

The , Laplace and Z-transforms

This appendix provides a brief introduction to the which is a valuable mathematical tool in time-series analysis. Further details may be found in many books such as Hsu (1967) and Sneddon (1972). The related Laplace and Z-transforms are also introduced. Given a (possibly complex-valued) h(t) of a real variable t, the Fourier transform of h(t) is usually defined as

i w H(w) = J 00 h(t)e- tdt (Al.l) - 00 provided the exists for every real w. Note that H(w) is in general complex.A sufficient condition for H(w) to exist is

Ih(t) Idt

If (Al.I) is regarded as an for h(t) given H(w), then a simple inversion formula exists of the form

I 00 h(t) = - f H(w)ei w tdw (Al.2) 21T - 00 and h(t) is called the inverse Fourier transform of H(w), or sometimes just the Fourier transform of H(w). The two

233 THE ANALYSIS OF functions h(t) and H(w) are commonly called a Fourier transform pair. The reader is warned that many authors use a slightly different definition of a Fourier transform to Al.l. For example some authors put a l/y2rr outside the integral in (AI. 1) and then the inversion formula for h(t) is symmetric. In time-series analysis many authors (e.g. Cox and Miller, 1968, p. 315) put a constant 1/2rr outside the integral in Al.l. The inversion formula then has a unity constant outside the integral. Some authors in time-series analysis (e.g. Jenkins and Watts, 1968, Blackman and Tukey , 1959) define Fourier transforms in terms of the variable f= w/(2rr) rather than w . We then find that the Fourier transform pair is

G(j) = f., 00 h(t)e- 211 iftdt (Al.3)

h(t)= 1=00 G(j)e211 iftdf (AlA) Note that the constant outside each integral is now unity. In time-series analysis, we will often use the discrete form of the Fourier transform when h(t) is only defined for values of t. Then

H(w) = ~ h(t)e- iw t (Al .5) t=- 00 is the discrete Fourier transform of h(t). Note that H(w) is only defined in the interval [-rr, n ]. The inverse transform is

1 r 11 h(t) =-J H(w)eiWtdw (Al .6) 2rr - 11 Fourier transforms have many useful properties, some of which are used during the later chapters of this book .


However we will not attempt to review them here. The reader is referred for example to Hsu (1967). One special type of Fourier transform arises when h(t) is a real-valued even function such that h(t) =h( < t ). The autocorrelation function of a stationary time series has these properties. Then using (Al.l) with a constant l/rr outside the integral, we find

1 00 • H(w)=- J h(t)e-1wtdt rr - 00

2 00 =- J h(t) cos wt dt '(Al .7) rr 0 and it is clear that H( w) is a real-valued even function. The inversion formula is then

1 00 h(t) =- J H(w)e iwtdw I(Al .8) 2 _ 00

=J00 H(w)cos wt dw o Equations (AI.7) and (Al.8) are similar to a Fourier transform pair and are useful when we only wish to define H(w) for w> O. This pair of equations appear as equations (2.73) and (2.74) in Yaglom (1962). When h(t) is only defined for integer values of t, equations (Al.7) and (Al.8) become

H(w) =; {h(O) + 2 I h(t) cos wt} (Al .9)

h(t) = H(w) cos wt dw (AI.10) f'o and H(w) is now only defined on [0 , rr] . The of a function h(r) which is defined

235 THE ANALYSIS OF TIME SERIES for t > 0 is given by

H(s) =1'''' h(t)e- st dt (Al.II) o where s is a complex variable. The integral converges when the real part of s exceeds some number called the abscissa of convergence. The relationship between the Fourier and Laplace transforms is of some interest, particularly as control engineers often prefer to use the Laplace transform when investigating the properties of a (e.g. Solodovnikov, 1965, Douce, 1963) as this will cope with physically realizable systems which are stable or unstable. If the function h(t) is such that

h(t) = 0 (t < 0) (Al.12) and the real part of s is zero, then the Laplace and Fourier transforms of h(t) are the same. The function of a physically realizable linear system satisfies (Al.12) and so for such functions the Fourier transform is a special case of the Laplace transform. More details about the Laplace transform may be found in many books, (e.g. Sneddon, 1972). The Z-transform of a function h(t) defined on the non-negative is given by

