Futurism in Venice, Crisis and “La Musica Dell'avvenire,” 1924*
Futurism in Venice, Crisis and “la musica dell’avvenire,” 1924* Harriet Boyd La crise militaire est peut-être finie. La crise économique est visible dans tout sa force; mais la crise intellectuelle, plus subtile, et qui, par sa nature, même, prend les apparences les plus trompeuses.1 (Paul Valéry, 1924) The future of old media Tucked away in the recesses of the Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana in Venice is a one-off Futurist periodical. The accumulated dust and lack of wear belie its significance. Entitled Arabau Barù (an idiosyncratic greeting used by the Venetian Futurists),2 the periodical was produced in Venice by local activists Renzo Bertozzi and Paolo Foscari to generate publicity on the eve of a musico-theatrical event at the city’s Teatro Goldoni on January 25, 1924. The publication marks a neglected moment in Futurism’s history. Styled as a four-page broadsheet, it exhibits the black and red text and typography favored by the Futurists (see Figure 1). The title typeface suggests both velocity and auditory volume: “Arabau” rises from a small to large font, and the letters of “Barù” are distributed on various horizontal lines, as if to suggest their transcription on a musical stave. The edition’s subtitle reads “argomento dei futuristi veneziani esce quando vuole e può” (Exposition of the Venetian Futurists, appearing when it wants to and can); inscribed in a vortical shape that resembles the electronic loudspeaker, it too suggests its sonic realization. Slogans are scattered across the page: to the left is the play on words “Marciare, non marcire” (March, don’t rot), taken from the 1915 manifesto “Il teatro futurista sintetico;” this is mirrored by “Tutto il futurismo!?!” to the right.3 *There are many people I would like to thank for their encouragement, support, and advice in the completion of this article: above all, Roger Parker, and also Tamsin Alexander, Ross Cole, Kate Guthrie, Katherine Hambridge, Axel Körner, Emanuele Senici, Francesca Vella, and Gavin Williams.
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