WESTPIKLD, NEW JERSEY, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1922. 18 Pages—§ Otntt lift BE MEMORIAL COMMITTEE SELECT SHAFT JJ. JOIN OUR i*rt Snevily Appointed by Bd. TO COMMEMORATE OUR WAR HEROES ILL GIVE CONCERT fEducation to Pffl TJnexpired Prominent Organixation Has Ar- 1923 Christinas Club Term—Committee on School ranged Excellent Program at Housing Report Progress Design of Architect Josiah T. Tubby Chosen From Four of the Cioicest High School for Night of NOW FORMING December 12th MEETING FEB. 13TH Suggestions—Plan As Submitted To Be Embellished Here is the Simple Plan ALL TALENTED AMATEURS . Board of Education held a 25c. each woak for SO weeke, receive $12.60 pitta interest ThB 60c, each week for 50 weeks, receive $26.00 plug Interest I ,!r meeting last evening and the Next Tuesday evening will (lud the I nation of School Trustee J. A. APPROXIMATE COST OF COMPLETED SHAFT WILL BE $25,000 streets surrounding the High School $1.00 each "*6ak for 50 weeks, receive $50,00 plus Intercut nati the trustees Building lined with ears, which have taken $2.00 each week for DO weeks, receive $100,00 plus Interest ncepted, Robert Snevily was The Memorial Commi brought a highly enthusiastic audi- $6.00 each week for 60 weeks, receive $260.00 plus interest ssion met mtue bronze ligure to he mounted afits , The dtisiiui contemplates a simple ence to hear the Westlioia Symphony Sto fill Mr. Sim's unexpired the mayor's office on Wednesday tup, as well as the inscription tablet jdirei-t treatment of decoration with- Orchestra in its fourth concart. €hockl will foe nmilert November SO, 1023. until the next annual school evening last to consider suggested at the base. It was also decidad to tn the spring. out excess of ornament. Previous concerts have been received forms of a suitable memorial for refiimmeiid to the Council that Mrs, by Weatfleld with a shade of doubt r GHmore, town treasurer, Above, the pedestal rises the shaft You may join as many classes aa you desire, WesHield men whose lives were sac- "all, as sculptress, be commissioned of the grauite column. Some Idea of as to the possibility of successfully PPotated custodian of school to work out, in conjunction with the rificed during the Grent Wur. In ad- the size OS this column may be gained accomplishing euch a task in so small President Wick appointed architect, the bronze designs fur the a community, but this doubt is dls- Kverj'lxjdy is Welcome. Ta lor and R!nck dition to the Shaft and Chimes Tow- from the statement Unit It measures ees Smith, y ' " Shaft. In the absence oE Hon. Wil-about 12 feet 0 Inches around the polled after hearing one, and now the as a committee to arrange tor er, which had hud previous consider- season's sale of seats remains anioiiK school meeting to bs held llam lb. Tuttle, Hanking Com mission- lower diameter, and that the ooluniin er, who ls Ul. Robert A. H-iilrhalrn ltsoll Inclusive of the podostal an the same people. Curiosity should at 23 a t whleh tlme ation, there were presented a settlus d - ^ ' of the bowlder recently presided. C. IJ. Kellogg, of the corn- terminal Is thlrty-flvo feet high. least send others, and If not this, K. terms of Trustees Hinckhofl, discovered, mlttee, was also absent. Mr. Wick Tho cajilta! shown In tlio ilhislra- their recognition of the splendid |L and Sim expire. Trustee Ma- ivork accomplished by this organiza- VI reported that the program of tion, a body of talented amateurs EL, fusing was progressing nice- who are doing their best to Interest K d that ths School Welfare others as they aro interested. Some Bank Square, Wcatlteld, N. f. ing a oenaus of all the citizens to be sure claim disinterest towa whIe d ata s In tho type of music one hears at a "Whore Courtesy and Sftrvloe I'fMall." fmm m - !* , i symphony concert, that is their loss, Km to *» turned over to the board. others have excuses some of which we resignation of Miss Mildred E. ara good and some are not, nnd not Jason, as teacher ot biology in a few have even nuid they did not Hleh School, to take effect Feb- hnow such a treat could bo had In School basket-ball aclieaulea Wostfleld. Ia this all fair to the per- e presented to the board and ap- formers, after fourteen weeks of I, fhe monthly report of Su- hard work rehearsing, securing ex- That Dangerous Place Called Home •tag Principal Charles A. Phll- ceptionally good talent for assistance, nnd prsparinir a splendid program There ia no way to escape your liability ai'a property owner, lct gave the details of the prog- a king made in the schools. The for tho primary reason of bringing for the law is clear and inclusive, sting was presided over by Preal- good music to Westflold, nnd The Leader feels this in itBBlf 1B worthy If through negligence any of tho servants or the mailmen, t Wick. All members of the grocery boyB, plumbers, electricians, inspectors or others who 1 were present excepting Trus- of soma recognition. Tho players, while amateurs to ba sure are under come on the place are injured while on tho premiBcs you are re- The board held a lengthy sponsible. liMBjIo on the question of provid- professional leadership, and they itcoferlngs for bicycles at the sev- have a conductor whose dynamic per- sonality haa accomplished wonders A Policy in tho Travelers, while costing little, "serves, defends jil scbools and decided not to take and brought remarkable Improve- and payo," and has behind it tho incomparable resources of this |er action to provide them on ac- ment to the organisation ln Its thveo great company. mt of the large expenditure of years of existence. Your nona and It is cheaper to have insurance and not need it—-.than to need it y Involved., daughters are all eligible members of the orchestra, and this should and not have it. ST.PAUL'SMENS' CLUB prompt some to assist In Its continu- ance, believing it to be of great bone- MEETING TONIGHT fit to tho coming generation, and 214 East Broad St. abovo all it has grown to bo a part Tel. Day 168 y O'Hara, Composer of "Katy" of Wostfleld, and Wostfleld has never Offloe—2nd Floor |. ud Other Popular Hits, to En- yot failed to help ltn own. The or- Night 1037 tertain with Songs and with chestra ls not going to beg Wsstfleld to support It, feoling that as they Humor give freely of tholr time and some Protecting Westflcld Property for Over $5,000,000.00. money, the citizens aliould du their [ 6«aSrey O'Hara, th« popular com- sharo by attondlng In goodly num- er, singer and lecturer, will be the bers. Many discouragements have f at the meeting of the 1 been met and surmounted «o far, but i Club o! St. Paul's to- the members feel that they will not have reached complete financial and I iWs promises to be a big meeting gratifying SUCCOSB until the High use no one will want to miss Mr. School Auditorium Is completely Hara'a slnplng, and his wit as a filled. Tho program for next Tues- $1.60 May Save Your Ceiling teller has given him promi- day Is much lighter than in tho past, UKl'IiACM THAT M3AKY AHWAIiVE WITH AIMD hoping to plenae a largo audience, | Hr. O'Hara was one of the first to nnd ns tho nr^lollu.t artists nro all A hissing, sputtering alr-vnlve in a tiny thing, BUT—It cun leak X to the boys whon the war broke WoBtilnlfl ]ioopl« and favorites we nnd ruin n COUIIIK; it cun Keep tho cold air In and tho sUam out, Caruso Bang one of these com- hope It will bo ap;.r"~ ilated. A few and so bring unmerited criticism upon good radiators, IOM, bringing the composer Into cliolen so-its mo now un sale lit Sey- l'or thoso Important reasons tho American Radiator Company atawe. frlod'H Music Shop, Ilroad street, haa perfected, and now oftora Its own nlr-valvo—tho Arid. Arid Alr-Vnlven need no adjustment; they let the cold air out, lint close tlRht tho moment utofim or water tries to oeoapo; they cannot hlas Ii VICTORY *3/A PKK U.S. SENATOR EDGE TO or aputtor or drip. CENT .NOTES HEDEEMABLK Thn coat of un Arid Alr-Vnlvo IB $1.80—surely a small prlco to MARRY ON SATURDAY pay for— y you are possessed of a United 1. The aafoty of your ceillngg. » Victory Loan Note, serial let- ('<->'< niontnl «> Take I'lneo 2. Silence. • A to P, your note Is called for 3. Porfect warmth. by tho Government on ill- Until, Mr.—I'ronilnmt. I'ooplo ^ 15th of December, and you will In Hwia! niul PUIIHK 1-lf" Kncwnbcr !) for Hie wed- Painting and Decorating 219 E. Broad Street ptBUSHED NKXT "WEDNESDAY ding of Senator Walter K. Eilgo, of New Jersey, and Camilla Loyall Aslio Tinning and Sheet Metal Work Telephone 296 Christmas Number of the -.- wrct-iry »f the tncctin-. itlon supports a piecu of scroll and So-wall, duugliter of Harold M. Howall, FK'teld Leader" will be issued mil In I p|i(i liosput stiul '•PH, (1,'. .S..'I, a« iireseulKil hv IIH-;I! laeanthun detail as a terminal, tho of Hath. estlay, December 13tli. ! ( ci til -.tiiuttiK (le mil In \,.-'i IMl'iwiali T. Tubby, i'.iul which only touch of , ornament Tho wedding, which will bo ool- t! s;u t!lfi ijisil! tonlaln many interesting ar- line Hill »r \\|-tfi(1'1 I'' prii't'i-iill? »' '"' '•''•• <""|°» mmiumont. This terminal oinnlzOil at noon 111 (iruuo Episcopal ~' Kgarjlng tho town and its Ivillh a «l,mra mi this Din-, ft-iihiiuul tho Uase aro not, yet dollnltnly Church by Kov. ('. Myron Tublia, will la» organizations and clubs; also ,,,..|,,n .i Inline mliitMts dr i» ch.'iir-" nmhr-lllBhod a I tlKMsntllwl in ileslRii, but it Is certain ho ono of the modi brilliant social '86 volume of advertising Place ven • 'iii'iaor .imlVstlnutis of ciM ""^"^I,,,, by .Mrs. Canilln- Hall, snilp , (that the final design will clearly In- events In tho history of tho city, Tim 1 wder NOW with your nows- i ill rat i? that thn Hhaft is a World War Inert » ^aj1.u,e'nu,,jns, Hiiiil- ivi'll sliow from ilic rondw.iy 0 I lie church ceremony will be followed by s» )'on will not bo dlsaij- steps nKiniiuion!. DUDLEY AVENUE ,cape cn^cer mid de.slKHer of Min- ,,,.,,:, hv(l lin.iitl fllKlils (if a reception at tho Kewall Itntno. Sen- The total ln'liiht In about US feel. ator and Mrs. Kdgo wilt leavo Imme- ^.waskin Vnrk aiul the l'la«. «»• u-hlcli will lead ti> " clrrular t« , i; ;i(, fret ill (ll.'n.ifttw. Til- floor li'riini ii study of photographs of tho diately after reception mi n woddlni: L L Manning, mnnunmiial sou lil01 of tills terrin-!' will l>" ralKfil liiuli .suri'oiiii(lln;;s It has linen domjustrut- trip through Kurope. r-onstrtirtor of PhilnllPlil. Mrs. !••»' ;l 1 11 ed that tlic iiionirirlal Is of the proper P.HHU'M t" !">•'" si'llBfii' !'" ' 1IM:-C CORNER FOR SALE NEW .1151SSEV SENATE Tho wedding party wan announced wolffhl and height. JJton, N. J._The deadlock in dld'not personally MPl"-nr hi-f..r«|I«; tur till' )!U)I> IIIU'II i • A willl will fl:iiil< on Friday litHt. by MISH Hownll. Mrs. Jec l U In view of tlii> fact that tho report , " "on of a president for the Commission, but • " , V'i'V'rnrn-^ IHi,, (crrace. 1 .lohn "Winslow WllllaniH, of Balti- two of tin monument t'OininlsHlon lias not •Wean Senate caucus over Model of her B«M"M« <^ .:'".*. I C|ion tii'' i-trt-iiliir platform more, a slstor of tho bride, will be 100x284 feet anil r : for yet hl^ll h:!ll j At would li'- premature to dl.icusH fur- • session, which hns con- mute of cost. After par Din ,,i.(l..,l;il "f tho memorial. will bo Miss Dorothy Suinnor Kewall, Consult.., st( :; !/i alli tlinr the qiie.-itiou of de^lmi and con- h6 hern. Riven vory "roful < '•'•;' ", lh<. topnf llfse 'l' " ' pliutli of Hath; MIHS Kvollno Femior, of Now wp selection of Senatoi fitrHctioit- The rocommt'iuliUidii of l llwurUl ot IB v around thp niouiimni' dc- lir-ll at Orleans; Alias Elizabeth (inrdoii Ifan- " MI - Cnnulon, aa urn,. ti»> C«>«"« ^"" ""v . (|(; tho memorial ciinimlUon will be iin- Mlf fl':llt In from wli!f! , P'ad 1 ( 1 1 im. of \Vii!•' Sonnlor Froilmicii Haln, of Miiiiio, "THREE GHOSTS'" lil lu< b»";t man ami tho II^II^TH will B4 EtM !! to s was decided by ] DELIGHT CROWD Im: Howard r.iir.i', of Hartford, STREET »lMi ('on' vary tf> expect utlon.'i, today n, If pl|i)ilii, iiiid lOm'THim who w'li'i I,lv.- Chosts" wan fh<-'iivnntic. hrcansn t.) 1 o lniildliu> hi not If you gp.t. a nulay man to do it- — ,.,... 'n,,.,. UlcliarilH, of Alliintli1 City. Um l yt't (Mi.iipli'tfHl. J! in imw fxp"r*lnrl "' ' 1 Ho won't euro mneti now It's ilono. Mllnn Mlutm', I hr uilinit] will ii!) ffad v liv mv MilH.4 r()lm,H ,,.IV1, nor, N. .1., whore? flonafor l'](Ii*n 1,^ IiiilldliiK !i palatial IMIIIK! for hl:i hrklc. It'H all work and lltlo tun. tho 1)1)1- iii'irn ruiHiii to hii I rented t wo Mint. JU^wall IB a mc.mlK!!4 of o- fatu- Get A mat\ that kenpa a jogging— tho furnlturi! i.i iimvi'd In. Tim "'"' All r Ci.f.1 In lly IOUJT pruttiluont liv UeunH'i'atU', Thon your work will 1m—Well dons. iiolltloH. Ho!" (.trundf ath(!r, Arthur IMtlM! ItO- '' '"' niii v-ll! I"1 fcllowod liy dani1- WKB'l'I'tKM* HTUnXMI WAUIIIIOtlHKg, 41«l NOHTti AVB, ;mi Al lfl Sowall, wn« DotiKifriitlc cnndltlntn for >»iisZ T " " •' ' VOll NKWS AND FACTH Vlcp-1'ronldiMil, riinnlni; with Wllllntn May Wo Estluiftte? Thn Bti'lit! of Hie pl"> UP, W " "ivintiro nnd HKM) KVKRY I'AOK ,!i)imiitK» Hry.ui, In 1R1MS. f rtrlv1»« nnil 111" "'"" THE WESfPriLD LIAD1E, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBIB 6. 1922. PROCTOR'S Co Fcr b *> L t 1 M 1 PALACE jr J\ With the Plays and Players N rm ird r t i (.1' MOW tllK * i b ai lii tj I t nx "\ us W eLk SUPREME VAUDEVILLE New and. Old Events Now lieing Presented r J ** n * * X •at Various Playhouses ==i ' Hhiifeert ^sudfiil e tin Newark— 1* . Ma di 11 i- *1fae *»p*c* of 1 iff BESSIE LOVE i h ed I'K n has tvir been sent on tour in \ 1 . tu 1 <>U 1 u ' | i^pik. f L t t. J ^ *~ in r—"Tbe &« lory of theatres in America. It if ili M I SK\T WKI.K. UI:I>:.«HI:K « "DESERTED AT THE ALTAR fiffj Hill," I r duct! Ii In . V m or imM ,., ' bin&cl to make tltrt'e hours uf tb« i VINCENT LOPEZ the Shubert Vaudeville Thiatre, New- 41.SU (OilUn-BDRBI VIRHOWln I HI \ : klnti of t-nttriainiiient. Ii's a iwixt JVorf Buy em— -Oor AM) HIS | of musical comedy, voucltviHt', b ark, for this week. u Seven*h Hca At the Nora Bayes Theatre. Pairdow NLBS Hrthll " 1 lesque, opera, ballets and drama wh Having achieved ie*l>—••The liwittseiie ABp'" music by Georye Gershurn and Wil- s Jihe big three-dollar musical shows with SHUBERT SPORT IIKEL—"7 AGKS OF FI8HI!VG" liam DaDlvD. the headline vaudeville offerings. V.irillCVII.LK THEA'iitrc ] A very novel and delightfully "dlffc-r- ¥ ¥ ¥ XEW.iUK-l'IinSK 3I.VRKKI' M81 Sharing first honors are Dave Kra- i&mrt C»*r«il—**Tte Ula ! eiit" type of musical comedy is "The I'uMxvh Bad Judj—>'Tii€* Uoorniat*' !HK(i MX JIATINKKS—Me, Klo. Me I Springtime of Toulh/1 now playing1 a mer and Jack Boyle, Sylvia Clark, MACK BENNETT PRESENTS I JilMwt—»ii;a»* of »•*«• Tomorrow evening, at thu quaint .'ind 5» K» *1IO jthe Broatlhurst. Set back, in early Co- Frank Gaby, the Hlckey Brothers, Julia "MOLLY O" K'liil'lro «Tlie Texas attractive little Punch and Judy The- (Tax Incluited) | lonlal days when the PilKfirns he! ' Keieiy, and the original 12 atre, 15 company. player. "SPICE OF LIFE" ALSO COMEDY—MONTB HANK I as a unlciue plot. Moreover there is real Announced, for week commencing A Vouiirvlllf Folllen, and •TURK BUT SIMPLE" r-arrlck—"The Lbeky One." music sung- admirably by tlu; two lead- Monday, December 11th, is "Facts and STAR-LAND REVUE Hltz—-**It I« the l-an" A D.iZZI.ISCJ GIRL HKVIIE Uevrse M. Cobon'*—"Tfce I*ove Child." ing- players with 100 par ctnt voices— Figures." SYLVIA CLARK—KRAMEIl 4 110YM- FIRST RUN NEWS WEEKLY _j Bunch and Jodf." Olga Steek and George MacFarlane The latest success among- thrillers jl'UA KELKTY—I'HISK GABY Villa;?*—"A Fantastic Frl«- with his rich baritone. There are and a lively successor to "The Bat" and 5—OTHER ACTS—5 rninur purls capably filled by KUCII fa - "Tho Cui and the Canary," is J Are you a Subscriber? If Not, Haul*—»Wm « D«y." vorites as dainty XOlannor Griffith, J. Klce's "It Is the Law." It u-ni he m-Why Not Subscribe Now—$2.00 per Harold Murray, Harry Kelly, Hnrry K ll«urj Mi»er—"The Awful Troth." membered that Mr. Rice is grand-daddy VERYTHING IN AMUSEMENT l«Piwtdro«*e—•'Better TInie«,w Morton and Zella nuaaell. 'And thfof the modern typo of thriller, for hisyear. Hu«i*oti—-"St> Thin I* ionium." whole performance perfectly staged hy "On Trial" was the forerunner of this NTERTAINNENT Al JolMa'a BM*h Street—"The loneci J. C. Huffman. particular type of play. In this newest Evmwf»Er»mini)frAUKND Oemedy." play, be also uses the "flash-back" BROAD STREET WJSIClAKSCOSTtlXtSSCntliyiDniRttlKOK Klawwriie hast Warning." Century—Comedle F ran en I s^ method of telling a story which, while fOf, rRiI£I«!tl£S SCHOOLS CHWCHfSUEOONS Knickerbocker—"The Yankee Frfn- more confusing1 than the straight chron- FURNITURE REPAIR SHOP OIS$K0HSFAnsnKA1U$ttrM»CWFKI Mme, Sorel and her company from the ological order, In tills Instance adds Mfetrty—^'JMUle M*lly Kelly." Comedle Francatse are giving a fare- materially to the thrills. And there are 131 Enst Broad Stre«t The SCUDDER MARKET well week of performances at the Con |4ttle—"Spit* Corner." thrills—an endless succession of them. WESTFIELD, N. 3, tiOBgaere——**Ito«e Bt-rnd*" tury, There are four matlriees at which No sooner Is one difficulty solved than J^erum—-"Shore Leave.** are shown "l»e Mfsantbropo" tomorrow up pops another complication and the Telephone 757-W. ANNOUNCEMENT Masln« Elliott—"lUln.** and "Le Demi-monde" on Friday. plot 1B solved only at the curtain's fall, Morosci»—"U'by Men Leave Home, ¥ * + which «malces everybody keyed up and Music Box—"Revue.** Hippodrome—150 Time** of "Jlrttri generally happy. DEALERS IN THE BEST OF H«€I»BaI—**Fs#hl«m# for Men.** * * * WESTPIELD CLEANING UNCLE ABE Ne\T Amnterdaiu—"Ziejefeld NOTES i Bayafr-xOur Nell.** "Better Tlmea," Charles DUIingham's AJID DYEING SERVICE 210 Watchung Ave,, PlainMd 1 Edgar Selwyn began rehearsals yes- UP—*"tji> ghe Goes. ' eighth annual Hippodrome BUper-flpec- terday of "The Hear Car," the new mys- II. TA51AHK1.V, Prop. J'I>mi>utll—- The Torchbearcrn." ¥ ¥ ¥ I 518 WASHINGTON STKEET WKSTFIELD, N. J. > In imagination find in sheer beauty «f Winter Garden—«I analngr Show of coloring and design, it surpasses any- George Cukor has been engaged by thing which ha3 been presented on any the Selwyna to assist Frank Iteieher * * * stage In America. The gorgeous ballot, In the production of "Johannes Krels- Concert*—I'hllhar mo nlc "Thm Story of a Fan," with Its 500 peo- ter," the stupendoua production in ECHO LAKE DAIRY SPKIXGFIKLD ItOAD A new orchestral work by Arnold ple and ita 70O costumes, will remain which Jacob Ben-Ami will bo presented Bcaoenberg will have Its first perform- for many years a triumph of staMe at the Apollo Theatre December 18th. MILK AND CREAM FROM HOME-RAISED COWS ance any whore tomorrow evening at achievement, while with such of its * + * GHADE A HAW Garnog-lo Hall by the l'hllharmonic Od sixteen scenes as "The Harbor of Pros- Strand Theatre, Xetv York Clty FINK and DOUGHERTY, Proprietors Ch&atra under the direction of. Josef perity," the aquatic nnale, tlie "Land of The Maurice Tourneur Version of Manhattan Bazaar Stransky. The oow Schoenboig work Mystery," find the "Grand Opera Ball" "Lorna Doone," which Managing Di- Telephone 011-J la an arrangement for orchestra of scene, the Hippodrome upholds 1 he rector Joseph Plunkett ia presenting two organ preludes by Baoh. Bronis- reputation of previous seasons. at the Strand Theatre this) week, comes from the masterly hand that gave life Uvr Hubfcrman wilt bo tho soloist at * * * tfefi concert, playing- the Tchaikovsky to Stevenson's "Treasure Island" and Klaw—J'The Last Warning" and Supper HARPER METHOD PERMANENT WAVING Violin concerto. Schubert's "Unfin- Maeterlinck's "The Bluebird." ished" Symphony (played in commemo- No play in the history of Broadway condensed. In. the film version, all the SHAMPOOING STEAM-OIL PROCESS ration of 'the 125th anniversary of thohaa hud the unique history that la as- While the novel has been decidedly Under auspices FACIAL MASSAGE $20 Whole Head composer'a birth and the centonnlal of sociated with "Tho Last Warning." the main dramatic episodes which have MANICURING $10 Half Head •the- composition) and tho praludo to sensational mystery melodrama, now made the book enthralling to three <*l>Ie Moslterslnger" ctmiprlss the rent playing at tho Klaw Theatre, West eneratlons have been retained and the LADIES AID SOCIETY OP THE of the program- 45th Street, Now York City, which has spirit of their time haa been repro- On Friday afternoon the Philharmo- taken the town by storm. The play duced with an unparullcled fidelity. To The Vanitie Shoppe nic Orchestra under Mr. fitransky will WR& written by Thomas I**. Follon. he book lover, the student of English FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 1 Rialto Theatre Building repeat Thlrsday night's program, < Thomas P, Fallon, who was formerly classics and the educator, the coming Westfleld, N. J. tiopt that tho soloist will bo Hans Kind- an actor, conceived tho idea of writ- of "Lorna Doone" will be a welcome MARCEL WAVING APPOINTMENTS lor, who wtir play the >L>alo violoncello Ing "The Last Warning/' through a event. Tourneur has earned a deserv- THURSDAY and FRIDAY atmoorto. chanco rondini? of Wads worth Camp's ing reputation as a film educator of no WATER WAVING Telephone 1241-J well known novel, "The House of small significance, and his screen ver- BOB CUTTING AND CURLING Next Sunday afternoon's program Fear," Ho had already written two sions of classical books nnd plays have December 7 and 8 under the direction of Josef Htranaky Ions dramas, and a number of success- been, marked by such artistry that they will again have Mr. Huberman playing ful one-act plays, but, In undertaking: have won permanent places in the film BENEFIT OF THE BUILDING FUND. COME AND BUY the Tchaikovsky concerto aa aololsl, to dramatize tlio camp novel, he waslibraries of schoolB, churches and com- and will lncludo Cesar Pranck'a Sym- attempting something new. For themunity houses. phony- in D minor and Richard Strauss' story la full of trick situations and Michel Foklno, the Russian ballot YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS. "Doa-th and Transfiguration." stage novelties, and breaks virtually master whose dance features have be- ¥ ¥ ¥ every rule of plny-wrltlng extant. THKATIUC NOTION come Indispensable to the Strand's pro- ANNOUNCEMENT Tho cast Is an excellent one, and In- grams, displays his choregruphlc fau- IJOUIIOU Chnrltim announces at Car- cludes William CourtlPlgh, Ann Mason. periorlty by creating a new compos! We now have .a full line of all kinds of i Hall for WeMitifiHday evening1, Vo- Charles Trowbrlilge, Marlon Loii.1 and tion, which he calls "Danse Olassiqut " I3th, at 8.15 o'clock, lihovinne, many others. Remaining1 film attractions on the and at AooJIan Hall for Thursday af- Tho present producers are Michael Strand's program next week will be RANGES ternoon, Oocombor 14th, at 3 o'clock, Ooldreyer and Mlchnol MimHin, and tho latest Clyde Cook comedy, "Lazy Brand NEW, LATEST and SNAPPY DESIGNS. Hthyl Hayden, soprano, and at Aeolian thoy aro known to Broadway as tin* Bonos," nnd the Mark Strand Topical Hall for Saturday afternoon, December "Kid Producers." Both young: men are Review of the news In tho pictures. Pull Enamel, Semi-Enamel, Smooth Top, and 30th, at 3 o'clock, for the fourth concert In their early twenties and both have * ¥ * Christmas of Horlofi, Ihiichoson, in a Chopin Pro- known poverty and hardships. l'roctor*H Palace Theatre, Ncvritrk gram. Now, their doings aro exploited In Probably what should prove the overy paper by the critics and the col- is The CHAMBERS F1RELESS GAS RANGE 'iioat tit tractive offer IIIR of tho year umnists, and alrendy the magazines art Illjou—"hlH In" graces the stage at Proctor's this week Our assortment is worthy of your inspection, and we cordially I writing features atorloa about them in tho offering of the popular Vincent Coming! Another Thriller—an emotional com- Nightly the crowd flock to KPP inch ..apez and his Hotel Pennsylvania Or- invite you to come in and see it. ody of soino force—htm corno to town piny, and nightly tlip "ktil producers" •hestra, which is one of the best or- this week anil ia housed at tho iiljini, hocomo richer and richer, glowing ex- theRtraa playing1 on tho vaudeville It I» "Til»tontn? JTI," by Oarlylo Moore. amplon of American daring. Ing«miH\ There is no better way of saving extra pennies for Xmns Wiio wroto tho humurous "Stop Thlnf" and perseverance. Rifts than by buying your food supplies at Van Dylc's where Have you seen the WONDERFUL and tho ntolodrumntlc play, "The Un- Another foaturo of no to Is tho sip- yon can get highest quality goods at lowest prices. known Purple," fio popular sovernl seti- 'car;tnt-e of Hen Welch, who Is well sona ago. In this newest Moore play Mnxlnc KIHolt'H—"Hntu" mown to Newark theatre-goers aa otie> Van Dyk Quality Food Specialties •f the most famoun character enme- there ia a Inrga cast handed by Krnuflt One of tho nnost productlonn In New GAINADAY "OSCILLATOR*' WASHER llnna on the vaudeville stage, Duchess CofToo «5c lb. Spring Valley Hulter 50c lb. 01endonnln(? nnd Dotlsrm Mltohnll. oth-York at tho present timp, both as tr This la tho Coffeo Supremo. arfl who appear are Mlima Gomboll, nnry and acting, is "Uain"—at Hit Others that will make thin week's ThiB ia the ported, whole The moat eflicient nnd practical washer made, and the pricej •>l!l a gala event aro Nelson Snow, It haa n simply delicious milk butter—9 4 test. Better Wftrfc-arol Linden, Harry Stub*, Il^rberl Maxinc rcillott Theatre. It la n plaj flavor that will top off the tfarjeon, \Vm. Puvldson, Oorald stopp, which m> one, who enjoys the flnosi Charles Columbus and Harriet Hector buttor makes any dinner hot- is only $97.50. Giorgio Mujoronl, Frank Androwa, W»i. in a musical comeiiy playlet, "Promise dinner wonderfully. ter. This la tho best things of the theatre, can afford to Qunli-Tens 45C lb. Kofcrliloy, FlRlon It'llnt, OoorRo Qu«t'»n, in. John WIIManiH Is, undoubtedly, Me"; Harry Paull nnd Hazel Ooss. Nor- April Packed KKS» .(So lb. Just think of it I One half less than you would pay for another! Prank Kirk. R l» a Milton production, ono tif tho cleverest and most cnpabln wood and Hall, tho Seven Arabian Most klndB. Tho host bulk. Every one Ktiarnntoed. These fltoiTe inanaffed by Ira lTarda. 1 Nifrhtn, nnd many other features In- Tho tanto tolls, (India Cey- aro flno, fun CRg3 tllnt givo •nanruvera in Now York today. He hn. ? lon, 50c lb.) make no better than the GAINADAY OSCILLATOR. Callj In thfa liiHtuncn produced a fine yilay cluding the plonain# prelude'of motion satisfaction. pictures will round out this week's Walnuts 3()c lb. Sharp ChM-so a7c Ih Ilrond S(rrc Now Y/orU Winter Onrdpn's tno«t mil?', brtlllnnt, rndlnnt, rmotlotinl In zils, Filberts, Paper Shell PLUMBING, HEATING AND TINNING «t«UHmOOi»8 rovuft. "&lait(. u HnappV-" her unrnfnrmpil stntp'; FHiluliifd, tender, * -w * lllto to cat tho Peanut liuttor Almonds, etc. 1 JC XT-.w Mr. Cantor Is onn or ihr most popular rngile, pitiful nfl Him clings td Knvor- Illnlto—Next Week < iMiitm-lrhiK I>er. II and then play with tho pill Phone 613. 145 North Avenue-] (Sllortnlnnrs (ti this country. Tin- pro- Titi DitvIdHon, A ftjih'ntiM contrast! For Monday and Tuesday DOHHIO I o\n tiintlon in which ht> ,'nni^aiit, la tho 1»!K- titrtlhi^, uniifiual, perfect In her Inter- In "Deserted i\t tho Altar/' a B ibb\ VAN DYKE TEA STORE 168 E. Front St. PkinHeU, N. J. PLAINPIELD, N. J. gwt AntJ moat coeUy .ittructloit that pretathm. Then the nwlfl chnngo back Vernon Comedy and American Auth ir AT THE PLAYHOUSE MONDAY, and TUESDAtl "THE FACE THE FOG'5 "OUR GANG" Comedy Mat. 2:30 and 4.' IOc and 20c. Eve. 7:30 and 9. 20c and 31 THE WKiTrilJLD LEADEE. W1BM1SBAY, B101MBBB 6, 1882,

