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I TAG SALE WILE MOTORS Ihaurbrstpr Tim Lh ★ ★ ★ TAG SALE ! ! ! ★ ★ ★ 4 Days for the Price of 3! ^ PUCE YOm M> ON TUESMY, BEHME NOON, AND YOU’RE M l SET iHaurbrstpr t im lh P IM B ffiy >8AU m u u ) Manchester A City of Village Char m CHEVY Royo 1774, 2 BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY PLYMOUTH Ifff Oran fUtCK 1794 Myhowk cus- JURE 13. toys clefhas, Pufv. 3 new fifes ana door, high parfof- fnfanf-4, women's fam. 504NI8 miles. Rad, monca 350. Bast attar alter not Of, Cdli l-lpm axcallanf canditlon. Thurgday, Jun« 11,1987 30 Cents sssussr ^nSSSuMnsr clothes, furnffura and Of 5-7,447-7m,f5t». 444-1015. Attar 4li0. m e m t m isstp ^ EijSiissr^ mlscallanaoua, 137 S50M. 441-1474. Loomis straat. mui4^4l AiOT a W w a o T PSTr 'ia'g?ra M Uif/iii'STm , 70004,i n s is s u T ' day ear* ODD laba, Trueklnp. to Griff an to Loomis. running condHlan, SOM ifaaan. Automatic, cylinder, Intarlor/ax- J _ 3 full fim# MAfONliy. All fypaa. Of best offer, 444-Mi power staarlno. Runs Sfana wark, waad- Hama yapaira, Vau tarler, good condHlatf, Reagan aMfifnM far i-4 yaor PAINTING afayaa, cMmnayaaapa- nama if, wa da ff, Praa offer 3pm. good. S575. 443-1940 of- Needs same work, 54M aM. Laf« af rava and aaflmafaa. inaurad.449- eeaaeaaaaaedaaa-Ye tar 4pm.4c Of bast attar. Call 447- carlaa. Nufricfau* <>*9* VnlOTTIjr daffy. 4 i 7 ^ . ontf M y inouYod. ta yoofo m - 0104 AUTAMATiVI DODGESriaTTi 1777 window von 4305, Mallsso. Town, 8th maaf fnefudad. 443- ilEPl^O IHaaan wark. All Moxi, Autamottc, 311 fsn. fypaa of maaanry. 44a- <!fHAiAi canaj, Hand- CHEvV Mania 1W. Sum optimistic «*a. wayan eana and ra- c iS ic Y m VO angina, power star­ good, needs hood, grill, 1404. Pull inauTM. ing and brokaa, new 640-44S1 WirfftX ?rTla m<aai- palra. Tap aualify ROUTE 03, VERNON rodlATOR. 0450. Coll wark. Oaad rofaa. 07^ point. Rum Ask­ 443-2171. Otava Inp and eftimnay ra- 7414. •snegwWagen *7189 ing 01050 Of b ^ otter, on arms US bulldlnp, Tfia 742-1751 onytlma, ^LV/WdUfN V o l^TTa paaalMllflaa ora and- CcS?83sA 1777fOf I _ CSPuMklePabm 4 ar. *74M ter ports only! Coll lllIlMrelSSrr?^If cMan YVfflt Larll ECOfMMY LAWS MOWIA as Oh«Y. OHtflen 4 4t. *8888 4pm. 4444)547, OK outline lata. Call affar 4pm attar u Oanaral hauMkaapina mm/ Lawn Moworo ropatrad. 4 new Eogla fTs . Z- waakdoya, 4434307. •4P«ieknegsl4dr. *8898 By Toronco Hunt Mfyiea. Effldanf^ rail- iiiiM iiie bort/ sunroof / 5 factory TAKE A LOOK ObHt and a«parlancad. low 8411100 etttoana olumlnum rims, 340 44 PulDk LeOabfe 4 Or. *8488 The Asseclotod Press Call 443-7M0. CORRIVfMl u w i T Ofaacunf motor runs, body oood 44 Skyhswk 4 Or. Wg. *8988 Proa piok up Ofld doHirary. raoi except raor otfortars 1988 VENICE, Italy - President SERVICE oourloouo oofYWa. Ook onylfmo ond possanger door. •4 niYlsni Oovge *11,899 Qualify graoming at All leather Interior. 