Staffordshire Moorlands 1973-2011
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Staffordshire Moorlands District Council Election Results 1973-2011 Colin Rallings and Michael Thrasher The Elections Centre Plymouth University The information contained in this report has been obtained from a number of sources. Election results from the immediate post-reorganisation period were painstakingly collected by Alan Willis largely, although not exclusively, from local newspaper reports. From the mid- 1980s onwards the results have been obtained from each local authority by the Elections Centre. The data are stored in a database designed by Lawrence Ware and maintained by Brian Cheal and others at Plymouth University. Despite our best efforts some information remains elusive whilst we accept that some errors are likely to remain. Notice of any mistakes should be sent to [email protected]. The results sequence can be kept up to date by purchasing copies of the annual Local Elections Handbook, details of which can be obtained by contacting the email address above. Front cover: the graph shows the distribution of percentage vote shares over the period covered by the results. The lines reflect the colours traditionally used by the three main parties. The grey line is the share obtained by Independent candidates while the purple line groups together the vote shares for all other parties. Rear cover: the top graph shows the percentage share of council seats for the main parties as well as those won by Independents and other parties. The lines take account of any by- election changes (but not those resulting from elected councillors switching party allegiance) as well as the transfers of seats during the main round of local election. The lower graph shows for each main round of local elections the overall percentage turnout (solid line), the percentage of women candidates standing at (dotted line) and the percentage of women among those elected (hashed line). Cheadle West (2764)2 Leek South West (4046)3 Staffordshire Moorlands - vote share vote share Perry E. Con 452 41.1 Povey A. Con 979 62.7 1973 Carr R. Ind 305 27.7 Wood E. Con 870 - Woodroffe G. Lab 218 19.8 Heath J. Ms. Con 854 - Alton (1348) Dolphin P. Ind 206 - Whittingham C. Lab 582 37.3 vote share Bullock G. Ms. Lib 125 11.4 Clowes P. Ind 504 75.0 Turnout 38.6 25.4 Howarth C. Ind 168 25.0 Turnout 39.8 13.4 Leekfrith (1014) 3 Turnout 49.9 50.0 Checkley (3216) vote share vote share Hine T. Ind 304 55.9 Biddulph East (3149)3 Pearce D. Con 757 44.6 Wood G. Ind 240 44.1 vote share Gardner H. Ms. Ind 574 33.8 Simms A. Lab 693 85.3 Wilcox J. Ind 530 - Turnout 53.6 11.8 Johnson E. Lab 620 - Smith D. Lab 367 21.6 Moss K. Lab 620 - Longnor (1123) Hyde F. Ind 119 14.7 Turnout 52.8 10.8 vote share Yoxall R. Ind 101 - Kidd J. Ind 331 43.6 Cheddleton (2732)2 Tunnicliffe F. Ind 229 30.2 Turnout 25.8 70.7 vote share Mellor A. Ind 199 26.2 Simcock J. Ind 461 66.5 Biddulph Moor (1310) Jackson A. Ind 346 - Turnout 67.6 13.4 vote share Berresford J. Con 232 33.5 Breeze J. Ind 278 62.8 Blakeman T. Ind 189 - No. 11 (Wetley Rocks) (1373) Bailey M. Lab 165 37.2 vote share Turnout 25.4 33.0 Beech V. Con 224 72.5 Bogges A. Ind 85 27.5 Turnout 33.8 25.5 3 Endon & Stanley (3329) Biddulph North (3198)2 vote share Turnout 22.5 45.0 vote share Mear H. Ind 733 100.0 Dixon J. Ind 915 58.5 Williams W. Ind 665 - No. 15 (Ash Hall) (1451) Hall D. Ind 851 - Cruxton W. Ind 540 - vote share Simms S. Lab 334 21.3 Hammond H. Ind 455 - Mountford A. Ind 326 67.9 Turner D. Res 316 20.2 Dulson A. Lab 78 16.3 Bailey D. Lab 293 - Turnout 22.0 68.3 Johnson R. Con 76 15.8 3 Forsbrook (4130) Turnout 33.1 51.7 Turnout 48.9 37.1 vote share 2 Biddulph South (3189)2 Hilditch F. Ms. Ind 781 59.2 No. 16 (Werrington Windmill) (2206) vote share Lowe J. Ind 641 - vote share Humphries G. Lab 695 52.6 Davies F. Ind 614 - Fulljames J. Lib 