FOH Mil STIJl WAP SAVINGS STAMPS MIMJOU lskl\ I ihh nounced that thi> 1923 i.!,»r<'e are now R'a offiea iu PJ»lnfl#W, Coining Grand Concert to b. TURK TALKS BEFORE PRES- HUMID lOh j ready and that he sill lii- at the tli west-biujid station, will be: Bo~ 5 1 f INTERCHANGEABLE pea to th* In* *"*' » School BYTERIAN MENS' CLUB I Town Kooius on Fiiday nt 7 30 ]i. in 1-24, incluaive, lia. ttl Ii ib 1 u d i! at tlit ul<] ID J mut yi i fr uvlfiu-c Council, Bee. Jtb ei \ | to issue them. After tomorrow p. m.: December 26-29, ineluMlve, .ft 111 i \ill (-v t} t- 1 !• f* in v Hi,{)\ l^k 11 1 Uk 1 . th His Views* H^ 1'MM^HU'U i*ut* Xt'n blanks may bo had f ill du 1 K U l \w!l tuj evu^ Urn*, n i di lt th 1 ight »m Ea»Uirn Kit-u«iion— Office, The office hums nt Mr. Mehist day, from t a. m. to 10 p. m. , concert to be given iu the au I 111-,- LM 1 i ( t rt ta IU.-- i U IK 1 I ttiL 1 toil foil I I tl II I 1 11 An KnteH,"lining KpcttJu-r iin of the Wastrield High School H udu 1 i (Hi in I,, bu it M men lii^ >-f i i to it Hi !• uui u mil l i evening, December 7th Oflicci i 1 ' i i \ i i u 11 u n 1 t •i« t p oi tLe it tin 1 he m lillii aii | M at nun i 1 lie of the most enjoyable fin nd ([ ii inr i i b «ii i ui all tun 1 (d tht, st in put i ' t i Tha one hundred and thirty men 0IIlJ 1 o ooJU ,'h •. ii wi ! ° "*Tlie poet Shelly has written nunibtr ut lit U UJ) I )K J ii £ luiw and diia-n-,iuu 11 loi it pie cut at the chicken supper of the I w r J n 1 than til a th j 1 • . ' t v 1 tl > « U tal c tile mull \ tl t Vibrates iu the memory." on r toid a iett r of ,lV, \o\\ it ooiv lem mis foi Itneis ot n I « t ! tl i boll ilt t 1 U| s !o who heard Zia Bey, author of "Speak- • -« this occasion will vibrate iu belult o£ (he p 'tut'' o tint i 1 tin sport to \u h for 1 cold sn ip la I ) 1 PUient inn hx\ I mm nt m Hi pio ti u ing of the Turks," speak on the "Near MONEY SAVERS jfVnione* off thosthoe , who attend for ( hi ttl, t 1 I il ( ommis lontr Wlntiomb I *„,»,»• a day. Not to• mention tht token of the Gn tiun oi tlu* ir md Inn Iiei u \ n 1 intern Situation us Viewed hy the ii i m^ nsn tffort to pimidc j D >tl vfiio are celebrated; not to ii h t Ciu fn t tment ot ibo it tlifi f om doing tlie imc "I1C 1 11 k \ 1 „ ,( ] llt] Casey's Drug Store in j 0 ln mIn t HI] nifl times to bow his acknowledgment, |**pu0.Art Piano, will be a feature if possible (Ii m Dtopiiihu i h u .nouncedly great. This reprodut ot 1" i-i i in unts HI ill i n pi i,ioi Zitt Bey said that the people of Ihe that there ut hill be tun, tu mil , i 1 M t 11O\ Ol Oi COMBINATION MEDICINES , instrument which gives you tin tion llm , Ii inn tli n United States were not rightly in- sultible Sfit punha M lor th p 1 It I Its 1 Mill I s \\ Ml CANDY SALE NO 1 50c Pebeeo Tooth Paste 390 ' playing of the many renowned l i ' It 11 11 tlll\ I in 11e i u \ formed, that the Turk was consid- H T- fum iK VMII u,j. 60c pound Peppermint Putties 0 slim i K f1( Ink ip t urn 1 Ii iimml flection of ofhtoih >f ered ii bad blood-thirsty individual, 50c Poiusodent Tooth Pagte 8«o 'Vis who have recorded theii tuin ih fmthpr jtu 30c Peanut Brittle to inuiiH mulitf it tlu i it i P ' I t i i Ii tht I ithfi \uvili ir\ lost N) 1 of but in reality he had been kept in 25c Kolyuoa Tooth Paste....31e ' ' for it, Paderewski, Josei wishing to address him. BOTH FOR 69c Cortot, Percy Grainger, [year, rompoin ilehold haa appeared in concerts and the women of the church. Tlin ne-st Amimiuln , 14c byterian Church, January 25, l!)2.'l. groom, and Lleiiteiiiint Donald limns current year. A total of $100,000 li'iw Vork and other eastern cities, gathering ot the club will ha held on Soap Bargains A general conference of workers will was best man. j was received. I has always been received with the evening of January 30. 1923, 25c Palraollvc They will sing both be held In the Parish House of the After a wedding trip spent at Iiuck Unpaid taxes on lands with inter- Third Presbyterian Church of Plain- when n Father's and Son's Meetiiw I.lrphuny j and popular numbers. In ad- Hili l Palis, Mr. and Mrs. Gllninrtlii est, etc., becomes a Hen on and after fleld on March 22nd. will make their humo at 402 South December 1st. When any municipal I 25c* MitrNlimnllow 1 ijition to the voice and Instrumental lU'hlp ... The regular yearly rally of the Euclid avenue. hMWt wm p e Wlteh Itnierl 8*200 lumbers, Mrs. Doris WenrK of the 011 Ju v lst " - uppllos to each tjliicatlonal Department of the Aeol- Union will take place on May 11th at The firoom is well known in Wast-] ' '" the year followliiR the THIB price item dat \1tlv I'yraiulU ot nRsorted. fto Company will give an interesting the First Presbyterian Church In Ro-Held, havine Rrailuated from the e when it becanio In arrears, the 10c 102.1 AUTO I'LATKS ilid instructive talk on Music and selle. High School In 11117, of which class Collector shall enforce the lieu by sale of tho property, I»rophyliu:Y Kotox TWIli ttrush«» MnvclopoB I He I- jjiss Marie Dawson Morrell, a glft- MAIL TOUR XJIAS. State Auto License Agent James J. 37«: 8 PICKS. ll)c "H.U'TIST StJl'I'KH AND HA- fijyouiig violinist, has been added to PACKAGE*) VAItliY SMITH—SIMI'SON McCann, of Plainfleld, has an- file group °f artist already an- ZAAR THRUHDAY AND I'ltlllAV Again the Christmas rush Is ap- Herbert Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. iioiinced. A novel feature of Miss proaching and every indication Andrew A. Smith, of Harrison ave- Tho Ladles' Aid Society of the tlorrell's appearance will be the fact points to a busy time for the post nue, and Miss Vcra Simpson, daugh- Haptlst Church will hold a "Manhat- Fill Bhe Is accompanied by the Duo- ter of Mrs. M. Simpson, of Allonhurst, tan Bazaar and Supper" in tho Par- Ilrt Piano. omee employees! and In order to avoid delays tho following sugges- N. J., worn married ut the home of ish House Thursday and Friday, De- I, Remember that this concert, which tions are offered regarding the mail- the bride on November 24th. Miss cember 7th and Nth, ufttmioon and I) to be given by the Aeolian Com- ing of packages: Clalro Simpson, sister of the bride, evening, was maid of honor, and Leonard a. Ipy, and Is under the auspices of Parcels for Arizona, Idaho, Mon- A large assortment of Christmas Appley wati best num. p tit School Welfare Council, will give tana, Nevada, Oregon, Washington gilts will be on sale. Thursday even- •ill the proceeds to our Westfleld and Wyoming should be mailed not Mr. and Mrs. Smith will make their ing a "Haptlst" dinner will be served, bhools to forward the. culture of Mn- later than December 13th; for Ar-home in Westfleld. which wo presume will bo rather wet; and on Friday evening every I*. Paste ln your hat the date— kansas, Colorado, Louisiana, New Member 7th—the place, Westfleld H.VZAAIt AT 1SA1TIST CHURCH one will wait on himself, as tho sup- OPPENHEIM,gLLINS&g Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, IghSchool Auditorium, and Go! per will he in cafeteria style. Toxas and Utah, not later than De- On Thursday and Friday, a Man- There will also be surprises for the comber 14th; for Alabama, Florida, hattan Bazaar and supper will bo children and a gonoral good time ifl Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, held In the Parish House of the Hnp- tUTO CRASH ON SOUTH AVE. In store for all who attend. Christ- Broad and William Streets, Newark, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, tist Church. mas shoppers will do well to take Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Ten- All one's Christinas shopping can id-on Collision in Which Ko One their list along with them, as It will nossee and Wisconsin, not later than be done at this time. Practically ev- Is Hurt be an excellent time to make, your December 15th; for Georgia, Indi- ery kind of an article will be found purchnnos and also help the Building Saturday Extraordinary Sale of hero. ana, Maine, North Carolina, Ohio, fund. automobile accident which South Carolina, Virginia and West The wares to lie uohl will be f.iuinl Illsbt have resulted disastrously took Virginia, not later than December ln an interestiiie exhibition, that will Site In South avenue Saturday af- ICtli; Maryland, Massachusetts, New take one iilong lower Manhattan, the M'eKIMJOV P.-T. A. HOMI Fur Trimmed Coats Itaoon, when a touring car owned Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, Fifth nvenuo shops nnd Its tea rooms AFTRUJVOON MKKTINO lui driven by Samuel Smyth, of 87 Connecticut, Delaware, District of the Metropolitan Museuin of Art, not For Women and Misses fcsington avenue, Plainfleld, ran 111 connection with National Edu- Columbia, Now York and Pennsyl-forgettin/,' Coney lahmd with its at-cation Week, tho parents of the chii- |W-on Into a truck belonging: to S. vania, not later than December 18th. tractions for the little ones. Thf'iilren of AlcKlnley School have boon I&Arbuckle, of 15S Morgan street, Attractive Coats in wrap model Wraps and Coats cleverly fash- Parcels for any part of this state "East Side" will not bo overlooked. [invited to visit tho classes In regular fteeT City. should bo mailed no later than De- On Thursday night a dinner can b( session from 1 to .'I o'clock this after- or belted effects; developed of ioned of Monterey and Arabella Smyth was going west in South cember 19th, and parcels for delivery had from 0 to s p. m., with regular „„,,„ Fo||owlng the regular session tatte and the Arbucklo truck, drlv- in this city should bo mailed not hotel servico, while on Friday night |thn Parent-Teacher Assochitlou will Normandy with full collars and in gracefully slenderized models, Janics McDermltt, of 151late! r than December 21st and 22nd. one can have a cafeteria supper. :ll|lhI Vwk mcot,nf, hl ,,,,, Aml|torluin cuffs of wolf. Silk lined through- richly trimmed with fox, wolf and ;venuo, Jersey City, was going There has always boon a question The proceeds of this sale are l»r;,llltl the program will he given by the ! Kit Thomas CummlnRS, of 3ISin tho mind of the public when postal church building fund. ] children. out, and warmly interlined. beaver. tetstroet, Jersey City, accompanied officials advise wrapping parcels "se- i The Ways) and Means Committee itDermitt. curely." XMAS AND THHIFT CLUB |i will bolhold a cako S.-.IR on .Saturday, The Smyth car was badly damaged. Directions for Packings NOW HINT) SENT Ol'T 11'oenniher IGth, In Etuii'imagel's store! Values to 55.00 Values to 85.00 So one waa injured. Fragile articles, such as glass, J t. Proceeds of tho salo Many people are happy nnd many j ™n' |,"' ^ china, toys, plaster of parts, more will lie so the next few days j to curry on the work of iltllEOE WOMAN'S 0MTB tho association. dolls, cameras, phonograph parts and when the Christmas Club and Thrift j i E\,IOV FINK PKOGISAM records and articles of similar iia- 38.00 58.00 I. The December meeting of the Col-turo Tho "Leader" Is the Shopping k> Woman's Club was held at thoin a Guldo for all this section or New and »t Mrs. ,1. T. Tubby on the j board or wooden hox Lent out their Xmas checks last wed Jersey. For bargains In merchandise e of Monday, December thooi j "fragile"fragile.. " ,,,i ,,.,,,i The Westiield Trust Company con- —read tho advertisements carefntlv 6 u( fcirth. Do not use the ordinary jiasteboaid " \ , |f c,ub ami ,,„,,,,„ .,,.,, to has been the custom for se- |v hox. It will not withstand the ""^ |^,^/Mentation of customer'. 11 pa - fears the men wore invited tojsary handling. Innd- book. Next year the Weslliehl Trust » December meeting to give, as I Dry goods, such as glove.., ! of a iCompany will also conduct a Holiday " >ws toto enjoyenjoy,, the entertainmententertainment.. II kerchiefskerchiefs,, muslins anil gu • .'|C|,,b and checks will hi; payable 8 l and checks will bo payabl • Program consisted of songs hy ! like nature not exceeding nvt i • ^^{ ^ B(1(;|m(1 wnek ,„ j-)f,,.f,,niK.r. ( « Luillow, who was accompanied !ln weight Mioiilil ''« wr.ippeu • ^^ Il(),|(I|iy e]m,kB trnm (he People's p f WWss mother, and short addresses j glc-facod corruKated pasteb '"' ;„,,„,. & Trust Company will be fp J. Potura on "The Need ol coedlng fivo pounds use u ^ ^^ I)(i(,cn||,(,r st]l. ATIONAL BEEF CO. 15 Schools ror Hoys"; by W. H.corrugated pasteboard hox. Hats must bo crated, or sent "n "RospBct for Law," and by id !l)lt. A. AVKM.IN«T(».N TAYLOIt double-faced corrugated pastebo: t_"'Taylor, who gave some re.miii- ! TO l,K('Tl'»K BKFOItlO *a of a recent trip to the West Toies umbrella, golf sticks, rlr WOMAN'S CM'lt 5j» and Panama. Largest Retailers of Meats in America ™s Interpstln;; program together must hV roinforee.1 with stout woo The Woman's Club Is to have the 1 melons hospitality of Mr. j their entire length. privilege of bearing Dr. A. Wlllng- •T.,% wa8 greatly enioyed ,, Cnstln-J.^ "l^L^n ton Taylor talk at tho next me.-tlm: tollo;;e Club members and | heavy plccos. rna" '" tn be held in the Congregational Par- j ' .mil packed i» sawdust. Ish House on December 11 th, at 2.»0. j LtrS./SC' oni. rro.«-U-d msubject Kill be, "The Cosl of. MID-WEEK SPECIALS AT THE NEW NATIONAL MARKET "l)r. Taylor H De.'in uf the (iraduale HOI,1) ORIRNTAT, TKA to prevent daii Candy and ci^urs when School nf Iluslness Atlminlrilrallon. 23c 1|^thlnK orlBlnill ,„ the way of their origins b"*e, «"« rl; University, and Is on the Breast of Veal Ib 15c ll0 Vo ? *»fj Blven by the Executive I Bluff of tlin AnifM-i.'Ni! llii;'!- Fresh Ham? Ib . i " 'he Woman's Chili on e 14th, nt the 1 lar ah:-,c Dr. r has bet-.'i iii!' ' , "'Mr Miilvh J. Mil: (i.'i! lines for many i Road en box. lirefer- Article 'mil til"* 4*lil»*r work :il pre:!"iil Is Shoulder of Veal, Ib 22c P fill nrit iitlempl ''° "" unusually 11 iw in box. iiic lenders, lie Is well lilted to U iihly In wood ,U point. Mark sain ' "K oxlilbitlon of 'tnpeii- ill'iln mi Ibis subject ""''• Panels, nmbrnlclorlcf, rW|1 work nnd many other FRESH EVERY THURSDAY AND FRIDAY . • n I" am I i he Busineas Established 1rlfini;i] (•n.Htumn, thu:- Jobbing of All Kinds. hf! plelure of th« I'Kit. Uln fl< a!iirn will lie the,f:ip Full Supply of Fruits and Vegetables ^''

|,pi,n | I hi. CARPENTER andBUILDER 1 at ;) d Mild ! i •Vlock Westfleld, N, J. ' Ml, I 13O Broad St. Tel. 343-W Free Delivery I"! llO|i(,,, )0 m,i]u\ UllM Office; 30 Prospect Street Telephone '•Ihi",f lllP """'lliur Pnnil. vUnII •''«• t . "» In fxtouilml to iltt'vn:l thin ten. MOS WESfFISJJ LEADER WZBHESDAY, D10OTB1B 6. 1922

1 ta»- m iisifiu LEMHI:rj* individual who handles the looking fruit. The wei ha* H rt 111 n>t . t t u—a j package up to its final delivery at; not been able to five Ms frui 'i i a 11 of the riders *bo the court d ij. »*d 'hr b i! of c* .* r f jits destination. flavor aad the firmness thai J- pi ct «» n c -i- .sj -'.!•> J i~ uiL pirt t p»t a » e a» lions Mr-- j «a B» *s found ic our State's good app!-*-- pel Hart to cos « i i io ti-tiat.ii i e M =* age on the dav oi tt*e I .*! *nd neRob B- >n h Fiast R App, h ix&Lzel | tra opens its sea-(advertised regardless of compa** will coEtla»e to hast t-<- r»ots of the and R branser ?»eit Saturd \ De NBUIHRO WBKMUAY8 AT cea>ber . *-i there »ill be another WBCOTIISUD, SK r j The Symphony BOII nest week live quality. propert 3s ioug K* A 1H^« 1 paper ch.»»e Ever) bod. is united iOrchestra with an ambitious. There is a live uiou in the appU Tse P '' the father for the purpose of placing j?rsev For bargain ? in niert-handist ; C S. 1MB, 8*crctary r Treasurer: t[,e f,,ture is brilliant. products. He can buy his jaw it a r -d M F- ' » » •• ire r(? j fh, d^e'tisfineuts carefully. ; B Bank in Westfield H.TH INDEPKK0EST W5WSP1PKR Those who have devoted their material cheaply because thr « JH n? i m - \U e d ad Western rowers have ca lT r< rlrf b^t itime, energy and talent to the up- « l " \ i i sir ,-iare your or-: OFFICIAL PAPER »«' tie Id a - •> ..kit the mftiopolitan raarkt-ts. ami KT r e '- ds till beads, en-; TOWN OF WESTFII51.D ! building of the Symphony "> i d 'a ltd , ! BOROUGH OP MOliHTAIKSIBK , j .• , i i New Jersey apples are not adver- to pav the ou-t i i » ie> -, n Tai t anything you a good place to HllHOlCiH OF CABWOOI) ru deserve unstinted praise and '* ^ Mr- Hart a% ! c -'amuery line (or! (Alternate Yeses) gratitude, for they have done tisnd. Til u Lm ln v s ' • the i« • t t drihr Nun'. Don't; and of 1*1 in id r tl 1 j rej v,t \ r» all out. Bring! much to make Westfield an at- ~ ft, , , Ei ed B I'il and t* t 1 Onelnl Orgmm of Ike New Jrrws Amtm- thtir lather t u % r x i t To fader Prei-V' keep your account. efartiea tor FouMry iMproTeiaeiK tractive town. That every concert Some one of these days the own- 4 i. d \ H 1 _ft * ut neatly and during the season will be well at- ers of orchards in this Slate ered «i ilt'n , ,- P > •) •otered at the I'o»' Ota at Wiwtfle K. J., na Second Clans Matter. tended is a certainty attested by wake up, but the regaining uf lost i ,""«"* ' Terms E a demand for more ticket* than pensivmarketes processwill b. e a slow and ; I'APEK <'HASE HKIJ) THANKS- j • Year la Adrance. Tslephona 9!8-J are available for the first pro- GIVING 1>AV BIG SITCESS I r Bates FuraiHlujd Upon gram. Application. ROTARIANS LISTEN TO -; At njne o>clock T,anfe5g,Ting Dar j FRANK O. YOUNG A community that properly ap- TALK ON HEALTH morning some of the patrons of the! Telephones: 'Elizabeth Riding School participated THE NATIONAL BANK HdStorial Ilept j«8 preciates good music must be a n the Plumbing, Tinning BrtneM Offlce 40T Dr. Chester I*>see Explains We ofii largest and most successful Printing- Dept 407 worth-while group of people, and and H ea ting OF WESTFIELD through such institutions as the Todny IAMUI Too Fast a Life— iPaperode r tochas Mre. Okie'held s thifarsm season on . They Symphony Orchestra the very Doing Kverj-thlng Too Much Drive, Cranford, and were joiaed by Jobbing Promptly Aitcndi'd to THE ONLY NATIONAL/ BANK In a Hurry twenty riders from Cranford. Mr. best in a people is brought to the • '• Okie was the "hare," and he sure did 414 WEST THIRI> AVKNCK "IN WESTFIEI/D ake a fin c r e front. The weekly luncheon and meeting !™ f ™ f ' There were eight 'MEMBEF Wednesday, December 6,1922, fenc83 GARWOOD, N. J. Somc day Westfield will realize of the Rotary Club of Westfield was two brooks and plenty of ^FEDERAL RESERVE^ to this Newcomer—We welcome the value of its musical jewels and i*?? at 'he, Sbackamaxon Country ,. fou to Wesilk'ltl and ask that you •" < Club yesterday at noon, at wmen ; Wjll call oil us for Information on all provide a large and appropriate |time an excellent address on j matters pertaining to tha town. Our auditorium for their display. j "Health" was given by Dr. Chester j telephones are 407—408. »_»-*•_ " ' Ijflsee, Osteopath, a member of the i Pa pa BS i , . i i club. i WesJfield ha, the distinction jf, m Losee 6howed tM we aredo . | being the first town ing things in too much of a hurry, j A Wise Kind in New Jersey in Hesa!l 1w e were born in a hurry, our j s m< .«. t • i ii i school life was all hurry. We eat in I of Thrift which there was a ja hurr5% and even d|e ,;urriedlr. He | banking institution; made an earnest plea that all men progressive enough to see the j should religiously at least twice a benefit to be derived from start-!5?" ,have ® phyBl??' «»™lB«Mon'I 'claiming tills would eliminate in i ing a Christmas Savings aud jgrea t part serious illness. The dnc-1 Thrift Club. The deposits for the j tor spoke 1Q a pleasing voice, and his j THE first year of the club amounted to ido!iver'' and remarks were well re- j "AMKHIC A—I'livt, Iiaat and ,,,,,„ i celved by the members. ' AH tho Time — ASfKHIOA." a few hundred dollars. „ , . . , _ , , ...., j Christmas Shopper i Superintendent of Schools Phil-1

