Pacific Science (1980), vol. 34, no. 1 © 1981 by The University Press of Hawaii. All rights reserved

Vegetative Anatomy of the Hawaiian Species of Santa/urn ()l


ABSTRACT: and foliar anatomy of the Hawaiian representatives of the genus are described. No consistent differences in wood anatomy between taxa were found; however, significant anatomical differences in foliar anatomy were observed. Characteristics of leaf anatomy that are of taxonomic value are the bottle-shaped adaxial epidermal cells of S. haleakalae, the papillate nature of the abaxial leaf surface in several taxa, and the presence of adaxial as well as abaxial stomata in S. ellipticum.

SEVEN SPECIES OF Santalum from Hawai'i bases of commerce for the Kingdom of have been recognized in the past. Hawai'i after European contact. Nomenclature in this paper follows the The taxa of the Hawaiian recent revision of the genus (Stemmermann have been distinguished by previous authors 1980). The sandalwoods are separated into on gross characteristics of the flowers, fruit, two groups generally thought to be derived leaves, and growth habits of the , but from separate introductions to Hawai'i until now no complete anatomical study of (Rock 1916, Skottsberg 1927, 1930, Tuyama the wood of the various taxa has been made. 1939, Fosberg 1948). The freycinetianum Though the wood of at least three Hawaiian group (including S. haleakalae, S. freycine­ taxa, probably S. paniculatum var. pilgeri, tianum,3 S. freycinetianum var. lanaiense, S. freycinetianum, and S. freycinetianum var. S. freycinetianum var. auwahiense, and pyrularium, has been examined in previous S. freycinetianum var. pyrularium) is charac­ studies (Brown 1922, Metcalfe 1935), it is terized by having flowers that are usually impossible to be certain which taxa were reddish, with long perigonal tubes. The ellip­ actually investigated due to confusion of the ticum group (including S. ellipticum, S. ellip­ original diagnoses of S. freycinetianum and ticum var. littorale, S. paniculatum,3 and S. ellipticum. Furthermore, at least four taxa S. paniculatum var. pilgeri) is characterized were not examined at all. Therefore, since by having flowers that are greenish at an­ the wood of the genus Santalum has been thesis, with short, perigonal tubes. Some, significantly important in the economy of perhaps all, of the species were harvested Hawai'i, and review of the literature demon­ during the trade in the nine­ strated a paucity of information on the teenth century, and formed one of the first wood anatomy of the Hawaiian taxa, a study was undertaken to determine whether any differences in the wood exist among the 1 Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station Journal series no. 2387. This work was supported by McIntyre­ species or sections of the genus Santalum in Stennis funds allocated to the Hawaii Agricultural Hawai'i. Experiment Station to support project 677, and by a In addition, though gross foliar features travel grant from Pacific Tropical Botanical Garden to have been used to distinguish among the the author. This paper represents a portion of a thesis submitted to the Graduate Division of the University of Hawaiian taxa of Santalum (Skottsberg Hawaii in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the 1927, Degener 1940), no anatomical descrip­ M.S. degree. Manuscript accepted 10 January 1980. tions or comparisons of the leaves of the 2 Present address: University of Hawaii, Department taxa had been made. This study therefore of Botany, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822. also examined foliar anatomy of all the taxa 3 For S. freyeil7elial7um, S. e/lipliewn, and S. pal7i­ eu/alum, the typical variety is assumed unless another is to determine the anatomical basis for char­ specifically mentioned. acters of apparent taxonomic significance. 55 56 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Volume 34, January 1980

MATERIALS AND METHODS in Craf III, with aspiration when possible. Leaves to be sectioned were dehydrated in Fresh wood samples were collected from an ethanol tertiary butanol series, infiltrated populations of each of the recognized species with Parowax, finally embedded in Para­ of Santalum. Voucher herbarium specimens plast, and sectioned on a rotary microtome. were prepared for each sample and were Cross sections and paradermal sections were deposited in the herbarium at the University cut through the widest part of the lamina of Hawaii (HAW). Wood samples were taken and perpendicular to the midrib. The sec­ from branches ranging from 5 (rarely 4) to 9 tions were mounted and then stained in cm in diameter, fixed in Craf III, and as­ Johansen's quadruple stain (Johansen 1940), pirated to allow for rapid fixation of the toluidine blue ° (Sakai 1973), or various tissues. After at least a week of fixation the schedules of tannic acid-ferric chloride, samples were transferred to alcohol and sec­ safranin 0, and fast green. tioned on a sliding microtome. Sections were Leaf clearings were prepared by placing stained in tannic acid-ferric chloride­ fixed leaves in the paraffin oven in a solution lacmoid according to Cheadle, Gifford, and of 50 g chloral hydrate, 25 ml liquid phenol, Esau (1953) and mounted in synthetic resin. and 35 mllactic acid, until clearing was com­ Macerations were prepared by placing plete. The cleared leaves were rehydrated slivers of wood in a solution of 1 part 30 and stained with tannic acid-ferric chloride percent hydrogen peroxide, 4 parts water, and safranin °or safranin and celestine blue and 5 parts glacial acetic acid (Gifford et al. (Gray and Pickle 1956), dehydrated, and 1956). Macerating fluid was changed at 3­ mounted in resin. day intervals until the maceration process To determine silica body integrity and was complete, usually after about 5 days. shape, a few macerations of leaves were pre­ Material was then rinsed, stained with a pared using the same solution and staining tannic acid mordant followed by ferric technique used for wood maceration. In chloride and safranin 0, dehydrated in an addition to this, the percent weight of silica ethanol series to xylene, and mounted in bodies in leaves of a few samples was de­ synthetic resin. termined by recording the dry weight of The wood morphology of Santalum ellip­ leaves, ashing them in a muffle furnace in ticum var. littorale was not studied for sev­ porcelain crucibles, reweighing them, and eral reasons. That taxon is on proposed lists recording the ashed weight. The ash was of endangered species for Hawai'i (Fosberg treated with approximately 10 percent con­ and Herbst 1975, U. S. Department of the centrated H 2 S04 , 90 percent concentrated