H(z) = L h(t)z-t (Al.13) t=O In discrete time, with a function satisfying (AI .12), some authors prefer to use the Z-transform rather than the discrete form of the Fourier transform (Le. A1.5) or the discrete form of the Laplace transform, namely

00 H(s) = L h(t)e-st (Al.I4) t = 0


Comparing (A 1.13) with (A 1.14) we see that z = e", The reader will observe that when {h(t)} is a probability function such that h(t) is the probability of observing the value t, for t = 0, I, ... , then (AI.13) is related to the probability of the distribution, while (AI.5) and (A1.14) are related to the generating function.

Exercises I. If h(t) is real, show that the real and imaginary parts of its Fourier transform, as defined by equation (A 1.1), are respectively. a 2. If h(t) = e- I t I for all real t, where a is a positive real constant, show that its Fourier transform, as defined by equation (ALI), is given by (_00 < w < 00 ) 3. Show that the Laplace transform of h(t) = e- at (t > 0) , where a is a real constant, is given by His) = I/(s + a) Re(s) > a.


Suppose that ¢(t) is any function which is continuous at t = O. Then the Dirac delta function, o(t), is such that

o(t)¢(t)dt = ¢(O) (A2.1) J:oo Because it is defined in terms of its integral properties alone, it is sometimes called the 'spotting' function since it picks out one particular value of ¢(t). It is also sometimes called simply the delta fun ction. It is important to realize that o(t) is not a fun ct ion. Rather it is a , or distribution, which maps a function into the real line. Some authors define the delta function by t=l=O o(t) = {~ (A2.2) t = 0 such that

J:00 o(t)dt = 1.

But while this is often intuitively helpful, it is mathematically meaningless. The Dirac delta function can also be regarded (e.g. Schwarz and Friedland, 1965) as the limit, as e ~ 0, of a pulse of width e and height lie (i.e. unit area) defined by o


This definition is also not mathematically rigorous, but heuristically useful. In particular, control engineers can approximate such an impulse by an impulse with unit area whose duration is short compared with the least significant of the response to the linear system being studied. Even though o(t) is a generalized function, it can often be handled as if it were an ordinary function except that we will be interested in the values of involving o(t) and never in the value of o(t) by itself. The o'(t) of o(t) can also be defined by J=00 0' (t)¢(t)dt = - ¢' (0) ,(A2.3) where ¢'(0) is the derivative of ¢(t) evalua ted at t =O. The justification for A2.3 depends on integrating by parts as if o'(t) and oct) were ordinary functions and using (A2 .2) to give

f =00 o'(t)¢(t)dt = - f=00 8(t)¢'(t)dt and then using (A2 .1). Higher of au) may be defined in a similar way. The delta function has many useful properties (see, for example, Hsu, 1967).

Exercises 1. The function ¢(t) is continuous at t = to . Ifa < b, show that

fb su : to)¢(t)dt= {¢(to) a b. 2. The function ¢(t) is continuous at t = O. Show that ¢(t)o(t) =¢(O)o(t).

239 APPENDIX III Covariance

Any reader who is unfamiliar with the laws of probability, independence, probability distributions, mean, variance and expectation, and elementary statistical inference should consult an elementary book on , such as Freund, J. E. (1962), Mathematical Statistics, Prentice-Hall. The idea of covariance is particularly important in the study of time series, and will now be briefly revised. Suppose two random variables, X and Y, have means J.Lx, J.Ly, respectively. Then the covariance of X and Y is defined to be

Cov(X, Y) = E{ (X - J.Lx )(Y - J.Ly)} .