At the coming Christmas West- >th howee flchor askel8 sod all the members to visit j will find delight and restfulness in having The big Christmas edition of yeafiddersr 192 wil2 il nreceiv locale bankin$157,00g 0 institha-t ° 'hat they might learn! ,, , . ., , ,. at first hand the enormous amount; luncheon at Brans. The Leader will be is-tutions. This makes a good show- they have set aside during the .o t work anda 8t 0 how capab|y lt wnB | Tba sued next Wednesday, ing that is likely to be improved being done. Several members ac-1 Christmas and every resident of every year in the future. | cepteHeld dtoday for differen, sayingt daythats Ithn tho towe weekn is. ! Leader Westfield should have These savings are supplemental1 ""usuallBoard' oyf healthyHealth. Inspector Carney I)n Lnrul Cimtiniious Onriflcatlon Is generally considered tho great- told of the health conditions In West- est ndvnncp in dry doanliiR methods made In the pnst ijpeade. It a copy, for it will he a Singing was indulged In, led bj- to any amount that may be avail j Charles Philhower, who Is lnstruct- keeps our cleansing fluid clenn all tho time and so immeasurably valuable source of information able from building and loan I ing the members In a new French improves the quality of our work. and prepared in an attractive stocks and show a thriftiness that j song, the favorite of the Canadian PorRet the unpleasant experiences you may have had with dry ^manner. In its columns there will is praiseworthy. This is the sort >boatmen- Amoiis the guests noticed cleaning dona by old-fashioned methods. You can now have your daintiest apparel dry cleaned In perfect safety. bo many specially prepared ar- c n -PL ., / , x • •.. ; were Darrell Losee, Harold Rav, ticles of unusual interest. of thrift that does not indicate |Joh n DorvalI andInapecto r Carney; With our recently installed De Laval Continuous Clarincatlon Sys- selfishness or parsimony, but if • BABCOCK tem, there can be no tell-tale odor of rancid cleansing fluid; clothes It» advertising pages offer shows forethought and good busi- jHARTS AIR PROPERTY ! BUILDING can't shrink, and cleaning Is much more thorough than ever before. Splendid opportunity for the se-ness sense. All of these improvements are the result of keeping damning fluid lection of Christmas gifts, and the QUESTION BEFORE COURT! clean—a thins which was impossible until the De Laval Continuous Christmas savings lightens Ihr Clarification System was developed. local and nearby merchants have Christmas problem and makes; jun Dismissed to Compel Father to made a most attractive presenta- Consider the advantage of washing clothes in a stream of clear, broader giving possible and gen- Trun»rer 1'ropcrly to Daushh-ra running water, as compared with washing them in a tub of water tion of their offerings. Read the eral cheer more likely. It fro- j which becomes dirtier and dirtier as the day's work progresses. The advertisements and soo what can former method Is practically the one which we now employ, excupt quently prevents the accumula- At a hearing held before Vice-j that high-priced cleansing fluid takes the place of water. bo bought right here at home. tion of debts at this season that • Chancellor Buchanan In the Court of i You can easily see how this system enables us to perfectly clean would have to bo paid off during! ChanCOry lu Trenton oa Monday in ' There are so many things that the case of Carrie Hart and Lizzie the pieces which you have been unwilling to Bend to ordinary clean- the coming year. ers. In short, we are now doing the kind of dry cleaning for which are essential during the holiday Hawley against their father, Levl E. you have always hoped but have never before been able to obtain, season that can be bought to ad- The total of figures for Christ-1 vantage here in Westfield, and ev-mtts savings throughout the conn-' ery article bought from tho local try is most impressive, for it nut Brenner's Market dealer savcB time when one goes only shows people are learning to e MRS. G. 0. KELLER to tho city on a shopping expedi- save, but they are learning to save j Telephone 975 86 Elm St. tion. Consider also the delivery that they may enjoy real good ji Playhouse Cleaning and Dyeing proposition and see tho advantage from what has been accumulated.! of buying from local merchants. la sa fa : 125 PARK AVENUE 125 The number of copies of the New Jerseymen who ha.-e been WEDNESDAY FISH DEPARTMENT Christmas Leader will be limited, paying fancy prices Just One for Western apples \ MARY MILES MINTER PLAINFIELD, N. J. and orders for extra copies should "THE OOWBOY AND THE Established 1804 Phono 100 be sent in at once. Apple Tree that are merely big Announcement: LADY- Not connected with any other cleaning establishment on Ha Pa raj and have fine color should find gratification in learn-' HAROLD LLOYD COMEDY Brenners Market through its Continued Avenue, or in tho city. Itealisring better than any other ing that a single apple tree in PATHE EE VIEW Vigilence in Purchasing Strictly Fresh Fish agency th« impor- their own State has boen sold for MAT. 2:30-4. EVE. 7:30-9 Oliristmas tnnce of early ship- $5,000. The valuable tree is a nn-;10—20 20—30 have reached its Present High Standard of Shipping and ping for Christmas tive of this State, and its fruit is j Shopping goods tho Post Of- Merchandizing. said to excel any apple produced i Phone 823 fice Department has heretofore. \ THURSDAY and FRIDAY issued an appeal that must not. he '' Your Satisfaction is Our Success'' It has been a mystery to visit-] BETTY 00MPS0N ignored. Buy your gifts curly "OVER THE BOEDER" The Vanity Shoppe and ship them promptly. ors who comn to New Jersey why! a State Hint produces so many j PATHE NEWS Congestion of mail ami uxpresH Spanish Makerel lb. MAIM3EL WAVING . fino applr-s docs not pay more nt-1 COMEDY 35c SHAMPOOING i» practically unavoidable during tcution to marketing a product j MAT. 2,30—4. EVE. 7.30—9. MANICURING f the Christmas season, juid tho best FACIAL MASSAGE f that, can be made so profitable, i 10—20 20—30 Hailibutlb. . 45c my one expects to accomplish in Eating Western apples is a fnd j Try our HAIRTOIl METHOD of permanently remorlng to mako that congestion lighter. superflouB hair. No needlos. This method I that has been encouraged by wellj Salmon lb. . 35c Everyone can help to Home extent, is exclusively used in this shop. handled propaganda, mid local | SATURDAY and it should be a duly cheerfully apple growers have ni'gief;ti>d j ALL-STAR OAST Smelts lb. 119 WATCHUNO AVE. performed. 32c their opportunity to regain lost! "THE LOVES OP PHAROAH" Pt-AINFIEL-D, N. J. Kvcry year the volume of ohip- businesH. j PATHE REVIEW Weak fish lb. . 28c wonts eoniinucH to inercusi', and Thfire are thousand of ne.P's in < COMEDY cooperation from the. public, is «•»- N«w .lorsey snitnble for apple j 4 ACTS VAUDEVILLE Flounders lb. 18c aentinl. Don't fcol that just be- trooH and nppk>H am riiiscd in |CONTINUOUS FROM 2,30 TO 11 'Phone 2452 cause yon arc sending small pncl;- pi'i'iit quatitilioH, but the local np-1 Y. M. C. A. Bldg. ft«cs thai you can delay your ahip- Market Cod lb. . 15c p pics 1IHV« lost their mnrl grown ,'itiywhoro j ISc HIGH &• HAROLD LEENA OWEN Hvar one hundred )»OUIK1H. than IliKN! in in New .Icrsr-y. i UNDERTAKERS "THE FACE IN THE FOG" Shrimp lb. Keep in mind tit all times tho The Wenlcrn uppie grownr lut«4 35c fad that early buying g nnd earlyy boon shrewd in liin Riimpfiiirn. lie "OUR WANG" COMEDY PLAINFIELD, N. J. shippini g is a hcnclll to everybody,' has ndvertined liberally, and heMAT. 2:30-4, EVE, 7:30-0 N. Y. Offlco vi< Including tho merchants, ih\' IIHCH nttrjiclivo pnnlcing enauo, nrtd 10—20 20—30 Oysters, Clams, Scollops, Filet Sole 14 E. 39th St., near 5th Am At'YoOT B« * 1 d wlio Nells tho (,'ooiis and cv-h(> hits dcveliipnci bit; bisaulifnl 'Phono Murray Hill 8341 Day or Nig" - THE WKSOTI1LD X.EADS&. WEDNESDAY, DECBMBBS 6, 1932. lags Fir;


J ^^" ..... -HJT *r n | Westfield Has Pledged $26,000, Frederick Budde has returned, Miss Julia Davidson, oC Leuos ave- j But Advisory Committee Is from a trip to . uue, spent'the week-end in Yonkers. ! The Collegi- Woman's Club held its Worried About Balance- Meat, Poultry, Vegetables, Dr. Myers' lecture Friday after- j Alterations Started -Monday. noon, December 8th, 3.ID, Presby-j -Mr. and Mrs. <;eor e Sanders have B ti'rian Parish House. j MANY HAVEN'T HELPED been visitiug in Eastern. Tiie monthly meeting of the Board | Mr, and Mrs. (,'. A. Philliower have of Health will be held Friday even-1 The contracts tor the transforma- Fruit, Nuts, Candies from a week-end at BUili- ins/, December 16th. i tion of the Children's Country Home iinan. Russell Knapp, of the Town Kugi- \ so that it •will be possible to house Mr. and Mrs. Hunry Kromer ami I uour's Office, is enjoying a hunting! and care for the helpless crippled daughter Marion have returned from i trip in New Hampshire. j children all the year round instead la trip to Washington, D. 0. The public schools will close De- Iof only during the summer, were let The annual meeting aud supper vi :ember 23id for the Christmas vaea- I yesterday, and the contractors be- ALSO j the Congregutional Church will bu tinu, and reopen January 2nd. I gan work on the Job this (Wednes- day) morning'. j held Wednesday, December 13th. The First M. K. Church will hold j Dr. William S. Myers will lecture [evangelistic services from January There is $25,000 in hand or |In the Presbyterian Parish House Pri-1 21sl to February 4tk. pledged for this work, but members Fine Line Groceries Safe Deposit Boxes | day afternoon. of the Advisory Committee who have Mr. and Mrs. John Jarvis enter- been hoping that the full sum of Court Provident, Independent Or- taiued the Cumberland Club Satur- |30,000 needed would be raised by der of Foresters, will hold its annual jduy evening. yesterday about the $5,000 that is election of officers, Wednesday night. Miss Adele Ungerer an dMiss Lil- today, were doing some worrying Money for Christmas From War- December 13th. lian Irsch liave returned to Knox still needed to make up the full A. inisculluiHioud Bhower was j',ivou School after spending the Thanksgiv- quota. They frankly do not know Savings Stamps Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Lever last week ing holidays at their homes. lust what to do, but they are satis- by members of the "Eastern Star," Donald Luuu Appleby Sawyer ar- field that the balance can be vaised of which Mrs. l,ever is the matron, If every resident oJ Weatfleld who WINDFELDT COMBINATION MARKET One issue of war-savings stamps will rived at the home oJ Mr. and Mrs. he due Miss Jean Schoouniaker enter-!Edgar Sawyer, 624 Klmbnll avenue, hag not yet subscribed 'will Ret out January 1, 1923. tained a number of her friends at ton Sunday morning. his or her check-book and forthwith send a subscription to the C O. Home, Everything for the Table , To accommodate residents of Weslficld who her home in Summit uveuuo on Wed-1 Nrat Tlnrrsday, December 14th, uesday evening. will be Ladles' Night at Fireside Fund and count It as a Chriatmns gift •would like to have the use of the money due on to a cause that Is worthy of the most this issue of stamps for Christmas expenditures, The MeKlnley Scliool Parent- Council, Royal Arcanum. An enter- Toachers' Association will hold a tainment and dance \i'lll Ue held. generous Impulses of the people of we will purchase at any time on or after De- the town. 120 E. Broad St. Phone 402 Westfield, N. J. cake sale Saturday, December 10th, Mrs. Charles Gould, who has boon cember 18th, 1922, unregistered United States n Steuermigel's store on Kim street. Hie Kuost of Miss A. B. Lee the past Discussing the situation with a War-Savings Stamps due January ], 1923, «1 William 11, Sampson, of Prospect few months, left Monday for l)»y- Leader reporter last night, ono of their full face value, and without discount or street, leaves Saturday for St. Petora- toua lieach, where Bha will spend the the prominent members of the Ad- charge of any kind. burg, Florida, where ho will spend winter. visory Committee stated that when tho winter. they realized the situation as It now The Queen Esther Circle will hold elxsts, those w'Uo have already sub- Of course, we advise that instead of spending George K. Hayes, who has been 111 j a Christmas and cake sale at the this money, you deposit it in a savings account. scribed to the fund might fool In- at his homo on Lenox avenuo the First M. 13. Church Saturday, Decem- clined to add to their subscription as past fivw weeks, has recovered and ber fltn, afternoon and evening. already made and count it aa an ad- CONCERT BY AEOLIAN COMPANY is again back to business. Waffles and coffee will be for sale. ditional Christinas present for the , Under the Auspices of Cotnex of Broad and Prospect Streets The "Weatfleld Symphony Orches- A golf school will bo opened in tho crippled children. At any rate, all SCHOOL WELFARE COUNCIL : tra will hold its first concert of the Rialto Building December 15th, by those who desire to subscribe should Open Monday Evenings until 8 3O o'clock. season In the high school auditorium Robort CruiekBhank, who Is a pro- send cash or checks to tho treasurer, HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM i u\Iember of CfcAeral Reserve System Tuesday evening, December 12th. fessional at the Shackamnxon Coun- Mrs. C. M. J>\ Egel, H.l» Kim street, DECEMBER 7, 8:16 P. M. George W. Peek, Jr., o£ First try Club. town. The Advisory Commltteu Is street, assistant deputy sheriff at 'I mooting of the Wosllluld Water satisfied "thut Westfield, having given Tickets, $1.00 ' Elizabeth, is recovering trom a recent Survey Committee will bo held to- $25,000, will not full them for the Tickets may be exchanged for reservod soata on Dec. 5th. and operation for appendicitis. night In tho Town Hall. A delega- balance, and that It will bo forthcom- 6th at Frutchey's after 3 P. M. tion fromthls committee will attend ing before Christmas if everyone will Miss Jetin Schoonmaker euter- do Ills or her part. tallied several of her friends ut her a mooting of tho municipalities to he homo on Summit avenue Wednesday hold In Plalnllold tomorrow evening. With the full $30,000 in hand It Is Do Your Xmas Shopping at evening. Games, music and dancing A Ford car operated by Thomas distinctly understood that tho Hoard PliiiilRati, of Fauwood, upset in Dud- of Managers of tho Homo will not wore pnjoyed. seek any further aid from the people Phono Oranford BOO Tho Week of Prayer will lie ob-ley avenuo and broke the wind shield [SEYFRIED'S MUSIC SHOP and tow Friday morning, when Din- of Westflold until May, 1924. Tho served by the Methodist, Baptist, number of Individuals In Wostfleld Congregational and Presbyterian ntRun turned out to avoid n car driv- en by Hans Jneobson, ot 4 John who have subscribed totula about CHAS. E. DOOLEY ESTATE Sonoras Q. R. S. Player churches by union services the sec- 1,200, and aa It ia estimator! that ond week In January. street. Dinnlgan's sister, Mary, and Rolls Mlsa Mary Webster were In tjio car there are at least 4,000 peoplo in the Bmnswicks Mr, and Mrs. C. F. Kundspadcn and with him when It hit tho gutter and town who conceivably are capable of Funeral Director and Embalmer daughter, Kdlth, of Mountain avenuo, upset. No one was Injured. subscribing something, It can bo seen arc [lassengcrs on the Cunard Lino that thoro are many who have not ITso of Modern Funeral Chapel it Desired Columbia? Musical "Laconia," which Is making a cruise yet given the matter any attention. Instruments around the, world, under the auspices REV. HALL MURDER Any sum, no matter how small, will oE live American Kxnrcas Company. bo appreclutod by these who have North Ave. West, Cranford, t J. Sheet Music CASE TO BE PUSHED T.T. Harkratler, irafflc manager of pledged themselves to see thin thing ACTO CORTAGB KQUIPMENT Bubble Books the American Tobacco Co., was elect- through because It has been tho many Music Books ed n member of tho Board of Gover- Fitmlly IK'niuntl 'Hint An Impartial small sums which have gone largely nors of the Traffic Club of New York IiivestlKUllon Ik) Made toward realizing tho $25,000 already in hand. 221 E. BROAD STREET, WESTFIELD At tlin Traffic Club dinner last week ho was the toastnmster. Both Henry Stevena and Mrs. Stev- Entnbllflhed 10 03 MKIOTINO OF W. P. M. BOCIKTV The Woman's ForolKn Missionary ens, brother and slater-ln-law of Mrs. w. N. GBAY, Preat. - P. H. GRAY, 8a«.-TreaB. Society ot (he First M. K. Church Frances N. Hall, widow of Rev. Ed- held its regular mooting yesterday ward W. Hall, of New IJrunawiek, The regular mooting of tho Wom- attHnioon. *Thc first review of tho who with bis choir Blngor was mys-en's Missionary Society o£ the Pren- study, "Building With India," was teriously murdered last Soptomber bytorlnn Church will bo hold Thurs- G R Y given by Mrs. W. H. Davies. emphatically denied today that they day, December 7th, at 3 o'clock, In and Embalmers Kcv. Father Keilly, of St. John's woro anxious to BOO tlie investigation tho Parish Houso. Devotions will bo Funeral Directors of tho mystery dropped. in charge of Mrs. Godfrey; the Btudy, Church, Newark, has been assigned 'Tho Trend of tho Kacos," will be 258 E. IJHOAD STREET Teli'i)lion« i.4S to Holy Trinity Church to take thu "We do not want tho case conducted by Mrs. Ludlow. Tho mom- place of Kev. Father Scanlon, asslst- dropped," Mrs. Stevens said. "We berg aro asked to contribute Itoms of Cranford New York City , to Rev. Father Wattersou, and are anxious to havo the murderer 106 Union Ave. 14 East 3 t>th St. aIlt intoreat. A cordial Invitation lg ex- Tel, 92 Tel. Murray Hill 8341 I who has been assigned to St. Henry s brought to Justice. We do demand tended to all. ' church in Bayonno. an Impartial investigation, however. I)r Raymond U Fcirmati, Pastor It appears as It the authorities are simply looking for a scapegoat and |0f st Paul's Methodist Church In I New York, will deliver his famous are clilotly concerned with fastening 1)15. CII ICHTKlt I). interpretation of Dickens' "Christ- tho crime on some ono and they Jiavo I)It. MAIIV JIIIiMO tried to make a case against the first iuns Carol," on Tuesday ovonms, 1 e- Osteopathic Physicians Ctiv Congregational (Zfturcb cemuer I»th. at tho First Methodist persons available." Elmer Street, near Broad. William W. Coe, <>N( Ollli,. IlldK., WrHtltrlil, N, J. Minister. Services, Sundays, 10:J« ! Church. Tliroe flDIITH It)' A [)|K'llltllU*Itt Sunday School at 12:00. Midweek Service, ! The !>!">'. '"<"»<' Thank«Blv- Tho "header" la the Shopping whlcli was to have been held Wednesday evenings at 8:00. lnKR, Guide for all this Bectlon ot New nW >,ff«rnoon. has been post- Jersey. For bargains in merchandise the advertisements carefully. Cbe metbodist episcopal Church comber Sthh, in tho high school antll- —read toriinn. 1,'roceeds for the benefit of West Broad Street. Charles W. Wright, Min- the"children's Country Home, ister. Services, Sundays, 10.30 A. M. and ,A* rhirles K. Klmball, of Sumunit A. It. Maxwell Money • P. M. Church School at 12 M. Church School Charles K. ex-1 League, 7.00 P. M. Midweek Service, Wednes- ™..e, left on Monday for an 430 North Ave. Back • J, led b thrown tlm ! day ovenings at 3.00. | to , led business trip n Your "Home Town.' If • " t, with Lo Angeles as hi» ob- 9 vis I Desired* LLVlvV o P»i»tt. 10» route he w #•«•#• tbe Presbyterian C hi,'oa at the Culver Military Ac.ul- The Daily Meeting Place pnlV V/UIVI.-I, «>.* ,. Broad Street and Mountain Avonue. M. K. V ihors of Wostfleld Council, Of Intelligent, Economically McKlnney, Minister. Services, Sundays, IV.M .. ^JV" ,!nvo a three-act comedy en- END better Christ- A. M. and 8:00 P. M. Sunday School at l-.«". Hi d, "Three Llvo Ohosts," Monday Inclined Buyers of V. P. S. C. B., .7 P. M. Midweek Service, W eu- "nd Tuesday evenings In tho ami lor- S mas Cards this year New Furniture. nesday ovanlngB at 8:00. »r,'» the envy of your friends, munlon 7:30 A. M. Morning Prayer wmi »>- mon 11 A. M. Sunday School 9MS. and save you all that I'rayor at 4. eleventh hour bother you had last December. 12tli, at Important I As distinctive unrated to Sec our fine selection today i |VS,.DSS ni'.tterters'ars aroe tu>o b""o !"••presented> . in beauty and Mlifcai«mj l)UPl" comfort as it William CFarr is gifted me- 111) <,11 I SI1O1' ' "Kl ," . | del- par'.nt.'i' lioiiic, ! chanically—in Hi? i imoii> si h? ^[CHURCH OF CHRIST sm^r truth as in QfeaUcrSunshim J \ name—"The ! PAINTING and PAPER HANGING ..>,..; Houdinpt Room, <»!>«» w('c^ c'ajS amthGrcclinqCants " Car Ahead." In All Branches froni'2 P. M. until'! P. M. A M •? Jfevicoa 8 p, M. Waller J. Lee, Jr., tH(> aiulit't'nun ( Ag«nl We Will Eitimato on the Snmlle&fc to tho Largtst Job ' ••.9-45 A.M. llHh, a( Hire I 54 ElmiM., Weitfield

PILOT MOTOR CAR CO. ALEX. HUNT, Jr. Richmond, Indiana T 1ST BROWN ; 219 North Avenue «{'agf' WeitHeld, N. J

DlP.ctor-Embdm«- jt'iRh School. 7HZ WHSIFIZIV IEA.LZ.JS. W1DM1SDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1822. Bis.

"Anything To Wear" Motto of Russian Boys Who Face Death front Lack of Clothes A. WENZ, Gift Shop •" Books and Stationery : Golf School SO I'.'Ml STltKKT, WKSTI li:ii> N- J.

\i,,'- before have we had a lim/r j.ssdrtmp.nt of both useful EOBEET CRUICKSHANK, Professional at Shacka- n.ii n-i •r.ental silts. They will suit all tastes auB fit each ]! ,i'i)ong the choice and iippropriau.1 artiiti.l les arere: : maxon Country Club, will open a Golf School in the \\ an rmaii's Foiintajn I*eii^—-all Kyie;-. i lii-lim-p J't-ns and IVnclls, iu yold and silver. sh* iilft-j"!* Fountiiin I*ens and IVmils. (.ill ISo.vis of Ihf wonderful New SI>Ii-s of Cianfa, Whiting Rialto Building, Westfkld, & t <>(>!., I lid HiUiijfeltin- and Haiiilnidi:.- StiUionery. Tups and Holly Wrappings. The latest Books. Many of tlicm just published and First Kditi"!,-. .is well as a large assortment of Jtoolcs for Young Folks. Friday, December 15th l»L';t Diarjs aud Note Books, Ait Cfili'iidurs in exquisite colors wit!) reproductions of •'amou- I' .intings.- GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOE BEGINNERS J/r.ilhrr I'mkct IJ(»ks, Wallets and ISiicf Cases. Cift.iis and Cigarettes for the Men Foil:—Some in special l>iopii,ite Holiday Boxes. Hours, 9 A, M, to 10 P. M. AND A MAGNIFICENT SELECTION OF CARDS. These were pi i tonally selected from 5 of the larsest publishers in this country .ind represent the Cream of Holiday Cards. An early rail will assure you of your selection from unbroken lines. A m igazine subscription is a most welcome Christmas Oift: ne fin n ~-h an appropriate card, free of charge, announcing the subscription. You will find no finer collection from which to pick your f!if"i In New York City. "Anything to wear" will ho the Kussmn winur is us hcvf n JJ age contains Hulllclent material foih .May we be favored with an early call? molts ol tlrest llir«i Knsslan hoys that ol tin- iiuitm-inmutt inliiri tt suit ui dretiti and four suits of during iliB coining »inter months. Si;il08 and C.inada ami tills IMS- un.uenvear l'or man or woman or Tlielr condition Is lynicul of tJ1.1t of made the proMem doubly pn-tisiu;;, tuo children. J'lie items lncluda Make This a millions of little Jlufc-Huiu rlillilrrn, for thr HiiHii.m raarkila haie Iiillo i 2-3 yanls of 66-Inch 20-ounce i IllllMH'illiUlllIllillilliliiiBIIII [|»[ most of whom Imvu come through clothing ^finable, and tiic supply dark blue wool cloth; 4 yards ol 36. the oumwer without shots and atl- that Is for sale is held til pi Ices Mr Inch black cotton lining; 8 yards of dom with mort than two garments. above the nuich of the average ST-lnch flannel; 18 yards of un- And tliey fate the (ironpLCt,—ac- workinuman O\fii coats cost more bk-urhed muslin; and buttons and Phone 842-.I cording to reports which Held work- than a yiur'& .siilury. Some of the thread to make up the rarmenta. en of the American Belief Admin- organizations allied will) t!i« Amer- When the tnuney is rowivrtl at KKSIDEXCE, 1J11 EAST 15HO.11> ST., WESTFIKI.O 'Shoe istration have made to Herbert ican Hellel Administration have A. 11. A. headquarters, 42 liroadtvay. Hoover, head of the organization— sent clothing for distribution in New York, delivery of packages of being unable to go out doors to Russia, but these contributions, big purchased without deslenated con- 7 tee A. R, A. Kitchens which have as they are, have been "only a drop signees will be distributed amont fed them warm meals for a year In the bucket" the most needy cases, many of WARREN GROFF Xmas or more As fuel 1B almost impos- To overcome, those conditions, the which are beyond description. sible to get. most of the homes will American Relief Administration has Delivery of clothlni; package U be hPatless. adding to the peril the initiated a Clothing Remittance, undertaken to any given address In Piano Tuner children face, say the reports, for system operating In every way like Russia. The sender rcce'ves a dir- if they try to go out in this scanty the now famous Hoover Food Re- ect receipt from the Ituaaian AND clothing they will be exposed to 111- mittance. The Clothing Remittance gets the clothing, Player-Pianos Reconditioned beaa and death from the elements. costs $20. and each clothing pack- Orders Left at Following Places Will Receive Prompt Attention Stuart's Your Xmas Shoe Store W. T. REGER SEYKRIED'S MUSIC SHOP Now for the days of Christmas shopping—we present a Prospect St. E. Broad St. Christmas stock and SERVICE which merit your fullest con- America's Food and Medicine May Go for FKENCH'S GALE-S PHARMACY fidence. Elm St. and North Ave. E. Broad St. Our "Christmas Slipper Sale"—our vast assortments of "CHALMEHS," Post Olllce Building. Naught if Russians Cannot Secure Clothing Rubber Footwear, .Storm Shoes and other "gifly-things. "— All paint to FOOTWEAR as acceptable gifts—and '' STUART'S' '—best of all places to buy it! PURE APPLE CIDER Made From llaml-Pioked Apples Stuart's Shoe Shop It's Pure Unpreserved Cider 215 West Front St., Deliveries Made in Qtiantitius Over 10 Gals. PLAINFIELD, N. J. HAND-PICKED BALDWIN APPLES By the Basket or Barrel Barrels and Kegs FANWOOD CIDER COMPANY Phone 1426 M Fanwood FANWOOD, N, J. For Your Convenience We Are Here Sundays


buys this BRAND NEW, fully guaran- Presents teed, elegantly fin- ished PLAYEE PI- ANO, .equipped with latent devices,