44 Ofwv. Speefrum 3 4r. *9799 OATOu!ni7n»Ton35ad Reagan, In a picturesque outdoor 4474000 leitMiraS*. *11,999 LINCOLN news conference capping the 13th for accord PloiiiMfif A NoaUaf affardoMa pnaaal «4dd44d44d4dddd<« Console ond buckets. pickup In oxcallant run- fmi utiMftt. mutmuMo East offer. Also new •S Oher. OaertDi 4 er. *9499 TOWN CAR nlno condition with ■eummlt of Western allies, said No Job too tinall, Haat' DELIVIRINO snows mounted on IS OMs OMMH 3 4r. *9799 over the top cop. Many today he aeea an "increased oppor­ By George Layng N C o W S 4 »f7 li Rich farm laam, 4 yarda rims. Coll Joe 443- 3 to choose from new ports. Coll 447- tunity" for a nuclear arms agree­ If the price Is based on replace­ Ing a Plumbing ra- •6 fere LTD 4 dr. *11,499 Herald Reporter 47S plua fan, Sond, erayal 1770.0_________________ White, Blue, Brown 0005._______________ ment this year as well as a third ment cost, LaBelle said the E ig h th . pdlra, Qaa, oil, and t 4 4 4 4 4 t t 4 4 4 « 4 4 4 4 4 ond daearaflya afana, liOevtNerWa *9799 Your Choice District would want to be paid for a omomm# HI I tMiimif TtnitiiivteE VW cludntum 1IU, 77,M6 IS OeysHMr 4 dr. *8399 CHEVY pickup 1W3, meeting with Soviet leader Mikhail m m oM kNOMno. $mn t alactrlo water tfeatera, miles, oil power op- 40,OM miles, good con­ Gorbachev. Negotiators from the Eighth the replacement of engineering Buakat, truck 4 cMppar. •43-7S04 37aMW4dr. *22,900 Utilities District and the town of ■otter ■eptaoement flons. Excellent condi­ 6 1 8 ,7 0 0 dition. 540M. Coll 443- Reagan's opening statement em- work It had done for a planned BfIWO) fOVBfOfVOOB- Stump ramoval. fraa Manchester Wednesday accepted Qaa and Oil, Water aatlmataa. Spadal tion. 413,000. Coll attar 1477 Otter 4. Jbraced the economic discussions of Buckland sewer. Previously, the o4»oiei 872-9111 the basic outline of a proposed Eighth District asked for flSO.OOO oonaldaratlon lot aldarty Spm. 444-7731. 44444444444444444 FORD Von 1175. ^ u s l^ - .the three-day summit, but his Pump aalea, aervloe V • 8 Cotntruellon Morlarty Bros, settlement to longstanding prob­ and handloappad. eatoiNn^ t ow Uood Cor Spoolala Ifad Interior, needs answer to one of the few questions for the engineering work, which and inatallatlon. Cuatom dacka, garagn and lems with fire protection and sewer mitaoga, 4 door sedan, Oollor-Rant-A-Cors new angina. Basi offer. on the subject had to be clarified was the actual cost. 047-7SS3 addHiona. Call far service. M J H I - M T l ____ ExcaMant condition. iCRANTdii 1755 COUGARS Immediately by a top aide. Town negotiator Kevin O'Brien ostimatb Must sail S4500/basf Differences remain over how objected. He said that the replace­ knee White-Red-Blue Answering a question, Reagan INTCRIOR PalntlflO. otter. 447-S433. much money each side should ment cost of such services does not 868-0200 lUOT USSO 0. said most of his summit partners Ilaatanabla rofa*. Praa so*M IS* nNANoma on issst your choice •0995 receive from the other for property escalate as it would fora structure. PLUMima A HEATIN8 PATIO DOOR OLASS after 6 p.m. and ***< far Gary ey flri : n ^ '~iavT » a.“ Aii believe that the value of the tafimalas. E«pt- power, olr conditioned. 