
Blog del Narco and the Future of Citizen

Andrés Monroy-Hernández and Luis Daniel Palacios

Andrés Monroy-Hernández Reliable information is difficult to obtain in conflict zones, is a researcher at Microsoft where communication network outages, concern for jour- Research and an affiliate faculty at the University of nalists’ safety, and intense political struggles compromise Washington. Dr. Monroy- traditional news sources. In the context of the Mexican drug Hernández is the creator of the Scratch Online Commu- war, the anonymous del Narco has served as an invalu- nity, a website where people able outlet for disseminating information about the con- learn to program, and of 1 Sana, a mobile healthcare flict. Soon after launching in March 2010, the blog became system for the developing one the fifty most visited sites in Mexico.2 The blog is well world. known for publishing articles about arrests, violent clashes, Luis Daniel Palacios is a and executions involving members of rival drug cartels, the Research Fellow at the Gov- ernance Lab and a Junior military, and law enforcement officers. These articles often Research Scientist at New include gruesome videos and photos not found on main- York University. At the Gov- Lab he leads the develop- stream media. To this day, the blog’s administrators have ment of the Open Data 500 remained anonymous, although one apparently published a project. book about the blog under the pseudonym “Lucy.” Shortly after the book’s publication in 2013, the blog stopped post- ing new articles, and “Lucy” reported being forced to flee the country due to personal safety concerns. Here, we examine Blog del Narco to better understand the information ecosystem in the and, more broadly, to study how networked technologies are both challenging and augmenting traditional news journalism

Summer/Fall 2014 [85] BLOG DEL NARCO AND THE FUTURE OF practices. Beyond the particulars of the officials alike try to control how and Mexican context, the case of Blog del what information becomes public, the Narco helps us understand a shift in violence has spread to the newsroom. what constitutes a news organization. Journalists have been intimidated and We begin examining these issues by executed, transforming Mexico into analyzing the blog’s cadence and topics one of the most dangerous countries using a corpus of text data from all of for reporters.5 According to the Com- its articles. We then problematize the mittee to Protect Journalists, fifty-six narrative around this anonymous news journalists and media workers have organization by examining issues of been killed in Mexico since 2006.6 provenance, attribution, identity, and Attacks on the media often come in the community. We end by arguing that, form of murders, kidnappings, intimi- rather than thinking of the website as an dation, and other forms of violence, individual actor, we must think of it as such as throwing grenades at media a transmediated networked entity with headquarters.7, 8 This violence has Journalists have been intimidated and executed, transforming Mexico into one of the most dangerous countries for reporters. closer relationships to other websites effectively censored news reporting in and to mainstream media than previ- some parts of the country, particularly ously understood. in the northern border cities where violence is the worst. After the mur- The Nature of Mexico’s Infor- der of a second journalist in Ciudad mation Ecosystem Today. Juárez, for example, a local newspaper Mexico has been witness to a conflict opted for self-censorship, addressing between law enforcement officials and cartels directly with the headline “What drug trafficking organizations (DTOs) Do You Want From Us?” to discern for several decades now. It was not what they could and could not publish.9 until President Calderón took office Similarly, the assassination of several in 2006, however, that the conflict journalists in the state of Veracruz has became a full-scale war, claiming over prompted massive protests. Such cen- sixty thousand casualties by the end of sorship has inspired citizens to use his presidency.3 Immediately after tak- different social media channels such ing office, Calderón launched large as Facebook, , and YouTube to military operations targeted at disman- report and curate the news—and to sim- tling the DTOs, which led to the splin- ply stay informed. Twitter, for exam- tering of groups and increased violence ple, has been widely used by civic media as the DTOs began battling each other “curators” to report on risky situations over control of drug trafficking routes.4 in near real-time.11 According to one As drug cartels and law enforcement of its creators, Blog del Narco emerged

[86] Georgetown Journal of International Affairs HERNANDEZ AND PALACIOS Culture&Society as part of these citizen media efforts to “brands” of reporting sites. Unlike an address information blackouts.12 Based individual civic media curator on Twit- on interviews with Mexican social media ter, a branded site tries to emulate a users that we have conducted in the specialized and more traditional news past, as well as others’ observations, outlet. Although Blog del Narco per- it seems that people gravitated toward haps enjoyed the most success during

