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Political Information Dec 16, 2019 - Fires Rage in Canada as Professor Attacks the Myth of Holodomor Matthew Ehret: University of Alberta Assistant Professor Dougal MacDonald raised hell on November 20 by writing in a personal Facebook post that the 1932-33 genocide of Ukrainians referred to as Holodomor never happened but was rather a "myth fabricated by Hitlerites". Ron: YEAH RIGHTTT! Lenin said "tell a lie big enough and often enough it becomes the truth". The Jew led Bolsheviks who Alexandr Solzhenitsyn said tortured and murdered 66 million Russians* say they didn't starve to death 7-10 million Christian Ukrainians, they just starved to death of their own accord in the Ukraine which was the breadbasket of Europe prior to the Jews' Bolshevik COUP in Imperial Russia in 1917. * "You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. The October Revolution was not what you call in America the "Russian Revolution." It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be understated. Bolshevism was the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant of this reality is proof that the global media itself is in the hands of the perpetrators."- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008), Nobel-Prize-winning novelist, historian and victim of Jewish Bolshevism (Marxism). The Bolsheviks used repeated famines (Holodomors) in their conquest of Imperial Russia. See eg: The Three Holodomor Genocides - Genocides.shtml Some excerpts: Lenin even outlined the need for famine by stating "destroying the peasant economy and driving the peasant from the country to the town, the famine creates a proletariat..." At which point he exposed the real purpose for instigating the Jewish Bolshevik famine. "It is precisely now and only now, when in the starving regions people are eating human flesh, and hundreds if not thousands of corpses are littering the roads, that we can (and therefore must) carry out the confiscation of church valuables with the most savage and merciless energy, not stopping (short of) crushing any resistance." He continued, "The greater the number of representatives of the reactionary clergy and reactionary bourgeoisie we succeed in executing for this reason, the better". Violent torture and confiscation of food proved such an effective method of crushing Tambov that the cycle was repeated in the Ukraine in areas resisting occupation by Jewish Bolshevism. It is a matter of record that international relief organizations were forbidden to operate in Ukraine until January 1922 confirming that the Jewish Bolshevik authorities had no wish to alleviate the suffering they had inflicted until they were quite sure that the population had been ‘pacified'. Meanwhile, the Russian populace was in the grip of an equally destructive Bolshevik engineered famine and it is estimated that across both famines as many as 5 million ethnic Europeans were murdered... AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 2

Yet it is Naftaly Frenkel, a Jewish businessman and member of the Cheka who is best known for his role in the organisation of work in the Gulag starting with the concentration camps of the Solovetsky Islands, recognised as one of the earliest sites of the Gulag. Frenkel personally invented the notorious you-eat-as-you-work system, also known as the nourishment scale. Like the larger scale Holodomor genocides-murder by starvation this destroyed weaker prisoners in weeks and induced a phenomenal death toll greatly supporting Lenin's "bloody war of extermination"... Nikita Khrushchev also played a very significant role in the Holodomor genocide of 1932-33 in which as many as 10 million ethnic Europeans were murdered. On the basis of performances in that Bolshevik engineered famine in 1934 he was promoted to a full member of the Communist Party of the Soviet construct. What proceeds is part of a witness statement made at the extensive hearing on the role and responsibility of Nikita S. Khrushchev in Stalin's inhuman and barbarous persecution of the Ukrainian people held by the House Committee on Un-American Activities On September 9th-11th, 1959, 16 days prior to Khrushchev's capped 12 day visit to America. ... There is no doubt that in order to become a full member of the Central Committee, Khrushchev had to prove to the Jewish Bolshevik regime that he was worthy of this promotion. This he did in executing the policy of forced famine in the Ukraine.

Nevertheless, on January 13th, 2010, Kiev Appellate Court posthumously found the Jewish Cheka guard Lazar Kaganovich alone guilty of genocide against Ukrainians for his participation in the 1932-33 Holodomor and even "though Kaganovich was pronounced guilty as a criminal, the case was ended immediately following sentence without fanfare or any significant media attention indicating either Jewish appeasement or more likely Jewish interference". Furthermore, there was the usual failure to mention the 1921-22 or 1946-47 genocides even though Kaganovich was a full member of the 13th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th Orgburo or organizational Bureau, the department responsible for all assignments within the apparatus of the Communist Party meaning that he was in office from April 3rd 1922 - March 18th 1946. Clearly Khrushchev's role in the second Holodomor was concealed for he had a further nefarious task to perform for the Jewish Bolshevik agenda. In 1959 the ‘terrible Swedish Jew' president Dwight D. Eisenhower* invited him to America. No president of America had ever asked a Bolshevik premier to visit the before and curiously it was journalist Alistair Cooke that presents some insight-"Not a tour of America to see what America is about but a free campaign tour provided by the state department, an incomparable advertisement at the American expense of the glories of communism and the coming violent decline of the western world." * Be aware that the Sephardic Rockefellers controlled US and were in secret alliance with Lenin and Stalin's Bolshevik Soviet Union from 1917 until Christian Russians ousted the Bolshevik's from power in the USSR and defeated the US in the Battle of the Harvest Moon on 27 September 1977. See eg: Dr. Peter David Beter - Audio Letter No. 26 ff - Also be aware that Eisenhower was promoted to be the Supreme Commander of the Allied military during WWII over the heads of far more senior and seasoned Generals. ... the cycle in the 1932-33 and 1946-47 followed the Russian and Ukrainian forced famines of the early 1920's. Areas of resistance corresponded with high grain seizure AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 3 and the greatest suffering categorically proved a Bolshevik punishment regime. By 1946 Jewish Bolshevik grain seizure had coursed [sic] rampant starvation throughout the population of Vinnytsya region in central Ukraine. Reports state that in 1932 375, 923 tons of grain were confiscated from Vinnytsya region following which the region's population starved. In 1946 Vinnytsya region had reduced to half the size yet the same if not more grain was seized proving without a doubt the Bolshevik authorities' intention to again induce famine in the region. The situation in Kyiv region was just as catastrophic. By October 1947 grain seizures had reached murderous levels causing the deaths by starvation of hundreds of thousands of the European farming population. Thus the correspondence of areas of resistance to the Bolshevik regime with high grain seizure and great suffering is empirical evidence of the deliberate creation for Europeans of conditions that were incompatible with life. Indeed the concept of ‘genocide‘ meaning the destruction of one distinct genome by another conceived by the Jewish lawyer Raphael Lemkin and for which the convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide adopted on 9th December 1948 would apply. While the Jewish tribe conceived the notion solely to engender to the ‘holocaust construct' article III of the Convention categorically states that acts of genocide, conspiracy to commit genocide attempt to commit genocide and complicity in genocide are punishable under the convention. Nevertheless, as yet the victims of the Holodomor Genocides are yet to see justice and the atrocities committed against over 60 million ethnic Europeans go unpunished. "Without Jews there would never have been Bolshevism. For a Jew nothing is more insulting than the truth. THE BLOODTHIRSTY JEWISH TERRORISTS HAVE MURDERED SIXTY SIX MILLION in Russia from 1918 to 1957." ~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Nobel Peace Prize Winner and Patriot. However, most unspeakable must surely be the sickening knowledge that as Jewry accused and hung innocent German soldiers during the Nuremberg Trials the Jewish Bolsheviks were committing the atrocities of the 1946-7 Holodomor. It was Lenin who said "tell a lie big enough and often enough it becomes the truth". Perhaps that is why an ‘iron curtain' lies across the Jewish tribe while the European race is condemned for Jewish crimes.'

Matthew Ehret: Canada is not however "most nations", but has rather had the misfortune of hosting some of the most virulent groups of rabid ultra-right wing Ukrainian fascists who were transplanted into the Prairies by Anglo-American intelligence networks in the wake of WWII. Today, many of these 2nd and 3rd generation Banderites control powerful institutions like the Ukrainian Congress of Canada (UCC) and have bred such confused and dangerous fascists as Canada's own Deputy Prime Minister (and leading Rhodes Scholar) Chrystia Freeland. Ron: Be aware that fascism is a Talmudic preserve. The Bolsheviks were Jew controlled communist fascists whereas the German National Socialists were Jew controlled corporatist fascists. Talmudists use terms like 'fascist' to confuse the debate and to conceal the fact that they control fascists of all persuasions in order to control all facets of socio-political power. Rhodes Scholars are Rothschilds' organised funded and controlled Jewish pawns. Presumably Dougal MacDonald's contribution to this debate is just typical Juden obfuscation. In time the Jews presumably expect to AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 4

"correct" the historical records to tell posterity there were no famines in Ukraine or even if there were, the Ukrainian gentiles starved themselves; just as USans starved themselves during the Great Depression... See eg: Famine killed 7 million people in USA - people-in-USA.shtml Other Spiritual Pieces Dec 16, 2019 - nassim Haramein - Science behind the Unified Field & its applications This 44' 55" video was published by Lilou Mace on ct 24, 2011: Environment/Science Dec 16, 2019 - The Physics of Spirituality Nassim Haramein with Vishen Lakhiani This 55' 17" video was published by Mindvalley Talks on May 17, 2019: Ron: Why not expand your "consciousness"? As you think, so you become. Environment/Science Dec 16, 2019 - "It's like Magic" | The Secret Papers of NIKOLA TESLA This 5' 39" video was published by Video Advice on Dec 10, 2019: Human/Animal Rights Dec 16, 2019 - Swedish Researcher INTIMIDATED After Exposing Rape Gangs Political Information Dec 16, 2019 - Transport Workers Erect Flaming Barricades as France Brought to Standstill in Massive Strike (VIDEOS) Environment/Science Dec 16, 2019 - UN to America: You CANNOT Avoid Paying Punitive Climate “Reparations” Once just plain old global warming, the shape-shifting phenomenon that was later rebranded "climate change," then "global climate disruption" - and now, extreme makeover-style, "global meltdown" and "climate collapse" - has predictions as variable as its name. Higher temperatures are supposed prove the man-caused climate change thesis; then again, global warming could mean global cooling, we were told, and more volatile weather proves the theory, too. So unless there's San Diego weather the world over henceforth, the country with a $23 trillion national debt is going to have to cough it up to the climate aggrieved. That is, unless Americans still govern America. Selwyn Duke Environment/Science Dec 16, 2019 - Not Climate Change, Greta... Origins of Deadly Heatwaves That Hit Countries Worldwide Discovered Authorities in the state of South Australia have issued a code red alert as the country continues to break temperature records with the mercury rising above 40 degrees Celsius. That's just an appetizer as the country's meteorological bureau has warned that the temperature may rise to 50.7 degrees. True US History Dec 16, 2019 - US Army Puts Washington On Lockdown As Rebel Forces In Virginia Gather Strength Ron: Discernment required. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 5

Human/Animal Rights Dec 16, 2019 - Age-old Christmas Traditions Replaced by Modern Agenda – as Santa gets a Makeover ! Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Dec 16, 2019 - Seraphin Botschaft 398: HALTET DIE SCHÖNHEIT IN EHREN Other Spiritual Pieces Dec 16, 2019 - Merry Christmas and here is a much revised copy of an old posting from Visible Origami. Political Information Dec 16, 2019 - New Silk Roads in action at China-Kazakh border Political Information Dec 16, 2019 - Who's Afraid Of Johnson's Big Win ? Health and Nutrition Dec 16, 2019 - A Quarter Of Kids Treated At Transgender Clinics May Just Be Autistic, New Study Finds Political Information Dec 16, 2019 - Electoral College, Voter ID Targeted Telemensajes de Otros Dec 16, 2019 - Serafín Mensaje 394: LA RÁFAGA DE NUEVOS VIENTOS Serafín a través de Rosie True US History Dec 16, 2019 - The Art of Doublespeak: Bellingcat and Mind Control

Telemensajes de Otros Dec 16, 2019 - Serafín Mensaje 393: USTEDES SON SANTOS INSTRUMENTOS EN SERVICIO A LO DIVINO Serafín a través de Rosie

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Telemensajes de Otros Dec 16, 2019 - Serafín Mensaje 392: DESENREDANDO LA BOLA DE CUERDA Serafín a través de Rosie True US History Dec 16, 2019 - Paul Volcker’s Long Shadow Ellen Brown: According to a Dec. 9 obituary in : Mr. Volcker’s greatest historical mark was in eight years as Fed chairman. When he took the reins of the central bank, the nation was mired in a decade-long period of rapidly rising prices and weak economic growth. Mr. Volcker, overcoming the objections of many of his colleagues, raised interest rates to an unprecedented 20%, drastically reducing the supply of money and credit. The Post acknowledges that the effect on the economy was devastating, triggering what was then the deepest economic downturn since the Depression of the 1930s, driving thousands of businesses and farms to bankruptcy and propelling the unemployment rate past 10%: Mr. Volcker was pilloried by industry, labor unions and lawmakers of all ideological stripes. He took the abuse, convinced that this shock therapy would finally break Americans’ expectations that prices would forever rise rapidly and that the result would be a stronger economy over the longer run. Ron: Really?! How could anyone with a couple of neurons to rub together THINK that INCREASING THE COST OF "MONEY"(actually Federal Reserve debt tokens that the US government FORCES everyone in the US to use as money) by 20%, would convince USans that prices would not rise rapidly? In the usurious money based US system, the COST of money is a significant portion of the cost of EVERYTHING. Increasing the cost of "money" to 20% pa necessarily increases the cost of EVERYTHING produced in the US economy. The only way that the costs of labour, materials and finished goods and services could fail to rise sharply when interest rates rose to 20% in the US economy in which virtually ALL "money" had to be borrowed into existance, would be through the reduction in payments for labour. So, Volcker was deliberately forcing a reduction in wages and middle income salaries while greatly increasing the profits of banks and those who had money to lend. Ellen Brown: Then, in 1979, the economy gets another oil price shock (this time caused by the [Ron: CIA organised and US instigated] Revolution in Iran in January of that year) in which the price of oil again more than doubles [Ron: with commensurate increases in oil corporation profits]. The result is a fall in growth and inflation knocked all the way up into the teens. The Federal Reserve tries to fight the oil-driven inflation by raising interest rates high into the teens, peaking out at 20% in 1980. Ron: Sooo, Benjamin Studebaker expects us to believe that by quadrupling interest rates, ie the price of "money", Volcker somehow ameliorated the effects of the US government's organised doubling of oil prices. Actually what Volcker did merely ensured that banksters increased their "take" along with the price gouging by their corporatist oil brethren. Ellen Brown: … [B]y 1983, the unemployment rate has peaked at nearly 11%. To fight this, the Federal Reserve knocks the interest rate back below 10%, Ron: This is bankster claptrap. Sheer bankster propaganda! The reason that unemployment peaked around 11% was because Volker's Federal Reserve (the Fed) had AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 7 set interest rates at punitively high levels for years AND thereby drastically reduced the availability of "money" on Main Street and in the hands of the general population. Ellen Brown: and meanwhile, alongside all of this, Ronald Reagan spends lots of money and expands the state in ’82/83. … Why does inflation not respond by returning? Because oil prices are falling throughout this period, and by 1985 have collapsed utterly. Ron: Why do financial commentators assume we are all FKN idiots?! Recessions and depressions are caused by banksters constricting the "money" supply to Main Street and the general population. They do that by raising interest rates and thus making "money" more expensive to borrow and service. They also do it by further constricting the availability of money in the economy by increasing other lending requirements; AND by redirecting their funds into local and overseas government bonds; and by buying stocks and shares and investing in speculative ventures; and gambling on derivatives etc on their own account. Inflation did not return under Reagan because the US government greatly expanded its borrowing from the Fed and spent that "money" into the economy. Also the Fed started to reduce interest rates making "money" cheaper to borrow which reduced the cost of producing goods and services. The reduction in oil prices assisted in reducing prices but it was not the only factor. Ellen Brown: The federal funds rate was just below 10% in 1975 at the height of the early stagflation crisis. How could the same rate that was responsible for inflation in the 1970s drop the consumer price index to acceptable levels after 1983? Ron: It didn't. interest rates are only one variable, the other core variable is the control banks have over the volume of "money" they "create" and its distribution, ie who they CHOOSE to issue it to. Ellen Brown: And if the federal funds rate has that much effect on inflation, why is the extremely low 1.55% rate today not causing hyperinflation? Ron: Inflation is caused by too much money chasing too few goods and services IN the general economy. Ordinarily the excessive issuance and availability of "money" is what DEVALUES IT, ie causes inflation. Inflation just means that the value (purchasing power) of "money" is lessened because its volume in circulation has increased relative to the quantity of goods and services available. Thus, more of it is needed to purchase goods and services previously available for less. At its current 1.55% rate the cost of "money" in the US today does not impinge on the price of producing goods and services in the way that it would if it was, say, 13 times greater as it was in the 1980s. Moreover, much of the money being created by the Fed today is used by the commercial banks investing in US bonds and stock and derivatives markets etc. Ellen Brown: What Fed Chairman Jerome Powell is now fighting instead is deflation, a lack of consumer demand causing stagnant growth in the real, producing economy. Ron: Arguably the relative lack of consumer demand in the US today is the result of decades of financial abuse and mismanagment of the economy by previous "globalist" oriented governments that sought to close down US industries and export those industries and employment requirements to China and other foreign producers. Ellen Brown: Thus it looks as if oil, not the federal funds rate, was the critical factor in the rise and fall of consumer prices in the 1970s and 1980s. “Stagflation” was just a AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 8 predictable result of the shortage of this essential commodity at a time when the country was not energy-independent. Ron: I disagree. The Fed and other Central banks and their commercial banking partners manipulate economic activity in two ways. First, by varying the availability and distribution of "money"; and second, by varying its cost, ie interest rates. Banks do this all the time and their manipulation is coordinated by the Fed and the Rothschilds' controlled global Central banking system. Ellen Brown: Allen went on: How important is the post to which Paul Volcker has been appointed? The New York Times tells us: “As the nation’s central bank, the Federal Reserve System, which by law is independent of the Administration and Congress, [Ron: NO it isn't!] has exclusive authority to control the amount of money available to consumers and businesses.” … This means that the Federal Reserve Board has life-and-death power over the economy. Ron: That has been true to date because the US Cogress and US Presidents, with the exception of JFK and now President Trump, have corruptly and treasonously allowed the Fed to have such life-and-death power over the economy, but that situation is contrary to the requirements of the US Constitution and is being reversed by President Trump as we speak. True US History Dec 15, 2019 - SCHIFFgate Blown Wide Open, Schiff’s True Masters Outed and Conspiracy Exposed SOTN - It's of paramount importance to understand that all of Schiff's congressional crime sprees are being executed in order to fan the flames of Russophobia. Truly, the impeachment sham is much more about taking down President Putin and conquering Russia than it is about removing Trump. See: Deep State's Impeachment Coup Much More Than Overthrowing Trump Trump's stated intentions to make peace with Russia and work with the Kremlin were diametrically opposed to the NWO scheme to re-start the Cold War as a prelude to triggering the hot phase of World War III. This is precisely why Rep. Schiff has been thrust into the MSM limelight... There's a long and complicated history here that goes all the way back to the great Schism of 1054 between the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Churches, especially those based in Russia. Once that highly divisive East-West Schism took place, which has lasted right up to present day, the true owners of the Vatican (Hint: they are NOT Catholic or even Christian and it's why the Pontiff wears a Yarmulke) planned for the long war. (The primary purpose of that war was to steal whatever was not nailed down throughout the vast Russian Motherland.) That war was not only a fierce religious one, it was primarily political and military, financial and economic, social and technological in nature. The latest version of this epic feud between the East and the West (see how China and India are also deeply involved fighting the Zio-Anglo-American Axis) saw the aggressive launching of the Great Game by the British Empire in 1830. The Brits had already established an incomparable worldwide empire but the City of London banksters wanted more. For the uninitiated, the Great Game is anything but a game. As a matter of historical fact, it represents an ongoing stealth war by the Western powers against Russia for the explicit purpose of stealing her natural resources, industrial base, state assets and

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 9 vast landmass. Enslaving the Russian people, as the Western banksters did via the formation of the communist Soviet Union, is also very high on their clandestine agenda. It's essential to grasp the central plot and how the forgotten Jewish empire of Khazaria was used to drive a wedge between Russia and Europe. The primary descendants of Khazars are the Ashkenazi Jewry who populated what's known as the Intermarium, a buffer zone that includes Ukraine, Poland, all the Baltic states and other countries that was created by Rome to isolate Russia after the Great Schism.... With this correct understanding, it ought to be obvious that Rome rules London, and London rules Washington, D.C.- the three independent city-states owned and operated by the Black Nobility of Northern Italy... What very few patriots understand is that Trump is but one man serving as the spearhead for a nationalist movement under massive unrelenting assault. Ron: Actually Presidents Trump, Putin and Xi form a Christed Triodity working for Christ Michael Aton to take back control of this planet from its demonic Talmudic controllers. Human/Animal Rights Dec 15, 2019 - Activists Claim Santa is Gender Neutral "The character of Santa is loosely based on Saint Nicolas, a very real, historical man. Activists try to hijack everything, especially anything aimed at kids. They also love to re-write history. This just continues to expose their lunacy and how out-of-touch with reality they really are." - Kirralie Smith Environment/Science Dec 15, 2019 - Confirmed: Monsanto is a Criminal Corporation Environment/Science Dec 15, 2019 - Inspired by Photosynthesis in Plants, Researchers Create Liquid Fuel with Just Water and Carbon dioxide Political Information Dec 15, 2019 - Ukraine Peace Hostage to Washington’s Russophobia True US History Dec 15, 2019 - A Failed Legacy of Regime Change Political Information Dec 15, 2019 - Ten Self-evident Truths The time has come to end the era of big government. We the People no longer need "representatives" in Washington. We don't need a United States Senate, packed with treasonous crooks (like McCain or Reid) and foreign aid skimming hucksters. We don't need the FDA or the CDC, both of which are nothing but fake science marketing departments for Big Pharma. We don't need the Federal Reserve, a fiat currency counterfeiting operation that steals from all working Americans. And we don't need the intelligence community, which has morphed into a domestic spying secret police operation that routinely abuses its power to surveil and threaten innocent Americans. We don't need government-run health care, government-run food stamps or government-run anything, other than defending the shores, setting standards and using the limited powers of small government to protect the rights of individuals against dangerous corporations such as banks and tech giants. That's the proper role of government: To protect liberty, not to rule over the people. Mike Adams

Political Information AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 10

Dec 15, 2019 - Sore Sports: Russia Barred From Olympics for Thwarting Washington’s Geopolitical Game Plan? Environment/Science Dec 15, 2019 - Deforestation Boom in Brazilian Amazon True US History Dec 15, 2019 - There’s Something Very Wrong with the Senate Trial Looming for President Trump ! Over the past week, I have heard from three seasoned Republicans who fear that President Trump and the West Wing are seriously underestimating the potential danger of a Senate trial. Human nature and common sense dictate that, despite the well-meaning resolution circulated by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) condemning the House impeachment process, it's important for the White House to understand that the weight of history is settling upon the shoulders of these senators - some of them quite weak - and because of that pressure, private conversations are taking place and a trap may be sprung for the president in that trial. Douglas McKinnon Political Information Dec 15, 2019 - Washington Post Revelations Only Part of the Story

Political Information Dec 15, 2019 - Sweden: Confronting Reality Environment/Science Dec 15, 2019 - Greta Apologizes For "Against The Wall" Comment As People Question Who's Actually 'Ruining Her Childhood' Political Information Dec 15, 2019 - 'You Need Rehabilitation': Nunes Letter Dismantles Schiff Over AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 11

FISA Lies, Stroking Steele, And Participating In Coverup Environment/Science Dec 15, 2019 - Recently Retired USAF General Makes Eyebrow-Raising Claims About Advanced Space Technology Around the 12:00 mark in the speech, Kwast makes the somewhat bizarre claim that the U.S. currently possesses revolutionary technologies that could render current aerospace capabilities obsolete: "The technology is on the engineering benches today. But most Americans and most members of Congress have not had time to really look deeply at what is going on here. But I've had the benefit of 33 years of studying and becoming friends with these scientists. This technology can be built today with technology that is not developmental to deliver any human being from any place on planet Earth to any other place in less than an hour." Kwast's comment is only one of several curious comments made by military leadership lately and they do seem to claim that we could be on the precipice of a great leap in transportation technology. BrettTingley

True US History Dec 15, 2019 - Democrats Approve Trump Buying FBI Spying Warrants Like Hillary Clinton Did To Surveil Rivals Political Information Dec 15, 2019 - Swift Messages and Pound Sterling - a bit of fun! This 14minute video was published by Amazing Polly on Dec 14, 2019: Ron: This time the scam should fail unless President Trump and Prime Minister Johnson don't control their respective Treauries. The demonic Talmudic global controllers thrive on "money". It's time that they lost control of it.

