INTRODUCTION Introduction 1 Master Plan Purpose The Study Area The Municipality of North Cowichan is a vibrant and growing The parks and trails master plan is focused on the 214 square community. Our parks, trails, rivers, lakes, oceanfront and our kilometres within Municipal boundaries (Figure 1). The plan also Municipal Forest Reserve are at the heart of our quality of considers key regional connections to parks and trails managed life, our sense of place, our ecosystem services and our future by the Cowichan Valley Regional District, British Columbia economic diversification. Recognizing the importance of our Parks and local First Nations. The Municipality is large and parks and trails to our residents, and to those who visit our diverse in terms of its development pattern, ecosystems and community, the Municipality has worked with the community the outdoor recreation opportunities available to residents and its partners to develop this comprehensive Parks and Trails and visitors. The Municipality includes a number of distinct Master Plan. Reflecting the desires of the community, the plan communities—Chemainus, Crofton, Maple Bay, Genoa Bay, is a future-focused, system wide, strategic plan that guides the University Village, and the Mount Prevost/Sherman Road area. resourcing, development, management, provision and expansion of our parks and trails over the next 15 years. Through its The area is known for its rugged and scenic coastline, with development, the plan has identified strategies and actions to views to nearby Salt Spring Island and beyond. Distinctive improve the extraordinary quality of life, as well as the physical topographic features include the iconic six mountains: Mount and mental health and social and economic well-being of our Tzouhalem, Mount Richards, Mount Prevost, Maple Mountain, residents and the community as a whole.
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