Wlssnor prici's for I'IIHKIIIS, Cnnula, and I'lnyiT-l'lnnuH arc; UK re.'iHtmnble as HANDKERCHIEFS— FREE UistriumMits of KH»rnntoeii quality can bo lioiiKlit for anywhere. Hack- liy the The Always Acceptable Gift. h. liberal supl>ly of Wlsfmer fjimlly for 44 year.s. of \ our own solec- HOSIERY— tlOll, ( cli\( vy to your home, nnrNsvncK & SONOHA whole vcar's inning' 1'HONOOHArilS The Most Useful of Gifts. •w r\ n> "If Russia's children, and adults Russian winter. And the need of Food Remittance. For twenty dol- In uprlxht ami prrloil models LADIES' NECK WEAR— Kvery lin;nsivick Kf-eoril as well, are to In saved from cli.itli aid in this direction for adults, too, lars, sent to tho A. R. A. at 42 The Appreciated Gift. this »Inter from exposure—after in Indicated by Htutcmcnta of re- Broadway, New York, the following the charity of America has brought cently-returned workers, who state articles, or their equivalent In val- OPEN EVENINGS GLOVES— them through the famine of last that in cases where Russian em- ue, will be delivered to any desig- •winter, they must be supplied with ployes have been given a blanket nated person In Russia: * 2-3 yardr The Most Lasting Gift. elothlng." This Is a concensus of for extra services the blankets have flfty-slx inch twenty ounce dark BROAD ST. FANCY GOODS AND TRIMMINGS— opinion of the American Relief Ad- almost invariably been made Into blue wool cloth; 4 yards of thirty- ministration staff In Russia, from WISSNER, 565 NEWARK, N. J. That Go to Make Handsome Gifts, overcoats. Literally millions of two inch black cotton lining; 8 <>PP« ttrimU Si, Theater Colonel Hasliell down to the In- children, say reports, have no shoes yards of twenty-seven inch flannel: spectors, according to their reports —an Item which in itself may make. 16 yards of unbleached muslin: 8 The PLAINFIELD LACE STORE to Herbert Hoover, head of the It impossible, for them to go to Am- large black ivory buttons: 16 small A. II. A. erican Relief child-feeding kitch- black ivory buttons; 10 small white 176 East Front Street From every part of Russia where ens. Free shoes and stockings have bone buttons; 2 spools No. 30 black PLAINFIELD, N. J. the A. R. A, hna been feeding been provided for 260,000 children cotton thrend; 2 spools No. 40 white children and adults, and has lieen who are absolutely without foot- cotton thread. instituting sanitation and medical wear, but tile whole problem Is One packnpro will clothe one adult Krvlce and Inoculations to nave beyond the reach of any general Ladies Hats or two children nil winter, and re- literally millions of lhvs. tho story fundR now available. mittances ordered for general relief > the same—that the children Inck The American Relief Administra- will bo used for neediest cases, Don't Cio Out of Wi'Htilelil to IJuy or llnvc Your llnta Mmh> Over. «rn the barest essentials of under- tion, to meet this emergency, haa thousands of which are heart-break- CAM- AT FRANK'S, EAST BHOAI) STltEKT wear, shoes, stockings or outer put Into effect a Clothing Remit- ing. •wear, with which to protect them- tance, functioning In every way as Lot him mako you a Hut aa good as new out or your old shapes, or selves against th» rigors of the does the now world famous Hoover sell you New Hats at 60 per cent leaa than buying out of town. jr. c. TOBiisr 163 E. BROAD STliEET KXISCUTOn. s SIOT'l'MOMBNT the other leading from WrstfieUl to ELECTRICAL C0NTRA6T0E NOTICE IS HHP.CBY GIVEN That Railway; thenco Soulli 4(1° East 100' to JOHN L. MILLER the account of the subscriber, KxVciitur a BtfKo or post; thence Btill blmiinur on FRANK'S f.iji. lB!>t Wl" ana TcBluinpnl of PA 111, the lands of one Bailor, South .11" 30' SANITARY PLUMBING iIllL.Il', deceased, will Ijp nudlivd ami Went 100' to a Htnkn or; tlieni'e WIRING FIXTURES MOTORS APPLIANCE* Htlli bliullng on other landa of said Steam, Hot Water and Hot Air mated by the Surrogate mid renm-ied linker and parallel with flr»l mimtloiwd for Bettlemmit to tho Orphan's! I'uui t ur a course North 4l> West 1H0' to the Heating, Tin Roofing. Etc. tho County of tlnlon, on Friiliiv (he .South-enj;t Ride, nf Unmri Street; tlient'o twonty-BKumd day of Drromhcr' next iiloliB Urond Street 100' to Hip plin-e of Phones THE WlitiTWKMJ TItUHT i.-o., tteKlnnlnK. ('(HitalniiiM' 15,000 H he mid hiL-lmli- all Telephone 278 ll-lb-5t, Vvfa $f,,:'O f the riniriu preiuUit'H rouveyod In Hie IrnortRtipnr 1,v di-ed dated April ,10, l!H(i, 28 PROSPECT S., Wcstfldd, N. J NUTS, IMPORTED OLIVE j fi.i roenrdfrd in Hie Union County Hi'!- 'S NAI.K—I'MM <-(H!N'l'V tcr'B C'lllco 111 Hoolt 7«:i, of lleed'i, ],;ri' $500.00. Jump* II. Gimti, ilvfiMxinnl.'Fl. fa' -not extravagantly, not wrmtufiilly, MACARONLSPAGHETTI, Bo. et. ter. On rini-lceird JUUKIUI-II I (1IOOR(?M H. JOHNSTON, hut DON'T GIVE ANYIiODY A By virtue nf the nl'OVi.-slnlcil ivrl l of KherllY fieri fmilnB to ,nt. ,1 jfi-ct.-•<) I niuill HAIUiV KAI'I.AN, Attorney. OHANOH TO PORfilOT YOU. pose fur Bale by ]>til,llc vcinlui-. at ll-2!l-ll. V JI.S.-IS. Sheriff's Oitifp in tin, miy „<• |.;iia,,i, Will bi> delivered in WcsUiold or Vicinity «. J., on Wednemlny, the ;:7ib ,|nv and ELBOW MACARONI c(in December, A, 1). i!i2;;, ai two o'l'im-u In or wold at lli(! pit.; kmdn! promptly by " the* afternoon of tmh) at the 405 St. Marhs Avo., Westfleld, Pl'o»e Narth-eflStDrly Intersection of )!),,two NOW AT 218 EAST BROAD STREET tannin, one of which la Broad Street ami anieuua ammeter! same remiluR. The ' !

Radio conrerrs r being given in public park's tt e country. all over the YCAPACSTYIS SE OF ANNOYANCE VANDOREN LAUNDRY SERVICE jjy Which Its Effects Hudio concerts are proving of ge Avoided — Possible cciiitd benuiit to inmate* of In- 612 North Avenue Westtield, N. J, for Fading Signals. stitutions for Uic insane. In Montana radio Is furnishing chitiiiring the physical eutertalnuient to the oil well °f tlit- antenna the mini- drillers during tln-lr Idle hours. a the case 1* mice i-a,, be s)llftcd U) the The most imnherly wireless operator tuned In his n on which it la A^t,.,.,, .. station on the jrlulu; is probably Everybody Phone 1200 Westtield uved His hands from at the village of Noorvlk, Just se ,, , inside the Arctic circle, with a jnnls faded out; or lt not US11(! population of 360 Kskimos. and Our Yellow Car he other way around, iterator touches his get An Oklahoma doctor who has Weicome by erectlnj,' a temporary a large number of hospital pa- Will Call to a concert, the sig- „,„] tients maintains a rudio outfit on out. 'measuring the anU-miu ri'slamnco ue- .fore and after the erection. Again it his automobile so tiiat he can be , m be caused by body ca- lustuntly reached if needed at lf god while some station* run jig well to plot a curve showing thp the hospital. relation between the wavelength and. No Ink Marks or Unsightly Pin Holes. I' lte frequently, others are not In the cuse of die new receiv- LJ at all. Those living close to antenna resistance. | In no case will the curve showing1 ing apparatus tlmt goes on the Our Permutit Zeolite Water Softening Plant removes ail hardness and impurities, leav- Easting station will never be throat another slang phrase be- y with it us It only occurs with the relation between wave-length anil comes legiUtuiiti'. To say "He ing the water as soft and pure as rain water. Edose tuning. It Is explained antenna resistance he smooth. Don't got it Iu the neck" now means , (act that the capacity of the allow bumps In the curve to lead one receiving radio. Come and see oar Modern Brick, Steel and Glass Building, where the workrooms are cooing Iu contact with the set, astray. The absorption of eneriry by! some nearby object will cause th€: Mr. Edison took out a radio full of Sunshine and Fresh Air. B very finely tuned, is thrown patent as early us 1881, but he f adjustment by the outside In- antenna resistance at certain wave j says it is dilllcult to say who lengths to show fictitiously high wave should be called the Inventor of L ire several ways to guard lengths. ' the wireless. He thinks It has Plant and Equipment the Very Latest and Brand New Sit, and one of the beet Is to just been "built up." 4e Inside of the panel with tin COLONEL GREEN A RADIO FAN Another feature of radio has »aluminum foil and ground lt come to light. In tliese days Management: Over 34 years of experience in all branches of Laundry Service. Mtlng the tin foil on the back Son of Hetty Has an Elaborate Ap- of the dry dinner guests are yTpiuiel, lt Is cut away from all paratus at Hit Home In uble to remain comfortably at L posts, switch points or rods to New Bedford. home and hear the after-dinner •t start' circuiting the set. There speeches, cutting them as short OUR QUALITY SERVICE RELIEVES ALL YOUR WASH DAY WORRIES inception to this, and that Is the Round Hills, tile country home of us may be desirable. ,i binding post. If the tin foil is Col. Edward II. It. Green, son of the Cattle are now skinned by jj 0Ter this, it is, of course, auto late Hetty Green, at New Bedford, electricity. New as to cattle, (gj grounded. Mass., sounds like a haunted estate perhaps, but niniiy radio fans Semi-Finished Family Service All-Ironed Family Service Ujc will do to make the foil ad- since Its owner has been bitten by the have been skinned by sellers of Your entire family washing. Consisting of your entire family washing (excepting jt« tie panel, which will not kave radio bug, says the New York World. phony stock for some time post. Everything washed nlcnn and well rinsed. Fin! work blankets, curtnius and rugs); everything washed »dismantled to be lined, as the j In the s\m joom of the house stock The United States naval ob- clean and well rinsed. SB be placed on In small strips, j quotations, weather reports, music and servatory sends time signals to nil nonet! and folded neatly. speeches flow ull day from the receiv- Australia by rmlio. All bod mid table linen neatly ironed and folded. '0U method of remedying the I Wearing apparel dried in our sanitary vacuum dry All wearing apparel neatly ironed and folded—but- U of body cnpaclty Is by using j ing station there. In thc boathouse It Is now said that communi- tumbler and returned ready to be ironed at. your come the booming tones ot the ampli- cation with Venn* would he en- tons sewed on where required—and returned in our jj dials on the vnrlocoupler and fier. convenience. meters; and in sets where the tirely within die realm of possi- cardboard carton, preventing crushing, ready for juetere are very close to one an- That's all there is now, but Colonel bility were it not for the great 10c per pound for first 10 pounds wenr. | moving them away will help. Green has not done yet. Within « few cost. Dr. Abbott reports that 9c per pound on all over 10 pounds Charge for Flat Work, lOo per pound |tase It is not desired to change days his new six-ruom studio, housing the cost of sending radio waves to Venus would be enormou*. MINIMUM CHARGE, $1.00 Charge for Wearing Apparel, 25c per pound j'jtt placing a nonmagnetic ma-! the most complete broadcasting sta- MINIMUM C1IAR.QI3, $2.00 |between the variometers which! tion In the country, will be nnlshcd. That planet reflects light as If 'jMe to each other and grounding j Colonel Green Is not enjoying his lt were surrounded by clouds pi remedy the ill effects. For this j radio pleasures alone. The first try- and all conditions Indicate Intel- Damp Wash Family Service It piece of glass such as photog- j out of his truck was made a few days ligent life. Household Laundry Service^ ago, and It went rolling about the All your family washing (excepting blankets, cur- jfei use, covered with tinfoil on Consisting of nil bed and tnble liueu nil vvnsliod clean, tains and rugs) washed clean and well rinsed, re- lie, Is effective. neighborhood reeling off concerts and well rinsed, neatly ironed and folded, ready for use. jitof signnls have long been en- talk from Newark and Schenectudy 1 POOR GIRL! turned damp and ready for ironing at your con- iired by amateurs when receiving for the delighted farmers. She had been an unconscionable lOo per pound, venience. ijlataaee stations. In this case, But the n-mpWier Is the colonel's flirt. Now she sat on the knee of her 25 pounds for $1.25. [(pals from a goodly distance pet. This Is just such a machine as fiance, and was pensive. MINIMUM CHARGE, $1.00. In Excess over 25 pounds, 4c per pound, I may be coming in loud and was used to make 1'resldent Hnrdlng's "What is it, ewectheartJ" cooed the to mil then without warning fado Inaugural address audible to the 125,- lover. |, U n few seconds they may 000 gathered about the enpitol. At "Oh nothing!" she sighed. Ms with all their force, and then Round Hills the sound will be plainly lienrd over a rnditis of five miles. "Yes, but something Is troubling p the amateur is congratulating i my precious." |lf, again the voices or music die ! "Anybody who has n sot of two good ears has all the required receiv- "OnEy that my girlhood is disap- (iOr fading may take .the form ; pearing, and It has been a glorioui Swing Intensity of signals, one j ing npparatus," the colonel says. "I'm so interested in this thing that I time." §fe the operator being forced to "But you mustn't let it," I Us ears to catch the sound j haven't time for anything else. I'm like a clilld with a now toy, who w*'t "I can't help It. You see I'm •« & the next voices may be loud my last lap right now." (dear. j be Induced to put It: down." Bw have been many theories nd-! tsi for this phenomenon, and wo ^firing today two of the latest.: jiidlo division of the Department! Jtarerce is reported to be under ; ! Impression that fndlng occurs; Big Radio Sale! |.« cloud passes between tho i 2,(100 ohm Mimlock No. 55 Phones, value $1.00. Special, $.'!.n<) tolttlng stntlon and the receiving I),IIUO ijlim Munlock No. -5a Phones, value $0.50. SDeHal, JS-l.riO I Tltis theory hiis been one of the • 2.0U0 oiim Murdock No. 51! Plmmis, value $0.0(1. Special, !>>l.t;5 * popular among the experts, and IS.UIKI ohm Murdock No. fill Phones, value $ii.0(i. Special, ijtn.OO attests have been made to obtain 2,000 ohm IT'esco No. UijOU Phones, value ijli.tiu. Special, SI.J"> a complete dntn. If the passing 3,000 olim Mesco No. 2501 Phones, value $7.00. Special, $1.75 THEY COME BACK any store's service—do customers re- '} weryone Interested In radio. '• Detector Tubos IT. V. -00, value $5.0(1. Special... $ l.i>() T talent officials are interested in , Amplifier Tubes U. V. 201, value $11.50. !>.'i.H"> toting fading, or overcoming It Red Seal Dry Colls—best for radio. Special :t.~c JJ* '8 possible, largely from the turn when they are ready to buy again? *Wnt of the amnteur, as the coin- : ICxIilu SIIH-IIKU lialrelics. lOn-i-eady II Hittli-iii-H. wl statloriB, having much greater S<-e Itndlo Supply Window. •thin nnmteur sets, are ablo to The folks in this store are proud of the ™* the atmospheric effects to a latent. H. E. Gayle Hardware Co. high percentage of old customers in their potter theory, which has a close (iKMcis.Ui II.AI;I)\V.\I:I; AND liorsni I:NISIII\{;S ™> to the climil theory, Ig thnt clientele. Such friends are living proof of «occurs whim the slgnnls pass i:.\i)io AND I;LI:(TI;ICAI> sri'i'i.n:s success in our constant efforts to deserve "Pin urea where rnln Is falling. Tel. 398 222 WEST FRONT STREET, PLAINFIELD, N. J. »»theory, the idea Is brought out 'Werent manner. It Is stated k the confidence of our neighbors. a«t Uiat clouds are a benefit to •Wals, but tlmt the rnln will '"*»• the theory Is that the That success is in a large measure due, *»aon of the particles of niols- no doubt, to the fact that we offer the com- » ™ air which form the clouds Goodfriend for Good Work P 0I)erty of iii J «naklnB this me munity only such goods as have won our •><% conductive to radio nlg- TIN.NINO Jw °cf°re a storm when there respect. r^ffatlon In the clouds, the I'rompl. .-MlflllliPlI K> .'ol'blng wmuiu l,o nt tIlelr Btrongest * ™ storm brenks, and the air In every line we seek the high stand- *s saturated, the condition Is HENRY GOODFRIEND a«Sc mid the falling rnln *' sreunils tiK, RlBtlnlB- Th|s 107 W. I»!OA1> ST. ards of excellence set by such concerns s,_ »»8

niothod of mensur, lNl«m.olS|,y,m.nnB iwtoi """ " cullbriiteil i!fj- , C """ «'i»io«ted In se- j. S. IRVING CO. m SCHWED'S C Pl'nntom antonna j !i ?'"'" wlth tlu> n»ti>n»» ( n Dealon in 208-210 Broad St. Snt,.o,v '"i!"! '" " llo«l'lo r»le.

H ^'"Itllntr .set ,,,.„ bo ,,„„. Elizabeth, N. J. Sl IC l«in,, "' " "iitfimn and I l-llle I'I'mitom antenna clr-

'!!!!""11'"" lcc at Coal, Lumber and Sill 'Hen '"M tune tli,» B(,( |0 iifw „,, ""'' ''•"K"' with Ihe r t 11 tD tli(1 m ^' "' '" «»ri-miH rtro». ii " ""' ""''Tini! ptir- Builder's Supplies f tlu tr H tL lumilnn,'""'"", "mili'iin' n ""clr'- Av, or. »•»• Owwtof. WErmBLD Phono 10 ' UEBUI/TS titelion !*• **• L, BamlwrsiT * CP . •iOu Meter» Miss Je^ic K. Km.v.nsr, Musical Dir. ART [tflll ftaarsetej Afternoon. Pwwber 7, £30 F. M.—SoaI»2p2 by I'-ina Fensel, wvnno ot Newark, N J., **<>™P»»- ftd by Philip Gordon. Musical Lurt..- tnf ot SoulU Siuc Hlfcli SLJIOOL gram to be anaounced Q*er radio. J 40 P. M.—Agriograma by tne United States Department ot Agri- culture. , , 2 45 I' M.—Piano numbers by Margaret Waile Perkins, well Known teacher and rocitalist of Eaat Orange, N. S. Miss Perkins is a graduate ot the Institute of Musical Art. Pro- gram: 1. "Hbapsndy in Q Minor" (Brahms), i. "Cavotte" (GSueK- Brahms). 3. "Hark, Hark the Larfc" AS USUAL THl FASHION SHOP OP PLAINTIELD PEOPOSES TO MAKE fSehubert-Liszt). EVERY PATRON HAPPY IN THEIR CHRISTMAS PURCHASES S.00 P. M.—Headings by Carlton J. Oliopin, ot East Orange, N. J. Pro- gram: 1, "Jim Bludsoe" (King). 2. "It" (Kipling). 3. "The Wlnaer" (Quest). BLOUSES WAISTS 8.15 P. M.—Songs by Irina Felsel. Program to be announced over radio. Of the extraordinary kind. Styles Iii attractive numbers and in the last- 1.30 P. M.—Piano numbers by and patterns of every description. ing qualities «t prices that please. Margaret Waile Perkins: 1. "Ga- W»tts" (Sganibatti). 2. "Arabesque in G Minor" (Debussy). 3. Waltz in QSharp Minor" (Chopin), i. "Sludy in M Major" (Chopin). S.BO to 4.00 P. M.—Amusing en- Charming Gifts tertainment by Jolly Bill Stelnke of the Newark Ledger. NEGLIGEES, HOSIERY, SWEATERS, UATII ROBES, NIGHT- 'If my mood be pensive—thtre's Beethoven's'Moonlight Sonata'played 6.16 P. M.—Santa Claus Hour. by Josef Hofmann or the haunting beauty of a Chopin Nocturne by Santa Claua will talk to the kiddies GOWNS, BOUDOIR CAPS, CAMISOLES, UNDERWEAR, PET- afery evening at this hour and tell Harold Bauer. For gay moments, 1 have Percy Grainger's sparkling tjiein of his "experiences daring the TICOATS, PANT1LKTS, CHEMIESE, PAJAMAS tunes or the very latest pranks from Broad-way. At any time the Day in Toyland." j 6.25 P. M.—Continuation of the pldying of the Duo-Art is musical food for the Gods." aeries of lectures given by Dr. Doria Doscher, beauty specialist o( the New Tork EvenlttK World. Space will not permit our elaboraiing on the many handsome Christmas Nov. 8.40 to 7.00 P. M.—John. Enrigbt, Nsw Jersey State Commissioner of elties we have on display. An invitation is extended our Westfield Patrons t*o The oArtisis' flaying %epeated Education, will speak on "America take advantage of our exceptional offers and to tell their friends how reason- as an Educated Nation," a talk ap- gloriously played. Does she bid her propriate tor National Education able everything is priced at the Fashion Shop. INTO the graceful, artistic confines ^y"eek. This lecture la given undor flie auspices of the V. M. C. A. ot the of a beautiful modern pianoforte, Duo-Art play dance music, they may Oranges. COME EARLY FOR BEST RESULTS Thursday Evening, December 7, 1022 scores of artists have breathed the waltz or fox-trot to the newest dance From 8.00 to 10.00 P. M. tbo com- plete opera "niRoletto" (Verdi) will CHRISTMAS BOXES WITH YOUR PURCHASE finesse and grandeur of their art. The melodies, full of color and perfect in be broadcasted by tho Puccini Grand rhythm. Opera Company. This Is tho second happy possessor of a Duo-Art may fn a series of operas which will be The Duo-Att is a piano which plays given from this station. The com- > i summon the actual touch of the im- plete cast, orchestra and chorus will to you as do the great artists—only be present. Tho names of the cast mortal Paderewski; she may take a will be announced later. The mem- lesson in style or interpretation from you have the joy of the Duo-Art in bers of the orchestra are from the THE FASHION SHOP Metropolitan Opera under tho direc- Josef Hofmann; she may entertain the comfort and intimacy of your tion of Maestro Del' Orifice, of the The Exclusive Shop of Plainfield San Carlo Opera House, of NapleB. her guests with the best of music, own home. Friday, December 8, 102a WHERE THE DESIRES OF WESTFIELDEIiS ARE GRATIFIED 8.SQ P. M.—Song recital by Wil- liam D. Connolly, well known recttal- • STMNWAY, STBCK, WHEELOCK, STROUD 1st of Now York and Jeraoy City. Mr. Connolly is a member of tba Singers' AEOLIAN and Famous WEBER DUO-ART PIANOS Olub of New York and a pupil ot J. Waring Stebblna. Program: 1. "Kashmiri Song" (Woodforde-Fiii- Uprights from $695 • Grands from $2085 • Convenient Terms dfin). 2. "Smilin* Through." 3. LAWRENCE BOGERT, Westfleld Eepresentativ* "For You Alone" (Goehl). 2,40 P. M.—Soloctlous by Clara Auwall, well known harpist of New york. X'roRram; o. "Men of Her- The AEOLIAN COMPANY loob." (Old Scotch). I). "Chorale Variations" (AUWBII). Makers of the Vocation, the Phonograph Supreme, and Vocation Red Records £.50 P. M.—"Ton Minutes With Matty." Chrlety Matliowson, the AEOLIAN HALL, 29 W. 42nd St. . Ideal of the baseball world, will talk In THE BRONX l« BROOKLYN In NEWARK In FORDHAM on "Tho Valuo of Health." 367 East 149thSt. 11 Flatbush Ave. 895 Broad St. 270 E. Fordham Road 3.00 P. M.—Songs by William I). Oonnolly. Program: 1. "Lass o' Mine" (Moloy). 2. "Littlo Mother of Mine" (Barlolgh). 3. "Because" (D'llardelot). 8.15 P. M.-—•Continuation of tlie aerlea of "Littlo Jouvnoya to the Hoinea of tha Great," by Klbert Hub- hard. The journey this week will be to the home of "Samuel T, Coleridge. J.45 P. 11.—Solootlona for huri>, violin and piano by Clara Auwell, .losslo K. KoewlDK and Loulsu Egnor. Program: 1. "Borceuso" (Obor- thiir). 2. "Meditation" Crom "Thais" (Massenott). 6.15 P. M.—Santa Claus Hour. Santu Claus will talk to tho klcidlos avery evoninK at this hour and tell RESENT/ thorn ot his "Exporlencos During the Day In Toyland." 6.30 P. M.—"Man In tho Moon For Things Electrical Storioa for tho Children," copyright of the Newark Sunday Call THAT WILL PLEASE fi.GG to T.55 V. M.—Weekly Ko- lease of tho liabaon Statistical Or- ganization. Something for every member of Noti3—The regular 8.00 to 9.00 the household. Electric articles period Friday ovouing Una been I hat are in daily demand, which changed for this week only to Thurs- day evening, Decombor 7. increases as their convenience is Saturday, December 0,102U enjoyed and their usefulness con- 2..10 P. M.—Piano recital by Rov. Leo Haln, Who lias just returned from tinues ever thereafter. The Anne Corset Shop a European concert tour. Hew Italn was a favorite in Flemish and. Gor- We specially request our West- man music circles for his depth of ex- PLAINFIELD, N. J. pression. Ho In known not only us a field Patrons to pay our store a pianist, but us an accomplished or- visit and inspect the fine Holiday Is stocked with a very select assortment for the Christmas ganist, musical director and com- Holidays that have been purchased from the best markets poser. Program: 1. "Air do Stabnt Display. Mater" (Rosslnl-Llszt). 2 "Noc- of this and European countries. Importations from Paris, turnu Op. ». No. 2" (Cliopin). China and Japan. 2.45 P. M.—Group of SOURS IJ.V Mrs. PBECOLATORS VACUUM CLEANERS Jamoa A. Klclmrdson, lyric soprano VIBRATORS of Rochester, N. Y. Mrs. Hlclmrdson ELECTRIC RADIATORS Some Other Selections to Be Had is a well known rocltnllst, hiiving CHAFING DISHES TOASTERS given many concerts in tho Metropoli- Vanity Fair Undenvenr in sizes 3(5 to 50. llnnsingwear Vest tan district. Tho accompaniments ELECTRIC EBONS WASHING and IRONING Will bo playod bf Mahelannn Corby, and HUwmofsi in Blonrh, Flesh, Black and Orchid. Planlst-composor of Montclalr N V CUKLING IRONS MACHINES Program: a. "A Birthday" (Wood- BREAKFAST COATS, BED JACKETS man), b. "Nymnha and Kuwus" (Hers), o. "O Moon of My DoliKlit" NEGLIGEES, BOUDOIR CAPS (Lehman), d. "Wood Plfeou" Many Other Useful Articles That Make () VliillipiijP Gowns mid Chemise, La Gri'cque Tailored Under- (). the Best Presents. Christmas Tree wear, Crepe Clowns and Combinations in all the. exquisite 3.00 P. M.--"Loathr»r no an Au- 1 clont Industry," an IntorOHtinr llcturp Electric Lighting Outfits—Supplies— colors. I'nusunl designs in t-arriuf? .; ami nceklaets. Rlvon by Arthur John May, i;r:nlunt« (*oml»t ami suporlnlondont of the Ease Plugs and Connections. Installa- S. H. I,B<1«W Co. tions Mado on Short Notice. Hundreds of Beautiful Items to Choose From 3.1B P. M.—F-lano niimhprs by Rov. Haln. ProRrinn: a. "Anil;,nti> Vim will find our prices meeting the severest, competi- CantablUi," from "Sonat.i l'liln.. tiaue." li. "I'1iint!i»lii"-..oiii!di-p,,'4 "Everfast tion, ami you cmi iihvnys rely npim our selections being most t I'hoieo sirnl representative. fMorltos—(Haln). SATBET N niOOMURS 8.30 P. M.—Kmii-.R by Utf. JHIM Guaranteed JOOf cakr-f A. Rlchardaon. DurliiK Uiln IHMIIMI Fast to I'erBjilraiioi, Do nut ovi'vlook the fnut. tiiat you nhviiys receive select Mr«, Itlrhtirduoii'jvllt Kim; rompnsi- r.*" lo §"" "") W«l!tMt 1 fittings niid persumi! attention in I he corsets designed f«i* Hons by Malieliiiina Coiiiy. I'rapram '•»« ta Soap u your individiiiil need at priet s Hinging from $•!/>() to ^"i.ffl1. a. "Joyoua Youth" (Liiwla-ciirbv)' ntimty ,?/•„„,), Ryder & Graves Electric Co. "VVIIDH a-iplm fium:": i, "Dawn " "' GOOD GIFTS "Wllliiiut l.ciyi.." 127 WEST SECOND STREET, PLAINFIELD, N. J. The Anne Corset Shop 3.40 to i no p. M.---flportlnK USEFUL OF How* \ip !» thn Minute," by Fred T Head Park Avenue. Phono 1608 127 Watclwng Avc, Nnnr the Post Ofiice, Plainn'eld, N. J. llottflnll, Biwrtliiff Maitor of the Now- GIFTS Tel. Pluinlield 3212 VALUE s,rlc T^U THE WISTFtf LB LEADBB, WBDHKSDAY, D101MBKB 6, 1922. 3Ha»~

T'^ 'J k?

