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Good Luck To Devil Gridder* THE WESTFIELD LEADER tomorrow UAMN* AN* MMf WtBUY NfWIMKI IN UNION COOMTY EIGHTY SECOND YEAR—No. U WKSTnELJ), NEW JI EY, 'AY, NOVEMBER 24, 1971 SS Pa««a— It Ceat* To Offer Thanks Board Deliberates Requests Poll At Two Services New Sch°o1 Budget Member* of the WesttieM Board of Education have been mea«* Two Thanksgiving Eve service* concern and the kind of community weakly aince the end af October to deliberate on the 1§7M» achaal budget. Of Sr. Citizens will be sponsored in the WestfieU- relations for which Jack Wider la- "Although our work i« now concentrated on ri thto' "" A call for an "honest, flexible attempt to provide the best housing Mountainslde area this evening by bored so long," and state that "one Arthur If. Fribudi, chairman of the finance committee, possible for all of Westfleld's senior citizens" has been made by the Unami the member churches of th« League mean* of 'doing tfei* is. through our tor of the board reaUaea all year long the impact a Civic Association. of Religious Organisations. gifts in this Thanksgiving season." over-all educatiaaal lyttem." Holy Trinity Roman Catholic The Community Presbyterian Responding to a press release from Mayor Donn Snyder which has The board'i current deliberation! accused the association of being concerned only with the protection of its Church of Westfield wiU be the Church af Mouafalnsirle will fa*, the are bawd on raquett* from the pro- Ike. 30 acene tor one of the annual commu- scene far the ether community property values, the group of Third feaaiooal atalf; teacher* and other Ward area citizen* have issued tbe nity. ThMJuglving service a* roenv Thanksgiving aervice, else at a employee*.mike rcqueata and rec- For Fefr, bar eburcbe* of the league joia to- p.m. tonight. Rabbi Charts* A. Kro- following statement; ommeadaUont to achaal principal* Bomrd Nmmtmtm '• "It should be obviuo* that we are g«ta*r in a servic* of praise and kff will (deliver thjs. Thank«giving whe review them bafare prtawtiig Mayor gratitud* at • p.m. tajUcbt The mfassgt . the. Rev. Raymand. A. Accardbsi to state law, concerned—disturbed and aroused them to the admlniatratiaa. son* who wish * Ilk MNKMNTfNO m LOCATION of Veto ieearaNaao aa *aaa> of oawa- as well—about a stubborn and in- Right Rev. User. Chirk* B. Mur- Aumatk will serve M liturgi*, aad The.achool auperiatandent evahi- (bwa WeatfleU am Irvtag Wets*, ehalraiaa af ChrMsnaa HgkUng phy will lead the aervice aad Mayer the Rev. Elmer A. IWestt will give petrliwia as coMMataa lor warranted attempt to violate the to Boards of EdMCfltisJt nwot list 'fat. (fee WetWieU Area Chswfcer *f Coasawrw; Satwt leagei, "Bodging Westfield zoning ordinance by forc- Omm A. 8ayder, mayor at Westfield, the Thanksgiving prayer. Thanks- CNssher president; aad Ctarte* Vaa •wHehatea. tswa enasseer far will read the Thanksgiving Proda- giving anthems will ba sung by the them by 4 p.m. Thsraday, Doc. to. ing apartment housing on a neighbor- hto WMricle wbs«e deaartMeat aids la the aettteg •» •( UM SMUI hood which is completely toaed matlM. Junior and Senior Chairs of tt* Copies of the aatilier farm may faplay. ' • ' • ..-..- I88U€8?" Tbe Rev. Canon Richard J. Hard- Community PraabytaHas) Ctwreh. get. ^J ..^_i_*^_xi_» u *• obtatoed by. Waotflaal raaaseot* •A-residential. Of course we are coo- man will preach the Thanksgiving Food basketa far famiies in EUi- Third Ward Democratic Council- cerned about our property value*, School*, made hit budget preaenta man Charles A. Harris has informed Isn't every homeowner in WestfieM? sermon. Other participants will be (OaatiMtai an ttm «) Uon to the board early in November the Rev. Frederick E. Christian, the St., any weak 4ay hitm— •:• Yule Tree Lighting to Begin the Leader that be feefc compelled "However, in our search for a to comment on Mayor Donn A. more equitable solution to the prat Rev, David Hardwood and the Rev. formed," Dr. Peter*. KsleHis. Thuksfiva* an- The patitiw mu« be «H wW, Snyder's "strange handling of the km that has been thrust upon as PWII "tong hours of board deliberation 5 In Business District Friday facts" in his article on senior citi- with no prior warning, we have N4> them* will be aung b the Hob/ are aeaded to keep a budget realistic them* wil be sung by the Holy Affect* Pay cation of tho eeheel district * which ten housing in last weeks'* issue. denly uncovered previously unre- and reasonable in light of economic the candidate reside*. ?• Christmas itte lighting wiU begin lied Business Machines, American Mr. Harris pointed out that the vealed facts and attitudes Triattf Girl* Choir under the dtrac- fact* faced by the community, rep- tail'. Friday, according to Irving shoe Repair, Andrew Hair Stylist, ti« af Harry GuatJKr. rrritPJar far flHnf tha p»Uth» to Of School St*« rt—Utive of school prleritle* of the llpl^chairman of the Westfield Andy's Chevron Service Station, *•!""