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Endtgort520griiimc630478932 (;0vll IIN]}lliNT 0f 'I ELAN {i'\NA ABSIBAE'T -- Terlporary public services - lvlA&L1D Depnrrm*nr '- lvlunicipal cornnrissiottcr selvtccs Calegory-l of appoirltments h-v transf'ers of Mun'icipal Cqnrmissicuer^ Gructc-Ill. iVanagers a^s Municipol 'Lls'rtllss ltrttl supcr intrriiiu-rtl:;'i l\{anaBer:s r''rlrking in I\{unicipal Corpr:ratiott: Comnrissit.rntr Crade-ll tbr the pcrnel yrirr 20l(r-17 - Orders-Isluetl' n,iN pl,:veloPM[N'l' (AI ) DIiPARTNIUNT 29.{}8,2{JI?, {;.0.Rt.No.5?1l, Dateil; Read dre fi:llor.ving:- 1. G.O.(P).No.113. H & N'{A, Dcparhuent, Dalcd; l{}' 12'1959' 2. G-A.N{s'No 490.lvlA & UD (t"l) Department Dated: 10"08 t999' 3. Dr:[:]irrtrtlcntal lrrortotiou conrtnitlct l'roceedings, Datcd: 18.08.2017 4. Irrom rire DMA, Lr'.Roc.No,CDMA-Ai,frsul Prom i i/2017-1795 llt: :8.08.2i117 5. G.U.l4s.No.237.l\,{A & LID (AJ Departnrtnl Dnlcd: 29 08'2017' &.&k , raQ \ .{ " \oRl}ER: I {w' reterence 5tL read irbovc, orders have been issued fur including the na;tles rrf \ rn the 'lSMh'1SS Comuissioncr Grade.lll, h'laoagers Category-l of and Superinteudents / it" - lrrlunicioal , \l,u,"gcrs rv,trlrllg i1 tvlunicipal Corprr.rraiions lur &eir temporar)i apprlintmenl by trarsf'er tu the E(rsL ilt'\lurriciprrl ('r:nrnrissior,cr crad*-l.l in thc panel -ve:lr lLtl{i-17. 2. LinclcL Rrrlc 10 (a) of rhe'lclanglnn State and Subordinate S*rvice Rules 1996. tl're lbllowing in,.lrvidrlals aru tenrpoliiri}y irppointccl by transl'er as N{unicipai Cr:mrnissioner Cr. Il in the scale ol' pay ol Rs.35120-950-16fi?0-1030-19160-1110-42490-119046060-127$^4987$' 1 160- I 160-519S0- t,i60-58.i30- I 56{)-63CI I U- I 6 $0-61t}r\-1760-73:70- 1 880-789 0-3020-84970-2 8?ll0 in RPS-2015, rvith irnmcdiate eilbct:- I Sf .f.r,l li.,'ne .,1'tl,c in,'lit iJ,r,il Sri i Snit, *-: 1. i il. Sampath Kuntat', -,ictili i-rvruni".'p Jagityal lv{unicipalty_ I --v-1---' _ Srir;rti". MunicipalIN{unicipalCommissiEraer. : Srrrhup:rll1 ir'lurlicipalitv i Cornmissioner Gmde-lll--_-l':"1*:**5-.-;''--_"1 3.- Rara B$u.. I Nlunicipul Comrnissioner" [- l-M. (-irar.k _ivluni*ipat Clornmissiou*r -llI Ycllarrdu lv{urriciualitv I i-' :-,:-----J:---r--------*- j Srvanry, MuniuipaliMLrrricipalC'onrmissioner. Cirade-iItr ('onr{nissir:ncr Crudc-tli tVery.!11ifq! M-unicipaliU I tt-I I - ; 6 i;;.,1" S-p.il,rrct,..t.',,r. tioit"t f c;t",,tci-ii:ii-,urt u,',""'ipit I rr'.- -..,- ,...r n,1..-, .,-.., : r '^.^,.,.^r,,r,1 Shrilajl. \'lunir:iprl j IlLrrriciprl C,rttintissitlttcr. I c_g*nllryl.:*ergdt-ill _'*ililtu?qeb"glA!1s S. Sammaiah, Superint*rrdent, i Cireat*r Warangal lvlunicipal Ureater Wararrgal tvlunicipul Corporation K. Srihari, h.{unicipal C<lrnrrrissiorrcr Criidc-tl I 12. lndraseena Reddy, Dcpuri'(-lornrnissit'rner. (ireater i i!. Municipal I I L - i-l*ii:.gj::i-o-l.t--*t l,ir*1t:1.!!-. - __L&14nsalMunic-ipal-Cg111itliin-i -1 Creater Warangal Corporarion i l.t. i S1'ed Dcputy j l:oud Inspector, Greater { Il4unicirrnl C'orrr,rrnrin,' Raju, SuperiutenileniTat*ate. Municipal Creatcr Warangal Mwticipai i {,orporarion G.Srinivas Reddy. Estate Officei. -Cr.'ai., ! I t8 Maruthi -- *l I t Prasad. trrunicipal I tviii.,i.ipof C, I (-irrnitrissionur _ Crai.lu-lll i ,rJitrUitl ttu I t,.r. l,rnisu,: Rlsti*e.l. \luni.itr,r,l i .i;il*rr*;; 3' I'he ahove tenrporarl' appoinl^rtrents bv inursl'ers arr sub.iect to the follorving con(litions:- a) I'hc appointrnents to the post .abovc of l,lunicipal Cornmissioner Gracle.Il is basis l;::::,,,.:-,]l::lp:rary anct subjecr r..urcc,rrri of OAstMs/CAs/WpsiSLps, I, ajlv ])endlng ln courts. b) alt the above indivi<iuals uppointed as Municipal Comrnissioners oracle.ll are inlbrmed that they shoul<l join in the new post within 15 days from the date of receipt of this order, failing. w'irich they srraii rorego ur"i. proi"Jon both present for rlre and future as per rulc I l(b) ol.fSS Servicl Rules,'t996. 