If X and Yare independent, then

E[(X - J.Lx )( Y - J.Ly ) 1= E(X - J.Lx )E( Y - J.Ly) =0 so that the covariance is zero. If X and Yare not independent, then the covariance may be positive or negative depending on whether 'high' values of X tend to go with 'high' or 'low' values of Y. Covariance is a useful quantity for many mathematical purposes, but it is difficult to interpret as it depends on the units in which X and Yare measured. Thus it is often useful to standardize the covariance between two random variables by dividing by the of their respective standard deviations to give a quantity called the correlation

240 COVARIANCE coefficient. It can easily be shown that the correlation coefficient must lie between ± I. If X and Yare random variables from the same at different times, then the covariance coefficient is called an autocovariance coefficient, and the correlation coefficient is called an coefficient. If the process is stationary, the standard deviations of X and Y will be the same and their product will be the variance of X (or of Y).

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251 Answers to Exercises

Chapter 2 1. (b) There are various ways of assessing the trend and seasonal effects. The simplest method is to calculate the four yearly averages in 1967, 1968, 1969 and 1970, and also the average sales in each of periods I, II, ... ,XIII (i.e. row and column averages). The yearly averages estimate trend, and the differences between the period averages and the overall average estimate the seasonal effects. With such a small downward trend, this rather crude procedure may well be adequate. It has the advantage of being easy to understand and to compute. A more sophisticated approach is to calculate a I3-month simple moving average, moving along one period at a time. This will give trend values for each period from period 7 to period 46. Extrapolate (by eye) the trend values to the end of the series. Calculate the difference between each observation and the corresponding trend value. Hence estimate the average seasonal effects in periods I, . .. , XIII. 2. (d)'1 = -0.549. Equation (2.4) is ideal if computation is performed on a computer. If a desk machine is used, note that

N-I N- I }: (xt-XXXt+1 -x)= }: XtXt+1 t=1 t= 1

"' - I N) 2 -x ( }:xt+}:Xt +(N-I)x • t= 1 t=2

For this particular set of data, x happens to be one, and it is easiest to subtract one from each observation.

}: cos wt cos(t +k)w 3. x~ 0 as N ~ 00. 'k ~ ------'--~ }: cos? wt


Use the trigonometric result :

2 cos A cos B = cos(A + B) + cos(A - B).

4. ±2/VN= ±O.!. Thus r- is just 'significant', but unless there is some physical explanation for an effect at lag 7, there is no real evidence of non-randomness as one expects I in 20 values of'k to be 'significant' when data are random.

Chapter 3 k=O I. p(k) = {0.56~1.53 k =±I --0.2/1.53 k =±2 o otherwise

3. Var(Xt) is not finite. Yt =Z, + (C - I)Zt_l' k=O k = ±I otherwise

4. p(k) =0.7 1kl k=0,±I,±2,. ..

II ~'1 ± V(Ai + 4A2) 6. We must have ! 2 I< 1.

If Ai + 4A2 > 0, can easily show AI + A2 < I, and AI - A2 >-1. If Ai + 4A2 < 0, roots are complex and we find A2 > - I.

8. 'Y y(k) = 2'Yx(k) - 'Y x(k + I) - 'Y x(k - I). k=O k =±I, ±2, ...

2Z 9. Xt=Zt+0.3Zt-1 +0.3 t_ 2+····

10. If B* denotes the backward shift , then A(B*) X, = Z, and X, =B(B*) Zt, so that Z, =A(B*)B(B*) Zt. Thus A(B*)B(B*) is the unit operator. Hence A(s)B(s) = I. Show coefficient of sk in a~B(s)B(1/s) is equal to 'Y x(k). Use A(s)B(s) = I to show equivalence with a~/A(s)A(1 Is).


1L First evaluate 'Y(k). Find "Y (0) = a~(1 + (32 + 2a(3)/(1 - ( 2) "Y(1) = a~(a + a(32 +a2(3 + (3)/(1 - ( 2) T(k) = a-y(k - 1) k = 2, 3, . . . Note that E(XtZt) =a~, and E(XtZt_,) =(a + (3)a~. 12. E(X(t)) =al(a + (3) for all t. Cov(X(t), X(t + r)) =E[X(t)X(t +r)] - a2I(a +(3)2. E[X(t)X(t +r)] = Prob [both X(t) and X(t +r) are 1] = Prob(X(t) = I)Prob(X(t + r) = 1 I X(t) = 1). 13. For convenience assume E(X(t)) = O. Then 1 g(T) = 2 ST TE[X(t)X(t')] dt dt' . TooS Make appropriate change of variable.

