Report on the Welsh Language
Index Abse, Leo, 193 Coalitionism, 157 Annan, Lord, Olairman of the Commit- Committee on Scottish Affairs, 56 tee on Broadcasting 1974, 76 Commonwealth Office, 60 Army, British, 120 Congested Districts Board for the High Arson, 1979-80 campaign in Wales, 89 lands 1897, 150 Assembly, 4 Conservatism and Unionism, 139-70 Scottish, 187, 188, 189, 191, 192 political ideas and practice, 143-4 Welsh, 96, 187, 191, 192, 194 territorial politics, 143 Conservative Irish policy, 153 Balfour, A. J., 153, 155, 157 Conservative Party, 139-70 passim 'Barnett formula', 21, 24 in Scotland and Wales, 14-16 Bi-lingualism in Wales, 69. 70, 75, 78, and voting, 227-47 88 in Wales, 73 bi-lingual education, 83, 87 and Welsh language, 93-4 schools, 81, 82 Constitution, Royal Commission on 'BloodySunday',30January 1972,114 (Crowther, Kilbrandon), 3-4, 13, Board of Trade, 36, 37, 45, 50 16, 94, 188-9, 191 Boer War, 148, 154, 156 Constitutional Convention (NI) 1975, Bonar Law, 157 117' 126 Border Poll Act 1973, 122 CoS IRA, 42, 53 Boundaries between Northern Ireland Council for Wales and Monmouthshire, and Irish Republic, 123 report on The Welsh Language Bowen Committee 1973, 71, 94 Today 1963, 72 British Leyland, 19, 42, 48, 51, 53 Council for the Welsh Language, 72, 92, 94,95 Cabinet and ministries, 60 Council of Ireland, 116, ll7, 124 Callaghan, James, 17, Ill, ll2, 113, Crossman, Richard, 17, 18, 191 127 Diary 1976, 14 Campaign for Democracy in Ulster, Ill Crown, the, 1-3, 100, 101, 102, 104, Campbell-Bannerman, Sir H., 155 119 Carmarthen by-election 1966, 183 Crowther-Hunt, Lord, 191 Central Policy Review Staff Report, 27 Olamberlain, Neville, 148, 159, 161 Dalyell, Tam, 194.
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