Interior 1976), and as the is a low HN03 , and a few drops of 30 percent H 2 0 2 . , with no sizable branches except for The treated ash was then left on a hot plate the central axis of the plant, most of an for a week until the carbon had been re­ entire plant would have had to be taken to moved, and the remaining substance was do an analysis that could be comparable filtered on ashless filter paper, re-ashed, and with the other taxa examined. Since analysis reweighed. of wood morphology of the other taxa Basic statistics for wood morphology were showed no consistent differences of taxo­ based on 20 measurements per sample for nomic significance; because the habit of the soine attributes: extreme vessel body length, plant is such that the wood could not be of fiber length, vessel diameter, ray height, and economic importance; and since it is found vessel distribution. Ten measurements per in semiarid conditions where regrowth is sample were made for the other examined slow, it was felt that any information gath­ wood characteristics and for most foliar ered on its wood morphology would not be characteristics examined. 4 of sufficient interest to warrant the taking of a plant. 4 Refer to M.S. thesis deposited at the University of Leaf samples were collected from the same Hawaii for actual numerical analyses (Stemmermann populations as the wood samples and fixed 1977). FIGURE I. Wood morphology-vessel characteristics of Hawaiian Santalum. A, semi-ring porous arrangement of vessels in S. haleakalae (L. Stemmermann 737) x 29; B, diffuse porous arrangf;ment of vessels in S. haleakalae (L. Stemmermann 750) x 29; C, tailed and transverse to slightly oblique vessel end walls in one sample of S. paniculatum (L. Stemmermann 799) x 177; D, ring porous arrangement of vessels in a sample of S. paniculatum var. pilgeri (Pat Conant s.n.) x 29; E, single-tailed vessel member of S. paniculatwn (L. Stemmermann 799) notice circular structure in the side wall as discussed in the text x 177; F, double-tailed vessel member of S. paniculatum (L. Stemmermann 791 B) with circular structure in side wall x 177; G. tyloses with resinous contents in vessel of S. jreycinetianum (L. Stemmermann 801) x 177. 58 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Volume 34, January 1980

RESULTS on that analysis, the vessels were again found to be short to medium sized, ranging from 141 to 576 These data are in Wood .um. agreement with previous reports for vessel GROSS MORPHOLOGY: The sapwood of all lengths for Santalacean species (Swamy the examined species of Santalurn is yellow­ 1949) and for S. freycinetianurn var. pyru­ ish in color, while the heartwood becomes lariurn (Brown 1922). brown, sometimes with a reddish hue. Only Both radial and tangential vessel dia­ the heartwood is aromatic, and in samples meters were measured, and vessels were taken for this research from branches less found to be round to oval and to range from than 9 cm in diameter, little or no heartwood being very small to small, or rarely extremely had developed. small or moderate sized. Radial diameters The wood of all the examined species of range from 31 to 113 .um, and tangential Santalurn is diffuse porous (Figure IE) or diameters range from 22 to 56 .um. sometimes tending toward ring porous Vessel walls are about the same thickness (Figure lA, D). Occasionally, rings are in all the examined taxa, ranging from 1.2 to found in the wood where vessels are either 3.6 .um thick and averaging 2.7 .um. The side absent or very abundant, but the tendency of walls of the vessel members have alternate the wood to show either of these patterns is circular bordered pits with lenticular aper­ not a taxonomically useful criterion. Rings tures, and these were sometimes arranged in have also been seen in S. alburn, and at least vertical rows. In maceration, vessels were in that taxon it was demonstrated that these frequently seen to have one or more struc­ should not be considered annual rings tures on their side walls that resembled lat­ (Troup 1919, Chowdhury and Ghosh 1950). eral perforations (Figure IE, F). Whether Standardized descriptive terminology is such structures occurred between vessel used in discussion of the various cellular and members or between a vessel member and a structural components of the secondary parenchyma cell could not be determined, as xylem (Chattaway 1932, Chalk and Chatta­ there is some evidence for both. way 1934, Committee on Standardization of The general appearance of these structures Terms of Cell Size 1937, 1939, Committee gives the impression that they might be per­ on Nomenclature 1957). forations, or possibly intervascular pits, but since vessels occur singly in Santalurn with VESSELS: The length of vessels in Santalurn very few exceptions, the second explanation is generally greater than their width (Figure is ruled out. Conceivably, such structures Ie, E, F). Their end walls are usually could occur between the tail of one vessel oblique with tapering tails, though trans­ and the body of another, in which case these verse end walls are not uncommon, and both structures could properly be called perfora­ tailed and tailless vessels can be observed in tions. Even though such structures have all samples (Figure Ie, E, F). Only simple been observed on both vessel bodies and perforations are present. tails, they usually occur on the vessel body Discussion of vessel length is based on rather than on the tail, and no preparations the measurement of the extreme body length were observed that demonstrated tail to body in macerations. The vessels were found to be pairing had occurred. short to medium sized, ranging from 91 to In maceration, occasionally one of these 379 tlm. Though measurement of extreme structures in the vessel wall is observed next body length of vessels has been advocated to a parenchyma cell, but whether such juxta­ (Chattaway 1932), the measurement of total position is an artifact of the maceration member length has generally been preferred process was not determined. There are quite (Chalk and Chattaway 1934, 1935, Carlquist large circular pits on the walls of both axial 1961). Therefore, the length of vessels was parenchyma and radial parenchyma cells, also analyzed using this measurement. Based but the diameter of the pits is less than the Vegetative Anatomy of Hawaiian Santalum-STEMMERMANN 59