Rosie Dec 15, 2019 - Seraphin Message 398: CHERISH BEAUTY, BE WONDER Are you doing this all the time, Beloveds? Are you cherishing beauty and being wonder 100% of the time? Or even 51% of the time? I can tell you that the answer is NO. If you were, the scales would tip from chaos, torment and corruption into peace, abundance and harmony. How often do you consider yourselves as important “pieces” in the global jigsaw? Are you aware that everyone has a starting point, and that everyone sets out on a journey, looking for similar pieces in order to “interlock” and form a composite and beautiful whole? Do you conceive of YOURSELVES as part of the BEAUTY? We ask you these questions, not only because you are now facing very difficult times where your worldview will inevitably be challenged, but because this awareness should be with you ALWAYS - the knowledge of yourselves as “pieces” which fit perfectly, even if you cannot – at the moment – see the perfect picture coming together. However, from an birds eye view (which we have!) we can see all the pieces presently in play: they are moving – sometimes through periods of great searching – towards each other, and those which do not get lost on the way will eventually “interlock”.(More indside)

Other Spiritual Pieces AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 12

Dec 15, 2019 - The Scrimmage of Ignorance on The Playing Fields of Karma, in The Land of Endless Cause and Effect. One does not learn... without the benefit of experience. It is our single teacher. One of the greatest offenses against Truth and human progress, is the fantasy that God can only be found and understood within a particular religion, or a particular book, or by following a single teacher. This, like so many other offenses against humanity, was done by the priest class, for the purpose of personal power and for financial gain. If God is infinite and incomprehensible, immeasurable, then... HOW CAN GOD BE CONTAINED WITHIN THE COVERS OF A PARTICULAR BOOK ?!?! Les Visible

Education Dec 15, 2019 - LGBT Insanity Political Information Dec 15, 2019 - The Invention Of Madmen John Kaminski: This process happening today is not unlike the early Christian church viciously wiping out all other religions to control the way people thought, and claiming for itself ownership of the whole world during those memorable times Christians created after the fall of Rome that is now known as the Dark Ages. Ron: Be aware that Jesus the Christ did not incarnate to create a religion and didn't. He came to teach divine truths lost over millennia and corrupted by Pharisees and others. Pharisees influenced Roman emperors to establish the Christian religion in order to distort and elimnate Jesus' teaching. In the 12th Century black nobility, neo- Pharisees infiltrated the Vatican and they have continued to distort and corrupt Catholic teaching ever since. See my comments in: Pope Francis Denies Physical Resurrection of Christ From the Dead, Claims His Interviewer - Physical-Resurrection-of-Christ-From-the-Dead-Claims-His-Interviewer.shtml John Kaminski: The acronym from hell They're calling it an initialism. Don't try to pronounce it. LGBTTQQIAAP (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, ally, pansexual) Some say the final P stands for pedophilia. Nothing yet about interspecies sex, but I'm sure they're out there somewhere... Thomas Szasz wrote: . . . . in all cases of so-called mental illness-psychiatrists actually confirm the patient's self-definition as ill and so help to shape his illness. This psychiatric authentication and legitimization of the sick role for those who claim to be ill, or about whom others make such claims, has the most profound implications for the whole field of psychiatry, and beyond it, for all of society.

Education Dec 15, 2019 - Merry DEMONIC Christmas Political Information AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 13

Dec 15, 2019 - George Orwell's '1984' revisited: What Oceania and Israel have in Common Adam Raz: Herein lies the heart of the matter of “1984” and of the “why” – the reason for the continued existence of a hierarchical society, of an exploitative minority and an exploited majority. Orwell noted that the growth in social wealth (which already was a fact at the time the book was written, and remains so today) and the way that wealth is distributed is destined to wreak destruction on the class society. Why? “It was possible, no doubt, to imagine a society in which wealth, in the sense of personal possessions and luxuries, should be evenly distributed, while power remained in the hands of a small privileged caste. But in practice such a society could not long remain stable. For if leisure and security were enjoyed by all alike, the great mass of human beings who are normally stupefied by poverty would become literate and would learn to think for themselves; and when once they had done this, they would sooner or later realize that the privileged minority had no function, and they would sweep it away.” Ron: Orwell realised that the crucial question was WHY our world is dominated by what he calls "Oligarchical Collectivism". As I understand it, the short answer is that human beings here have been cut off from knowledge of their source and true divine heritage and potential. That situation has arisen as a result of the Lucifeian rebellion and the fact that Lucifer and his followers were quaranteened here, the consequence of which was that a demonic cabal of 'fallen angels' have manipulated human consciousness and distorted the planetary genetic mind so that the Creator's love energy and its normal effects have been muted and almost eliminated. The visible manifestation of the demonic influences dominating our world today is the Talmudic conspiracy that seeks to subjugate, enslave and control the planet and all of her inhabitants. The reason that oligarchic plutocracies ("Oligarchical Collectivist banksters and corporatists) have been so successful in turning this world into an enslaved dystopia is that the activities of disparate ego-centric, greedy individuals and groups have been covertly coordinated using Talmudism, a diabolical control mechanism organised and directed by a remnant of the rebellious spirit entities confined to this planet after the Lucifer Rebellion.

True US History Dec 15, 2019 - Whistleblower Nate Cain shares his story for First Time This video was published by Tracy Beanz on Nov 22, 2019:

Political Information Dec 15, 2019 - Trump Signs Order Interpreting Judaism As A Nationality And Race Ron: If this is true, I give up! In this shitty world the sanitary carter is King! ... Yet for some reason the rest of the universe can't understand why the inhabitants of this planet are sooo ignorant... Neo-Pharisees didn't adopt the name "Jews" until the second half of the 18th Century. Neo-Pharisees and those who choose to identify with and use the adopted name of "Jews", publicly profess to being Talmudists since conformance with that political ideology is required of Jews. Talmudism is ethno-centric and proclaims that non-adherents to Talmudism are animals that can be used, abused and killed by AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 14

Talmudists with impunity. Anyone professing Judaism is asserting membership in a pathological collective of individuals most of whom have been mind controlled from cradle to grave in an ethno-centric, genocidal political ideology. For instance The Jews' holy books say: “A Jew may do to a non-Jewess whatever he can. He may treat her as he treats a piece of meat.“ - Hadarine, 20, B; Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348. And: “A Gentile girl who is three years old can be violated.”- Aboda Sarah 37a. And: “When a Jew murders a Gentile (“Cuthean”), there will be no death penalty.” – Sanhedrin 57a. And: Non-Jewish Children are subhumans. – Yebamoth 98a. And: Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth. – Abodah Zarah 36b See also: MOST ISRAELIS APPROVE RACIST RABBIS: RABBI RABINOVICH'S SPEECH OF JANUARY 12TH, 1952. See: SPEECH-OF-JANUARY-12TH-1952.shtml "THE COMPLETE GUIDE FOR KILLING GENTILES: GUIDE-FOR-KILLING-GENTILES.shtml MOST ISRAELIS APPROVE RACIST RABBIS: RABBIS.shtml NOAHIDE LAWS AND DECAPITATION FOR CONFESSING JESUS IS LORD. See: DECAPITATION-FOR-CONFESSING-JESUS-IS-LORD.shtml. Talmudism IS being implemented by the Israeli apartheid entity in Palestine. Over 90% of neo-Pharisees are said to be of Khazarian extraction and the rest of those claiming to be Jews are almost exclusively of Sephardic, Arabic and North African origins. Accordingly Jews are not Shemites (Semites) and the Jews who migrated to Palestine in the late 19th century and since, appear to have no ancestors from that land. See eg: Israeli historian: ‘Jews are not Semitic people’ - not-Semitic-people.shtml Judaism does accept converts to its political ideologocal collective. See eg: What Every Prospective Convert to Judaism Deserves To Know - Convert-to-Judaism-Deserves-To-Know.shtml Israeli Ministry Sets Sights on Millions of 'Potential Jews' to Improve Country's Image and Fight BDS - Ministry-Sets-Sights-on-Millions-of-Potential-Jews-to-Improve-Country-s-Image- and-Fight-BDS.shtml Judaism-for-Non-Jews-The-Messianic-Zionist-religion-that-wants-to-recruit-7- billion-members-by-TUT- editor- Jews-The-Messianic-Zionist-religion-that-wants-to-recruit-7-billion-members-by- TUT-editor.shtml Arguably Jews are NOT Semites nor are they a race or a nation. Talmudists constitute a pathological materialist collective rather than a religion since 75% of Jews are atheists who worship the Jewish collective and the remainder are a nepotistic collective AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 15 that apparently worship a jealous, genocidal entity who is no g-d at all. Accordingly the anti-Semitism trope is a LIE. That LIE has been used to justify the invasion, despoilation and ethnic cleansing of Palestine and the genocide of gentile Palestinians. It is also used to silence all criticism of the fascist Jewish apartheid entity known as Israel, in the US and globally. The fact that Jews AND their bloody behaviour in Palestine and elsewhere cannot be criticised without severe repercussions, evidences that Jews control both the MSM and core political processes and governance in the US. Why? Because it has rightly been said for centuries that the only ones you are not allowed to criticise ARE YOUR RULERS. President Trump can be demonised and calumniated but YHWH forbid that Talmudic behaviour should be criticised! Human/Animal Rights Dec 15, 2019 - Deleted Tlaib Tweet Blames White Supremacy for Alleged Black Attack on Jews Political Information Dec 15, 2019 - At Last, A Realistic Look at the Israeli-‘Palestinian’ Conflict Ron: Discernment required. Political Information Dec 15, 2019 - Conservatism vs. Internet Porn Political Information Dec 14, 2019 - Netflix Streams Blasphemous ‘Christmas’ video Depicting Gay Jesus, Adulterous Virgin Mary Political Information Dec 14, 2019 - What Everyone is Missing About the Afghanistan Papers One stand-out statistic-among the many concerning ones-is the fact that before the U.S. invasion the Taliban had almost completely put to bed Afghanistan's illicit opium trade. Since the U.S. invasion, combined with $9 billion in U.S. funding for anti-opium programs, the Taliban is not only stronger than it ever was but sits cemented in a country that now supplies 80 percent of the world's opium. I can't help but think this was done on purpose. - Darius Shatahmasebi

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Environment/Science Dec 14, 2019 - Rusting Relics from China’s Sharing Economy True US History Dec 14, 2019 - Trump Clone War Socialist British Massacre Victory Joined By Doomsday Plane Flight When Empire Strikes Back Political Information Dec 14, 2019 - Greta Thunberg Threatens to Put World Leaders “Against the Wall” if They Refuse to Fight Climate Change True US History Dec 14, 2019 - 6-Year-Old Children Told to Write Gay Love Letters to Promote Diversity A video posted by the BBC shows 6-year-old primary school children being told to write gay love letters to promote diversity. “This school teaches children about LGBT relationships from an early age,” explains the BBC, “This class of 6 year olds is learning about gay marriage…all ages take part in LGBT lessons.” - Paul Joseph Watson Political Information Dec 14, 2019 - New Evidence Shows Deceitful Methods Vatican Officials Used to Launder Millions of euros The report notes that Cardinal Pell (who at the time was the Vatican Prefect for the Secretariat of the Economy) opposed the loan, but that Pope Francis overrode his opposition before later canceling the Bambino Gesu's guarantee of the loan. But the money still has not been returned to the children's hospital. A Vatican source reportedly told the National Catholic Register that Cardinal Pell "considered it immoral to condemn the children's hospital to losing money that it needed to treat needy children" and that he thought it was "extremely dangerous to co-mingle the children's hospital's patrimony, which, for the most part, was made up of Italian government public funds, with IDI's growing deficits and debt." Paul Smeaton True US History Dec 14, 2019 - Separation of Truth and State ? Why the Church Must be in Politics Selwyn Duke: As government grows and begins to meddle in most everything, applying this principle means that the church can't speak out on most anything! Ron: True religion is the spiritual connection every individual ensouled human being (HUman) has with his/her indwelling spark of Creator consciousness. Each HUman heart is thus a temple of God. Accordingly each HUman is called to express the truth emanating from his or her heart in relation to all aspects of life. Failing to speak or act when required by personal circumstances is a denial of our 'religion', our inner truth. True 'religion' is not about membership in any external congregation or organisation. Selwyn Duke: In reality, though, this distinction between "religious" and "secular" is largely a false one. Ron: Actually the distinction is totally false. There can be no intrinsic distinction between any aspect of life, the universe and everything. Why? Because the Creator's love energy creates and IS, ALL there is. True US History Dec 14, 2019 - Shocking Finders Tentacles Part 1 This 32' 56" video was published by Amazing Polly on Dec 11, 2019: AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 17

True US History Dec 14, 2019 - Obama-Clinton Leftist Trained Lawyers Carry Out Deadly Rampage While Horrified World Watches .

True US History Dec 14, 2019 - William Barr Has Suddenly Become Chatty—and He’s Provided Quite an Information Dump True US History Dec 14, 2019 - Planned Parenthood Honors King Herod With Lifetime Achievement Award True US History Dec 14, 2019 - Part 6:Thanks for the Memories...Bob Hope," Let Me Entertain You...Parties at the Rockefellers...Hope,Henry&the Kennedy Family Political Information Dec 14, 2019 - How WWIII Was Averted in a Remote Place Called Astana Political Information AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 18

Dec 13, 2019 - President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, Resigns After Three Decades Nazarbayev will retain key security council and party leader positions Environment/Science Dec 13, 2019 - Earth Enters Unknown as Magnetic North Pole Continues Push Toward Russia, Crosses Greenwich Meridian Furthermore, a weakened magnetic field may lead to a potentially cataclysmic process scientists call a “geomagnetic reversal,” in which the Earth’s north and south poles effectively switch places. The last such flip is estimated to have taken place about 800,000 years ago, and some scientists believe that another may be due soon, even though such an event could take centuries to complete. Ron: Universe Management has indicated that a geomagnetic reversal will not occur at this time but that a Magnetic Pole Reversal is imminent and it will be presaged by a total solar eclipse. True US History Dec 13, 2019 - "Massive... Huge... Largest Ever": Fed Will Flood Market With Gargantuan $500 Billion In Liquidity To Avoid Year-End Repo Crisis In addition, to prevent a cascading year-end liquidity squeeze, Fed overnight repo operations will continue to be held each day, and just to be safe, the Fed will go to town by substantially expanding their size: On December 31, 2019 and January 2, 2020, the overnight repo offering will increase to at least $150 billion to cover the "turn" in a flood of overnight liquidity. In addition, on December 30, 2019, the Desk will offer a $75 billion repo that settles on December 31, 2019 and matures on January 2, 2020... What the Fed means is that in addition to expanding the sizes of its "turn" overnight repos to $150 billion, the Fed will conduct a total of nine term repos covering the year-end turn from Dec 16 to Jan 14, 8 of which will amount to $35BN and the first will be $50BN, for a total injection of a whopping $365 billion in the coming month... In other words, instead of QE4 the Fed will flood the repo market with a firehose of liquidity... All total, I count the Fed committed to pump $500 billion in the Repo market over year-end. Naturally, the Turn (12/31-1/2) rallied a bit today. Trading from 4.25% yesterday to 3.80% today There's more: add in the incremental liquidity from the expanded overnight repo of about $50 billion and another $60 billion in T-Bill purchases, and the Fed will inject a total of just shy of $500 billion in the next 30 days! This also means that by Jan 14, the Fed's balance sheet would have grown by a cumulative $365BN in "temporary" repos, and together with the expanded overnight repos, and the $60BN in monthly TBill purchases, and by mid-January, the Fed's balance sheet, currently at $4.066 trillion, will surpass its all time high of $4.5 trillion! The question then is whether this will be sufficient to refute the repo Doomsday predicted by Pozsar, one which was supposed to launch QE4, or will the Fed's gargantuan liquidity injection still not be enough and lead to a collapse in the repo market. We will find out in the next three weeks. - Tyler Durden True US History Dec 13, 2019 - Trump Clone War “Nightmare Before Christmas” Battle Hands Democrats Socialist British Massacre Environment/Science AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 19

Dec 13, 2019 - "Born That Way" No More: The New Science of Sexual Orientation Political Information Dec 12, 2019 - Jews, White Guilt, and the Death of the Church of England Andrew Joyce Ph. D: Christian communities may wish to consider whether there could be suitable opportunities in their public worship to focus and express repentance for Christian involvement in fostering antisemitism." "God's Unfailing Word," Church of England Faith and Order Commission , 2019 Ron: For a bit of balance see eg: The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today. See: Influence-Today.shtml Judaism and Christianity - Two Thousand Years of Lies - 60 Years of State Terrorism - Thousand-Years-of-Lies---60-Years-of-State-Terrorism.shtml The Vexing 'Jewish Question': A Nineteenth-Century Scholar's View - Nineteenth-Century-Scholar-s-View.shtml The Jewish World Order 622 BC – 2013 AD. See: BC-2013-AD.shtml Andrew Joyce Ph. D: Having read God's Unfailing Word, I argue that total Jewish dominance in the academic production of histories of the Jews and anti-Semitism has played a major role in shifting opinion in philosemitic directions. Ron: I agree. See for instance: How They Do It - Jewish Leaders Call for New Editions of the Bible and the Koran to carry 'trigger Warnings' highlighting anti-Semitic Passages - leaders-call-for-new-editions-of-the-Bible-and-the-Koran-to-carry-trigger-Warnings- highlighting-anti-Semitic-Passages.shtml 94% of Jews "guilt-free and proud". See: proud.shtml Andrew Joyce Ph. D: The Church of England now affirms ... they have "fostered attitudes of distrust and hostility among Christians towards their Jewish neighbours, Ron: How can a Fifth Column of parasitic, ethno-centric, collectivist individuals claiming foreign allegiance and the right to make aliyah to a foreign apartheid entity, be considered "neighbours"? See eg: RABBI RABINOVICH'S SPEECH OF JANUARY 12TH, 1952. See: S-SPEECH-OF-JANUARY-12TH-1952.shtml "THE COMPLETE GUIDE FOR KILLING GENTILES: KILLING-GENTILES.shtml NOAHIDE LAWS AND DECAPITATION FOR CONFESSING JESUS IS LORD. See: DECAPITATION-FOR-CONFESSING-JESUS-IS-LORD.shtml. Andrew Joyce Ph. D: The examples highlight the way that antisemitism tends to weave together four interconnected claims, all of which should be vigorously resisted: (a) that there is something inherently wrong with Jews as a people; AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 20

Ron: Jews are NOT a people! They are NOT a race. They are ethno-centric political ideologues masquerading as a religion AND a race, although they are neither since most Jews are atheists whose deity is the Jewish collective and Jews are defined by their adherence to their racist political ideology. Jews are socially engineered by Talmudic mind control in segregated living environments typified by the Kol Nidre ritual, and held together by nepotism, self interest and Holocaustianity. Dr Eran Elhaik (Johns Hopkins University) has recently demonstrated that most but not all Jews are of Khazarian origins and hence Jews are not a race and nor are they Semites. See eg: Israeli historian: ‘Jews are not Semitic people’ - not-Semitic-people.shtml . Anyone professing Judaism is asserting membership in a pathological collective of individuals most of whom have been mind controlled from cradle to grave in an ethno- centric, genocidal political ideology. For instance The Jews' holy book says: “A Jew may do to a non-Jewess whatever he can. He may treat her as he treats a piece of meat.“ - Hadarine, 20, B; Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348. And: “A Gentile girl who is three years old can be violated.”- Aboda Sarah 37a. “When a Jew murders a Gentile (“Cuthean”), there will be no death penalty.” – Sanhedrin 57a. And: Non-Jewish Children are subhumans. – Yebamoth 98a. And: Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth. – Abodah Zarah 36b See also: MOST ISRAELIS APPROVE RACIST RABBIS: Converts to the Talmudic collectivist mindset are accepted but under stringent conditions. See eg: What Every Prospective Convert to Judaism Deserves To Know - Convert-to-Judaism-Deserves-To-Know.shtml Israeli Ministry Sets Sights on Millions of 'Potential Jews' to Improve Country's Image and Fight BDS - Ministry-Sets-Sights-on-Millions-of-Potential-Jews-to-Improve-Country-s-Image- and-Fight-BDS.shtml Judaism-for-Non-Jews-The-Messianic-Zionist-religion-that-wants-to-recruit-7- billion-members-by-TUT-editor- Messianic-Zionist-religion-that-wants-to-recruit-7-billion-members-by-TUT- editor.shtml In effect Jews are neo-Pharisees wedded to an ideological hatred of Christ Jesus, and anyone who seeks to emulate Jesus' attitude and behaviour. The book being discussed in this article evidences that. To understand the hypocrisy and lying propaganda intrinsic to th Jew orchestrated pseudo debate about Christian attitudes to Jews you need to be aware of the fact that the Pharisees not only forced the Romans to crucify Esu Immanuel (aka Jesus the Christ) but they also influenced Roman Emperors to establish the Christian religion in order to eradicate Jesus' teachings. Jesus didn't incarnate to establish a religion and didn't. He came to teach divine truths lost over millennia and corrupted by Pharisees and others. See eg: Judaism and Christianity - Two Thousand Years of Lies - 60 Years of

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 21

State Terrorism - Christianity---Two-Thousand-Years-of-Lies---60-Years-of-State-Terrorism.shtml How They Do It - Jewish Leaders Call for New Editions of the Bible and the Koran to carry 'trigger Warnings' highlighting anti-Semitic Passages - call-for-new-editions-of-the-Bible-and-the-Koran-to-carry-trigger-Warnings-highlighting- anti-Semitic-Passages.shtml The Zionist-Created Scofield 'Bible'. - Bible.shtml The Pharisees of the Vatican - Vatican.shtml The "Jews" Behind the Second Vatican Council - Vatican-Council.shtml The Evolution of the Relationship Between Catholics and Jews How Vatican II Sparked an Ongoing Revolution of Faith - Relationship-Between-Catholics-and-Jews-How-Vatican-II-Sparked-an-Ongoing- Revolution-of-Faith.shtml Vatican II = New Religion? See: Dr. Peter David Beter - Audio Letters No. 39, 41 & 42: The role of the Israel lobby in the growth of "Christian Zionism". See: the-growth-of-Christian-Zionism.shtml The 20th Century: Talmudic triumph over Western civilization. See: triumph-over-Western-civilization.shtml "Zionism's Holocaustianity - The Big Lie". See: Big-Lie.shtml Anti-Semitism: The False Screen Shielding Jews from Global Scrutiny. See: from-Global-Scrutiny.shtml "Jewish Privilege" = Monopoly on Speech - Speech.shtml

Andrew Joyce Ph. D: England became the first country to order the entire Jewish community to leave, thereby seeking to be a Christian territory with no Jewish presence."

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 22

Ron: Usury was strictly prohibited by the Christian church and government in England. Eventually those who continued the practice of usury, namely Jews, were banished from England by King Edward I in 1290 AD. Hatonn says that the honest and convenient "tally" money system, enabled English workmen to supply their family's needs for a year by working for 14 weeks! As a result there was a great deal of leisure time available for intellectual, religious and charitable pursuits. Hatonn says: `this is the reason that the incredible cathedrals of England and Europe were built completely with volunteer labor… What is really amazing is how this information, essential to your freedom has been so successfully kept concealed from you.' (Phoenix Journal 22, pp. 140-41). The Jewish bankers secretly returned to England m 1656 by providing finance to Oliver Cromwell and then to William of Orange who became King William III. in 1694 King William granting a charter to William Paterson and his Rothschild banking associates to establish the Bank of England as a fractional reserve central bank. The charter gave monopoly power to issue bank notes at interest at a modest initial fractional reserve ratio of 2:1 as compared to ratios of 9:1 and more today. King Williams' treason (in respect of the interests of the people of England) marked the beginning of the end for the tally system AND for the freedom and prosperity of all coming under the influence of the Bank of England.THAT is why Central Banks must be abolished if Jewish geo- political power and oppression of humans on this planet is to be terminated. Political Information Dec 12, 2019 - Slavoj Zizek's ‘trouble with Jews’ may be a poor choice of words – but are you Allowed to Criticize Israel in UK media anymore? Russia Today: In a recent article for the Independent, Zizek criticized Israel for its aggressive settlement policies in the occupied West Bank, and argued that such criticism of Israeli policies does not make someone an anti-Semite. Within the text, the philosopher used a very inconsiderate turn of phrase - "the trouble with Jews." Immediately, a crowd of outraged commenters rose up, and fully proving Zizek's point, the paper removed the offending phrase and replaced it with "the trouble with the settlement project." Neo-Pharisees didn't adopt the name "Jews" until the second half of the 18th Century. Neo-Pharisees and those who choose to identify with and use the adopted name of "Jews", publicly profess to being Talmudists since conformance with that political ideology is required of Jews. Talmudism is ethno-centric and proclaims that non- adherents to Talmudism are animals that can be used, abused and killed by Talmudists with impunity. Anyone professing Judaism is asserting membership in a pathological collective of individuals most of whom have been mind controlled from cradle to grave in an ethno-centric, genocidal political ideology. That doctrine DOES imply that Jewish adherents to Talmudism can cause trouble for non-Jews, ie gentiles. For instance The Jews' holy books say: “A Jew may do to a non-Jewess whatever he can. He may treat her as he treats a piece of meat.“ - Hadarine, 20, B; Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348. And: “A Gentile girl who is three years old can be violated.”- Aboda Sarah 37a. And: “When a Jew murders a Gentile (“Cuthean”), there will be no death penalty.” – Sanhedrin 57a. And: Non-Jewish Children are subhumans. – Yebamoth 98a. And: Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth. – Abodah Zarah 36b See also: MOST ISRAELIS APPROVE RACIST RABBIS: AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 23

RABBI RABINOVICH'S SPEECH OF JANUARY 12TH, 1952. See: OF-JANUARY-12TH-1952.shtml "THE COMPLETE GUIDE FOR KILLING GENTILES: KILLING-GENTILES.shtml MOST ISRAELIS APPROVE RACIST RABBIS: RABBIS.shtml NOAHIDE LAWS AND DECAPITATION FOR CONFESSING JESUS IS LORD. See: DECAPITATION-FOR-CONFESSING-JESUS-IS-LORD.shtml. Talmudism IS being implemented by the Israeli apartheid entity in Palestine. Over 90% of neo-Pharisees are said to be of Khazarian extraction and the rest of those claiming to be Jews are almost exclusively of Sephardic, Arabic and North African origins. Accordingly Jews are not Shemites (Semites) and the Jews who migrated to Palestine in the late 19th century and since, appear to have no ancestors from that land. See eg: Israeli historian: ‘Jews are not Semitic people’ - Semitic-people.shtml Judaism accepts converts into its political ideological collective. See eg: What Every Prospective Convert to Judaism Deserves To Know - Convert-to-Judaism-Deserves-To-Know.shtml Israeli Ministry Sets Sights on Millions of 'Potential Jews' to Improve Country's Image and Fight BDS - Ministry-Sets-Sights-on-Millions-of-Potential-Jews-to-Improve-Country-s-Image- and-Fight-BDS.shtml Judaism-for-Non-Jews-The-Messianic-Zionist-religion-that-wants-to-recruit-7- billion-members-by-TUT-editor- Messianic-Zionist-religion-that-wants-to-recruit-7-billion-members-by-TUT- editor.shtml Arguably Jews are NOT Semites nor are they a race or a nation. Talmudists constitute a pathological materialist collective rather than a religion since 75% of Jews are atheists who worship the Jewish collective and the remainder are a nepotistic collective that apparently worship a jealous, genocidal entity who is no g-d at all. Accordingly the anti-Semitism trope is a LIE. That LIE has been used to justify the invasion, despoilation and ethnic cleansing of Palestine and the genocide of gentile Palestinians. It is also used to silence all criticism of the fascist Jewish apartheid entity known as Israel, in the UK and globally. The fact that Jews AND their demonic behaviour in Palestine and elsewhere cannot be criticised without personally receiving major media criticism and severe socio-political and even legal repercussions, evidences that Jews control both the MSM and core political processes and governance in the UK. Why? Because it has rightly been said for centuries that the only ones you are not allowed to criticise ARE YOUR RULERS.

