www.borneohouseboat.com Phone : +62 852 8825 0487 Email : [email protected]

5 Days – 4 Nights


Upon your arrival at Pangkalan Bun Airport, your tour guide will meet your group and take you on a 20 minute drive straight to National Park harbour in Kumai to board Belantara and be introduced to the crew.

A delicious lunch will be served while we head from the port towards Kumai River. We will leisurely explore the quiet river while observing wildlife such as Proboscis monkeys, long tail Macaques, various birds like Hornbills and Kingfishers along the shores. Our guide will provide informative details on the wildlife, vegetation and history of the region and answer any questions you may have.

Our first stop will be Tanjung Harapan where we will take a short walk through the forest to the semi-wild feeding which starts at 3pm. You will likely see monkeys, wild boars and various species of birds at the feeding ground and along the trail. Upon return to the boat, we will find a quiet location to moor overnight. A full course dinner will be served while you enjoy your first night in the rainforest.


You will awaken to the serene rainforest morning ambience including orangutan long calls, gibbons, various birds and other wildlife sounds. After a hearty breakfast we will continue on a 2 hour cruise and enter the mirrored black water . You will soon notice the change of air as you are breathing in from the Lung of the Earth and the vegetation advances from peatland to the biodiverse tropical rainforest plants. Along the way you will see the magnificent reflection of vegetation along the river and perhaps fresh water crocodiles, monitor lizards and other wildlife.

After lunch on board, we will visit Camp Leakey, known as the research center where the are reintroduced into the rainforest. A visit to the information center and museum will introduce you to orangutan life in Tanjung Puting National Park with informative exhibits on their diet, development, daily traits and family trees. We will then set off for a breathtaking trek journey through tropical rainforest searching for wild orangutans, boars, gibbons, birds and other rainforest animals, and tropical rainforest plants. At 3pm central time (+1 hour time difference between Camp Leakey and Kumai) you can witness the feeding ground, where the rehabilitated and nursing orangutans are provided additional food and care.

We will then return to the boat and approach Pondok Ambung during sunset. Upon your wish before or after dinner, we can take a night walk searching for nocturnal animals, and glowing and smoking mushrooms. If you’re lucky, you might even see the elusive Tarsier! Upon returning to the boat, we will find a quiet place to moor for the night.


After a restful sleep, our chef will prepare breakfast of your choice and we will proceed to Pondok Tanguy feeding ground to view the wildlife scene at the 9am feeding. Along the way, we will enjoy a leisurely trek through the rainforest, observing the sights and sounds of nature’s wildlife and vegetation.

In the late morning, following lunch served on-board, we will return to Camp Leakey for a trek deeper into the forest on hiking paths to explore the natural sounds and sights of the tropical rainforest. You will begin to appreciate the complexity of the living environment between the vegetation such as ferns, trees, orchids, mushrooms, and other endemic species in one tiny plot co-existing with the numerous animal species which is no less diverse such as mammals, birds, amphibians, insects and other life forms.

Or you can choose to trek deeper into the forest at Pondok Tanguy and return to the boat by canoe so you can experience the river life closer. Be sure to bring your camera to document the journey and your findings.

As the sun begins to set, we will find a quiet place to moor to overnight and we will enjoy a sumptuous dinner prepared on board by our chef.

Optional: A night walk through the forest led by a Ranger to explore interesting vegetation such as glowing mushrooms, unique insects, elusive Tarsiers, sleeping birds and other creatures of the night.


You have a unique opportunity to travel to the less travelled Sungai Buluh Kecil, a pristine and serene tributary to view wildlife and orangutans up-close and personal. Sungai Buluh Kecil is in a remote part of the park reachable on a 40-minute journey by speed boat through the bay of Kumai at the coast of Tanjung Puting National Park and Java Sea. After a quick breakfast on-board, you will board 12 footers speedboats and we will begin our voyage. Once we cross the bay and reach the Buluh Kecil River, we will pass through narrow and winding tributary of magical lowland rainforest, shallow and seemingly blocked blackwater river. You will quickly understand why this area is only accessible by speed boat! Experience a peaceful sanctuary with very few if not none other visitors and have private time to marvel at the diversity and wildlife. It’s a birding and wildlife viewing haven! Once we reach Camp Filomena, we can see the orangutans from the boat up-close and personal at their habitat home.

This is a unique opportunity to view one of the most pristine areas of the park in all of its wild and unspoiled natural glory. It is truly an opportunity that few others have experienced and one you will certainly never forget.

You have a choice of having your lunch packed in lunch boxes or have it served upon your return on-board.

In the afternoon we will visit Pesalat Reforestation Project which focuses on preserving and rehabilitating tropical endemic rainforest and wildlife habitat. It is a lovely trek to the Ranger’s office walking through trees and plants with signboards indicating the various ailments and diseases they can be used to cure. Experience the passion of the Ranger as he describes the reforestation project and educates you which tree bark, leaves, flowers and fruits are favored by orangutans for food and nesting material. You will then be invited to participate in the reforestation by adopting a seedling of your choice and planting it in the reforestation area.

In the late afternoon we will cruise down the river while observing groups of long-nosed Proboscis monkeys, possibly wild orangutans and other wildlife or simply enjoying the sunset on the upper level of spacious boat deck.

We will moor for the evening along the Nypa mangrove where you can watch a spectacular display of fireflies while you enjoy a delicious meal prepared by our chef.


Enjoy your last breakfast on board and relax as the boat returns to Kumai. Upon arrival to the port, we will transfer you Pangkalan Bun airport for your next destination.

Note: Itineraries may be altered depending on your arrival time and weather/river conditions. However rest assured that we will visit all the park locations described over the course of your visit, but in different order.