advanced Computer Sculpture Light Kinetics A kinetic light sculpture B advanced animation software cybernetic light tower B B A sculpture light sculpture B

MRI magnetic resonance imaging choreography DA P kinetische Klangskulptur animation software M cybernetic organism A choreography digital dissection PD kinetic sculpturs Choreographie cybernetic-organism biotechnology choreography B PD PN digital cadaver virtual N cybernetic serendipity digital communities N Community B Computer-Mobiles online communities Maya 3D illusionary spaces hybrides Biorobotic-System virtual organization extreme body performance N A Organisms H B biotech P P Virtuelle Gemeinschaften USB web camera VN human dissection computer chip implantation computer-programmed choreography virtual community cyber-affairs 3D animation software apparative Prothesen N IRC parodies N simulated spaces BBS A prosthesis N exhibitionism 3D Theater Design A cybernetic juke bots - Interaktive Roboter-Sound-Installation robotic prostheses 3D A N networked community CMC computer mediated communication kybernetische Skulptur MI VIPS (virtually independent people) C sampling IN M PA web camera GA interactive kinetic sculptures musikalisch-kybernetisches Environment body extensions Telesteuerung online affairs realistic 3-D animation I Bio art VN N M C kybernetische Kunst technical prosthetics choreographic animation N robot prosthesis IRC communication digital Jukebox 3D applications recorded media N sex Cybernetics MI VN A Kybernetik audio jamming telerobotic webcam VN computer-mediated communications kybernetische Aesthetik set design visualized bodies MI jamming DrawBot Power Moves interaktive Installationen C A VRML 3D world M P flaming I MI CD , Compudance, Dance Manager, In Motion, Danc... warbots C Abkürzung für Robot P N extension of the flesh body kinetically accurate dance animation Mediatisierung Atmung als Regelmechanismus smartCam cyberlove cybernetic sculpture DA C eggdrop bots N spamming pornography game bots C interactive dance analysis N recording mapped onto the bodies DJ spambots 25 cybernetic view kybernetische Aesthetic C P desktop dance-simulation programs VN C biomachines M Webcam art N internet relay chat N N N online chat P Bots CuSeeMe -conferencing system Vchat PDA WEB-Cam VN communications protocols interactive installation I channelbots bar bots Choreographiesystem VN VN N IRC floodbots CUSeeMe N I Closed-Circuit knowbot Bots and Agents C C C C automatische Bar VN pornographic webcam models Web-Wandering Bewegungssimulation bio cybernetics Biokybernetik VAI visual jamming VN N electronically controlled vibrators C N N Webcam VR sex kybernetisch C C Life Forms, Trackers, Power Moves, Biped, charact... A love Chat / chatting Bio... cancelbots mod bots N recording device N Rueckkopplung N VRML 3D software applications web cam Feedback über IRC-Channel extension of man C C VN Web-Kamera videophone responsive environment clonebots collidebots dual-site performance porncam interactive sex teledildonic N VN virtual sex PI knowbots digital VJ PN net surfing VN PN Bio-Feedback I N Fern-Praesenz dance figur simulation video conferencing software PIN bioadapter surfing computer conferencing virtual lover VMA HTTP P multi-webcam environment N Video Feedback VN sexuelle Experimente Steuerung DA body mapping N remote performance PN V DJ culture VJ N P dance simulation software video conferencing VMA conjoining remote performance spaces virtueller Sex C M PN P Performance Software VN N PI Feedback HTTP hypertext transfer protocol remoteness P Video-Telefonie chat environment PN guitar feedback artificial life music N Mosaic N Terminal-Sex homepage N N video teleconferencing M consciousness VN Feedback-Kanäle Rückkoppelungsschleife chatterbots 07 body extensions M N I on virtual sex and the loss of desire remote performance space dance software videoconferencing teleorgiastisch Recorderentwicklung PN I IP-Adresse PN Netscape Navigator remote observation P visuelles Feedback Force-Feedback APT (Automatically Programmed Tools) N algorithmic feedback PN N web surfing high-tech remote cybersex Internetdienste N Nachtsichtgeraet synthetic natur N WWW N N visual chat participatory installation domain name systems (DNS) graphical web browser virtual chat room tragbare Ausruestung