equip- of their recovery. All persons indebted Unit #315 Lissie Essex der. The Substitute Trustee reserves ment to install the following: 2011 CHEVY SILVERADO 1500 LT, room ****24 hour maintenance*** to said estate will please make imme- Unit #423 Venesia Chestnut the right to require a cash deposit or crewcab, 18k, $22,900. Fair Bluff Ford Rental Assistance Up to 100% Division “A”- Install a radio read water diate payment. Unit #428 Joyce Haney a certified check not to exceed the 649-7531 Seniors 62 years and older metering system which includes This the 26th day of March, 2012. Posted this the 23rd day of March, greater of five percent (5%) of the 910-649-7971 approximately 1,140 new potable GLORIA B. MCPHERSON, 2012. amount of the bid or seven hundred Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 am-2 pm water meters, radio-receiving unit, Administratrix of the estate of TDD Relay 1-800-735-2962 J. Lionel Todd Investments, Inc. fifty Dollars ($750.00). In the event computer and software package and THELBERT HAROLD HILL, SR, Equal Housing Opportunity (Successor to The Storage Place) that the holder is exempt from pay- all appurtenances as shown in the Deceased By: Henrietta Todd ing the same, the successful bidder 2010 FORD ECONOLINE 350 SD, 3 Professionally managed by Contract Documents. 110 West Nance Street April 2, 9, 2012 may also be required to pay reve- door van, 38k. 15 passenger $20,500. Community Management Division “B”- Install a SCADA sys- Whiteville, NC 28472 Fair Bluff Ford Mercury 649-7531 Corporation nue stamps on the Trustee’s Deed, tem to monitor three municipal well Telephone: 910-642-8147 Notice of Sale any Land Transfer Tax, and the tax 2010 GMC TERRAIN SLT, 4 door, sites and an elevated tank including MATTHEW J. TEDDER required by N.C.G.S. §7A-308 (a)(1). auto, Cross, leather, 33k, $25,900. all appurtenances as shown in the Attorney for the Estate The real property hereinabove Fair Bluff Ford 910-649-7531 LARGE 1 BR furnished apt. Stove/ Contract Documents. 110 West Nance Street Southeast Properties of Whiteville, described is being offered for sale refrig and AC. No pets. Chadbourn CONTRACT DOCUMENT Whiteville, NC 28472 433 S Madison Street Whiteville, “AS IS, WHERE IS” and will be sold area. Call 654-4540 The Contract Document for the Telephone: 910-642-8147 N.C. 28472 will hold a public sale to subject to all superior liens, unpaid dispose of various items of personal MADISON HILL APARTMENTS above work is on file and available March 26, April 2, 9, 16, 2012. taxes, and special assessments.\’ca property, pursuant to the assertion of 2003 HARLEY DAVIDSON V-rod, 206 S, Madison St., Whiteville, NC for inspection during regular busi- Other conditions will be announced factory customized paint job, 130 hp, One Bedroom Apts. ness hours between 8:00 a.m. and Notice of Adoption lien for rental at this storage facility. at the sale. The sale will be held open Stage One Screamin Eagle 910- "2,%/4"$)*)1)&05-++2,)14 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday at Proceeding The sale will be conducted at the fol- for ten (10) days for upset bids as by 653-3872, 918-6908 r--+5 (-2/0+"),1&,",$& the following locations: lowing storage facility location: law required. Rental assistance up to 100% TOWN OF CHADBOURN Southeast Properties, If the Substitute Trustee is unable to PERFORMANCE CYCLES based on income. Income restric- 602 N Brown Street IN THE FAMILY COURT FOR 513 Fair Bluff Road convey title to this property for any Now Open for business tion may apply Chadbourn, NC 28431-1804 THE FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Tabor City, N.C. 28463 reason, the sole remedy of the pur- 919-902-3008. 2007 Chadbourn Seniors 62 years and older DATE OF SALE: 3rd of April   Engineering Services, PA FILE NO. 12-DR-26-648 chaser is the return of the deposit.\’ca Highway, Whiteville. TIME OF SALE: 7:30 a.m. Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9 am to 2 pm 1202 Benson Road, Suite 200 State of South Carolina, Reasons of such inability to convey &*"4   PO Box 1849, Garner, NC 27529 County of Horry Unit # 3 Shaquanta L. Billings title include, but are not limited to, the MARINE Managed by Community Copies of the Contract Document John and Mary Smith, Unit # 9 Minnie Jones filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to Management Corporation required for review or bidding pur- Plaintiffs, Unit # 15 Michele Blackburn the sale and reinstatement of the loan poses may be obtained, during regu- V. Unit # 19 Jim Smith without knowledge of the Substitute lar business hours between 8:00 a.m. Baby Girl Doe and John Roe, Posted this the 19th day of March, Trustee(s). If the validity of the sale is and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Fri- Unknown Father, 2012 challenged by any party, the Substi- day, only, at the office of Engineering Defendants. Southeast Properties of Whiteville tute Trustee(s), in its/their sole discre- 12 FT. ALUMINUM BOAT with 25 hp Services, PA located at 1202 Benson TO: John Roe, an unknown father: Mar. 19, 26, April 2, 2012 tion, if it/they believe(s) the challenge motor. 910-840-9891. WACCAMAW SHORES, L.W. 1 br Road, Suite 200, Garner, NC 27529, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED pursu- to have merit, may declare the sale to duplex, large kitchen, full bath, laun- upon deposit of $150.00 for each ant to the provisions of South Caro- Notice of be void and return the deposit. The dry & living room, front porch, rear document so obtained. Each appli- lina Code Ann., Section 63-9-730, patio. References & lease required. Substitute purchaser will have no further remedy. cation must be accompanied by a No pets. Call 640-8646 or 654-6792 that the Defendant named above, Additional Notice where the Real certified check made payable to Engi- Baby Girl Doe, has been placed with Trustee’s Property is Residential with less that neering Services, PA. The full amount the Plaintiffs, above-named, for the Foreclosure Sale of 15 Rental Units: of the deposit for the first set will be purpose of adoption. These Plain- An order for possession of the prop- refunded to each Bidder who submits tiffs are herein referred to by fictitious Real Property ****Publisher’s Notice**** 14X70 MOBILE HOME 2BR, 1 bath, erty may be issued pursuant to G.S. § a formal proposal to the Owner. Equal Housing Opportunity power stat, heat pump, yard mowed, names. The natural mother of the 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and All real estate advertised herein is county water, lease required. $400 BID SECURITY Defendant, Baby Girl Doe, is Summer against the party or parties in posses- subject to the Federal Fair Housing month & deposit. Located behind Each Proposal must be accompanied Nicole Moody and the child was born 12-SP-18 sion by the Clerk of Superior Court Act, North Carolina and Columbus by a certified or cashier’s check pay- UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power Fair Housing Law which makes it ille- Pecan Orchard, 2 miles from city limit. on March 17, 2008, at the Columbus of the County in which the property gal to advertise any preference, limi- Call Betty 910-642-2056 for appoint- able to the order of the Owner, TOWN Regional Healthcare System in White- and authority contained in that cer- is sold.\’ca Any person who occu- tation discrimination based on race, ment. Will be available May 1st. Tak- OF CHADBOURN, North Carolina, or ville, North Carolina. tain Deed of Trust executed and pies the property pursuant to a rental color, religion, sex, handicap, familial ing applications now. a satisfactory bid bond executed by YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that delivered by Willis Nealy and wife, agreement entered into or renewed on status or national origin, or intention the Bidder and a corporate surety Pamela Nealy, dated September 22, to make any such preferences, limi- 2 BEDROOM MOBILE HOME, East- within thirty (30) days of receiving or after October 1, 2007, may, after tations or discrimination. We will not over Park. Call J.L. Powell & Co Inc. licensed under the laws of the State of Notice, you shall respond in writing 2006 and recorded on September receiving the notice of sale, terminate knowingly accept any advertising for 642-4049. North Carolina to execute such bonds by filing, with the Court in which the 27, 2006, in Book 866 at Page 438, the rental agreement upon 10 days real estate which is in violation of the in an amount not less than 5% of the adoption is pending, notice and rea- in the Office of the Register of Deeds written notice to the landlord.