Figure 1 Websites devoted to reporting narco violence social media for various reasons: to its heyday, we have identified thirty-two circumvent the centralized control that other websites performing a similar characterizes broadcast media; to pub- reporting function—seventeen of which lish anonymously or pseudonymously; are currently active. While early sites and to reduce personal risk by diffus- like NotiNarco and NarcoMexicano ing responsibility among many people consisted solely of , newer outlets rather than one journalist in an arti- often include Twitter, Facebook, and cle’s byline.13, 14 YouTube accounts. Prior to the escalation of violence in 2006, only a few websites featured Information Vacuum and Blog news and reports about cartel activity del Narco. Although precursors of (see Figure 1). NarcoNews and Nar- Blog del Narco existed, the use of coMexicano, for example, have been the web for reporting on the Mexican active since 2000 and 2006, respec- drug war only became widespread after tively. Researchers have documented 2008. Several decades before Blog del how Mexican drug cartel members may Narco emerged in 2010, critical infor- have used the and social net- mation pertaining to drug smugglers work sites such as MySpace, YouTube, was disseminated through a genre of and Facebook as early as 2005, if not folk music called narcocorridos, or drug earlier.15 Since 2008, however, we ballads. The genre gained popularity on observe a particular rise in different both sides of the border since at least

Summer/Fall 2014 [87] BLOG DEL NARCO AND THE FUTURE OF CITIZEN JOURNALISM the 1980s.16 More recently, a number net; and were reg- of local governments have censored the istered on 26 May 2008, while Lucy’s genre and banned its reproduction in “Blog del Narco” ( mainstream media, possibly contribut- remained unregistered until two years ing to both its online and offline pop- later. The public records for all of the

Figure 2 New articles published in Blog del Narco ularity. Simultaneously, a new genre “El Blog del Narco” domains share the called “movimiento alterado,” or “sick same email address and physical address movement,” has gained a significant in Monterrey, Mexico—a city that expe- number of fans. The surge in violence rienced a surge in drug-related violence since 2006, combined with the silenc- around the same time. ing of journalists and increased Inter- At the time of writing, all of the net penetration in Mexico, created the aforementioned domains—as well as perfect trifecta for the popularization—redirect their web of websites like Blog del Narco. traffic to, a website Today, the origins and ownership hosted on Google’s Blogger platform. of Blog del Narco remain an enigma. Coincidently, the first blog post of a According to Internet domain name separate Blogger website with a simi- records, domain names with the mem- lar name, orable moniker “El Blog del Narco” (which stopped posting regularly after (; elblogdelnarco. September 2010), also dates back to

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26 May 2008. The last post on the of its content, a consistent presence Blogspot site, written by a user named on social media, and presumably some “Historiador,” mentions the creation luck.

Figure 3 Total number of Twitter followers of Blog del Narco at @InfoNarco of This suggests Methodology. To gather data on the that one person might own all of these blog, we downloaded all publicly avail- domains. Also at the time of writ- able articles (8,102 in total) from Blog ing,—unlike Lucy’s del Narco using a web scraping script.18—is currently active, We ran the script in multiple sessions as is its Twitter account (@MundoNar- over the course of 2013, allowing us co) with over one hundred thousand to retrieve articles from the very first followers. Lucy and Historiador, the (posted 2 March 2010) through the last administrators of each of these sites, day we scrapped (30 March 2013). We frequently reference one another in also collected publicly available infor- their posts and interact in the com- mation from the Blog del Narco Twit- ments sections of other sites. At one ter account (@InfoNarco) using snap- point Historiador even claimed “Blog shots from the Internet archive.19 In del Narco” had stolen the name of his addition, we extracted the main topics blog.17 from the corpus of data using Latent Evidently, the general “Blog del Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) topic mod- Narco” phenomenon goes beyond one eling.20 Finally, we used simple regular individual website and represents an expressions to determine the frequency entire ecosystem of websites. The suc- of certain keywords that emerged from cess of Blog del Narco was likely attrib- the topic modeling. utable to early media attention to some


