INTERNATIONAL PATHOLOGY (ISSN 0020-8205) Vol 56 No 1 2016 published quarterly by the International Academy of Pathology. Circulation 23,000 worldwide. IAP WEBSITE Pathology in Germany PRESIDENT ologne is the host city of the International Con- These mutated genes are called ‘driver mutations.’ Eduardo Santini-Araurjo, Cgress of the IAP Sept 26-30, 2016. The motto The team is trying to see whether the various varie- Chair Professor, Department of Pathology, for the Congress is ‘Predictive Pathology - Guiding ties of lung tumour that can be identified in H&E School of Medicine, and Monitoring Therapy’ sections, have specific patterns of ‘driver mutations.’ University of Buenos Aires, Argentina The Institute for Pathology in Cologne epitomises Pharmaceutical companies are keen to find such E mail:
[email protected] this motto. The current Head of the Institute is Pro- ‘driver mutations’ so that they can try to manufac- SECRETARY fessor Reinhard Buttner. His Institute is responsible ture specific chemotherapeutic agents with which to Ray McMahon for a busy routine Anatomical Pathology Service treat the tumours. This is aiming to produce ‘per- Consultant Pathologist, Manchester Royal Infirmary sonalised’ therapy for patients with these tumours. Manchester Medical School with about 40,000 surgical specimens and 20,000 Manchester, UK consultations each year, and a post mortem service Commercially these tests would cost about $7,000 email:
[email protected] that has 150 postmortems annually. (As is happening but because the Pharmaceutical companies are fund- elsewhere in the world this number is falling rapidly.) ing the research, the tests are presently free to patients.