UNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III DE MADRID TESIS DOCTORAL INTER-DOMAIN TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT IN AN EVOLVING INTERNET PEERING ECO-SYSTEM Autor: Juan Camilo Cardona, Institute IMDEA Networks Director[/es]: Pierre Francois, Cisco Systems Rade Stanojevic, Telefonica I+D DEPARTAMENTO DE INGENIERIA´ TELEMATICA´ Leganes´ (Madrid), noviembre de 2015 UNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III DE MADRID PH.D. THESIS INTER-DOMAIN TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT IN AN EVOLVING INTERNET PEERING ECO-SYSTEM Author: Juan Camilo Cardona, Institute IMDEA Networks Director[/s]: Pierre Francois, Cisco Systems Rade Stanojevic, Telefonica I+D DEPARTMENT OF TELEMATIC ENGINEERING Leganes´ (Madrid), November 2015 Inter-domain traffic management in an evolving Internet peering eco-system A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Prepared by Juan Camilo Cardona, Institute IMDEA Networks Under the advice of Pierre Francois, Cisco Systems Rade Stanojevic, Telefonica I+D Departamento de Ingenier´ıa Telematica,´ Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Date: noviembre, 2015 Web/contact: [
[email protected]] This work has been supported by IMDEA Networks Institute. VI TESIS DOCTORAL INTER-DOMAIN TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT IN AN EVOLVING INTERNET PEERING ECO-SYSTEM Autor: Juan Camilo Cardona, Institute IMDEA Networks Director[/es]: Pierre Francois, Cisco Systems Rade Stanojevic, Telefonica I+D Firma del tribunal calificador: Presidente: Vocal: Secretario: Calificacion:´ Leganes,´ de de Acknowledgements I learnt a lot on my own over these four years, but it is the lessons from Pierre and Rade what I appreciate the most. Pierre helped me go deeper in the networking world, by introducing me to people, anecdotes, knowledge, and experiences from the core of the industry. Rade opened my mind to the world of research, and showed me the thrill of data exploration, always in the most pragmatic way.