Note that ~ [(g(U)dU] = g(T). dT 0 14. Cov[Yeiwt, Ye-iW(t+T)] =e-iWT Cov[Y,Y] does not depend on t.

Chapter 4 2. ~(Xt - x)(xt_, - x) = &, ~(Xt_' - X)2 + ... + QIll~(Xt-m -xXxt_, -x)

~(Xt - xXxt- m - x) = &, ~(Xt-' - x)(xt_ m - x) + ... + &m ~(Xt-m - X)2. All summations are for t = (m + 1) to N. These equations are the same as the Yule-Walker equations except that the constant divisor ~(Xt - X)2 is omitted and that 'k is calculated from (N - m) instead of(N - k) cross-product terms. 3. Hint: see Section 3.4.4. p(2) =a,p(1) +a2; p(1) =a, +a2P(-I)= a, +a2P(1). Solve for a2' 4. Values outside ±2/v100= ±O.2 are 'significant'. i.e.r and r2' A second-order MA process has an ac.f. of this type.


Chapter 5 2. Denote model by

(1 - cJ31 2 )Wt = (1 + (3B)a t or

x t=at+(3at - 1 +(1 +a)xt _ 12 -QXt-24' Thenx(N,l)=(l +&)XN-II -axN-23 + (3a N andx(N,k) = (1 +&)xN+k-12 - axN+k -24 (k = 2, 3, . .. , 12.)

Chapter 6 1. (a) few) = a~/n(1 - 2:\ cos w +:\2) (b) f*(w) = (1 - :\2)/n(1 - 2:\ cos w +:\2)

2. (a) few) = a1[3 + 2(2 cos w + cos 2w)]fn (b) few) = a1[1.34 +2(0.35 cos w - 0.3 cos 2w)] ln,

3. The non -zero mean makes no difference to the acv.f., ac.f. or spectrum.

1.89 a~ k=O 1.2 a~ k = ±1 "((k) = ~ .5 a~ k= ±2 \ otherwise k=O k= ±1 p(k) = \ ~ .2/1 .89 0.5/1.89 k= ±2 o otherwise

4. p(k) =J" f*(w) cos wk dw o

5. Clearly E(X(t)) = 0 E[X(r)X(t +u)] = Prob[X(t) and X(t +u) have same ] - Prob [X(t) and X(r +u) have opposite sign] . 255 THE AN A LY S IS O F TIMES ERI ES

Hint: Prob(even number of changes in time u) =e- AU [I + (AU)2 + (AU)4 + .. .] 2! 4! =e-AU(eAU +e- AU)/2.

Chapter 7 ~H : ~ ( I ~ ~ 6. 2N / + cos nk)2 = 8N/(3M + I) 8N/3M as M 00. /k=-M M

2. Use the fact that YarrA ! X(t ) + A2 Y(t + r)] ;;;;. 0 for any constants AI , A2·

0.84 a ~ k =O - 0.4 a~ k= I 'Yxy(k ) = +0 4 2 •. az k= -I \ o otherwise c(w) = 0.84 a~ ln q(w) =- 0.8 a~ sin w/n a2 Qxy(w) = ~ V (0.842 + 0.8 2 sin? w) n tan rJ>xy( w) = 0.8 sin w/0.84 C(w) = I

Chapter 9 1. Selected answers only. k = ±I k=O otherwise


t < - I t = -1 t =0 t ~ 1 H(w) = Y:ze- i w + 1 + Y:z ei w = 1 + cos w G(W) =H(w) since H(w) is rea1.1>(w) =O. (b) 1 2 2 H( w) = - + - cos w + - cos 2w 5 5 5

(c) h = {:~o ~: ~I k otherwise (a) and (b) are low-pass filters . (c) and (d) are high-pass filters. The combined has I 2 2 ) H(w)=(l +cosw) ( S+Scosw+Scos2w .