\’ca law. All person are hereby informed 2 BEDROOM MOBILE HOME, bid as a guarantee that the Bidder will sons to contest, intervene or other- of Columbus County, North Carolina; that all dwellings advertised are avail- N. Hallsboro. No pets. References Upon termination of a rental agree- within ten (10) days after the date of and because of default in the pay- able on an equal opportunity basis. To required. Call 642-5801 or 640-9435. wise respond: ment, the tenant is liable for rent due complain of discrimination, call HUD the Bidder’s receipt of the NOTICE YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that ment of the indebtedness secured under the rental agreement prorated toll-free at 1-800-765-9372. MOBILE HOME LOT for rent. Pri- OF AWARD of a contract, execute an the Court must be informed of your thereby and failure to carry out and to the effective date of termination. vate - Very nice, near Whiteville. 910- agreement and file same as required current address and of any changes perform the stipulations and agree- Dated: March 23, 2012 642-0344 by the Contract Document if his Pro- in address during the adoption pro- ments contained therein and, pursu- The Hunoval Law Firm, PLLC PRIVATE LOT - East of Whiteville. posal is accepted. ceedings; and Your failure to file a ant to demand of the holder of the Attorney for indebtedness secured by said Deed ‘92 FLEETWOOD WESTIN 14x50. Large 2 bedroom, 2 bath mobile If a Bidder fails to execute and file an response within thirty (30) days of Poore Substitute Trustee, LTD as 2BR, 1 bath. Mostly furnished. Must home. No pets. 640-3896. agreement, the amount of his secu- receiving Notice constitutes your con- of Trust, the undersigned Substitute Substitute Trustee be moved. Call 910-617-2121 rity shall be forfeited as liquidated sent to adoption of the child and for- Trustee will place for sale, at public (704) 334-7114 damages. feiture of all rights and obligations you auction, to the highest bidder for cash 110.003286/Nealy LET US SHOW YOU how to $ave AWARD OF CONTRACT may have with respect to the child. at the usual place of sale at Colum- THOUSANDS on your New Dream April 2, 9, 2012 The Owner will award a contract to bus County Courthouse, in Whiteville, Home. Call Gerald Beck for details!!! 1 PERSON OCCUPANCY BR incl. When Notice of Intent to contest, North Carolina, on Thursday, April 12, 910-641-0100 cable, washer/dryer, kitchen/house the lowest responsive Bidder for this intervene or otherwise respond is filed privileges, Hallsboro. 356-4011 Division of the project in accordance with the Court within the required time ONLY 2 LEFT!!!! 3 BR 2 bath Homes. with the General Statutes of North period, you will be given an opportu- Home only price...$24,000.00 910- Carolina, Article 8, Chapter 143- nity to appear and to be heard before 641-0100 128. The Owner reserves the right the Final Hearing on the merits of the THE TIME has never been better to 1000 SQ. FT. office space available to reject all Proposals of Bidders for adoption. To file Notice to contest, trade in your home for a NEW Home. with 2 separate offices & lobby. Also any Phase of the project. The Owner intervene or otherwise respond in this Call Gerald Beck for details!!! 