PERSPECTIVE SERIES Tissue responses to ischemia SERIES INTRODUCTION Tissue ischemia: pathophysiology and therapeutics Gregg L. Semenza Institute of Genetic Medicine, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, CMSC-1004, 600 North Wolfe Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21287-3914, USA. Phone: (410) 955-1619; Fax: (410) 955-0484; E-mail:
[email protected]. This issue of the JCI contains the first articles in a Per- has been the preconditioning phenomena that have spective series that focuses on ischemia, the major been demonstrated in virtually every organ, including cause of mortality in the developed world. The specific the heart and brain. Thus, exposure of an organ or tis- mechanisms and consequences of ischemia differ in sue to one or more brief episodes of ischemia will pro- each tissue or organ, which reflects differences in vide protection against subsequent prolonged ischemia anatomy and physiology. For this reason, the series has that would otherwise result in infarction. The precon- been organized to include articles on cerebral (Dennis ditioning stimulus provides an immediate but short- Choi and colleagues), myocardial (Sandy Williams and lived “first window” of protection, which occurs over a Ivor Benjamin), and skeletal muscle (Jeff Isner) period of minutes to hours and requires the altered ischemia, as well as discussions of ischemia in epithe- activity of pre-existing proteins, as well as a delayed but lial tissues (Sanjay Nigam and colleagues) and hypox- sustained “second window” of protection, which per- ia-induced pulmonary vascular remodeling (Norbert sists over a period of hours to days and depends on new Voelkel and Rubin Tuder). In each case, the authors protein synthesis.