machinic pain IT P metall camp N content-providing platform VN AutoCAD WWW N full-body interface DA CAD computer aided design net adresses N N night-vision camera I Artificial Life Art PB metallic camp N gopher feedback loop D GIS domain name World Wide Web Online visual chat environment Pain Skillware "undead" machine Charakter Animation Roboterkoerperteile artificality N N elektronischer Zettelkasten VRML2 VJ culture artificial consciousness artificality of camp Mine of Information PN P Telfonsex A CIM CAM VN koerperlose Phase Medicine Genetische Kunst ? Künstliches Leben VMA B information telematic performer N online chat room Camera AN synthetisches Leben source code B DA computergestütztes technisches Design IP address uniform resource locator V P kuenstliche Lebewesen N N Body and Human cyberbotany N remote performer browser night-vision image V body modification I DI HyperCard virtual characters N Evolution digitization computer assisted design HyperTalk Sony Portapak non algorithmic feedback 3D avatars VRML genetic art - artificial life artificial life - simulations software PN I Person to Person software DA CAD man-machine symbioses human-environment-interaction ToolBook I Cybersex A A adaption Kuenstlichkeit I URL web chat room digitale Koerper digitale Koerperwelten AN artificial N P kuenstliche Plazenta 3D geometrical objects layer AI; N Body A-life source military technology Camp AI-driven virtual characters Animats artificial-life PB A Feedbackschleife naked avatar VRML environment Simuliertes Wachstum A vector graphics hypermedia application A human-machine interaction Skriptsprachen chat room N sexuality and Senses I 24 view of informatics D Entwurfsunterstuetzung human-machine systems N Welche Funktionen und Bedeutungen haben Koerper u... N Eliza Artificial Life 05 tool view / instruments Grafiktablett I I hyper N DI CAAD URI Universal Resource Identification Link online hypertext 17 artifical life view Ablösung des ARPAnet digital body participatory media Echtzeitkoerper fractal subject Software als Werkzeug packet-switching technology artificial nature C CSS military research Militaerisch-informationeller Komplex N N CSNET multimedia hypertext LN brain Immaterialitaet software scene Art & Science mind-body dualism P hypermedia I voice-activated browser Nacktheit virtual personality Softimage Software-Monopole Invention military ARPANET N NSFNET Illusionistische out of body Erfahrung kuenstliches Leben moist reality (biotechnology of artificial life) A ARPANET N Dehumanization N fragmenting virtual bodies Computer P opera software N TCP/IP I genetic algorithms Usenet DITNET hypertext sensory feedback loops virtual body personality split body cellular automata N cybermedia Hyper... PN P aesthetics and fabulous epistemology of artificia... MI Ware... N N human-machine interface Ted Nelson participatory jamming software I telematic dancer participative reading loop kuenstliche Kreaturen wetware C artificial life forms Computersoftware I VN Partizipationskultur A-Life Director portable camera system CyberSM Avatar P evolution military digital inventions visual chatroom environments TJ (Text Jockey) Eliza-Dialoge machinization of humans unkoerperlich participatory culture software resistance algorithmic culture V P LI Software Softwarekonzept gender-swapping Net virus vending machine mind-body split technological nihilism imitation game G hypermontage M avatar dancer Interactive Sexual Fantasy Videodisc art-science collaboration virtual rape VJ-Kultur I Turing Test I militarization of cyberspace sound loops P I telerobotic sculpture VMA Software als wandelbare Maschine powerful software alternative algoritms (gaming) N ghost personality low-fi avatars praise for the parasites - computer viruses N P Morphing Software activist software G algorithmic semiotics theatrical chat programs AI KI/AI-Diskurs A humanization of machines virtual contact improvisation -performer relationship 08 view of sexuality onscreen avatar Software manipulations computer program gender-hacking 30 view of handicaps PI robotische Installation Fusion Softwareklassen - Anwendungstypen C algorithmic P X Desktop Theaters P avatar militarization of science and culture of death programming online audience robotische skulpturale Systeme Virus