910- approximately 30x50 space available further reserves the right to reject the action, you must notify the above- 641-0100 for rent. Thompson Mini Mall, 3/10 of Proposal of any Bidder submitting a named Court and the Plaintiffs’ attor- a mile past Wal-mart. 910-640-3212. WHY RENT when you can OWN?? proposal which is not responsive to ney, Carroll D. Padgett, Jr., PO Box We can show you how to own your FOR LEASE - 1,200 sq. ft. office/retail the bid document or the proposal of 792, Loris, SC 29569, in writing of OWN Home NOW! 910-641-0100 space. Powell Plaza. Contact Memory any Bidder which is found not respon- your intention to contest, intervene Enterprises. 642-5824 sible to carry out the scope and intent or otherwise respond. The above- of the bid document. FOR LEASE - 640 sq. ft. retail/ office named Court must be informed of space. Memory Plaza. Memory Enter- The Owner reserves the right to reject your current address or any change prises 910-642-5824. any Proposal for failure to comply with of your address during the adoption 3000 sq ft building in Ash at the Wac- all requirements of this notice or of the proceeding. camaw River Boat Landing. Call 910- FOR RENT Downtown Commercial Contract Document; however, he may BE SO NOTIFIED 770-5390 or 840-1441 Building. Spacious parking. Call J.L. waive any minor defects or informali- Carroll D. Padgett, Jr., Attorney for Powell & Co., Inc. (910) 642-4049. ties at his discretion. The Owner fur- the Plaintiffs ther reserves the right to reject any Loris, SC 29569 and all Proposals or to award the (843) 756-2186 +/- .5 ACRE, deep well, septic, 24x32 Contract that is in his best interest. March 26, April 2, 9, 16, 2012 2 car wired garage, 8x8 pump house, Any Contract awarded will be fund- vinyl siding, $28,000. MUST SEE! Advertisment for ed in part by a grants & loan from Notice of Sale 145 Cooks Dr, off Slippery Log 770- the State of North Carolina. Neither 0771 Bids the State nor any of its departments, J. Lionel Todd Investments, Inc. LOT FOR SALE: Williams Township/ Phase 1 Water System agencies, or employees is or will be a Successor to The Storage Place, Mollie area. Large lot, nice communi- Improvements for the party to the invitation for bids or any P.O. Box 441, Whiteville, NC 28472, ty. Call 642-2872 or 653-3582. Town of Chadbourn, NC resulting contract. This procurement will hold a public sale to dispose of LOTS FOR SALE - Mary B. White will be subject to State Regulations various items of personal property, TOWN OF CHADBOURN, NC Hwy., New Hope. Owner financing RECEIPT OF PROPOSALS pursuant to the assertion of a lien Kenneth Waddell, Mayor available. 8% interest, 20% down. No Sealed proposals for the furnishing of for rental at its storage facility. April 2, 2012 city taxes. 843-267-4996. equipment and materials are invited, and will be received by the TOWN OF LANDMARK LAND FOR SALE - 2 acres with well/ ESTATES septic, 1/2 cleared, 1/2 woods. $17,000. Neg. Cash. 840-3524. APARTMENTS 621 Nolan Ave. Whiteville, NC 28472 Elderly Households (62 or older, or Persons with Disabilities) 2 BEDROOM, 1 bath house for rent in Whiteville City limits. $350 mo. plus 1 Bedroom Apartments $350 deposit. 234-0659. Units for Persons with 3 BEDROOM, 1 BATH furnished house, excellent neighborhood. $700 Disabilities Available month. Deposit & references required. Rental Assistance Available No pets. Call 642-4923. 3BR HOUSE FOR RENT in Evergreen Please Call area. $380 month + deposit. No pets. 910-739-9555 1-910-641-0450 This Institution is an Equal BRICK HOUSE FOR RENT! 2 bed- Opportunity Provider and Employer. room, 3 baths, nice yard, good loca- tion. $500 mo., 1 mo. deposit. NO inside pets. 521 Ramsey Ford Rd., EQUAL HOUSING Nakina. 910-645-6673. OPPORTUNITY 6-B – The News Reporter, Monday, April 2, 2012

Staff photo by Mark Gilchrist

Staff photo by Mark Gilchrist Pesticide collection Harold Smith, right, of Hone Hhill Road unloads some Triple-play plants old and unwanted chemicals at a state pesticide collec- Southeastern Community College employees, from left, Sharon Williams, Melody Callihan and Teresa Lengner tion operation hosted by the state at the county coop carry away plants they bought at the college’s annual spring semester plant sale last week. extension service offces recently.