diameter of cells. Thus, if the two areas are pyrularium, and these tyloses often contain normally associated, the pairing is imperfect. dark-staining resinous compounds or tan­ Solereder (1908) includes the Santalaceae in nins, as do both radial and axial paren­ his list of families where "simple and occa­ chyma surrounding the vessels (Figure 1G). sionally large pits on the walls of the vessels" FIBER TRACHEIDS: The fiber tracheids of occur in contact with parenchyma, and this Santalum are very short to short, ranging is probably how he interpreted these struc­ from 480 to 1380 ,urn. Chattaway (1932) tures. I favor this explanation. Other authors suggests that classes of fiber tracheid wall (Brown 1922, Metcalfe and Chalk 1950) do thickness be based on the comparison of the not discuss these structures. lumen diameter to the thickness of the walls The average number of vessels per square separating one lumen from the lumen in the millimeter was calculated from counts of 20 2 next cell. No constant pattern was observed, microscope fields of 0.292 mm • The distinc­ as both thick-walled and thin-walled samples tion between fiber tracheids and vessels is were observed in each taxon, and usually obscure in some samples and could not be both conditions were present in each sample. made in transverse section, so no element The lumen diameter ranged from 2.4 to was counted if its radial diameter was less 13.2 .urn. Wall thickness ranged from 1.8 to than 10 units on the ocular micrometer (ap­ 6 ,urn. Fiber walls have one to four rows of proximately 31 .urn). It was necessary to bordered pits with crossed lenticular aper­ make this arbitrary decision in only a very tures (Figure 2A). Ergastic inclusions were few samples. Since none of the means or absent from fibers. variances of vessel diameter measurements approach this value, this sampling technique RADIAL PARENCHYMA: Both uniseriate rays probably did not produce biased data. and multiseriate rays are present in the wood Samples that were semi-ring porous exhib­ of Santalum, with most of the multiseriate ited high standard deviations, standard rays being biseriate (Figure 2B, E). Upright, errors, and ranges, as would be expected; square, and procumbent cells are present in and those samples with the highest calcu­ all taxa (Figure 2C), with the biseriate rays lated variance tended toward ring porosity. generally having only uniseriate tails one cell Since in some samples within a taxon there high of upright cells. Simple circular pits was no overlap in the range of the number of occur on the walls of the radial parenchyma, vessels per square millimeter, basic statistics and these are often obscured by the presence were determined for individual samples as of dark-staining inclusions that are probably well as for each taxon. The number of tannins (Figure 2D). Crystalliferous chains vessels per square millimeter varied consider­ of axial parenchyma often seem to be as­ ably among samples within a taxon and sociated with rays, but no crystals were ever within a given sample (as in samples display­ seen in the ray cells. The number of rays per ing ring porosity), and therefore variations millimeter was determined by counting the among taxa were often no larger than vari­ number of rays intersecting a I-mm line per­ ations within a single taxon. The number of pendicular to the vertical axis of a tangential vessels per square millimeter ranged from an section. They were found to be moderately average of 30 in Santalum freycinetianum to numerous, ranging from 1 to 14 rays/mm. an average of 68 in S. haleakalae. The height of multiseriate rays was Though Metcalfe and Chalk (1950) report measured both in terms of cells and in terms that tyloses are usually present in the family, of microns. Rays were found to be very low Brown (1922) specifically reported the ab­ to rather low, or rarely moderately high, sence of tyloses in Santalum pyrularium and ranging from 71 to 811 .urn, and from 3 to 25 made no mention of them in the other cells high. Since most of the multiseriate rays species he sampled. In this study tyloses were are in fact biseriate in the genus Santalum, observed in the older vessels of all taxa widths were measured only of biseriate rays examined, including S. freycinetianum var. so that differences between taxa would be