• d*!***'* °' Vt*lloret India, I i. in the interest of ? „ , -. , flt l| r^ i ii ) i u HISTORY »,t>ciiK *•** *• ; >> i^ a \ h j Q; «>,., . The Department "^gos in the Orion |NI V L d, dTtl, h"' "',,"J , j ^ "Kl< UK for h , unur lll|tlI| Store of ,,ile"es represented are Gins-:_,,,, ^ ^ 'Ilr c c sl l «>il \ ,i,i THE MISSING MESSENGER eC s 1 » °'Ve Nanking, China; You-: ( , ' °'J '. M.—Open Saturday Evemm '-.'Miniis. limthcr of F. B. Loomls, ^/rriion ."'•u"'"' ....„,. _ i u in U>\ r i i i ,,,lt,i. ,,,,i i. . , Roman ChrUti.1. College, j ' ' ! ! )lllt" >»* " »1 „,! the assistant w.-n-tnrj- of state, sailed *• ludU- U»ion Millenary "1- «» »,, , „«. d. 1 irom X.,.« York on board the Kfiiser iS i ii'liu II, bearing with him the text # ' hn, for Women, Vellore, «st, Kvcnlng—Election on inatic mission nnd because he Intended lo participate In some big-game hunt- jBd dinned into our imagina- December 10th ing after delivering the treaty to King T. aw£ulness ol human suffer- Menellk. ' d has made us think and see Timely Sale of Hosiery Little Children's Martin Wallberg Post No. :!, Amer- Nothing unusual occurred on the feel possibly we shall realize trip until the morning of June 20, the is happening In these trenches ican Legion, held a meeting last even- Making it Possible to Buy the Most Acceptable of Gifts, at a ing In the Post headquarters in Pros- day on which the steamer was due to L battlefield of motherhood • lock at Plymouth, England. It wa» Substantial Saving in Price l-rtout India. We have seen the pect street. Officers fur the coming Coats and Dresses year were nominated and will lie then noted that Loomis' sent at the jXms summon millions of hands captain's table wns empty nnd a WOMEN'S $1.50 SILK HOSIERY secure millions of dollars elected on the evening of December steward was dispatched to find out If CHILDREN'S ALL-WOOL BROADCLOTH COATS 19th. The nominations made were Pure thread silk, l'ull fashioned j 3-soamod; double lislo soles Flannel lined; shirred and flare backs; with silk tassels; pook- of trained men and he were ill. A few minutes later the 1 "with all the most modern ap- as follows: steward returned with the news that nn(I to<>a; high spliced heels; double gp'lei lops; till sizes; sale ots; fur collars und pearl button trimmings; sizes 2 to 6 years— , anesthetics and miraculous Commander, Charles J. EhmliiiR; Loomls' berth had not been occupied price ! $1.00 very special at $6,98 ir our wounded and dying senior vice-commander, Ci. II. Miiton; and an Immcdlnte search of the ship All this was not too much in junior vice-eommander, Ira M. Hut-was ordered—but without bringing to WOMEN'S WOOL CLOX HOSIERY light the slightest trace of the repre- Lme of humanity and duty. AH son; adjunct, Ferris R. Pearsall; us- Imported all-wool, medium weights; full fashioned; with em- .All-wool white chinchilla coats; Chin Chin collar! pockets; 1 and more IS NOT TOO MUCH sistant adjunct, K. M. lincon; quar- sentative of the American government. broidered side elox; black or heather mixtures; sixes 8VJ to 10; Several passengers volunteered the self bell, heavy interlined; pearl buttons; sizes 1 to 4 years; name of the Great Physician termaster, Wilbur Van Doren; as- sale price, pair $1.50 special $2.98 j today must walk the plains of sistant quartermaster, C. 10. Reese; information that they had seen Loomls on deck shortly nfter mid- Jill the person of his friends. color sergeant, Stanley Sortor; chap- WOMEN'S $1,69 AND $2.00 SILK AND WOOL HOSIERY CHILDREN'S HAND EMBROIDERED MADEIRA DRESSES lain, K. E. TottBn; offleer of the day, night and Wllllnm 13. Ellis, cabin- |L course in this college includes mate and traveling companion of the Highly lustrous silk and wool; newest sport und novelty com- White nainsook; some scalloped at bottom, yokes and aleovea; ., physiology,, chemistry, his- H. IJ. Rrooks; sergeant at urms, II. missing passenger, declared thnt his binations. Also heather mixtures; all size!*, sale price $1.19 materla medica, medicine, S. Perrine; post historian, E. M. nut- also a number of other styles; some pink and blue ribbon friend's absence from the cabin hnd trimmed, sizes 1 to 3, at .....$l.J)8 r'y, pathology, hygiene, medical son, and post surgeon, Dr. W. W.not alarmed him because of the fnct WOMEN'S HiaH-OLASS HOSIERY Sisserson. prudence, midwifry, lunacy and that Loomls had come In nt a fairly Fine quality silk and wool, with pointed heels; rich looking and CHILDREN'S SERGE PANTY DRESSES A committee comprising Stanley late hour on several previous evenings. dressy ; 1'ull fashioned silks, lace open work or haud-embroid- Sortor, G. II. Milton, Allan McGwire, British officials nt Plymouth and the Sample line of Panty DI-CHSOS; Hisses 2 to 6; in crepe and wool oml elox; also novelties and plain weaves in Italian silks; •serges; the newest shades and colors; special nt $3.49 WORM) WAS MADE FOR Wilbur Van Doren, H. L. Brooks, French officers at Cherbourg repented black, white, street and evening shades; value ifvi.50; sale price, WOMEN, TOO" was named to arrange for tho annual the search of the steamer, but In vain. paiir $2,95 WOOL CAPS j motto above the door of tho banquet of the post to be held dur- Nothing was missing from the cnbln (Woman's Club in India. Among ing the coming winter season. At save the suit which Loomis wns wear- WOMEN'S HOSIERY .Skull caps of white, with pink, blue and whito trimmings; tie the conclusion of the meeting the vet- Ing at the time und even the Hat dis- string with pompon at top of cap; special 79o jjou leaders the Founder of Mercerized silk lisle and inaco cotton; seam back; reinforced jitianlty alone recognized woman; erans stood for one half minute in patch box which contained the text of high spliced heels, double solea and toes; black, white and FOR XMAS GIFTS itere are we nineteen centuries silent salute In memory of the late the treaty was found concealed be- neath o pile of clothing in one corner colors; regular mid outsizes; sale price, pair ,.39on~o Infants' Heavy Volt Bath Robot) in pink, blue.and whito; col- B His coming, fifty millions of Edward B. Townley, James F. Mll- of Loomls' trunk. Investigation de- lars and cuffs j special at $1.00 to (he main, safe, comfortable lett and Oliver Benson. F. R. Doer- veloped the fnct, however, thnt the CHILDREN'S RICHELIEU RIBBED STOCKINGS | wall, cared for, while the great as the delegates to the county cum- State department ninssenger had been Heavy Kichelieu or English ribbed three-quarter length sport illtude of other women beat with rer and W. H. Murphy were selected in the hnblt of carrying this box In hands against our closed mittee of the organization. his pocket nnd hnd laid lt aside on the socks or regular length; mercerized cotton; black, white, cor- nut beg that we will free them. previous evening only because It made dovan, navy and beige; all sizes from 5 to 9'^ ; sale price 39c p Is our opportunity lor Interna- GRANT SCHOOL I'.-T. A. an unseemly bulge In the dress clothes CHILDREN'S $1.50 ALL-WOOL SPORT HOSE, 79c Word Music Rolls, 50c iullsm. A chairman ot a local which he hnd donned ln honor of the ,_. of Women Voters said "Why The regular meeting of the Grant captain's dinner. Imported and domestic; Richelieu or English ribbed; heather Nelly Kelly I Lovo You Christmas Word Music School Parent-Teacher Association mixture!) and the leading colors; rolled tops; sizes 7 lo 10. aunt the law stop these frightful My Buddy Christmas Chimes was held Monday afternoon, Decem- During the next few weeks rumors in India?" She did not Little Pal of Long Ago I that the only laws that pro- ber 4 hi, at three o'clock. of nil kinds filled the press on both O Little Town of Bethlehem it nomanhood have come from the After the business meeting, Mrs. sides of the Atlantic. Loomls had gone To-morrow Joy to the World Jrot Christ. P. W. Jones, president of the School suddenly mad nnd bnd been placed In Homesick a sanatorium. He bnd slipped off the It Came Upon tho Midnight IpFhat can we do here In the sun-Welfare Council, gave a very inter- esting report of the Annual State steamer nt Plymouth disguised as a Silk Beaded Waists Carolina iu the Morning Clear. ii for those over there ln deepest second-class passenger. He wns the Lonely Lucorno lost On an old sun dial under Meeting which she recently attended Christmas Awako as a delegate. victim of a clique of International jjbindow is the legend, "I count Truo Blue Sam Adesto Fidels Mrs. Nelson Harrison, of Kirn spies who, balked ln their attempt to Itriflit hours only." street, then played very artistically: secure possession of the text of the 4.98 fllll you translate some of your "Polonaise," by Chopin; "Minuet," treaty, were holding him for ransom. He was still confined ln the hold of jW'hours, some of the blessings by Paderewski. CREPE DE CHINE, GEORGETTE AND SILK JACKET fieaUh, health, education, joys of the Kaiser Wllhelm—and so on to the id, books, home, friends, Into the The speaker of the afternoon was limit of the Imlglnntlons of those who BLOUSES China of All Gifts Hobart Mason, of the School Board, j of these women? like to use fact as a basis for fiction. Trimmed, with allover laces, beaded embroidery and some who spoke of some of the plans which fjkese seven colleges are supported i But all these reports were set at stitched with gold and silver. In many colors; navy, brown, are being studied by the school hous- A New Importation Just Received till denominations, the appeal is | rest when, on the morning of July 16 eannel, marijueline, Indian, bisque, hlnclc, also flesh and white. ing committee. bis through all the churches. If I —just thirty-two (inys after Loomls JAPANESE HAND PAINTED CHINA! Refreshments were served during i hnd sniled from Now York—a body NEW ANGORA SCARFS, $2.98 TO $5.98. jit don't BO to church there Is no Tea Sets, include sugar bowl, teapot, creamer, C cups nnd sau- the social half hour which followed. i was washed up at Warren Point, In great demand now. Large size shawl collars, find tuxedo Sain why you tpo should not In- cers; in the well known red Geisha decoration, at $2,98 t some of your money ln these The next meeting will be held Wed- | about fifteen miles from Plymouth. styles, self belts and patch pockets; also contrasting colors. nesday, January 3. i Believing that the body wns that of a t enterprises which help greatly CELERY SETS Nlevlate human misery. common sailor, the local police were ADVERTISE ALL OF THE TIME ! about to Inter It without further cere- Include large celery tray nnd six salt dips $4.98 and $2,49 ! mony, when, from the wntcb-pocket E GREAT NEWARK —not extravagantly, not wastefully i of the trousers there dropped n water- CHEESE AND CRACKER DISHES, $3.08 AND $3.49 POtTLTItY SHOW but DON'T GIVE ANYBODY A i soaked hit of pnsti'bdiird, upon which Rich Plush Coats ICE CREAM OR SANDWICH SETS '• wns barely discernible tho name, jSany Weatflold people Interested CHANCE TO FORGET YOU. Of seven pieces $6.98 ! "Kent J. Loomls." MOST FASHIONABLE NEW STYLES Ifoultry and birds visited the First ; direful examination of the body WALL PLAQUES Jslnent Armory of Newark where "A room without pictures is like a ! developed the fact Hint, under the A beautiful assortment $2,7fi MSclal State championship l'onl- right cur, there wns a circular wound .*? Show of New Jersey was held. room without windows."—Ruskin. ', which appeared to have been inflicted Plush Salts Seal IMPORTED DECORATED CHINA 7-PIECE BERRY SETS ttegan November 29th and ended • before death mid n post-mortem ex- Include large bowl and six nappies to mulch; set $1.98 fUo'clock Sunday night, December J arnlnnlldii of the lungs of the dend ?'• The show was indeed a sue- i • mini showed conclusively thnt denth Coats Plush Coats Othor Berry Sots up to $6.98 *<• Madison Square Garden can- Framed with consideration as to had been due to the blow which bad 7-PIECE CAKE SETS fturpass this State show of 1922, rooms in which they may be hung, resulted in this wound, rather than to t Newark. '•• drowning. The physicians were di- Of domestic china; neat border decoration; in blue, gold and and a splendid collection of mirors, vided In their opinion us to whether 49.5O 59.5O maroon; gold handles; a set $1.69 'list of entries reached 3,3 20. „ over this list we were are now ready. Won't you come In • the Wow hnd been delivered by an In- . Other Cake Sets up to $6.98 strument similar to a blackjack or Fashionable coats of luxurious beauty that cannot help but W to see "West-field on the map."and seo these desirable goods? : whether Loomls might have fallen nnd win the admiration of women. Trimmed with skunk opposum, BABY PLATES *• (»nnd the following lovers of Visitors arc always welcome. struck his bead against a projecting Manchtiriiin wolf, natural opossum and raccoon; full or three- Cannot, tilt over, pretty decorations; in bright colors; at. 39o ""Ms had entered their beat: portion of the Ironwork on the steam- quarter length; every coat beautifully lined, Usodora A. Pope, ot Cumberland er Examination of the Knlser Wil- IMPORTED CHINA CHOCOLATE SETS WEDDING GIFTS HANDSOME NEW SEALINE COATS *«,entered S. C. Barred Plymouth holm'e 1»K showed, however, thnt the Pretty decorations; set includes chocolate pot and six cups; sen hnd been extremely calm mi the **; ha. D. Ackerman, of Park Framed pictures and mirrors are Those fashionable rich sealine coals held in such high regard complete set $3,98 *'• B. C. Rhode Island Reds; : n|pht lliat Loomls came to bis death by well-dressed women. Full'flare efl'eels, with Manchurian a the ideal gift. Splendid values at • ". Stouernagel, of Cumberland und thnt there bad not been enough sleeves; handsomely lined; most exceptional values at $100 DINNER SETS, $5 to $25. '. roll to inns'' anyone to lose bin foot- *'• S. C. Barred Plymouth Rocks, New bluebird sets of .100 pieces; complete service for 12 per- ' |ng. Besides, there wits the evidence t™ toys'and girls' class; John It. sons ; specially priced at $25.00 01 E. North avenue, Buff Or- PICTURE FRAMING of inc manner In which the body wns clothed. The mill was missing, this Wm. p. steuernagel, of Careful workmanship and moder- i»™iaiid street, S. C. Barred collar hnd bcu I'frn imrtly nwny nnd !lso«h Rocks. ate prices, as for tho past 51 years. : |here .,(•,.„• other slgnu of rmiifli treat- Men's Novelty Shirts ment lief""' LoomlH bad struck the Ntilt ° Uloro from many tI19" Kngraved Christmas Cards. water. , , L ;"''•• Among the distant on- Toyland for Little Folks a Samples are now ready. It was therefore practically certain H,,* * seventeen beautiful S. C. thnt the messenger bud been miir- Very Special 2©OO Third Floor : ^ "Wngtons from Toronto, ,jeied Hut who hnd killed him—nnd 'J'nyliuiil liums with them Mnchnnifiiil t Illinois, Wnshlnc- liny toy you wnnt in Toylnnd horn, *•-.„ ' Maryland, Missouri, Tcn- ART STORE rieh imported woven and Russian corded miidraM shirtings, that tj """>. Wisconsin, New York, '"""i TJlCS' O 11mi '1(1 l alI'll th11MeT othe»l»r" I '•• . makes for fi collection certain lo please all; sizi'M l'i'i to 17. 0 •,vh!rh'surrounded the mystery remain I t J «n duar New Jersey. | AIITISITS- MATKISIAl. Santa Ciaus Pond 8 Icservo : „, ,,nc of th- miKoIve.1 riddle* of j MEN'S SILK NECKWEAR '- b!!" <' tho right to re-! diplomatic Intrigue. Third Floor M,, 7)0" ••my bird not properly ! 317 W. FRONT STREET As line a collection a.s could lie desired. Imported and domestic ',J^0V not fitted to make tho | .silliH, brocaded Matins and other kind; in popular open-end A clieflry holiday [>ojnl, when: tho kiddies fish Tor thuir n PLAINFIELD, N. J. A Dit Skeptical. litllo prcwulH. .Simla (!]aiiH is) in chnrf!;i' nnd IUIH a kindly word h " finest on record. ' In the important looking .shape, with easy sliding neckband $1.00 "Who for the yniiiiKHtci'H. It OHKIH 25

1 1 hy Estimates Cheerfully Given J* 5,i(J^' n pon of Whito Or- IUS8UMB ly * tfcu "', ' A- U- IIonnyinnH, JobWngrromPt.y Attended To ** *. * -"'vn linns Inlil IB offgsi Tta THE WIS1FIBLB LEADER, WEDNESDAY, D1C1MB1B 6, 1922-

