Top-10 Facts About RBC Capital Markets

RBC Capital Markets (RBC CM) is a top-10 global investment – and one of the fastest growing investment 1 – ranked 9TH in 2017 up from 16TH in 20081

RBC CM covers markets which make up more than 2 75% of the global fee pool2

RBC CM has expanded its staff by 20% over the past decade and now has over 7,300 professionals across 3 70 offices in 15 countries3

Over the past decade, RBC CM had annualized growth 4 in loans outstanding of 9% to $83.4 billion in 20173

Over the past decade, RBC CM had annualized 5 revenue growth of 8% to $8.2 billion in 20173

Royal Bank of (RBC) is the 5TH largest bank in North America and the 10TH largest bank in the world 6 by market capitalization4

RBC has some of the strongest credit ratings amongst our 7 global banking peers – rated A1 (Moody’s) and AA- (S&P)

RBC has the highest ROE amongst our global banking 8 peers at 18.1% (Q2 2018)5

RBC has the highest 5-year Total Shareholder Return 9 amongst our global banking peers at 17% in 20176

RBC gave back over CAD$175 million to the community in 2017 through charitable donations, and community 10 sponsorships7

Updated at Q2 2018. All statistics are as of fiscal year end on October 31, 2017 unless otherwise noted.

1. Dealogic Analytics (2008-2017) 2. Global Investment Banking Review (Full Year 2017) 3. RBC Annual Reports (2008-2017) 4. By Market Capitalization, Bloomberg (October 2017) 5. Royal Second Quarter 2018 Results (May 2018) 6. RBC Annual Report (2017) 7. Corporate Citizenship Report (2017)

Global banking peers noted include: Bank of America, Barclays, BNP Paribas, , , , , HSBC, Jefferies Financial Group, JP Morgan Chase, , UBS, and .

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RBC Capital Markets is a registered trademark of Royal Bank of Canada. RBC Capital Markets is the global brand name for the capital markets business of Royal Bank of Canada and its affiliates, including RBC Capital Markets, LLC (member FINRA, NYSE and SIPC), RBC Dominion Securities Inc. (member IIROC and CIPF), and RBC Europe Limited (authorized by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority). RBC Capital Markets () Ltd. (a Financial Instrument Dealer registered with the Kanto Financial Bureau (Kinsho 203) and a member of Japan Securities Dealers Association). ® Registered trademark of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under license. © 2018. All rights reserved. 07/18 18-611