2. (a) H(w) = ge- i W T (w > 0) 2 2 (b) H(w) =g(1 - iwT)/(l + w T ) (cc> 0). 4. a 1k/ 21 a~/(l-a2) keven r(k) = { o k odd. fx(w) = fz(w)/(l - 2a cos 2w + a2). (0 < w < 1T).

257 Index


Ackroyd, M. H., 230, 242 Caines, P. E., 229, 244 Akaike, H., 74, 103, 223-225, 242,248 Chambers, J. c., 82, 244 Anderson , T. W., 1, 10,95,129,135, Chatfield, c.,4, 43,79,89,94, 163, 160,164,242 182,244 Armstrong, J. S., 100,242 Christ,C. F., 97, 244 Astrom, K. J., 94, 108,222, 223,228, Clarke, D. W., 223, 244 229, 242 Cliff, A. D., 232, 244 Cochrane, D., 96 Barksdale, H. C., 180,242 Coen, P. J., 174, 244 Barnard , G. A., 242 Cooley, J. W., 146, 244, 245 Bartlett, M. S., 34, 37, 67, 107, 114, Cox , D. R., 5,16,34,40,49,53,54, 127,137,151,242,243 87,107,108,113,234,243, Bates, J. M., 83, 243 245 Bather, J. A., 229, 230, 243 Coutie, G. A., 84, 87, 100, 245 Battin, R. H., 108, 228, 247 Craddock, J. M., 163, 245 Bell, D. J., 228, 243 Cramer, H., 232, 245 Bendat, J. S., 11, 146,243 Besag, J., 232, 243 Daniell, P. J., 143 Bhattacharyya, M. N., 97, 101,243 Davis, E. J., 83, 245 Bingham, 146, 149,243 c., Dhryrnes, P. J., 245 Blackman, R. B., 10,234, 243 Douce, J. L., 228, 236, 245 Blake, 1. F., 232, 243 Downes, V. A., 250 Bloomfield, P., 94, 243 Durbin, J., 22, 71, 76, 78, 79, Bogert, 8. P., 230, 243 245 Bohlin, T., 223, 229, 242 Box , G. E. P., 9,11,16,21,22,43,44, 49,51,65,71-80,85,86,89, Enochson, L., 11, 146,248 91,96,97,174,215,219-225, Eykhoff, P., 222, 223, 242 229,243 Brass, W., 4,9,244 Fenton, R., 149 Brillinger , D. R., 10, 139,231,244 Fishman, G. S., 245 Brown, R. G., 9, 84, 85, 93, 94, 96, Freund, J. E., 240 244 Friedland, 8.,186,198,238,249 Button, K. J., 16,244 Fuller, A. T., 228,245


