Convergence groups and configuration spaces. B. H. Bowditch Faculty of Mathematical Studies, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton SO17 1BJ, Great Britain.
[email protected] [First draft: April 1996. Revised: December 1996] 0. Introduction. In this paper, we give an account of convergence groups in a fairly general context, focusing on aspects for which there seems to be no detailed account in the literature. We thus develop the theory from a slightly different perspective to usual; in particular from the point of view of actions on spaces of triples. The main applications we have in mind are to (word) hyperbolic groups, and more generally to Gromov hyperbolic spaces. In later sections, we give special attention to group actions on continua. The notion of a convergence group was introduced by Gehring and Martin [GeM1]. The idea is to axiomatise the essential dynamical properties of a Kleinian group acting on the ideal sphere of (real) hyperbolic space. The original paper thus refers directly only to actions on topological spheres, though most of the theory would seem to generalise to compact hausdorff spaces (or at least to compact metrisable spaces). The motivation for this generalisation stems from the fact that a (word) hyperbolic group (in the sense of Gromov [Gr]) acting on its boundary satisfies the convergence axioms. Indeed any group acting properly discontinuously on a complete locally compact (Gromov) hyperbolic space induces a convergence action on the ideal boundary of the space. More general accounts of convergence groups in this context can be found in [T2], [F1] and [F2]. There are essentially two equivalent definitions of “convergence group”.