
The law of :  11  The law of : nn2211sin  sin Snell’s Law

Image formation

1 Reading: Chapter 23

2 Chapter 23

Propagation of -

3 Propagation of Light – Ray (Geometric) Optics

Main assumption:  light travels in a straight-line path in a uniform medium and  changes its direction when it meets the surface of a different medium or  if the optical properties of the medium are nonuniform

The rays (directions of propagation) are straight lines perpendicular to the wave fronts

The above assumption is valid only when the size of the barrier (or the size of the media) is much larger than the wavelength of light   d

Main Question of Ray Optics:

What happens to light at the boundary between two 4 media? Propagation of Light - Ray Optics

What happens to light at the boundary between two media?

The light can be  reflected or  refracted (transmitted)

5 Reflection of Light

The law of reflection:

The angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence  11 

The incident ray, the reflected ray and the normal are all in the same plane

6 Reflection of Light

Specular reflection Diffuse reflection (reflection from a (reflection from a smooth surface) – rough surface) example:

7 Example: Multiple Reflection

(1) The incident ray strikes the first (3)

(2) The reflected ray is directed (2) toward the second mirror (1)

(3) There is a second reflection from the second mirror

8 Propagation of Light - Ray Optics

What happens to light at the boundary between two media?

The light can be  reflected or  refracted (transmitted)

9 Refraction – Snell’s Law

• The incident ray, the refracted ray, and the normal all lie on the same plane • The angle of refraction is related to the angle of incidence as sin v 22 sin 11v

– v1 is the speed of the light in the first medium and v2 is its speed in the second

c c sin22vcnn / 21 Since v 1  and v 2  , we get   , or nn2211sin  sin n1 n2 sin11vcnn / 1 2 Snell’s Law index of refraction 10 Snell’s Law: Example

• Light is refracted into a crown slab

o • Θ1 = 30.0 , Θ2 = ?

• n1 = 1.0 and n2 = 1.52

• n1 sin Θ1= n2 sin Θ2 then

-1 • Θ2 = sin [(n1 / n2) sin Θ1]= 19.2o

11 Refraction in a

12 Variation of Index of Refraction with Wavelength

nn2211sin  sin • The index of refraction depends Snell’s Law on the wavelength (frequency) • It generally decreases with increasing wavelength n  1 n  1  

nn12 1 2

nnsin 1122 sin n sin 13 So 12  Refraction in a Prism

Since all the have different angles of deviation, light will spread out into a spectrum  Violet deviates the most  Red deviates the least  The remaining colors are in between

14 The Rainbow

• The rays leave the drop at various angles – The angle between the Water drop white light and the most intense violet ray is 40° – The angle between the white light and the most intense red ray is 42°

15 Total Internal Reflection

16 Possible Beam Directions: Total Internal Reflection

nnsin  sin • Possible directions of the beam 2211 are indicated by rays numbered Snell’s Law 1 through 5

• The refracted rays are bent

away ( 21   ) from the normal

since nn21

o • For ray 4 we have  2  90 the corresponding angle of incidence can be found from the condition ( sin 90 o  1 )

nn21 sin 1,cr 17 Total Internal Reflection: Critical Angle

nnsin  sin • Critical angle: 2211 Snell’s Law

nn21 sin 1,cr


All the rays with  11,   cr will be

totally reflected, because if  11,   cr then we get from Snell’ Law

nn11 sin211, sin sincr  1 nn22 This is impossible

Example: What is  cr for glass-air boundary? n 1 11air 18 nn1 glass 1.5 nn2  air  1 then cr sin sin 0.73 nglass 1.5 Total Internal Reflection: Application

Fiber Optics Total Internal Reflection

• Plastic or glass rods are (  incidence   cr ) used to “pipe” light from one place to another

• Applications include: – medical use of fiber optic cables for diagnosis and correction of medical problems – Telecommunications

19 c v  - The speed of light in the medium n

The law of reflection:  11  The law of refraction: nn2211sin  sin Snell’s Law

Total Internal Reflection

nn21 sin 1,cr