advanced computer animation software Computer Sculpture Light Kinetics A kinetic light sculpture B advanced animation software cybernetic light tower B B A sculpture light sculpture B MRI magnetic resonance imaging multimedia choreography DA P kinetische Klangskulptur animation software M cybernetic organism A choreography digital dissection PD kinetic sculpturs Choreographie cybernetic-organism biotechnology Internet choreography B PD PN digital cadaver virtual N cybernetic serendipity digital communities N Community B Computer-Mobiles online communities Maya 3D illusionary spaces hybrides Biorobotic-System virtual organization extreme body performance N A Organisms H B biotech art P P Virtuelle Gemeinschaften USB web camera VN human dissection computer chip implantation computer-programmed choreography virtual community cyber-affairs 3D animation software apparative Prothesen N IRC parodies N simulated spaces BBS A prosthesis N exhibitionism 3D Theater Design A cybernetic juke bots - Interaktive Roboter-Sound-Installation robotic prostheses 3D A N networked community CMC computer mediated communication kybernetische Skulptur MI VIPS (virtually independent people) C sampling IN M PA web camera GA interactive kinetic sculptures musikalisch-kybernetisches Environment body extensions Telesteuerung online affairs realistic 3-D animation I Bio art VN N M C kybernetische Kunst technical prosthetics choreographic animation N robot prosthesis IRC communication digital Jukebox 3D applications recorded media N webcam sex Cybernetics MI VN A Kybernetik audio jamming telerobotic webcam VN computer-mediated communications kybernetische Aesthetik set design visualized bodies MI jamming DrawBot Power Moves interaktive Installationen C A VRML 3D world M P flaming I MI CD Dance, Compudance, Dance Manager, In Motion, Danc... warbots C Abkürzung für Robot P N extension of the flesh body kinetically accurate dance animation Mediatisierung Atmung als Regelmechanismus smartCam cyberlove cybernetic sculpture DA C eggdrop bots N spamming pornography webcams game bots C interactive dance analysis N recording mapped onto the bodies DJ spambots 25 cybernetic view kybernetische Aesthetic C P desktop dance-simulation programs VN C biomachines M Webcam art N internet relay chat N N N online chat P Bots CuSeeMe video-conferencing system Vchat PDA WEB-Cam VN communications protocols interactive installation I channelbots bar bots Choreographiesystem VN VN N IRC floodbots CUSeeMe N I Closed-Circuit knowbot Bots and Agents C C C C automatische Bar VN pornographic webcam models Web-Wandering Bewegungssimulation bio cybernetics Biokybernetik VAI visual jamming VN N electronically controlled vibrators C N N Webcam VR sex kybernetisch C C Life Forms, Trackers, Power Moves, Biped, charact... A love Chat / chatting Bio... cancelbots mod bots N recording device N Rueckkopplung N VRML 3D software applications web cam Feedback über IRC-Channel extension of man C C VN Web-Kamera videophone responsive environment clonebots collidebots dual-site performance porncam interactive sex teledildonic N VN virtual sex PI knowbots digital VJ PN net surfing VN PN Bio-Feedback I N Fern-Praesenz dance figur simulation video conferencing software PIN bioadapter surfing computer conferencing virtual lover VMA HTTP P multi-webcam environment N Video Feedback VN sexuelle Experimente Steuerung DA body mapping N remote performance PN V DJ culture VJ N P dance simulation software video conferencing VMA conjoining remote performance spaces virtueller Sex C M PN P Performance Software VN N PI Feedback HTTP hypertext transfer protocol remoteness P Video-Telefonie chat environment PN guitar feedback artificial life music N Mosaic N Terminal-Sex homepage N N video teleconferencing M consciousness VN Feedback-Kanäle Rückkoppelungsschleife chatterbots 07 body extensions M N I on virtual sex and the loss of desire remote performance space dance software videoconferencing teleorgiastisch Recorderentwicklung PN I IP-Adresse PN Netscape Navigator remote observation P visuelles Feedback Force-Feedback APT (Automatically Programmed Tools) N algorithmic feedback PN N web surfing high-tech remote cybersex Internetdienste N Nachtsichtgeraet synthetic natur N WWW N N visual chat participatory installation domain name systems (DNS) graphical web browser virtual chat room tragbare Ausruestung machinic pain IT P metall camp N content-providing platform VN AutoCAD WWW world wide web N full-body interface DA CAD computer aided design net adresses N N night-vision camera I Artificial Life Art PB metallic camp N gopher feedback loop D GIS domain name World Wide Web Online visual chat environment Pain Skillware "undead" machine Charakter Animation Roboterkoerperteile artificality N N elektronischer Zettelkasten VRML2 VJ culture artificial consciousness artificality of camp Mine of Information PN P Telfonsex A CIM CAM VN koerperlose Phase Medicine Genetische Kunst ? Künstliches Leben VMA B information technology telematic performer N online chat room Camera AN synthetisches Leben source code B DA computergestütztes technisches Design IP address uniform resource locator V P kuenstliche Lebewesen N N Body and Human cyberbotany N remote performer browser night-vision image V body modification I DI HyperCard virtual characters N Evolution digitization computer assisted design HyperTalk Sony Portapak non algorithmic feedback 3D avatars VRML genetic art - artificial life artificial life - simulations software PN I Person to Person software DA CAD man-machine symbioses human-environment-interaction ToolBook I Cybersex A A adaption Kuenstlichkeit I URL web chat room digitale Koerper digitale Koerperwelten AN artificial N P kuenstliche Plazenta 3D geometrical objects layer AI; N Body A-life source military technology Camp AI-driven virtual characters Animats artificial-life technologies PB A Feedbackschleife naked avatar VRML environment Simuliertes Wachstum A vector graphics hypermedia application A human-machine interaction Skriptsprachen chat room N sexuality and cyberspace Senses I 24 view of informatics D Entwurfsunterstuetzung human-machine systems N Welche Funktionen und Bedeutungen haben Koerper u... N Eliza Artificial Life 05 tool view / instruments Grafiktablett I I hyper N DI CAAD URI Universal Resource Identification Link online hypertext 17 artifical life view Ablösung des ARPAnet digital body participatory media Echtzeitkoerper fractal subject Software als Werkzeug packet-switching technology artificial nature C CSS military research Militaerisch-informationeller Komplex N N CSNET multimedia hypertext LN brain Immaterialitaet software scene Art & Science mind-body dualism P hypermedia I voice-activated browser Nacktheit virtual personality Softimage Software-Monopole Invention military ARPANET N NSFNET Illusionistische out of body Erfahrung kuenstliches Leben moist reality (biotechnology of artificial life) A ARPANET N Dehumanization N fragmenting virtual bodies Computer P opera software N TCP/IP I genetic algorithms Usenet DITNET hypertext sensory feedback loops virtual body personality split body cellular automata N cybermedia Hyper... PN P aesthetics and fabulous epistemology of artificia... MI Ware... N N human-machine interface Ted Nelson participatory jamming software I telematic dancer participative reading loop kuenstliche Kreaturen wetware C artificial life forms Computersoftware I VN Partizipationskultur A-Life Director portable camera system CyberSM Avatar Theatre P evolution military digital inventions visual chatroom environments TJ (Text Jockey) Eliza-Dialoge machinization of humans unkoerperlich participatory culture software resistance algorithmic culture V P LI Software Softwarekonzept gender-swapping Net virus vending machine mind-body split technological nihilism imitation game G hypermontage M avatar dancer Interactive Sexual Fantasy Videodisc art-science collaboration virtual rape VJ-Kultur I Turing Test I militarization of cyberspace sound loops P I telerobotic sculpture VMA Software als wandelbare Maschine powerful software alternative algoritms (gaming) N ghost personality low-fi avatars praise for the parasites - computer viruses N P Morphing Software activist software G algorithmic semiotics theatrical chat programs AI KI/AI-Diskurs A humanization of machines virtual contact improvisation audience-performer relationship 08 view of sexuality onscreen avatar Software manipulations computer program gender-hacking 30 view of handicaps PI robotische Installation Fusion Softwareklassen - Anwendungstypen C algorithmic P X Desktop Theaters P avatar militarization of science and culture of death programming online audience robotische skulpturale Systeme Virus Koerperlosigkeit soziale Software PI computer avatar Architektursoftware 05 functional view synthesbians cyber-rape graphics format N N P P 02 chaos view Softwarecode virtual dance audience participation P N electronic viruses telematically linked dancer chat theater Bild-Ton-identische Computerfilme collaborative practice erotic violence DA 02 view of virtuality VR-Kunst proprietary code gender fucking algorithm algorithmic programming PI reality C MIDI interface PN M to prompt sound loops hypertext theater PMA P torture-chamber machine set out of-body experience 03 service view / project view M P audience theater and participation P P sadistic bondage machine computer virus GPI synthetic actor Sex und Gewalt active audience theory PI Position of women N virtuelle Bildraeume proprietary computer code Inkubationssysteme changing
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