The Taming of the Shrew Study Guide
The Taming of the Shrew The Atlanta Shakespeare Company Staff Cast Artistic Director Jeff Watkins Director – Jeff WatkiNs Stage MaNager –CiNdy KearNs Director of Education and AssistaNt Stage MaNager – Lilly Baxley Training Laura Cole LightiNg DesigNer – Greg HanthorNe Development Director Rivka Levin Kate – Dani Herd Education Staff Kati Grace Brown, Tony Petruchio – Matt Nitchie Brown, Andrew Houchins, Adam King, Lucentio – Trey York Amanda Lindsey, Samantha Smith BiaNca, ServaNt – KristiN Storla TraNio – Adam KiNg Box Office Manager Becky Cormier Finch Hortensio – Paul Hester Baptista, ServaNt – Doug Kaye Art Manager Amee Vyas Grumio – Drew Reeves ViNcentio, ServaNt, Priest – Troy Willis Marketing Manager Jeanette Meierhofer Gremio, Tailor, ServaNt – J. ToNy BrowN BioNdello – Patrick Galletta Company Manager Joe Rossidivito Curtis, Haberdasher, Widow – Nathan Unless otherwise noted, photos Hesse appearing in this study guide are PedaNt – Clarke Weigle courtesy of Jeff Watkins. Study guide by Samantha Smith, Laura Cole, and Delaney Clark The Atlanta Shakespeare Company 499 Peachtree St NE Atlanta GA 30308 404-874-5299 Like the Atlanta Shakespeare Company on Facebook and follow ASC on Twitter at @shakespearetav. Photo Credit: NatioNal Portrait Gallery WILLIAM 2016 was the four huNdredth aNNiversary of SHAKESPEARE Shakespeare's death, aNd celebratioNs hoNoriNg Shakespeare's plays were popular with Shakespeare (1564-1616) wrote thirty- Shakespeare's coNtributioN seveN plays, which have become staples all types of people, iNcludiNg the two to literature took place of classrooms aNd theatre performaNces moNarchs who ruled ENglaNd duriNg his arouNd the world. across the world. lifetime: Elizabeth I (1533-1603) aNd James I (1566-1625). The soN of a glove-maker, Shakespeare was borN iN Stratford-upoN-AvoN, Shakespeare fouNd both artistic aNd co- where he received a stroNg educatioN iN mmercial success through his writiNg.
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