Class 6

Spring 2021 Frozen Kingdom

Topic Overview Welcome to the planet’s coldest lands. Vast wilds and hostile territories; incredibly beautiful, yet often . Take shelter from the elements or fall prey to icy winds and the deepest chill. Trek bravely and valiantly across treacherous terrain to the ends of the , treading deep in snow or being pulled by a team of mighty sled dogs. Be alert, for magnificent mammals roam these lands, sometimes hungry or fresh for a fight. Perhaps a hungry or an fox is hunting rodents, as swift as the wind. We’ll learn what is needed for a polar expedition as we read Shackleton’s Journey. Using globes and maps, we’ll identify the polar regions, comparing the Arctic and . We’ll also think about how we can protect the polar environment. Then, we’ll investigate the tragic story of the RMS Titanic, and find out about the people on board. When we’re more familiar with the polar regions, we’ll write exciting stories, poems and diary entries from the perspective of brave explorers. Researching our favourite polar animals will be fun, and we’ll create animal artwork inspired by the people. We’ll experiment with digital photography and create amazing effects using paints and dyes. English  Newspaper report; Persuasive Speech; Description; Poetry; Argument/Debate; Non-chronological report; Diary; Film trailer; Short narrative; Letter; Obituary Mathematics  Fractions, Geometry: Position and Direction, Decimals, Percentages; Algebra; Measuring: Converting Units; Measurement: Perimeter, Area and Volume; Ratio Science  Living things and their ; Animals, including Humans RE  What do religions say to us when life gets hard? What difference does the resurrection make to Christians? (Salvation) Humanities  H – Exploration in the 1900s; Research the Titanic  G – Use globes and atlases for polar regions and other significant geographical features of the world; Identify similarities and differences between the Arctic and Antarctic Music  Compose a piece of music based on a theme (e.g. a film or a special event). Computing  Use search technologies effectively; Collect, evaluate and present data PE  Yoga – includes mindfulness, body awareness, connecting with body and mind, improve their well-being, create poses and increase flexibility.  Basketball – includes defending, attacking, throwing, catching, dribbling, shooting, develop understanding of fair play, honesty, develop skills on how to outwit opponents and evaluate their own performance, along with their fellow classmates’ performances too.  Netball - Develop defending and attacking play during even-sided 5-a-side netball.  OAA - Pupils develop teamwork skills through completion of a number of challenges. Art & DT  Photography, painting, block printing, structures PSHE  Friendships; Safe relationships MFL  Spanish Worship Theme  Friendship and Hope Home Learning This half term, we’re going to learn about the coldest places on Earth. Why not watch a documentary such as the BBC Frozen Planet series together? You could also freeze pieces of fruit with fruit juice in lolly moulds, to create frozen treats with a hidden surprise. Alternatively, work together to create a snowy collage.