Subcontracting Microwork CHI 2017 Submission
Subcontracting Microwork Meredith Ringel Morris1, Jeffrey P. Bigham2, Robin Brewer3, Jonathan Bragg4, Anand Kulkarni5, Jessie Li2, and Saiph Savage6 1Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA, USA 2Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 3Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA 4University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA 5University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA 6West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, USA, {bigham, jessieli},,,, ABSTRACT scientific enterprises [10, 11], and community or volunteer Mainstream crowdwork platforms treat microtasks as ventures [5]. Mainstream crowdwork platforms treat indivisible units; however, in this article, we propose that microtasks (also called human intelligence tasks or HITs) as there is value in re-examining this assumption. We argue that indivisible units; however, we propose that there is value in crowdwork platforms can improve their value proposition re-examining this assumption. We argue that crowdwork for all stakeholders by supporting subcontracting within platforms can improve their value proposition for all microtasks. After describing the value proposition of stakeholders by supporting subcontracting within subcontracting, we then define three models for microtask microtasks, i.e. outsourcing one or more aspects of a subcontracting: real-time assistance, task management, and microtask to additional workers. task improvement, and reflect on potential use cases
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