393 37.5 Hancock F. Lab 632 - Hambleton J. Con 539 40.8 Alcock R. Lib 329 - Quinn J. Ind 627 47.4 Shirley J. Con 325 31.0 Jones D. Ind 468 - Turnout 32.0 18.3 Price J. Con 235 - Swettenham T. Ind 270 - Unwin N. Ind 168 16.0 Horton (1395) Woolley N. Lab 162 15.5 Turnout 41.5 5.1 vote share Harrison H. Con 490 75.2 Turnout 47.5 6.5 Biddulph West (2058)2 Brassington H. Ind 162 24.8 vote share No. 17 (Kingsley) (1761) Jackson L. Lab 506 55.4 Turnout 46.7 50.3 vote share Winkle S. Lab 433 - Richardson H. Ind 515 52.8 Machin D. Ind 407 44.6 Ipstones (996) Johnson T. Ind 461 47.2 Brown G. Ind 306 - vote share Alexander S. Ind 326 54.2 Turnout 55.4 5.5 Clowes P. Ind 275 45.8 Turnout 44.4 10.8 2 No. 19 (Cheadle: North East) (2482) Brown Edge (1780) Turnout 60.3 8.5 vote share Willis T. Lab 632 44.4 vote share 4 Rushton J. Ind 587 54.2 Leek North East (5454) Makeig-Jones A. Con 468 32.9 Bourne H. Ind 497 45.8 vote share Keates J. Lab 397 - Murfin E. Ms. Lab 1,378 67.8 Kersey S. Ind 323 22.7 Turnout 60.9 8.3 Wood N. Ms. Lab 1,091 - Plant J. Lab 1,067 - Turnout 57.3 11.5 Caverswall (1306) Davies R. Lab 942 - vote share Graham A. Con 655 32.2 Warslow (1071) Ratcliffe S. Ms. Ind 351 55.3 Heath M. Con 624 - vote share Gilbert H. Ind 284 44.7 Smith F. Ind 389 54.0 Turnout 37.3 35.6 Mycock C. Ind 331 46.0 Turnout 48.6 10.6 2 Leek North West (2301) Turnout 67.2 8.1 Cheadle South East (2875)3 vote share vote share Nightingale L. Ind 389 74.1 Waterhouses (842) Allen G. Ind 373 42.1 Braddell H. Ind 350 - vote share Halden J. Ms. Ind 343 - Chadwick A. Ms. Lib 136 25.9 Smith J. Ind 312 54.0 Brunt E. Ms. Lab 334 37.7 Benton D. Lib 118 - Jones R. Ind 162 28.0 Brunt F. Lab 333 - Brassington J. Ind 104 18.0 Burton P. Lab 294 - Turnout 22.8 48.2 Turnout 68.6 26.0 Wheat H. Lib 180 20.3 3 Alcock S. Lib 144 - Leek South East (3155) Elkes A. Ind 80 - vote share Levitt J. Lab 829 51.0 Turnout 30.9 4.4 Hood H. Con 796 49.0 Rushton K. Con 782 - Newall S. Con 762 - Wrigley W. Lab 660 - Burton F. Lab 462 - Turnout 51.5 2.0 Results of the English Shire District Elections 1973-2012 1 Cheadle South East (3087)3 Leek North West (3299)3 Staffordshire Moorlands - vote share vote share Allen G. Con 584 52.7 Wilshaw K. Ind 1,069 45.5 1976 Halden J. Ms. Con 459 - Newall S. Con 971 41.4 Brunt E. Ms. Ind 315 28.4 Povey A. Con 923 - Alton (1378) Kersey S. Ind 281 - Harrison G. Ind 706 - vote share Taylor J. Lab 209 18.9 Braddell H. Con 459 - Clowes P.* Ind 0 0.0 Alcock S. Ind 153 - Gledhill G. Ms. Lab 308 13.1 Auton C. Ms. Lab 253 - Turnout 35.9 24.3 Hughes H. Ms. Lab 199 - Turnout 0.0 0.0 2 Biddulph East (3161)2 Cheadle West (2794) Turnout 71.2 4.2 vote share vote share 3 Bambridge L. Lab 0 - Perry E. Con 685 51.5 Leek South East (3682) Bailey D. Lab 0 0.0 Carr R. Ind 377 28.4 vote share Woodroffe G. Lab 267 20.1 Rushton K. Con 978 68.6 Hood H. Con 950 - Turnout 0.0 0.0 Turnout 47.6 23.2 Elks A. Con 855 - Foster D. Lab 448 31.4 Biddulph Moor (1430) 3 vote share Checkley (3219) Mathias K. Ms. Lab 433 - Breeze J. Ind 250 67.8 vote share Nelson M. Ms. Lab 386 - Brown-Gibson A. Con 119 32.2 Pearce D. Con 888 69.7 Gardner H. Ms. Con 660 - Turnout 38.7 37.2 Wilcox J. Con 629 - Turnout 25.8 35.5 3 Stephen R. Lab 386 30.3 Leek South West (4455) Biddulph North (3286)3 vote share Turnout 39.6 39.4 Wood E. Con 1,023 52.4 vote share Levitt J. Ms. Lab 930 47.6 Dixon J. Ind 646 37.1 2 Bailey C. Ind 566 - Cheddleton (2847) Tatton D. Con 863 - Hall D. Ind 549 - vote share Gilligan P. Ms. Con 860 - Turner D. Res 497 28.6 Jackson A. Ind 504 29.1 Stewart L. Lab 744 - Edwards C. Con 481 27.7 Meakin J. Ms. Con 466 26.9 Kenneth D. Lab 699 - McTighe P. Ms. Ind 410 - Simcock J. Lib 433 25.0 Booth E. Ms. Con 403 - Lloyd R. Ms. Lab 328 18.9 Turnout 43.8 4.8 Price W. Ind 402 - Berresford J. Ind 321 - Simons A. Ms. Ind 242 - Leekfrith (1033) Lyhtgoe D. Ms. Ind 208 - Turnout 60.8 2.2 vote share Hine T.