HOT K)8 kill I I 1 Si .!» i ORiJi - i? ft it Hi b 1 f Jielr I M r < i-i I <- r 11 t > \ V 1 U J *... i ONE CENT-A-WORD I 1 %>%^T R»O« C. S M l\OTHSH(H- r o tui J m 2 COO MC s CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS •s r<-tt Isl itl ^ J4 tG L,i CJI Minimum C'hergs No Advertisements POFU *K lu i rjlo uu J2 I i Taken by Phone rnu r al oil«6—uhirtfc - 'u 41 irw THE GREATEST GIFT C 44 S>e> d cu.i i Mu i I t- i oa deilvei\ i! ^ I i us, i: mv < [U If unqkrutar n n t s tl IJUI r w Because furniture, as a gift, combines utility with beauty; because it serves to carry your mt. O KiK K* \ I—1 Ua&Uht hjnit ' let i >i in »111 rrfuid n r v t i il ut n i M ill pfivdt u JUS* \wtii s>m Ji <*uuu PI/'BLIt S'f'BlVOGHAPHEB—Six ye qutst J. u t . ' id il-u n \\ H IP sage of good cheer, love and friendship years and years after most Christmas gifts are gone unily l ciacuitiH if; sta'i^n i <_i , Co., 1476 Broativvav, N^vv i'ork, N. i 1 fvi u nuj t *.( litiiife, A i ui paitKuiJi. li. V. Smith, 8S7 First s HZ- tl and forgotten; because it represents money spent wisely—PUENITUEE IS TEULY THE R Waifc'n uwiudi 1J 1 IS J »« W ...kills HkH H ' * GREATEST GIFT OF ALL. foelleai me» lo.lti ulJ rtpaii >R ttu.—Unljemmis 1 jue chin- BAtlim IOIII4H Ml SI< taufcht I I HOI tri HI Ii -1 i riilnii" r t-> rci' btandjid In m « *"• " *u)l*t I Ifciti nituium bi^L |ftyi ! lUiUit In Ifi tc 0 1 r °* i i rraitrf o b in i urdu full i lit. , I I is n M u ml II l in fun etc blKoebt qu,ili \ mrKfs ni-i i^I it K pujiii fc 7-f ^* ttD 1-acli s p it mano jlin and uKllJe e Mi \ Ul ftI tnl ie&Hter iitioi--s1 ciutli tupw, «-i Studios t US Urn r btit t \\ t ui t. Ljveiln^s- tMia i tp fu riMitu for >ou \M>t <•"<•»> J2.00. Jjull hid shoes, 3-B, |3.00. A« field Iv J 10 II tf ^11 nroilb i 1 ii IH t I I1.-1 tu 1 eiWle »nd pioof that 5"" ^» Ll iU d IHcied 1 ii n "i U I ' Crom $3 000 to |5 0u0 a it'll Mills ^U6 1 ri i t Ml t 11 I f Jast a Few Suggestions •Watkiis Co., o,.pi. W, \.« Y HOOW TO Rm—Ntwly fun line j LKOverland 3-pa^uit' witn fetparatf !nv tri\ Nf v hou t luuriiiK Ciir. Summer and winte; dll ncrivenienus for buMm * n an kUrRtl amounts ti loan on first Mahogany Gateleg Tables Mahogany Floor Lamps 4-Poster Beds topij, extra doors and windshield woman Convenient to tr 1, , mottgras.e en tn^t c i \^ t- tr* *, BIBB tefore nine will t>«ve you *MQI» Ugiit, weed chains, radiatoi , rai rorid Brtalftst It u, i 0. cut flowers, jmtUtd plants, (JerartiuinK Shop, Elm Street. Street. , Petunias. (JolfeHs, Ferns Asters, (Jun- AT th" woman's Exchange, 2 Qulmby Foil S.41,12—One 8x12 neutral color rrtss, Ageratum, Sallras, \"incas. IHH: WAft'TKD—Day's work by >oung" whitf Street you will lind beautiful per- wool Cheniile tug, almost new; ami many others: complete lH'diiin&r \ltw; woman, TiiursEiiiV and Friday. Goo,.; toiiul 'gifts for Xmus. Be sure you | a walnut china closet, perfect cuiidl- also Tomatoe plants. 6-3-tf family irontr anrl cle.tuer; best rt.f Tlglt the ahop before making your tion. viddreus Owner, Itl l*erein ereoces. Address "E," care ijead-: purchases. 12-6-2L Court, Cranford, N. J. lJhu«e SEK the water color MlridowaPkin Pi'i-k Office, sketches, also the unusual water col- AT WEiTPIEWJ, NEW JKRS1SY FOB SAIIJ — Chemical laboratory or Xmas cards at the SVormms Kx-WANTED—Coal range with rlght-h:t!>< equipment suitable first and second change. hot water boiler connection. Good Guu.ull WA1/TER J. LKK year chemistry. Equipment inciiult-y condition. State Jirice and make of "THE MAS WHO KNOWS glassware, reagent, bottles, BUIIKOM SII.K LAMP SII/»DES—Will ttihe nr- stove. Address "M," Leader. LD (N. )•) HEAL. 13STATIS" burner, bellows, samples at chemical ders for making- shades. Address H Po»« OIHee) ores. Address "Laboratory," cait; of "Shade," care of Leader Otflce. WAKTEB—Position as cook in privati Leader. Il-j5-tf family, boarding house, restaurant of AUTO RADIATOIl COVKB for Chevro- STORE TO HEIST—Fine location, 229 hotel. Louise Christian, Scotch Fashioned after the old let 480 Model. Made of all leather, FOR SAI.10—835 Canton Hoad. house B. Broad Street. Russell BuildliiK- Plains, N. J. You can find innumerable molenKIn lined. Condition like new. oontalnin^ twelve rooms, sleeping Apply to any broker or to Hurry L. uses for one, and its quaint Colonial designs that were Bargain at $5.00. Telephone 1083. porch, open fire places, and fill mod- Russell, 219 15. Broad Street. Offlre WHY NOT a VIctrola for Xmaa? Tei-- All the new ideas are ern conveniences. Inquire of owner. tel 285: residence tel. 116Z. ll-2i)-tf. to suit purchaser. Eisenberg's Vic beauty is unequalled by represented on our floors, so popular with our ances- 31!) M. Dudley Ave. Phone 164-M. trola Shop, Elm street, (SDSPREADHave just finished a 7-12-tf. THB CHRISTMAS lltVT «l»'Hys :ir- any other kind of table- and there is a particularly tors years ago—special at patchwork bedspread. Will sell. If ceptable and enjoyable. A year's suii- YOUR favorite pair of stockings wil! $35.00 Interested write "bedspread," care of TOR SAL»:—Gentleman's fur-lined coat scriptlon to a popular magazine. Ltt dance with joy Christmas mornlne 1' special at $18,50 good one with silk' shade tesder. with fur collar, size 40, In excellent us solve your problems. Get our you Buy for them the magnificent Ma- and fringe at $18,50 condition, very reasonable. Tel. 32!* catalogue of special offers. No obliga- hogany Upright Piano we are sacri- •BAOTWUL upright piano, Moaart U. 11.28-21. tion Incurred. Westfleld Subscription ficing for 1225.00. Everything to rftc- Cabinet Grand. Solid walnut ease. Agency, Box ICE. Telephone 1083. ommend it except the price. A. If A Period Spinet Desk A Windsor Eocker Sweet tone. In lint condition. (125 FOR BALIS — Modern eleven-room Maxwell, 430 North Avenue, West- Martha Washington cash. Albert IS. Storr, 306 Chestnut house; open fire places; screened THB TOPI'LV TILTS a I FT SHOP. 117 field. Open every evening. Term Street. porches; garage; choice residential Ferris Place. Only a few davs more can be arranged. We also have a Sewing Cabinet section; 100 ft. front. Terms to suit, for personal Christmas cards. Our player for 1350.00. H. D1SW13Y Is now conducting a 522 K. Broad Street. Tel. 505 11. Christmas gifts ore muiiy, from route bualneSK in butter, egge, coffee 8-16- tf. baby's to grown-ups. Come and see sod tea, When In need call B72. them. ^ I'Oll SALIl O.\ DUDLEY AVi:.M I MR. MKHCHANT— BOSTON FKHNS, JOe up to flO.— Choice vacant corner, 100x2*4 feet. TWO new attractive homes. 6 rooms Flowers end floral designs for all oc- Consult Walter J. Lee, "The Man Who and sun parlor, tile bathrooms, steam The hewcomer has been wise, C4SIOL8. Take Union car to Centen- Knows Weatfleld Real JSstate," 64 heat. Price $8,000; terms. F. Trs. he already subscribes lot West- nial Avenue, Cranford; walk east Elm Street. venan, 176 N, Euclid Avenue. 11-15-tf *hr«e blockB to Lehigh Avenuo flela's best newspaper, "The.. ^rednhouseB. 127 Lehlgh Avenue. FOR SAM:—Seal coat, natural skunk TWO furnished adjoining rooms with Leader," so as to keep In touch Pnaae Cranford S54.M. 7-20-tf trimmed, beautifully lined, very rea- bath for young couple or two friends. sonable. Tel. 38 M. Address "M. C.," care Leader. with the town's doings, and he "BHT1VO BACK, bring back, brlnK baeK also wishes to know the better my bonnie to me," with "Sweet Ada- WOn SALE—Four now electric motor 2,000 TO LOAN on first mortgage, con- Une" ana other harmonious melodies thermostat* to close out at cost for sult Walter J. Lee, 54 Kim Street. store to trade with—The best that we used to chant "when you and cash. All fully guaranteed. Former stored advertise in the "Lender." I were young:" by renting (with priv- price, 176.00. Inquire £18 Sim Street. UPHOLSTERED tapestry couch and ilege of eventual purchase) of Broth- 12-0-2t. two chairs for sale cheap. Phone er Maxwell on Va Old North Road. H5 J. "Home Town," Westfleld. He'B will- SALE—Two-burner nickel gas ing to swap, trust or make a trade plate. Good condition, 924 South The desire of every woman A Sewing Cabinet with They add a quaint charm moat &ny old way. Come evenings, Avenue. is to own a Spinet Desk. We lots of space for sewing to the living room, are •It alongside his old stove, and talk F0n »A_B—A ChaUo Longue, almoBt i It over. Why We Like to Sell offer them in mahogany in materials. In solid njahog- comfortable' and richly fin- new. 320 Mountain Avenue. Phone many designs—prices start any and an unusual value ished in mahogany. Priced ALb K. K. MILLS, Telephone 300-W, for Suntaet Draperies and Window FOR SALB—Police dog puppies 3 at at $29,00 only $18.75 Hangings, First cost In the last cost. months old from pedigreed registered J06 Prospect Street. 11-1-tf. stock. ?60 up. H. Clarke, Springfield CAN YOU 1MAOINIC such a bargain? Avenue, Broad street, Cranford, N. .1. It'a in humming g:ood shape. Willy's- 12-6-21. VPOULTRY FEEDS\ Knlffht will run day or night, service FOR SALE—Five tame rabbits, 2 IRON & LIFSO unending. WIIlys-Knlght appeared young pigs, cheap. 1032 Ilahway First of all we know the manufacturers—Rosenbaum in Hay, 19S2, all bedecked with win Avenue. ^ deflectors, mirror, clock, bumper, Brothers—through many years of Healings in grain. We have Complete Home Outfitters atop HRht, 2 extra cord tires complete all the confidence in the world in this firm, which has been on rltnBj etc. He has great lunKs; FOR SALE—Two geese, small parlor imagine, only a,100 mlels, all set for stove. 780 Prospect Street in business over fifty years. They have a reputation for M N the race of unlimited service. He Is a very economical and useful friend FOR SAI.K—Tan winter coat In good square dealing. to have.' Me must bo seen to be ap- condition for girl from 12 to 14 years 134 East Front St. nu».i7n Plainfieid, N. J. preciated. See H, Baker, US E. Bro, old. 634 North Avenue, West. Secondly, we knew, when they brought out, several years Street, for further particulars. FOR HALU—High chair, reed nursery ago, a line of mixed feeds, that there were only good sub- Also 163-165 First Street, Elizabeth, N. J. Telephone 1185 chair, doll's go-cart, doll's carriage stantial materials used in them. They make the finest CIIAUFFElin SALESMAN to collect gas heater, moleskin Bape, brass bed. and deliver laundry In Westfleld, and box spring, 3 pair curtains. 632 poultry feeds we know of, and that is the kjnd we want to sell Cranford and Fanwood. Salary and Fairfleld Circle. commission; references and security our customers. You can rely absolutely upon getting required. Van Doren Laundry Sorvlee. von 8A_K—Coal ranee In first-class results from Vitality Feeds. We are authorized by the , ill North Avenue, VVestflold, N. J. condition. Price 126. Telephone •> makers to Westfleld S3S K. CHRISTMAS rmcsiwrs that say a vary good, Good Morning to each and every member of the family Three FOR SALE—700-foot radiation Kicl.- Guarantee Satisfaction or Money Back ^ Hundred and Slsty-flve times a year good condition. Call 108 J. CADILLAC • are extremely popular. Buy New ardson & Boynton steam boiler In That is as good evidence of high quality as anyone Furniture where your Dollnrs will bo FOR SALK—Two-car hot-water garage could ask for. We say to our friends in the poultry appreciated. Thirty Days la Cosh at heater. Call 108 J, Maxwell's, 430 North Avenue, W'est- business, that you will feed Four-O-Clock Scratch fleld, "The Home Town." Always FOUND—Boy's bluo sweater. Owner Grains and Vitality Egg Mash if you ever try them open evenings. may have same by paying for this advertisement nnd phoning 857-R. once. Thoso who are feeding them now are getting • COMPLETE STOCK of Brunswick nnd wonderful results. Vocallan Christmas Uecorda are InOARAGI. 5 for rent. 621 Muplo Street. Step In and hear them, SeyfritnVa Music Shop, 221 K. Broad street I: uoR RENT—Water and light Why not come and see Weatfield. v 12-6-31 515 liort Street (old South Walnut these two feeds, or order CHAJVPOIID—Comfnrtahle homo for Street). Telephone Westfleld 12.12 M a sack of each by phone? young couple with or without board li-is-tr We have a valuable book or one or two larpre nicely funilslu<lcK in drcsn Elm Street. Conic In nnrt hear tlwm. pleating, buttons covered; button- holes, tucking, fiiRot HlitchliiK, rion- OR'illHIIMi; store friinTaac nr~T7tiT 1 IIQB firt embroidery, etc. Sirs. 10. Pni- "liltnhli. for nny ImslnKim " Apiily S !'- znlc, ROD Monroe Avenue rorner Mnrv A Novel, Inexpensive Christmas Gift- North Avenue, Wrntll«li]' or |iliom' Street. Tel, B17-.1. Kllsalmth. 11-2P-11 >>'" R n-n-tf YOUR NAME IN GOLD ON PENCILS 11OJISE KOH SAI.K—0 rooms nndimTh". PRICES it IN HOLLY BOX, 30c—0 IN HOLLY BOX, 00c BID VOU KVEB linvo the plensnr^ of All Improvements, steam heat. Cen- tislnt' a Universal Kiertrlc W.-iwiiir tral locsitlon. $5S0O. Tel. :i;i) Ii. Stamps or Coin Accepted. Sfnchlne before? Of course not- you "don't Know what it's like Tlu.'uni. 13MBLETON I'KNCIL- CO. Vorsnl turns out the riraneat am) IIOUHEWOnKER-Comiietetit "Klrl""^!- most snnllnry clothes Imntrlnalilr Kenernl housework. .Must lie Kooil l»l Hj'lvunia Plnco Westfleld, N. J. Toil enn buy one of in nap rheniicr lunv Toi"l'48' A|lllly r'60 clnrk Streel.1 thnn Inter on. Kav, Disrl. liny iimlhrr The New Prices F. 0. B. Westtield Street. link bracelet. Phone ;tt;:! J, WoHtflchl DO,''n'>.""T'"cn nncl nnl1'" i-rnrl nntl I I,OST—a bnsphnll niednl lit C. Tt. I(. Clr j " rocl'sl"""« i •"111',n 1'"nl» 1>lil«' "">! I'litlj.ll.-l.l. Victoria - - Quimft Strw,",', xrTo'uc,d'"im ! rX"1" '"<'"!'l> r'"11"'" t0 U1 "Vrrl" 4030 LOST—,\ bur pin niiide of three KOlil Coupe S 4110 • Kepii-Hiille. rtovviirti. IMione Plumbing - Heating - Tinning trio UKIII II V- "*""l"1;1. t'lec- j 118 \Y, or .111 rroapoet Street. Sedan - - - 4314 n (l lrlll> (lf Phone'"4n2 v " " ' ««>""•*' Unaril' j SH»!«KV~l,HlVI)Ens rte \u 7 ' "' I^eailor. Limousine 4707 t hwi !', furillBhrd rn(im. | ,.__ _ „',,*;. -V"u'Bt ')IM"';>II>' iin-Uins. II. it, TuniiMM;, r.-ni Wfuiifbi Imp. '* - • 11- .,mnn,,t Ac-uu,,. PI,,,,,,,; Avenue, d,.»lr,-B ,„ ,,ln,'.,, ,,,,,|,| „„ 4809 _ i ivaltr, m \\ null! t ilie iiomip work F. 0. B. Westfield t(rpi,ltfn«, if ,i, |I Brlilimoti.1 AW,,,,, I NO tll'VIIM OH 'rilKXPANuiM- — _____ '' " s'fni lirln'til ,1 nitiiiliM, for tain all l ion-,!,M-~TT,7~-Tr~-;rrM,,T "" ' '"" °'"v _| 1 v 1 f"<"i I Vn" "' ' !""' I" ' " oifitxnm- im,, t f .,•«•( th,. ui,i,ito«' Avenue ' U ' ' ' '" > '" "" "r ' u»i'l< or blrv.-l,- I B. GORKIN II *i ! Jilmlj ill «I it itnil!) nml liiys. -i lln euii» tif ^ a u — ' th, \lll, ,1 in l^bcr ih<. I Plate Glass and Mirrors Glazing and HIRAM L. FINK Wonth \ I->T < I Windshields a Specialty %%lltlrr , ' ' "I ' t *t' M'lert Iv Slorr, WH i Silvering, Beveling and Polhhing Paint*, Oil* tine/ Vnrniah«9 WESTFIELD GARAGE 1 f T rr rn rn1 l /W.,,/„,„« 144 ^f»r-n,eM,,n^,^l,'oj:, ', r.f' | " "" """""" " ' \f!%% Phone 140 Elm Street MS MADISON AVE,, cor.2nd Si. PLAINFIELD,1 N. J.



"THE PROFIT-SHARING ST0"BE" ~"~ ~*" East Front Street T,!,,,,,,,^ m«o PI . ,. , ======:=^^ New Jersey Tfte Christmas Gift Store PLAINFIELD'S POPULAR STORE eed, when you cam No Woman is Too Stout to Be Stylish delight you; everything"Vrraghrkto^adiSss'i?^11161118 flOed ^ Holiday treasures Yo problems in remarkably short time. at youca n solve a» J'°ur perplexing gift In the Men's Corner BATHROBES-in such a splendid showW , r i isfying him is made easy "lg Ol eolor* "M••<'* *!•«! the diflieult task of sai- We also have a large assortment of'boys' robe, $3'85 to $12'00 GLOVES-a pair that will keen hislland s wir, • from the wool at 59c to tho fur-lined -it " well-''L'lm'tnlj(1«'^ gift. Kvery variety TRAVELING BAGS AND SUITCASFsiririrMhM :IM"7; $59'5 ticularly useful. Genuine cowhides and niJH ,< ,' i ' ii n y','ars "lld "'"'lhll t is l)ni>- in all sizes pigskins, most ot them, the better ones leather lined, $3.45 to $35.00 are (1,(. materials of which our mufflers are made.

40o to $2,50 pair Mrs. Gerard, "Minerva Yarn" demonstrator, will he here all week. We Present to You 1 (with the co-operation of Mi- nerva Yarn Manufacturers) THE OPPOItTUXITY OF SALE OF STYLISH STOUT DRESSES KNITTING OU CKO(.:iIKTIX« YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFT SILK OR CLOTH Ch | Under Expert Supervision. Reg. Values from $25 to $35 *P J. Mrs. Gerard, demonstrator of Minerva Yarns, will bo here Lucky pmehnse emiblos us to offer those newest high grade Bnrra«nts much all this weok to add her skill Mow rPBiilnr price. Wo Hineoroly hope that every woman of generous pro with yours In making your portions will ttilto advanlngu of this sale. H""-r«us pro- knitted or crocheted gift a per- fect one. iand She will be glad to explain s tho starting of any garment, Evei D hat, etc., or help you out of a T ress Guaranteed Perfect or Your Money Refunded difficult corner. '7NERVA YARKS Come in to seo her. 'J Knitted Wear and Wool Dept.


Women's Silk Dresses Also Open Stock Patterns. larpe assortment in Plain, lion's Kid Glove.-) in WILLOW FURN'ITU U K Percolators, Wash IJoll- Embroidered or colored. lirown, Tan or Grey. and wrap-around models. ors, Water Kcts, Glass Offers many inducements Children's Plain or Fancy (Jaiintlc., t. ,,Gloes. . .,...,, ors, water Kcts, ( Iafin t( »""<="" vnluo $8.95 > shoppers for Heal Handkerchiefs at all pric- tiaiintleWool Glovet filovos.s at Popula.iNrn ' «•„„] ClovePricesn a.t Popular I Pitcherat Populas andr GlassesPrices,. all Gifts. es, Xmus Boxed. OKNII1NM CAHKI/H HAIR SKIKTS, In natural color; can ho readily .nat,:h.,d with polo eloth ,„• <;a,,,el'« hair coatB; roally a, adv" ,,"od g," J, model; plain tailored and wrap-around moiloln, with liirKo ihi" WINDOW SHADES HOSIERY Plent on aide; hand-made hutton holes STATIONERY For Men, Women or Children In Cotton Lisle, Silk or Wool. What la Apparel Ht'ctlon—'IV 'I'lilrtl Floor more desirable for Xraas than stock- Von (Jet All Wool Boxed Writing Paper for Holiday U.v-copllonal VttliirH In Special Order Window Slim Gifts rMc t() jjiu.,-,0 Women's I'urn Thread Sill: Jlosn, all our specialty. colors, Black or While In .^:t.n(t The Blouse Section Children's Xmaa Writing Pnner, Womeu'fi or .Mi.'ises Wool Sport ilose In These Sweaters 75r- Id .H,,K Hoiiclorful VIIIUCH fop your own fancy Uoxed i55<: to Sjtl.OO nestle or Imported Hollands car- Anil the piUeH aic< no hlffser than you aro asked to liw, lirliig (« ,,,iil(i (ul.|r K|ft i((mHjrji|((J,.H,, Don Women's Fine Cotton and Mali; lln-;i> piiy fin- KuriiiiMilN of Inferior quality. Tlieso prices urn BOOKS ried In stock. ;if Uoc, .'i^e anil 50c FINK HANI)-MA1)K HLOUS10S, of dimity and batlsto. Ju tailored and met trimmed; pntor I'an, roll and V Wnilo and Popular Fiction, Cliildren'.s Hose hi Cotton or Wool Bliajied ooIIarB. Viiluos to %i.-n. Kpnclnl.. you are hulldini; or movlm; Into a 25c. to 7.V If ; WOMI0N-.S DUTTON KH().\T SWIOATKHS, with and ('r«pr» v 11 r . b lo it H <>H n)ll| DOLLS buff, i;rey, liiitck, brown. Kpocliil H5 JO JllniiKeH, In UKJII and dark ., „,,,,- Shades for your present homo, Men's Silk Hose ar,c to S^.(l() Hhml'M. Klzcn ;! I to 52. nort or long-hair Dolls, iindn-Bsi-d, ph-i^il to submit sam- h/ Men's Wool KoekH S7.".r- In ,S'_'.,"ii) cmui' A>;U wfi.Mi-::-.":; iini::;iii;ij W 1 i 1 • • i,• 11 l3" the kind that goes to sleep A wonderful linn of Men';; X"<:1: ;••''.-:ir with fancy utrlpc, in huff, brown, black and l,.s and our estimate. for XtnaL'. $1.00 ti navy and I111IT, Sjieelal... $150 I'rl'T I'mi 1ll)>iis<"i, In a lHCllltlflll II»:inrtll||.Ilt llf SHIET WAISTS, SWEATERS AND OIU1.S1 KLH'-OVKlt HWKATKJtK, slniker knit, in navy. Blv'le.i, in batlKlc and illmlty; READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT UNDERWEAR trimmed ami t/tilured. Mi/,",,,. rr:d, ImJf, lirown; all wiml. Hueclal Ml* UH •M to -|<;. H|ieclal ljil.|»H t fft>nicm'H aim Mi^es, also (Milldr.m's Coats, Rreatly Wonien'-i Tallor-niado Shirt Waist.1! of |.-ood niiality } I'nlslo.y mill fi-i-ni. ,ir- rhino riiduci-'d. Dimity in"! Uatlste »<•'»» »»'' «*•'•-">" WOMAN'S AL(.-\VOtjL.SLI!'-ON'H, in navy, ldiu:k. buff, OKT-llll.llWH, |n li,;|i[ ;,„,] r l(> lirown, red. .'Special M)K( ) ^ that sold tUT$iii.n, now «»'™ Sweater Slip-ons i' Tuxedos in "II " "'anted colorti dark f,lnide;i. 5!izen ,'lii to Ii; lX fl ! <) f that sold for $Hi.r,0, now * f at "'°" '" *''" Hwcat.'r IXpt,—'re|.|ie.s'_.1H,.,.OI1,1 ,,,,„ Uat 10 »ihHt nold f,,r $25.00, now » -"" Scarfs and Scurf Sets. T fi Milk I'nderwear, Flesh Color....%-, Si-.rtO inul if.l "cse (-oats Plain Sport, also uonin Fur Trlmmod. ,', .11,-AiN cood duality Silk—all the wanted nliadr»< I'ettl(.o,us, i, 93.75 to $7.f»H JJ»1ron'B Coatf, that sold for *10.00 «» ^" OUR BACK DOOR FOR SHORT OUT TO PARKING SPACE IN REAR OF STREET Page Twelve THE WlSfFlttD L1AB1E, WIDHISOAY, DE01MBEE

SMKHlfAl. KIIWV1T10VIL VEER grounds aa an esBentia! pan oi riie Pre&doni has d*-;,-'uatea 111 • phis 1 MJIR t J it isssk. Decanter 3r4-Btii, ag Amer V» paj crs c 11 i «r r i o! t e i I d » u di a «cu <• ) u II L i IG P r^n J movement and Issued a circular u Li u sc? f >1 thev ^ I f «f c idl teachers of tbe State ursine co- huiie\ti. at au, naie dur»i,g the *c.^ or any time In the year, if not able Q4)i-ration in the movement. to come on she day stated. Enrour-' Superintendents and teachers are age the child aud the teacher by 176 EAST FEONT ST. PLAINFIELD, N. J. areed to set as many parents as pos-your attendance. Bii)!e to visit the schools. "Nataralizatiott for ail men ar-dBATHROOM & KITCHEN itomen. Helping immigrants to be- Exceflent Assortment of Millinery come Americana. Discussing the FOE THE HOLIDAYS need tbat all citizeas should perform Oioir citizenship duties. The univer- TILING Silk Underwear sal use ot English language in the Fireplaces, Porches and Wstihu:et United States, and the use ol no Silk and Wool Hosiery Other language except English in the THOMAS H. BOSS, schools. The necessity and value of 270 Jackson Avpnue. Knit Scarfs and Hat Sets ASJCOIS and education not only tor Tel. 3367 PI.AINFIELD, .\*. J Chi> individual, but (or the future of Beautiful Line of Sweaters the State. The teacher as a nation DEPENDABLE MERCHANDISE AT RIGHT PKICES . {Wilder. America as an educated nation. Eguality of opportunity in THORP'S education for every American boy and girl. The value of physical edu- ANTIQUE SHOPPE cation In producing men and women a21 West Front St., I' able to perform their duties, in the home, in business, and in the State, ANTIQUES moat efficiently. Athletics and play- Eetablished 1896 Goitre Construction Company

x "Builders of Complete Homes" Plans for Tour Inspection Homes For Sale Headquarters For dfS72 General Contracting 4 ELM STEEET, WESTFIELD 'YTH. all the charm of diminiv Phones: Office, 82—Residence, 765-W tive size, the Cupid Grand possesses in astonishing volume, the full glowing richness of tone which characterizes all Sohmef Pianos. It is the tonal quality of this little Grand that gives it a proud place j Semi among Sohmer achievements and makes it a beautiful and worthy ex- WUvctric Knginos Hepulred. ponent of Sohmer traditions. Christmas Tree Lights. Bituminous To see—play—hear the "Cupid" is to JtADIO GOOBS OF QUALITY A HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES. appreciate qualities difficult to describe. A demonstration will explain why in A. V. Searing, Jr. COAL New'York City, now the music center of 440 WATOIIONG AVK. PLAIXFEELD, N. 3, 'Phone 8088 the world, there are more Sohmer Pianos Will keep your house warm in use than any other artistic make. during the fuel shortage. Catalog on request

STYLISH HIGH OUALITY No change in your heater. Simple directions may be C. A. REID PIANO C WALL PAPER obtained at our office 238 WEST FRCTIT Snaxr-PLAiNFiELD N i 5c to 25c a Roll printed on a card. : : : : HABCOCK BLD'GL ^TELEPHONE 23O BEAUTIFUL CUT-OUT BORDERS TO MATCH ALL PAPERS Our prices do not tell the story of QUALITY offered in We have a supply our unique stores. Others are charging from 3 to 5 times as of this coal on hand. much for the same identical papers. Furniture is the life-time gift! It's something really worth while. Before you give think for a HUNDREDS OF BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM moment where your gift will be and how it will Duplex-Oatmeals, Ilannouellns, Harm on cites, Fibres, Gross-papers, look a few months from Christmas. A piece of Tapestries, Chintz, Chainbrays, Two-Toned Floral and Striped I>e- furniture will last and serve for years, acting al- sigiu), Washable Pupors, Pressed Crowns and Friezes. TUTTLE BROS. LastingGifts ways aa a reminder of the good will and affection We operate stores in TWEN- of the giver. Here you will find a most complete TY-FOUR cities, selling high assortment of splendid gifts—something for every grade wall paper at low prices. A visit will convince you that Phone 414 Westfield, N. J. member of your family—every friend. Prices are our offerings are belter values as low as they can be—lower in many cases than than any bargains or sales offered by other shops or depart- we havo ever offered similar merchandise. "We are ment stores. _ always glad to have you open an account if you For All the care to, with the purchase of any Christmas gifts, J E N N I N G S | large or small, spreading the payments over a con- venient period of time. This plan enables you to Wall Paper Stores of 1 DR. JOHN J. (THARA give better gifts without the great cash strain and Newark and Paterson | drain on your pocketbook. You are cordially in- Paper your own home, lnstruc- (c™»rr I'luii) | PALMER CHIROPRACTOR vited to drop In and look over the varied assort- 411 SOUTH AVENUE, WESTFIEU), N. J. ment that we have here for you. If you possibly tion sheet free on request. 878 Broad St., Newark, N. J. | Hours: 3 to 6 P. M. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday (Near C. n. II. Drnot) g can, do most of your shopping this week for you Later by Appointment. Family will get not only better service but a better selec- PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT onKlw , , o. Di 1TT I 080 UERGEN AVENUK, JKH8EY CITY, N. J. 205 Market St.,Paterson,N.J. H Hours: 10 to 12—2 to 7:30; Monday, Wednesday, Friday tion. Phono BERGEN £588 ; and by appointment. WONDERFUL VALUE, TOO! Undoubtedly one of the great values that wo have to otter you this year Is the COWAN all genu- ine solid mahogany Martha Washington Sewing Cabinet. This remarkably fine piece of furniture boars tho Cowan trade mark and Is plainly labeled "Solid mahogany." It la not to be compared with the ordinary make, for it stands head and shoulders in construction, quality and finish above others. This year, owing to a romnrkably large purchnso made last July, we are able to offer this cabinet now HEADQUARTERS at the lowest price ever—$10.50. ' A splendid variety of charming WINDSOR CHAIRS—high backs and low backs, somo with solid seats and others with tho quaint old-time rush scats. The price on every chair or rocker will movo tho entire stock very rapidly.

Tho article called "The Gift Supreme" by thousands of women Is tho HOOSIEtt KITCHEN CADI- NET. Wo have a fresh shipment of those wonderful kitchen masterpieces on hand for you now, to moot the Christmas demand, and not only will wo miiko extraordinary special terms, but are including with each Hooslor KItchon Cabinet, a ten-pleco Dexter Cutlery Set at no increaso whatsoever over tho standardized nationally known price >

"Wo havo assembled scores of beautiful CEDAR CHESTS. Practically every typo nnd size Is hero F. W. GRAND'S for you. Rome with trays, some in walnut, somo In mahocany and others In tho beautiful natural cedar finish. Wo bellevo wo are offering tho Rroatest value, particularly in a 42-in chest which wo mo 14O-144 West Front Street Belling for 910.80.

Another great Christmas Kift and all year round delight is the GATE LEG TABLE. Hero they CHRISTMAS HEADQUARTERS are! All sizes. Wo have somo also In the two-toned mahogany finish. Wo call your particular at- tention to a lovoly Onto LOR Table either 30-ln. round or 34-in. x 15-In. oval for only'fMO.80. GIFTS for all the Family at new Low Prices--Full Line of Tree Thon, too, thoro aro lovoly Tea Wagons, Serving Traya, I'rladlla Sowing Cabinets, Smoklnc Standn galore, Telephone, Tables and Chairs, Candle Sticks and over so many other lovoly ptccon of Ornaments and Christmas Decorations at very Low Prices furniture most doslrahle for giftB. ' Visit Toyland, Dolls, Dolls' Clothing, Mechanical Toys, Iron Toys, Tin Toys, Books and Games, Bargain Mezzanine cMANUS BROS. Come Here Where Values and Varieties are Unequalled EAST JERSEY-NEAR BROAD-ELIZABETH ^ WlgfFIlLB L1ADE1, W1DHBSDAY, CBOEMBIE fi, 1922.