..._,~ __ ". FIGURE 2. Wood morphology-fiber and parenchyma characteristics ofHawaiian Santa/um. A, pits with lenticular apertures in fiber wall of S. panieu/atum var. pilgeri (P. Conant s.n.) x 425; B, tangential section of S. panieu/atum (L. Stemmermann 799) showing uniseriate and biseriate rays x 65; C, radial section of S. freyeinetianum var. pyru/arium (L. Stemmermann 786) demonstrating square, procumbent and upright ray cells x 168; D, axial parenchymal cells of S. panieu/atum var. pilgeri (P. Conant s.n.) in maceration-notice tanniniferous contents and large simple circular pits x425; E, uniseriate and biseriate rays in S. ellipticum (L. Stemmermann 761) x 168; F, diffuse in aggregate parenchyma in transection of S. ha/eaka/ae (L. Stemmermann 739) p = parenchyma cell, x 65; G, tangential section showing crystalliferous axial parenchyma of S. elliptieum (L. Stemmermann 781) x425; H, crystalliferous axial parenchyma in maceration of S. panieu/atum (L. Stemmermanl1 791 B) x 168. FIGURE 3. Paradermal sections of adaxial foliar epidermis of Hawaiian Santalum. Notice the pairs of rectangular cells that are oriented perpendicular to each other. Only S. el/ipticum (D) and S. ellipticum var. iiI/orale (H) have stomata in the adaxial epidermis. All x450. A, S. jreycinetianum (O'ahu) (L. Stemmel'mann 632); B, S. jreycinetianum var. auwahiense (L. Stemmel'mann 575); C, S. paniculatum (L. Stemmel'mann 666); D, S. el/ipticum (L. Stemmel'mann 746); E, S. jreycinetia11u1l1 var. pyl'ulal'ium (L. Stemmel'manl1 777); F, S. haleakalae (L. Ste1l1mel'mann 750); G, S. paniculatu1l1 var. pilgel'i (L. Stel11mel'mann 679B); H, S. ellipticum var. iiI/orale (L. Stel11mel'mann 628). 62 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Volume 34, January 1980

based on truly comparable samples, and the mental influences affects foliar development. variances within a sample would reflect that This accounts for the large variation ob­ of the size of the ray cells rather than the served in leaf thickness for all taxa. number of cells in a ray. Biseriate rays were Santalum ellipticum var. littorale has excep­ found to be very fine, their widths ranging tionally thick leaves; the oldest leaves on a from 14 to 47 /lm in tangential section. plant in some instances exceed 2 mm in The height of uniseriate rays was also thickness. But other taxa cannot be sep­ measured in terms of cells and microns. arated from each other on the basis of leaf They were found to range from extremely thickness. Discussion of individual tissues in low to rather low, ranging in height from 24 the leaf, and other characteristics of the to 235 /lm and consisting of from one to six foliar morphology follows using standard cells. Uniseriate rays were extremely to very descriptive terminology (Carlquist 1961, fine; their width ranged from 2.9 to 23.7 /lm. Esau 1965, Fahn 1964).

AXIAL PARENCHYMA: The length of axial ADAXIAL EPIDERMIS: The adaxial epidermal parenchyma cells is generally several times cells are rectangular to polygonal in shape, greater than their diameter, though shorter as viewed in either leaf clearings or para­ cells exist. The axial parenchyma is apotrac­ dermal sections (Figure 3). Pairs of rectan­ heal diffuse to diffuse in aggregate (Figure gular cells that apparently arise from the 2F), but no consistent differences were seen same isodiametric mother cell are often pre­ among taxa. Fairly large circular pits were sent. The width of the cells is usually greater found on the walls of the cells (Figure 2D). than or equal to the height of the cells. Chains of crystalliferous parenchyma are However, in Santalum haleakalae (sensu seen in longitudinal sections of all taxa stricto, excluding lower-elevation plants from (Figure 2G, H). These cells are shorter Maui), the adaxial epidermal cells are higher than the noncrystalliferous parenchyma, in­ than wide and are of a peculiar bottle shape dicating either that the cells were smaller (Figure 4F). Furthermore, the diameter of originally, or that the longer parenchyma the cells in that taxon is not as great as that cells subdivided preceding or following crys­ of the other taxa (Figure 3). The develop­ tal formation, as has been suggested by ment of this cell type is apparently correlated Chattaway (1956). These chains do not with some environmental factor associated easily dissociate in maceration (Figure with high elevations, such as ultraviolet 2H), which could be evidence for the initial radiation or low temperature, since a linear deposition of the crystals in the longer axial relationship can be demonstrated between parenchyma cells. The crystals are generally the height of the adaxial epidermal cells of rhomboidal in shape, and rarely is there the Feycinetianum group sandalwoods from more than one crystal in a given cell. In Haleaka1


750• 35 753• -- 748• j 737 30 •

w :J: 25 ...... w U ..... « 20 ~ ClI:: w o Q. 757 w " 15 758 ..... • « 755 >( • « Cl «

4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 ELEVA TlON (feet)

