ullerton bserver FULLERTON’S ONLYF INDEPENDENT NEWS • Est.1978 (printed on 20%O recycled paper) • YEAR 42 #20 • EARLY DECEMBER 2020 Submissions:
[email protected] • Contact: (714) 525-6402 • Read Online at: www.fullertonobserver.com HOMELESS OUTREACH AND ENFORCEMENT DURING COVID-19 AND COLD WEATHER MONTHS by Jesse La Tour For the past couple years, the city of Fullerton has been legally unable to enforce its “anti-camping” ordinance (ticketing people for sleeping outside) due to the court case Martin v. Boise and the federal lawsuit Orange County Catholic Worker v. County or Orange, et al.; the settlement of the latter requires cities to, at a minimum, provide shelter beds for 60% of their homeless popula- tion before they can enforce “anti-camp- ing” ordinances. Basically, according to the law, cities can’t criminalize poverty. These legal requirements have prompted cities in north Orange County—most recently Placentia, Buena Park, and Fullerton—to open “navigation centers” that are homeless shelters with wraparound social servic- es, with the ultimate goal of getting peo- ple the help they need and into perma- nent housing. Thanksgiving Food Drive: Cars lined up for blocks along Commonwealth Ave. in Fullerton on November 22 to receive a free Thanksgiving turkey and groceries. Story and photos on page 2. See Homeless Outreach, Page 12 Dramatic Increase in COVID-19 Forces ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: Return of Restrictive Health Measures YLVIA ENDEZ ECEIVES by Matthew Leslie Nationally, cases of coronavirus infec- •S M R tion have reached record levels, with WARRIOR AWARD PRESORTED PRESORTED (p. 2) POSTAGE PAID PAID POSTAGE STANDARD U.S.