September 2001
September 2001 An Among Friends independent magazine serving the Thanks Are in Order Religious n the past couple of years, I have used this space in the magazine to reflect on the Society of articles we are presenting to you, to share a bit about our excitement over new Friends I projects and challenges, and to introduce new staff and volunteers. This column is written to say thank you. Editorial For me, one of the very best parts of working for Friends organizations is the Susan Corson-Finnerty (Publish~r and Ex~cutiv~ EditQr), Kenneth Surron (Smior Editor}, Robert opportuniry to meet and work with extraordinary individuals. As I think back over Dockhorn (Assistant Editor), Judirh Brown (Pomy the years at Powell House, Princeton Friends School, and FRIENDS JouRNAL, so many Editor}, Ellen Michaud (Book Rroiew Editor}, wonderful people come to mind-Board members, staff, and constituents of those ]. Brenr Bill (Assistant Book Rroi= Editor), Joan Overman (Book Rroi= Assistant}, Christine Rusch Friendly entities. What a privilege it is to have known and worked alongside of and (Mikstones Editor}, Julie Gochenour, Robert Marks, with these remarkable, dedicated folks! What a huge reservoir of wisdom and what a Cameron McWhirter (N=s Editors), Kara Newdl spirit of joyful service we have in the Religious Society of Friends! (Columnist), Lisa Rand, Marjorie Schier (Copyeditors}, Sarah Gray (Inurn) As you read these words, here at the JouRNAL we will be coming to the end of Production Kenneth Sutton's eight years of service on our staff, as he leaves Philadelphia to move Barbara Benron (Art Dir~ctor}, Alia Podolsky to Boston.
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