FIGURE 5. Relationship of adaxial epidermal cell height and elevation of the freycinetianum group of Santalum from Maui. Regression line: y = 0.0046x - 4.317; 1'2 = 0.726; standard error of regression coefficient ao (y intercept), So = 5.897; standard error of regression coefficient a j (slope), Sl = 0.0009; significance of regression coefficient aI' t = ads! = 0.0046/0.0009 = 5.11, significant at P = 0.001 with df = 9 = n - 2. dimensions on both leaf surfaces (Figure 6). cant differences among taxa were noted. In Occasionally, these stomata are silicified and addition to the hypodermis in Santalurn non-functional. Silicification ofgroups ofad­ ellipticurn var. littorale, occasionally there is axial epidermal cells occur in all taxa (Figure development of a multiple epidermis and 7F) and may be a response to trauma. multicellular hypodermis which arises from the adaxial epidermis and normal hypo­ MULTIPLE EPIDERMIS AND HYPODERMIS: Be­ dermis by periclinal divisions. Both the low the adaxial epidermis there is a single epidermis (especially the abaxial epidermis) layer of hypodermis that is present in all and the hypodermis apparently are capable species (Figure 8). The dimensions of the of undergoing periclinal and anticlinal divi­ hypodermal cells are variable, but no signifi- sions even in the older leaves of this taxon. FIGURE 6. Comparison of adaxial and abaxial foliar epidermis stomata in Hawaiian Sontolum. The similarity of adaxial and abaxial epidermis stomata in S. ellipticum and S. ellipticul11 var. littorale is illustrated. Notice paracytic subsidiary cells and random orientation of stomata in all cases. A-D x 177; E-H x450. A,E, adaxial epidermis of S. ellipticum (L. Stemmermonn 645); B,F, abaxial epidermis of S. ellipticum (L. Stel11merl11onn 645); e,G, adaxial epidermis of S. ellipticum var. littorale (L. Stel11merl11onn 627); D,H, abaxial epidermis of S. ellipticul11 var. littorole (L. Stemmermonn 627). FIGURE 7. Ergastic contents in Santa/um leaves. A, leaf clearing showing calcium oxalate crystals and silica bodies associated with vascular bundles in S. panicu/atum (L. Stemmermann 698) x 65; B, leaf clearing showing silica bodies and terminal tracheids in S. panicu/atum (L. Stemmermann 702) x 168; C, leaf clearing showing silica body and terminal tracheids in S. freycinetianum vaL auwahiense (L. Stemmermann 754) x425; D, leaf transection showing small silica body in the mesophyll of S. ha/eaka/ae (L. Stemmermann 742) x425; E, leaf transection showing large silica body near leaf margin in S. ha/eaka/ae (L. Stemmermann 733) x 104; F, silicified upper epidermal region of S. freycinetianum vaL pyrularium (L. Stemmermann 769) as seen in transection x425; G, S. freycinetianum var. auwahiense (L. Stemmermann 754) leaf clearing showing calcium oxalate crystals associated with vascularization and lack of silica bodies in most of the mesophyll x65; H, calcium oxalate crystals in S. freycinetianum (L. Stemmermann 654) as seen in leaf clearing x 425. FIGURE 8. Foliar cross sections of Hawaiian Santalum. Notice differences in development of palisade tissue and differences in tannin distribution. All x 91. A, S. freycinetianum (O'ahu) (L. Stemmerl11ann 630); B, S. freycine­ tianum var. pyrularium (L. Stemmermann 775); C, S. freycinetianul11 (Moloka"i) (L. Steml11ermann 851); D, S. freycinetianum var. lanaiense (L. Stemmerl11ann 812); E, S. freycinetianum var. auwahiense (L. Stel11l11ermann 755); F, S. haleakalae (L. Stemmermann 750); G, S. paniculatul11 (L. Stemmermann 703); H, S. ellipticum (L. Stemmermann 746); I, S. ellipticum var. littorale (L. Stemmerl11ann 627); J, S. paniculatul11 var. pilgeri (L. Stemmermann 681 B). 68 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Volume 34, January 1980