Blogging at the Pace and Style es, i.e. the article entitled: “19 bodies of the Narco Violence. To observe found in a narco-mine in Hidalgo” the cadence of the blog, we plotted (“Encuentran 19 cuerpos en nar- the number of articles per month (see comina de Hidalgo”). Figure 2). We found that the blog pub- 3. Arrests or drug busts, i.e. the lished an average of 216 articles per article entitled: “Another hit to Los month. During the spring and summer Zetas: Jesus Enrique Rejon Agui- of 2011, however, this number almost lar, aka El Mamito, is captured” doubled. This surge occurred during (“Otro golpe para : capturan a period with a particularly high inci- a Jesús Enrique Rejón Aguilar, alias dence of homicide, suggesting that per- El Mamito”). haps the blog’s activity was an indicator 4. Analytical or opinionated dis- of the level of violence in the country.21 cussions about the war, i.e. reports We were also interested in how the about cartels, their leaders, geopoli- blog’s popularity might have changed tics of the war, and even discussions over time. Although we do not have about narco-culture with titles like access to the blog’s visit logs, we could “Coming Soon: Music on the Blog.” measure its popularity through its Among these themes, “Execution/ Twitter account. Its follower base grew Found Bodies” is the blog’s most preva- steadily throughout 2010 and 2011, lent at 42 percent (see Table 1). The with a particular spike in August 2011 gruesome nature of posts in this cat- (see Figure 3). Again, this coincided egory generates substantial controver- with an increase of violence in the sy, since many people find such blunt country. The loss of followers at the treatment of violence either insensitive end of 2011 is likely attributable to or conducive to an inappropriate fasci- a new partnership that resulted in a nation for crime. brief change in Twitter handle name (@notirex). This explains the drop in Category Articles followers of the @InfoNarco account. We verified this data using both Twitter Shootout/ Attack 24.70% “firehose” data and, and it is Execution/ Found Bodies 41.86% almost certainly not due to collection Arrest/ Drug Bust 10.07% error. To identify the main topics discussed Other 23.38% in Blog del Narco, we used the afore- Table 1 Frequency of topic discussion mentioned automated topic detection mechanism (LDA). We identified the We also looked at the most frequent following most common topics: two-word terms, or bi-grams (see Table 1. Shootouts and violent attacks, i.e. 2), and found that terms similar to the the article entitled: “Grenade attack topical categories appear. This search in Tamaulipas kills two, hurts three” reveals that the main actors in the (“Granadazo en Tamaulipas deja dos war are the , organized muertos y tres heridos”). crime, armed groups, and federal, 2. Executions and discovery of corps- state, and municipal police forces. We

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Bi-gram (English Translation) Frequency años edad (years old) 1,884 servicio medico (medical service) 1,452 médico forense (medical examiner/coroner) 1,440 nuevo león (Mexican state of Nuevo León) 1,426 elementos policía (police elements) 1,415 ejército mexicano (Mexican army) 1,350 policía federal (federal police) 1,290 seguridad pública (public safety) 1,181 policía municipal (municipal police) 1,125 ministerio public (public ministry) 1,037

Table 2 Top ten most frequent bi-grams also observe frequent mention of ages— 2010, another blogger accused Blog del often between twenty-five and thirty- Narco of plagiarism and revealed the five years—presumably those of individ- administrator’s supposed real identity. uals killed. Lastly, the articles mention Other journalists have raised the pos- the “United States” as a frequent actor. sibility that some of the content in Blog Mexican politicians are not keen to del Narco is actually appropriated from challenge the status quo with regard to local news media. drug policies in the United States, and More work is needed to compare the Mexican media often reflect this bias. content of every single Blog del Narco Blog del Narco did not demonstrate post against available online content. the same deference, instead publishing Whatever the findings may be, one articles critical of the United States. way of thinking about Blog del Narco Based on the topic modeling, we is that it became both a receptacle for performed a simple keyword search for exclusive news akin to Wikileaks and several terms that emerged as particu- a akin to Huffington larly salient. We found that 67 percent Post. These two roles might explain of articles (5,419) mention deaths, 46 part of the success of the website as percent (3,739) mention shootouts or the go-to destination for information attacks, 26.5 percent (2,147) mention about the Mexican drug war. Blog del arrests, and 9 percent (753) mention a Narco quickly acquired a reputation “narco” message (often in the form of for providing exclusive content, most banners hung in public spaces). notably gruesome execution videos. As these videos went viral, the site’s pop- Attribution and Provenance. ularity skyrocketed. Despite the par- Blog del Narco has been involved in ticular climate of violence in Mexico, numerous controversies. In September mainstream journalistic media did not