M. Anthony, p. H. Sockiejr, F ; T. Casey, fj.; A. Bell G HIGH SCHOOL NEWS 2«dTeam-M. Pearsal, J. C; W. ewted, o.: H. Howarth, C; T Wi.olhouse, S. C • V Ane»r F • r PB Gl A«»i,laBt. MORGAN Smith, F. ' ' FLO. ROBS WU.L1AMS d Team—F. AVesterbcrs, A. Ga!- r, J. C; H. La Porte, S. C- V Noble. F.; H. Gottlieb. F.: A. Tit^ «•: *. Morehouse, G tbe ul u Gladys Werner, captain of the i the Junior Class blossomed th'e classes has ], • „ , Juinor teams, ] j i -- ' 'the"form of a pageant cl.ed terlal for three 1^7**™ iau( s in the f0l 0WlllK { 60 > "Three Thanksgivings." The, Promises to be a good one 1st Team-fl. Werner. J. c,; A . iors tad been practicing for the j __ Drake, G.; Whitcomb, S. C; Moodv- tb the I Till: Moser. G.; L. Wlkox, P.; Elizabeth Berker, F. I surp ssed the speculations of the body. Just walt; UDtil >'ou 2nd Team—b. Dennlson, G.; Ev °th"Senior play next year! PlcistCT, 0.; I. Rockwell, F.; Ad Cmst Jones, J. c.; Ruffer, and M. Smith. IJ. Apgar S. 0.; IX. Delatour, F. R. Williams The series will be played as fol- R. Nydeggar lows: Ijr. Anyone Glassware, Marble Statuary, 1^, Anyone. L. Penuison GIIJI.S- VAKSITV BASKET-BII I, Wednesday, Dec. 6tb, Sophomore- D. Beard The girls'schedule stands with two Junior, Teams 1 and 2, Lincoln Iwff E. Morgan n i at School. A. Cruttenden rthe j!mana°f. gives us this- ::; Freshmen Teams 1 and 2—Friday, Bronzes, Pottery Ornaments IS the Maid C. Bradflald Dec 8th, Sophomore-Freshman Thursday, Dec. 14~PendinF, here L Spirit of Thanksgiving— Thursday, Dec. 21 Teams 1, 2, and 3, Lincoln School- |! -Alumnae, (PMt) E. Ganzel. here. Wednesday, Dec 13th, Junior-Fresh- man Teams 1 and 2, Lincoln. (Present) E. WrlBght. I'nday, j . 5-Trenton, here (Future) A. Jones. an The Senior Team (or te,mis) is still Monday, Jan. g_s. Orange," there a minus quantity, or Is it quality? It Isilerlms-— Priday, . i2_ , „ • Jan HoaeI Is possible to have both, Seniors, as B. Carr, h. Wilcox, M. Pearsall, Fr,day, Jan. i8_Bonn Brook, is shown by the other classes. D. Barber. Evd Ab Domen P. Colson Friday, Feb. 9- •S. Orange, here. The "Leader" is the Shopping fijs High Liver B. Becker Wodnesday, Feb. 21-Glen KIdge, T Heart R wllltlock here. Guide for ail this section of New- IjH.». - - Jersey. For bargains in merchandise Tuesday, Feb. . Turkey W. Morgan there. 27—Hackensack, Reid f gince Pie-. Friday, March 2- -Bound Urook, I Cranberry ..M. Moser there. ..R. Ruffer [celery Thursday March S — Roselle, ..B. Taylor there. loa-bons M. Bell Wednesday, March 2S — Glen SKATES Jr. Poor Relation T. Clements Ridge, there. |jjfs, poor Relation I. Rockwell AND or Girls' practice has been going nn [pansy, P° Relatlon.-B. Di Micili regularly on Mondays and the team |nr, Clerk D. Barbe this year Intends to defend their flln. Clerk F. Morehouse State title. A game with Savage has SKATING OUTFITS [Newsboy . ..C. Forester also been hoped for but not sched- For the outdoor sport I-Sally Seamstress J. Moody uled. All styles in Men's and i|»e—The Present. ( The Freshman girls havo fivo Women's with or without -The Town of Anywhere. teams; they are: ue—Home of Any One Family, 1st Team—Catherine Mundy, J. Shoes. fiction required drawing of the C; K. Nicholas, S. C; B. Ten Eyck SWEATERS •attain several times. F. (Captain); D. King, F.; A. Dieter The new Seventh Floor is a veritable paradise for gift gathering and for the home beaurl- T Tort on stage tended to by Junior HEAVY SHAKER'S G.; E. Ross, G. fier. So many suggestions abound on every hand that one could really spend hours and hours 2nd Team—I. Lusardl, J. C; H. With or without collars—the W Plercy, S. C; D. Cole, F.; E. Will ton, examining the beautiful wares with enthusiastic interest, For instance: C Lighting tended to by Senior boys. Ideal Sweater for the Sport F.; B. White, G.; M. Thompson, G. Girl. f Thursday the play will be repeated 3rd Team—M. Scott, J. C.: M. • tbe benefit of the Children's Smith and D. Taylor, S. 0.; M. Rule! Bronzes from Paris The Japanese Bronzes |tatry Home. The people of West- F,; D. Taylor, F.; G. Taylor, G.; S. In addition to the "Amour au Papillon" (illus- The Japanese are acknowledged to be the best J are urged to support it. Kvery- Wriffht, G. trated here) you will find numerous others of world- producers of animal life in action—such as lions, jr out at 3.30! 4th Team—J. Revere, J. C; J. Mc- BUCK & BENNY wide reputation such as; The Life Saver, the Hunter, |SHI' BASKET-HALIi Whlney, S. C; M. Wells, P.; It. Da- Wagner, Beethoven, agricultural subjects and ath- elephants, tigers and so forth. These bronzes are Plainfield's Leading Sporting CAPTAIN KLEGTEI) vis, F.; E. Dodge and M. Moore, G.; letic subjects. The prices range from 10.00 up. splendid for library end console tables and mantels. Goods Store f; Owing to the resignation tendered Timberlake, G. jf"Red" Chattin as captain of this (ith Team—Silberg, J. C; De Mi- 127 W. FRONT ST., cell, S. C; t3arnes, S. 0.; Senabach The Array of China Services H'B basket-ball team, an election Phone 1059 u beld by members of last year's and, Kromer, F.; McCarthy, F.; Al- Our wonderful assortment of china comprises PLAINFIELD, N. J. iiltrsiiuad and no less a parsonage Ktilre and Edge, G.; Lynde and Me-, over 90 open-stock patterns, representing the best [Robert Fowler Darby was elect- der, G. potteries of , Englnnd, Japan, China and Amer- "Eed's" reason for resigning The Sophomores have three teams. ica. In addition to our open stock sets we have numer- iithat he could not handle three They are: ous designs and complete sets for 6 to 12 person service. (Mncys, so he dropped one. We 1st Team—D. Pllested, J. C. (Cap- ire "Bed's" spirit and also give tain); S. Sinclair and E. Hm-ler. S. Then there are individual service plates of choicest Block to "Bob," who promises to imported makes—and particularly attractive to the ttublg "feet" ure In all Westfiold's lover of good china.

BASKET-BALI; PRACTICE A hundred - piece set of The Ornamental China Pieces Bavarian china. The de- [Practice has been held at the New Many of the pieces probably could not be dupli- Amour au Papillon Bronze sign is a garland of roses cated in any part of the United States. (d'apres Uourgercau). Im- sain School and the High School beneath a network border. ported from Paris and i alternately during tho past You will find Dresden China that bears the Lamm Coin gold handles and fitted on marble base. t and the prospects of our team imprint—well known to all American travelers who knobs. 139.50. Beautiful two-tone blended drear are very good. visit Dresden. And you will find, too, the attractive bronze. 175.00. Pice the school has not issued the "basket weave" china that has an appeal all its own. mmt as yet, tho "costumes" " l by the aspirants might give a Amonj the more massive pieces you will note f queer impression • to some. Pedestals and Jardinieres. But one and all, they offer *m colored sweaters and stock- interesting possibilities for home or for gifts. Slend a very funny appearance to ktami In action. One could not Glassware from Czechoslovakia "to notice the Immaculate "cos- Say, Santa, why not let Vases and ornamental pieces in solid orange, green " f "Dutch" Hasalock and our and red—splendid touches of color to any room. 1 "Jimmy" has never yet np-- our *Christiuas (lift Order * on the floor without a "Ru- solve the problem—-lets Then there is the Amber Luster Glassware in won- SiVaielino" hair comb. him do his own selecting, derful fluted shapes and tipped off with black lines. !• we would like to see a modern And finally there is that beautiful cut glass, hand "*>" we suggest a glance at Ro- and in his o w n favnnt- Covered Vase of Louis NyilRger about to make a shop. A service dish for candy treated with beautiful gold decorations—real aristocrats XVI period shape and de- l in glassware. sign. French imported t Things to wear. surmounted by a bowl suit- Faience pottery. Dark ||**!nR like an advertisement for Things to play with— able for fruits, etc. Cold In all, an exceptionally large importation, selected cobalt blue with hand- decorated cut glass. 34.50. by our own representative in person. filled gold work. 175.00, % sweaters, we see "Eddie" sporting goods of every * win his "snowy white" hair M^back In a perfect pompa- description. "Poasy" Morgan hasn't sot 'procurable al all four mores— 2totbaii yet, so he wears a foot- or mailed on ri'fiuest ( ^' «efor a shirt. Last, but not \hill (lr"l"» HIM ^yind Captain "Bob" smlllnR ROGERS PEET COMPANY ««n«elf-_ and who can say but Ik i, hlm much? Broadway Hf''1'1. S£ a This illustration You must see the fc," »ove all tills riot of color at 13th SI. "Four at 35lh bt. a ">y of light. Just wait until Onnvcnicnt shows a very beautiful two-tone * °»r team in their new unl- Brnadway Corncru" Fifth A™- tho rs atWnrrrn at4J»tl.t. beautiiulstatuary p,, » t Bamo. "Oh, New City display on the effects to really Seventh Floor appreciate them afternoon the Sopho-

SPORTING GOODS Just the thing for CHRISTMAS The Collection of Marble Statuary EVERYTHING A really artistic collection, many of them executed in beautiful two-color effects. And FOR THE every one knows how splendidly marble statuary fits into so many places in the home. Sub- LOVER OF jects of especial interest arc: Jeanne d'Arc, Dan le, Beatrice, Pagliacci, Madonna (Botticelli), I KATES Egyptian Dancer, Rebecca at the Well, and so on in an entrancing array. Also—there is a splen- IXIS OUTDOOR dicf stock of pedestals for statues awaiting your choosing. SPORTS IIAMIIHIt'ilOlt'M" (SHVHNTIf I'l.OOU SKATE MIMING AND \ ^HARK ' WEATERS A SPECIALTY "One of America's Great Stores' U EXcl«sivo Bepresentativo riNfi'fiOODS of NEWARK, NEW JERSEY OUG HTY , PI.AINFIELW DEPENDABLE Telephone 238 Park Avonuo, PLAINFIELD, N. J. . Fourteen THE WBSTf IILD LEADEB, WEDNESDAY, D10EM111 6, 1922,

from me, but asm iiow the tim-: vast -eta ^0 ter and laid It 4'vn -wHlioot a word. tttt-ay jfroiti roe fcyfore I know tt "ThaddeuB, ye tiou't mean—he dldo't Minnlo Js weii and a««|i in tpringr «»• say—" fas and house-.•leaning I know-beceuw "Ecad It—I—I can't," choked the dressmaker's Milt are bejrir ning to coma in, and every lime I go home I find a A SUMMONS HOME old mail. carpet up Irs a new p'ace! 1 She reached slowly for the sheet of Our boy Frefl i» e'.x'r.tetn tomorrow. * paper atsd spread It oa the table before ; You'd be proud of him, I Know, if you lier. could eee him. Business is rushing. Glad Everything Else She Tried and Failed—But Her Last to hear you're &H r!S-i5 an&*>d llist fathers rheumatism is on u.t- pain. Trick Won Success. Dear Mother (Jahiel had written): Just A* ever, your affectionate and dutiful * word to tei! you we art? ali O K. and son, JEHIEI* doing finely, Tour letter ri-'mtnded me that it was about time I was wridrtK Oh. tm iht was about that visit East. home to the folUe. I don't iritan ID let By ELEANOR PORTER ttft Hia&r weeks go by without a letter (Continued 15} Author of " Pollyanna," " Jast David," Etc.

Copyright by Einiior H. Porter. A week iater Mrs. Claytuu found au- A Rug For Every Room and Hallway itS. THAUDI5US CLAYTON came other letter in the rural delivery box. M softly Info the room and looked Yes, it was from Jehlel. New Shipment Assures You of a Larger Assortment of Stephen Sanford & Son's H'lcli apprehensive eyes upon tlie little She drew a long breath. Her eager Seamless Axminster Rugs Old niuD Id the rocking chair. thumb was almost under (he flap of the ONE OF THE BEST AND MOST BEAUTIFUL "How be je, dearie? Yer hain't envelope when she hesitated, eyed the New lot of WHITTAU-AS ANGLO-PERSIAN 9x12 Axminster (seamed and seamless)..§38.50 Vented fer nolhln', now, have 7e?" she letter uncertainly, and thrust it iuto AUTOMOBILES MADE iU'GS, :md ihose who are looking for the lusher 9x12 Wilton Velvet $09.00 asked. the pocket of her calico gown. All day eradi'i of domestic rugs can easily be satisfied. "Not a thing, Harriet" lie returned it lay there, save at times—which, iu- Below are the special values we have to. ofler 9x12 Velvet (seamless) $25,00 Aewlly. "I'm ie.vJ'ai' real pert, too|. deed, were of frequent occurrence^— while thi? quantity lasts: 9x12 Seamless Brussels ¥10.00 Was there lots there! An' did Parson when she took it from its hiding place, Ulv:Sti Chi-niHn Hnlh Slats (heavy) $3.00 27x54 Velvet Rugs §3.25 Drew say a heap o' fine things?" pressed it to her cheek, or gloried la ZixtH ( li iiillc Ifcitli Mais 84.00 Mrs. Clayton dropped Into a chair every curve of the boldly written ad- Laing Machine Auto Repair Co. STxol ilitnilli' Hath Mats $5.00 27x54 Asminater Hugs $3.75 epi pulled listlessly at the black dress. strings of her bonnet At night, after the lamp was lighted, 410-416 SYCAMORE STREET, PLAINFIELD, N. J. WHITE GOODS SPECIAL PILLOWS "•IVas 11 beautiful fun'ral, Thad- she said to her husband in tones so beautiful fun'ral. I—I 'most 71'x90 SIIKETS $1.00 We have a full assortment ol Pillows of all kinds. low he could scarcely hear: Telephone 2211 TXBLE DAMASK, 64-inch, yard »••><• It was mlae." "Thaddeus, I—I hud a letter from We have the Silk Floss Filled Pillows, covered "Harriet I" 54-INCH INDIAN' HEAD, yard - 8»c Jehlel today." 54-INCH BLEACHED SHEETING, yard 4.1c with muslin, which are to be recovered, and the fftie gave a shamed-faced laugh. "You did—and never told me? Why, 51-INCH UNBLEACHED SHEETING, yard..!J7c Feather Pillows, which are used for sleeping. "Well, I did—then Jehlel and Han Harriet, what—" He paused helplessly. FEATHER-PKOOF TICKING, yard 30c Priced as follows; uah Jane would 'a' come, an' I could "I—I haven't read It, Thaddeus," she Westfleld Salesman: NAPKINS, dozen §1.50 SILK FLOSS, each.,: 50c to $1.50 V Been 'em." stammered, "I couldn't bear to, some- TOWKLIN'O v....12r yard to 3">c yard The horrified look on the old man's way. I don't know why, but I couldn't. COURTLAND 0, HANDY, 204 Ross Place TOWELS (Turkish), each 2!Jc FEATHER, per pair $3.00 to $10.00 fiee gsve way to a broad smile. You read It I" She held out the letter TOWELS (Huck), each 13o "Oh I Harriet—Harriet 1" he chuck- with Blinking hands. Telephone 119 M, Westfleld ted, "how could ye seen 'em If you He took It, giving her'a sharp glance BLANKETS AND COMFORTABLES LINOLEUMS xtat dead?" from anxious eyes. As he began to All-wool Blankets, full size, just arrived, ordered INLAID LINOLEUMS $1.25 square yard "Huh? Well, t-JCtwddem"—*er read aloud she checked him, many months ago; all colors in plaids; sold at tDlce rose shnrply In the silent room— "No; ter yerself, Thaddeua—ter tho urioo they were worth long hetore prices • CORK LIN0LEUMS....85c sq. yd. to $1.10 sq. yd. 'fevery single one of tlium Perkins boys yerself 1 Then—tell me." advanced. Each $0.00 GOLD SEAL C0NG0LEUM 05c square yard Vat there, and Annabel, too. Only As he read she watched bis face. Double lied Blankets, come in white, gray or think what poor Mis' Perkins would 'a' The light died from her eyes and her tan, light weight. Each $1.08 FELTHASE SOc'squaro yard given ter seen 'em 'fore she went! chin quivered as she saw the stern MAY WE REPAIR YOUR TOP? Indian Blankets, all colors, full size; good values Sut they waited—waited, Thaddeus, at : $3.75 lines deepen around nil moutli. A mln BADGER jest as everybody does, Ull their folks TOPS RE- Comfortables, full size, white cotton filled; good DRAPERIES ALL SEASON 'fa dead." COVBKED assortment of colors. While they last, each TOPS $3.25 Plain Sunfaat, yard wide, all colors, every yard "But Harriet," demurred the Old perfect, yard r>Oc mac, "surely you'd 'a' had them boys Celluloid or AUTO SUN Lambs Wool Filled Comfortables, silkoline cover, each $5.50 <$me ter their own mother's fun'ral I" SHIELDS Figured Sunfast, all colors, yard wide, yard..45c Glass Put in AND "Come! I'd. 'a.' feasted her eyes on Curtains VISOIIS EXTRA SPECIAL Silk Overdrape, a light material, beautiful 'em. Thaddeus"—Mrs. Qayton rose to shades of blue, rose, brown, gold, yellow and lier feet and stretched out two gaunt Sl.OO SINGLE BED BLANKETS, full size; value .hands longingly—"Tlrnddeus, I get so Plainfield Auto Top and Equipment Co. 81.BO. IMuced $1.00 several others; yard wide, yard 00c hungry sometimes for Jtebtel and Han- 417 flVCASIOKK STKKI5T I'li.U.NFIELI), N, J. COLD SEAL 00NGOLEUM Cretonne, yard wide; a good assortment of pat- :iuih Jnne, seems as though. I jest Telephone 1OD7 terns, yard ioc couldn't stand It!" Slzo Regular Sale Price 9x15 $20.25 $18.00 Poplin, mercerized, yard wide, all colors, yd...0Oc "I.Know—-I know, dearie," quavered 9il5 $10.20 $14.50 Ifie old man, vigorously polishing his 9x10.6 $14.16 $12.70 Terry Cloth, beautiful patterns and colors, glasses. 9x9 $12.15 $10.50 yard s $1,00 "Fifty years ago my drat baby came," 9x7.G $10.10 $0.10 Silk Sunfast Overdrape, plain and all colors, resumed the woman in tremulous 9x0 $8.10 $7.25 .(pries; "then another came, and an- Gold Seal Congoleum by the yard. 05c square yd. yard $1.50 ,--mebbe they'll come this summer; 101 NORTH AVENUE, WEST Phone 13S-M CRAWORD, N. t Tjho knows?" FRED RUMPF v She shook her head dismally. Springfield Horn], Mountainside 1 'You've said that ev'ry year for the ilost fifteen summers, an' they hain't Webiflnld 73-J iconic yet. Jehlel went Woat more than jtwenty years ago, nn' he's never been lilfiH C2KADK KKl'AIIUS .home since. Why, Thaddeus, we've got Telephone 398 ;a grandson 'moBt eighteen, that we Westfield Auto Top Co. jtuiiB't even seen! Hannah Jane's been home jest once since she was married, (but that was nigh on ter sixteen years Lambert's Taxicab Service Auto Tops Side Curtains j^go. She's always writin" of her Tom- DAY OR NIGHT my and Nellie, but—t want; ter »eo 'em, Thaddeus; I want ter see "cm!" CAliS FOIt ALIJ OCCASIONS Seat Covers Upholstering , "Yes, yes; well, we'll ask 'em, Har- jriet, again—we'll ask 'ein real urgent- i I'KOSI'ECT ST., WESTFIEM) Uke, an' inebbe that'll fetch 'em," cora- Radiator Covers Winter Tops IN FINE GIFT JEWELRY korted tho old man. "We'll ask 'em ;ened with shaking fliigora. Dear Mother (read Mrs, Clayton aloud*: our Utter cntni two or three days ago. nd r have hurried round to answer it. WATCHES r you seemed to bo no anxloui t» hoar. m real •orry. but [ don't see how wo «gp jat away this uummen Nathan Is Watches of Quality and Distinction *£*\ buay at the store; and, aome way, I fflta't seem to get up energy enough to luit at the price of little more than a . , A Wonderful Assortment of Wrist Watches :£v iu»t yet. Of courue. If anything serious latest Marmon offering, an improved G0RHAM and WHITING SILVERWARE Should come up that maae It nacemurr— 'it*jr, that would bo dlBfciront; but I know type of car, designed and built in the Ttou tro seiislble, and will how wonderful Marmon shops. Owners Most Excellent Display It ta with us. Hainan Is well, but business liaa beon are delighted with this great achieve- jpetty brink, and he Is It. tho etore early Pearls, Bar Pins, Mesh Bags, Cuff Links, Tic Pins, Charms, Cigarette Cases, (Old lato. A» long a» he's nTiiklng money. ment in convertibility. We invite you He don t mind; but 1 toll him 1 think ho to inspect the new Marmon Phaeton. »lght rest B Httlo Hometiincs, and 1st Fountain Pens, Pencils, Knives find many 8ttma one elso do (ho things he doos Tom la a big boy now. smart In hlo tfudles and with a. moa i,eaa tQr fi((1,r08, SeHo lovoii her liooka, too; and, for u CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES qwe girl of eleven, doen pretty W6||, wo

I must close now. We all »sni1 love A Deposit will Hold Any Purchnse to Meet Your Convenience ,|T« hope you are Bolting along nil right. fS" '° llear flUI'W W"a EllIlllll! M A GLANCE AT THE STOCK OFFERS MANY SUGGESTIONS

HANNAH JAN13. BIG MONEY SAVING VALUES! 1'hn ltMter dropped from Sirs. Clny- ,pn'% flngera om! lay uiilirroini on lli« ifloor. Tin) woman iniverert her fuco With lior hnmln nnd rockci] her body Bacli nnd forth, \ PLAINFIELD, N. J, "There, there, dMivW," (wottied j]i« «fd man himitlly; "mehli* 1,-hU-Vn will Jewelry fce dlrTrerit. TliM-c, ihcro! Dmi't tnl;e NOKDYKKSJ MARMON COMPANY : INDIANAPOLIS CB (to. Hnrrlctl Don't! ! j,)Bf |tnow 155 WEST FEONT ST. (Near MadiBon Ave,) Open Evenings. PLAINFIELD, N •' X; ,TiJile3'll come,"

"SUMMONS HOME WUI r lini " " °» ««« foitowta, ! •inui'd from Opposite l'«ee) ; 1 1—J this brought scant jjoyy to ThadTtaci-- I 1-J s. Tlier ofC th!s e mis always hanging over t0 but It is not strange that the Bye-bye. Hupmobile is shattering , j cinj-ton did not cry this all sales records this year. KM Kt&red at the letter ion* #*\_ „•»}, wide-open, tearless eyes. For 14 y earspeopSe every- m*® ...... C>l,t«1 If aB(l put It where have been talking g,d I» envelope. -" began the old about it as a sound in- famines. "„,, Thuddens—please don't I" she vestment,—and today, 1 don>t want ter taik The ride home was a silent one; nted. "I— -" hut once inside the house, ,Teh!pl and everyone is seeking dollar •* rose unsteadily to her feet and oward the kitchen door. value as never before. time Hr8- Clayton weat about questions Plainfield City Garage ,' ™: T 127-137 K. SICCOKD STREET 'Phone 1088 OIHJII Evenings James H. Giles, Manager ' of the gingham apron. But „„,,, w seen son nf , lend of 8 week the little old worn- had been sort of «Pl««tton Suited to Every Kind of Motoring C" . J 1.1m u.Uh U fo^O full nt .._ „ v; The Four-Cylinder Touring Sedan—$l325 __., gomethSn'. I'vi ," faj. tered Jehlel "It cut Ed out, an' I've decided that I've got pletely," up cora- Business driving during the day—social motoring in ILkM one of us off." "I can't ever forgive myself," the evening and week-end tours or vacation trips—• ..i»Il I have. A lunYal ls the only manned Hunnnh Jane hysterically. all are equally enjoyable m the Buick four-cylinder ' t will fetch Jehlel and—" "She wanted us to come East, and f. ore ye gone crazy? Have wouldn't. "Tvvas my selfishness—'twas touring sedan. ,'ean mud?" easier to stny where I was; and now menta t M now—" founrf uauslj? oni? on IttTlooted it him appealingly. ears o/ much higher It is a fine closed car; rich in tho luxury of its hand- •^ Thaddeus, don't try ter hen- "We'be been brutes, rather," cut In ptic*, i* * handtam* Jehlel, will) a shnke In his voice; "all cfoma light, m'efcal •,M'please. You see, it'a the only trimmed somely furnished Fisher-built body and fitted with „, ifuD'rallBthe—" of us, I never thought—I never dreamed—(other, can—can we see— every refinement for year round comfortable and con- >l(uo'ral—It's murder!" he Bhud- her?" If the Traffic Officer Says "Stop!" venient driving. A sturdy trunk, carried on the rear aot ter mnlte believe, as I shnll," In the chamber above, a woman affords the baggage space for touring and adds 8 tested eagerly. "It's—" sprang to her feet Harriet had quite You surely -would ohoy. 1)' your automobile docs not operate e believe I" forgotten the stove-pipe hole to the properly bemuse there is sumcthiug wrong with it, you would distinct smartness to the long, racy appearance of ves of course. You'll have room below, and every sob nnd monn IK: noting wisely to take il to a fjood garage for inspection. and walling cry had been woefully dis- this car. jjjjetne one ter fio It, 'cause I'm golo' tinct to her ears. With streaming eyes Therefore see E(e the dead one, an'—" and quivering lips she hurried down The famous Buick valve-in-head engine and the the stairs and threw open the slttlnjr- GEORGE ROMOND rugged Buick chassis provide economical trans- feed-\Vngon" WUH designed pri- Mhen. First, there was thnt hur- PLAINFIELD, H. J. marily to solve tho question of prompt Hlid < drive to Hopklnsvllle. Though dependable delivery at, a minimum expense. •*; ms warm he fnlrly shivered 'Phono 17.10 Today it i,s meeting the most exact trans- those two fateful tele- porlation requirements in more than 1,000 ' to the mon behind the counter. 1 different Holds of activity. there was the homeward trip, •I which, like the guilty thing he How well it has served ifs purpose is at- ««cast furtive glances from Bide tested on the following pages.

h»me Itself enme to be a mls- * »'fte sweeping nnd the dusting The Volunteer l'roof Iteader, alias pwiailnif and the brewing which tho Prlntshop Post, Loafs 'Bound the IF IT'S Olllce Entertains the Printers, lies G. 5. TREGLOWN ""itered there left him no place Type nnd Soaks Up nil the Ncwi In J own, so that he lost his pa- advance by HwidlnB I'nxifi «"f ^ *«tast and monnod: REO MOTOR CARS Copy on the Hook. He's ns Welcome •WM ter me, Harriet, you're a TIRES, TUBES, ACCESSORIES around this office nsnliulshevlsi at an J My corpse!" SEE 431 PARK AVENUE PLAINFIELD, N. J, American Legion convention and any- »»lte smiled, nnd flushed a little. body who Gets l-ocved at this Jtcco* Phono 108!) •*, there, dear! Don't fret. Z,, * how Rlad we'll be ter see uiv.i-s the Description^ ^ JEROME TIRE CO. ; "* ewlnlraed. 105 WATCHUNG AVE., Near Front St., PLAINFIELD, N. J. **»» blissfully happy. Both BONNELL MOTOR CAR CO. All Makes Tires and Tubes cut prices. "" hod promptly responded Distributors f«r Hood and Metropolitan Cord Tires. jrama, and were now on Distributor for bn?7.'..Hlinwin Jnne. w"n her Dodge Brothers Motor Cars ^ two children, were ei- 107 Union Ave.. Cr.mfor.1, X. J. •Mny evening; but Jehlel "e and hoy could nnt nosolbly Telephone Crnnford Now is the Time of Year You Want Wk Here Tire Buyers! Automobile Blacksmithing • BIG DOUBLE REDUCTION and Spring Work Good Rubber VACUUM CUP TIRES There is some pride in sayiiif? Unit (his shop (urns AT NEW REDUCED PRICES out inuiiy WcstlieM jobs and will lie pleaswl to fiivor and a you with prompt nnd cilifi''"! service. USE TIRES Ton Oxy-Acctylene and Electric Welding They Smile at Miles" Free Tested Agents for American Springs WITH EACH TIEE. J. H. GERMERSHAUSEN JOHN H. TEAYNOR 233 EAST THIRD STREET PLAINFIELD, N. J. J>\ 300 NORTH AVE. 708 SOUTH ANE. Phono 2250 B N. Phone 515 I ^ ' FRONT STREET Phone 970 "HOUSE OF SERVICE 'Phono I'M •!*§•; Hfetwm THE WEST FIELD LEADES, W1BMBSDAY, BIOEttBEB 6, 1922.