MESOPHYLL: Subtending the hypodermis silicified guard cells and subsidiary cells, and there is usually a layer of palisade cells inter­ are likely nonfunctional. This can occur in mediate in length between the cells of the stomata of both leaf surfaces. The stomata hypodermis and most of the palisade paren­ in the Santalaceae have been described as chyma (Figure 8). Below this is the palisade being parallel to one another, and trans­ layer, which can be from one to four, or verse to the midrib (Metcalfe and Chalk rarely more, cell layers thick. Palisade cells 1950), but this was not observed in any taxa. can be quite elongate and distinct, or less All exhibit random orientation of the distinct and transitional into the lower meso­ stomata in respect to the leaf, however they phyll, thus the leaves may be either isolateral tend to be either more or less parallel or per­ or bifacial. Since the development ofpalisade pendicular to adjacent stomata (Figures 3, 6). tissue is greatly influenced by the environ­ VENATION: The venation ofall taxa is camp­ ment and differences can be seen among todromous, with the secondary venation leaves in every taxon, the thickness or approaching the brochidodromous condition number of palisade cell layers in any given (Hickey and Wolfe 1975). Ultimately, the leaf is of limited taxonomic value. veins of the leaves of Santalum end in well­ ABAXIAL EPIDERMIS: The abaxial epidermis developed terminal tracheids that have scala­ exhibits distinctive characteristics in certain riform to pitted thickenings and are larger taxa (Figure 9). The height of the abaxial than other tracheary members in the leaf epidermal cells is a useful criterion that can (Figure lOA, B, C). These are present in all be used to distinguish between the closely examined samples. related S. panieulatum and S. panieulatum Though the development of the midrib var. pilgeri. The papillate epidermal cells of varied considerably, a comparison made of S. panieulatum cause the abaxial epidermis midrib thickness and leaf thickness showed to appear pale in both fresh and dried leaves. no consistent trends for any taxon, except In his key to the species, Skottsberg (1927) that S. freyeinetianum var. lanaiense tended described the lower surface of the leaves of to have an especially prominent midrib. this taxon to be powdery glaucous, but this The main vascular bundle of all taxa has is not the case. The abaxial epidermis of only abaxial phloem. Collenchyma is nor­ S. panieulatum var. pilgeri is not papillate, mally present in three areas in the midrib and thus does not appear pale. Similarly, the (Figure IOD, E): adaxial and next to the abaxial epidermal cells of S. haleakalae and xylem and sometimes extending to the upper S. freyeinetianum var. lanaiense are consider­ epidermis, abaxial and juxtaposed to the ably more papillate than those of the other phloem, and abaxial to the phloem and ad­ red-flowered sandalwoods, and, as in S. pan­ jacent to the lower epidermis. The collen­ ieulatum, these two taxa have pale abaxial chyma located next to the xylem is always leaf surfaces. Some samples of S. freycine­ present and well-developed, but in the other tianum are also papillate and pale. two positions it is well-developed in some Stomata are present in the abaxial epi­ cases and poorly so in others. Attempts to dermis of all taxa, and their lengths are fairly correlate development of collenchyma in uniform, as is their overall appearance. The these areas with taxa were not successful. subsidiary cells are always paracytic (rubi­ The vascularization of the petiole is si­ aceous) though occasional subsidiary cells milar to that of the midrib. Only abaxial are present that have undergone subsequent phloem is present, and there is a discontinu­ division perpendicular to the axis of the ous band of collenchyma surrounding the stoma. More frequently, subsidiary cells are vascular bundle (Figure 10F). seen which had undergone subsequent ERGASTIC CONTENTS: Large isotropic mas­ divisions parallel to the axis of the stoma ses are found in the mesophyll of most as evidenced by two, or sometimes more, samples (Figure 7A, B, C, D, E), and may subsidiary cells parallel to each other. occasionally obscure the terminal tracheids Occasionally, stomata are seen that have of minor veins. These isotropic masses, FIGURE 9. Foliar transections showing abaxial epidermis of Hawaiian Santalum. Notice the extreme papillate nature of the abaxial epidermis of S. freycinetianum var. lanaiense (D), S. haleakalae (F), and S. paniculatum (G), and development of multilayered hypodermis in S. ellipticum var. littorale (H). All x425. A, S. freycinetianum (O'ahu) (L. Stemmermann 637); B, S. freycinetianum var. pyrularium (L. Stemmermann 786); C, S. freycinetianum (Moloka'i) (L. Stemmermann 842); D, S.freycinetianum var. lanaiense (L. Stemmermann 819); E, S.freycinetianum var. auwahiense (L. Stemmermann 755); F, S. haleakalae (L. Stemmermann 753); G, S. paniculatum (L. Stemmermann 703); H, S. ellipticum var. littorale (L. Stemmermann 625); I, S. ellipticum (L. Stemmermann 809); J, S. paniculatum var. pilgeri (L. Stemmermann 68IB). FIGURE 10. Foliar vascularization of Hawaiian Santalwl1. A, terminal tracheids in leaf clearing of S. pal1iculatul11 (L. Stel11l11erl11al1n 698) x 177; B, terminal tracheids in leaf clearing ofS. paniculatul11 (L. Stel11l11erl11ann 702) x 271; C, terminal tracheids in leaf transection of S. haleakalae (L. Stel11l11erl11ann 734)-notice spiral thickenings and pits, x450; D, midrib of S. paniculatul11 (L. Stel11l11erl11ann 678)-notice abaxial phloem and abaxial and adaxial collenchyma, x29; E, midrib of S. jreycinetianul11 (L. Stel11l11erl11ann 801)-notice arrangement of phloem and collenchyma similar to D, x Ill; F, petiole of S. jreycinetianul11 (L. Stel11l11erl11ann 801 )-notice the same arrange­ ment ofcollenchyma and phloem as in D and E, x45. ABBREVIATIONS: x = xylem, p = phloem, c = collenchyma. Vegetative Anatomy of Hawaiian Santalum-STEMMERMANN 71




745 S. ellipricul11 13 4 31 746 S. ellipricul11 13 6 50 761A S. ellipricul11 17 10 57 738 S. haleakalae 14 7 52 801 S.jreycinerianul11 10 4 40 812 S.jreycinerianul11 12 8 63 var. lanaiense which may exceed 225 .urn in diameter, for up to 10 percent of the dry weight of the appear to be groups of cells with walls that leaf and for more than 50 percent of the ash have become silicified. Such structures have weight of the leaf (Table I). The percent previously been reported in Santalacean silica noted is high in terms of normal silica genera (Solereder 1908, Haberlandt 1914, content of leaves for most plants, but higher Metcalfe and Chalk 1950). The groups of values have been observed in analysis of cells are often associated with the terminal silica content of the leaves of certain grasses tracheids (Figure 7A, B, C). The presence of (Lanning, Ponnaiya, and Crumpton 1958). these masses is not a useful taxonomic Other ergastic materials readily apparent characteristic as it may be affected by the age in leaf clearings are druses, which may be of the leaf or environmental conditions, in­ associated with the vascular system (Figure cluding soil fertility, and such conditions 7G, H). These crystals were not observed in could not be controlled in sampling. These every sample, but their presence, absence, silicified masses do not dissociate easily, abundance, or distribution within a leaf were even following treatment with a hydrogen not useful taxonomic criteria since their dis­ peroxide-glacial acetic acid macerating solu­ tribution is not always consistent even within tion. Thus, it was diffi.cult to determine the a single population. shape of the individual cells, although they Dark-staining masses, presumably tan­ appear to be spherical, with sharp protuber­ nins, are distributed throughout both the ances that hold the mass of cells together. young and mature leaves of most taxa, These bodies, while often distributed through­ though they are lacking in S. ellipticum var. out the lamina of the leaf, were not observed littorale. Sometimes the tannins are restric­ in all samples, but are usually present ted to specific tissue layers within a leaf toward the margins of a leaf even if absent (Figure 8), but any patterns of differential elsewhere in the lamina. distribution of tannins are not consistent Other patterns of silicification are also within a leaf, far less within a taxon. Tannins evident. In many instances silicified guard can be found in virtually all tissues in the cells are present (Figure 6A, B, E, F), and leaf though they are often lacking in the occasionally entire areas of either epidermis upper epidermal cells, and may not be abun­ may be silicified (Figure 7F). When this dant in the palisade cells. occurs, silicification either may be restricted to the epidermis or may extend into the mesophyll. DISCUSSION The percent silica per dry weight and ash weight was calculated for a few samples Wood chosen for analysis because they appeared to have especially large numbers of silica Description and reports of the variability bodies. Analysis showed that the silica in of the cellular components of wood have some of these extreme cases could account been made for the Hawaiian taxa of the 72 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Volume 34, January 1980




