New Physalaemus (Anura: Leptodactylidae) from the Atlantic Forest of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Copeia, 1999(1), pp. 141-145 New Physalaemus (Anura: Leptodactylidae) from the Atlantic Forest of Minas Gerais, Brazil RENATO N. FEIO, JOS P. POMBAL JR., AND ULISSES CARAMASCHI A new species of the frog genus Physalaemus,belonging to the P signiferspecies group, is described from the Atlantic Forest of the Serra do Brigadeiro (20'42'S, 42029'N), Municipalityof Araponga,State of MinasGerais, Brazil. The new species is readily separated from all other species included in the P signifergroup by its large size (43.3-48.5 mm SVL). Uma nova esp6cie de anuro do g6nero Physalaemus,pertencente ao grupo de P. signifer,e descrita da FlorestaAtlantica da Serra do Brigadeiro(20?42'S, 42'29'W), Municipiode Araponga,Estado de MinasGerais, Brasil. A nova especie e facilmente separadade todas as outras especies do grupo de P. signiferpelo seu maior tamanho (43,3-48,5 mm SVL). HE genus Physalaemus contains 38 recog- (Celio F. B. Haddad Collection, deposited in the nized species, and is known from Mexico Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Estad- to Southern South America (Frost, 1985; Duell- ual Paulista, Rio Claro, Brazil), EI (Eugenio man, 1993; Pombal and Madureira, 1997). Izecksohn Collection, deposited in the Depar- Lynch (1970) diagnosed and recognized four tamento de Biologia Animal, Universidade Fed- species groups in the genus: P. biligonigerus eral Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), JJ (Jorge group, P cuvieri group, P pustulosus group, and Jim Collection, deposited in the Departamento P. signifer group. However, P deimaticus Sazima de Zoologia, Universidade Estadual Paulista, and Caramaschi and P rupestris Caramaschi, Campus de Botucatu, Brazil), MNRJ (Museu Na- Carcerelli, and Feio are not assigned to any rec- cional, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), MZUFV (Museu ognized species group (Sazima and Caramaschi, de Zoologia "Joao Moojen de Oliveira," Univ- 1986; Heyer and Wolf, 1989; Caramaschi et al., ersidade Federal de Vigosa, Brazil), MZUSP 1991).
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