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This article evidences that Jews having dual nationality status and professing allegiance to the foreign Israeli apartheid entity can criticise, denigrate and demonise British leaders like Jeremy Corbyn but YHWH forbid that Talmudic Israel's demonic behaviour should ever be criticised by a British leader! See also: Chief Rabbi’s Pious Bid to Sabotage Corbyn - Pious-Bid-to-Sabotage-Corbyn.shtml There were 263, 346 Jews in England and Wales in the last census as compared to a total UK population of 66, 545, 630 as of Friday, December 06, 2019. Sooo, at best, Jewish rabbis purport to be speaking for less than 0.4% of the UK population. As there are many larger ethnic and foreign religious groups in the UK, shouldn't they also be given prominent MSM coverage of their sectarian views? No? WHY NOT? What's sooo special about neo-Pharisees? Environment/Science Dec 12, 2019 - New AI Decodes Your Brainwaves and Draws Whatever You’re Looking At

Political Information Dec 12, 2019 - New York Bill Would Force All Public Colleges to offer Free Abortions Political Information Dec 12, 2019 - It Makes A Mockery Of People Political Information Dec 12, 2019 - Operation Condor 2.0 – “Expanded” Political Information Dec 12, 2019 - US Backed Parties Have Infiltrated Lebanon's Protests French Dec 12, 2019 - French: Protocoles Des Sages De Sion.pdf Protocoles Des Sages De Sion .pdf Political Information Dec 12, 2019 - Merriam-Webster Dictionary Crowns ‘nonbinary’ Pronoun ‘they’ as 2019 ‘word of the year’ AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 25

True US History Dec 12, 2019 - Trump Impeachment Meant To Stop Populist Storm In Britain Becomes Epic Fail Political Information Dec 12, 2019 - Amazon Ring’s Data Maps Surveillance Network; Jeff Bezos Embraces Fascism with Amazon Military Support Political Information Dec 12, 2019 - Church of the Open Borders In an age where Americans are made to feel guilty for trying to wall even the slightest corners of their lives off from politics, "using Jesus for political propaganda" is not just expected - it's required. Public displays of religion have become cheap and easy ways for political figures to telegraph their morality to the world, the equivalent of wrapping oneself in the flag for the global ruling class. And how better for a leader to communicate how in- step they are with the new postmodern post-nationalism than by littering their lawn with the symbols of religions their constituents haven't even heard of ? Helen Buyniski Political Information Dec 11, 2019 - The FBI Teams Up With The Post Office To Get Your Fingerprints Political Information Dec 11, 2019 - Boeing-FAA Cabal Exposed: Internal Document Shows FAA Ignored 737 MAX Safety Risks Political Information Dec 11, 2019 - Only 10% of Vatican’s $55 million ‘Peter’s Pence’ Actually Goes to Poor, Wall Street Journal claims Beverly Stevens, editor of Regina Magazine, once taught Finance at the University of Maryland's European Military Campus and was a financial writer for 20 years. She told LifeSiteNews that Vatican leadership is firmly to blame for the misuse of Peter's Pence. "All organizations reflect the management policies and ethos of their head," Stevens said via social media. "The Church is no different. Based on what we have seen at the Vatican level in this pontificate (investing in posh London flats & Elton John biopics) and the diocesan level (Bishop Bransfield's million-dollar lifestyle, Archbishop Gregory's Atlanta McMansion, Cardinal Tobin's live-in Italian actor) it looks pretty simple," she continued. "The operating principle is 'talk big about the poor and the marginalized while living like princes' -- and don't be too 'rigid' about accounting rules or other pesky details." Dorothy C McLean Human/Animal Rights Dec 11, 2019 - The Long-Term Plan to Destroy German Genetics Through Outbreeding Thomas Muller: In 1943, prominent American anthropologist Ernest Hooton wrote an an article headlined "Breed War Strain Out of Germans" for New York Daily newspaper. The concept was an "outbreeding" plan to "destroy German nationalism and ideology while retaining and perpetuating desirable German biological and sociological capacities."... In practice a much more horrific version of the Hooton Plan was jump started with a genocide. An estimated five million or more German POWs (see Rhine-Meadows death camps- You Tube banned in Europe) and civilians were exterminated and murdered in the Hellstorm period of 1944-1946 - (You Tube banned every where - located on Bitchute) when Germany was prostrate and defeated. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 26

Ron: Arguably the Allied and Soviet military killed about 12 million ethnic German POWs and civilians AFTER WWII using torture, starvation and working many to death. See eg: GRUESOME HARVEST The Costly Attempt To Exterminate The People of Germany Costly-Attempt-To-Exterminate-The-People-of-Germany.shtml Eisenhower's Death Camps The Last Dirty Secret of World War Two - The-Last-Dirty-Secret-of-World-War-Two.shtml Documentary: Eisenhower’s Rhine Meadows Death Camps – A Deliberate Policy of Extermination - Eisenhower-s-Rhine-Meadows-Death-Camps-A-Deliberate-Policy-of-Extermination.shtml Documents on Real History: Col (retd) Gerhart Schirmer. See: retd-Gerhart-Schirmer.shtml The Zionist Destruction of Germany - Germany.shtml

Hellstorm Now in Paperback & Kindle The Mass Rape of German Women & Girls- Kindle-The-Mass-Rape-of-German-Women-Girls.shtml The Deliberate Starvation of Germany - Germany.shtml Did the Allies Starve Millions of Germans? See: Germans.shtml World Order, Failed States & Terrorism:PART 10: Nazism and the German economic miracle. See: Terrorism-PART-10-Nazism-and-the-German-economic-miracle.shtml The Jews Favorite Method of Killing. See: Killing.shtml In 'Eisenhower’s Death Camps': A U.S. Prison Guard Remembers. See: _A_U_S_Prison_Guard_Rem_2285.shtml German Victims : How the Allied Victors of WWII tortured and killed their German prisoners (Part 1 of 2) - Victims-How-the-Allied-Victors-of-WWII-tortured-and-killed-their-German-prisoners-Part- 1-of-2.shtml

German Victims: How the Allied Victors of WWII Tortured and Killed their German Prisoners of War (Part 2 of 2) - Victors-of-WWII-Tortured-and-Killed-their-German-Prisoners-of-War-Part-2-of-2.shtml

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Torture and Testicle Crushing at Nuremberg - at-Nuremberg.shtml Thomas Muller: The German government reported that its records list 4.3 million dead and missing military personnel. Civilian deaths during the war include air raid deaths, estimates of German civilians killed only by Allied strategic bombing have ranged from around 350,000 to 500,000. Civilian deaths, due to the aforementioned Hellstorm, namely the flight and expulsion of Germans, Soviet and Allied war crimes and the forced labor of Germans in the Soviet Union are disputed and range from 500,000 to over 2.0 million. Ron: I disagree with these statistics. They are ridiculously low. For instance Kurt Vonnegut who was a prisoner of war in Dresden on February 13, 1945 wrote that: 'The full extent of the Dresden Holocaust can be more readily grasped if one considers that well over 250,000 -- possibly as many as a half a million -- persons died within a 14-hour period, whereas estimates of those who died at Hiroshima range from 90,000 to 140,000.' See: The WWII Dresden Holocaust - 'A Single Column Of Flame' - Holocaust---A-Single-Column-Of-Flame.shtml. See also: Dresden - The Real Holocaust - Holocaust.shtml Moreover, the Allied carpet fire bombing of German cities deliberatly killed more than two million German cvilians. See eg: The pilots of Bomber Command cannot be called heroes. - Command-cannot-be-called-heroes.shtml And: Churchill And Hitler...And History. See: History.shtml

Between May 1945 and the end of 1950 the Jew controlled Allies and Soviets probably eliminated some 12 million ethnic German peoples. See eg: GRUESOME HARVEST The Costly Attempt To Exterminate The People of Germany Costly-Attempt-To-Exterminate-The-People-of-Germany.shtml]. Thomas Muller: Unlike the United States there was no post war baby boom. Ron: How could there be a baby boom with some 20 million Germans HOLOCAUSTED by the Jew controlled Allied and Soviet military with most Germans of child raising age being dead or traumatised and nearly starved to death?]. Thomas Muller: In the 1950s and 60s birth rates stabilized at about 2.4. Life expectancy increased, which kept the population at least treading water. But once again the rate tailed off. Astonishingly in 1991-1996 it fell well below 1.0 before recovering slightly to about 1.4. In 2018 the birth rate of Germany is 1.6 and half the population is over 45. Ron: Germany is STILL an occupied country. It has not been a sovereign nation since May 1945. Moreover, it has been governeed and controlled by Jews using US military

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 28 protection throughout this period. In effect the destruction of the German people is STILL happening. The ridiculous attitude of so-called German governments to the fake, false and fraudulent Holocaust and its endless provision of so-called reparations to the apartheid Talmudic Israeli entity and Jews everywhere in the world including the US, evidences that. The latest Talmudic nation-killing oppression of the German people has been the enforced inclusion of huge numbers of illegal migrants including large numbers of young Muslim males, some of whom are terrorists, as a welfare burden on the backs of German workers. Thomas Muller: Since the fall of Communism, the Ukraine has been systematically looted by the Crime Syndicate oligarch sistema and poor governance. The real background story of the impeachment hearings is the shitstorm and skulduggery that the Ukraine endures. We will address this further, but our not read nearly enough post on the loot of PrivatBank at the hands of Jewish kleptocrat criminals is illustrative. Ron: The Ukraine has been systematically looted by Jewish oligarchs ever since the dissolution of the Soviet Union. The latest and most intense looting has occurred as a result of the Jewish COUP mislabelled, as usual, as a peoples' colour revolution. See eg: The Deep State, the IMF and the Fleecing of Ukraine - and-the-Fleecing-of-Ukraine.shtml Political Information Dec 11, 2019 - Greta Thunberg Wins TIME Person of the Year:

The transformation of a teen schoolgirl into the global conscience for climate change is driven by the imperative of reversing the relationship between adults and children...

Encouraging children to revolt against their irresponsible elders is the inevitable outcome of adult-blaming. That is why the head of politics at Cambridge University could call for children as young as six to be given the vote. Professor David Runciman advocated this proposal on the grounds that young people were "massively outnumbered" by the elderly and that this created a democratic crisis that had to be put right. You know that society is in deep trouble when six-year-olds are assigned the responsibility for determining society's future... Who needs grown ups to lead the nation when children are ready to put right the mistakes created by old people? - Professor Frank Furedi True US History Dec 11, 2019 - Globalist Scumbag John Roberts is Responsible for All 11 FISA Court Judges and for the Illegal Spying Conducted on Trump and Other Americans True US History Dec 11, 2019 - Trump Shuts Down WTO Appeals Court, Sending EU, China Scrambling For 'Plan B' True US History Dec 11, 2019 - Trump “Spring Spectacular” Said Is Reason US Continues To Block Release Of Secret Documents Proving No Russia Collusion Political Information Dec 11, 2019 - Part 11: The Controversy of Zion....The Decisive Battle...The Web of AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 29

Intrigue... Other Spiritual Pieces Dec 11, 2019 - There are Aliens in the Cornflakes, Unicorns in the Soup AND God in the Secret Chambers of the Heart. That is a common feature of an apocalypse in any case; things being revealed, uncovered and ALSO, 'defined' and then... sorted. In a Grand Apocalypse, which this is, EVERYTHING in present time is sorted AND EVERYTHING from every other time is sorted too. It bears keeping in mind as events continue AND accelerate AND time continues to speed up. Les Visible Translations - Others Dec 11, 2019 - Italian_Seraphin Messaggio 397: ORO NASCOSTO: PAROLE DI INCORAGGIAMENTO Seraphin tramite Rosie Political Information Dec 11, 2019 - Chief Rabbi’s Pious Bid to Sabotage Corbyn Stuart Littlewood: Rabbi Mirvis asks: "How complicit in prejudice would a leader of Her Majesty's opposition have to be in order to be considered unfit for high office?" Ron: Thses are the words of a Jewish Chief Rabbi, the leader of a tiny group of adherents to the Talmud given the right to reside in Britain althouth their allegaiance is to their Talmudic homeland, namely the Israeli apartheid entity. Doya think the Jews would give a Fifth Column colony of Waffen SS gentiles the right to live in Israel let alone give their leader the right to fulminate against an Israeli political leader in an article in Haaretz?! Stuart Littlewood: He then adds: "Would associations with those who have openly incited hatred against Jews be enough? Ron: Query, doesn't THIS Chief Rabbis' article in The Times constitute an open incitement to hatred against 'leadership figures in the Labour Party'? WHY is this Jewish HATE rhetoric against gentiles never a problem?! Stuart Littlewood: Rabbi Mirvis insists he decided to speak out on behalf of the Jewish community. Ron: There were 263, 346 Jews in England and Wales at the last census as compared to a total UK population of 66, 545, 630 as of Friday, December 06, 2019. Sooo, chief rabbi Mirvis purports to be speaking for less than 0.4% of the UK population. As there are many larger ethnic groups in the UK, should they all be given prominent MSM coverage of their sectarian views in The Times? No? WHY NOT? Stuart Littlewood: He says: "The Jewish community has endured the deep discomfort of being at the centre of national political attention for nearly four years. "We have been treated by many as an irritant, as opposed to a minority community with genuine concerns." Ron: Given the miniscule portion of the UK electorate he represents, and the fact that Jews constantly criticise the Labour party and others, rabbi Mirvis seems to protest TOO MUCH about his minority community's "genuine concerns". WHAT specifically are those concerns? They appear to relate to the genuine concerns expressed by some UK labour Party members and other Britons about the Jews' slow motion ethnic cleansing and genocide of Palestinians. WHY does the UK's Jewish enclave gets its nickers in a twist about what millions of British gentiles THINK about the actual and well AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 30 documented physical oppression of Palestinians by Jews? Are Jews UK citizens or not? thos ewho aren't should 'shut up'. Also, why are gentiles in the UK not allowed to express concerns about the oppression of Palestinian Christians and others? Stuart Littlewood: The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, tweeted: "That the chief rabbi should be compelled to make such an unprecedented statement at this time ought to alert us to the deep sense of insecurity and fear felt by many British Jews." As a result of which a leading campaigner against racism immediately resigned from a Church of England advisory body in protest. Gus John, a respected author and academic, said: "As a matter of principle, I cannot continue to work with the Anglican church... after the archbishop of Canterbury's disgraceful endorsement of the chief rabbi's unjust condemnation of Jeremy Corbyn and the entire Labour party." He wrote to the CofE's national adviser on minority ethnic issues: "Those who occupy houses clad with stained glass should perhaps be a trifle more careful when they join others in throwing stones". Ron: Especially when they occupy houses in which the glass is stained with the blood of their gentile neighbours. Human/Animal Rights Dec 11, 2019 - "Lack of Police Resources" Yesterday the people of Britain breathed a collective sigh of relief as police announced the apprehension of a master criminal who had been terrorising the country. Following a protracted operation a crack team of detectives was able to identify the criminal despite his lurking in a crowd of 75,000 at football match. His crime? Well take a look at the pic. He made a 'monkey gesture' at a black player. Aaaaand...that's it. He made a racist face. For which he was arrested and jailed before being released on bail... you must admire the alacrity and skill with which the police apprehended and charged him. Which is in stark contrast to their complete lack of action over many years as Muslim grooming gangs raped and battered thousands of young White girls in the towns of Rotherham and Telford.That's right, thousands of White girls in just two towns. The criminal activity was common knowledge but the police cited lack of resources as one of the reasons for their inaction. Same with the knife crime epidemic that soars almost out of control in Londonistan. "A MAN has been stabbed to death in a North London street as Britain's knife crime epidemic rages on. An Omani student was last week knifed to death for his designer watch outside famous department store Harrods. Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Araimi, 26, was walking home when he was jumped by a gang of masked muggers demanding his luxury watch. The 26-year-old victim was one of three men who were fatally stabbed in a little over 12 hours of bloodshed in the capital."... Here in Ireland things are pretty much the same. The difference here is that judges are reluctant to jail offenders. Suspended sentences are routinely handed down to habitual criminals and serious offences are often settled by way of 'a donation to the poor box' or community service. An exception is made with 'racist' offences. Just last week a man in Co. Clare was sentenced to three months imprisonment for shouting 'ya black bastard' at a Brazilian. Mind you the man denies it and the only evidence is the testimony of the 'victim'. In other words uncorroborated evidence. But it was enough to send a guy with no previous convictions to the Big House. - The Irish Savant

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True US History Dec 11, 2019 - Ukrainian Official Reveals Six Criminal Cases Opened in Ukraine Involving the Bidens True US History Dec 11, 2019 - Trump Wins Bombshell Victory After US Supreme Court Orders Mothers To Listen To Heartbeats Of Their Babies Before Abortion Political Information Dec 11, 2019 - How Can the U.S. Dare To Lecture China about Rights of the Muslims ? Environment/Science Dec 11, 2019 - A Giant Floating Machine is Now Cleaning Up The great Pacific Garbage Patch

Political Information Dec 10, 2019 - WSJ Blasts "Willing Press Echo Chamber" For Enabling Schiff To "Distort Truth For Political Gain" Human/Animal Rights Dec 10, 2019 - Swiss Bishop Stands Firm Against Proposed Law to Criminalize Criticism of LGBT Human/Animal Rights Dec 10, 2019 - Sanity Prevails: Supreme Court Denies Inmate's Appeal for sex reassignment surgery Human/Animal Rights Dec 10, 2019 - Why Sexual Morality May be Far More Important Than You Ever Thought Ron: These observations seem almost obvious if you THINK about it. Thoughtlessness breeds chaos.The Creation is sustained by balancing energies. Without balance there

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 32 can be no material existance. As above so below. Over time, THOUGHT seeks balance through union. Environment/Science Dec 10, 2019 - Skeptics Bring Science to UN; Democrats and Alarmists Ignore It "For too long we have been forced to listen to biased academics (chasing research funds), energy speculators (chasing government subsidies and tax breaks), alarmist journalists (chasing sensations), noisy children (chasing days off school) and greenish politicians (chasing votes)," continued Forbes. "It's time to stop the chasing. We need a grown-up debate allowing all sides to present their science on 'Man-made Global Warming'."...... Geologist Gregory Wrightstone, writing in Human Events as the COP25 kicked off, also highlighted the alarmist penchant for ignoring science and reality. "The inconvenient facts, at least to the climate catastrophe crowd, is that the bulk of their predictions are errant speculations about what may or may not occur, 50 or 80 years in the future, based on climate models that substantially overestimate temperature rise," he explained. "In reality, by nearly every metric, we see that humans are thriving in the changing ecosystem," continued Wrightstone, author of the book Inconvenient Facts: The Science that Al Gore Doesn't Want You to Know. "The current changing climate has led to increasing food production, soil moisture, crop growth, and a 'greening' of the Earth. All the while droughts, forest fires, heatwaves and, temperature-related deaths have declined substantially."... It is clear that the UN attendees are serious about exploiting the "climate emergency," whether the facts support them or not. Indeed, the anti-scientific extremism has gone so far overboard that there is now serious talk of using UN military forces to enforce global climate decrees on countries that refuse to comply. Greta and some of her older handlers even admitted recently that their vision for saving the "climate" will also require dismantling the free-market system, the "patriarchy," and much more. - Alex Newman Environment/Science Dec 10, 2019 - Exposing The Promoters Of Climate Anxiety Political Information Dec 10, 2019 - I Never Saw a World So Fragmented ! Political Information Dec 10, 2019 - FREXIT - Is France Hurling Towards Leaving The EU ? Political Information Dec 10, 2019 - William Barr: FBI Falsified Documents to Continue Spying on Trump & Co. After Election Health and Nutrition Dec 10, 2019 - Dirty Vaccines Are Proof That The Risks Outweigh The Benefits You cannot debate or question vaccines online or on the news or they will cut you off, de- fund you, ban you, blacklist you, bankrupt you, and make sure no one can find you. One California radio station went so far as to censor vaccine information just before a mandatory vaccination vote. That's dirty politics mixed with dirty medicine. Big Pharma is in complete control of American medicine, every vaccine invented over the past 75 years has more risks than benefits, and the cumulative effect of toxins is what does the most damage. S D Wells

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Health and Nutrition Dec 10, 2019 - Neonatal Nurse Says Government-mandated Vaccines Are “destroying an entire generation of children” Human/Animal Rights Dec 10, 2019 - Alabama Sheriff Defies Demand to Stop Promoting Prayer Political Information Dec 10, 2019 - The Six Stages of the Bolshevik Coup Against America

Political Information Dec 10, 2019 - Guess Who Has More CCTV Cameras Per Capita ? French Dec 10, 2019 - French: PJ 24 Les Voiles du Septième Sceau .pdf PJ 24 Les Voiles du Septième Sceau .Pdf Traduction française : G. M. AKUÉ. Other Spiritual Pieces Dec 10, 2019 - Mr. Apocalypse Inhales the Vapor Trails of Ghosts across a Desert Landscape of Animated Fata Morgana Now I want to address the MOST IMPORTANT FEATURE OF THE INDUSTRIES OF MR. APOCALYPSE; AWAKENING. Mr. Apocalypse is here to awaken us, in the process of UNCOVERING AND REVEALING. Things shown to us, in dramatic fashion, can have the effect of awakening us. Natural catastrophe's can do this. Personal calamities can do this. Trauma of all types can have this effect. Many people who no longer drink or take certain drugs, or behave in certain questionable ways, do so because of TRAUMA that was visited upon them, as the result of these behaviors, or catastrophes in their personal life. It happens... and we have many witnesses to this. Le Visible Human/Animal Rights Dec 10, 2019 - New Calls Emerge for “anti-vaxxers” to be Thrown in Re-education Camps Political Information Dec 10, 2019 - More Details Emerge About Vatican Finance Scandal "Francis is far, far from making the Vatican Bank more functional and transparent as promised for the needs of the Roman Catholic Church. If anything, the Vatican Bank

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 34 and papal finances continue to devolve under his leadership and oversight, or rather, lack of oversight," he noted. "Tragically, the one man who seemed to be taking the Vatican Bank and papal finances in a positive direction, Cdl. Pell, sits alone in an Australian prison serving time for a single dubious charge of sexual abuse," the priest said. "Messed up does not cover it, nor does Pope Francis seem to care," he added. William Mahoney Human/Animal Rights Dec 10, 2019 - Explosive Documentary Exposes 'Pedophiles in Parliament' and the British Royal Family True US History Dec 10, 2019 - Every Bubble Eventually Finds Its Pin M N Gordon: Ultimately, it really doesn't matter what pops it. Every bubble eventually finds its pin. When this bubble pops, like all bubbles pop, the remaining wealth of workers and savers, goaded into the market by Washington's policies of mass dollar debasement, will die a painful death. No doubt, traversing the final crack-up is a harrowing endeavor. Ron: As I understand it, President Trump is using this Central Banksters' inflation bubble to pump as much currency into revitalising the US economy as he can before the bankster's fiat debt token (Fed note currency) system implodes. When the crash comes the banksters will try to blame Trump's trade war with China etc for it but Trump is busy trying to educate USans to understand that it is the inevitable result of the banksters' usurious fiat money PONZI scheme system which usually only lasts about 45 years and so it is already past its 'use by' date. President Trump and others are preparing for the ending of the Petro dollar fiat "money" system which will be used to eliminate the Federal Reserve System (the Fed). At the same time the Bank of international Settlements (BIS) and the Rothschilds' controlled Central Banks around the world will also be abolished and responsibility for money creation and distribution will be placed in the hands of appropriate governance authorities on a national (localised) basis everywhere. For a discussion of the current situation see eg: If You Look Closely You Can See The Plan To Reset The System - Episode 1768a - Closely-You-Can-See-The-Plan-To-Reset-The-System---Episode-1768a.shtml Universe Management introduced the Millenial Realm here on 5 February 2019 and the Triodity of Presidents Trump, Putin, Xi and other Christed agents are in the throes of eliminating the demonic global controllers and their privately owned global banking system; replacing it with genuine gold backed nationally organised and controlled monetary systems. This transition will be a managed RESET involving a debt Jubilee and efforts will be made to limit the hardships that have attended such monetary system transitions controlled by banksters in the past. At the same time cosmically unlawful personal income taxation systems will be abolished with the result that our world will quickly experience abundance and the elimination of the widespread poverty created by our current global bankster controllers. Presumably every nation will establish and administer its own money creation and distribution mechanisms and be responsible for the value of the monetary units placed in circulation. I expect that the International Treasury Controller will oversight this process and support, as appropriate, the various national Treasuries using the wealth AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 35 available from the International Collateral Combined Accounts of the Global Debt Facility (Collateral Accounts). The Collateral Accounts are under the absolute dispositional control by the unnamed but duly appointed International Treasury Controller, as Legal Heir, Owner, and Sole Arbiter who succeeded H. E Ferdinand Marcos, QEII and then H. E. Dr Ray Dam. The current Controller of the Collateral Accounts is unnamed for security reasons. It is illegal (and cosmically, ie divinely, unlawful) for any Government, Government Authority, Agency, or Banking Institution whether Central Bank, Commercial Bank, or International Financial Organisation, to appropriate, sequester otherwise take or use these assets, impede or restrict movement of assets, or similar, unless such action is initiated by the International Treasury Controller. The 1995 and 2012 International treaties, plus the "Sovereign" Laws of the ITC enacted 2012 and 2013; totally removed/rescinded, from 1945 -1995, any powers or authorities held by the former Trilateral, Trillenium, Tripartite, Gold Commission (TTTGC), together with all agreements, appointments, decisions, directives, or similar issued to Third Parties working in conjunction with the former TTTGC, for the purpose of preventing the furtherance of fraud, theft, deception, or other criminal activities that were so prominently operated by the former TTTGC during their Fifty (50) year term - 1945-1995. See eg: FULFORD-IS-AT-IT-AGAIN.shtml Arguably the dream of a global economy of abundance was destroyed looong ago by the Rothschilds' led banksters when they instigated free range serfdom to replace chattel slavery during the American Civil War. See eg: The Matrix, the Strawman and WHO You Are. See: 3030.shtm They followed that with WWI, the Great Depression, WWII and the Bretton Woods Agreement and then arranged for the US, UK and France to control the TTTGC and the Collateral Accounts. The US, UK and France then abused their trust by stealing from the Collateral Accounts which were meant to be spent on elevating the economies of EVERY nation after WWII. See eg: Money Imperialism - A Senior Consultant to the OITC advises that: The structure of the Collateral Accounts is not as complex as people would imagine. The complexity comes into how the security of the assets allocated to each Trust, Foundation, is arranged and operated, which is an issue that can not be disclosed for asset security reasons. What I can say is that each Trust, Foundation (of which there are in excess of 30,000 throughout the world) would be Custodians of assets for the Collateral Accounts. Again the Diagrammatic view below should assist on this.