Koerperlosigkeit soziale Software PI computer avatar Architektursoftware 05 functional view synthesbians cyber-rape graphics format N N P P 02 chaos view Softwarecode virtual dance audience participation P N electronic viruses telematically linked dancer chat theater Bild-Ton-identische Computerfilme collaborative practice erotic violence DA 02 view of virtuality VR-Kunst proprietary code gender fucking algorithm algorithmic programming PI reality C MIDI interface PN M to prompt sound loops hypertext theater PMA P torture-chamber machine set out of-body experience 03 service view / project view M P audience theater and participation P P sadistic bondage machine computer virus GPI synthetic actor Sex und Gewalt active audience theory PI Position of women N virtuelle Bildraeume proprietary computer code Inkubationssysteme changing gender synthetic performance P projection onto smoke Mixed Reality DA Programm haiku machine closley synchronized P amorphic robot works slow-motion death 16 AI view DA C quasi-algorithmic open source virtual stage P 14 actor view cyberviolence The desire for Immortality - Cloning, Cryonics an... MIDI P 10 recipient view C L interaktives Theater 08 body view open source movement technologically augmented cognition and perception 13 view of destruction Kuenstliche Intelligenz intelligent environment (from the perspective of ... Open-Source-Prinzipien M PI I interaktive robotische Installation Death Virtualitaet proprietary software 10 observer view Roboterunterstuetzte Dampfdisplay virtual reality in the dark open source software Synchronisation disabled people Paul Sermon explored the intimacy of virtual tact... gendered "Digital Divide" machine to prompt video samles telematic theater Kuppelprojektion DA Africa V 31 theater view C kybernetische Sterbehilfe docuverse virtual worlds Augmented Reality N virtual robotic art deadlock artificial intelligence free computer code advanced motion sensing documented violence Kuenstliche Intelligenz (KI) open source programming language environmental theatre P Mikrotheater Robotergesten Lichtroboter Partizipation the obsolete body P Voyeurism 13 energetic view C Gender-Themen transgender transformation P P P P virtual actor political violence The desire for Immortality - Cloning, Cryonics an... Expertensysteme code art pre-digital age gender issues (in MOOs & MUDs) mechanical device komplexe Maschinen MIDI triggers theater in cyberspace P technologically augmented body projection onto sprayed, running water digital divide computer code N C cinematrix technology revealing the viewer to himself as a voyeur flesh factor techno-illiterate artist Institutional critique testing the specifics of gender motion sensing software Participation FP digital age mechanized robot artworks P MidiDancer N theater = the original virtual reality machine Roboterinstallationen artificial intelligence (AI) third world P Theatre P Multi-User-Skulptur: Ueberwachung, Voyeurismus 13 intensity view N net violence (autoaggressive potentials) P motion sensing P virtual reality art P roboter performance (Performance Richtung) Intelligente Maschinen digital Kluft P virtual dance installation technological art techno-artist projecting film onto inflatable structures representation forget concepts like gender and race. In cyberspa... forget concepts like gender and race. In cyberspa... electromechanical P A M virtual theater P P community art Violence Wasserdisplay FV digitale Kultur AI system P Theater Antitheater perspective computer-generated figures N Digitale Kunst MIDI-gesteuert P experimentelles Theater P P body mounted camera Participation space Experimentation Repraesentation VR-Immersion Cyberspace-Theater hypertextual performance digi-arts art VR = industrial computer graphics format 25 formal view Gender synthetic theater P performance archive P Gewalt, Heftigkeit, Leidenschaftlichkeit A P 360-degree digital environment mechanical cult of the machine Puppentheater art against violence V Body art digital arts experimentation digital 11 feminist view P A digital theater Darstellende Kunst Privacy Automation des Denkens Wissen Bi-Gender Show Schauspiel Maschinenkunst physical violence within the human body 23 power-theoretical view general problem solver computer-controlled electromechanical appliances mechanization of humans motion sensing system P Cyberkunst Bar codes P futurist art 26 movement view / dynamic P in situ virtual gender futurist mechanical art cybernetic art Koerperkunst digital performer Gewalt digital artwork 24 code view A AI Aesthetische Codes P nervous networks technological performances C P P projection onto flowing water Modellierungsprogramm digital code Gender Identity - LGBT - lesbian, gay, bisexuell,... 