47 oooai OAnAVAN MS,414 02 Csprtea 4 dr, *8488 that will be transferred. Both sides The Eighth District also de­ RliMftLtrtIM noplaeod. Stondord Mora - m ' American dollar should remain rl0ne»d. M7-7I1S. Leather Interior, good S7 DAKOTA fAJ M1.44B 01 fairmont Wagon *2909 agreed to meet again next Thurs­ manded that It be given the .stable. Ibaalutt Polnflna Cam- Plunblttg i Mcfllng $98 oaofi. Naad rapolrt around ftia condlllon. S3S00. May S7 flfTH AVI riSASS 01 MMIbu 2 dr. *3409 POP up Camper aios day to see if the remaining points replacement costs for sewer flaw oofloUuMiDfl, roflMdallfla, • VONT Ouorofltoo tr 00001 OARAVAN M4.8SS "W ell, frankly most of us believe pany. Ouarantaad homo? Call an axearf. be Stan 555 Main 01 GLC 4 dr„ At, AO *3909 stove. Ice box, canopy, can be negotiated. sleeves it Installed under Interstate qualify wark. Rtfaran- raaolfo. fOoMonNU, oommorMol Street. Coll 443-I10S. ar ooooo OAnAVAN ms,3Ss dual dinnotta, sleeps 4. the dollar should remain stable. It lleonoad 4 Hwufta. OoH ACCENT O U SS CO. Yau*ll find ttw twie you 04 Maida Plefcup *4899 "There-aren’t many options If It M and Buckland Street. Previously ca* and fraa atflmofa*. •7L4PAnON4*. M1.4S4 Coll 447-1777 oHar 4pm. could be within reason that there Mid in CtoMlflofr ^ •aTHUNOSnoino «t,sas 03 Lynx Wg., At, AO *4998 doesn't work," Mayor Barbara B. it asked for the cost to build them, Cnaap. Call Oauo 443- 640-7730 •47-0140 could still be some lowering of the 8711, sa OOOOO r>A«lM4W M1.4S6 06 Arlaa Wamm '6,408 Weinberg, a town negotiator, said and that Is what the town proposed fSM 00 Mdida flU P/U * ^ value in relation to other S§n Your Cor aa flfTH Avt.m Ms.sas M0TMaCLE6,1/ of the framework. Wednesday. SaOHV.L4dAnON Ml,448 04 Colony Park Wg. *10,400 currencies," But Eighth District negotiator sa Doool noYAL n 'toAsa M0fE08 O ’Brien objected again. He noted 44 Mil. aalant4dr. *11,400 Gordon B. Lassow and town nego­ ISLdPAnONiW. Ml ASS •4MarkurXR4TI *12,000 LESS T H A N IS minutes after • 1 5 NfLV.VOVAOSn M4.SSS MOTOR Cycle Inaufonea. tiator Geoffrey Naab both said the 4 Lines — 10 Days 00 Outlaas 2 dr. ^999 Reagan ended his Island news Please turn to page 8 HQME8 INIUM8 •S NISSAN MAXIMA rfSASS 00 Ostsun 2009X *4999 Compatlllya rotaa. two sides should consider bringing 90a ohargp, each addi­ M OILIOniTV MASS Soma day coverage. conference, White House spokes­ n S 66AU A MNT S3 GMO Jimmy 40K *7098 Many plans available. In a mediator If obstacles cannot be i] E . " io r tional lint. You can IS f LV. HORIZON It) N.SS8 04 Lino. Town Oar *11,400 man Marlin PItzwater said the resolved. oonoal at any lima. SS OHV. QTS '10AS8 Coll Judy or Jonot of president had not meant to suggest NATURE Lavaradallghfl MANc7f«TERTT7ond VERNON. 1 bedroom, M HOmZON MASS 84 Gran. Marquis L8 *8999 the Crockett Agency. Any proposed settlement would U.S. drops new duplex. 3 bed­ 3nd floor. W i. Secur­ RIRIWOOD 80RRY, that he wanted a further decline In have to be approved by the town Tfila I roam avaralied S53 cord.
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