Gearing, H. W. G., 100,245 Katz , S., 246 Godfrey, M. D., 139, 147,231,232, Keay, F., 82, 247 243,246 Kendall, M. G., 11, 12, 17, 18, 31,62, Gomme,E.J., 244 71,77,84,96,119,137,171, Goodman, N. R. , 218, 246 176,244,247 Granger, C. W. J., 1, 11, 13,83,93,96, Khintchine, A. Y., 114 99,131,135,162,164,170, Kolmogorov, A. N., 107,228 176,178,184,223,225,243, Kramer, B. H., 246 246, 248 Kuo, M. T., 246 Gregg, J. V., 16,84,246 Grenander, U., 10, 107, 111,246 Laning, J. H., 108,228,247 Griffiths, J. W. R., 246 Leadbetter, M. R., 232, 245 Grohman, M. C., 100,242 Lee, Y. W., 175,247 Groves, G. W., 250 Leuthold, R. M., 97,247 Gudmundsson, G., 218, 246 Lewis, P. A. W., 5, 244, 245 Guffey, H. J. J r., 180,242 Lindsey, W. C., 232, 243 Loynes, R. M., 230, 247 Hamming, R. W., 143 MacCormick, A. J. A., 247 Hammond, J. K., 230, 246 MacGregor, J. F., 223-225, 229, 243, Hamon, B. V., 180,222,246 247 Hann, Julius Von, 142 MacKay, D. B., 164, 247 Hannan, E. J., 10,74,135,141,146, MacKenzie, G. S., 180, 247 150,162,180,222,231,246 Makridakis, S., 94, 250 Harris, B., 11, 246 Mann, H. B., 67 Harrison, P. J., 16,84,85,94,246,247 Markov, A. A., 45 Hasselmann,K. F., 250 Miller, G. R., 250 Hatanaka, M., 11, 131, 135, 170, 176, Miller, H. D., 34, 40, 49,53,54,107, 178, 223, 225, 246 108,113,234,245 Haubrich, R.A., 180, 247 Mooers, C. N.K., 163,248 Hause, J. 200, 218, 247 c., Mullick, S. K., 244 Healy , M. J. R. , 243 Munk, W. H., 163, 248, 250 Hepple, L. W., 232, 250 Musgrave, J. c.,249 Holt, C. 85 c., Myers, C. L., 100, 248 Hossell, C. V., 246 Hsu, H. P., 233, 235, 239, 247 Nakagawa, T., 248 Hughes, A. 0 ., 1, 13, 162, 164, 184, Naylor, T. H., 89,99,107,248 246 Neave, H. R., 141, 150, 151,231,248 Nelson, C. R., 89, 248 Jacobs, O. L. R., 228, 247 Nerlove, M., 78, 248 Jenkins, G. M., 9-11,21,22,39,43, Newbold, P., 93, 94, 96, 99, 174,243, 44,49,51,53,61,65-80,85, 244,246,248 86,89,91 ,97,111,118,123, Noll, A. M., 230, 248 124,129,136,141 ,148,149, 151,154,163,169,173,182, Orcutt, G. H., 96 184,198,202,215,218-225, Ord, J. K., 232, 244 229,234,242,243,247 Otnes, R. K., 11, 146,248 Jones, R. H., 145, 151, 152,231,247 Otomo, T., 225, 248


Papoulis, A., 34, 248 Tee, L. H., 225, 250 Pagano, M. , 68, 248 Tetley, H., 17, 250 Parzen , E., 34, 178,248,249 Thompson, H. E., 89, 250 Pearce, S. F., 16,84,247 Tiao, G. c.,89, 250 Pepper, M. P. G., 163, 182 , 244 Tick, L. J., 184,250 Pierce, D. A., 78, 243, 249 Tomasek, 0., 103,250 Piersol, A. G., 11, 146,243 Tong, H., 230 , 249 Plackett, R. L., 229 Tucker, M. J., 248 Pocock, S. J., 129, 131,249 Tukey, J. W., 10, 127, 146, 147,230, Powers, W. H., 250 234 ,243,250 Priestley, M. B., 223,224,230,249 Prothero, D. L., 4, 43 , 79, 89,106,244 Unwin, D. J., 232, 250

Quenouille, M. H., 10,249 Wagle, B., 100, 250 Wald, A., 67 Walker, Sir Gilbert, 48 Rappoport, J. Q. G. H., 250 Wallis, K. F., 77,78,248,250 Reid, D. J., 94, 99, 249 Watson, G. S., 76, 245 Richardson, J. T., 246 Watts, D. G., 10, 39, 53, 61,66,68, Robinson, E. A., 11,249 69,73,111,118,123,124,129, Roden, G. 1., 163,249 136,141,148,149,151,154, Rosenblatt, M., 10, 11, 107, Ill, 246 , 163,169,173,182,184,198, 249 202,218,222,234,247 Welch, P. D., 244, 245 Sande, G., 146 Wetherill , G. B., 5, 250 Schmitz, A., 247 Wheelwright, S. C., 94, 250 Schuster, A., 127 Whittle, P., 11,70,107,229,250 Schwarz, R. J., 186, 198, 238, 249 Wichern, D. W., 248 Seaks, T. G., 248 Wiener,N., 11, 107, 108, 113, 114, Shapiro, H. S., 231, 249 228,250 Shiskin, J., 22, 249 Wilson, G. T., 223, 251 Silverman, R. A:, 231, 249 Winsten, C. B., 242 Singleton, R. C., 147,249 Winters, P. R., 87, 251 Smith, D. D., 244 Wishart, D. M. G., 229, 251 Smith, R. L., 163,248 Wold, H. 0.,11,54,90,251 Sneddon, 1. H., 233, 236, 250 Wold, S., 18,231,251 Snodgrass, F. E., 163,248,250 Wu, S. M., 225, 250 Solodovnikov, V. V., 228, 236, 250 Stern, G. J. A., 101 Yaglom, A. M., 34,53,59,65,107, Stevens, C. F. , 94, 247 108,235,251 Stocklin, P. L., 246 Young, A. M., 249 Stuart, A., 11,12,18,31,62,119, Young,P., 222, 229, 230, 251 137,171,176,247 Yule, G. U., 44, 48, 90


