27Th March 1936
T hl' ·· Elim E,·:ing:<,] :ind Four~quarc R ev i,·ali:--1., ·• :\l;irc li 2;-lh, ]936. REVIVAL BREAKS OUT AT GLASGOW (see page 200) im~~an ' . AND mr.·£ T icT ~- 1lJARE DJ;',,•' "- ·· -~ Vot XVII:, No. 13 MARCH 27th, 1936 Twopence AMONG TH E SWISS MOUNTAINS " H e makcth me to lie down in p:-i~turcs of tender grass."-Psa. xxiii. 2 (Newberry). I will; 1 too. '>-- Ts1BL l ean11." .' / arK' .. 1 - Cover ii. TI-11'.: ELIM EVANGEL AND FOURSQUARE REVIVALIST March 27th, 1936. EASTER MONDAY, APRIL 13th, 1936. The Elim Evangel ELEVENTH ANNUAL FOURSQUARE COSPEL AND FOURSQUARE REVIVALIST (Editor: Pastor E. C. W. Boulton.) Offici~d Org:an of the Elim Foursquare Gospel Allianc•. DEMONSTRATION EXECUTIVE COUNCIL: Principal George Jeffreys (President) in the Pa .. 1ors E. J. Philhps {Secret~ry•General), E. C. W. Boulton, P. N. Curry, R. C:. Darragh, W. G. Hathaway, J. McWhirter, J. Smith & R. Tweed. ROYAL ALBERT HALL (London) General Headquarters, when 20, Clarence Raad, Clapham Park, London, s.w.,. Principal GEORGE JEFFREYS Vol. XVII, March 27, 1936 No, 13 WILL PREACH AT THREE GREAT GATHERINGS 11 a.m. Divine Healing; 3 p.m. Baptismal Service; CONTENTS 7 p.m. Communion Service :\atur:d and Supenrntural Physical Healing 193 RESERVED SEATS. Tickets for seats in the BoxPs and Cuslly ,·ersus Cheap Religious Experiences 195 S1:ills are obtainable at the following prices: Morning, 1/-; :vJusic: Tdurnphant Prnisc 196 Afternoon 2/-; Evening 2/-. Those who purchase these tickets Bible Study Helps 196 ensure a good seat, and at the same time help to reduce the \Vorld Fvents and their Significance 197 rent we pay for the hall.
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