Final Report Form REAP Conservation Education Program Please submit this completed form electronically as a Word document to Susan Salterberg
[email protected] (CEP contract monitor). Project number (example: 12-04): 13-14 Project title: Investigating Shelter, Investigating a Midwestern Wickiup Organization’s name: University of Iowa Office of the State Archaeologist Grant project contact: Amy Pegump Report prepared by: Lynn M. Alex Today’s date: March 17, 2014 Were there changes in the direction of your project (i.e., something different than outlined in your grant proposal)? Yes No If yes, please explain the changes and the reason for them: No major changes in the direction of the project, although an extension was received to complete one final task. Slight change to line item categories on the budget, but approval was received in advance for these. Note: Any major changes must be approved by the Board as soon as possible. Contact CEP Contract Monitor, Susan Salterberg, at
[email protected] or 319-337-4816 to determine whether board approval is needed for your changes. When the REAP CEP Board reports to the Legislature on the impact of REAP CEP funds on environmental education in Iowa, what one sentence best portrays your project’s impact? Response limited to 375 characters. Character limits include spaces. This upper elementary curriculum provides authentic, inquiry-based lessons for educators and their students to learn more about Iowa's early environments, natural resources, and the interrelationship with early human residents and lifeways. Please summarize your project below in the space provided. Your honesty and frankness is appreciated, and will help strengthen environmental education in Iowa.