360 Grad Projektion PB C P gender bender celebrate the machine P BFV P Cyber-theatre P G Aesthetik D alte Richtungen RoboCup digital artist digital art digital culture Aesthetik digitaler Grammatiken anthropology of gender 13 identity view computer-assisted piece very nervous system P navigation of live performance disembodied digital self immersion and emotion technoromanticism mechanical choreograph digital dances sensory interactive environments Field Robotics experimentelle Digitalkünste automated reasoning Transcodierung P PI human right to privacy electronic art C Inflatable Structure Robotic software art digital design KI Codierung machine aesthetics photo-dynamism P virtual reality performance nursebot live ontology of performance art undead Code Immersion als gaenzliches Eintauchen in digitale ... panoramic 360-degree installation P movement sensing system multiple-choice theater Automation BX cyberspatial disembodiment P dissipative Codes immersiv BD Cybertheater events P PIN theater based digital performance Digitale Kunst 21 design view Reasoning Immersive Architecture Cyberidentity flash-triggering sculpture P P Digital Performance Archive (DPA) live performance Ars Digitalis Fotokunst cybernetic performance art Robotics VR art Product Design Formatierung Digital identity high-tech machine aesthetics B realtime tracking I P P P pneumatically controlled A Immersion X digital dance group P site-specific digital performance Nano-Roboter Desktop-VR Aesthetik des Softwarecodes in einen virtuellen Raum eintreten robots+avatars Solarroboter digital performance artist techno-Zeitgeist sonic immersion deep-space atmospherics high-tech art networked theater sensor controlled interactive environment C BX AI I M panoramic four-screen space P inflatable environments PM X PN pneumatic projection screen virtual space binärer Code Notation P trigger motion-capture suit P AV Live Performance Roboter-Interaktion spatiality eintauchen sonic immersive environment binary switching motion tracking onstage sensor system Aesthetik der Automaten disembodiment code as a medium P digital dance robots PM live performance arts VR-Experimente AI CODE = Law 02 Immersion M immersive public space Auslöser motion-activated system body suits P interactive theater performance CI Waterwall AI lite high technology art P Interactivity Gender Identity PIN 32 liveness view P A VR screen space VR-Environment Code-Katzen Tangible CODE (symposion) immersive Architektur panoramic PI P technoculture Fivefold path klassische Medien PH hybrid dance sensory environments returning to the live I variable media digital dance system AIML Artificial Intelligence Markup Language P interactive digital performance Connected Identity digital dance theater performance sensory dance technologies clockwork automata automata screen space AI immersive environment Performance of Identity parallel action P soft robots Interaktionstypen VR navigable three-dimensional environments P prompting P V mini projetors N crossmedia 07 view of media P Interactive Performance liveness H A I Identität new media intelligent performance PI non-live hybride Automaten I navigational interactivity AI A panoramatic N tracking of dancer movement Motion-Capture-Animation mechatronic performance performing houses net identity fake identity construction P VA environment embodied experience Datasuit digital dance theater Body Tracking creating art together VR-Systeme A virtual reality environment fully immersive digital environment X VR Simulator AI A P metal performance Data Projector, Video Projector types of interactivity I navigable spaces Identity stolen identity Media online performance Automaten I visual immersive environment motion-capture techniques P Interaktivitaet navigational VR space AI nostalgia control motion-tracking systems P V virtual reality technologies