Spe 371.897 C153 1936 Sac

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Spe 371.897 C153 1936 Sac THE SPE 371.897 C153 1936 SAC '•^^ CEN iluttp 193B REFERENCE USE ONLY SACRAMENTO PUBLIC LIBRARY Edited and Printed by the Students of iCn California Junior High School t^ en t^ t^ B - 1^ '1 J t^ Sacramento, California Q_= t_i_ : CO 7^- o g : 05 C\J I'oJ . I'J THE CALIFORNIAN Issued by THE CALIFORNIA JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Sacramento, California Vol. Ill June 1936 No. VIII Contents Staff and Editorials ' Class of June 1936 News Home Room News Literary Clubs Features Miscellaneous Sports ADMINISTRATION S. A. Pepper—Principal Rose Mary Trainor—Clerk GUIDANCE Irene Clark Belle Danforth /^5?!€-^.€-«^y<A Theodore de Polo ART LANGUAGES lola Graham Margaret Hamilton Catherine Lappin John Miller Irene Utley ENGLISH MATHEMATICS Edna Banks ^-^-^ ^—^ M C t Marie Compton Martha Fergusorr^,^4.t^A.^ ^^^^^a' McKean Helen FothermghaiK ^ " Daisy Morrison Edna Johnson Mary Mulligan^*w ^^^^.^^g,^^^,^ Ella Wohlfrom PHYSICAL EDUCATION HOME ECONOMICS Devere Bacon Isaline Mottram Nell Flanders Lillie Mai McClanahan Dorothy Skelton Anna Cowan C. B. Wilson SOCIAL STUDIES SCIENCE Mercedes McGinnis Adelaide Coan Blanche Yore Agnes Shalz Joe Freeland SHOPS MUSIC W. E. Van Gilder Clair Morrill Marie Stebbins Marie F. Stebbins John Lillie May Lucas INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC LIBRARIAN Lucille Knapp Katharine Leithold Fred Christian AlaZ&juI*^^ i^juii^^iJ STAFF - EDITORIALS StafF Editor-in-Chief Cara May Cutter Business Head Mary Lou Kamenzind Literary Editors Nathalie Rhoden-Constance McConnell News Editors George Scott-Mary Kimball Club Edi tor Wanda Chrisler Art Editor Dorothy Teale Sport Editor Clinton White Distribution JoliLee-Bill Simmons Printing The Printing Class Spon sors Miss Banks - Miss Hamilton - Miss Johnson - Miss Lappin (Art) - Miss Trainor ( Typing) - Mr. Lillie ( Printing) Editorial Bidding Good-bye to California I have often heard them say they wished We regret leaving California for we they were back in California once more. shall miss the friendly teachers who have We are proud to know that we helped and guided us. The wide cool have been a part of the smoothly running halls and large pleasant rooms in which machinery ofthe school, especially those we have spent the greater part of three of us who have held offices and have years will also be hard to leave. taken an active part in school affairs. Next term there will be many faces Although we are excitedly looking for­ missing from the candy counter, the ward to our new life at Senior High cafeteria, and the offi.ce, but these School, we shall always remember the places will be filled by the new Hg's. enjoyable hours spent in California, and California has always held a place it is with a feeling of sorrow that we say in the hearts of the boys and girls who "Farewell". have departed from her portals. When —Cara May Cutter H9 some ot the alumni returned to visit. ^^^^gB^f^^ :'^-''u^='^=iij%^u%,jMs^ CLASS OF JUNE 1936 CLASS OF JUNE 1936 fflte00 afMm 1936 HIGH NINE ONE Ted Adams Maureen Boothby Freda Callup Alice Alvernaz >4.ouise Braman Bobby Cutherell x-^lbert Androvich John Breckenridge "nCara May Cutter •^Louise Andriotti •^om Brent Lillian Del Moro HErnest Azevedo l/Betty Brooks ^Marian Dennison /Harvey Baillie f^Sarah Jane Buck Josephine de Polo Burl Ballew ^m Burdick Jim Dodds •^linore Barton iflprances Cheadle *5lm Duncan Mary Becker Wanda Chrisler Ninita Estrada ^Ivin Berkenkamp vSevarino Cimaroli Viola Garner Carl Binford ^laire Cippa s/Ora Gipe Jerry Bird »^ean Cleghorn Frances Ward Marie Bobolas •^oy Clover Carol Peyton *Mary Cordero HIGH NINE TWO '^Gertrude Carli Richard Haake •Beverly Hunt Leo Fahn Audria Hall \^^averne Hutchings u^ill Feneran Esther Haworth Grace Imoto Jack Fields Melvin Hayes Robert Jacobs Elwood Fisher Claud Hirst Joe Jiral Gayle Fisher •/latie Hockin udy Johnson Henry Foster Jean Hockin Jetty Jones June Foster Bob Holtzman *Mary Lou Kamenzind Ernest Galliani Bob Houck Harry Kashiwada Theresa Grab Geraldine Howell ^Mary Kimball Nathalie Gray v/Jack Hubbard Dolores Kline Joanne Green ^^ill Hughson Russell Knight Leon Greenberg ^ Albert Hulbert ^''Klildred Kurtz HIGH NINE THREE -E>ori s Klemkaski Elaine Lower Mari Masi Daisy Lee Jewel Lowry ykita Mae Masiel Bill Cubberly Doris Makinder Joe Matsunami Joli Lee Joe Marty John Mattimoe Agnes Larson Dorothy Martin Mary McAdams Selby Lewis Henrietta Martoosevich Constance McConnell (BIMB nf Mm 1930 HIGH NINE THREE 'thelma McDonough Laurel Minasian Billy Nevis Frank McEwen "•Barbara Moore Bernice Norum Doris McPhee Jack Morley Bob Nyberg v^Leonard McWilliams Kay Muramoto Enid Norris iT^anice Meister Betty Neeley John Quistini VEthel Middleton Herman Nelle •Mantha Jane Robinson »^lizabeth Miller Gladys Nelson »^vonne Trask Alvera Nevis HIGH NINE FOUR J^lyce Hikiyi Carl Peterson Joyce Rutherford v/Catherine Harrington '''^Russell Pope Ray Rutherford Shelton Hembree i/[ane Powell Keith Schoemaker Elmo Hellinge Valois Powers i^ack Silberstein Maurice Hodgkins Parley Pratt u^illy Simmons J^eorge Howard Constance Reed Donald Sanderson Kiyoko Homma >^achlan Richards Kenneth Sanderson "^^^tty Ogden Ella Rinetta iNadine Santana •Charles Ogle Tessa May Robinson l^velyn Schirmer Jimmie Olwell 4/^lenthorp Rocca ' Gladys Schmidt Virginia Owens jM^illiam Rogers George Scott >^etty Painter Edward Rooney Jack Seamas j^eraldine Pimental Richard Rose vBilly Sherwood y^ivian Perryman i/Zelma Ross ^ammy Simmons HIGH NINE FIVE Marjorie Jeanne Bagley Bill Sylvia '-'Winnetta Weaver Frank Esposito Anna Taliabue l^helton Webb Alice Kubo Todd Takeuchi Clinton White Takaji Kubo Duncan Taylor A^ack Wiard Eileen Singleton Dorothy Teale v^huck Wilde Emory Sitts Alfred Terra ^ill Wilson Jamea Skarles Harry Terrell Robert Wilson Pete Slezin v-Betty Jo Thurman Donald Woods Bob Small Marjorie Todd •Eva Yankovich Ray Soehren yMarjorie Tregellas Inez Wolin Otto Steinbrenner •^eona Turner Mitzie Yokoto Dora Stewart iJPete Ures Charlett Young Jack Swope Irene Walker v^aymond Young v^eryl Warren CALIFORNIA GIRLS TAKE FART IN PLAY DAY ilPPRECIATION EXPRESSED (Cont«d) Quite a few of our California Junior High School sirls took part in vhon so many of our pupils v-ere the Play Dry program at Senior High willing to leave the auditorium in School on Wednesday afternoon, May 6. order to make room for the hiindreds Basehall, volley tall, tennis .and bad­ of mothers and fathers v.'ho v/ere in minton were played, and eirls from all tho lobbies." the jtmio-r hi^h schools in the city took part. Girls from the Senior High School PEP ASSEMBLY HELD acted as referees, umpires