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The above is a basic diagrammatic example of the structuring of Trusts / Foundations under the Collateral Accounts legally owned by The International Treasury Controller, which should be construed as an example only and for the purpose of simple explanation. True US History Dec 10, 2019 - Pearl Harbor: Hawaii Was Surprised; FDR Was Not 2 Ron: 911 was indeed "Another Pearl Harbour". Roosevelt and Churchill were traitors to their nations and our world just as much as Bush Jr and Obama et al. True US History Dec 9, 2019 - Democrats Hate Russia, Republicans Hate China – the New Divide in America’s Ruling Class Environment/Science Dec 9, 2019 - Cobalt Theft and Child Labour Every day, tens of thousands of desperate Congolese, including children as young as four, illegally mine cobalt by hand in horrendous conditions. Unicef estimates that there are 40,000 children working in mines across southern DRC, earning as little as 8p a day to crawl through discarded mines, some more than 100 meters deep, to scavenge for rocks containing cobalt in the discarded by-products. Richard Ellis

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Political Information Dec 9, 2019 - The Fraud of Anti-Semitism Exposed Political Information Dec 9, 2019 - Trump Beats Border-Crisis: Illegal Crossings Crash To Lowest Since 2013 Human/Animal Rights Dec 9, 2019 - Think of the Children! Open-Borders Fanatics' Hysterical Campaign Against Immigration Enforcement (ICE) True US History Dec 9, 2019 - Congress Still Covering for the Fed’s Bailouts Next time the committee meets for oversight we suggest some tougher questions, such as:  The original characterization of the Fed's intervention in repo markets was clearly a fabrication. Can you explain the program's real purpose?  Is it appropriate for the Fed to print hundreds of billions and lend it to unspecified banks at far below market rates, and do it under false pretenses?  Is the Fed propping up one or more banks that would otherwise be in default? If so, please explain why "Too big to fail" remains the policy at the Fed and how well that policy is working out for Americans at large.  Is the Fed bailing out an international bank? Please lay out how it serves Americans' interest to send hundreds of billions of dollars to foreign companies.  The Federal Reserve Bank is not a federal agency. It is a quasi-private organization, and its shareholders are the largest banks on Wall Street. Does that have anything to do with why the answer to every problem in the financial markets seems to be "print money and hand it to the banks"?  And, is it appropriate for an organization which is wholly owned by banks to be the primary regulator of the banks? - Clint Siegner Human/Animal Rights Dec 9, 2019 - Since Feeding the Homeless Is Illegal, Activists Carry AR-15s to Give Out Food, Supplies Political Information Dec 9, 2019 - Democrats Play Havoc with History, cite King Louis XVI in effort to impeach Trump Political Information Dec 9, 2019 - West Seeks Control Over Asian Rivers While there are obvious issues surrounding a dam's construction that demand debate - it is a debate that must be had by the people and governments of the nation or nations to be impacted by a dam's construction. The West - separated by oceans and continents - has no say in the dam's construction anymore than Thailand or Laos has a say in construction projects built in the West.If the US and Western Europe believe Facebook ads allegedly funded by foreign interests and targeting their elections constitutes an "attack" on their sovereignty - what does an entire protest movement funded and directed from the other side of the planet constitute when it attempts to block massive and beneficial infrastructure projects tied to national and regional development in Southeast Asia ? Tony Cartalucci Political Information Dec 9, 2019 - Red Tide Rising Political Information AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 38

Dec 9, 2019 - Strikes Over Pension Reform Cripple France as Leaders Say ‘let them eat cake’ Political Information Dec 9, 2019 - "Floodgates Are Open" - German Banks Start Charging Retail Savers Ron: Currency, ie USD and other fiat debt tokens, are worthless (being mere digits typed into computers) and should be seen as such. Ideally "money"should not be "worth" anything. Why? Because currency or other forms of money should not be issued at interest (usury) and used as a store of value which can be hoarded and used to control, manipulate or impoverish people. Money, in whatever form it takes, should be used as a tool to facilitate the creation and exchange of real wealth, namely goods and services, and NOT as a store of value. That means that "money"should not attract interest (usury) and hence it should not be accumulated and stored (ie taken out of circulation) excessively. IF communities and nations, as appropriate, properly issue and regulate the use of sufficient "money" to ensure that social intercourse and commerce is adequately catered for, there will be no need for privately owned Central and commercial banks as we know them. Banks will become more like post offices holding people's money in accounts for safe keeping only, and charging small fees for that service. Ideally "money" issued by appropriate publicly owned authorities that are properly operated, controlled and audited, should only be issued and equitably distributed in such quantities as are needed to adequately use available human and physical resources. If that is done there would be NO inflation, ie NO devaluation of "money", and no need to hoard or gamble with it. Negative interest rates are NOT crazy. They are a rectifying mechanism. They are the result of the fact that fiat "money" systems are PONZI schemes that have a limited viable life before they implode because of inevitable excessive debt loads preventing their continuance. Ideally, to ensure that "money" circulates freely, ie at a high exchange velocity, currency should be issued with a 'use by' date such that its face value is reduced by a small annual percentage. This would increase its velocity of exchanga and prevent hoarding. in effect this mechanism would be the equivalent of a negative interest rate. Appropriate mechanisms for organisations needing to hold funds for lengthy periods to be able to recoup the full face value of monies being held beyond their 'use by' dates would also need to be available. Negative interest rates signal that "money" should not be worth anything and presage the end of the current Central Banking fiat money system. When that happens the financial industry will not merely shrink, it will virtually disappear in its current form. In its current form, the banking cum financial industry is totally dysfunctional. Commercial banks are obtaining enormous amounts of fiat "money" from Central Banks at near zero or negative interest rates and using it to jack up stock market prices to ridiculous levels and gambling on futures and derivatives that have reached obscene levels. Tyler Durden: Oswald Gruebel, who served as Credit Suisse CEO from 2004 to 2007 and as UBS Group AG's top executive from 2009 to 2011, has slammed ECB policy in an interview with Swiss newspaper NZZ am Sonntag. "Negative interest rates are crazy. That means money is not worth anything anymore," Gruebel exclaimed. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 39

"As long as we have negative interest rates, the [Ron: fraudulent, usurious, fiat debt token based] financial industry will continue to shrink." Political Information Dec 9, 2019 - Those Who Do Not Believe QANON Will be Mighty Surprised In addition to the irrefutable fact that QANON data have been overwhelmingly accurate, a review of the clear facts about the leading insurrectionists' behavior and intentions add luster to the savage house-cleaning that is approaching, per QANON, commonsense, the Constitution's provisions, and answered prayers. It ought to give QANON deniers (AKA: coup-ists, insurrectionists) plenty to think about as they wait their for their own inevitable and personal hell to arrive. (Maybe all of the following, gallows-headed traitors will write a Q on their palm and claim innocence by insanity ?) Michael Scheur Political Information Dec 9, 2019 - "Undeniable Evidence": Explosive Classified Docs Reveal Afghan War Mass Deception Political Information Dec 9, 2019 - The Comey FBI's 17 Worst Failures, Inaccuracies, & Omissions Flagged In The FISA Report: Political Information Dec 9, 2019 - Attorney General William Barr: IG Report ‘Makes Clear That the FBI Launched an Intrusive Investigation’ Political Information Dec 9, 2019 - Trump: Details Revealed in IG Report Are 'An Embarrassment to Our Country' Shortly after the report was released to the public, John Durham, the US attorney in Connecticut, issued a statement noting that he and his team who are carrying out a separate investigation into the origins of Russiagate "do not agree with of the report's conclusions as to predictions and how the FBI case was opened." Separately, the FBI in it's own response indicated that it has "ordered more than 40 corrective steps to address the Report's recommendations." Sputnik News True US History Dec 9, 2019 - AWK News DEC 4: When do the TRIALS for [DS] #treason begin? This 38' 11" video was published by And We Know on Dec 4, 2019: Political Information Dec 9, 2019 - India Govt Pushes Religion-based Citizenship Law True US History Dec 9, 2019 - AWK DEC 7 News: Punishment is coming to the [DS]! PANIC in DC! This 46' 50" video was published by And We Know on Dec7, 2019: Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Dec 9, 2019 - Seraphin Botschaft 397: VERBORGENES GOLD: AUFMUNTERNDE WORTE Books - eBooks Dec 9, 2019 - Of Divine Noble Sexuality -- NE DUKEKLẼ, PDF This is an attempt to improve our approach of Sexuality on our path to ascension into Life and Light!

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Link to PDF: Of Divine Noble Sexuality -- NE DUKEKLẼ, PDF Books - eBooks Dec 9, 2019 - De La Haute Sexualité Divine et Sa Fonction -- NE DUKEKLẼ, PDF C'est une tentative d'améliorer notre approche de la sexualité sur notre chemin vers l'ascension vers la Vie et la Lumière ! Link: De La Haute Sexualité Divine et Sa Fonction Other Spiritual Pieces Dec 9, 2019 - "No Matter What System of Faith you Follow, There is ONLY ONE GOD." The climate changeatologists have had their math refuted by their own math and that hasn't stopped them one bit. Now they got a moon-faced Gretatard; Alfred E. Neuman's soul mate and they don't even need math anymore, all they need is a grimacing, helicoptered kitty cat, being upset about it and you got flash mobs everywhere. It's starting to look like nobody likes anybody else anymore and the only ones who agree with each other and temporarily get along, are those who hate everyone else...It's clear as mud that those who advocate for Godless Communism know next to nothing about what it is comprised of. What it is, is a political system invented by Tribe Members for the personal profit of Tribe Members. Here's how that works out; in the system we have now, people still have a say in how things go. In a Communist system, ONLY those in positions of power decide how it goes. In Soviet Russia, the Tribe Members who ran the show and made up the majority of the secret police, killed and tortured tens of millions of people. This is all a matter of the historical record. Members of The Tribe, in positions of power in the west, strenuously object to this being true because the Truth is Anti-Semitic. The good news is that almost none of them are Semitic. The Semitic people are the ones being genocided in Palestine. President Trump has [Ron: seemingly] bent himself into a twisted origami of himself, seeking to please Middle Eastern land grabbers and has only achieved the collective hate of the land grabbers relatives in the United States. Although they make up a tiny amount of the population of the country, the lawmakers and lawyers attacking him and the witnesses against him, make up the majority of his feral opponents. Meanwhile a rag tag army of college students and sexual minorities are given their marching orders by professors and professionals, who are in the employ of George Soros, who was directly engaged in getting Bwak! Obama elected president. He is the founder of Democracy Alliance, which is an umbrella organization that funds more than a hundred anonymous groups to the tune of several billion dollars and they are all dedicated to the destruction of life as we know it. Soros is the architect of the migration epidemic that has turned Europe into a dumpster fire and he is full tilt involved in the forced immigration movement into the US. The key concern here, besides the chaos and bankruptcy it would bring, is a change in the voting demographic, with the intent of making Godless Communism the operating political system in the United States... just as it would when you go looking for where the money comes from that is paying for Drag Queen Pedophile Story Hour, Pretty much EVERYTHING that is anti-harmony, anti-human, anti-Christian and anti-general well being, is ALL financed by members of the same demographic....If there were no cosmic, overseeing authority, we'd be in deep shit. Make no mistake about that. One of the reasons that Communism is so AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 41 attractive, to the creators of it and their offspring, is that it cancels out religion and puts everyone in a Kafka novel, except for the terrestrial overlords. However, much to the dismay of these Orcs and their headmaster in Mordor, THERE MOST CERTAINLY IS A COSMIC, OVERSEEING AUTHORITY and this whole shadow play that moves its drama along the rails of time, is directed by The Lord of Creation and there is NEVER a time when God is not firmly in charge of everything... There is only one God, whether you are Hindu, or Christian, or Buddhist, or Muslim, there is only one God. This God has shown up at different times, in the persona of a particular and singular individual to transmit to us a system for living and provide a hope and promise of a hereafter. Most of the time, that hereafter leads right back here but you can surely improve your situation, as your situations continue, by being mindful of how you go and what you get up to... All one needs to know of Truth... Religion... the here and the hereafter... can be found in one's capacity to Love. Love exists simultaneously on every level of existence, attuned to that level of existence. As your awareness expands and the capacity of your heart increases, the love that you feel grows ever greater and more profound and deep. It becomes a consciousness, although it always was ...but let us say it introduces itself to you as a consciousness and from that point on... it guides you to that place that can be spoken of but never accurately defined. - Les Visible Human/Animal Rights Dec 9, 2019 - Confused By The Language Police ?

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Read more about insane, deranged Leftists at Political Information Dec 9, 2019 - Globalists Are Using Puppet Churches to Enslave Humanity Political Information Dec 9, 2019 - Tucker responds to backlash over South Africa This 9' 14" video was published by Fox News on Aug 23, 2018: Ron: The racism, corruption and anti-white genocidal tendencies in South Africa are severe. Tucker Carlson and the US State Department are down playing the real situation. Also Tucker doesn't seem to realise that the apartheid governance of South Africa under the Boers was actually rational and benevolent. What made the situation there much worse for everyone was Communist terrorism fomented by Jews, and the santions imposed by Britain and the US. Although USans are starting to realise that the US and global MSM are a pernicious FAKE NEWS arm of the Jewish bankster cabal that controls the Western world they don't seem to realise that the image of South Africa prior to Nelson Mandela's Communist terrorist government's assumption of power was created by blatantly FAKE NEWS also. Mandela was a Jew funded and controlled communist terrorist. Moreover, the apartheid system in South Africa treated most Black Africans much BETTER than does the current Black government inserted by Talmudist Communists with assistance from Britain and the US. For instance In an article called “Die Afrikaner” 11 Feb 1987, the quarterly magazine called “Vox Africana Nr 29 4/87 stated that, South Africa had 4.8 million whites and 18.2 million blacks in 1987. The whites paid 77% of the taxes and the blacks only 15%…despite this…56% of the government budget was spent on blacks. See eg: THE REAL STORY OF APARTHEID - APARTHEID.shtml See also: South Africa Demise of White Heritage - Heritage.shtml 70,000 Whites Murdered in ‘Modern’ South Africa; Obama’s African Legacy - Modern-South-Africa-Obama-s-African-Legacy.shtml South Africa: 20 years of apartheid by another name - apartheid-by-anot

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Political Information Dec 9, 2019 - Diversity is Our Strength This 10' 42" video was published by Paul Joseph Watson on Dec 6, 2019: True US History Dec 9, 2019 - ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’: Jewish Groups Pushing Cross-Dressing Psychopaths on Children Political Information Dec 9, 2019 - The Panopticon Expands

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Dec 9, 2019 - How US Think Tanks Reshape the World We Live In Political Information Dec 9, 2019 - NATO Seeking To "Dominate The World" & Eliminate Competitors: Russia's Lavrov True US History Dec 9, 2019 - Psy Ops Goes Mainstream (fixed audio) This 49' 54" video was published by Amazing Polly on Dec 7, 2019: Ron: This is a superb video report. Human/Animal Rights Dec 9, 2019 - Pro-Abortion Pelosi's Convenient Catholicism Pelosi doesn't hate Trump, which is why she continues to bear false witness against him, participating in a kangaroo court proceeding based on hearsay and presumption. Why is it that you care about children killed by a gun and not for an unborn child killed by forceps or a suction machine or a shot of poison to the heart? Why do you care about children said to be seeking a better life in America when you want to deny American children the right to life, that unalienable right the Founders you so dearly love wrote about in the Declaration of Independence? The unborn have dreams, too, before they are ripped from their mother's wombs. Daniel J Sobieski True US History Dec 9, 2019 - The Hidden Powers Behind the Destruction of America How else were two of the largest nations on Earth conquered so easily by Bolshevik movements funded and financed, armed and supplied, recognized and legitimized by the International Banking Cartel. Because the attention of the American people has been so dramatically directed to the Soviet threat over many decades and up to this very day, much energy has been generated to sustain that false narrative. There really is no Russian bear waiting to gobble US up. What there really is, however, is a very powerful and wealthy group of political fanatics and religious fundamentalists known as Jewish and Christian Zionists who have always wanted to vanquish the Russian Motherland in order to steal all of its natural resources, hijack its industrial base, control its state assets and enslave its citizens... The whole world now watches and waits to see if the American Republic will become a victim of a full-blown bolshevik revolution. Certainly, there are now many armed bolsheviks within the USA whose presence was only made possible by the same Democrat cadre of coup plotters who have kept the borders open and welcomed the illegal aliens with open arms. That is undoubtedly the greatest act of treason in U.S. history by the same closeted-communist politicians who are hellbent on impeaching Trump. - S O T N

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Political Information Dec 9, 2019 - Bill Barr Indicts 8 For Illegally Funneling Foreign Money To Adam Schiff And Multiple Dem Senators Political Information Dec 8, 2019 - Pope Francis Compares Trump to Herod, Who Tried to Kill Jesus Thomas D Williams: Speaking with his brother Jesuits during his recent visit to Thailand, the Argentinian pope minced no words in his thinly veiled condemnation of the U.S. president and his administration, suggesting that like a modern-day Herod, Mr. Trump separates families at the border while allowing drugs to freely flow into the country. "In other parts there are walls that even separate children from parents. Herod comes to mind," Francis said. "Yet for drugs, there's no wall to keep them out." Ron: The Pope is not an idiot and he has the resources of the Vatican and the Catholic Church to inform his thinking. His ad hominem attack and demonisation of President Trump is therefore deliberate and culpably false. The Pope's words are typically Talmudic and echo the LIES of his cultural Marxist US Democratic fellow travellers and the US Deep State. Herod ordered the murder of infants whereas Trump is attempting to prevent abortion and infanticide. The Pope's condemnation is typical Talmudic (Bolshevik) projection. For instance Lenin is reported to have said: 'always accuse your opponents of what you are doing. The Pope's lies add insult to injury by blaming Trump and his Administration for the US system of seperation of children from their illegal immigrant parents in border detention facilities established by the Democratic Obama Administration. Moreover, had the Democrats allowed funding for a border wall the number of illegal immigrants and their children would have been drastically reduced. Also, another reason for seperating AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 47 children in US border facilities is that many illegal immigrants are using (ie trafficking) children in their attempts to illegally enter the US. Trump is strongly opposing child trafficking across the border and within the US. The Pope MUST know this and his smearing of Trump in this way is despicable. The Pope's final lying insult is his charge that Trump is allowing drugs to freely flow into the US! Again, Blind Freddie would know that Trump is strenuously resisting drug trafficking both into and within the US. THAT, and his interdiction of child trafficking, is a major reason why the Deep State in the US and globally is seeking to remove him by impeachment or asassination. Thomas D Williams: "The phenomenon of migration is compounded by war, hunger and a ‘defensive mindset,' which makes us in a state of fear believe that you can defend yourself only by strengthening borders. Ron: Which is it?! Either Trump's attempt to strengthen US borders to limit drug and child trafficking is valid OR it is not. Thomas D Williams: In this Q&A session, the pontiff also proposed that the rise of populism is at the root of migrants' problems in Europe. Populism means that people seek to protect the laws, customs, traditions and ways of life that define their community. WHAT IS WRONG WTH THAT?! Thomas D Williams: "The phenomenon of refugees has always existed, but today it is better known because of social differences, hunger, political tensions and especially war. For these reasons, migratory movements are intensifying," he said. Ron: Actually the main reason that refugee flows are intensifying is that George Soros and global Jewry and its paid shabbos NGO enablers are funding and assisting hordes of economic migrants to invade the EU, UK and US and othe ranglo nations. Thomas D Williams: The notorious cruelty of some detention centers in Libya touches my heart." Ron: REALLY?! Sooo WHY didn't the Pope and the Catholic Church oppose NATO's bombing, invasion and destruction of Libya, the richest nation in Africa back in 2011?! And WHY didn't the Pope speak out against the murder of President Muammar Gaddifi, the enlightened and Christed leader of Libya??? Gaddifi's Libya was Europe's bulwark against terrorist incursions into the EU from North Africa. The detention centres and slave markets in Libya today are the direct result of NATO's invasion and total destruction of Libya including the Eigth Wonder of our world namely the Great Man Made River irrigation system that NATO bombed! See eg: Libya Touts Great Man-Made River as 8th Wonder of the World - Made-River-as-8th-Wonder-of-the-World.shtml Thomas D Williams: "The Christian tradition has a rich evangelical experience in dealing with the problem of refugees. We also remember the importance of welcoming the foreigner as the Old Testament teaches us," he said. Ron: Actually Jesus' Sermon on the Mount and his parables and exhortation that we need to learn to love our neighbour (everyone and everything) AS ourselves FOR the love of God, is the truly relevant teaching in this context. The Old Testament is the Torah which is a Pharisaic political ideology concocted by Levites and rabbis who plagiarised earlier Sumarian spiritual stories in order to exploit and enslave Judahites. The Torah should not be incorporated into the Bible which is supposed to be (but in AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 48 many respects isn't) the teachings of Jesus the Christ. Jesus came to teach divine truths lost over millenia and corrupted by Pharisees and others. Jesus did not intend to establish a religion and didn't. The Christian religion was concocted by Pharisees who influenced Roman emperors to create it as a means to corrupt and destroy Jesus' teachings. See eg: Judaism and Christianity - Two Thousand Years of Lies - 60 Years of State Terrorism - Christianity---Two-Thousand-Years-of-Lies---60-Years-of-State-Terrorism.shtml Clearly the Pope is corrupting Jesus' teachings. Environment/Science Dec 8, 2019 - Hemp Batteries Are More Powerful Than Lithium and Graphene, Study Shows Political Information Dec 8, 2019 - The Plan, Run The Financial System Over The Edge To Drain The Financial Swamp: Bix Weir This 38' 56" video was published by X22Report Spotlight on Dec 7, 2019: True US History Dec 8, 2019 - Global “Day Of Reckoning” Arrives With Trump Towering Over Entire World Rosie Dec 8, 2019 - Repost: Seraphin Message 196: FROM MONEY TO AUTHENTICITY

This is a repost of Seraphin Message 196, from the PROPHESY series. In view of the increasing commercialisation and desecration of Christmas, which has very little to do with the birth of the one we call the CHRIST, it is imperative that we reflect on this aspect of society, which we have created and permitted to enslave us. For the whole messge, see inside. Here is an excerpt: "Later, when you are well acquainted with and adjusted to the new system, you will reminisce about the era of money. You will realise the absurdity of paying money for a bunch of flowers (you will realise the even greater absurdity of paying a plane and pilot to bring you those flowers from exotic climes, preventing the native population from growing food instead). You will realise the absurdity of discussing your finances for hours, the absurdity of fighting over wills or inheritances, and the absurdity of asking for a rise. You will raise YOURSELVES above all these discussions and move into a new framework based on the VALUES OF THE HEART. The only thing you will have in your BANK ACCOUNT, with which you can “pay” others, is helpfulness, generosity, love, gratitude, understanding, a listening ear or an offer of assistance. There will be less that you HAVE TO DO, and more awareness of your own CHOICE OF PURSUIT. Yet always must you be aware of the cosmic law: what you give, you will receive." Political Information Dec 8, 2019 - Folau’s verdict a ‘significant victory’ for free speech This 8' 44" video was published by Sky News Australia on Dec 7, 2019: Political Information Dec 8, 2019 - The world economy ‘would collapse’ if it followed the ‘Greta Thunberg approach’ This 8' 59" video was published by Sky News Australia on Dec 4, 2019: AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 49