P P live production mediatized navigational map online embodiments fully embodied immersion AI shared virtual reality environment digitale Identitaet Medien Collaboration simplest form of interaction N Ganzkörpergestik P collaboration arena Conversation X D A virtual building digital media P C 03 machine view - robots I Interaktionskonzepte navigation level of interaction immersive computer interface activate Kollaboration I virtual liquid architecture undead machine motion-tracking Robotic Performance I Conversation level of interaction I I I PI N P P P electronic performance I Deep Media camera tracking interface drahtlose sensorische Technik media performance remediation I Cyberkultur embodiment Navigation ueber Stimmen shared environments Parallelraum-Display advanced collaboration clearboard - double projection work table playing with identity virtuelle Identitaet Dialogische Interaktion M performing robot P P P M Navigationssystem GPS I IN levels of interactivity multi media performance digital performance application colourspace embodied turn PI Group identity dialogic media control system sonic motion-tracking systems cybergloves P head-mounted camera embodied interaction Navigationshilfen P Data Suite vernetzte Performance P I violence in computer games semantische Navigation kollektive Erinnerung P V G machinic embodiments Dialog I PN digital performance Einbahn-Navigation immersive interface Telemedia P cyberculture digital dancing C I sensor activated performances P Chess automata Projection screen transArchitecture 07 transport view Dreiecksnavigation Gedaechtnis 20 archive view I I Data Glove digital performance practice X P camera-based tracking networked performance P distance-location devices real-time audiovisual collaboration robot performances N Dialogue PN mechanical embodiment distance puppets I I PI I VN performance and technology electronic culture Navigation immersive Interaktion Memory computer-activated art telepresent collaboration presence I P Datenhandschuh amplified gloves telematic collaboration G House Wall liquid architecture Erinnerung real time animated digital puppets N Bilddialog I P theater performance N Computerschach fluides Environment artificial space Navigationserlebnisse I immersive navigation P PN dance theater performance N countersurveillance strategies 20 historical view P Distance Electricity dataglove P net performance Ppostorganic performance X Fluidales Design multiple-choice navigation distance techniques telematic body PN Sensor-Performance chess supercomputer cyber theory monstrous metal creatures I GPS VR.GPS chatterbox VN remote medicine Intermedia visual presence cyber psychotic space navigation experiences B hybrid spaces Meatspace avatars in the world of work digital memory telematic techniques CUSeeMe telematics P sensual and sonic liquid architecture virtual 3D scenography dataspace parallel space navigate wired gloves telematic performance P multimedia performance virtual architecture H transcending space 12 memorial view N Medienperformance interactivity Punk Cybertheorie X A animal use in robotics computer memory P I Internet-activated performance Raum Auto-Navigationssystem digital puppets P dance subversion of surveillance society M cyberspace architects 25 spatial view memory units Telematics PN N PN sensorial cinematic experiments X Cyberspace and society communication art P P Internet-linked performance tele-tactile audiovisuelle Praesenz liquid space art as form of space 22 view of the public space N N remote collaboration M kinetic 3D VR artificial animals N digital technologies intermedia performance P hallucinatory space robot guard dog P PN Cave Automatic Virtual Environment cyberspace scenography Interspace A Zoosystemic Telematik network technology ubiquitous telepresence virtual presence Cyberpunk virtual technologies memory storage Puppenspiel telematic art P teleperformance Tanzperformance AI performative concepts of space Telematic dreaming electronic dance theatre PN audiovisual performance N body-space-interaction space zoomorphic robots N PN P I P storage PN N collaborative computing Positiontracker N pre-Internet telematic performance interaktive Tanzperformance Tanztheater PM glatte Raeume cybernetic space hyperbolic space D spatial P is there a