S·freycinelianum val'. pyrulariwn 1.2 436.8 S.freycinetianum (Oahu) 1.8 611.0 S. freycinetianum (Molokai) 0.8 233.3 S.freyeinetianum val'. lanaiense 0.8 227.9 S. haleakalae 0.6 194.2 S. elliptieum 0.8 243.5 S. panieulatum 0.7 235.8 S. panieulatum val'. pilgeri 1.1 436.3 genus Santalum. The data collected were as these features have not been found to be generally in agreement with previous, but reliable means of distinguishing the taxa. incomplete, work done within the genus and Carlquist's (1977a, 1977b) formulas were family (Brown 1922, Metcalfe 1935, Swamy used to calculate the vulnerability index 2 1949, Metcalfe and Chalk 1950). (vessel diameter -:- vessels/mm ) and the The most notable features of the wood mesomorphy index (vulnerability index x that were found in this study are the struc­ vessel length). The average total vessel tures on the walls of vessels that resemble member length, tangential diameters of lateral perforations. This study has not ad­ vessels, and vessels/mm 2 for each taxon were equately characterized these structures, and used in these calculations (Table 2). Carl­ they' apparently have been overlooked by quist (I977b) suggests that vulnerability previous authors. Future study is necessary values less than 1.0 reflect a greater chance to determine the nature of these structures of survival under water stress than values and to determine their relationship to other greater than 1.0. Furthermore, he suggests components of the wood. (1977a) that the lower the mesomorphy No features of wood morphology were index, the greater the degree of xeromor­ found that could clearly separate any of the phism exhibited. The indices obtained for taxa. The variation within samples of a the species of the genus Santalum imply that species, attributable to differences in the age S. haleakalae from arid subalpine Haleakala and position of the sample on the plant, as expresses more ofaxeromorphic nature than well as environmental differences in the hab­ do the other species, and that S. freycine­ itats of the plants sampled, are sufficient to tianum from O'ahu is the most mesomorphic obscure the differences among taxa. These of the group. No precise climatological data problems of variability within samples have are available for the collection sites been addressed in the past (RendIe and (Taliaferro 1959) to determine the validity of Clarke 1934, Stern and Greene 1958, Fritts these conclusions, but they do not seem 1966, Sastrapradja and Lamoureux 1969). unreasonable based on general observations Brown (1922) mentions that Santalum of the collection sites, as well as the xero­ paniculatum var. pilgeri (referred to by him phytic nature of the leaves (Hanson 1917, as S. freycinetianum) can be distinguished Fahn 1964) of S. haleakalae, which are small from S. freycinetianum var. pyrularium by and thick in comparison to the thin large having less abundant resinlike material and leaves of the mesomorphic S. freycine­ the "imperfect occurrence in S. freycine­ tianum. It is interesting that those taxa with tianum var. pyrularium of short crystal con­ the lowest vulnerability and mesomorphy taining parenchyma, and thick walled wood indices based on wood morphology have parenchyma." His conclusions are likely an other xeromorphic features. In Figure 9, it artifact of small sample size (three of each), can be seen that S. freycinetianum from

