ISO/IEC International Standard 10646-1
Final Proposed Draft Amendment (FPDAM) 5 ISO/IEC 10646:2003/Amd.5:2007 (E) Information technology — Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS) — AMENDMENT 5: Tai Tham, Tai Viet, Avestan, Egyptian Hieroglyphs, CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C, and other characters Page 2, Clause 3 Normative references Page 20, Sub-clause 26.1 Hangul syllable Update the reference to the Unicode Bidirectional Algo- composition method rithm and the Unicode Normalization Forms as follows: Replace the three parenthetical notations in the second Unicode Standard Annex, UAX#9, The Unicode Bidi- sentence of the first paragraph with: rectional Algorithm, Version 5.2.0, [Date TBD]. (syllable-initial or initial consonant) (syllable-peak or medial vowel) Unicode Standard Annex, UAX#15, Unicode Normali- (syllable-final or final consonant) zation Forms, Version 5.2.0, [Date TBD]. Page 2, Clause 4 Terms and definitions Page 20, Clause 27 Source references for CJK Ideographs Replace the Code table entry with: In the list after the second paragraph, insert the follow- Code chart ing entry: Code table Hanzi M sources, A rectangular array showing the representation of coded characters allocated to the octets in a code. In the third paragraph, replace “(G, H, T, J, K, KP, V, and U)” with “(G, H, M, T, J, K, KP, V, and U)”. Remove the „Detailed code table‟ entry. Replace all further occurrences of „code table‟ in the Page 21, Sub-clause 27.1 Source references text of the standard with „code chart‟. for CJK Unified Ideographs Replace the last sentence of the second paragraph Page 13, Clause 17 Structure of the code with the following: tables and lists (now renamed „Structure of the code charts and lists‟) The current full set of CJK Unified Ideographs is represented by the collection 385 CJK UNIFIED Insert the following note after the first paragraph.
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