place in cyberspace? animal robot Animal memory theater VR telematic arts sound dance P performative works cyborg performances Telepresence CAVE technology N PI P cyberpunk artform VR scenography in RealTime DA PN cyber... the mythical TV space "My Neighbourhood" RAM Memory Palace Video scratching techniques PN screen negated space physical space telematic work PN multimedia art N 02 view of absense AN Rundumprojektion elektronischer Raum ars memoria V Telematic Dreaming - virtual contacts and touching teleaction cybernet-Raum basic modalities of space - aspects of digital sp... bird robots telematic dance performance Dance performance I Panoptische Modelle vernetzte CAVEs VD corporeal space animal-like robots Interactive CD-ROM Organization of Information Gedaechtnistheater P P Camera als Interface Monster hybrid animal creatures Videodisc improvisation technologies cyborgic solo performance multimedia convergence of artforms facial space - CAVE P Net Art D Telepraesenz-Installation black cube synthetische Szenographie Distribution storyspace performing interactivity electronic space V Live-Video-Scratching Tanz N Cyborg cybernauts CAVE VFA Memory theater V P 26 dance view I 07 view of communication 24 view of the in-between (space) M sensational space hybrid robot-rabbit Cyborg art society of control Frankenstein robots P oppressive panoptic society A space-filling (Glockenspiel) Gedaechtnismedien WearCam VR technologies CTRL Space P CD-ROM dance performance installation Cyborg Bodies mobile CAVE A A Zombies building/space organization: mnemotechniques - me... Improvisation P V multimedia theater performance CAVE installation being in electronic space N HMD-based VR grammar of space Space Balance V 26 performance view surveillance society A Meatspace (fleshly space) better: corporeal space video HMD 15 diagrammatic view P 32 view of staging N MUD performances P A nonviolent video games kinetic theater scenography V P PN G VMA realtime video-scratching live dance performance Live-Performance P Happening N Telepraesenz Videodisk Multiperspectivism D P cyborg theory panopticism Cave Anwendung szenisch Computer Monitor HMD (Head Mounted Device) cyber-zombies P wearable Internaut N AI facial space computer-aided HMD mnemonic theatre stage design digitale Revolution Performative Installation sound performance scenography technology of social control AI N Satellitenkunst 20 view of storage media DA P PM Cyborg-Realitaet multimedia theater scenic spectacle Visualization of Information N Netzkunst B Wireless Wearable Webcam multimedia spectacle Interaktive 3D-CAVE-Installation D CD-I digital versatile disc stage performance V P Omnipresence artificial scenography kinetische Projektoren HMD (Head Mounted Display) virtual vampires 16 view of knowledge management 28 performance view cyborg costume Maschinen-Menschen Ueberwachungsgesellschaft N orbitale Fragestellungen globally rhizomatic live electronic performance practice Computer performance satellite D P P PC P Spektakel theater scenography simulacral I cyborg manifesto HMD head-mounted display Cyberstage extreme performance Multimediales Theater A VR software fantasy world video performance satellite art optical HMD DVD wireless equipment ubiquitous media panopticism N Datenbrille I P Ars Astronautica head-mounted AR display rhizomatic hypertexts CD P cyborg reality telepresent surveillance DA A P Robot N immersive (image)space P Performance 27 view of the act medial costumes VN touch-screen interface interactive satellite dance performance immersive theater scenography Datenhelm performance platform rhythm of interaction microtouch monitor L Digital Proscenium P D I V performance art experimentelle Performances Robocop I ubiquity media paranoia P P Surveillance P immersive theatrical art form performative relationship I P Outer Space Digital Video Disc backlash against digital performance P artful performance games PN P taktiles Display satellite experiments 31 mythological view Rhizom CD-R (CD-recordable disc) fragmented performance P cinematic experiments Tablet PC drucksensibler isometrischer Joystick collective net performance Aktion Multi-user costume FVA N literary hypertext P I I touch tablet P I narrative content B textbasiertes Virtual Reality System Theatermedien Narration