Summer/Fall 2014 [91] BLOG DEL NARCO AND THE FUTURE OF CITIZEN JOURNALISM typically address such topics. The site’s that characterizes their daily life.24 content allowed both those affected by Unfortunately there is no log of the violence and those who take an inter- reader comments, chats, or discussions est in violence to virtually congregate on Blog del Narco today. Many of around the posts to discuss the events. the currently active narco “brands” do, Mexico has a long tradition of crime- however, host similar spaces for users focused tabloids that concentrate on to participate in discussions. Further shocking content; Blog del Narco may empirical analysis on comments is nec- represent a digital extension of this type essary to ascertain the characteristics of of journalism. these communities, but based on the A Community-Building Space. comments reviewed from these sites, we Unlike previous blogs of its kind, Blog have observed that participants some- del Narco made significant efforts to times seek support in coping with the engage its viewers and played an impor- brutal violence that is so graphically

Despite the particular climate of violence in Mexico, mainstream journalistic media did not typi- cally address such topics. tant role in forming an active online displayed in the articles and so present community. Besides providing a com- in their lives offline. Many participants ment section on all posts, the site also discuss the drug trafficker lifestyle, included a chat window that was present insult or praise rival or allied cartel wherever a user navigated on the site, members, express dissatisfaction with and a message board or forum for users the current state of affairs in Mexico, to participate in threaded discussions. or comment on the morbidity of execu- Previous research on online commu- tion videos, among other vicious and nities has suggested that these types of often inhumane comments. features help support a sense of com- Indeed a distinctive aspect of the blog munity; we further speculate that these is the notoriously abrasive and often features may help users feel safer engag- crass nature of user comments. Fur- ing in conversations about sensitive thermore, the comments are written topics.23 In the comments section of with a Spanish vernacular often associ- the website, as well as in chat rooms and ated with lower socioeconomic back- discussion forums, people interacted grounds. This may suggest that interest in real time to discuss a wide variety of in narco-culture tends to be high in issues extending even beyond the drug disadvantaged communities with low war. In essence, Blog del Narco became levels of education and few opportuni- a social space, or what American soci- ties for social mobility, which drug car- ologist Ray Oldenburg would call a tels can exploit. More work needs to be “third place,” for Mexican citizens to done to assess the involvement of actual come together and discuss the violence narcotraffickers in comment threads

[92] Georgetown Journal of International Affairs HERNANDEZ AND PALACIOS Culture&Society and online communities, since we can “networked fourth estate” in which a conjecture that cartel members do have loosely connected group of individuals a significant presence in social media.25 plays the role of the traditional media In some cases, cartel members have organization, akin to how a network of been engaged in lengthy flame wars; in online editors has effectively replaced one particular instance a cartel member institutions like Encyclopedia Britan- even announced the upcoming execu- nica. In this case, a group of bloggers tion of a security official.26 and “leakers” providing exclusive con- tent has essentially filled the void left by Conclusions. The case of Blog del traditional news media in Mexico. The Narco highlights different develop- second issue regards the effect of digital ments in digital media that will continue social media on traditional news media. to transform mainstream news media. Some evidence suggests that both satel- The narrative cannot be reduced to a lite news and social media served crucial story about such websites simply replac- roles in encouraging protestors to dem- ing traditional journalism. In fact, sites onstrate in Egypt, while other scholars like Blog del Narco might actually help have argued that the bonds provided spread and popularize content that tra- by social media are insufficient for ditional media already produces. At the enabling offline collective action.27, 28 same time, Blog del Narco serves as a We believe that Blog del Narco gives us destination for anonymous leakers and an opportunity to explore these ques- bloggers to broadcast private informa- tions. tion otherwise ignored by traditional As armed conflict continues in Mex- media. ico, the press will be increasingly criti- Blog del Narco exercised more cal for informing citizens so they can risk than traditional journalistic ven- make important decisions. As we have ues. By posting sensitive information explained, however, centralized media and favoring speed and speculation are more prone to outside censor- over accuracy, the blog’s administra- ship, control, or other challenges. We tors adopted a model different from would therefore argue that the same traditional media sources. The inclu- protections that currently apply to sion of a real time chat widget on the journalists across the world, with sup- blog’s front page was also unique. This port from international organizations, enabled synchronous communication should extend to the space of online and transformed the blog into a desti- citizen media. For example, UN Reso- nation to “hang out” rather than just to lution 1738—which explicitly protects acquire information. journalists and media workers from Blog del Narco in particular illumi- being targeted by armed forces—and nates two issues related to the future Article 19 of the Universal Declara- of news journalism. The first issue tion of Human Rights—which focuses regards changing notions of what con- on freedom of expression—could be stitutes a news organization. For exam- extended to explicitly mention the role ple, the Wikileaks case has prompted of online citizen media. This is par- some scholars to recognize an emergent ticularly relevant to the case of Mexico,

