DEV/WS/20/009 Development Control Committee 5 February 2020 Planning Application DC/19/1700/FUL – Caravan Site South, Pigeon Lane, Fornham All Saints Date 20.08.2019 Expiry Date: 19.11.2019 Registered: EOT agreed Case Britta Heidecke Recommendation: Approve subject to Officer: conditions Parish: Fornham All Saints Ward: The Fornhams and Great Barton Proposal: Planning Application - (i) Change of use of part of golf course for the siting of 35no. caravan lodge holiday homes (ii) new access from A1101 (iii) construction of access roads, parking spaces and associated infrastructure (as amended by email on 14.01.2019 to omit 2 caravans) Site: Caravan Site South, Pigeon Lane, Fornham All Saints Applicant: Mr David Harris Synopsis: Application under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and the (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 and Associated matters. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Committee determine the attached application and associated matters. CONTACT CASE OFFICER: Britta Heidecke Email:
[email protected] Telephone: 01638 719456 Background: 1. The application is a re-submission of a recently withdrawn application for Change of Use of two sites on part of the golf course (one in the north and one in the south) for the siting of 70no. caravan lodge holiday homes, with associated works including the creation of a new access for from the A1101 and the B1106. This current application relates to the southern part of the previous application only. 2. The application site and large parts of the golf course fall within the parish of Fornham All Saints. The All Saints Hotel and parts of the golf course fall within the parish of Fornham St.