Origin of Quaint Traditions WONDERS of the Yuletide OF AMERICA "How HE holiday season recall* Byl.T.MAZET quaint Ideas ond Christmas Fresli It Is!" fgndts of oM, even back| @, Western Ne»*p*per Union. to the ancient > 00 sent around sprigs of ivy and mistle- headlong down the sides of the can- It Contains No Alum Real Tortoise Shell Purses toe to remind the people to rini-ornt* yon to Join the foaming river below. Leaves No Dliier Taste Leather Writing Folios their dwellings with evergreens. In Of the eight spectacular fallg, by order to propitiate the sylvan sprites Candle Sticks *1£O »"<) «P far the tallest Is the Yosemite, For- Sterling Enamel Fins 50c and up ami secure protection from frosts am merly this monster cataract un- Swiss Embroidery - 75c nn<1 ul' wintry blasts. Holly berries long ha? doubtedly leaped In a single great Linen Handkerchiefs ^ ana «P been considered as giving wonderful plunge. Now, this fall, which normally French Novelty Boxes power when worn In the shape of Is 35 feet wide at the top, drops 1,430 wreflthi which roust be made and worn feet In one sheer spill, followed by PLAINFIE LD Suggested Gifts for Men ID Imitation of a sacred crown of cascades for about 600 feet and then Real Ivory Cigarette Holders »2 00 up thorns and of berries, and the wearei makes a final jump of about 400 feet— CARPET CLEANING WORKS Lovely Pictures 50c "n "P night on Christmas and sit in the a mile. Wood Blocks by Bartlett, special S2>00 durk, and, In accordance with tha T. L. GRIFFITHS, Prop. The gTeat Staubbach In Switzerland 826 Richmond Street Tel. 811 Plainfleld, N. J Beautiful Venetian Glass Ware ancient tradition, when worn on f 1 Christmas eve the holly wreath wl! Is 1,000 feet high; there la a fall ID Lovely Glass Made in the Dear Old U. S. A evoke visions of spirit forms coming New Zealand said to be 1004 feet The Place to Purchase Gifts Which You Are Proud In the air to sing their Noel songs, and high; the Grand In Labrador is cred- to Give all the beasts will be seen to kneel ited with a drop of 2,000 feet. By a down In worship. considerable margin, therefore, the ALBERT E. STORK yosemite dwarfs all other known i-\-i The Yule cake and Yule log, too,waterfalls. CONTRACTOR THE SERRELL STUDIO have their Important part In this an- GARAGES DRIVEWAYS SIDEWALKS ^Z^k cient Saxon tradition for the Christ- FOB NEWS AND FACTS Grading and Lawn Seeding. Estimates Given on An>" Outside Work • 316 W. FRONT ST. mas festival season. The cake had the READ EVERY PAGE Around the House, House Foundations a Specialty. name powers as the bride cake hns on 306 CHESTNUT STItEKT I'HOXK 1203 WESTFIELD, N. 3. PLAINFIELD, N. J. Christmas night. The Yule log was used to light the Christmas Ore the Paris: 52, Rue des Petites Ecuries f nert year because It preserved the 4 bouse from tiro during the yenr and subdued the spirit of the flames. Its powers were bestowed in the dnys 4 of the Druids, when the belting flres were lighted and the brands secured from the flre to light the (Ire the next year. The ancient Saxons burned the Yule log as a symbol of the turning of the sun toward spring. Even the moon contributed lt» •hare to Christmas superstitions, for, as the legend runs, If Christmas comes during the waning of the moon we tlmll have a very good year, and the nearer to the full moon the better. Holland, perhaps, has the prettiest custom of all nations for the Christ- mas festival. On the night before Christmas In commemoration of the •tar of the east, the young men of their towns assemble and Carry through the dork streets a large, bright star; all the people go ont to greet and give to the bearers of thli "star of Bethlehem," as It la called, •lnis for the poor. Seven days before their New Year, tne Chinese worship the Kitchen God by preparing dinhes of candy and vari- Gift Shoes and Comfies ous sweets with which they smear his mouth. Later they burn him amid the For Little Qirb and Boys firing off of crackers, the deity being •em up In a chariot of smoke and fire to a conference with the king of the pair of shoes brings as celestial regions. The Idea of smear- ing bis mouth with sweets Is that he much joy to a child as docs a may not Bay anything bat honey- toy—and pleases its parents as well. ed words, or that his lips may stick together and so prevent his talking Our Gift Shoes for Children are irresist- too much. ibly pretty, yet durable—the kind both The Kitchen God, according to story, bad been ill treated by bis brother and mothers and children like bcSl. Make your selections from enormous stocks and varied slster-ln-lnw, who were very rich and had many servo lit 8. but allowed their Why not decide on shoes for that little assortments. Buy in a house which permits you to pay long brother to work with the servants and one for whom you axe seeking a sift? after Christmas if you are not disposed to put the money have dinner with them. Their cruelty developed day after day, until at lust down at once. Buy where free deliveries are made within a they treated him heavenly by seating radius of fifty miles, and where every stick of furniture sold him la a sednn chulr made of paper. The crentlon of giving gifts at ROSE BOOTERY "carries a guarantee that has no time limit. Above all, buy in Christinas came, not from presents of the house doing the largest volume of business, which allows gold and silver given to the Christ 115 WAT0HUN0 AVE. PLAINFIELD, N. J child, as many believe, but from nn Opposite Public Service of operating on the narrowest margin of profit. THIS IS Old custom of priests putting on board THE HOUSE, and here are a few suggestions: of all outgoing ships a bos of alms. This box was opened at Christmas time and musses snld for the plvers of the alms, nnd was called "Christ mass" bos. nnd from ihls has rumo oar custom of Clirlstaias boxes and gift giving. Nelson S. Archbold AMERICAN Carpenter & Builder Prompt Attention to Jobbing GO-CART CO. Estimates Furnished 134 BT. PAl'l;8 STHKKT 173 E. Front St., Plainfield, I J. Floor Lamps Table Lamps Boudoir Lamps Tel. 80.-, KinWEJO'UINE Period Chairs Windsor Chairs Easy Chairs WKSTPlIJlill, N. ,1. Bed, Davenports Day Beds Colonial Beds Gate-Les Tables Davenport Tables End Tables CARPETS AND RUGS TOYS for the HOLIDAYS Tea Wagons Humidors Writing Tables CLEANED AND SCOURED Tip-Top Tables Book-Ends Smoking Stands Window Bhmle», Linoleums, IIIUI LARGE ASSORTMENT Martha Washington and Priscilla Sewing Cabinets Brnss H


B HAD married her in tilt Christmas Big Clothing Sale Continues 8rst pluee of all because of her lovely, low voice. YOU MEN There had been oilier reasons too — her good looks, her smile, her com- t lT f 9 Candies Holiday Bargains Galore! mon sense, but mainly and llie chiefly the attraction "' wliieh had drawn him to Prices Are CUT Beyond Compare lier had been her voice. staunch pLir to churches, clubs, etc., for •st assortment of Candles used. It had seemed Uuring your order elrly. first years of his practicing and ,(o make headway in a seeining- IVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD Jesponslve city, that voices would Right From the Home him mad, wailing, complaining, STORE TO BE VACATED SOON of the rlng always discontented. when tie met women socially Lj8|| tliey refrained from telling "Better Made Sweets" J, wthlBg but a sorrowful tale of SUITS iesiselves. Candle, „, C--.,^^,.. schoou, c,ute AND jj for his wife—she understood. smiled at the poor excuses they MEN'S HOSIERY l»r the Christmas Bhop r-Bl l ,. . L# (o come and see him, of the Pe ue Vla Lttn h| flOc Llonsy they Remember it when makin „ It will giirprlBO you, OVERCOATS your Gift List. the OALANB & ARBES AS LOW AS u sent of PB 1(" MM FBOST ST1{1'ET PLAINFIBU,, N. .T. yims reasons t(i bud for tele- VAN ARSDALE'; gas. >d«fai« they 127 East Front Street 0 botb be In- PLAINFIELD, N.J. oat Jo din- $19.50 gt some pn- "The Centre of the Business j^g bouse. The Some Beauties at a Groat Sacrifice Centre" on Their Former Selling Pri8e es she Ejifhtof how GIFTS FOR HIM IMMENSK OPPORTUNITIES IN lltle she was Make him value the gift^r-as GENTS' FURNISHINGS itnllly they ARTHUR 0. DRASE well as the thought. SPLENDID CILANCE TO BUY jid st her, she &, father plty- CAUPENTKU AND BUILDER At Christmas you will be wise MimJgt times, Contracts Taken and Material to choose a gift that will be an Shirts, Underwear amd fttler of the investment in good appearance, Furnished.' fol [Utilizers durability and usefulness. P say to her: Ties for Christmas it must be awful to be a doctor's Estimates Cheerfully Given |8, I'd never have a moment's All of the conservatively priced If I were you with so many 029 NOltTH AVK. XV. articles below make appropriate (iifts (Been caring for ray husband I" Tel. 887-M gifts for the men folks. fe get used to it," the doctor's tfsald so as not to be dlsappolnt- Sterling silver belt buckles $2.00 up % nulling to herself. What fun It THE PROFITS AKE YOURS—OOME AND SEE I Jjil!> be a doctor's wife. How much Sterling silver lockets 7.00 up Hone got one didn't deserve, how Girls and Women Wanted Signet rings 5.00 up TjVb misted sympathy, how many To (111 positions paying $65 to $150 Scarf pins, solid gold 2:00 up •Mur/ Jealous thoughts one lu- per month ll MS Christmas Eve. The doctor Cuff buttons, solid gold,. 2.25 up L promised his wife that he would SCHWED BROTHERS After a brief course of instruction. Cuff links, solid gold 5.50 up M) ter In those many pleasant en- Day or Evening Classes. Also Home OPPOSITE PARK AVENUE ping nlglit-nnfnre-Chrlstmas tasks. Study Courses. Call or write for Tie clasp, solid gold 1.25 up •Sswent npatnirs to see that the catalog. Kirsn were quite asleep when she Pocket knives, solid gold. 4.75 up 105-109 EAST FRONT ST., PLAINFIELD, N. J. srd die telephone ring. She nn-NEW YORK SCHOOL OP FILING Pocket knives, gold filled. 3.25 up mJ It, and then heard her hus- BIO HOLIDAY VALUES IN 0L0THIMO jfA voice who was already answer- 10 West 44th tSrect Watches, gold filled 35.00 up Established In 1914 ! It from below. Watches, solid gold 60.00 up italhlng. some curious something, |fe her listen. pW doctor," she heard n voice say, Hartdegen & Co. the one woman who had ij caused her her first pangs of Gustav A. Neumann Opp. City Hall Newark tmj, "I can't wait another mo- at I must see you. I'm sorry, on MASON or kiUBas Eve too. but I must! Please, HR can you come at once?" AND f Christmas Shoppers "it'Jall rlRht, little lady," she tier husband nnswer, "I'll be BUILDER lit once." .In going out for awhile," the doc- 814 EMBREE CRESCENT r tilled up the stairs. And was a without a word of regret and Westfield, N. J. Hw effort at an excuse. Telephone Connection Ut« that evening she went out of the » She would see this other worn- i S» called a taxi and hurried off. to sorry," the nmld told her, "but can see no one." And the f*«M shut abruptly. Jlht would slie do? What could WN.A.PARKHDRST pW Finally, eshnusted after wnlk- pi!»ot the streets, she went home, GIFTS of GOLD & SILVER SAND AND GRAVEL 'nil of dry, choking sobs. GRAND DISPLAY OF HOLIDAY JEWELRY IN MANY NOVKLTIES. [«list she henrd the doctor's key. Quality and Service fame In. He looked tired. But p«u worn out. rjrte been to-" she began. Tel. Westfield 853-R or 611-11 Diamonds and Diamond {Rings V *e answered wenrlly, as he '' cigarette. "I have been there WESTFIELD, N. J. RINGS OF MANY DESIGNS ar—*~._ nil this time. Rut she has the finest rira«BiKi!f3ijftniiFii, i iirJWWI mwrnummmummmm' boy you could hope to see; they're Watches for Men & Women simply delighted. ALL STANDAKD MAKES "Boy?" she shrieked. Neat Wrist Watches "Yes," the doc- t o r nodded. H e Solid Gold Bracelets was too tired to notice her quick LEO SL0NIM & SON Brooches, Mean Bags elmnge of expres- sion. Lavallieros, Pins, Cufflinks "Oh," he said WHEN YOU BUY JEWELRY look to the future; re- nfter a moment, Oigaretto Cases, Pocket Knives "I'm so glad you member that you are not buying for today only, but didn't finish the Necklaces, Ivory Sets, Out Glass Christmas things investing your money in some article that you intend to without me. No mntter how late It present to someone to appreciate and admire for ever. Rogers and Community Silverware is. we must al- wnys get ready for Christmas to- With the above thought in mind we buy our stock. We Waiting- Silverware nutl the Celebrated not only buy jewelry, we give a thought to the senti- Gorhuin Lino of Sterling Silver. Cutlery in it lar^o aiHortnicnl., Dnbarry Pyrn-Lin l('ft house," he ment that goes with it. ^•tlt ^f*rt>d ' hadn't naked Ivory Sfts, Shaving .SetH, Military Sets, >er hi ! Unnle" J'OU to wait Cfiini"' ClocliH, I'mlircllaK nutl Cauc.t. '8 I'd bcl Selfish We not only choose the merchandise noted for its qual-

an(! ity, but also for its daintiness and beauty of design. The Htore i.s complete with ti|)-to-th'i-iiiiniite KtiggeHtioiiH iti CliristmiH Oifto ftnd the one big fac- to- tor in in Iho inouey-Huviiif,' value!) at whidi these Iliffli <'Jrade article^ aro Hold. At your service We cheerfully offer you the best of our ability and wide in thingB that are. u.sei'nl. *• Gi|n im,i "'»»i," sne ^M,,,n'lll(l[!p

rhpra. He JO*-I'-' mtntrthlag In the # T**-W si^snfng w Christ- cflntei^B in >•>«• Umdhag that f«B t«I mas Eve hiiti come to hira, wat. A small liaod bag. His quirk ; him hack to her. Was he welcome? tenses discerned its ownership. He : "! have brought a low baud bag," With a low. tender cry lite to Ihfft of One Christmas E?e t*»ft the ear m the first stop. Like he spoke as his summons at the doo? a tired rhiid flnrttns a *nre haven of «mne miser greedy of a treasure in- of ihe lieuse he sough' was opened. rest at last. Ada's liend sank to his estimable Randall Pelrie burrled Into And then he pansttt. There stood he- shoulder. ByAJvaiiJordaflGirtli s pnhllc resiaursm and souiris! its re- fore him Ada. She wavered, overcome tsy fbe onexpeetpd encounter. Irapsi- "And the surprise for mother!" motfM corner, fie ht-fii something whimpered Rsnflr.ll grrirotlj. "ft shgil thfit had belonged to Ada! A filling sivel.v his bsnd steadied tier. She did nol draw from Its protecting touch. be hpre the first thing Christnifcs excuse wss given to return It to her. . morning, nil rhe sw«>ei oil swings she |HE girl with sod memories Ffs contents would surely give some j in 8 torrent of word? he oooid not love*. «nri oh. my tr«»«mv. may I In- gat gazing mournfully out clew to her plaf-o of veork, her resi- control, without evasion or attempted clude the Wedainx Marehr upon tlie brightly Illumi- dence. Be oppned the tinnd hag. A apology. Rondnii Petrie toid of the_ nated street, abstractedly fjurse showed tJJ** edpe of a card In s j taking In the Christmas little pocket. Pt'lrie drew li out. ' trooping crowds. The men, *'j>he reniernhere^—slip lias kept that * sombrt as well, who badall this time!" tip exulted, "Then—" ; %ittle Sbop in tbe House just stepped upon the front platform of the car Words failed him. His heart heat | Elaine ajjd Isabel (nlplitlly. He had brought to light i from remained there, crisp and 417 NORTH BROAD STKEET biting as was the yuietide a photograph of h'm^elf he had once ELIZABETH, Jf. J. sir, There came the call given to Ado. He fingered over several little packages and Christmas cards, Women's afternoon Frocks and wool Jerseys reasonably priced. of an inieroprtiop and Ada Wilton at Infants' and Children's things, the kind you want. tbe last moment caught the Dame and then an envelope, unstamped end un- scnlf-rt, addressed to "Miss Laura Canciie-wiek Bed Spreads and Patch Work Quilts, harried to the rear. As she alighted Hand woven Canadian Blankets, Bags and housekeepers' Linens. Handall Petrie started, stared, made Deane. Brocton." Instantly Petrie re- called a clos» friend of Ada. It was Artistic and unusual Gifts. • movement as If to hasten after her, WERE NEW—BIT We offer the following suggestions for Christmas shoppers in quest of gifts but the door clanged close and he saw no prying instinct Ihat caused him to withdraw the enclosure. One line "Day by day, In every way, we grow better and better." the figure of the only woman he had Telephone 099 R. men will welcome. ever loved swallowed up in tbe fast perused, his dazzled eyes refused te receding waves of alternate light and leave the written pages. darkness. j "Your discovery thnt It was not BATH ROBES PAJAMAS Handall Petrie, but a relative of his —T "Of what avail—she would scarce- name who led such a wild, evil life, LOUNGING ROBES GLOVES ly welcome me," he spoke under his the report of which ennsed me to strive breath. "We are parted by her will to forget comes too late to bridge the SMOKING JACKETS CANES and —she must have meant It to be mistaken past, but, oh! Laura! how • final." | can I ever repair 'he Ininstfce done? j Christmas Cards SWEATERS UMBRELLAS He entered the car and Bat down ID : the seat the girl had just vacated. ! Our line of Christmas cards is now ready. These cards NECKWEAR SILK SHIRTS It was an old story to his weary were personally selected from the 5 largest publishers of cards CARD CASES and SILK SOCKS •oul, the one love romance of his life. in this country and represent the cream of holiday cards. You Be had met Adi Wilton at her moth- er's home In the quiet little village will not find a larger assortment anywhere. WALLETS INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS SILVER BELT SILK and WOOL MUFFLERS Engraved Personal Cards BUCKLES ASH TRAYS Some way, some way, he must know of my fateful error, for I love him The time for engraved cards is growing short. The en- more than ever, because of the cruel gravers are getting rushed and we will not be ahle to take any wrong I have done him." orders after December 10th. Exceptional Quality at Moderate Prices. "I had hoped to be able to save up enough (o make mamma a present of An early call will assure you of your selection from un- Of Broctoo, bad ail but confessed tils 11 n vlctrola this Christmas, ran one broken lines. love. A decisive understanding to his paragraph, "but I find I must wait un- DEMEZA and BLIMM proposal was stayed by an Interrup- til her birthday. You know how she tion. The next morning Petrie was loves the old songs." 120 EAST FRONT ST. PLAINFIELD suddenly summoned by a relative In Randall Petrie pressed his lips to another tows. Be had expected to be the signature, to him Ihe dearest name gone only a few days but his sojourn on earth, memorized the address writ- A. WENZ 29 Elm St. no Into months. Twice he wrote Ada. ten below It and left the restaoratit In Telephone 583. There came no reply. A third letter a glow of hopeful purpose and faith. was returned to lilm marked. "He- "Two twenty-three Rosslter sjreet" fused." He bad later made Inquiries retarding her to learn that she and —he covered tlm distance n« If borne her mother had removed to the city, and he gave her up ns lost to him. As the car stopped for new passenger* Petrie moved to — ike room for ene of Miss Knowles Now for the Big Christmas Sale YEARS OF RELIABLE MERCHANDISING HAIR DRESSING Quality Fur Coats, ESTABLISHMENT at the Economy Dry Goods Store 84 ELM STREET Wraps and Jacquettes ,<•, Hut'chinson Building Them Is no hnppinrsg cqunl to tho joy of giving—no thrill as potent as that aroused WESTFIELD, N. J. by making others happy, let tliis bo your happiest Christmas—It will be If you Phone 600-W make your dear ones happy with tho variety of gifts that we have placed on sale. Gifts that will give joy to each and ever}' member of the family. Take advantage of moderately priced . Chiropodist—Every Thursday the great vaiiety of offerings and unparalleled values. Fourteen years ago Plainfield women learned from us that garments of fine fur need not be expensive to be beautiful. Our many buying advantages and low overhead expenses enabled us to offer them, as now, furs of artistic Make this Store Your "Christmas Store" style, authentic mode and highest quality at prices most tempting to the careful buyer, NOTHING Boy'B Wool Two-pants Suits, conservative stylos and patterns, pants fully lined, Is sweeter than our SWEETS. sizes 7 to 17 years. Special at $7.08 Boy's Wool Two-pants Suits, special lot at a sacrificing price. Don't torget, two Careful comparison of our Purs—not price pair of pants. Price, as long as they last $-1.08 comparison alone—but comparison of the NOTHING Boy's Wool Macklnaws, Assorted Plaids, Patch Pockets, Roll Collar, sizes to 9 years. quality of tho thick, glossy pelts; unusually skillful matching and workmanship of our 1B better than our BEST. Special for this Sale at $;j.01 expert furriers; beautiful linings, etc., will Ladles Silk and Wool Hose. In latest shades. Values up to $2.00. Special at....$1.27 convince you there has been good reason for Remember this when your sweet tooth begins to assert it- Ladles Slllc Camisoles, a tine assortment. Values up to $2.00. Special for this our mnny years' leadership. self. Sale, at __ $1,00 If you have in mind Gifts of Pur for Christ- Select Una of confectionery for Ladles Jersey Silk Petticoats that will make an excellent gift, with pretty knife the holiday trade. plaited flounces, two-tono combinations at special price $1.08' nuts, we suggest early choosing. We have already been asked to hold purchases, on de- Men's V-Ncck Elastic Knitted Sweater Jackets, with two pockets, stringly reinforced at special price : $2.97 posit, until Christinas. Brushed Wool Scurfs, solid and contrasting colors, with fringos. Regular $2.00 New York Candy Kitchen value, ut - $1.21 Teddy Bear Sets for Kiddles of Pure Brushed Wool, 4 pieces, Cap, Coat, Mittens, Small Furs for WistMd's Oldest Candy and Leggings, at ' $5.1!» < Manufacturing Infants' Bath Robes, a lino assortment, most useful gifts, in Pink, Bluo and White, Ribbon Trimmed. Special at $1,08 Establishment GIFTS $6.00 Doublo Plaid Blankets, GGxSO, Special at $4.08 Such important gifts deserve early and Double Nashua Woolnap Blankets, GCxSO, Ribbon Bound $!!.17 careful selection. Our stock of smart Scarfs Also Blankets at $1.08, $2.10 and $2.08 and Chokers is now ready for Christmas buy- $2.00 Men's Flannel Shirts, Khaki Color, at $1.00 ers. PLUMBING $3.00 Men's Heavy Wool Pants, at $1.07 All of (he newer shades of Pox are here; $•1.00 Men's Army Shirts, at $2.01 genuine Hudson Snbles; Martens—Uaum and Steam fitting and Tin Stone—fine thick pelts, beautifully shaded; Work Children's Wool Stockings, all sizes 7;jc Fischer, Jlink—furs which have been chosen Mon'i) High Hock Fleeced Lined Shirts and Drawors. Regular Prlco $1.00 7Oc with the same skillful attention we give to Prices Moderate pelts in our finest Coats and Wraps. Ladies Hihlied Vesls and Pants, at .|7C 15c Turkish Towels, "Cannon Make," as long as they last, at loc each You may safely expect the prices here to Joseph Stoltz r Girl's Gingham and Serge Dresses, fine assortment of styles and qualities 08c up be 2. )7o to 40% lower than stores which do 201 Elmer St. Wcstfield not have our buying advantages. A deposit Tel. 139 There are hundreds of Hems which could not bo mentioned hore, but your visit to will reserve your purchase. the storo will givp you tho opportunity to select tho Items from tho very complete nssortmnts that you will find In each and ovory department. H. P. TOWNSEND Wo carry C, B. and P. N. Practical Front Corsets, Harmon Wash Drosses and Aprons, Gordon, Buster Brown, Rlvoll, Weldrost and Ilurson Hosiery, Kayneo Suits for Boys! fO AMI MH).\1, KXPKUS* Butterlcl! Patterns with tho Deltor and many other loading brands. Prompt Attention. Careful Himdllni CHARLES KURTZMAN Mod«rnt« l*ric» Office Phone; ei-M. Calls Tnkra, Quality Furs Dny OF Night M 7O1-M 146 East Front Street Plainfield, New Jersey RXFBK88 & LIVtillV 8TA«>!,I« The Economy Dry Goods Store 831 KLMKK HTUKKT OPEN EVENINGS Horsed iuid rnirlnj;cs to hire foi PHONE 484-w Pleasure drive, evening viHlt cir \vl|i HIM* any

Tho "Loader" in the Shopping MONKY UEKUN1>K1> Hi" VUItCIIAHIO NOT SATFHKAOTOItV. Guide for all this section ot New OUK MOTTO—QUICK B/VIilOH AND HMAJJIZ rilOFITH. Jersey, For bargains l« merchandise —-read ll» ftdvortlfuunentfi enrofully. Result Getters—"Leader" Cent-a-Words ESI iho r«-ai not t-> CHRISTMAS EDITION 1922 minutes; It

OVK0 '- i r Sedan—Model 27—Seven Passenger

f | *"E W^s-Kisgiit motor use. Long service merely increases its velvet flow of cpiet power. . slide ©m a film of oil, noiselessly, without friction

He. almost never requiring as adjustment Not only is its de3femd mwer grmt with far ecofKwirimf fuel consumption, but its flexibility is re-

The refinement of coach M ork in tb= car is in keeping with ibe extraordinary efficiency of the motor. to 24 Miles on a Gallon of Gas Equipped with 32 x 4 1-2 Cord Tires

To really enioy oss of the W2rj*-Kiagbt can, you must own one and drive it AD mocMs ready for deliTery. We slmi be pleased to demonstrate tiie car at any time.

MODEL 27 PRICES F. O. B. WESTFIELD Touring - - 1560 Sedan 2365 1923 MODEL 5 Pass. Tour. 1350 Roadster, 135o" Coupe, 1950 5 Pass. Sedan, 2110


Touring, 5 Pass. - 595 Coupe - - 895 Roadster - - 595 Sedan, 5 Pass. 975

DELIVERED IN WESTFBELD HIRAM L. FINK 135 Elm Street Phone 140 Westfield, N. J. WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO ur Christmas Club The first payment makes you a member. Here is the plan:

CLASS 1000 Members paying $ 10.00 each week for 50 weeks will receive on or about De- cember 12, 1923, a check for $500 00 CLASS 500 CLASS 100 Members paying $5.(30 each week for Members paying $1.00 each week for 50 weeks will receive on or about De- 50 weeks will receive on or about De- cember 12, 1923, a check for $250.00. cember 12, 1923, a check for $50.00. CLASS 200 CLASS 50 Members paying- $2.00 each week for Members paying 50 cents each week 50 weeks will receive on or about De- for 50 weeks will receive on or about cember 12, 1923, a check for $100.00. December 12,1923, a checkfor $25.00. Peoples Bank & Trust Co. WESTFIELD, N. J.


'I MANMl W mmmmm •' - Y MERRY NEW YEARS Why not put a Victor- Victrola in your home wonderful tone is a delight every day in the for this Christmas? year. The musical instrument that every one can You surely don't want to be without a Vic- play; that every one can afford. Its remarkable variety of music and enter- trola in your home: and you don't need to be, tainments gives pleasure to every one, and its for there's a Victrola to suit every purse.


KNABE WAREROOMS ARMSTRONG PIANO CO. NO EXTRAS NO INTEREST 587 Broad Street Newark, N. J. Store Open Evening* Store Open Evenings (Phone 8841 Market) Until Christmas Until Christmas s THE IDEAL KITCHEN Contains a New Process ^Visible) GA RANGE


AotOToatk Water

vr -aajs jmt rJt x TT 7^,1 aia. ius x at


OF Cranford Gas Street, Westfield, New