Watch out for carpenter bees Gypsy moth traps will soon be out By DALTON DOCKERY the same direction as the wood the face, do not sting. Females A different kind of trapper in search of food, sometimes information.” Extension Director grain for four to six inches. are capable of stinging but seeking a very small prey will entering houses and ending While two North Carolina Damage from a pair of bees is rarely do so unless confined soon begin working across up in swimming pools. Some counties -- Currituck and Dare March and April usually slight but if the gallery is used in your hand or are highly the area. people can have allergic reac- -- are partially or completely bring the first sightings of over several years, damage agitated The N.C. Department of tions to the caterpillars’ tiny quarantined, the gypsy moth the carpenter bee in this area. can be extensive. Carpenter bees prefer Agriculture and Consumer hairs. is not established in the major- Following is information pro- Once the gallery is com- to attack wood that is bare, Services is set to begin its Baited with female gypsy ity of the state. Gypsy moths vided by Dr. Richard Sprenkel, pleted the female begins to weathered, and unpainted. annual survey for the non- moth sex pheromone, the traps are spread accidentally by hu- entomologist with the Uni- provision a brood cell with Therefore, the best way to native, highly destructive are attractive to any nearby mans, often hitchhiking long versity of Florida’s Institute bee bread (mixture of pollen deter the bees is to paint all gypsy moth. Starting in ear- male gypsy moths. After moth distances on anything from of Food and Agricultural and regurgitated nectar). Af- exposed wood surfaces, espe- ly April, orange triangular flight is complete in mid-sum- car tires to Christmas trees. Sciences. ter laying an egg on top of the cially those that have a his- traps and green milk carton- mer, traps will be removed and Inadvertent introduction of Carpenter bees are the mass the female closes the cell tory of being attacked. Wood shaped traps will be placed on male gypsy moths counted. gypsy moth could occur any- large black and yellow bees with chewed wood pulp. Each stains and preservatives are both public and private lands The nearly 12,000 traps where in North Carolina, and often seen hovering around female may have six to eight less reliable than painting but throughout North Carolina to will give state agricultural the pest could become more the eaves of a house, wooden sealed brood cells in a linear will provide some degree of monitor the presence of the officials an accurate location established without surveying fences, or the underside of row in one gallery as she backs repellency versus bare wood. gypsy moth. of gypsy moth populations in activities. a deck on warm days. They outward. Larvae develop on Preventive sprays applied The gypsy moth feeds on North Carolina, which will For more information on are occasionally mistaken for the pollen/nectar food mass to wood surfaces are effective the leaves of hundreds of be important in determining gypsy moths, visit www.ncagr. bumblebees but differ in that provided with the life cycle only for a short period, mean- plant species, predominantly future control efforts. gov/gypsymoth. they have a black shiny abdo- completed in 30 to 40 days. ing that you would have to hardwood trees. In heavily “It is crucial that members The department is working men in contrast to the yellow After the new adults chew repeat the application about infested areas, trees may be of the public not disturb gypsy with nine other states through abdomen of the bumblebee. through the cell partitions every two to three weeks. How- completely stripped of foliage, moth traps,” said Agriculture the Gypsy Moth Slow the Carpenter bees spend the and emerge, they collect and ever, once nesting activity has leaving entire forests more Commissioner Steve Troxler. Spread Foundation Inc. and winter as adults within their store pollen in the existing begun treating the entrance susceptible to attacks from “Contact information will with other state and federal old nest tunnels. After emerg- galleries, which they use for holes with an insecticidal other pests. be included on the bottom of agencies to reduce the expan- ing in the spring, the adults hibernation during the winter. spray or dust may substantial- The gypsy moth can also be each trap, and the