Lesson 10 THE LAW OF ARMED CONFLICT Non-international armed conflict International Committee of the Red Cross Unit for Relations with Armed and Security Forces 19 Avenue de la Paix 1202 Geneva, Switzerland T +41 22 734 60 01 F +41 22 733 20 57 E-mail:
[email protected] www.icrc.org Original: English – June 2002 NON-INTERNATIONAL ARMED CONFLICT LESSON 10 AIM [ Slide 2] The aim of this lesson is to describe how the law of armed conflict applies to non-international armed conflicts. The lesson will cover: 1. Background. 2. The law in outline. 3. The law in detail. 4. Completing the picture. NON-INTERNATIONAL ARMED CONFLICT INTRODUCTION Let us start by defining the term non-international armed conflict. You may recall that in our very first lesson we described non-international armed conflicts as those taking place within the territory of a State and in which the armed forces of no other State participate. One example is protracted armed violence between the armed forces of a State and those they regard as dissident, rebel or insurgent groups. Another is fighting between two or more armed groups within a State but not necessarily involving government troops; protracted armed violence is again a condition. As you will see in greater detail during the lesson, non-international armed conflicts are governed by specific provisions of the law. Under treaty law, slightly different provisions apply when the internal opposition is better organized in terms of command and control of territory, enabling it to carry out sustained and concerted military operations and to implement the law.