4' The Director of Municipal Adnrinistration^ l{yclerabad shall accordingly uke nccessar-v acrion and intirnate the dare ofjoining of the indivictuals. (LJY oRDI-'.lt AND 'rr'rF. IN Ni\i!18 ol, T'HF] GovERNoR oF TELANCANA) NAVIN [II'I''r.{L lo..' S ECITBTAITY'I'O GOVI RN II,IEN"I' -.' Ths I)irccror of \,Iunicipal Adniinistrarion, I.lyrierabatl I he. ind.ividua rs {ypush nirector of lvlunicipar gdrri*istrati'n. Hyderabad. Copy to OSD to lvlinister for MA & UD Department. P.S Secretary to (iovernruent. MA & UD Department Sc/Sf-to ilFORWARDED tsY ORDEIV/ fft{tu,rr,lro?ditr- ^ "s File No.C DMA-A1 /ESST/PROM/ 1 t2017 -A SEC-C DMA GOVERNMENT OF TELANGANA MUNICIPAL ADMINISTMTION DEPARTMENT O/o the Commissioner & Director of Mu nic ipa I Ad m in is tratio n, T.S., 640, A.C Guards, Hyderabad-4 Endt.No. CDMA-A1/ESST/PROM/1/2O17-A SEC-cDMA-1795, 3tloal20t7 "Communicated G.O.Rt.No.520, MA&UD(A1) Deptt., Dt.29.8.2017 with a direction to report in the promotion post as and when the Go vernment is s ue the po s ting o rders ". sd/_ D r.T.K.S reedev i, Directo r. To: 1. Sri A.Sampth Kumar, Municipal Commissioner, Jagityal Municipality. 2. Sri B.Srinivasu, Municipal Commissioner, Sathupally Municipality. 3. Sri M.Ravi Babu, Municipal Commissioner, Yeallndu Municipality. 4. Sri A.Swamy, Municipal Commissioner, Bodhan Municipality. 5. Sri Ch.Srikanth, Municipal Co mmissio ner, Mancheriyal Municipality. 6. Smt A.Shailaja, Municipal Commissioner, Armoor Municipality. 7. Smt A.Vani, Municipal Commissioner, Korutla Municipality. 8. Sri V.Sammaiah, Municipal Commissioner, Huzurabad Municipality. 9. Sri K.Srihari, Municipal Commissioner, Vemulawada Municipality. 10. Sri B.Indraseena Reddy, Deputy Municipal Commissioner, GWMC. 11. Sri Syed Atrid, Deputy Municipal Commissioner, Nizamabad Municipal Co rpt.r ratio n. qr+r^L 12. Sri D.Megham, Food Inspector, GHMC. 7, t.o-r&, (p6ly,rilkianc-,", 13. Sri G.Srinivas Reddy, Assistant Estate Offlcer, GHMC. J U 14. Sri A.Maruthi Prasad, Municipal Commissioner, Adilabad Municipality. 15. Sri Anisur Rasheed, Administrative Officer, O/o PD, MEPMA, Rajanna- Sircilla District, 16. Sri N.Santosh Kumar, Municipal Commissioner, Tandur Municipality. 17. Sri E.Jonah, Superintendent, GWMC. 18. Sri S.Sammaiah, Superintendent, GWMC. 19. Smt A.Nagamani, Superintendent, GWMC. 20. Sri G.Raju, Superintendent, GWMC. (Sl.Not9l7 to 20 through Commissioner, GWMC) "f1. Sri D.Rames h, Superintendent, Nizamabad Municipal Co rpo ratio n. F i le No. C DMA-A 1 /ESST/P ROM/ 1 12017 -A SEC-C DMA (through Commissioner, Nizamabad Municipal Corporation) Copy to: 1. The Commissioner, Greater Warangal Municipal Corporationf Zattrn c- 2. The Commissioner, Niamabad Municipal Corporation. 3. All the RDMAs concerned. 4. The Examiner of Accounts of concerned Municipal Corporation/ DTO/ STO concerned. Copy submitted to the Secretary to Government, MA&UD Department, D- Block, T.S., Secretariat for information. Signatur alid K.
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