non-linear narrative Environmental art Touchscreen A L N live surveillance immersive projections V I illusionary immersion room L online narratives P MUD Cyborg Machismo AI action game distributed performance P P bringing film into the theater space FVA Joystick G LI hypertext narratives 28 performativity as view dynamic costume Touchpanel fantasy-adventure environments G G Action-Adventure Game-Engine Narrative LI P D Datenbank-basierte Narration L N N N surveillance software PF I immersive cinematic experiments I adventure-game paradigms Interaktive Narration Multi-User-Dungeons MUD drawing on the screen I Genre - Diverse L Multi-User-Dungeons FVA Force-Feedback-Joystick joy stick G G adventure interactive video narrative 15 content view I VR CAVE I P Performance studies N MOO cinema experiments AI games as simulacra VI touchsensitive screens new narrative structures in computer games L distributed performativity of e-life Rhythm G M surveillance technologies games as narrative N A narrative fragments P immersive virtual reality circus G networked narrative digital narration humanoid robots P e-life touch-sensitive contacts Dance Mat G Narratologists Antimedia theory object-orientad MUDs GI digital games G narrative Intelligenz electronic surveillance autonomous flying vehicles touch-sensitive G GI G games as exchange N N floor pads G G wearcom TVG machine circus games as structure cyborg realities N game interface G virtual environment N console / using a videomonitor G P structural design information theory MediaMOO MediaMOO for media researcher FV filmische Repraesentation IMAX touchwand gamic cinema Boten-Theorie cyber-humanoid forms wearcom spy camera FV I G interactive games academic theater MOO P networked cinema P videogames as art G game environment A N humanoid V VN VA video texture mapping cyborgism P Wandbildschirm G mechanical spectacle 3D virtual environment humanoid automaton interaktives 3D-Kino G convergence of games and cinema Advertising communication theory PMA G temporal rhythms Kreisfoermiges Panoramakino der Science Center G videogame theories game design GameCube Communication discommunication experimental cinema AI VD G man-machine cyborgism anthropomorphic robots G computer-game style G control console fictional relationship FV Touch G G N L P V hidden camera F G G PC-game console F Cinema PONG FV as Theatre computer game PS2 N cyborg double interaktive Cinema G PI G viral networks Meme MUD / MOO circular cinema VI cinema studies remote-controlled teleoperated machine circus cyborgic visions P Media theory N MOO Theater digital cinema G game console anthropomorphic robot performance Nintendo G Commodore 64 (C64) posthumanism Computerspiel G G digital double VA XBOX G SID-chip N virusartiges Marketing technological double F F 27 filmic view video game as theater G fiction videogames G G Xbox (microsoft) temporality Cinema 4d VA immersive 3D experience G G Konsolengames digital Doppelgänger cyborg merging of flesh and metal G playing the algorithm portable game console L N hypercinema video game studies L survival research laboratories G Playstation interactiv fiction online textual personas miniature surveillance camera Touch Cinema online video game posthuman multiscreen cinema D Computer als Theater P heavy metal theater Intergalaktisch atemporality video surveillance camera G text-based online spaces V I GN movie-game P Spieletypen theater of the object V FV immersive Installation - 360 Grad Kuppel G P N Spy-Software G GI G P collaborative online textual environments Game G videogame sexism in videogames Multiplayer Online-Rollenspiel M Heavy-Metal LN video game - urban parody of violence P futurism G G toys from hell war machines temporal montage V V spy technologies Tast Kino drama games P game studies P hardcore heavy-metal hedonism meat-and-metal cybernetic system miniature camera Onlinegame I G G gameplay futuristic environment Utopia Textrepraesentation performance in front of surveillance camera GN PV P collaborative virtual environments multiscreen Eroticism role-playing games (RPG) darkly surreal machines cyberstalking (spying out data) G LN Echtzeit-Montage art and war apocalyptic robot war CCTV surveillance cameras V G robot wars Internet drama collaborative writing live cinema VA game performance