Abbreviations, xv Cepstrum, 231 Adaptive filtering, 94 Closed-loop system, 223 Additive seasonal effect, 15,22,88 Coherency, 177, 218 Aggregated series, 6 Combination of forecasts, 83 , 156, 157 Continuous process,S2, 119 Alignment, 182, 184 Continuous time series, 6 Alternating series, 27 Continuous trace, 2, 155, 158 Amplitud e, Ill, 134 Control theory, 9, 11,228-230 , III , 20 Autocorrelation coefficient, 23-30 Correlation coefficient , 23, 240 Autocorrelation function, 10 Correlogram , 25-30, 63-65 of an AR process, 46, 48 Co-spectrum, 176 of an MA process, 42 Covariance, 35, 240 of a purely random process, 39 Cross- spectrum, 177 definition of, 36 Cross-correlation function, 169-172 estimation of, 60-65 , 155 estimation of, 172-174 properties, 37-39 Cross-covariance function, 169-172 Autocovariance coefficient, 24, 25, 36, estimation of, 172-174 60 Cross-periodograrn, 183 circular, 149 Cross-spectrum, 174-180 Autocovariance function, 35-37, 117 estimation of, 180-184,222 estimation of, 60-62, 148 Curve-fitting, 16 Automatic forecasting procedure, 89, 99 Delay, 172, "180, 189, 190, 202, 220 Autoregressive process, 44-50 Delayed exponential response, 190 estimation for, 65-70 Delphi method, 82 spectrum of, 207 Delta function, 238 Deterministic process, 54 Back-forecasting, 91 Deterministic series, 6 Band-limited, 156 Diagnostic checking, 90, 91 Bandwidth , 154 Differencing, 21, 22, 90, 212, 223 Bartlett window, 141 Dirac delta function, 124, 190,238, Beveridge series, 1, 13, 162 239 Binary process,S Discounted least squares, 94 Bispectrum,231 Discrete time series, 6 Bivariate process, 169 Dispersive case, 180 Box-Cox transformation, 16 Distributed lag model, 219 Box-Jenkins approach, 11,219 Double exponential smoothing, 94 Box-Jenkins control, 9, 229 Durbin -Watson statistic, 77 Box-Jenkins forecasting, 89-93, 97,99-101,103,106 Echo, 231 Box-Jenkins seasonal model, 74-76, Econometric model, 97,99 91 Economic time series, 1, 162, 163 Brown's method, 94, 99 Endogenous variable, 78, 97 261 INDEX