4:¥-¥i# 41 - Vegetative Anatomy of Hawaiian Santalum-STEMMERMANN 73

Moloka'i, S. freycinetianum var. lanaiense, geri are restricted to the island of Hawai'i, S. haleakalae, S. ellipticum, and S. panicu­ and presumably the ancestral form would lalum, all with vulnerability indices less than not be restricted to the youngest island. 1.0 (Table 2), have papillate lower epidermal The degree to which the presence of cells that may function in reducing transpira­ stomata on the adaxial surface should be tion. Unfortunately, it is not possible to considered to be under genetic as opposed determine how large a difference in the index to ecologic influence is not known. Experi­ values is significant until further work is ments have shown that inhibition ofstomatal done using the indices within genera and development is possible (Cutter 1969). With­ populations. out having done a detailed analysis of the morphological similarities between the Leaves extra-Hawaiian and Hawaiian species of Santalum, it is not possible to ascertain Foliar morphology has been described for which of the possible pathways were effective representative samples of the recognized in the evolution of S. paniculatum and taxa examined. Only Santalum ellipticum S. paniculatum var. pilgeri. However, since and S. ellipticum var. littorale have stomata successful dispersal to the Hawaiian Islands in the adaxial as well as abaxial epidermis; is an improbable event, and the inhibition of the other members of the ellipticum group stomatal development has been experiment­ and all members of the jreycinetianum group ally altered, it is likely that there was one have only abaxial stomata. This finding sup­ introduction of the green-flowered sandal­ ports the retention of S. paniculatum and , the ancestral form having stomata S. paniculatum var. pilgeri as distinct from on both surfaces, followed by evolution to S. ellipticum, contrary to the opinions of taxa that have stomata only on their abaxial Degener (1937) and Fosberg (1962), who epidermis. The findings of a single stoma on have recognized these two taxa as varieties the adaxial epidermis of one of the examined of S. ellipticum. The presence of stomata in samples of S. paniculatum var. pilgeri further the epidermis of only S. ellipticum may in indicates that the genetic capability or the fact imply an origin of S. paniculatum and differentiation of stomata on the adaxial sur­ S. paniculatum var. pilgeri independent from face of the leaves of that taxon is present, S. ellipticum. but not usually expressed. Stomata have been reported in both epi­ There are morphological criteria for sep­ dermal surfaces of Santalum lanceolatum arating Santalum paniculatum and S. pan­ (Perrot 1927) and restricted to only the ab­ iculatum var. pilgeri. The cells of the abaxial axial epidermis in S. album (Bhatnagar epidermis of S. paniculatum are papillate, 1965). No information is available concern­ and thus the abaxial surface appears pale. ing stomatal distribution of the other species This is readily seen in both herbarium and of the genus. With this in mind there are fresh specimens, and is not caused by a several possible explanations of the evolu­ powdery glaucousness as has been described tion within the green-flowered taxa. There by previous authors. The abaxial epidermis may have been one introduction with of S. paniculatum var. pilgeri is not papillate, stomata on both surfaces that gave rise to and therefore is not pale. the species with stomata on a single surface, Within the freycinetianum group, signifi­ or there may have been separate introduc­ cant findings in terms of foliar morphology tions of both types. There may also have include the bottle-shaped adaxial epidermal been an introduction of plants with stomata cells of Santalum haleakalae. While it has on one surface that evolved to S. ellipticum been demonstrated that the height of these with stomata on both surfaces. But this cells is somehow related to high altitude, the seems unreasonable since S. ellipticul11 factors responsible for such cell formation occurs throughout the archipelago while have not been identified. S. paniculatum and S. paniculatum var. pil- The abaxial epidermal differences were 74 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Volume 34, January 1980 noted as taxonomically useful criteria in CHALK, L., and M. M. CHATTAWAY. 1934. both the ellipticum and Feycinetianum Measuring the length of vessel members. groups of the genus. Within the Feycine­ Trop. Woods 40: 19-26. tianum group, Santalum haleakalae and ---. 1935. Factors affecting dimensional S. Feycinetianum var. lanaiense have papil­ variations of vessel members. Trop. late abaxial epidermal cells, and therefore Woods 41 : 17-37. the abaxial surfaces of the leaves of those CHATTAWAY, M. M. 1932. Proposed stan­ taxa appear pale. Occasionally, the other dards for numerical values used in describ­ red-flowered taxa also have pale abaxial sur­ ing woods. Trop. Woods 29: 20-29. faces and papillate epidermal cells. Based ---. 1956. Crystals in woody tissues, part solely on foliar morphology, S. Feycine­ II. Trop. Woods 104: 100-124. tianum var. lanaiense and S. haleakalae are CHEADLE, V. I., E. M. GIFFORD, JR., and the only taxa of the freycinetianum group K. ESAU. 1953. A staining combination for that can be distinguished from the other taxa phloem and contiguous tissues. Stain of that group. Furthermore, no consistent Technol. 28 :49-53. differences could be found that could sep­ CHOWDHURY, K. A., and S. S. GHOSH. 1950. arate the ellipticum and freycinetianum The formation of growth rings in Indian groups from each other based on foliar mor­ . Part V-A. Study of some disks of phology alone. sandalwood, Santalum album. Indian For. Rec. n.s. Wood Technol. 1: 14-32. COMMITTEE ON NOMENCLATURE, INTERNA­ TIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WOOD ANATOMISTS. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 1957. International glossary of terms used I would like to thank S. Siegel for assis­ in wood anatomy. Trop. Woods 107: tance with the silica analysis; members of my 1-36. master's committee, including C. W. Smith, COMMITTEE ON STANDARDIZATION OF TERMS G. Carr, and E. Putman, and especially my OF CELL SIZE, INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION chairman C. H. Lamoureux for encourage­ OF WOOD ANATOMISTS. 1937. Standard ment; all the individuals who accompanied terms of length of vessel members and me in the field for their assistance; and Betty wood fibers. Trop. Woods 51 :21. Someda for typing the manuscript. ---. 1939. Standard terms of size for vessel diameter and ray width. Trop. Woods 59 : 51-52. CUTTER, E. C. 1969. Plant anatomy: experi­ LITERATURE CITED ment and interpretation. Part I. Cells and BHATNAGAR, S. P. 1965. Studies of angio­ tissues. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass. spermic parasites no. 2. Santalum album, DEGENER, O. 1937. Santalum ellipticum. the sandalwood . Bull. Lucknow Nat. Flora Hawaiiensis, the new illustrated Bot. Gard. 112: 1-90. flora of the Hawaiian Islands. Family 100. BROWN, F. B. H. 1922. The secondary xylem Privately published. of Hawaiian trees. Occ. Pap. 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