PROGRAM PLANNING GUIDE 2011 - 2012 Education Assistant Certificate
February 2011 Name: ___________________ ID#: ___________________ PROGRAM PLANNING GUIDE 2011 - 2012 Education Assistant Certificate The purpose of this program planning guide is to help students track their progress within their chosen program. The information in this planning guide is accurate at the time of printing and is subject to change without notice. It is the students’ responsibility to ensure the accuracy of their program and course choice. Students should use the program planning guide dated the year in which they began the program. This guide should be used in conjunction with the official (print) version of the Medicine Hat College Calendar, and calendars of appropriate transfer institutions, which are the final authorities regarding program requirements. Fall Semester Prerequisite On Online Starting Dates Online Alternatives Courses Courses Campus ECampus; from Other Institutions Availability MHC DL; Directed Study CHPC 120 - Child September ECampus: Sept, Jan, Development Apr MHC DL: Oct, Feb CHPC 122 - September EA 105 Personal Interpersonal Development and Relations Interaction, from Keyano College. Available thru ECampus, September & January CHPC 123 - Health, September ELCC 116 Health, Safety, and Nutrition Safety, and Nutrition, from Keyano College. Available thru ECampus, January OR ECE 151 thru Lethbridge College, Print Based DL, September and January EDAS 101 - The September ECampus: Sept, Jan, Education Assistant Apr in the Classroom MHC DL: Oct, Feb EDAS 108 - Assisting September ECampus: Sept, Apr with Numeracy
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