Summer/Fall 2014 [93] BLOG DEL NARCO AND THE FUTURE OF CITIZEN JOURNALISM where President Peña Nieto submitted The government claimed that it wrote a telecommunications law to the sen- the law in collaboration with inter- ate in April 2014 that included a new national organizations, suggesting that provision allowing the government to these existing international protections turn off digital infrastructure—a “kill have not yet been fully absorbed.29 As switch”—in the name of “national secu- part of ending the violent conflict in rity.” Mexican citizens responded to Mexico, there must be safe spaces where the law with indignation, protests, and citizens can aggregate, archive, and eventually demanded its modification. share information.30

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NOTES 1 “El Blog Del Narco,” Internet, middle-of-drug-trafficking-violence/ (date accessed: (date accessed: 14 March 2014). 14 March 2014). 2 Blog Del Narco, Dying for the Truth: Undercover Inside the 15 Sarah Womer and Robert J. Bunker, “Sureños Mexican Drug War (Port Townsend: Feral House, 2012). Gangs and Mexican Cartel Use of Social Networking 3 Nick Miroff and William Booth, “Mexico’s Sites,” Small Wars & Insurgencies 21, no. 1 (2010): 81–94. Drug War Is at a Stalemate as Calderon’s Presidency 16 Helena Simonett, “Narcocorridos: An Emerg- Ends,” Washington Post, 28 November 2012, Internet, ing Micromusic of Nuevo L. A.,” Ethnomusicology 45, no. 2 (2001): 315. cas/calderon-finishes-his-six-year-drug-war-at- 17 sinfulMX, “Regresa El Blog Del Narco,” El Trepi- stalemate/2012/11/26/82c90a94-31eb-11e2-92f0- dante Mundo de Sinful, 26 April 2010, Internet, http:// 496af208bf23_story_1.html (date accessed: 14 March 2014). 4 Cory Molzahn et al., Drug Violence in Mexico: Data and (date accessed: 14 March 2014). Analysis Through 2012 (San Diego: Trans-Border Institute, 18 “Python Scripts Used to Scrape Blog del Nar- University of San Diego, 2013), Internet, http://jus- co” GitHub, Internet, iel/blogdelnarco_Scrapers (date accessed: 16 March dvm-2013-final.pdf (date accessed: 14 March 2014). 2014). 5 Ami Sedghi, “Where Are the Deadliest Places for 19 “Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free Journalists?,” , 7 January 2014, Internet, Books, Movies, Music & Wayback Machine,” Inter- net, (accessed 16 March jan/07/where-deadliest-most-dangerous-place-jour- 2014). nalists-syria (date accessed: 14 March 2014). 20 David M. Blei, Andrew Y. Ng, and Michael I. 6 Committee To Protect Journalists, “Journalists Jordan, “Latent Dirichlet Allocation,” Journal of Machine Killed in Mexico,” Internet, Learning Research 3 (March 2003): 993–1022. americas/mexico/ (date accessed: 14 March 2014). 21 Diego Valle, “Interactive Map of the Drug War 7 Jason Beaubien, “Mexico’s Drug Cartels Use in Mexico,” Internet, Force To Silence Media,” Internet, http://www.npr. war-map.html (date accessed: 16 March 2014). org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=128929784 22 Chivis Marinez, “Mexico’s Blog Del Narco: (date accessed: 14 March 2014). A Case of Stealing the Work of Others?” Borderlan 8 Juan Cedillo, “Reportan Granadazo Contra Beat, Internet 13 April 2013, http://www.borderland- Periódico ‘El Norte,’” El Universal, 11 January 2011; and Ioan Grillo, “Mexico Paper Stops Drug War stealing.html (date accessed: 14 March 2014). Coverage after Grenade Attacks,” Chicago Tribune, 23 Jenny Preece, Online Communities: Designing Usability 11 July 2012, Internet, http://articles.chicagotribune. and Supporting Sociability, 1st ed. (Wiley, 2000). com/2012-07-11/news/sns-rt-us-mexico-drugs- 24 Ray Oldenburg, The Great Good Place: Cafes, Coffee newspaperbre86a1ir-20120711_1_el-manana-cartel- Shops, Community Centers, Beauty Parlors, General Stores, Bars, zetas (date accessed: 14 March 2014). Hangouts, and How They Get You Through the Day (New York: 9 “El Diario de Ciudad Juárez pide tregua a Paragon House, 1989). los narcotraficantes,” CNN México, 19 Septem- 25 Womer and Bunker, “Sureños Gangs and ber 2010, Internet, Mexican Cartel Use of Social Networking Sites.” nal/2010/09/19/el-diario-de-ciudad-juarez-pide- 26 Ignacio Escolar, “Los zetas, los soldados de tregua-a-los-narcotraficantes (date accessed: 14 élite del cártel del Golfo,” Escolar, Internet, 18 May March 2014). 2005, 10 “Mexico Violence: Two Journalists Killed in los_zetas_los_s.html (date accessed: 14 March 2014). Veracruz,” BBC News, 3 May 2012, Internet, http:// 27 Zeynep Tufekci and Christopher Wilson, “Social Media and the Decision to Participate in (date accessed: 14 March 2014). Political Protest: Observations From Tahrir Square,” 11 Andrés Monroy-Hernández et al., “The New Journal of Communication 62, no. 2 (2012): 363–79. War Correspondents: The Rise of Civic Media Cura- 28 Bill Wasik, “Gladwell vs. Shirky: A Year Lat- tion in Urban Warfare,” Proceedings of the 2013 Conference er, Scoring the Debate Over Social-Media Revo- on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (Computer Sup- lutions,” Threat Level, Internet, 27 December 2011, ported Cooperative Work, 2013), 1443–52. 12 Blog del Narco, Dying for the Truth, 2012. vs-shirky/ (date accessed: 14 March 2014); Mal- 13 Monroy-Hernández et al., “The New War Cor- colm Gladwell, “Small Change,” The New Yorker, respondents.” Internet, 4 October 2010, http://www.newy- 14 Miguel Castillo, “Mexico: Citizen Journalism in the Middle of Drug-Trafficking Violence,” Global Voic- gladwell?currentPage=all (date accessed: 14 March es, 5 May 5 2010, Internet, http://globalvoicesonline. 2014); Clay Shirky, “The Political Power of Social org/2010/05/05/mexico-citizen-journalism-in-the- Media,” Foreign Affairs, Internet, January 2011, http://

Summer/Fall 2014 [95] BLOG DEL NARCO AND THE FUTURE OF CITIZEN JOURNALISM (date accessed: 30 April 2014). the-political-power-of-social-media (date accessed: 30 This article was inspired by discussions held 14 March 2014). at the Cato Institute Policy Forum in March 2013. 29 “Prometen Eliminar Censura En Internet de “Using Technology to Understand Mexico’s Epidemic Propuesta de Telecom; El Resto Queda Igual,” Inter- of Violence,” Cato Institute, Internet, http://www. net, dencia-y-pri-anuncian-retiro-de-censura-internet- nology-understand-mexicos-epidemic-violence (date de-su-propuesta-de-telecom/#axzz30MqwKkWE accessed: 30 April 2014).

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