Latin 4/533 Apollonius of Rhodes TTh 3:30-4:45 Modern Languages 304 Spring 2013 Prof. Mark Thatcher Office: Learning Services Building 218 Email:
[email protected] Office Hours: MWF 10:00- 11:30, or by appointment Course Description We will be reading (in Greek) Book 3 of the Argonautica, the 3rd century BC epic poem by Apollonius of Rhodes. Part of the course will focus on developing Greek reading skills and reviewing grammar and usage as necessary. We will also investigate the contexts of the poem: the literary contexts of the Library at Alexandria and other Hellenistic poets, and the cultural contexts and changing Greek culture of the Hellenistic Period. Finally, we will read the rest of the epic and other texts in English, and discuss Apollonius’ place in the Greek (and Roman) epic tradition. Required Text R. Hunter, Apollonius of Rhodes: Argonautica Book III, ISBN 9780521312363 In addition, you will be expected to make regular use of the standard lexica and grammars, such as the following: H. W. Smyth, Greek Grammar, Cambridge MA, 1920 (rev. edn. 1956). ISBN: 0674362500 An Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon: Founded upon the 7th ed. of Liddell and Scott's Greek-English Lexicon. Oxford, 1889 (repr. 1993). ISBN: 0199102066. (the Middle Liddell) Abridged Greek-English Lexicon, H. G. Liddell and R. Scott (eds.). Oxford, 1993. ISBN: 0199102074. (the Little Liddell) You will also be expected to find translations several Greek and Latin texts on your own (any translation will do), as listed in the schedule below. Important Dates Diagnostic Quiz: Thurs., Jan.