public is sion of the gypsy moth into mate and the female begins The previous year’s adults die. ly reduce damage. Products a nuisance to the general pub- welcome to check in with my areas of the state that are not excavating a gallery with her They are not social insects and containing carbaryl (Sevin), lic. Caterpillars may migrate staff for additional program infested. mandibles (mouthparts) at the there is one generation per cyfluthrin, or resmethrin are rate of one inch in six days. year. Males do not drill tun- suitable. The gallery has a clean-cut nels, but they are territorial For additional information round entrance hole that may and will harass other bees and on insects in and around your be up to 1/2 inch in diameter. people who venture near their home, contact the Cooperative The gallery continues inward protected areas. Extension Service or a repu- for one to two inches, then The males, which can be table pest control business. turns sharply at a ninety- distinguished from females by (Charlie Spencer was also a degree right angle running in a whitish spot on the front of contributor to this article.) Nonproft training at UNCP A summer training series dress participants at lunch sessing Boards of Directors for nonprofit organizations on Aug.4. August 2 - Effective Non- will be offered beginning May Series co-coordinator Dr. profit Funding Strategies 3 by UNC Pembroke’s Office James Robinson explained Conference sessions, Au- of Engaged Outreach at the why the university planned gust 2 - 4 include: Regional Center for Economic, this program. August 2 - Effective Non- Community and Professional “We heard of the need for profit Funding Strategies (eve- NCAA FINALS Development at COMtech. professional and affordable ning session) The Southeast North Caro- nonprofit staff and board August 3-4 - Successful Non- lina Nonprofit Training Sum- training in this part of North profit Planning Strategies, mer Series features eight es- Carolina from a variety of Effective Marketing Practices sential training sessions for sources, but became energized for a Nonprofit Agency or Pro- nonprofit organizations’ staff when it surfaced as an impor- gram, Effective Nonprofit CHAMPIONSHIP GAME and board members. The ses- tant regional issue at one of Funding Strategies, Leader- sions will be led by UNC Pem- Chancellor Carter’s Listening ship in Nonprofit Agencies broke faculty members. Tour events in late 2010,” said and Programs, Effective Non- The sessions will be held on Dr. Robinson, who teaches in profit Management Practices, Tonight at 9 pm four Thursday evenings from UNCP’s Department of Sociol- Ethical Issues within Non- May 3 to August 2. The series ogy and Criminal Justice. “So, profits, Managing and Assess- will conclude with a three-day after further discussion with ing Boards of Directors, and Kansas vs. Kentucky conference August 2–4 where some local community leaders Diversity and Inclusion in additional seminars will be and key UNCP faculty, we de- Nonprofit Management. presented and guest speakers cided that a UNCP-sponsored A registration form and Make your final picks today at Whiteville.com. will address participants. series was both desirable and brochure with detailed infor- The cost is a little as $50 feasible,” he said. “So, this is mation on the Southeastern Winners announced in Thursday’s paper. for one session of $500 for the about building strong com- North Carolina Nonprofit entire summer conference. munities.” Training Summer Series can Sarah Weissberg, director Thursday evening sessions be found at www.uncp.edu/ PRIZE of member relations at the from 6 - 9 p.m. include: rc/. $ 00 N.C. Center for Nonprofits and May 3 - The Day-to-Day and For more information WINNINGS editor of Common Ground, Beyond: Successful Nonprofit please contact Dr. Robinson 375 will speak at lunch on Aug. Planning Strategies at 910-521-6472 or james.robin- 3. Dr. Cammie Hunt, UNCP’s June 7 - Effective Nonprofit [email protected]. associate vice chancellor for Management Practices PRIZE SPONSORS Engaged Outreach will ad- July 12 - Managing and As- Southern S isters Brian Slagle Agency HOME & GARDEN

Contest Sponsored by

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Submitted photo Liberty S. Preston Quality Ford Double lucky Medical Douglas A Lake resident saw these two rainbows from his side yard after a heavy rain fell on Specialties & Associates the county last week.