and score keepers. Thtu-sdny afternoon. May 7, saw After the g,ames a short program a very enthusiastic group of Calif­ including songs and dances was given. ornians assembled in our auditerium. Popsicles were served to all who atten­ In view of the fact tliat we would ded, bringing to a close a very pleasant participate in the City Junior High afternoon. In addition to having a very School Track Meet on the follovvinf; enjoyable time were glad of the oppor­ ve Saturday, much entliusiasm was shown tunity to become acquainted with the by our student body. Yells led by girls from other schools. Albert ilndrovich, the school songs Those from California who took part led by Jack Trainor, and a short were: Alice Alvernez, Louise jlndreotti, talk by Ernest Galliani made up the Elinore Barton, Mary Becker, Mary Cordero, pr0t.T.Tm, Vinita Estrada, Esther Haworth, Dorothy Martin, Henrietta Majrtoosovich, Doris PiURENT Ta^CHER iiSSOCIATION MEETS McPhee, Laurel Minasion, Betty Neeley, ———••••• ^l—••I-.—•••ii.n .11 ••! I II I.I.I •• -.•.—i^-. — 1^ •.! • Enid Norris, Jerry Pimentel, Eileen California Junior Hi(;h School's Singleton, Leona Turner, Jean Hockin, parent teacher association held its Gladys Schmidt, Alvera Nevis and Alice last meeting of the year on Monday Hikiji, afternoon. May 11. The progron con­ sisted of annual and convention APPRECIATION EXPRESSED reports, a short ialk by a represen­ tative from the Soy Scout Organization On the Tlmrsday morning following and music by the Girls' Glee Club, our Open House Program, in a radio message to the classrooms, Mr. Pepper voiced his A social hour honoring the newly appreciation as follov7s: elected officers follov/cd the prOfiTon, "I '.rant to express my appreciation to H8 GIRLS GIVE LUNCHEON all the teachers and to all the pupils who . made our program last night such aU out­ standing success. This includes not only The H6 girls of Miss Cowan's those \7ho were in the cast, but those who class wG*© httotoasaa at a luncMecm did many coiintless things to help some /^ireli ff-n SuBsday, Mr-y 19, A decor­ 1400 people enjoy a very plcasimt evening, ation scheme of red, green, blue and I also v/ant to thank Mr. Patterson, who yellow was carried out in the flovrers is al^Tays doint; somethin<'5 to help o^iT and food. The place cards were cov­ school. He is so willing, and displays ered wagons carrying out the school such a plor^.sant and cheerful attitude insignia. Th.e invited guests were tliat I feel he is a source of inspiration Mr. and Mrs. Cliarles C. Hu<:;hes, Mr, to all of us. I was especially pleased with raid Mrs. J. R, Overturf, pr, and Mrs. the typical California Junior High Sch^ool 'James P. Bursch, Mr, and Mrs, George service and spirit tliat was displayed C, Jensen and Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Pepper. '^W- " lIUHf'If" w^^^ »^^P(i WP ^^^PplWBjj^p ,,- ^ ^ r, <ie—--«• ..JJ •»iiit .Jilt ^9M^* • ».--• ^Ttrftik titbit ^^«4 ^' •1 jaW wT»TAyEaf JWP^^IPWWS .. ^ 'iffIff**'"' - '4i.«Sr' qii'iiM''%NMii tfiMT f* iirti'tii^t. .iiV %J/^^f^ .^^sfiitWlC . «MtMt «iftHf#« «iti^v . , 4iiill'|: .moimk 1!^'4^i'i^''i^''i'''^ iii8i#9X^r>^* w^r • '' ^: - • ' •• • • ...mxKm ••••• I ••• »v?^fa«fft !?a* .-w*!!*^; «»«••*• .*!•(«*>«? ^"tfl \§- • > tfrl^Q&u «a-dl iiii «lil lll'iMI - rrtr-rrO y^e '/^^ MRS.
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