Political Information Dec 8, 2019 - Fireside Chat - Lights in the Darkness This 19' 12" video was published by amazing Polly on Nov 27, 2019: Political Information Dec 7, 2019 - Actors Are Pretty Stupid says Sir Anthony Hopkins – and they prove him right every single day True US History Dec 7, 2019 - Why Is Our Society Degrading So Badly, So Fast ? Other Spiritual Pieces Dec 7, 2019 - Video of Boy With Downs Syndrome Comforting His Autistic Friend Goes Viral Education Dec 7, 2019 - Who’s Behind Drag Queen Story Hour ? Thomas Muller: Besides funding and backing LGBT activism and the Race Industry, a large portion of the Zellerbach Family Foundation's operating budget is devoted to encouraging mass immigration and refugee resettlement into the United States. [Ron: WHY?!]. Ron: Ask yourself: Why are Jews who constitute less than 1.8% of USans, advocating LGBTQism and spending lots of money propagandising USans in the art of gender fluidity and queerdom etc? WHY aren't they living in their professed and essentially apartheid homeland and advocating such morally, socially and politically destructive attitudes and behaviours there?! Political Information Dec 7, 2019 - Putin and the ‘Biden Memorial Pipeline’ to China A little discussed parallel development tied to the construction of the Power of Siberia pipeline is Gazprom's decision to build Russia's largest gas-processing chemical facility, the Amur Gas Processing Plant, or the Amur GPP. The Amur GPP is the largest construction project in Russia's Far East, a $14 billion complex near Svobodny on the Zeya River in Amur Oblast, some 170 kilometers from the gas pipeline's China connection point. The Amur GPP scale is enormous, the size of 1,100 football fields. F. William Engdahl True US History Dec 7, 2019 - Democrats Are Pushing America Into Civil War True US History Dec 7, 2019 - Trial Of Mafia Boss Killer Linked To Trump Exposes Epstein-Mossad Satanic Orgy Readied For Democrat Party Elite Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen Dec 7, 2019 - Nederlands: VERBORGEN GOUD: WOORDEN VAN BEMOEDIGING SERAPHIN BOODSCHAP 397 door Rosie Rosie Dec 7, 2019 - Seraphin Message 397: HIDDEN GOLD: WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT We are here to remind you that you are actually NUGGETS OF GOLD, hiding on the forest floor, covered by piles of dead leaves, waiting for that almighty GUST OF WIND which the “celestial weather forecasters” have promised you. Some of you have cut yourselves off from this feeling that you are sacred, a manifester of the Divine, AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 50 and although you know it in your hearts, there is so much OUTSIDE OF YOURSELVES which contradicts the existence of such “holiness within”. Some have partitioned themselves off, putting up fences to prevent themselves becoming completely overtaken by “evil” sources and propaganda. Others have avoided the “mud”, walking only where their path is dry, so that they are not dragged down into the slime, and so that they can progress faster. Yet others are like bare, seemingly dead branches, yet even they hold the vast potential which SPRING will further. They will, under the RIGHT CONDITIONS, burst into magnificent bloom. True US History Dec 7, 2019 - Ukraine Was the Origin of the Trump-Russia Collusion Hoax True US History Dec 7, 2019 - “Shadow Banning” Is Written Into Twitter’s New Terms Political Information Dec 7, 2019 - Marianne Williamson Is Right: We Need a Spiritual Awakening—and a Real Investigation of 9/11 Kevin Barrett: Unlike Trump, Williamson is not an airhead. Ron: I disagree. President Trump is NOT an airhead. He was a chess grand master at age 40 and is obviously a very stable genius. Kevin Barrett: Trump even went so far as to say "elect me and you'll find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center," indicating that it was the Saudis. That may have been a half-truth, or less, but a half-truth is better than none. Ron: Trump knows the truth and will eventually enable the truth to come out. But, like so much other devastating information, that can only be made fully public when USans are sufficiently awake to accept it. Kevin Barrett: Marianne Williamson's references to The New Pearl Harbor, WTC-7, and Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth invoke reason and the dispassionate search for empirical truth. They are not designed for political advantage or self-aggrandizement. Her approach is the exact opposite of Trump's. Ron: I disagree. Trump is slowly familarising USans with the truth about all aspects of the Talmudic Deep State while draining the US and global swamp and preparing to eliminate the Federal Reserve System and the Rothschilds' controlled global banking system AND usurious commercial banking. Kevin Barrett: The widespread sense that the USA is on the wrong track, and that things are getting worse, led to the election of nostalgia-monger . Ron: I disagree. This is a naive assessment of Trump and publication of such sentiments hinders his mission to cleanse the US and our world of demonic Talmudism. Kevin Barrett: The deeper source of our malaise is the decline of private and public morality. Trump, far from offering a solution to that problem, is actually its most prominent symptom. Ron: This author is misguided and naive. President Trump is a Christed individual and his mission is to rid the US and our world of demonic control which is especially apparent in Talmudism and its diabolical cultural Marxist ideological excrescence. Trump's mission is part of a Christed Triodity in association with Presidents Putin and Xi Jinping. The Triodity's mission is undertaken for Christ Michael Aton who, as the creator of this universe, is here to take back control of this planet. That mission is part of the Millennial Realm that commenced on 5 February of this year and is nearing completion. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 51

Kevin Barrett: The materialist worldview, with its Darwinian approach to life, insists that the winner is the strongest and cleverest competitor, and that what fools call morality is just an impediment to winning. For Darwinian materialists, there is no such thing as morality. For them "morality" is just confusion, emotional nonsense that grows out of kin selection i.e. gene-based pseudo-altruism. Ron: Darwinian materialism is a Talmudic meme foisted upon oue world by neo-Pharisees along with the Pharisaic religious concoction known as the Christian religion. See eg: THE SCIENTIFIC CASE FOR GOD (Part One) - FOR-GOD-Part-One.shtml Complex Integration : The Fatal Flaw of "Evolution". See: Integration.shtml E DARWINIAN MYTH OF THE 'SIMPLE SINGLE CELL' See: OF-THE-SIMPLE-SINGLE-CELL.shtml Kevin Barrett: Trump-an egomaniacal blithering idiot who has succeeded in amassing wealth and power not thanks to brains or skill, but due to his ruthless and obsessive win-at-all-costs approach to deal-making-is a prime example of how materialist social Darwinism leads to psychopathy. Ron: I disagree. Trump is neither an egomaniac nor a blithering idiot and he is certainly not a psychopath. This author appear to have accepted the cultural Marxist smear propaganda and lies about him which are projections by his cultural Marxist opponents promulgated 24/7/52 by the Jew controlled MSM and most of Congress, academia and the fascist bankster cum corporate world he is defanging as we speak. Kevin Barrett: let us merely note in passing that "God rewards good and punishes evil with perfect justice" is a simpler version of "Truth/Reality is absolute Oneness, so whatever you do to the other you are doing to yourself." Ron: This author is mistaken in thinking that "God rewards good and punishes evil with perfect justice". Esu Immanuel (aka Jesus the Christ) taught that the Creator (God) is love and that the ultimate evidence of that love is that God gifts ensouled human beings (HUmans) with personality and free will and then allows them to to experience physicality without interference. That means that God DOES NOT "reward" or "punish" or dispense "justice" to anyone. HUmans are sovereign spiritual entities responsible for their own lives and spiritual evolvement. That necessarily entails being responsible for their thoughts, actions and inactions, when actions are morally necessary. It also means that God does not judge us. We judge ourselves. Be aware also that we start our incarnational journey in physicality in total ignorance and must learn from experience. HUmans require myriad incarnations to learn from mistakes (inappropriately and pejoratively called "sins") and to gradually evolve in wisdom and love to become like God in order to eventually meet with the Creator in Paradise. Thereafter HUman spirits return to the Creation to assist on its administration and perfection. Kevin Barrett: The psychopaths have an advantage in this world, where God says they will be allowed to enjoy themselves for a certain period of time before ultimately facing perfect justice.

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Ron: HUmans choose their own fate. Psychopathic behaviour results in the human personality (mind/soul) losing its God spark connection and if that connection is not reestablished the individual ceases to be immortal. That is not the imposition of "justice" but simply an individual choice to not accept love as the only reality. Political Information Dec 7, 2019 - Polish politician makes ‘gun’ gesture at Trump’s back True US History Dec 6, 2019 - Trump Opens Door For Staggering $500 Million Lawsuit Against Obama Law Firms That Aided Hillary Clinton Environment/Science Dec 6, 2019 - China’s Gene-Edited Baby Experiment Created Unintended Mutations Political Information Dec 6, 2019 - Blame Others, Not Trump, For NATO's Divisions Health and Nutrition Dec 6, 2019 - The World Has Gone Bananas

Political Information Dec 6, 2019 - What The "Expert" Panel Should Have Told You About Impeachment... But Didn't Political Information Dec 6, 2019 - "Floodgates Are Open" - German Banks Start Charging Retail Savers Ron: Currency, ie USD and other fiat debt tokens, are worthless (being mere digits typed into computers) and should be seen as such. Ideally "money"should not be "worth" anything. Why? Because currency or other forms of money should not be issued at interest (usury) and used as a store of value which can be hoarded and used to control, manipulate or impoverish people. Money, in whatever form it takes, should be used as a tool to facilitate the creation and exchange of real wealth, namely goods and services, and NOT as a store of value. That means that "money"should not attract interest

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(usury) and hence it should not be accumulated and stored (ie taken out of circulation) excessively. IF communities and nations, as appropriate, properly issue and regulate the use of sufficient "money" to ensure that social intercourse and commerce is adequately catered for, there will be no need for privately owned Central and commercial banks as we know them. Banks will become more like post offices holding people's money in accounts for safe keeping only, and charging small fees for that service. Ideally "money" issued by appropriate publicly owned authorities that are properly operated, controlled and audited, should only be issued and equitably distributed in such quantities as are needed to adequately use available human and physical resources. If that is done there would be NO inflation, ie NO devaluation of "money", and no need to hoard or gamble with it. Negative interest rates are NOT crazy. They are a rectifying mechanism. They are the result of the fact that fiat "money" systems are PONZI schemes that have a limited viable life before they implode because of inevitable excessive debt loads preventing their continuance. Ideally, to ensure that "money" circulates freely, ie at a high exchange velocity, currency should be issued with a 'use by' date such that its face value is reduced by a small annual percentage. This would increase its velocity of exchanga and prevent hoarding. in effect this mechanism would be the equivalent of a negative interest rate. Appropriate mechanisms for organisations needing to hold funds for lengthy periods to be able to recoup the full face value of monies being held beyond their 'use by' dates would also need to be available. Negative interest rates signal that "money" should not be worth anything and presage the end of the current Central Banking fiat money system. When that happens the financial industry will not merely shrink, it will virtually disappear in its current form. In its current form, the banking cum financial industry is totally dysfunctional. Commercial banks are obtaining enormous amounts of fiat "money" from Central Banks at near zero or negative interest rates and using it to jack up stock market prices to ridiculous levels and gambling on futures and derivatives that have reached obscene levels. Tyler Durden: Oswald Gruebel, who served as Credit Suisse CEO from 2004 to 2007 and as UBS Group AG's top executive from 2009 to 2011, has slammed ECB policy in an interview with Swiss newspaper NZZ am Sonntag. "Negative interest rates are crazy. That means money is not worth anything anymore," Gruebel exclaimed. "As long as we have negative interest rates, the [Ron: fraudulent, usurious, fiat debt token based] financial industry will continue to shrink." True US History Dec 6, 2019 - Part 2: Dr. Mary's Monkey.....The Classroom & Jimbo Political Information Dec 6, 2019 - FLASHBACK: $21 Trillion of US Government Undocumented Transactions Accounting rules are often thought of as boring and unimportant. In this case, it's not the case. The new FASAB ruling has enormous and highly dangerous implications for our nation. People should know about these changes so they have an opportunity to voice their concerns and reverse the decision. For investors, pension fund managers, and others who buy or hold AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 54

U.S. government bonds, caveat emptor. If the government is free to lie about what it's spending, it can also lie about how much it's borrowing. And the larger its red ink, the higher the chances it will explicitly default on its debt (an idea President Trump raised) or implicitly default on its debt by printing money to pay its bills, precipitating inflation, and paying back its debt in watered-down dollars. Laurence Kotlikoff Environment/Science Dec 6, 2019 - Mekong River Dying a Slow But Certain Death True US History Dec 6, 2019 - Nancy Pelosi’s ‘Article II’ Impeachment Rationale Exposed as Hoax Political Information Dec 6, 2019 - Saudi Arabia Retreats From The Troubles Its Clown Prince Caused Environment/Science Dec 6, 2019 - China Set To Create 10 New National Parks China will use technologies, such as integrated air-ground-space monitoring and artificial intelligence, to establish a national-level monitoring platform for national parks and achieve full coverage and comprehensive monitoring of key areas, Tian added. Environment/Science Dec 6, 2019 - Plants Emit Ultrasonic Squeals When Stressed, Recordings Reveal

Political Information Dec 6, 2019 - 70th NATO Anniversary Shows Alliance Is More Divided Then Ever Human/Animal Rights Dec 6, 2019 - The Vatican Invested Over $1 Million in Steamy Gay Elton John Biopic Political Information Dec 6, 2019 - Macron Tells NATO, Russia Must Come In From The Cold War Political Information Dec 6, 2019 - Six more countries join Trump-busting Iran barter group Political Information AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 55

Dec 6, 2019 - China Braces For December D-Day: The "Unprecedented" Default Of A Massive State-Owned Enterprise Other Spiritual Pieces Dec 6, 2019 - Come Rain, Come Shine, Come Support, or Opposition, We Will Proceed Apace. Political Information Dec 6, 2019 - 228 arrests and over 3800 money mules identified in global action against money laundering Ron: Pleasing though this information is, it appears to deal with low level money laundering, tax evasion and manipulation. The major criminality in money laundering and illegal global money transfers is undertaken by big banks and financial corporations either electronically or, if involving physical cash, via plane loads, typically done by the CIA or rogue elements of the US military. Obama's five plane loads of cash totalling several billion USD sent to Iran being a good example. This article merely chronicles window dressing by TPTW while the real mega financial criminality remains hidden behind the curtain of so-called legitimate global banking and off-shore tax havens etc. This anti-money laundering operation is analogous to what occurs with global drug smuggling and child trafficking. Global and national law enforcement agencies are used for PR purposes while eliminating the opposition to CIA and other Deep State controlled drug running, money laundering and child and people trafficking operations. You never hear about the CIA being caught drug running or child trafficking with its operatives being prosecuted do you? Drug busts and pedophile arrests are always about private syndicates that attempt to nibble away at the CIA's global operations and profits. So too, this article keeps the rest of the slaves on the global plantation thinking that governments are doing their job and eliminating criminals and hence keeping us all safe, if not wealthy. Meanwhile Epstein, Prince Andrew and their ilk usually operate unmolested even when caught red handed. And of course Obama and senior politicians, DOJ, FBI and SES personnel and national security operatives go scot free. Sooo Pilgrims, rejoice that hundreds of foolish 'money mules' have been caught and face incarceration while all billionaire oligarchs and their minions continue to impoverish humanity and destroy our planet while remaining unmolested. Political Information Dec 6, 2019 - Michael Hoffman Attacks Nostalgia for Hitler Henry Makow: Hoffman believes that Hitler does not deserve the veneration he gets from the alt right because he was delusional, leading a woefully under equipped army to inevitable defeat. Hoffman repeats this thesis again and again with sparse evidence. He claims that Stalin had no intention of attacking Europe but he ignores the fact that the Soviet armies were made vulnerable because they were in offensive formations. Stalin and Churchill had a secret agreement to attack Germany. Moreover, the Nazis could have defeated the Russians had Hitler allowed his generals free rein. Ron: Arguably Stalin DID intend to invade Germany and Western Europe. See eg: Did Adolf Hitler Save Europe From Communism? See: Europe-From-Communism.shtml AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 56

Arguably the German military could have destroyed the British expeditionary Force at Dunkirk and Le Havre in May and June 1941 but Hitler prevented that from happening. The result was that wikipedia says that the British Navy rescued and returned to Britain some 558,032 people, including 368,491 British troops. Had Hitler ordered the destruction or capture of those British troops he could have then ordered a quick invasion of Britain with probably positive results. But he didn't. It is said that Hitler spent time in Britain and was probably subject to Tavistokian type brain washing prior to his political activities in Germany. If that happened it could account for his strange behaviour in relation to Britain and his erratic and indeed fatal direction of German military forces during WWII. IMHO it may have been possible for Hitler to have been mind controlled by Britain's demonic controllers without necessarily being a conscious traitor to Germany. The fact that Hitler was subsequently unrepentant to the point of uncreation suggests that he didn'r see himself as just an illuminati agent and traitor. Henry Makow: Hoffman attributes Hitler's behavior to "magical thinking" i.e. Cabalism. Although this was a factor, Hoffman has not sullied his mind by consulting my many articles making the case that Hitler was an Allied (Illuminati) agent and a traitor. I argue that he was in cahoots with Stalin and the "Allies" to kill as many gentiles as possible and debilitate Western civilization. Ron: I agree that Hitler's policies led to what appears to have been the maximisation of the killing of gentiles but I doubt that he was a fully conscious traitor to Germany. It is also possible that Martin Bormann was an illuminati agent and traitor who was able to influence and distort Hitler's thoughts and actions. Indeed Henry Makow has suggested this. See eg: Bormann Ran Hitler for the Illuminati - the-Illuminati.shtml Henry Makow: However Hoffman has many blindspots. He seems to go out of his way to absolve Jews of blame and spread it around among the goyim. For example,he dismisses the Protocols of Zion as "cartoonish" and "probably fake." Ron: The Protocols are not a fake in that they accurately portray what has happened and continues to happen in our world. It is irrelevant who actually wrote the Protocols because they accurately reflect the reality of Talmudism and what global Jewry has actually done in the 120 years or more since they came to light. Henry Makow: ...In this perspective, gas chambers at Auschwitz seems like a moot point. It was a death camp. Ron: The Red Cross report does not support the allegation that Auschwitz was a death camp nor do the meticulously kept German camp statistics support that contention. See eg: Official Red Cross Records Show Holocaust Was a Fraud? - Show-Holocaust-Was-a-Fraud.shtml And: Official German Record of all Prisoners in Auschwitz Concentration Camp from May of 1940 through December of 1944. See: f_all_Prisoners_in_Auschwi_2737.shtml Henry Makow: No doubt this was a factor, but the reason Hitler spared Great Britain and attacked Russia, is that he was an Illuminati agent, in collusion with Stalin and Churchill, tasked with leading Germans to a catastrophe.

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Ron: Query whether Hitler really was colluding with Stalin and Hitler in the way suggested. He could have been mind controlled and deluded and/or manipulated by Bormann and drugs. Michael Hoffman: We agree to disagree on your insistence that Nazi Germany could have defeated Russia had the generals been given free rein. Defeat them with what? Non-existent bullets, tanks, fuel, spare parts-- and manpower for an army that could not replace its hundreds of thousands of dead? (See the attachment in this e-mail). Ron: Had the German High command given General Von Paulus the forces and reserves they diverted to the Caucuses and to the Moscow and Leningrad fronts during mid 1942 the Germans would have taken Stalingrad and it and the Kursk defeat could not have happened. Henry Makow: Your appraisal of the Wehrmacht flies in the face of their near victory. The fact the Nazis did not enlist the Ukrainians and Russian anti Communists but instead earned their bitter enmity is another example of Nazi-Soviet collusion. The real war is against humanity. Ron: I tend to agree with Henry Makow on these two issues. Human/Animal Rights Dec 6, 2019 - How Chick-fil-A Went Sour Education Dec 6, 2019 - New Chick-fil-A Donation Recipient Hosts Drag Queen Story Hour events Political Information Dec 5, 2019 - End of the Line: Understanding Israeli Politics Daniel Lazare: The "who's a Jew" question has bedeviled Israel from the start. Jews are not a religion because most are non-practicing. (David Ben-Gurion, Israel's first prime minister, was more comfortable in a Buddhist temple than in a synagogue.) They're not an ethnic group because European, Persian, or North African Jews have nothing in common in terms of language, cuisine, or other such markers. They're not a race because they're actually more genetically diverse than most of their neighbors. Education Dec 5, 2019 - Catholic School Board Stocks pro-LGBT Book Glamorizing kids performing ‘oral sex Ron: Are humans on this planet responsible for thoughts, actions and lives formed, formulated and mind controlled by Talmudic education and governance? Why? True US History Dec 5, 2019 - J. Nadler and his Liberal Legal Intelligentsia Sideshow True US History Dec 5, 2019 - How Seven Black Robes Changed America Forever Dave Daubenmire: Truth is fallen in the streets and only the CHURCH can get her back on her feet. The Government Is Not God!! Why don't we act like it? Ron: the CHURCH is NOT God either! The "CHURCH" has been establishe by men not God. The CHURCH is part of the problem. Ensouled human beings are indwelt by a fragment of Creator consciousness and so each one is a sovereign temple of God. God resides in individuals NOT in collectives, institutions or physical structures. See eg: Donald Trump Gets an Earful After Saying US-Italy Ties Go Back to Ancient Rome AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 58

- Earful-After-Saying-US-Italy-Ties-Go-Back-to-Ancient-Rome.shtml Political Information Dec 5, 2019 - US-Backed Opposition Plans to Return in Force to Cambodia Not only is Human Rights Watch calling on foreign governments and foreign donors to intervene in Cambodia's internal affairs, Human Rights Watch itself is a foreign front funded by foreign governments and foreign corporate-funded foundations...... Other organisations funded by the US government operating inside Cambodia include Licadho, which is funded by both the UK government and the US via USAID. It also includes Radio Free Asia and Voice of America, both of which are funded by the US government and overseen by the Broadcasting Board of Governors chaired by US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo himself. There is also the Cambodian Center for Independent Media, funded by NED subsidiaries Freedom House and IRI as well as the British Embassy and convicted financial criminal George Soros' Open Society Foundation which also provides funding to Human Rights Watch. Joseph Thomas True US History Dec 5, 2019 - Crunchtime: When Events Outrun Plan B Ron: This is why the Triodity has to organise a plan ... Q to eliminate the Rothschilds' Central Banks and their usurious commercial banking system as well as RESETTING the global monetary system including a debt Jubilee. Health and Nutrition Dec 5, 2019 - The Average Person Will Watch Over 78,000 Hours Of Television “Programming” Over The Course Of A Lifetime True US History Dec 5, 2019 - The Destruction Of American Liberty

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True US History Dec 5, 2019 - The Delusions Of The Impeachment Witnesses Point To A Larger Problem Political Information Dec 5, 2019 - The Most Enduring Media Cover Up Ron: Dunno about you Pilgrims, but I'm getting fed up with the nauseating support for the Israeli entity emanating from President Trump and his Administration. Alison Weir: One of the main things is that we are directly related to the conflict. We give Israel massive amounts of money. This is per capita on average 7,000 times more than we give other people. One of the other things is that many people are unaware that Israel was established in my lifetime, that when I was born there was no Israel. There was a region called Palestine that had been there called Palestine for really millennia. Many intelligent and knowledgeable people are not aware of what Israel Palestine is about, that basically Israel was established through warfare. It was not established by the United Nations, another misconception. It was established by a war of ethnic cleansing. That's what we now term that type of war. It's the title of an excellent book by an Israeli historian Ilan Pappe, so, the very foundation of Israel is very different than people realize... Your point of hearing jets flying over to bomb Gaza is very significant. People don't know that here we have one of the most powerful militaries on the planet, largely due to our tax money and often US weaponry, fighting against a population that has no Air Force, no Navy, no aircraft, no helicopter gunships. The disparity is astounding and the media try to call it a war. A war is between two military forces. That's not what we have when we look at Gaza and Israeli forces. Ron: A real comparison would be to consider what would have been the effects of the German military periodically bombing and strafing the Warsaw Ghetto or Auschwitz for years on end. Gaza and the Palestinian enclaves on the West Bank are by far the biggest concentration prison camps in known history. Political Information Dec 5, 2019 - Can Truth Be Our Future ? In the days of print media, it wasn't possible to demonize a writer. Letters to the editor had to have a point and could not rely on ad hominum attack, although such attacks sometimes occurred. But anyone can create a website and begin demonizing people. Demonizers also have access to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube--as long as they demonize those whose demonization is approved of by the ruling Establishment. Truth, however, is almost totally missing from the world created by the Digital Revolution, a great castrophe for mankind. I am almost convinced that the digital revolution means the death of truth. Truth will become a myth like the Unicorn. On this website and a few others-the percentage of sites that are honest and reliable is very small-you can still get some of the truth. I try not to make mistakes, but in a world in which truth is not respected, it is a challenge to be truthful as truthful information necessary to write truthfully is suppressed. I can confidently say that unless it is an announcement of a traffic accident (terrorist unrelated) or the death of some notable person, everything you read and hear from NPR and the print and TV media is false. The "news" is propaganda designed to control

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 60 explanations to serve the agendas of the ruling elites. The "news" is nothing else. The "news" is extremely hostile to truth and to those who speak it. We all live in The Matrix. I am still escaping from it. Recently, I have been sharing with readers my escape from the long ago WW II lies taught to me as a child. These lies are so institutionalized that I doubt that most Americans-and even Germans-will ever be able to free themselves from them. Think about that for a minute. The outlook of the human population is formed by lies, and these lies are so much a part of them that they cannot escape from them... Who values truth in a world when a man can declare himself a women and be permitted to compete against women in female sports? How can it be that when prominent female sports stars complain of this farce that they have to apologize for offending the self- declared "transgenered" person? Are we experiencing a new form of decadence far worst than Sodom and Gomorrah, worst than the declining days of Rome? Who values truth when some non-entity can close down truth by declaring that it offends them? - Paul Craig Roberts True US History Dec 5, 2019 - Pro Tip: Mentally Replace All Uses of “Conspiracy Theorist” With “Iraq Rememberer” Political Information Dec 5, 2019 - Iran discovered that over 100 violent protesters were "pay for play" Other Spiritual Pieces Dec 5, 2019 - "This is how The World, The Devil and The Deep Blue Sea operate in the Kaleidoscope of Enchantments." The time in which we are presently here is a remarkable occasion. Times like these and the opportunities available, come round at rare intervals. It is possible in these times to make spiritual progress that would not be possible at another time. Will you avail yourself of this precious moment? Time will tell and we shall see. Angels unseen, await the chance to assist you. Once the commitment has been made, all the forces of good will rush to your side. Perhaps I am just a voice, howling in the wilderness of personal delusion. Better men than me, by far, have said much the same thing. There is something within us that KNOWS the truth of this. It is that very something that is speaking right now through your humble servant. Les Visible Health and Nutrition Dec 5, 2019 - FKTV: "Castration, Inc: Planned Parenthood and the Business of Transgenderism" Political Information Dec 5, 2019 - VIDEO of Christmas Market in Damascus Shows the Side of Syria you won’t see in Western media Political Information Dec 5, 2019 - From Russia With Sense: Putin Says ‘Nyet’ to PC Radicals Replacing ‘Mothers’ and ‘Fathers True US History Dec 5, 2019 - Convicted Pedophile Charged for Illegally Funneling Money to Groups Linked to Hillary Clinton Human/Animal Rights

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Dec 5, 2019 - Study: UK's Six Richest People Control as Much Wealth as Poorest 13 Million The richest six are: the Indian brothers Gopichand and Srichand Hinduja, who control a conglomerate of businesses, including cars and banks, and top the table with a £12.8bn fortune; Sir Jim Ratcliffe, the chairman and chief executive of the chemicals company Ineos, with £9.2bn; the hedge fund manager Michael Platt, who has an estimated £6.1bn; and the property developer brothers David and Simon Reuben, whose net worth is estimated at £5.7bn each. The estimates are based on wealth reports produced by Forbes magazine and Credit Suisse. - Rupert Neale Ron: Really?! Why no mention of the Rothschilds? Education Dec 5, 2019 - UK Schools Directed to Massively Incorporate Gay, Trans Themes for kids as young as 5 Health and Nutrition Dec 5, 2019 - Don’t Look, Don’t See: Time for Honest Media Reporting on Impacts of Pesticides Human/Animal Rights Dec 5, 2019 - As Australia Bushfires Rage, People Knit Mittens for Burnt Koalas and Raise Nearly $2 Million in Aid

Human/Animal Rights Dec 4, 2019 - World's Largest Animal Sacrifice Underway In Nepal This killing festival peaked in 2009 when an estimated 500,000 animals were ritually slaughtered. This figure fell dramatically in 2014 to around 30,000, largely due to protests by local and international animal rights groups. Paul Murano Human/Animal Rights Dec 4, 2019 - Gassed to Death: Bhopal Tragedy is Hard For India to Live Down Even after 35 Years Political Information AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 62

Dec 4, 2019 - Jeffrey Epstein's Private Banker at Deutsche & Citi found Swinging From a Rope; executive 'suicide' just before FBI was to question him Political Information Dec 4, 2019 - Sharing Rioting Tips? Ukrainian neo-Nazi ‘tourists’ Spotted Amid Hong Kong Protests They called them symbols of Slavic paganism in a comment to Free Hong Kong Center (FHKC), which describes itself as an "independent Ukrainian informational project." According to the FHGC, it was just a trip of a "small group of young Ukrainian guys," who are not involved with any far-right movements, but just happen to hold views that are "close to be right (sic) and very pro-Ukrainian, but it does not mean something bad." RT Political Information Dec 4, 2019 - Jonathan Turley: No Bribery, No Obstruction in Trump’s Actions True US History Dec 4, 2019 - 63 Million Americans vs. 3 Liberal Professors The White House: But there was one expert that Democrats probably wish wasn't on the House floor today. Legal scholar Jonathan Turley, who says he isn't a Trump supporter and didn't vote for the President, highlighted everything wrong with Democrats' sham process with just one line.

