The Lockdown to Contain the Coronavirus Outbreak Has Disrupted Supply Chains
JOURNALISM OF COURAGE SINCE 1932 The lockdown to contain the coronavirus outbreak has disrupted supply chains. One crucial chain is delivery of information and insight — news and analysis that is fair and accurate and reliably reported from across a nation in quarantine. A voice you can trust amid the clanging of alarm bells. Vajiram & Ravi and The Indian Express are proud to deliver the electronic version of this morning’s edition of The Indian Express to your Inbox. You may follow The Indian Express’s news and analysis through the day on DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD,CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA JOURNALISM OF COURAGE SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 2021, NEW DELHI, LATE CITY, 20 PAGES SINCE 1932 `6.00 (`8 BIHAR &RAIPUR, `12 SRINAGAR) WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM ADDRESS TO PARLIAMENT AMID OPPOSITION BOYCOTT AS BUDGET SESSION BEGINS ECONOMIC SURVEY 2020-21 President:SC Spend more, there is space for fiscal hasputfarm impulse:Survey’s lawsonhold, Budgetguidance Growth recovery will up taxcollections, Govttoabide enable asustainable fiscal path SUNNYVERMA& Says ‘dishonouring’ of Tricolourand AANCHALMAGAZINE NEWDELHI,JANUARY29 ‘disrespect’ to R-Day‘unfortunate’ TWODAYSahead of Budget,the Economic SurveyFriday LIZMATHEW pitchedfor an “expansionary Growthantidote NEWDELHI,JANUARY29 fiscal policy” in 2021-22 to fordebt boostgrowth. It also advised the UNDERLININGTHATthe govern- At amahapanchayat calledbythe BKUinMuzaffarnagar on Friday. AbhinavSaha AMITSHAHPOSTPONESBENGALTRIP,PAGE8 government to continue with THE SURVEY has aclear mentis“continuouslymakingef- structural reforms and signifi- messagefor Finance fortstodispelthemisunderstand- cant privatisation of state- MinisterNirmala ing” over the newagriculture THE EDITORIAL PAGE ownedcompanies. Sitharaman.Thereisno laws,atthe centre of farmer President RamNath Kovind BJP chorus in west UP: Ghazipur TabledbyFinanceMinister needtoworry so much protests that have rocked the in Parliament, Friday.
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