Ensemble, 34 Lag, 36 Equilibrium distribution, 36 Lag window, 139 Ergodic theorems, 65 Langevin equation, 53 Evolutionary spectrum, 230 Laplace transform, 196, 198,235-237 Exogenous variable, 97 Lead time, 82, 83 Exponential response, 190,201 Leading indicator, 83, 106 Exponential smoothing, 18, 85-89 Line spectrum, 134 Extrapolation, 107 , 17 Linear system, 8,10, 186-212 Fast Fourier transform, 145-149 identification, 213-226 Feedback, 223-226 Logarithmic transformation, 15 Filter, 17, 211, 212 Logistic curve, 16 Filtering, 108, 228 Low frequency spectrum, 121 Forecasting, 9, 82-108 Low-pass filter, 19, 198, 212 Fourier analysis, 127, 133, 145 Fourier transform, 118, 198,233-237 Marketing time series, 4, 163 Frequency, III Markov process, 45, 126 , 10, 110 Mean, 35 function, 193-198 Missing observations, 231 estimation of, 215-219 Mixed model, 50 estimation for, 73, 74 Gain, 177, 189, 195, 198-200 Model-building, 79 General exponential smoothing, 94 Movingaverage, 17 General linear process, 52 Movingaverage process, 41-44 Gompertz curve, 16,84 estimation for, 70-73 spectrum of, 206 Hamming, 143 Multiple regression, 8, 95-97 Hanning, 142 Multiplicative seasonal effect, 15, 22, Harmonic, 139, 164,231 88 Harmonic analysis, 133 Multivariate forecast, 83, 95-101 High frequency spectrum, 121 Multivariate , 37 High-passfilter, 19,200,212 Hill-climbing, 72, 73 Noise, 108, 228 Holt-Winters procedure, 87-89, 99, Non-linear estimation, 72 102, 103, 106 Non-stationary series, 27, 230 Normal process, 37, 39 Impulse response function, 187-192 Normalized function, estimation of, 219-223 118 Integrated model, 51, .74 , 113, 131, 132 Invertibility, 43 Open-loop system, 223 Jackknife estimation, 61, 62 Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, 54 Outlier, 7, 30 Kalman filtering, 94,229,230 Kernel, 151 Parseval's theorem, 134 Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, 79 Parzen window, 140, 150, 153 262 INDEX

Partial autocorrelation function, 64, Spectral representation, 113, 114 68,69 Spectral window, 151 Periodogram, 135-139 , 135 , Ill, 134, 195, 198-200 Spectrum, 116, 127 Phase spectrum, 177 Spencer' s IS point moving average, 17, Physically realizable, 187 20,212 Point process,S Spline function, 18,231 curve, 16, 18,84 Stable system, 188 Polyspectra, 231 Stationary distribution, 36 Power, 115 Stationary process, 35 Power spectrum, 116 Stationary time series, 14 Prediction, 8, 108 Steady state, 196 Prediction model, 83 Step change, 94, 139 Prediction theory, 107, 108 function, 192 Prewhitening, 160 Stochastic process, 6, 33 Process control, 4 Strictly stationary, 35 Projection , 83, 84 Subjective forecasts, 82, 100 Purely indeterministic, 54, 115 Purely random process, 39-41 Tapering, 147 Time dom ain, 10,60 Quadrature spectrum, 176 Time invariance, 187 Time Plot, 14 Random walk, 40 ,52 , 193, 198 Realization, 34 Transfer function model, 97, 220 Residuals, 16,76,91,96 Transformations, 14 Resolution , 141, 144 Transient, 196 Resonant, 187 Trend, 7,12-18,21,27 Trend curve, 84 Sample spectrum, 136 Truncation point, 140 Sampled series, 6 Tukey window, 140, ISO, 153 Seasonal variation , 7, 12, 14, 17,21, Turning point, 8 22,28,30 Second-order stationary, 37 Unequal intervals, 231 Serial correlation coefficient, 24 Univariate forecast , 82, 84-94, 99-101 Signal, 108,228 Variance, 35 Slutsky effect , 19 Smoothing constant, 86 Wavelength, III Spatial series, 232 Weakly stationary, 37 Spectral analysis, 10, 127-168 White noise, 39 Spectral density function, 10, 110, Wiener-Hopfequation,216 116-120 Wiener-Khintchine theorem, 114, 118 of an AR process, 121 Wold decomposition, 54, us of an MA process, 120 estimation of, 127·168 Yule-Walker equations, 48 , 68 Spectral distribution function, 111-117 Z-transform, 198, 236 263