If you impeach this President, Turley said, "It is an abuse of power. It's your abuse of power," he told Congressional Democrats.

"My personal views of President Trump are as irrelevant to my impeachment testimony as they should be to your impeachment vote," he said to the House Judiciary Committee panel. "I'm concerned about lowering impeachment standards to fit a paucity of evidence and an abundance of anger." True US History Dec 4, 2019 - Attorney General Barr Is Already Declassifying Key SpyGate Evidence True US History Dec 4, 2019 - Empire, Intervention, and the Intentional Sacrifice of U.S. Soldiers Human/Animal Rights Dec 4, 2019 - Violence and the State

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Many white South Africans have been in South Africa longer than most Americans have been in America. Second, the dominant black ethnic group, the Bantus, doesn't have a strong claim to most of the land in South Africa - the Khoisans would, but they sold it to the Boers or had it conquered by the British. This is as if the U.S. government started seizing land from white families in upstate New York traditionally belonging to the Iroquois and giving it out to the Cherokee. The first concentration camps were built for Boers. Not just any Boers, but primarily the wives and children of Boer Commandos (irregular guerilla troops) fighting the British Empire. The strategy was simple: Lock up their women and children, and they will lose their will to fight... The elephant in the room at all times was an overwhelming increase in the crime rate. The term "rape gate" entered popular parlance as South Africans installed panic room doors on their bedrooms. Crime is the main reason for emigration from South Africa. The 2013 murder rate was seven times that of the United States, the 11th highest in the world. Between 2005 and 2015, over 200,000 South Africans were murdered - this in a country of about 50 million. There were over 17,000 murders in 2013 alone. Compare this to just over 14,000 in the United States during the same year, despite the fact that South Africa's population is approximately equivalent to two states - California and Texas. -

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True US History Dec 4, 2019 - The International Zionist Conspiracy Jewish power in America and elsewhere must never be discussed unless it is a discussion involving only Jews, who openly recognize and appreciate the phenomenon. Weiss notes how "Israel lobbyists themselves extol Jewish political power in the U.S. as Israel's lifeline for money and arms and diplomatic protection" and quotes Michael Koplow of the Israel Policy Forum, who boasts how "I have no qualms about pointing out that the American Jewish community is almost certainly the most influential minority community in the history of the U.S., and possibly in the history of the world. American Jews have worked hard to make it so, and have built a network of outward-facing institutions that protect this privileged position."...... Beyond all that, if one doubts the power of the Jewish/Israel lobby internationally, note one of the first actions undertaken by the new coup government in Bolivia. It has moved to reestablish diplomatic relations with Israel as a top priority. Brazil also sought a closer relationship with Israel after conservative Jair Bolsonaro was elected president and pledged to visit the Jewish state, a promise which he carried out in March. Everyone in the world understands that the way to gain favor with Washington is to go through Israel. Environment/Science Dec 4, 2019 - 3D-Printed Home Can Be Constructed For Under $4,000 This 3' 12" video was published by Tech Insider on Mar 18, 2018: Barbara: I had already seen this video and I was very excited and I still excite the houses in 3D ..... but they will be useful in the future world, with another "socio- economic system" in place. I say this because I have made some considerations based on the reality in which I am currently inserted.

The house in the video is 650 square feet = about 60 square meters. Let's assume that

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 65 all the land on which it is laid is 500 square meters, since around the house there is land / garden. So, in the town where I live, for 500 square meters of building land you need about 100,000 euros to which must be added a whole series of costs for urbanization (sewerage, wiring, electricity and telephone / internet and gas), plus municipal taxes, registration costs to the regional land registry, costs for technicians (architect or surveyor) that by law must be taken on to file the project and direct the construction work ... etc. ... etc. ... that is still thousands and thousands of euros. Conclusion, how much would that house cost me in the end?

Ps: Ah, I've forgotten the bureaucratic times that are endless....let's say from 12 to 24 months (depending on the political flag of the mayor) against 24 hours to build the house. Ron: It's time to eliminate the Talmudic governance meme Pilgrims! Soverign individuals and communities MUST start to run their own affairs free of government planning and bureaucratic RED TAPE at every level of life. Current estimates indicate that government bureaucracies consume 15%-20% of all production in Western nations. That of course doesn't include the time and expense expended by sovereign individuals having to meet cosmically unlawful and unnecessary licencing, regulation and planning requirements or the unlawful fines and confiscations etc levied by government agencies for everything from vehicle travel, housing and child rearing, health and education. Environment/Science Dec 4, 2019 - Scientists Invent Method to Turn CO2 Into Solid Carbon – Report Ron: This process may be similar to the gans production process developed by the Keshe Foundation. Political Information Dec 4, 2019 - Confronting Changing Geopolitical Realities Human/Animal Rights Dec 4, 2019 - These Parking Lots Turn Into Safe Havens for Homeless People at Night, With Spectacular Results Political Information Dec 4, 2019 - Holocausts of the Race-Hating Liberal Left True US History Dec 4, 2019 - Hillary Clinton Money Launderers And Key Mueller Witness Slammed With 53 Count Federal Criminal Indictment

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Environment/Science Dec 4, 2019 - Solar Plant Turns Ocean Water Into Drinking Water for 35,000 People a Day in Kenya Human/Animal Rights Dec 4, 2019 - Private Emails Show Prince Andrew Knew About Victim He Denied Meeting Other Spiritual Pieces Dec 4, 2019 - Does Satan Exist? This 28' 44" video was published by Amazing Polly on Dec 3, 2019: Political Information Dec 4, 2019 - Doing God's Work Political Information Dec 4, 2019 - Germany Is The Rotten Heart Of Europe Tom Luongo: It may anger my German readers to hear this but, again, if you didn't think this was the plan by some all along, to colonize countries like Greece that couldn't be conquered militarily in WWII, then you can't also see why the rest of Europe is becoming angry. Ron: The JOOS' defamation and demonisation of Gemans seems endless. Germany has not been a sovereign nation since May 1945. Since then JOOS have dominated and controlled Germany politically, socially and economically and they use it as a milch cow for Israel and global Jewry. The EU is essentially a Talmudic construction designed to dominate, control, plunder and impoverish Germany and through it, ALL of Europe. The EU is meant to effectuate the JOOish colonisation of Europe and the UK as part of the Tribe's plan to enslave the whole planet and its inhabitants under its New World Order, One World Government. Pretending that Germany, and by necessary implication, the German volk, are responsible for the machinations of the EU and its political and economic policies is just typical of JOOish propaganda and Talmudic divide and conquer methodology. Political Information Dec 4, 2019 - Ukrainian neo-Nazis Flock to the Hong Kong Protest Movement

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Political Information Dec 4, 2019 - The Clintons Vacationed Extensively at Epstein’s New Mexico ‘Baby- Making Ranch’: Report Environment/Science Dec 4, 2019 - Study Estimates Sharks and Manta Rays Consuming Up To 137 Plastic Pieces Per Hour Political Information Dec 4, 2019 - Will Drones Push The Middle East Past The Point Of No Return? Human/Animal Rights Dec 3, 2019 - COPPA Will End YouTube As We Know It & Protect Pedophiles - Max Igan Ron: If not NOW then WHEN? IF President Trump's control of the US Executive Branch and the US military for almost three years isn't enough for the Universe to prevent the demonic silencing of Youtube and the internet, how much longer do the inhabitants of Gaia have to wait? IF the Talmudists remove the ability of truth tellers to use YouTube and the Internet in January 2020 what are we supposed to do? Send smoke signals?! I doubt that lecturing humanity about its ignorance and stupidity will make much difference after that. This 55' 30" video was published by thecrowhouse on Nov 29. 2019: Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Episode 400 - American Voice Radio, November 29th, 2019 - "The illusion of freedom will continue for as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will take down the scenery, move the tables and chairs out of the way, then they will pull back the curtains and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater." - Frank Zappa

"Who controls the past controls the future, who controls the present controls the past." - George Orwell

When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty and there is nothing to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader. - Plato

"I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.” - Richard Feynman

“I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside.” - Rumi

Universal Law/sovereign law trumps all others.

1. No man or woman, in or out of government shall initiate force, threat of force or fraud against my life and property and, any and all contracts Im a party to not giving full disclosure to me whether signed by me or not are void at my discretion. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 68

2. I may use force in self-defense against anyone that violates Law 1.

3. There shall be no exceptions to Laws 1 and 2.

TURN OFF YOUR TELEVISION! THROW AWAY YOUR SMART PHONE! True US History Dec 3, 2019 - Trump Impeachment Coup Crashes World Markets As Global Leaders Watch In Horror Political Information Dec 3, 2019 - Press Oracles Hope to Resurrect the Cronkite Age, When They Controlled the News Political Information Dec 3, 2019 - The Deep State, the IMF and the Fleecing of Ukraine Despite the fact that nearly everyone involved in this process is Jewish, the American media always has trouble with the truth when it comes to reporting these events honestly. It's interesting then that the two leading newspapers in Israel have noticed that the impeachment of Donald Trump is a Jewish operation! Israeli writer Israel Shamir writes, "The soul or the engine behind the impeachment is Adam Schiff; next is the Chief Interrogator Daniel Sachs Goldman" with his impressive tribal roots, and last but not least this century's best example of a "Doctor Evil" type character, George Soros. - Patrick J McShay Ron: Poroshenko's pretence to identify with Bandera was a subterfuge to conceal the truth that the Kiev putsch in Febrary 2014 was a Jews' COUP supported by US money and other assistance, similar to the Bolshevik COUP mislabelled as the Russian Revolution in 1917. Some of the Jews who originally gained power in that putsch were: President-Poroshenko (Vlatsman) - Jew President Turchinov (Kogan) - Jew Prime Minister - Yatsenyuk (Buckeye) - Jew Minister of Finance - Alexander Shlapak - Jew Secretary of national security and Defence - Andrew Parubiy- Jew Vice Prime Minister - Vladimir Groisman - a Jew Interior Minister Arsen Avakov - Armenian Jew Minister of Culture - Sergei Nischuk - Jew Mason - Director of the National Bank - Stepan Kubiv - Jew Head of the Administration of President - Sergey Pashinskiy- Jew The main presidential candidates from the opposition were: Yulia Tymoshenko (Celia Kapitelman) - Jewish Vitali Klitschko (Etinzon) - a Jew by his father Oleg Tyagnibok (Frotman) - a Jew mom Dmitry (Avdimou) Yarosh - Jew Hasid See also this list of the falsely alleged nazi-regime in Kiev: President - Poroshenko (Valtsman) - Jew. - and. o. President Turchinov (Kogan) - Jew. - Prime Minister - Yatsenyuk (Buckeye) - Jew. - The Minister of Finance - Alexander AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 69

Shlapak- Jew. - Secretary of national security and Defence - Andrew Parubiy- Jew - Vice Prime Minister - Vladimir Groisman - a Jew. - Interior Minister Arsen Avakov - Armenian Jew - Minister of Culture - Sergei Nischuk - Jew, Mason - Director of the National Bank - Stepan Kubiv - Jew. - Head of the Administration of President - Sergey Pashinskiy- Jew. The main presidential candidates from the opposition: - Julia Tymoshenko (Celia Kapitelman) - Jewish. - Vitali Klitschko (Etinzon) - a Jew by his father. - Oleg Tyagnibok (Frotman) a Jew mom. - Dmitry (Avdimou) Yarosh-Jew Hasid. The oligarchs in Ukraine - all Jews: I. Kolomoisky, E. Hurwitz, H. Bogolyubov, Poroshenko, D. Firtash, S. Liovochkin, V. Haiduk, V.Nemirovsky, K. Zhevago, V. Pinchuk, E. Prutnik, Akhmetov, A. Martynov, B. Kostelman, E.Sigal, B. Kolesnikov, A. Feldman, F. Shpyg, N. Shufrych, Rodnyanskii A., I. Butler, A. Abdinov, V. Ermolaev, M. Kiperman, E. Zviagilskiy, F. Zhebrovskaya, S. Ronis, H. Korban, G. Surkis, I. Surkis, V. Shamotiy, A. Leszczynski, J. Rodin, M. Becker. All media - in the hands of Jews P. Poroshenko, I. Kolomoisky, D. Firtash, V. Pinchuk, Akhmetov. nezalezhnoy Presidents: - Kravchuk (Bloom) - a Jew. - Kuchma (Kuchman) - Jew. The Jew controlled US and Western governments and MSM pretended to criticise the Bandera so-called Nazi elements in the Ukraine to distract from the truth that Jews had swallowed up most of the Ukraine and were busy plundering it and forcing its gentile population to slaughter each other. As regards the Khazarian neo-Pharisees' desire to "OWN" the Ukraine See eg: Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine: The future Jewish power center of the world? at Ukraine-The-future-Jewish-power-center-of-the-world.shtml Dnepropetrovsk could be renamed - Jerusalem-on-the- Dnieper - could-be-renamed---Jerusalem-on-the-Dnieper.shtml Chabad seeks to re-build Khazaria in Ukraine - Khazaria-in-Ukraine.shtml Surprise, surprise In Ukraine protests, young Jews are marching with ultranationalists. See: Ukraine-protests-young-Jews-are-marching-with-ultranationalists.shtml Ukraine: New Jewish ˜Promised Land. See: Promised-Land.shtml UKRAINE: ZIONIST AMERICA'S NEW JEWISH COLONY by Lasha Darkmoon. See: Russian-Orthodox-Church-a-Security-Threat.shtml AMERICA-S-NEW-JEWISH-COLONY-by-Lasha-Darkmoon.shtml Political Information Dec 3, 2019 - Bolsonaro’s New Political Party Is To Bring Back The Brazilian Dictatorship Paul Antonopoulos: The initial ideology of the Alliance already allows us to visualize the fundamentals of the new political party. The text provides an insight into the new party, and of course, it certainly has not divorced from the reactionary [Ron: ie anti- AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 70

Talmudic and anti-cultural Marxist] Bolsonaro that we have become accustomed with. The party "demands" the members to "defend life from conception," "guarantee of access to weapons," "defense of the family as an essential core of society," "combat any ideology that seeks the eroticization of children," "combat attempts to legalize illicit drugs," and to "fight communism Globalism," among other things. [Ron: These stated party principles are unexceptionable and indeed highly desireable. They stand in complets opposition to the demonic goals of Talmudists and cultural Marxists. So, the issue is, are they a geunine statement of the core policies of the new Bolsonaro party? If they are, the complaint that there is an apparent failure to offer a solution to the severe economic crisis in Brazil is typical Talmudic bankster rehtoric. Why? Because there can be NO SOLUTION to Brazil's economic ills until and unless the Rothschilds' Central banking system and usurious commercial banking is abolished. Fortunately the Triodity of Presidents Trump, Putin and Xi and their supporters all around the world, possibly including President Bolsonaro*, are actively moving to eliminate the Fed and global Central Banks AND usurious commercial banking as we speak. * Although the photo of Bolsonaro flashing a demonic hand sign suggests he's in cahoots with the Darkside.

True US History Dec 3, 2019 - Carpe Donktum Puts Together Greatest Thread Ever Showing How Liberals React to Everything Trump Does Political Information Dec 3, 2019 - Indispensable or Obsolete ? Reheated Cold War Rhetoric can’t patch fractured NATO that lacks sense of purpose & vision for future Political Information Dec 3, 2019 - Judge Jeanine: 'Obama started the Trump hate' Environment/Science Dec 3, 2019 - UN COP25 “Climate” Summit Promises More “Global Governance” AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 71

With older generations - especially in America - still highly skeptical of the man-made global- warming hypothesis, another important topic on the agenda of the COP25 will be "education." After all, the UN has long made clear that education will be "indispensable" to changing people's atttitudes, as the UN Agenda 21 puts it. Ribera, meanwhile, said "education" would be "fundamental for success" of the UN's climate summit and the broader agenda. Part of the hype surrounding COP25 involves a rebranding. After the global-cooling predictions of the 1970s and 1980s failed to materialize, globalists decided to push a "global warming" narrative instead. When decades passed without any significant warming, debunking all of the UN's "climate models" and predictions, "climate change" became the new term of choice. Alex Newman Environment/Science Dec 3, 2019 - How To Discuss "Climate Change" With A 'Woke' Teenager Political Information Dec 3, 2019 - Danish Academic: U.N. Might Use Military to Enforce Climate Agenda Environment/Science Dec 3, 2019 - Greta Thunberg Admits: “Climate Crisis Is Not Just About the Environment” Political Information Dec 3, 2019 - The Wolf That Ate Wall Street: US economy roars amid rising income inequality Political Information Dec 3, 2019 - 47 Percent Of GDP – This Is Definitely The Scariest Corporate Debt Bubble In U.S. History

Political Information Dec 3, 2019 - The Fed Has Created the Big Lie for Congress on its Repo Loans while the New York Fed Blocks Freedom of Information Requests And yet, bailing out Wall Street is exactly what the Fed has been doing since September 17 of this year and what it did secretly to the tune of $29 trillion during the financial crisis from December 2007 to the middle of 2010. The Fed does have some leeway in an emergency AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 72 situation but that has to be brief and defined. The Fed has announced that it's planning to keep its current money spigot to Wall Street flowing into at least January of next year. But according to Powell's testimony to Congress yesterday, there's no pressing crisis on Wall Street. Powell stated that "The core of the financial sector appears resilient, with leverage low and funding risk limited relative to the levels of recent decades."...... Thus, the new talking points are: it's too technical for the common brain so move along and leave it to the geniuses at the Federal Reserve. The second talking point is: nothing to see here because it doesn't impact the economy or general public. But, of course, this is dangerous propaganda. The Fed is back to creating the same kind of moral hazard that it created when it secretly pumped trillions of dollars into the Wall Street trading houses and global foreign banks during the financial crisis and then waged a multi-year court battle to keep it secret from the American people...... The New York Fed is the most inherently conflicted Frankenbank in the history of central banks. Not one member of its Board or management is elected by the American people and yet it can create trillions of dollars at the push of an electronic button and make that money flow to benefit the interests of the top ten percent of Americans. (It's no wonder that New York is home to 70 billionaires.) Pam & Russ Martens True US History Dec 3, 2019 - Barr Disputes Major Horowitz Finding Based On Durham, CIA Evidence Political Information Dec 3, 2019 - Ten Strange Things About the London Bridge Terrorism Incident Human/Animal Rights Dec 3, 2019 - Ex Chief Adviser For A UN Children’s Program Jailed For Pedophilia True US History Dec 3, 2019 - Washington December Nightmare Begins With Air Defense Failure Protecting Trump Health and Nutrition Dec 3, 2019 - Universal Body Enhancement Spaceship Unit 2019-10-10 This 3" video was published by the Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute on Oct 10, 2019: Ron: Perhaps humanity should try Keshe technology instead of waiting for governments and vested interest medical authorities to get around to making REAL health care and medical treatments generally available on this planet. For instance the Keshe Pain Pen and Pain Pad might prove cheaper than endless conventional medical treatments. See eg: Health and Nutrition Dec 3, 2019 - Leading British Doctor Group Pushes for Women to do Self-guided Abortions at Home Political Information Dec 3, 2019 - Psychiatrists Organize Campaign to Declare Trump 'Dangerous' as Part of Impeachment Congressional Record True US History Dec 2, 2019 - Trump Lets Us Know That The Economy Is About To Change & It Will Be Far Greater - Episode 2035a X22Report X22Report

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This 15' 27" video was published by X22Report on Dec 2, 2019: Political Information Dec 2, 2019 - Welcome To The Potemkin Village Of Washington Power Political Information Dec 2, 2019 - Impeachment Is Failing as the Democrats Have Become Wile E. Coyote Political Information Dec 2, 2019 - Children of ‘the Children of Plenty’ Are Rising in Anger Here is the point. Are we witnessing merely a global ‘pocket-book' revolt, or something deeper: A fracture - an ontological fracture - in which ‘life', reduced to mere villeinage, in a toneless, sterilized, consumerist neo-liberal modernity, is experienced as something sheared away from the inner depths to human consciousness: The latter now smothered by the purely literal and the material. It represents the conviction, as Shakespeare put it, that there are invisible - but just as real - moral boundaries, patterns and innate aspects, latent to our being, and away from which, we may not venture - lest we bring down "heaven and earth" crashing down upon us, in consequence (as inevitable tragedy, or madness).In short, are we at such a point of inflection? Are the global protests then harbinger of a major discontinuity in culture and values? Are these events suggestive of a neo-liberal ‘modernity' that is a failure precisely because it forecloses on the ability of men and women to follow those ‘innate aspects latent to their being', and to reflect those in a dignified way, in the conduct of their life at the material plane? If so, spreading the wealth more equitably will not serve sufficiently as remedy. Alistair Crooke Political Information Dec 2, 2019 - Hong Kong — Pure Western Insanity Human/Animal Rights Dec 2, 2019 - EFF Report Exposes, Explains Big Tech’s Personal Data Trackers Lurking on Social Media, Websites, and Apps

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Human/Animal Rights Dec 2, 2019 - Western Christianity Aid to Eastern Christianity: Too Little Too Late It should be noted that the continued existence of Eastern Christianity in Syria is due to the continued existence of a sovereign Syria, thanks to the Syrian people, the leadership, the institutions and of course Syria's allies. Nevertheless, insecurity and instability, among other factors, coupled with the availability of immigration routes - whether legally or illegally- has accentuated the erosion of Syria's Christian population. Eastern Christianity will continue to dwindle. However, one hopes for some positive developments towards Christians to slow down the hemorrhage. Unfortunately, that is just wishful thinking. Elias Samo Political Information Dec 2, 2019 - Stopping the Morbidly Rich Health and Nutrition Dec 2, 2019 - Drugs Affect Men and Women Differently Political Information Dec 2, 2019 - Pope Francis Cozies Up to Muslim Wolf in Sheep's Clothing Political Information Dec 2, 2019 - Quotable Quotes from the “Chosen Ones” Political Information Dec 2, 2019 - A Sea Change for Canada Foreign Policy as Freeland Is Replaced by a Pro-Chinese Politico Political Information Dec 2, 2019 - George Soros: The Mug Behind the Globalists (and Anti-Trumpism) – Hide Out Now True US History Dec 2, 2019 - The New Sheriff in Town Last month, Michael White was acquitted of voluntary manslaughter in the stabbing of Sean Schellenger. White, who is black, approached and began challenging the 37-year-old white man while he was engaged in a traffic dispute with an unrelated driver in Philadelphia's Rittenhouse Square. Witnesses said White and Schellenger both squared up for a fist fight, only for White to pull out a knife and stab the unarmed man in the back with a 12 inch knife. Schellenger died. The incident was caught on tape, which police used as evidence to charge White with first degree murder. However, when the races of the two men became public, anti-white activists began a social media campaign claiming White used his weapon in self-defense before any of the facts in the case had come out. It's worth noting that Pennsylvania is not a Stand- Your-Ground state. The District Attorney, a Jewish lawyer named Larry Krasner, then dropped the charges multiple times until arriving at voluntary manslaughter, which put White's predictable defense on a silver platter. Nobody disputed that White had killed Schellenger with an illegal knife, but instead that the dead victim was "racist," so he deserved it. None of the multiple witnesses at