**„ 1U 4 4 .,_.,.• •_,- ^ .u- .w- The service will also honor the Dec. » and not Dae. j which was ls Westfield taaeber and custodian 'eatire' community, and relevant to th» date incorrectly lists* W tha AsfTChamber of Commerce annual row Finance, Arthur Stevens. Atlas regrettable that two councilmen the prime victims here-that thqr have ined toK s witn present day educational needs," he calendar of the Board's newalettar nr«twt for Yule decorations in thc Travel Agency, Auster's Appliance. J° * f* <Boynt»n> are getting the umavory cad of • "• «• now Implemented un- tUMd. last month. ; ; huatnau diatrict. Most stores also AutoLawn of WestfleMOlark, BJ neiebborhood in seeking to relocate deal which apparently would haw •f the Member* of the Board of Educa- the i 1 hou in in Una. who a m. jor Members of WesWeM's nine- will' begin evening store hours on Jewelers, Bandstand Music Corp. »«> « ^^^ » « o^r Mv** torougb and become • Ml Wi>t#rice ; tion wiU be on hand for haW aa member Board of Education an Friday, Mr. Weiss Baid. tive staff. ' ' ' areas of the town by promoting tbe accompli had we not registered oar "2 Nov. tt they hour, (ram ?:N to I p.m.. before the elected by citiaens for three-year Contributor* to the Christmas Baron's Drug Store, Barrett, Ic concept of Public Housing/ Housing original protest. the UTO-n publk meeting on Dec. 7 to discuss terms, on a staggered basis, at aa. UfhUatioragram this year incWe: Crain, James Battaglia, DK, Authority. ." "Who are these 'Trom initial concern for our owa irate ' *• »*•"• booaat constdarttlons or any othtr nual school elections in February. A * P,-,Adler's of Westfield, Al- Beard t (McGall, Beauty Center, two unnamed councilmen?" Harris property, we have enlarged our edtKttkwal ooncepU with town- Dr. R. J. Benaell, D.M.D., Bob Hill- Mlle(i- sc°Pe to si"cere concern for these taAug- ler Tire Co., Bonney's for Bonnie "Can il •»•" ttenk continued, senior citiiens ... and for the Towa Nil. Health Ogieen - that lne m No 2-Hour Creations, Brand Travel. Service, " *y<* has forgotten that of Westfield if it should yield to this If Reeled Mottley Braundsdorf Associates! Brehm'c- fie entire Town Council, including government by arbitrary and cigtri* stlpulste that Tarlowe, Robert Brunner Opticians, himself, voted unanimously to adopt cious rule. Day Care Center To Top Post . Mid-terms Edward A. Camillo, Castle Bootery, a modified form of the resolution "We are concerned that Mayor ta Joseph J. Mottley, Westfield health Inc., Catallna lighting, Central Jer- proposed by the Mayor's Committee Snyder is attempting to ignore the wiU be uaad for aaUrloa. If re- B tr0Ktive officer, was elected.president of the Twohour mid-term examinations *? »£* ^ «« Loftise « Housing fpr the Elderly only obvious-that the proper place fer »*»**» not pwmltted, Fund Reaches (New Jersey-Health Officers Asso- theae fund* will be uaod to offset ciation at the League of Municipali- &W of Goal ties Convention In Atlantic City last •" i«i«*cU' •*• DDS, 'Mr. Dan's Hair Stylist, Jtmes nonprofit sponsor, and (2) specifi- lar recommendation of the Westfllld Mr. Mottley served previously Mrs, Stanley P. Clark, chairman J. Davidson Realtor. cally provided that the Sycamore- Matter Plan which specifically at*aa> Ice oh Thanksgivlnf «v». oMhai^ttWFuaiOrij.,^,.^^; -•^rfth.. ••--••••" D a rto Dorte r IMt C< KI 1 .flwrge^ Maein and J Baard^or Education last rear ^' * > ' f * - BWto*- "*'" Oaks area .w made lates a a*mri*-tmm she for senior that to date contribuUbos hswe ''^^ susMMion ol•mM M H0"*. Eastern States Adjust- available''for further study a* a citizens housing. Kims,• c^cbairmn for tha Thanks- alM appropriately **»» of me t«ry of the association that" a past- ment giving, service, call upon.residents president was reflected to that po*t. further studvhvUie ' Ebronix Learning Center, site for the project with the under- "We are concerned that tha mayor Westfield Day are Center's goal of > board has reviewed ElizabetM°wn Gas Company, Elm standing that other sites also would b> allowing this site to be used for ''to radedicate, ounelve* to a loving titi.OOO needed to continue opera- Mi'. Mottley has been health officer Bart)er sho in Weotfiaid since ISM and is'pres- •dation of 0«> cam P. Elm Radio; A TV, be considered. super luxury private apartmeata, tions through im. u given approvalior EPsteln'« Bootery,, Felice, ,ifr. Bur- 'Why didn't the Mayor vote against with the ridiculous subterfuge that The Center, which waa opened in ently treasurer of the Union County 7 on Feinsmith 1 Pep Cycles Health Officers Association. ', elimination" of the twoOwur mid- f ."(First Federal Sav-.