Child Pornography Awareness

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Child Pornography Awareness 16th Annuall Communiity Guiide RRNNCCAA Chiilld Pornography Awareness When they learn from the experts, kids get into safety. Knowledge is everything – especially when it comes to safety. That’s why your local Tim Hortons supports programs that teach our kids valuable safety lessons. They learn from the experts – and find out who their friends are. TABLE OF c o n t e n t s 16th Annual Community Guide Child Pornography Awareness Royal Newfoundland Constabulary Association 3 Premierʼs Message 5 RNCA Presidentʼs Message 6 Ministerʼs Message 7 Chief of Policeʼs Message 9 RNCA Executive Members 11 Publisherʼs Message 79 Donations to the Community 81 Family Fun Day 85 Motorcycle Ride for Dad 87 Seniorsʼ Christmas Party 2006 (St. Johnʼs) 93 Detective Sergeant Thomas Fraize Scholarship / RNC Cadets 95 Tour de Rock / Lobby Day 97 Annual RNCA Hockey Tournament 99 Police Week 101 Crime Stoppers Police Officer of the Year Award - 2006 th 103 RNC 20 Year Service Medals 105 Arbitration Award 107 NLPPOMA - Newfoundland and Labrador Police and Peace Officersʼ Memorial 109 Remembrance Day Parade Child Pornography Awareness Child Pornography....Behind Every Picture Thereʼs Pain 13 Snapshot of Minors Online and How Predators Child Pornography 15 Reach Them 45 Canadian Background 17 Kids in the Know 55 Criminal Code 19 61 Child Pornography and Internet Luring Chat Dictionary – decipher what your kids – DNA Data Bank Reforms 21 are saying 65 In the News… 23 Why Internet Filter Software? 75 A Teen Makes Money With a Controversial Site 35 Resources 77 Microsoft Technology Helps in Fight Against Child Pornography 41 Advertiserʼs Index 112 1 Compliments of Atlantic Insurance Company Limited 64 Commonwealth Ave. Mt. Pearl, Newfoundland 364-5209 2 Message from the Premier On behalf of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, I applaud the men and women of the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary Association for focusing the 16th Annual Community Guide on issues surrounding child pornography. The Provincial Government is very much aware of the terrible consequences of child pornography on individuals, families and societies as a whole. To address this very serious crime, government has made significant investments in awareness and education programs and policing to deal with this issue. We have increased our spending programs and have provided resources to hire additional social workers and police officers. Government is committed to providing significant resources to educate the public and prevent child pornography, thereby protecting the children and youth of our province. We are committed to providing a high level of public protection and have worked diligently over the past three and a half years to provide our police forces with the human and operational resources required to ensure the people of this province feel safe and secure in their communities. Our additional investment in Budget 2007 will ensure more police officers are on our streets, equipped with the necessary tools to combat crime, which included planning for another 30 cadets in the 2006-2007. The RNC has used additional funding to develop and enhance the Computer Forensic Section to assist with investigations surrounding this serious crime. As well, additional Community Services Officers are helping to educate our children and promote public awareness and education for issues surrounding child pornography. We look forward to partnering with the RNC, RCMP and other stakeholders throughout the province to ensure that parents are confident that their children are safe and secure. Congratulations on this worthwhile publication, and thank you to all members of the law enforcement community for your dedication and commitment to our province. Sincerely, DANNY WILLIAMS, Q.C. Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador 3 16 - 20 Kyle Avenue Mount Pearl, NL 709.748.4900 VERY PROUD TO SUPPORT THE ROYAL NEWFOUNDLAND CONSTABULARY ASSOCIATION 4 PRESIDENT’S m e s s a g e Children are the most vulnerable in our society and we must strive to protect them from the perils associated with the easy access that the internet has provided to predators who would capitalize on the opportunity to prey on our children. We hope that the information provided in this community publication will assist parents and guardians in assessing risks and confronting threats associated with child pornography. We hope that it might also warn potential offenders that there is a real risk of being apprehended for these heinous crimes and inform them that we are on guard against their opportunistic approaches. This effort would not be possible without the continued support that we receive from the business community and individual citizens who contribute to this effort each year as we strive to address the various issues that afflict our society. Our thanks are heartfelt and we encourage readers to support the many business and organizations that make