theory G interaktives Kino WarGames hybrid game-drama game paradigm N VAI Experience cybernetic system CCTV surveillance VN G role view robotic war Cyborgsurrealismus collaborative drama V streaming cinema N mods of game engine technology P WebCinema robot battle performances online drama communities VN Internet eroticism G G V covert spy technologies war game N VA Database cinema CCTV VN kommerzielle Game-Engine Java-basierte 3D-Game-Engine countergaming movement interactive Cinema G G N Drama G live video feeds Antiwargame kybernetische Systeme AI ludology web photo-drama V VN theme park experiences G game engine video surveillance N G G G experience of playing G Bundestrojaner GA real-time 3D processor amusement parks game technology streaming video 07 media-critical view networked video N cyber drama Videotext-Systeme VR war games G G G cybernetic machine Video art dramatic art G VN Ludologists Open-Source-3D-Spieleengine V Videodatenstreaming VR war-game experience virtual drama society play aspects Cultural Theory smart video V digitales Video I F Subversion net broadcasting VN G V Film the soul of the machine RN Interactive Art Counter Culture VM V cluster database of video sequences Art & Drama (Science) Musikvideo Videotechnik virtual drama N G V P computer game engines Video webcasts G VI Expanded Cinema playability FVA interaktives Video Stereographische Videoproduktion N counter-cinema game engine system V FV N Gegenkultur Hand virtual drama sites V PF 32 playful view G Kassettenvideosystem V Videosystem GP Podcasts Cluster film-theater G V M videogame engine systems Hochgeschwindigkeitsvideo V Heimvideosystem UNREAL (software) robotic hand blue box Videoband V GP Die entfremdete Hand I TFV 27 film, video, TV RN Elektronisches Farbenspiel playful relationship amplified hands Web-Radio film clip V FVA interactive film chromakey blue screen techniques AI V television channels N chromakey Chromakeytechnik webcast V Fernsehen TV art robotic arm T T V Chromakey video-mixing techniques Television R Roboterarme T i2tv TFV Radio Clip interactive Flash movie 29 TV view AI T MA AI TV digital animation mass media interactive movies Animationstechnologie T IMAX movies Animationskunst A Echtzeitanimationssoftware reality TV TV TN T A A computer animation / visual effects (PRIX Kate... soap cable television immersive television FV A A T definition television single-track delivery of mass media clip-art 27 view of animation soap opera P P PN T A AI Interactive computer-mediated animation live reality TV shows MA Hybrid Graphic Animation Computer surveillance installations digital HDTV AI MA Klanganimation als Echtzeitprozess Online Surveillance Soap TI HA digital television TV interaktives Fernsehen movie T interactive TV TI selective interactivity in movies Zeitliche Struktur von Animationsarbeiten Computer Animation Webcam-Reality-Show TFV FVA A A Ausschnitt aus dem > < Legende: digital TV computer-animated movies computeranimation Thesaurus electronic media art surveillance art A Spartenabkürzungen: P – Performance, G – Game, I - Interaktivität, N – TFV computer mediated animation (semantic grid). In diesem Plakat wird lediglich ein Thesaurus-Ausschnitt präsentiert. interactive television D Netzarbeit, M – Musik/Sound, A – Animation, D – digitale Bilder, H – Hybride, future movie A A Computer Graphic Das Detailnetz zeigt eine View zu Begriffen aus der Quelle (DX) Steve Dixon: P surveillance theater TI FVA QuickTime dynamische Animation A B – Bildende Kunst, V – Video, F – Film, L – Literatur, C – Algorithmen, X – Ueberwachungskunst Computer Animation(Kanonisierte Richtung) DA A Architektur, R – Radio, T - Television A A >DIGITAL PERFORMANCE<. TI Hightech-Animationen A A Echtzeitanimation Es sind daher vorwiegend Begriffe zur Performance-Sparte zu sehen. iTV Hervorhebungen „grün“: View/Sicht aus dem Gedächtnistheater Animation A GA Japanese Animation - ACA Media Arts Festival Das File zum Thesaurus (8000 Begriffe) kann per Mail bereitgestellt werden. QuickTime Movie synchronisierte Animation VMA A (25 Jahre ars electronica) DA Gameanimation VJs der Cblubszene Vektorbasierte Animationstechnologie Recherche/Vernetzung: [email protected] Hervorhebungen „rot“: Performance-Begriffe Tool: SemaSpace (Dietmar Offenhuber) 06.2009 Datenformat