Policy, practice, pride and prejudice Review of legal, environmental and social practices of oil palm plantation companies of the Wilmar Group in Sambas District, West Kalimantan (Indonesia) A joint publication of Milieudefensie (Friends of the Earth Netherlands), Lembaga Gemawan and KONTAK Rakyat Borneo July 2007 Policy, practice, pride and prejudice Credits Research: Adriani Zakaria (KONTAK Raykat Borneo), Claudia Theile (Milieudefensie), Lely Khaimur (Lembaga Gemawan). Editing: Iris Maher Design and printing: Ruparo, Amsterdam Cover photo:Tropical Rainforest in Sambas District, West Kalimantan. On the background, denuded hills in the oil palm concession of PT Agri Nusa Investama, a subsidiary of the Wilmar Group. ©Policy, Amsterdam, June 2007 practice, Milieudefensie (Friends of the Earth Netherlands) Campaign Globalisation & Environment P. O. box 19199pride and 1000 GD Amsterdam, The Netherlands Tel. + 31 20 6262 620
[email protected] www.milieudefensie.nl/englisprejudiceh Lembaga Pengembangan Masyarakat Swadiri Jalan Dr. Wahidin Gg.Review Batas Pandang of legal, environ- Kompleks Kelapa Hijau no 18, Pontianak,mental West Kalimantan and social practices Indonesia Tel. +62 561 586891
[email protected] oil palmt plantation com- http://www.gemawan.orpanies ofg the Wilmar Group KONTAK Rakyat Borneo Jalanin Hasyim Sambas Ashari No 05/68 District, West Kelurahan Tanjung Hulu Pontianak,Kalimantan West Kalimantan (Indonesia) Indonesia
[email protected] joint publication of Vereniging Milieudefensie, Lembaga Gemawan