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 75 the scene ever substantiated White's claim that Schellenger racially abused him. - Eric Stryker Other Spiritual Pieces Dec 2, 2019 - Capitalism vs. Socialism Debate - LibertyCon 2018 This 47' 03" video was published by Institute for Humane Studies on Mar 19, 2018: Ron: It's been well said that capitalism evidences man's inhumanity to man whereas in socialism it is the other way around. Arguably capitalism is a demonic, alienating outgrowth of the Talmudic money meme designed to culminate in Fascist dictatorship whereas socialism in its Bolshevik, Communist or other cultural Marxist formats, is demonic Talmudism in practice. Both ideologies are designed to obliterate the individual personality by concealing and subverting the truth that ensouled humans are sovereign beings indwelt by a fragment of Creator consciousness and hence designed to become One with the Creator and the Creation. To become One with others requires evolvement of genuine communal attitudes and values. Therein lies the truth in the socialistic impulse. We are social beings meant to live in community with others in order to grow in wisdom and knowledge. We are NOT designed to be seperated, isolated individuals living and working in competition with all others and the environment as implied by Capitalist ideology. Equally however, we are not meant to lose our unique personality and free will being by subhuming ourselves in a dehumanising Talmudic collective whether it is described as Communist, cultural Marxist or anything else. Viewed thus, I find Elizabeth Bruenig's views expressed from the 14' to 25' mark in this video, to be correct, nuanced and appealing. On the other hand I find Bryan Caplan's views glib and superficial, and typical of the current pro-capitalist debate in the US. Bryan Caplan seems totally oblivious of the fact that US capitalism is a thinly disguised Fascism in which ever fewer oligarchs are becoming ever more wealthy at the expence of hundreds of millions of USans. He purports to believe that being able to choose to buy "French fries" constitutes freedom and a significant portion of the audience appears to agree with him. It is no wonder that President Trump is having such a tough time educating USans. Neither capitalism nor socialism constitute acceptable systems for genuine human societal development during the Millennial Reign. Future civilised societies on this planet will develop genuine communal living systems which focus upon divine truths and lifestyles. So be it. Political Information Dec 2, 2019 - Free Speech on the Ropes Political Information Dec 2, 2019 - As The OPCW Is Accused Of False Reporting U.S. Propaganda Jumps To Its Help Political Information Dec 2, 2019 - Famous Hollywood Actor Tears Apart NYS Vaccine Law Health and Nutrition Dec 2, 2019 - USA Today Bestselling Author Jennifer Jaynes, who penned thrillers Exposing the Murderous Vaccine Deep State, found Shot to Death Remember: An industry that murders and maims children for profit thinks nothing of killing whistleblowers and writers who get in their way. The vaccine industry has zero value for AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 76 human life. Many vaccine researchers knowingly and deliberately oversee the tainting of vaccines with cancer viruses in order to cause widespread cancer outbreaks. And yes, vaccines are manufactured using aborted human fetal tissue, as the CDC openly admits. The aborted human ingredients are called MRC-5 and WI-38 human diploid cells. The FDA admits to their use here. And the CDC openly lists such ingredients in this vaccine excipient document(PDF). Here's a link from GSK that admits the use of aborted human fetal tissue ingredients in their MMR vaccine. Mike Adams Health and Nutrition Dec 2, 2019 - A Wicked Cocktail of Corporate Greed, Social Media and Opioids Is Slashing U.S. Life Expectancy Rates Political Information Dec 2, 2019 - U.N. Blames Climate Change for Global Mass Migration All can agree, however, that the real cost of climate change must be measured in terms of its impact on human lives. One stark metric for such an accounting is annual deaths from extreme-weather events, since the death toll represents the ultimate impact on human beings. What we find, however, is that weather-related deaths have plummeted in the last 100 years to a mere fraction of their previous numbers. In the year 1900, 1.27 million people died from extreme-weather events, whereas in the last decade, the average deaths globally from such events was 60,000, despite the fact that the world's population has increased five fold, from 1.6 billion in 1900 to 7.7 billion in 2019. Thomas D Williams Political Information Dec 2, 2019 - Could America Survive A Truth Commission ? Political Information Dec 2, 2019 - Madrid Opens With "Point Of No Return" Climate Scaremongering... But Where's Greta? Political Information Dec 2, 2019 - Swedish Schoolkids Taught To Defend Greta As Eco-Activist Becomes Part Of "Religious" Curriculum Human/Animal Rights Dec 2, 2019 - Sweden’s Sexualized LGBT Church Altar is not ‘inclusive,’ it’s driving people away from modern Christianity Telemensajes de Otros Dec 2, 2019 - Serafín Mensaje 391: CINCO MINUTOS DESPUÉS DE MEDIANOCHE: DEL CONTROL DE DAÑOS A LA CORRECCIÓN Serafín a través de Rosie Telemensajes de Otros Dec 2, 2019 - Serafín Mensaje 390: SALIENDO DEL CAPULLO Serafín a través de Rosie Telemensajes de Otros Dec 2, 2019 - Serafín Mensaje 389: LA SALA DE ESPERA DE DIOS Serafín a través de Rosie Environment/Science Dec 2, 2019 - IMPOSSIBLE!? Not For Su-57! Russia's Most Advanced Aircraft Pulls Off FLAT SPIN! This 1' 31" video was published by Russia Insight on Nov 17, 2019: AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 77

True US History Dec 2, 2019 - Pelosi Boxed In, This Is Not A Trade War, It’s War On The [CB] - Episode 2034a This 14' 35" video was published by X22Report on Dec 1, 2019: True US History Dec 1, 2019 - Joe Biden Stuns Crowd by Talking about Kids Playing with His Hairy Legs and How Much He Loves Children on His Lap and Roaches… WTH? (Video) Joe Biden: And by the way I sit on a stand, I got hot, I got hairy legs that turn, that, that, that, turn blond in the sun. And the kids used to come up and reach in and pull and rub my legs, and watch the hairs rise up again. So I learned about roaches. I learned about kids jumping up on my lap. And I love kids jumping on my lap. Political Information Dec 1, 2019 - Religious Nationalism is Surging Throughout the World!!! Here's Why!!! This 12' 16" video was published by Steve Turley on Nov 30, 2018: True US History Dec 1, 2019 - First And Only Soviet President Warns Destruction Of Entire Civilization Must Not Be Allowed True US History Dec 1, 2019 - Virginians Awaken In Horror Over Socialist Democrat Plot To Throw Millions Of Them In Prison Political Information Dec 1, 2019 - Is Lebanon’s central bank a Ponzi scheme ? Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen Dec 1, 2019 - Nederlands: JE HOORT HET, MAAR BEGRIJP JE HET? SERAPHIN BOODSCHAP 396 door ROSIE Political Information Dec 1, 2019 - The Hidden Link Between Fiat Money And The Increasing Appeal Of Socialism Ron: It has been truly said that money is the root of all evil. It is also true that the evil fruit of the money meme is usury which has created a dystopia on this planet by spawning a plethora of materialistic, anti-spiritual ideologies notably Capitalism, Liberalism, Mercantilism, Fascism, Communism, Bolshevism and Socialism etc. All of these ideologies have demonic results arising from the money meme which has corrupted human spiritual development and enabled the enslavement of this planet and its inhabitants. The current debate about the merits of Capitalism verses Socialism is a false debate since both ideologies are based on false premises. Capitalism assumes that the individual is divorced from and in competition with the community while Socialism assumes that the individual and the community cease to exist as both are subsumed within the collective. Ensouled human beings (HUmans) are sovereign individual entities whose divine personal worth cannot be assessed in terms of money or the things money can acquire. Each HUman is a divine, unique, free will personality, and subjecting HUmans to the dictates of money based ideologies has demonic consequences. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 78

The current dominant global ideology is based on the money meme and Capitalism, and the belief that to maintain human life and society in abundance or at all, requires that most humans must scrabble as wage slaves for corporations or as small business operators competing with corporations and each other for employment and profits, ie existence. That ideology and societal model is obsolete. The need for most humans on this planet to continue to compete for employment as free range serfs is rapidly eroding as developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI), robotics and technology is creating abundance without the need for cosmically unlawful mass wage slavery and personal income taxation. Income taxation was introduced in the US at the same time as the Federal Reserve System (the Fed) was established in 1913/14, in order to ensure that the US government could pay interest to the banksters who created the Fed and the US corporation. Similarly, income taxes have been instituted all over our world during the last hundred years by governments controlled by banksters in order to ensure that governments could pay interest to them. In effect, usurious banking is a slave control mechanism operated by covert global controllers to steal the productivity of humanity. To let go of dependence on Capitalist and Socialist systems, USans and the global population generally need to become aware of the reality that the money meme has led to the enslavement of the global population and its immersion in a competitive, materialistic, lethal dystopia. That awareness is needed to ignite a quantum leap in consciousness that can enable a critical mass of the population to understand the need to CHANGE current ideological dependence on the money meme and hence attitudes to self and others so that people begin to embrace lives of cooperation and service to others more than self, as typified in loving family and extended family life. When that occurs in relation to community life generally our world will cease to believe in the need for money and Capitalism or Socialism. A necessary first step in that awareness process requires that communities reject usury, fractional reserve banking and corporate personhood. Why? Because those memes have enabled demonic hidden bankster controllers to use them as tools to mind control humanity to accept enslavement. Societies and communities may also have to eliminate limited liability companies and private ownership and/or control of any major corporations that purport to own the AI and technology needed to sustain everyone in abundance. Our world is on the cusp of an AI controlled industrial revolution that will create abundance for all without everyone having to work long hours at dehumanising labour. Once AI and robotics dominate industrial, construction, transport, agricultural, health, legal, accounting and other industries, the labour force required for servicing, maintenance and creation of improved robotic and technological designs etc will NOT require more than a fraction of the human manpower currently required to perform the work that will be done by AI and robotics in the future. Accordingly, what we need to do is start focussing upon what these developments really mean for life as we know it. The first and glaringly obvious question arising from the coming technological dominance of the production for and servicing of human needs IS who will control the output of AI and robotics and who will reap the benefits from that output? Currently our world is a growing unemployment and underemployment, low wage, high taxation welfare state dystopia because a handfull of incredibly rich individuals AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 79 control the bulk of transnational corporations AND those individuals accumulate and KEEP the bulk of the benefits of that corporate production and associated servicing activities. See eg: How Billionaires Become Billionaires - Billionaires.shtml How Interlinked Corporations Rule The World. - Corporations-Rule-The-World.shtml The corporate stranglehold on food and agriculture. - stranglehold-on-food-and-agriculture.shtml BLIND FREDDY can see that this situation is NOT sustainable. The question is: 'What, if anything, is the bulk of humanity going to do about it? Endless irrelevant debates about the merits of Capitalism verses Socialism et al merely masks the problem and ensconces the status quo thinking that got us into the dystopia we currently inhabit. Neither Capitalism nor Socialism can meet the challenges we face. Proper use of AI and robotics etc should enable ALL of humanity to begin transitioning into a new age free of the drudgery of endless physical work that has hitherto been needed to survive. The fact that in future HUmans will not need to ‘bust a gut’ merely to survive does not mean that their creativity will cease because their efforts may not make individuals immeasurably richer than their neighbours. In fact, once people become free to think and develop their innate creativity instead of scrabbling for a living as free range serfs (wage slaves) in the fascist capitalist milieu we currently inhabit, human productivity and creativity should increase. However, that prosperous and abundant future for all can only be achieved if we shuck off the mind controlled illusion that a tiny cabal of corporatists and entrepreneurs are entitled to OWN and control the corporations and hence the technologies and profits of the machines that create abundance for all. Today it is estimated that about 700 individuals own and/or control the mega trans-national corporations that control the bulk of global infrastructure development and production of goods and services. Those individuals already HAVE most of this worlds' wealth and if they are allowed to continue to control the production and KEEP the totally inadequately taxed profits of most global mega corporations, human life on this planet is doomed. The solution is obvious. Nations and communities must take back ownership OR control of the corporations that use AI and robotics etc to produce essential societal needs in the future. IF nations and communities ensure that the profits of ALL corporations are properly taxed so that NO ONE is able to appropriate, hoard and use for private purposes the unearned increments accruing from the use of AI, robotics and technologies generally, humanity will enter a golden age. But if not, not. A truly civilised society will be a Christed society whose members' increased awareness and wisdom enables them to develop a higher level of consciousness which leads members to embrace service to others more than self. The result will be a growing sense of community and Oneness in which the genuine needs of everyone are met voluntarily by community members. The situation will be analogous to the ethos in a loving family, extended family or clan. In loving communities’ money, personal advantage and/or power cease to be desirable and become irrelevant. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 80

Patrick Barron: The "barbarous relic" (gold) had once limited the money supply and thusly seemed to limit the supply of vendible goods. Gold has been replaced by unlimited fiat money. Now it seems that unlimited aggregate demand can be funded by unlimited fiat money, leading to a world of plenty. Ron: Actually the supply of goods and services in society depends on two things, the availability of labour and physical materials. Money is merely a lubricant, a convenient means of facilitating the utilisation of labour in the production of goods and services. A society needs labour, namely people or animals and machines, in order to grow crops or work on available physical resources to produce infrastructure and goods and services. Money is not essential to that process. For instance medieval serfs usually produced crops and goods and services without receiving money for their efforts. In Western society money came into vogue once peasants were evicted from the land during the Agricultural Revolution which fueled the industrial Revolution. The banksters consolidated the change during the American Civil War. See eg: The Matrix, the Strawman and WHO You Are. See: u_Are_3030.shtm Money, whether real as in, say, gold or silver, or fiat currency, is needed today because the banksters have created a world in their own image in which most people sell themselves to employers, society and each other on the basis of the money they have or can acquire. In reality prosperity and abundance results from high productivity created by community members using their ingenuity and labour, provided that the end product is kept within and/or owned by their community. Centralised corporate and/or government control within a nation and between nations as a result of globalisation, siphons off much of the value of local productivity. The result is that local, regional and often national poverty is caused by centralisation and/or globalisation that enables corporate and government manipulators to steal the wealth produced. In other words, poverty is caused by governments and global corporate elites stealing community resources and/or the production of goods and services produced by communities. The solution is for communities to retain ownership and/or control of their physical resources and production. Patrick Barron: But that is the very reason that fiat money is so subversive to the social order. In a sound money economy any new spending program can be funded only by an increase in taxes, an increase in debt, or by cutting existing funding. There is a real cost to each of these options. Ron: The "cost"of any "program" is really the labour and physical resources used for it. Money is a human invention used to grease the wheels of the activity but it doesn't actually "do" anything. Patrick Barron: There is a real cost to printing money, too, but the cost is hidden. One does not see malinvestment at the time of money printing. Price increases are delayed and uneven, due to the Cantillon Effect whereby the early receivers of new money are able to purchase goods and services at existing prices. Later receivers or those who do not receive the new money at all suffer higher prices and a reduction in their standard of living. Even then most people do not link higher retail prices with a previous expansion of the money supply. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 81

Ron: Since the establishment of the Federal Reserve System (The Fed) in the US in December 1913, so-called US dollars have been devalued by grossly excessive issuance of currency created out of thin air by banks to the point where today a US Federal Reserve Note (a so-called US dollar) will buy what ONE CENT could buy in 1914. This means that an income of say, $1000 dollars a week today would be the equivalent of $10 a week in 1914. Moreover this devalustion of the currency is accelerating today because the Fed is saying that it is "creating" sums like 50 billion USD a day and giving it to banks to keep the financial system going. The fractional reserve banking system operated by the Fed and other Rothschilds' controlled global Central Banks and their associated commercial banks, issue currency, ie fiat debt tokens fraudulently called "money", by typing figures into computers. Accordingly this so-called "money" is created out of thin air with virtually no valuable backing at all. That is why governments have legislated to FORCE their citizens to use that currency and no other. They have also legislated to institute government "Bail Outs" whereby taxpayers provide billions of dollars/euros/ pounds etc to bankrupt banks. More recently governments around the world have also legislated for "Bail Ins"; ie NOW, if a private corporate commercial bank is bankrupt it can take funds deposited in the bank for safekeeping by private individuals and entities, and convert it into bank shares without the consent of the depositors. As the bank is bankrupt, this may mean that the depositor loses most or all of the money so taken. True US History Nov 30, 2019 - Losing Their Religion, Really ? Ron: Typically this article and the polls it discusses ignores the difference bewteen religion and spirituality. Arguably a lack of specific affiliation to any religious organisation does not necessarily evidence a decline in spirituality. In fact it could indicate a growth in personal spirituality as compared to routine social religiosity. This article indicates that in the US today, belief in God or a universal spirit stands at 89 percent, close to the 94 percent back in 1976. That statistic suggests that the incidence of personal spirituality in the general US population is higher than formal religious affiliations. Moreover it is not surprising, given the increasing evidence of various forms of corruption in formal religious institutions in recent decades. Esu Immanuel (aka Jesus the Christ) taught that EVERY ensouled human being is indwelt by a fragment of Creator consciousness, ie each person is a physical temple of God. As individual human beings become aware of their inner connection to God the typical result is an increase in personal commitment to love of neighour AS self, FOR the love of the Creator and all that is. This transition signals an increase in real religion, real spiritual development. It also results in a decrease in adherence to external religious institutions and their activities. Other Spiritual Pieces Nov 30, 2019 - HUMAN's Musics - A film by Yann Arthus-Bertrand / Composed by Armand Amar This 1 hr 23' 36" video was published by HUMAN the movie on May 19, 2017: Political Information Nov 30, 2019 - Moral Blackmail: Chief Rabbi of Britain holds Brits to Ransom by Playing ‘Antisemitic Card’ AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 82

Ron: Tell me again why you think that Jews do not form a FIFTH COLUMN everywhere they congregate. While you are at it, please explain WHY Jews dominate and sometimes even visibly predominate in the top levels of many global governments. If banking and corporate dominance isn't the source of Jewish control of our world, WHAT IS? Talmudists constitute a tiny minority in every nation except the Israeli entity. In the US they are less than 1.8% of the population and they are generally a much lesser percentage elsewhere except in France. So how is it that they are typically granted dual citizen status with Israel AND get to publicly tell gentiles who should be their leaders? Just askin'... Those interested in freeing our world from its Talmudic yoke should support President Trump's attempts to curtail the power of the Federal Reserve System and his moves to eliminate it and the Rothschilds' controlled Bank of England and the global Central Banking system. Other Spiritual Pieces Nov 30, 2019 - The "Uncivilized" Native American (Repost) Political Information Nov 30, 2019 - Sweden: The Price of Migration New figures from the 's statistical bureau, Eurostat, show that unemployment is rising in Sweden. According to Eurostat, unemployment there was 7.4% in August, whereas the EU average for August was 6.2 %. This leaves Sweden, on Eurostat's unemployment ranking of countries, at number 24 out of 28. According to the daily newspaper Expressen, one of the main reasons for Sweden's high unemployment happens to be the large number of immigrants that the country has taken in... The disproportionately large influx of people who do not have the educational or language skills to work in the Swedish economy was never likely to help bring about the lowest unemployment in the EU. As previously reported by Gatestone, the small Swedish city of Filipstad exemplifies a place where the influx of non-Western migrants, some of them illiterate, with little or no education, has meant that the unemployment rate in that group is at 80%: they depend for their livelihoods on the municipality's social welfare program. In 2015, during the European migration crisis, nearly 163,000 migrants arrived in Sweden seeking asylum - primarily from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq, according to a recent report by the daily newspaper Aftonbladet. Out of those 163,000 migrants, 60,000 received a residence permit. In the group of people over the age of 15, made up of 40,019 people, only 4,574 get their livelihood from employment, according to Aftonbladet's report. 18,405 people from the cohort live on welfare handed out by municipalities and 9,970 people receive funds for studying... Meanwhile, in June, the Swedish parliament voted in favor of a law that is likely to increase immigration to Sweden based on family reunification. - Judith Bergman Political Information Nov 30, 2019 - OPCW Manipulation Of Its Douma Report Requires A Fresh Look At The Skripal 'Novichok' Case Political Information Nov 30, 2019 - ‘Freedom of Expression Has Its Limits!’ – Merkel Rails Against Free Speech AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 83

Chancellor Angela Merkel: "For all those who claim that they can no longer express their opinion, I say this to them: If you express a pronounced opinion, you must live with the fact that you will be contradicted. Expressing an opinion does not come at zero cost!" she warned ominously, to applause from the assembled politicians. "But freedom of expression has its limits. Those limits begin where hatred is spread. They begin where the dignity of other people is violated!" she continued, gesticulating wildly. - Jack Montgomery Ron: As for example when a whole nation is stigmatised and demonised by fraudulent claims of having genocided Jews?!? WHEN is this bullshit going to STOP...?

Political Information Nov 30, 2019 - How the Epstein Saga Connects to Almost Every Aspect of the Worldwide Conspiracy Makia Freeman: Eugenics has long been a theme which has underpinned the NWO. It cropped up in the mindset of the many NWO insiders, especially the Rockfellers, who were funding many institutions to conduct eugenics research even before the rise of Hitler and the Nazis who gave eugenics a bad name. The Rockefellers continued their eugenics obsession after WW2 by rebranding it with organizations and phrases such as population council, population control, family planning and planned parenthood. Eugenics is a pseudoscience - genes are only one part of the Nature-Nurture formula of human growth. Bruce Lipton's work on epigenetics has shown that we have great control over which genes we activate (and which remain dormant) by influencing our biological environment, specifically with our thoughts, attitudes and beliefs. Ron: Further to Bruce Lipton's insights, be aware that spirits incarnate as human beings and it is the spirit rather than the meat suit it inhabits (or overshadows where appropriate) that is the true repository of an individual's MIND, personality and spiritual characteristics. Sperm is merely the carrier of half of the physical DNA of a meat suit.

True US History Nov 30, 2019 - Only 3 Ways To Stop Trump 2020 AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 84

Thaisleeze: What would turn the world of Trump upside down would be a financial crisis of a similar magnitude to 2008, or a major dollar collapse (Putin said last week the dollar would collapse soon). If there were a consensus among the deep state to take such action it would be incredibly easy for them to achieve given the highly unstable fabric of markets today. Ron: IMHO a global financial meltdown and economic collapse could and would be blamed on the Fed and the Rothschilds' controlled Central banking system and would not cause President Trump to be defeated. Indeed Trump would use such an event to eliminate the Fed and the global Central banking system and to initiate a global financial RESET accompanied by a debt Jubilee.