this publication a reality. Thank you again for your support and we look forward to serving you, the public, as members of your Provincial Police Force. Sincerely, Cst. T.W. Buckle President RNCA 5 Message from the Minister Children are among the most vulnerable members of society and we all have a responsibility to protect and nurture them. The sexual exploitation of children is a serious concern for our Government. We are committed to ensuring the protection and well-being of children in Newfoundland and Labrador. This year our Gov- ernment has taken action to strengthen the Child, Youth and Family Services system to achieve this objective. We are investing in public awareness related to the Child, Youth and Family Services Program and the collaborative training of social workers and the police in the area of violence and child sexual abuse, and, we added 55 new positions, over a three year period for the Child, Youth and Family Services Program throughout the province. Each and every one of us, as members of the community and as service providers, has a responsibility to report information if we have concerns about the safety of children. By working together, we can better fight the abuse of children and create a safe province in which our children can grow and prosper. Hon. Tom Osborne, Minister 6 Message from the Chief of Police On behalf of the Women and Men of the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary, I wish to extend my congratulations to the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary Association on the publication of their 16th Annual Community Guide. Child pornography and other crimes committed against children have become serious concerns in all Canadian Communities. It is troubling to know that through the internet child predators can easily target large numbers of children at any time. The Royal Newfoundland Constabulary is committed to protecting our families from these predators through the services of our fully operational Computer Forensic Section that supports the efforts of our investigators. As well, our officers are availing of Cyber Crime Investigation Training and Internet Child Exploitation Training through the Canadian Police College. These training opportunities will enhance our abilities to protect our citizens. The RNC is also being proactive through our Community Services Officers who are continuing to educate our youth and ensure they have the tools and the knowledge to protect themselves. The distribution of this Guide will compliment the efforts of the RNC in the provision of our goal to educate and protect our youth. I would like to personally thank all officers of the RNC serving in the Northeast Avalon, the Corner Brook Division, and Labrador West Division, as they continue to serve their communities in a professional and dedicated manner. Sincerely, Joseph F. Browne Chief of Police Royal Newfoundland Constabulary 7 8 EXECUTIVE Kenny Jackson Warren Sullivan Ist Vice President 2nd Vice President Tim Buckle President Paul Davis Kerry Chaytor Secretary Executive Assistant Todd Barron Treasurer Colin Deacy Albert Gibbons Director, Platoon A Director, Support Services Danny Doiron John Whelan Director, Platoon B Director, Labrador West Mike Kavanagh Tony Walshe Director, Platoon C Director, Platoon D John Goss Sue Bill Director, Corner Brook Director, CID 9 ST. JOHNʼS 726-6990 • CARBONEAR 596-5005 • GANDER 256-3906 • BURIN 891-1300 • CLARENVILLE 466-2661 • Cars & Trucks • • Parts • • Service • • Leasing and Rentals • Mari Marie’sMini Marte’s & Deli Now serving you from 17 different locations in St. Johnʼs, Mt. Pearl and Conception Bay South 10 PUBLISHER’S m e s s a g e The topic of this year’s publication has to be among the worst topics that we have ever focused on in the sixteen years of publishing the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary Association’s Annual Community Guide. We hope that this publication helps to enlighten those not familiar with this tragic subject by exposing the existence of a very real societal problem… Child Pornography. At one time, Child Pornographers traded hard copy photos and literature, but now, as a result of technology, they are taking advantage of easy Internet access into our very homes, making it easier for them to prey upon our children. The frequency of offences is also increasing as we constantly hear in the news of more and more predators being caught, and for everyone that is caught, unfortunately many are not. It is an alarming problem and one of the real dangers lurking on today’s Information Highway. However, as these sick predators do use the Internet to lure their prey, the Internet is also being used by dedicated law enforcement professionals to help identify offenders. Special Law enforcement task forces and Internet Safety Groups that are proactively working to end the sexual abuse of children are to be commended for their vigilance and for the courage and strength that is required of them to carry out their mandates.
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