True US History Nov 30, 2019 - President Trump: Crush the Insurrection Against You, the Constitution, and the Loyal Citizenry Led, funded, and pushed by the Democratic Party, the U.S. State Department, and George Soros and his network, today's America-hating secessionists and nullifiers have done enormously more damage to republicanism, the economy, the citizenry's health, private property, children, and social cohesion than did the Confederate nation prior to the war-starting attack on Fort Sumter. Indeed, those who have deliberately blocked the lawful execution of the laws by the national government's Executive branch, have deliberately carved out huge cities that are every bit as much out of the Union as the states of Alabama and Mississippi were in 1861. Michael Scheuer Political Information Nov 30, 2019 - Cultural Marxism and Its Conspirators Ron: This is a very good article. This author manages to tell us some truth about cultural Marxism and why the top Wikipedia entry on it is Talmudic propaganda, almost without mentioning the JOOS. Query just how much longer our world can survive the creeping cultural Marxist censorship by Wikipedia and Big Tech that is distorting and eliminating truth telling about life, the universe and everything. Demonic Marxist ideology is steadily denigrating and silencing white men (Shemites) in public discourse, academia and employment generally. In my experience far more white men than women or coloured people languished beneath the so-called glass ceiling, largely because in 'the old days' white men predominated in Western workplaces, working full time in order to raise families. Management structures are typically pryamidal and so most workers don't make it to the top echelons anyway. If cultural Marxist influences can marginalise white men in the way they have marginalised black men in US society the nation is doomed. Translations - Others Nov 30, 2019 - Italian_Seraphin Messaggio 396: Voi Udite, Ma comprendete? Seraphin tramite Rosie Other Spiritual Pieces Nov 30, 2019 - The Conservative Revolution in Education | Dr Steve on The Epoch Times This 40' 15" video was published by Dr. Steve Turley on Nov 29, 2019:

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Ron: This video is well worth your time. Steve Turley explains why virtue signalling has replaced virtue in modern society. For instance, referring to CS Lewis' "The Abolition of Man" he notes that If we do not have virtue then we cannot be shocked to find there is a lack of virtue in our society. One of his (Lewis's) phrases is that "We can't amputate and then demand the function. We can't teach our students that truth is relative and be shocked that politicians lie to us... We can' teach our students that all morality is relative and situational and then be shocked to find out that our bankers and corporate executives are making their decisions on nothing else but greed and expediency. We can't teach our students that beauty is in the eye of the beholder solely, and then be shocked to find a urinal is part of an art exhibit... This is the fundamental problem... We are teaching students that virtue no longer matters because there is no divine meaning and purpose. If there's no divine meaning and purpose there's no wisdom to cultivate. If there's no wisdom there is no virtue. There is no objective basis with which to align my loves. You like babies, I like ham sandwiches. Let's move on... Then the only way you get people to conform at a mass level is not appealing to a sense of truth and beauty and wisdom. It's not appealing to a sense of the highest aspirations of what it means to be human, lovely and noble and praise worthy that invokes my loves and draws them and orders them around an economy of 'goods'. No, that lack of virtue now, the lack of virtue is replaced with virtue signalling... If we are not taught to make our decisions freely, as a fruit of a wise and true and good life, then the only way we are going to get people to ethically conform in our social life is by compulsion, coercion and manipulation. True US History Nov 30, 2019 - Lincoln Jailed Over 13,000 Journalists—Roosevelt Went Around Them—Now Trump Presides Over Their Destruction Health and Nutrition Nov 30, 2019 - Sex Doll Manufacturer Says Customers 'Already Swapping Humans for Next-Gen AI Dolls True US History Nov 30, 2019 - The Solidarity Of Democrats' Delusion Is About To Collapse

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Political Information Nov 30, 2019 - British Government to Decide How Children can Decorate Their Bedrooms Environment/Science Nov 30, 2019 - 673 Million People Still Defecate Outdoors (Not Just In San Francisco) Before Prime Minister Narendra Modi came to power, just under 40 percent of India's population had access to a household toilet. He promised to change that and billions of dollars were invested under the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan ("Clean India") campaign which kicked off in October 2014. India's Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation states that toilet coverage today stands at an impressive 99.22 percent. - Tyler Durden Environment/Science Nov 30, 2019 - Ecofascism: The Climate Debate Turns Violent True US History Nov 30, 2019 - Poll Finds That 42% Of Young Americans Would Elect A Socialist President A further Gallup poll from May found that 47% of all Americans would vote for a socialist presidential candidate. The poll noted that among Democrats, the support for socialism is even higher, with 70% declaring it would be better for America. Young Americans might feel differently if Starbucks disappeared and their iPhones quickly run out of batteries with no electricity to charge them. Bread lines also aren't so cool. - Steve Watson Health and Nutrition Nov 30, 2019 - Activists Launch ‘HIV-positive sperm bank’ to Reduce ‘stigma’ Around AIDS Virus November 29, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) - A couple of years ago, some of you might remember, California state Senator Scott Wiener of San Francisco sparked outrage by putting forward legislation that would reduce knowingly exposing others to HIV from a AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 87 felony to a misdemeanor. In other words, withholding the information that you are HIV-positive from the partner you are sleeping with has become no longer a felony in California. The same legislation also applied to those who give blood to a blood bank without disclosing that they are HIV-positive. Wiener himself, unsurprisingly, is HIV- positive, and trumpeted the legislation as a way of "reducing stigma" around those who have this condition. I'm not precisely sure how hiding this very important information from a sexual partner who might contract that condition as a result of this omission does anything to "reduce stigma"-it seems to me that it might do precisely the opposite. But Wiener's crude little crusade is nothing compared to how ludicrous New Zealand's attempt to reduce the stigma round HIV is. According to The Telegraph, the Kiwis have "launched the world's first HIV positive sperm bank in an effort to reduce the stigma round the virus." - Jonathan Van Maren Political Information Nov 30, 2019 - THE “CASSANDRA PROPHECY”: Everything Changes After Election Day 2020 What's become self-evident is that the Democrats will do everything in their power to steal every election in sight throughout the 2020 election cycle. They have no choice in view of so many serious scandals and real conspiracies undertaken to overthrow President Trump and collapse the Republic. Their shocking acts of treason have been continuously conducted in broad daylight for all to see, so everyone knows they're guilty of sin. There is presently a prodigious amount of hard evidence available in the public domain which the perps must dispose of if the Democrat Party is to avoid being dissolved as it should be. The prophetess Cassandra tried to warn her fellow countrymen about the deceptive Trojan Horse. She knew that Greek soldiers had hidden inside the huge wooden horse in order to carry out a sneak attack on Troy in the dead of night, which they eventually did with stunning success. We'll, guess what, the United States finds itself in nearly the same predicament in 2019 and going forward. S O T N Political Information Nov 30, 2019 - Secret Societies Revisited Over the years, I've spoken with a number of teachers in the US. They tell me the areas variously known as Civics, Social Studies, and Government no longer place emphasis on the individual or individual freedom. Instead, it's all about "group rights" and "victims." - Jon Rappaport Political Information Nov 29, 2019 - Libra: Facebook Wants to Control Your Money But imagine instead of just silencing and marginalizing opponents or controlling the information the public has access to and thus manipulating the public itself, Facebook was also able to control the very currency people use in their day to day lives. Its control over the public, both within the US and beyond, would be unprecedented. - Tony Cartalucci True US History Nov 29, 2019 - A Short Unsweet USAID Strategy Primer for Africa Whitney Baird, deputy assistant secretary for West Africa and Security Affairs at the State Department told the U.S. House Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights and International Organizations: AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 88

"The rapidly spreading instability in the Sahel threatens U.S. national security and undermines our diplomatic goals. It enables the spread of terrorism, stifles economic growth and thwarts democratic institutions." Needless to say, the whole dog and pony show in Washington was to get more funding and to pave the way for ensuring Mali and other countries in the region toe the line for America. I won't delve into U.S. programs like Feed the Future, which is co-sponsored by Monsanto. We've covered that ground before. The Malaria issue, Bill Gates and "Pimping Big Pharma" has also been dealt with on NEO previously. What has not been covered, is the French and German governments expanding a seven-year-old neo-colonial occupation of Mali. Currently, there are approximately 4,000 French troops stationed in Mali: There are also about 800 German soldiers operating as part of a United Nations force of over 15,000 military and police personnel there. Now, USAID and other constituents of the U.S. government aim to stabilize the puppet regime of Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta against rising opposition of the oppressed masses there. The regime is despised and has a documented record of carrying out summary executions and torture of its opponents. France is deploying drones armed with Hellfire missiles to help the regime,... - Phil Butler Political Information Nov 29, 2019 - Anyone for Goulash? Why We Need to Talk About Hungarian Communism Political Information Nov 29, 2019 - The Secret War in Africa (Part 2) True US History Nov 29, 2019 - Why are Journalists so Humorless ? President Trump is masterfully connecting with average people who enjoy a laugh, those not so caught up in their self-importance that they are unable to laugh at either themselves or the world around them. Which is why the President's popularity remains at around 50 percent, per Rasmussen, despite the nonstop negativity directed at him from the mainstream media. Trump is not the first to recognize the benefits of humor. Mark Twain said, "Humor is mankind's greatest blessing." And Charlie Chaplin reminded us, "A day without laughter is a day wasted." - Brian C Joondeph True US History Nov 29, 2019 - Democracy Is The Ideal Distraction Jeff Thomas: Democracy offers a false sense of hope that things will change for the better. In all likelihood, the public will vote itself more and more "free stuff" until it causes an economic crisis. Unfortunately, there's little any individual can practically do to change the course of these trends in motion. The best you can and should do is to stay informed so that you can protect yourself in the best way possible, and even profit from the situation. Ron: This author's pessimism is defeatist or worse. Despite accurately describing the 'democracy scam' used in the US and globally since the Talmudic banksters gained control of the Anglo-US and European world, this author fails to realise that the Triodity of Presidents Trump, Putin and Xi and their supporters are elimnating this scam and the demonic globalist control cabal that has operated it for over 200 years. The Triodity is taking back control of this planet for Christ Michael Aton as we speak. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 89

Christ Michael Aton's Millennial Realm commenced on 5 February 2019 and it will become obvious to everyone very soon. True US History Nov 29, 2019 - Former Obama Operatives Creating FAKE NEWS Sites To Help Democrats Win Election Health and Nutrition Nov 29, 2019 - Can You Trust What Medical Journals Publish ? Human/Animal Rights Nov 29, 2019 - Culture Is King True US History Nov 29, 2019 - What Will Thanksgiving 2021 Look Like ? Ron: This scenario ain't gonna happen Pilgrims. Christ Michael Aton's Millennial Reign commenced on 5 Frebruary 2019 and if the next US Presidential election does occur it will not be won by cultural Marxists. Political Information Nov 29, 2019 - Chick-fil-A Has Emboldened the LGBT Mob. If you’re still defending them, watch this With a massive push from its Christian fan base, Chick-fil-A has skyrocketed to the third largest restaurant chain in the U.S. - behind only McDonald's and Starbucks - with over $10 billion in revenue. Of course they want to expand now outside the U.S. But it appears they are willing to abandon their core customers to do it. Patrick B Craine Political Information Nov 29, 2019 - From Killed Armenian Priest in Syria to the Roots of Hatred and Genocide Rosie Nov 29, 2019 - Seraphin Botschaft 396: IHR HÖRT, ABER VERSTEHT IHR AUCH? Political Information Nov 29, 2019 - What George Washington Was Thankful For Might Shock you

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George Washington "The man known as the father of the" United States and who as president first established the special celebration of a day of Thanksgiving in the United States, proclaimed:" "Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor.... For the great degree of tranquility, union, and plenty which we have since enjoyed; for the peaceable and rational manner in which we have been enabled to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national one now lately instituted; for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed..." Steve Jalsevak True US History Nov 29, 2019 - Top 8 Lies About the Constitution Political Information Nov 29, 2019 - Czech PM Rejects New Plan to Distribute Refugees Among EU States Political Information Nov 29, 2019 - YouTube Bans Top Christian Channel for Questioning Jewish Lobby True US History Nov 29, 2019 - “The Impeachment Parade of Jews” Thomas Dalton: Trump's actual policies and decisions will certainly favor his wealthy compatriots and the Jewish power-brokers he works with. Ron: I disagree. President Trump is genuinely working to save USans and the rest of our world from demonic forces, including the Jews. Thomas Dalton: Trump is such a fool, degenerate, and race-traitor that he would marry off his own beautiful daughter to the Judeocracy, possibly simply for the money

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 91 and power that it would bring. (It obviously says little about her judgement that she would comply.) Ron: I disagree. The Triodity of Trump, Putin and Xi are Christed individuals who are removing Talmiduc and other demonic forces from power in the US and globally. And his daughter and the rest of his family are assisting President Trump in that mission. Political Information Nov 29, 2019 - The Oligarch Makes a Comeback in America’s ‘Strategic Ally’ Ukraine Political Information Nov 29, 2019 - Despite the Global Chaos, on this Thanksgiving Day we still have Many Things to be Thankful For… including YOU Health and Nutrition Nov 29, 2019 - Binge Drinking Doubles Amongst American Women Without Children Political Information Nov 28, 2019 - The Nature of the Hong Kong Protests "In an article we wrote yesterday, we detailed that the frontline anti-extradition protesters were potentially funded by Jimmy Lai and the American National Endowment for Democracy. Co-incidentally, Oslo Freedom Forum is also a New York-based non-profit Human Rights Foundation founded by human rights activist Thor Halvorssen. As exposed by the BBC documentary (website), 10,000 protesters during Occupy Central were trained as early as two years ago. Hence, it is highly possible that thousands of anti-extradition protesters were trained in 2017 or even 2018 to prepare themselves for the current anti-extradition protest." NOTE: Since this writing there is no longer access to Dimsum Daily through Google. The search engine is reported blocking sites critical of the Hong Kong protests. Mary Beaudoin Political Information Nov 28, 2019 - Freeland’s New Role as Deputy Prime Minister Put’s Her in 2nd in Command… of the Titanic Political Information Nov 28, 2019 - Donald Trump Celebrates Unity and Gratitude in Thanksgiving Proclamation Political Information Nov 28, 2019 - Clinton Foundation: 'Vehicle to Transform Once Broke Family Into Mega-Multi-Millionaires' – Analyst Political Information Nov 28, 2019 - Yemen’s Muslim Brotherhood Remains the Biggest Obstacle Towards Peace For the bent chasm laid out in between Saudi Arabia and the Houthis both parties remain committed to brokering an acceptable peace. The same cannot be said of the Muslim Brotherhood since the faction's very existence is articulated around the formulation of an enemy and the need to wage war against that enemy - might it within or without. Today the Brotherhood is playing the populist card, hiding itself behind a convenient narrative of false morality, nationalism, and calls for reparation in the face of disturbingly rampant human rights violations. Catherine Shakdam Political Information Nov 28, 2019 - Mainstream Policy Expert Reveals How He Was Silenced On Syria: AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 92

"Truth Did Not Matter" Political Information Nov 28, 2019 - Land Of The Free ? Voter Suppression in the US Political Information Nov 28, 2019 - The Ukrainian Influence Peddling Rings—A Microcosm Of How Imperial Washington Rolls

Political Information Nov 28, 2019 - PROOF POSITIVE OF WHO THE ENEMY REALLY IS: True US History Nov 28, 2019 - Great American Balloon Panic Of 2019 Initiates Destruction Of The Republic True US History Nov 28, 2019 - Native Americans & The New Confusion in US Politics (Repost) Political Information Nov 28, 2019 - The Antisemitic Card True US History Nov 28, 2019 - SORCHA: "CIA Legend Issues Grave Assessment As Top Trump Attorney Warns “They’re Going To Try To Kill Me”" True US History Nov 28, 2019 - Senior Ex-Deutsche Bank Exec Linked To Millions In Donald Trump Loans Commits Suicide Rosie Nov 28, 2019 - Seraphin Message 396: YOU HEAR, BUT DO YOU UNDERSTAND? This is the present question which should be uppermost in your minds: DO YOU WANT TO REVERSE THESE EVIL PLANS FOR EVER? This is no “walk in the park”, as some of you on earth might like to think. It is an ALL OUT, CONTINUOUS AND CONTINUOUSLY DEVELOPPING COMITTMENT TO CHANGE. It is 100%. You will not AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 93 be able to “slack off” or turn away saying IT WON’T MATTER FOR ONCE. You are here to develop STANDARDS OF EXCELLENCE, not to live in sub-optimal conditions, struggling at every turn. Once you see the seriousness of the situation – and we encourage everyone to conduct their own personal investigations at this time – then you will also realise that STRICT ETHICAL STANDARDS and ALIGNMENT WITH COSMIC LAW are the only solution to sustained peaceful and abundant living. Political Information Nov 28, 2019 - French Farmers Descend On Paris In Fresh Revolt Against Globalist Regulations Political Information Nov 28, 2019 - Iran Says it Arrested 8 people Linked to CIA during unrest – state media Political Information Nov 28, 2019 - No Free Speech, No Parental Rights This year, the World Health Organization no longer regards Transgenderism as a mental disorder; however, video game addiction is regarded by the same organization as a mental health disorder - and various other groups are lobbying for the WHO to switch the label into disease. The second Dark Age will come about primarily, in my humble opinion, via cultural collapse. I'll end this piece by quoting Marcus Aurelius: "The purpose of life is not to be on the side of the majority; but to escape the ranks of the insane." - Serban V C Enache Political Information Nov 28, 2019 - Chilean Conference of Bishops Sides With Marxist Protesters True US History Nov 27, 2019 - DEEP DIVE: EFF to DHS: Stop Mass Collection of Social Media Information True US History Nov 27, 2019 - Tens of Thousands of Cybersecurity Weaknesses in Energy Dept Including Inside National Nuclear Security Administration Human/Animal Rights Nov 27, 2019 - Chick-fil-A Funded anti-Christian org That Inspired shooter to Target Family Research Council Human/Animal Rights Nov 27, 2019 - Paws Win: Trump Signs Historic Animal Cruelty Bill Making Abuse A Federal Crime "We have a responsibility to honor the dignity of God's creation," Trump added. "With today's act, we take the critical step toward being more responsible and humane stewards of our planet and all who we want to cherish and take care of, and all of those who live on it." - Aaron Kesel

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Human/Animal Rights Nov 27, 2019 - PEDOGATE: Child Trafficking Documentary Banned in Europe What is happening in the United States of America is, in fact, exactly what is happening in Switzerland - massive corruption in Administrative "Courts," not actual, Judicial Courts who offer due process and the right for those falsely accused to be heard, to participate in the Court hearings and to present their evidence to contradict the defamation and false, baseless accusations that have already destroyed hundreds of thousands of families. Do not let the fact that this documentary is "about CPS in Switzerland" dissuade you from the fact that all Americans who have been victims to the CPS atrocities will see that what the American children, parents and families are suffering from in the United States is precisely what the Swiss are being subject to as well. "Trees of Shame - Switzerland's Crimes Against Children," can be streamed right now at the film's presentation website, - Brian Shilhavy Ron: For some insight into the Child Protection Services racket that is exploiting, torturing, abusing and killing children in the US see eg: Child Protective Services Poses A Serious Threat to Our Children. See: Services-Poses-A-Serious-Threat-to-Our-Children.shtml #PEDOGATE: The California Cesspool of Judicial Corruption is Inconceivable. See: Cesspool-of-Judicial-Corruption-is-Inconceivable.shtml Foster Care Children are Worse Off than Children in Troubled Homes – The Child Trafficking Business. See: Worse-Off-than-Children-in-Troubled-Homes-The-Child-Trafficking-Business.shtml

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Evidence: Child Sex Trafficking Rings & How they Work (Caylee Anthony, HaLeigh Cummings cases). See: Child-Sex-Trafficking-Rings-How-they-Work-Caylee-Anthony-HaLeigh-Cummings- cases.shtml 'A Trail Of Death' - Shocking Number Of PedoGate Investigators And Observers Have Died (Part 3). See: Death---Shocking-Number-Of-PedoGate-Investigators-And-Observers-Have-Died- Part-3.shtml Political Information Nov 27, 2019 - Why Did So Many Europeans MPs Vote To Condemn Poland’s ‘Stop Pedophilia’ Bill?!?! An explanatory note attached to the "Stop Pedofilii" bill gives some historical context for the proposal. It says some sex education teachers have been promoting sexual activity, including homosexual acts and masturbation, to Polish children, thanks to sexual education standards for Europe composed by the World Health Organization and the German Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA). These standards were introduced to Poland for the first time in 2013. "According to the Standards, children of the age of 0-4 should learn information regarding masturbation and enjoying pleasure by touching their bodies," the note states. - Euronews Political Information Nov 27, 2019 - 9/11 FACT: The Pentagon Was Hit By A Cruise Missile From The U.S. Military Arsenal Political Information Nov 27, 2019 - The Secret War in Africa True US History Nov 27, 2019 - War Imminent After Trump Surrounds Mexico With Aircraft Carriers And Admits Conflict Declaration Ready Ron: Discernment required. True US History Nov 27, 2019 - The Socialism Of The Federal Reserve Jacob G. Hornberger: The Federal Reserve is the federal entity charged with determining the quantity of money in the American economy. To boost the economy, it expands the money supply. If the economy gets too "overheated," it slows the rate of increase. In other words, the Fed is the government's [Ron: privately owned and controlled] monetary central planner. It [Ron: demands complete independence from US government oversight and/or control while it] plans the monetary affairs of hundreds of millions of people through [Ron: emission and usurious distribution of trillions of counterfeit dollars that are actually fiat debt tokens which commentators misleadingly refer to as] monetary manipulation. Jacob G. Hornberger: ...given that people's subjective valuations are constantly changing. There is no way that the planners can keep up with those changes in valuations. That's what produces the crises. Ron: I disagree. Arguably the collapse of the Roman Empire was due to money manipualtion and usury by Pharisees; and the banking collapse and catastrophic Western European economic depression in the 14th century was due to money manipulation and usury imposed by the Black Nobility and their Venetian Empire. See eg: How Venice AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 96

Rigged The First, and Worst, Global Financial Collapse - First-and-Worst-Global-Financial-Collapse.shtml Similarly, virtually all economic collapses including the impoverishment of the British colonies in America which precipitated the American War of Independence and all the rescessions, depressions and Famines since then in Russia, the Ukraine and the Western world including the Great Depression, the German inflations in 1923 and the early 1930s, and the global banking collapse in 2008, have been due to deliberate actions by the Talmudic banksters who controlled British, US and Western European banking throughout that period. Pretending that those monetary collapses were not planned by the Central Banksters is absurd. The implication that "the planners" simply couldn't keep up with 'changes in valuations' is disinformation. The banksters determine the valuations, and whether they are going to increase or decrease, by manipulating the availability of their fiat debt tokens and the interest rates they choose to charge on them. In other words: PLANNING BY THE BANKSTERS DOES PRODUCE THE CRISES. Jacob G. Hornberger: Friedrich Hayek, the Nobel Prize winning libertarian economist, called it the "fatal conceit" of the planner, the mindset that convinces the planner that he has the requisite knowledge to plan a complex, ever-changing market. Ron: A libertarian Nobel Prize winning economist WOULD say thay wouldn't he! Ya don't get a Noble Prize for telling the gentiles HOW and WHY they are enslaved do ya?! HOW is granting private banksters a licence to decide monetary policy and interest rates on a completely uncontrolled and unaudited basis NOT granting the private banksters a licence to conduct CENTRAL PLANNING? The fact that governments OURSOURCE the function to an anonymous cabal of JOOish banksters doesn't somehow make their planning processes unplanned and organic. Jacob G. Hornberger: In the early 1900s, Americans began giving serious consideration to socialist ideas. The enactment of the Federal Reserve in 1913 was part of that trend. So was the adoption of the federal income tax that same year. Ron: This is disinformation. USans generally were NOT giving serious consideration to socialist ideas! The Rockefellers and their ilk were, but not the general populace. Arguably there was NO popular TREND and most USans DID NOT consider socialist ideas, seriously or otherwise. Rather, the Rothschilds and Rockefeller banksters and their minions started ramping up Talmudic propaganda consistent with the Fabian and Communist ideologies promulgated by Jews like Marx on behalf of the Jew banksters who controlled most banks and large corporations and tax free foundations. In fact the establishment of the Federal Reserve System and the IRS was really a Jewish COUP perpetrated at Christmas 1913 when very few elected members were still attending Congress. Jacob G. Hornberger: in the 1920s, the Fed began experimenting with expanding the supply of U.S. debt instruments, which promised to pay gold coins and silver coins. When holders of such debt instruments began redeeming their debt instruments by demanding gold and silver, the Fed panicked because they didn't have the money to honor all the debt instruments they had issued. They began contracting the money supply and ended up over-contracting. Their monetary central planning led to the 1929 stock market crash and then the Great Depression.

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Ron: This pastiche of LIES is half true in that the Fed DID contract the money supply after having deliberately over-expanded it, BUT neither of those actions was an acccident nor was the contraction of the money supply caused by panic on the part of the banksters. The Great Depression was deliberately created by the banksters with their typical credit "Pump and Dump"technique in order to steal huge amounts of wealth from USans by foreclosing on loans and seizing properties for pennies on the dollar when loans could no longer be serviced because of the shortage of "money" in the economy. In addition the banksters were setting the scene for a socialist takeover via a violent COUP but that was quashed by General Smedley Butler who the Talmudists had recruited to lead the putsch but he was a patriot and thwarted their plan. See eg: General Smedley Butler: The US Business Plot in 1933 - US-Business-Plot-in-1933.shtml However the banksters still largely achieved their goals in that they bankrupted the US corporation and established a fraudulent criminal arrangement whereunder they secretly enslaved virtually the entire US population. See eg: An Investigative Report Re the US Strawman UCC/Redemption Process By Barton A. Buhtz See: e_the_US_Strawman_UCC_Red_3358.shtml The USA Isn’t a Country, It’s a Corporation! - It-s-a-Corporation.shtml The Bankruptcy of The United States By James Traficant, Jr. See: ed_States_3135.shtml US Congress: House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933. See: solution_192_of_June_5_1_3312.shtml BRITISH FINANCIAL WARFARE: 1929; 1931- 33 HOW THE CITY OF LONDON CREATED THE GREAT DEPRESSION. See: RFARE_1929_1931-_33_HOW_THE_CI_3133.shtml Colonel Edward Mandell House Predicts the Creation of the STRAWMAN in the US se_Predicts_the_Creation_3153.shtml Jacob G. Hornberger: Americans were told that the crisis was caused by the failure of America's free-enterprise system. It was a lie. The crisis was caused by the Federal Reserve, which was a socialist institution. But it was a lie that Americans believed because [Ron: 'wall to wall' JOO controlled MSM propaganda created] in their minds, [Ron: the idea that] the Federal Reserve had become a part of America's free- enterprise system. Ron: Arguably most USans were constrained by povety and hardship and the government's exercise of its monopoly on the use of force and violence to accept whatever President Roosevelt's government did during the Great Depression. Also, the Rockefeller banksters and their fascist corporate associates controlled the press which propagandised the population into accepting the Federal government's socialist welfare AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 98 arrangements. Even so some seven million USans are said to have starved to death during the unnecessarily prolonged Great Depression the effects of which did not cease until the banksters eased their constriction on the 'money' supply in order to finance the US war effort in WWII. See eg: Famine killed 7 million people in USA - people-in-USA.shtml Jacob G. Hornberger: The Franklin Roosevelt administration used the [Ron: bankster created] crisis to destroy the monetary system on which America had been established - the gold-coin, silver-coin standard. Roosevelt replaced that system with a pure paper-money system, one in which federal debt instruments would no longer be redeemable. The money became promises to pay nothing. Ron: This author misdirects the reader by failing to mention that the banksters forced Roosevelt to destroy the US gold and silver backed money system and to replace it with paper debt instruments namely Federal Reserve Notes (fiat debt tokens) that were no longer redeemable for gold. Pretending that Roosevelt chose those changes; and to confiscate the gold held by private citizens while secretly contracting to enslave the US population to satisfy the US corporation's debts in the bankruptcy is a bit disingenuous. Jacob G. Hornberger: Over time, the Fed began expanding the paper money to fund the ever-increasing expenditures for welfare and warfare. All that "bad money" would ultimately drive out of circulation the "good money" that the Constitution had established. As the system became wash with paper money, the booms and busts that monetary manipulation caused would become a standard part of American life. The economic bubbles and deep recessions were said to be a part of America's "free- enterprise system." Ron: Whereas the economic bubble, boom/bust economy was and is the direct and deliberate result of the usurious fiat debt token pseudo money system created by the banksters and foisted upon the US governments and people. Jacob G. Hornberger: A necessary prerequisite to establishing a free and prosperous society is a free-market monetary system, one in which there is a total separation of money and the state. That necessarily means bringing the Fed and its system of socialist central planning to an end. Ron: I agree that the Fed must be abolished BUT arguably it is not possible or desireable for money creation and currency emission to be divorced from community control. The current problem is that the Fed is privately owned and controlled and is legally seperate from control by the US government and US citizens. THAT is why the US and global monetary system is sooo completely dysfunctional and out of control. In the future nations (however described) must closely monitor, control and audit the creation and distribution of money (however described) so that the excesses perpetrated by today's private corporate monetary controllers can never be repeated. IF humans on this planet want to continue accepting the money meme and using money it is essential that the proper use of money as a tool for the facilitation of infrastructure creation and for the exchange of goods and services is rightly understood. The money creation and distribution mechanisms employed need to ensure that money ceases to be a store of value that can be hoarded and used to manipulate and control or enslave others. That means eliminating usury and giving currency emissions a 'use by date' that will effectively act as a negative interest rate. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *58-- Page 99

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